Fre Cae == and Curtain Sale| THIS TABLE Solid Oak or Mahogany, reduced 'from $10.00 to $8.00 Is just a sample. Read our larger advt, page 2. Carpets, etc, 10 to 20 per cent. off. $45.00 Wilton Rugs for $36.00. T.F.Harrison Co. SEALED TENDERS ADDRESSED TO the undersigned, and endorsed "Tender for Publ Building. Tiilsonburg, On- tario." will be received unti} 400 pm. on Tuesday, February 2%, 1811, for the gonstruction of a Public Building at ¢ place mentioned. Plans, specification and form of con- tract can be seen and forms of tender obtained at the office of Mr. H.J Lamb, District Engineer. London. Ont, At the Post Office, Tillsonburg, On- tario, and at this Department. Persons tendering are notified that tenders will not be considered unless made on the printed forms supplied, and signed with their actual signa- tures, stating occupations and ace of residence. In the case of rms, the actual signature, the nature of the oocupation and place of resid- gues of each member of the firm must given. Bach tender must be accompanied by an Aceepted cheque on a chartered bank payable to the order of the Honourable the Minister of Public Works, equal to ten per cent. (10 pc) of th amount of the tender, which will Be forfelted If the person tendering dine to enter ing a contract when called upon to do ¥o, or fall to com- Pete the work contracted for. If the tender be not accepted the cheque will be returned. The Department does ind itself to accept the lowest or a pder. By order, R. C. DESROCHERS, Secretary. Department of Public Works, Ottawa, January 31, 1011. rs will not be paid for this Newspape Advertisement if they insert it with. out authority from the Department. ON SATURDAY'S SALE TABLES 12 DOZEY BLAGK SATEEN WARTS Of exceptionally. good materials, latest design, and well worth $1.25. BATURDAY, Only 69c. Each 49LY BLACK BEF HIE IMS Always sold at 10c skein. YOURS SATURDAY, 7c. Skein Lay in your spring supply now. WE HAVE 600 YARDS OF EXCEPTIONALLY 600D WHITE COTION Suitable for Underwear, Pillow Slips, ete, ete. Every yard worth 12 1-2¢. YOURS ON SATURDAY, - 9c. Yard £3 rk ~offE Barry Bhipicn Nia, PAPAL FEBRUARY 3, CURE SOUGHT BY SLEEPING ONE NIGHT BESIDE PLANT. Pilgrimage Takes Place in the Night by the Ascension at a Place in Roumania. "The wierdest pilgrimage on earth" is the phrase in which one writer de scribes the ceremony which takes place once a year, on the night of the Ass tension, at a place in Roumania, "Situated to the north-east of the town of Targu-Giu, in the western di- vision of Roumanis, is a great arid plaiv, ard on it," according to this writer in the Wide World, "grows a wonderful plant, termed in the vern- acular Frasinel (the hearer), or in Latin, Dictamnui albus or Dictamnue pers. "The peasants firmly believe that a night--this one night of the year-- spent amony the plants will cure -all ills, and they flock to the place by thousands. It was to see this pilgrim- affe without a parallel that we visited the place on the eve of the Ascension. "On reaching the edge of the plain we find many hundreds of carts, and every moment the crowd is increasid by newcomers. In the distance ean be seen groups occupying "claims." Others further afield are searching for the plant. Those in charge of the carts are engaged on their evening meal of bread, or mamaliga (maize meal), with onions, olives or garlic. "All are shivering with cold, for no fire must be lighted there to-night. On every other oceasion the opportunity of an outing is seized as an excuse for much wine drinking, but to-day the great wooden