Daily British Whig (1850), 4 Feb 1911, p. 1

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he Daily British KINGSTON, ONTARIO, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 4, 1911. Whig or YEAR 78 -NO, 29. : LAST EDITION | CONVICTION OF MYLIUS. : Trial Was Illegal, Declares Editor of Liberator. ¥| Paris, Feb. §--Fdward H. James, ---- ! the editor of the Liberator, whose ar- i ticle was the basis of the suit against { : Edward Mylius, convicted London Should Americans Get) ward Myla, sonvietnd in London yesterday ob libelling King iv \ has issued , statement declaring that Control of River the trial of his British agent was il {legal and the proceedings "a white Ex-Sultan is Closely Confined DIES OF BROKEN HEART. for Wedding. Philadelphia, Feb. 4.--Just six weeks after the date set for her marriage to a Philadelphian, Mies May Thomas, of Oxford, Penn., died of a broken heart. She had prepared a wedding trousseau and, attired in her bridal costume and veil, she awaited the coming of her betrothed. A hundred guests had as- sembled at her home. After waiting Girl's Betrothed Failed to Appear I THE HLS Finance Minister will Not Make Public LATE SAMUEL JOHN HORSEY. WEATHER PROBABILITIES -------- Toronto, Feb. 4 10 --~Ottaw The Funeral Took Place Saturday | Valley al Upper Bt LAV ee - h light show to-day Sunday, Afternoon. st g north-west winds; fine, and be- . / The funeral of the late Samuel Joba camming much colder again { Horsey, took place on Saturday af --- {termoon, the remains being laid to rest, in Cataragui cemetery. A priv. ate service was held at the family { residence, 190 Clergy street, after { which the remains were taken to St.| J {Paul's church, where 5 service was : washing." ; {conducted by Rev. W. F. Fitzgerald | The statement proceeds : two hours Miss Thomas smilingly said, j assisted by Rev. H. E. Horsey, Mon- é "The trial was illegal because My- "I'm afraid he's jilted me," and in- treal, brother of deceased. The pall liuse was not indicted but was tried ! vited the guests to partake of the : | bearers were: R. W. Horsey, son: Rev. {under , an 'information ex-officio,' wedding supper. 5 E. Hussey, Montreal, brother; J. Burien o , : y - us 9 a 4 conley, Lin » brother-in-law; 4 b WOULD BE AT MERCY OF THE Joon i used only in charges of se | yo (0 uiyUED AFTER A FIERCE| Mise Ta ety hat FROM PRIVATE SOURCES RE- J 1 horsey. Ottawa MJ Hom dition. It was uz whitewashing be night, and s | BIG CORPORATION | cause the crown had no right to call STRUGGLE. cian who attended the young girl says GARDING RECIPROCITY. Outana, E. E. Horsey, Kingston, ! n. | witnesses to disprove charges when |- - she died of a broken heart. If They Should Ref Enlarge | L1¢ defendant had refused to offer cva- Endi to Aged Tyrant's : ' t Criticized ey Should Refuse to Enlarge), proving the charges. Mylins | Horrible ng cd ' Method of Passing Budget jwere placed on the casket, including the Canals Canadians Would Have ino refused to substantiate that Life of Cruelty and Crime--He --Hon. Mr. Pugsley Declared That the following: No Recourse--The Views of John bigamy was practised, the case ended Deluged His Empire With Blood. Things Had Not Been Rushed) Miss Pearl and Lionel Crawford, 0dd Sizes sheal, Mr. and Mrs. W. Linton, sheaf; Kennedy, a Prominent Engineer immediately. Salonika, Feb. 4.--Abdul Hamid a Through. "Meli olny u Salonika, Feb. 4. mid, ' Mr, d . J. Norri ; Mr or om ate nde tg rot by | eit ny Fothos'ter| 1 Ea | a roi a Tain Good Makes = . two of his wives and is confined in SE . Special to the Whig. Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Reid, cross: Mr - American Models A large number of floral offerings Montreal Feb. 4.-Jobn Kennedy, ' the kin; had «one on the stand and real, h ¥s ¢ o r > : g ; Feb, 4.--In the house, ; +. 