wine bottle, the ploska, in strangely absent. All one sees are the graceful earthenware water jars, from which one drinks from an open- ing in the handle, ~ S-- "People from all parts of Western Roumania visit this place of mirac- ulous cures. Arrived at the ground where the plant is mostly to be found, each party hunts out a root. At dusk a clenn white sheet is spread near it and the sick person, also in white, takes his place upon it. Three holy candles are then placed about the plant, as also a bowl of water. "Then the patient--by proxy, for he must not speak a word from the time he lies down until he gets up the fol- lowing morning--says the prayers used on this occasion. These are chanted by old women known as 'matuza,' or aunts, and should be repeated fifteen times in order to effect a cure. These aunts act in turn for different per- sons, receiving from each a loaf of bread and whatever els® the sick per- son can afford to give. "The pilgrim or all night with his Head close to ie stalks of he t, or evergreen ves, or Plat, of In the morning, immediate ly after sunrise, the bowl must be ex- amined, for if this happens to contain leaves hd Bowers of the t, er green leaves or blades yt the augury is good and" fie patient will eventually recover. i "I, however, it contains dead leaves, bits of earth, sand, or the like, then the portent is death, and that soom. So implicit is the belief in the augury that when it is unfavorable in the case of a child the peasant parents very often give the little one no fur- ther attention, regarding it as doom- ed anyway, "Those to whom the bowl oracle is favorable must pluck their plant und on the way home cast it into running water. That directs the course of the malady away from them. These for- tunate ones whd receive good signs generally come a second and a third "The Roumanian peasant goes to bed early, and so, before it fairly dark the plain is left to the sick pil- grims. When we were there compara- tively few spectators stayed to see the night vigil through. The sick them- selves," except for the poor wretches whose sufferings made rest impossible, were Ww in 8 With the can- dies twinkling beside them and their heads toward the guardian plants, t looked like phantoms in their white garments. "The 'aunts' moved slowly among them, lighting a taper blown out by the wind, or sitting chanting the pray- ors in the hideous nasal manner of the Where there was a child -- DET gating Taq am sore. TINUE NOT A AMV -- ss a i SRASs Irene rien smn » 1 Sree Eden PAGE THREE, ©. -- Added States. . Buffalo, N.Y, Feb. 3.--So0 far as can be estimated from the present imper- fect statistics, the average of human life in the United States has been lengthened by ten years, according to Dr. Harvey W. Wiley, the nation's pure food expert. ' . "The most potent factor in longe- vity," says the , "is an abun dance of, food. In India have starvation and famine, with re- sultant short term of life. I don't believe that the human ine is dif ferent in thermo-dynamics from the steam me. Ey of coal in the bunk- ers," continued the doctor. "All food is good--some may be better than others." In vegard te typhoid fever epidemics, Dr. Wiley said typhoid fever is either murder: or suicide. : "Murder if the public is responsible for the conditions that result in the death of the victim," said he, "and suicide if he exposed himself to their deadly influence." Referring to the high rate of infant mortality, which he said was in many instances as high as 100 in every thou- sand, he declared that it was largely due to malnutrition, #&nd could be prevented if the babes who, for any reason or other, were deprived of the susennbEe eh nature had intended, cou supplied with pure, erly- modified milk. *' une. Prop Dr. Wiley, this morning, addressed the students of the University of Pui- falo. Later, he visited the Gralwick Laboratory for Cancer Research. This afternoon he will leave for Syracuse, RE ------------------ REGARD PENALTY AS LIGHT. Ten Years in United Jee New York Comment Upon Convie- tion of King George's Slanderer. New York, Feb. 3.--Under the head of "Libelling a King," the World says editorially : "A British subject has been sentenced to 'a year's imprison- ment for circulating a libel upon King George, and the fact has numerous aspects of interest. "That royalty should apply to the courts for redress against a commoner is not so notable a proceeding as titat the commoner when found guilty of seriously impugning the character of the monarch should get off so lightly. n a day of greater royal preroga- tives he would have been lucky to 'es- cape being hanged, drawn and quar- tered or Idked up in the tower for life, according to the usage of the time. As it is, he is punished no more severely for reflecting on a king's honor than if he had circulated the same rt about John Doe or any other fellow-subject. The penalty in the present case may be cited ns an exhibit in the evolution of popular rights. The divine right at least as concerns constitutional monarchs no longer confers extraordinary privi- ------------ MANITOBA MILK FAMINE. Milk is Being Imported Into That Province. Washington, D.C., Feb. 3.--The pro- vince of Manitoba is suffering fr n milk famine, according to United States Consul-General John E. Jone. at Winnipeg. More than 1,000 gallons of milk are imported into Winnipeg daily though with the ad valorem duty of 17§ per cent. milk has risem in price to a point where the dealer cannot profit. : The people of Manitoba, Mr. Jones reports, are hoping for the passage of the pending reciprocity agreement be- tween Canada and the United States which admits milk free of duty. Witnessed by the King. London, Feb. 3.---On the invitation of King George, Thomas Sopwith, who won the Forest prize of $20,000 last December, by flying from England to Belgium, made an exhibition flight, yesterday, from Brooklands tor Wind- sor Castle, a distance of twelve miles, and after circling around the tower, landed on the lawn in the presence of his majesty. King George invited the aviator and his two sisters and brother-in-law. to tea in the castle, where they had an interesting chat on the future of avia- tion. Jmusements. (@RAND_ I OPERA) HOUSE SATURDAY, FEB. 4th Matinee, 230. Evening, 8.15. EUGENE WALTER'S GREAT DRAMA, 3 ' CONDENERD ADVERTISIRG RATES ---- : First insertion le a word. Each con AH Wome a oe Sat. Mat Children, 15e any seat. PAID TRE Griffin's. THEATRE Get the Griftin Habit Thursday, Friday & Saturda FEB. 2, 3, 4 PROGRAMME : THE GRIFFIN PRESENT Happy Younsters' Co. of Be ARTIST Sw8 _ Offering. James Primros' That pany entitled, § "BOGUS COUNTS" ing. Funny Comedians, ARTHUR LYNN Hlustrated Songs, 5 REELS MOTION PICTURES. TWO HOURS' MATINEE DAILY, = pm. Adimssion, 10¢; Children, Se. Evenings, 7. All seats, 10c. The Greatest Popular Priced Sho 50¢, 35¢, 25¢. Evening; $1, 73, So, 35, 25. | A AMUSEMENT CO Malone & Jacobs Malone jeu haber Bert R. Bettrand: | 35 y Hebrew Comedian, Concluding with the laughable musi- cal comedy paylet by.the whole com- Introducing good singing and danc- ENTERTAINMENT. L GOOD WOMAN