4 . consulting engineer for the harbor sworn that the marriage had not oe- | 1¥ORS- i i Omen ANE > 5 : Stata, said 1 and js W. J. Vince, eyele; The Club, commissioners, believes that the dam-| curred, '1. would be glad to apologize The pi Wf Ane Luo wai, wha : 5 ; oe think Hol 8 Font id Mr : Hr J. McKay, spray; Mr. and i f the St. Lawrence, by Ameri- | in the 'Liber , whi ip- | WETS 2 B ' 5% : 3 : : 8. BR. T C 7» (New Y ming 4 ANT, Lh Aart In the Liserator, which wader the cip Abdul Hamid from Constantinople : connection with the pending reciprocal wreath; Mr. and ey Po Bol] PITH OF THE NEWS, ET | ABOLISH WHIPPING POST. Salem, Ore., Feb. 4--A bill to abolish the whipping post for wife-beaters in Oregon was passed yesterday by the State Legislature. This law was enacted four years ago, and since it became a statute wife-beating cades have al- most disappeared. The law is repealed because it was considered a blot on the State. ry PEEP EEP PEPE LEIP eR PEPE PES P2 2300 | | SUFFRAGISTS LOSE. cans, will mean the ruin of Canadian cumstances can only attack the trial a : FT . shipping. "Should the Long Sault be as a violation of slmust every principle when he was exiled by the Younus negotiations between Uanacla and the spray; from ovees, cross, Mrs. : : a ; " A 3 es A "| Turks, was particularly wanton. e United States had been laid on the | y Th : - ; dammed, Canadian shipping will be 'of English law, evidence and Liberty. of ti to death with his ble of 'the OHS, ol C , sheat: W. A. Guild, absolutely in the hands of a private; Ee em---- choked one ad ot the other so hg Mr. Fielding 'explained that St. Paul's church, cross; Cousins, cofparption. Net a vessel can bel 4 KEW MISCOVERY, gus ka nat the wall that she there had no official correspon- ahchor, Miss 4 mg fo), Pri W F i i Y i i il vi A A been . id built without consulting that corpor- | died a few hours. later, according to : % : dence between the two governments, a "Now 4. Hor oo. sheaf; Mr. and ces ere rom ation as to the size the canal will beer d- : nd the let that his department 3. Newman, sheaf; Mr. and Mrs. H. allow, and if they refuse to enlarge | Plseases, oe o J en oo the X illa X had a ron private os Coyle, sheal; Mr. and Mrs. G, Nieol, - the canals at any time. Canadian San Pramcisco, Cal, Feb. 4.--Re- By he is ling his last days. ? \ i sources he felt that he was not at sheat, Mr. and Mrs. J. Hughes, cross; shipping will have no recourse! !markyble' and almost instantaneous The a was subdued only al liberty to divulge their contents un- Yavier & Hamilton, sheai; W. Casey, ® O . It will be the height of folly to hand cures are said to have been made in ter a fierce struggle in which he him- less the parties were first consulted. Shen': Mr, and Mrs A. McMahon, over to this American corporation the severe cases of tuberculosis, pneumonia " a i ed He said that the temor of a letter eal; Mr. and Mrs {eorge Downey, key of the navigable St. Lawrence: and typhoid fever atthe Southern sdf aul goverdy ijured. in a duns would at all times show whether it sheaf; Mr. and Nr. D. Hall, sheaf. The proposition of the Aluminum com: | Vacific hospital during the last month geon Lenenth the Villa Allatine, which should have publicity or not. BOAT WAS STOLEN i pany i purely wud simply one"of by o tow, meth, of retest" dh | E537, BEV eso in ne eid i Sorts teri is 3% Segue the United Sta'es' interests. | do net field. The principle is that bacteria he n ig ¥ AT d He wis seni ah a of the Hci Taken From Boathouse at Dead- < i o y view | throw tai tand ilo | there In Ap 8 . Ee ee : : He man's Bay, Shower hold i - _ Fro Fe TL nag fevelutios praught._ shout by the Youn wiruclty, Securing an entrance x smashing in . whatever. The future, to my mind, presse Ihe Srgamiams ol bike. It was SE nn V. ascended the FREDERIGE W. Las diately, but if, on the other hand, a | the door, some person or persons went will be complete canalization of the Dr. Shafer's idea that if these exu-|*® ¢ : "REDERI '- LEHMANN, letter was sent him by a liberal into the boathouse of John Pi Il c St. py and the Long Sault will | daticns eould be formed into a serum throne. Hamid had reigned for thirty | The Dew. U8. solicitor-general, suc- aber, is