COOK; GOOD wages. Apply, at once, to Whig office x DEPARTMENT, Apply, Business BOY FOR MAILING part time only. office, Whig. iA SMART GIRL FOR OFFICE WORK Apply, at once. to. the Jackson Press, Wellington Street. AT ONCE. AN EXPERIENCED MAID; good wages 'to right person. Ap- y ply at General Hospital SALESMAN TO good a GOOD TRAVELLING cover Eastern Ontario with selling specialities. Apply Whig office. J A GENERAL SERVANT: NO WASH- ing or ironing. Apply, in the evening, to re. James Stewart, 180 Stuart Street. BALESMAN WANTED FOR WINTER for our choice Nursery Stock and newest varieties potatoes; fberal terms. Cavers Bros, Galt, AN INTELLIGENT PERSON earn $100 monthly co 2 % for newspapers. No canvassing. articulars WANTED NON-UNION MEN IN ALL branches of the Building Trades. Highest w to competent men, Employmen guaranteed. Apply to Secretary. Builders' Exchange, Box 270, Lethbridge, Alta. - CLERKS TO SELL ARTICLES MUCH needed In e h ally by working men; good salary; per- manent position; if you are work- ing 'for small salary behind the counter, write you can double your wages and be your own boss, Apply, Hox "EB. B a Whig w WANTED---GENERAL ' =| ONTARIO AND VERA u cash. J. Brock s& eet. ever seen in Canada. RES, AFTERNOON AND EVENING, MOVING PICTU At 2 pm. RE-OPENS SATURDAY, FEB. 4th, TO RENT, FROM OCT. 1st, FOR THE winter, a furnished dwelling, In ood locality, by a young couple. pply to McCann, 51 Brock St LOST. | The People's Forum i BIRDS, BIRDS, BIRDS. GOLD WATCH ON PRINCESS STREET or in YMCA. building. Finder will be Hberally rewarded by leave ing at this office LARGE OLD GOLD BROOCH, WITH large roel sett on Feb 1 en Wellington, Pri 52 or Mont. IMPORTED re you hedrd the CANARIES dickey vou GERMAN If you hav 9 real Street. kinder will be reward. ed by leaving at Whig office BETWEEN ingston, ; one eye; anyone be presecuted King Street. ROAD, ¥ and X Theobald, FINANCE AND INSURANCR, m7 FOR INSURANCE THAT INSURES GO over Northern Crown Bank, Street, or 'phone 424. GRNERAL INSURANCE. --FIRE, LIFE COMBIN/ 30 SOME x Stree MOTOR BOAT WILL sacrifice ery, {SEVERAL GOOD WORK HORS sale che Clare out Clirt SPECIAL with ATION PIRE 34, $235.00. Apply t PROOF BAPE : at §t Brock soLD Men's AT A Bak- BE Apply to B King Street FOR ap Apply, D. J. Hay, 128% noe Street SNAPS TO CLOSE next month See Geo, Real Estate, #5 Clarence St, #.ocldent and Health Policies issu- ol; Saat fleas companies; standard A rates. " . Boon, Agen! k Wellingtoa Street. GEO. A BATEMAN REPRESENTS the Protectors' Underwriters, backed by $10,000,000 of capital and foyr other fire insurance com- janies; all kinds of insurance ef- ected Call or drop a card 'Phone 386. 67 Clarence Street, Kingston, Ont. FOO turning wood, cost LATHE FOR as good as Phone POWER for $15 at business Whig LIVERPOOL, LONDON, AND GLOBE Fire Insurance Company. Available assets $61,187,215. In addition to which the policyholders have for security the uniimited Habllity of all the stockholders. Farm and city proper insured at lowest possible rat Before renewing old or giving new business get rates from Stiahge & Strange, Agents "Phone. 325. MEDICAL. J. F. BPARKS, BA, M.D.. PHYSICIAN and Surgeon, 100, Wellington St Office hours, 10 to 12 am. 3 te 4 and 7 to § pm. 'Phone 38d CARPENTERS AND BUILDERS. DROP A CARD TO CHAS. W. KELLAR. Carpenter and Builder, 255 Division Bt, for reasonable prices on all kinds of jobbing. All work done promptly. DROP A CARD TO JOHN R. MAYELL Carpenter and Joiner, 262 Syden- ham Street North, for reasonable prices on all kinds of , AN work done promptiy L BORE y HENRY P. SMITH, ARCHITECT, ETC. 268 King Street. 'Phone, 345. ARTHUR ELLIS, ARCHITECT, 181 Iiyerstty Avenue, T {CUSTOMERS TO BUY SOME OF OUR Cream Caramels; purest of their kind. BSakell's Ice Cream Parlor, nection with the Home fox Aged Pe sons (formerly the House of Indust will be heid on Men rUArY at three o'clock, in the Hee Cou Room, City Hall, At this meeting the annual repor will | be read. i (small egg) Woad (best beach maple), will be reeeived by the unde signed up to Friday noon, Feb. 3rd R. MEEK, Secretary. Meat, Bread, Groceries, ) 1 Home For Aged Persons THE ANNUAL MEETING IN CON- Tenders for the usual supplies, viz: Coal an next to- Opera House. 'Phone 640 r- | STUDY AT HOME~WE TEACH YOU ) commercial work, Pubic and High School suliferts, over 106° courses. Tt Canadian Correspondence Goliege, Limited, Dept. FP; Toronto, Canada. 18 MEN AND BOYS TO TAKE AD- vantage of our 20 per cent. dis- count sale of boots and shoes; ip. all solid leather goods: made by Canada's largest factories, Jack Johnston, 70 Brock Street. Covered Rink Hocke SENIOR ID RCOLLEGIATE, MeGILL vs. QUEEN'S Game called at 8,15 p.m, . 25¢; Reserved Beats, 50c extra tickets on Feb. 2nd, 10 am. The Care of Books. carelessness, ling than upon the should not be packed shelf. It ruins them to tear loose with the strain shelves.' tightly on Match| Friday, Feb'y 3rd Admission--Gent §., G50c; Ladies, Plan opens for sale of seats and Books ars frequently ruined through This is lees in the hand Books the back and causes GENTL! TO. BRING THEIR have it made up into up- ts. Price and Orknda- shi aranteed to please, Pressin Ea done on the Aborto notice. Thomas Galloway, :30 Brock Bt, next Bibby's Livery. ANY PERSON _ HAVING GOOD SE. cond-hand Furditure and Stoyes before disposing drop me a card. I will pay good prices, I have for sale Brass and Iron Beds and all kinds of Furniture in Oak. Happy Thought Ranges. Will sell reason- able. J. Thompson, 333 Princess Street. . & BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. # The Dally British Whig, The Weekly British Whig, Of Kingston, Ont, Price and circulation considers of ed, there is no better advertis- ing medium in Canada. a getting in and out. Often it forces the Telephone NEWLANDS & SON, . tects, etc. Office; 368 gH reet "Photie $08, oy Bagot POWER SON, chant; Bank Brock and Wi "Phone 213 FURNITURE FINISHER. ANTIQUE FURNITURE A SPECIALTY sbonizing and enamelling . MER. corner fiding, mn Bireels THAT SOLID Willlam modern improvements rear particy ing t an i LENGTH. 18 un: hull, eedar and : eviinder 4 hp motor, speed, 7 iver or. Queen Phone 612. BRICK HOUSE, NO. 45 near King. 18 rooms, and stable in saitable for auto garage. For stars. apply on premises. Also on Montreal Tre near street oats leal Exter Eves FURNISHED ' H( cent 1 ir ny, roof; 0 LAT. IN Box MAY Address WEE 1st, a cality Whig office ATORACH FOR FURNITURE, CLEAN, moth key. rooms, absolutely alry own lock and your rost's SL Storage, 199 Quean 'Phone 626 ' SUITE OF ROOMS, INCLJINNG SIT. ting- locat room, bedroom and bathroom, od near Market Square Ap- ply to Cunningham & Mudie, Be Clarence Street * A WARM York and gnoe MeClella HOUSE, 8 between Raglan Roa Bireet; possession at premises or at R, 186 Clergy Street, TEN-ROOM Btreet, Cherry Inqul BUSINESS CHANCES, iiding, and all colors of ison work; all work ge best attention. Pat Prise 23 John Street. 'Phone W. J. GAVINE, UPHOLSTERING, RE- pairing and carpet work, hair mat- tress renovating. Drop & card or call 216 Bagot g. LEGAL. CUNNINGHAM & MUDIE, BARRIST- ers and Solicitors. Law office, 78 Clarence St. Kingston OSTEOPATHY. "HEALTH WITHOUT DRUGS."--R. G Asheroft, DO. Edna E. Ashcroft 1.0, Graduates under Dr. Stil UPHOLSTERER, --- THE mises for many years ocrupied Henry ANYONE, ANYWHERE, CAN BTART a mai! order business al home. No canvassin Send Hear Drug cesn EXT ENSIVE BUSINESS. PRE Be for free booklet nck 2.98% Lockport your ewn Loss Tells how. NY . FOR SALE OR TO LEY. by Wholesale Prig- wi Skinner & Co, gists, extending from Btreet to Queen Street frontage on both, and Including ex« tensive bulldines Apiy to Cun ningham & Mudie cor 128 ¢ FURNISHED ROOMS. LARGE fight: FRONT ROOM hot u wale Are e the Founder nf Ostenpathy, 42%! = Princess Street rnar Division | 'Phone 447 No for eon | sultation and lit hours. 10 to 12 2 MARRIAGE LICENSES. C. 8. KIRKPATRICK, GOVERNMENT | Issuer. 42 Clarence Street, Kings- | 'ton, Ont' Telephone 568. Resld- | ears, 3§ Frontenac Street. i REAL ESTATE, ETC. & BATEMAN, REAL tried and reli rere eto eet -- BRUNSWICK HOTEL ONTARIO ST. opposites G.T.R. station. one block from CPR. on street ear lime CARRIAGE PAINTING. YOu! to} WANT YOUR CARRIAGES ony . e th EAA Gy Cy ERade BT font eta gi bar supplied with best of wines ARd--- HG uors; charges -- moderate special rates by the week John Cousinean, Prop leaves to sag to the shelf when push- ed unduly. Tv is just as bad for books to be too loose on a shelf, as they warp: and the spreading leaves en- rage dust. ARKS AND SPARKS DENTISTS A book case with the contenis at 230 1-2 Princess Btreet, Kingston every angle is not.a pleasing sete 'Phone 346. There are some house who SIMPSON, LDS, DDS, Dentist, think a yearly dusting of the books 8 Vig Princess Street. 'Telephone 6 at housecleaning time Suffeints This is bad enough when they are kept un- DENTIST: DR. C. OR Welter samiateat 150 Princess Bt * "Phone 735. 19 MONT. der glass; when on o Jhelyes it means Tuin te valuable ao It takes litle longer to dust backs KNAPP, DENTIST, and tops of books on each shelf every OF al" Street aear Prince.) Street day. Use a soft cheesecloth or silk] 'Phone § duster asd. shake it frequently ~Lon- don Globe. 4 T S454 44 0000304443045 430 49 DENTAL. ints, B 1 and Ordnance PERSONALS. MOLES, BIRTHMARKS, removed permanently without scar Twenty £1 0w ox erience Dr. Elmer J ke, Eve, . Nose, Throat and Skis Blem~ ish Specialist, 268 Bagot ¥ reet Py _ Fatal Wreck Near Memphis. Memphis, Term., Feb. 3.--~Two pass- engers were killed and fifteen "others 408 YDS. DRESS DUCKS In a great variety of pretty patterns. They are 15¢ values, and all new. SATURDAY, injured, early yesterday, when Memphis special, fast train from New York 9l5¢c. Yard i 1 is, on Southern railway, was Lime Rock, Ala. The HOTEL WHITNEY, tinder new BROCK STREET, management. bar syp- plied with best of wines, liquors, &nd cigars; board by day or week F. Fhitney, Proprietor HAIR, warts, ete, believe the train wrecked by robbers who had rob the express car in carried large amounts of #h THE GRIMASON HOTEL, - 342-344 Princess Street. Bar stocked with -- the best of Ales, Heers, Wines DANCING, Liquors, and choleest Brands of Cigars. Meals, 25c each, or special rates by the week Yar stable ageommadation Bates reasonable. Muiville & Driscoll, Props, which money, VIOLIN AND PIANO FOR DANCING, evening parties, ete. Apply, Lesues & Hackett, 358 Bagot Street and note the heating power. It lasts without waste. PROMPT DELIVERY, FT & CO "We Guarantee Every Load." _J.SW IN pi Karine Catalogues are ready. .. | Do You Want One? Drop vs a Card m------ seseesecsvesnssescasus |W