contents wela To Ee al Deadman a # de olf C be one of the links in the chain of [capable of injection into the human a Ah it ag x ign a dig ceeding the late Lloyd W. Bowers. | W04! his boat." The" matter hus boon. Jocks between Presoutt amd Mont SYstom. Metind by A Simass cousid 31 his empire in blood. He was noted | SALT INDUSTRY THREATENED. Nr Fielding declared that such was Ported lo the ov ki} real. Ee 4 'd He pave f i tricked the diplomats of no e case. : Mr, Pigeon discovered his loss when | effect of immediately arresting the oN Boing from time to time and had | President Dier Leaves for Ottawa to] Dr. Reid, Grenville, offered a pro- {he went over to the boat house on ° | bacteria's growth. Nine Southern f 1% Ure corld by his suality > test against the method adopted by | Thursday. A week ago he was at the | Pacific hospital patients saffering fro shocked the world by his sensuality Protest. A : : : A ---------- bun ng a i Re m and: crimes. Windsor, Feb. 4--President J. . the government in She passing of their {boat house, and everything was in Yory " Catled m AN liquid extract made from metabolic When Abdul was sent to the Jia Diver, of "the Dominion Salt Co. "at ro oy aYe bien on the good shape. The oat. is & sedaf skiff, Over the World. products given off bv pneuronia germs | here his suite which was allowed to |g. niy has gone to Ottawa to pro- | esti i ie works: < Lien bles kK» trimme " : ge : sed of th 2 Pro- | estimates of the public works depart- | with walnut, and valued at $60. In To clear Montreal streets of present |in progress of growth. In every | accompany him was compo a *AT€C | test against the proposed tariff | iment have been dealt with. the boat thore were two As of snow will cost $70,000, : case the patient was cured, several of [ sultanas or full wives; four Radisien, changes which will permit of salt| As a consequence but little time |cushions, and fish tackle. These ; The great patterns are co-operating to (the cures being within twenty-four | of inferior wives; five Hallas, or {eins brought into Canada free of will be left for the consideration of [were tak a t of ne bot Ra stamp out plague in China. : hours of the serum's injection. A ta- | housekeepers, privileged to go out of | guty Mr. Diver states that the salt other estimates and they will have to igh glean Fis of the boat, a okt The capitulation of Juarez, Mexico, |berculosis patient was pronounced cur- | the harem; two Princes, his daugh- [i dustry of Canada would be greatly | be rushed through. : "the ai ne: p 5 to the insurgents, is imminent, ed within four days. Similar success | ter and nine servants. This really | qfectad aud that the salt company in| Hon. Mr. Pugsley said that nothing i y al was taken away on a 3 The United States government has [with typhoid fever is reported. 'Con- | gave hinr the allowance of twelve | port Huron cond ship ite salt across i sleigh, and up to the present time, : : : Ve ¥ 3 : I ; was being rushed through and that y.thing is known of its whereabouts - . n . . ee to act as medintor in Hou Eval. Practitioners ho have. fol. wives. the hordes in butsely o sucks with. plenty o time was given for a aie g ino tite . : : : oWed Ahe . . of all items that ' Failures in Canada during 'the past TWO CHILDREN SMOTHERED [company would be able to run only a P Death at Collins Ray, 23 24 to 30 ook, Lw game week, 1910.1. BOBLIN IS AERA. 1... ll . | portion. of the tizie should the reci-} Mr. referred to that cheap Bab dnath-oevafiod at Solline, Bay, . . ye E EE While Their Mother at Moving kr ity "agreement be adopted, says{ excursion on the Iniercolonial from °8 Friday évening, quite suddenly, o It is expected that the conservatives | That There Will be No Manitoba Picture Show r. Diver. Levis to Montreal to where a big de i Mrs. Gilbert, wife of H. F. Gilbert. , reciprogity agreement : Agreement. : : : . i ® | Mr. Gilbert recently returned f will fight the Ry a - - Oltawn, Feb. 4.-The conference Montreal, Feb, 4.--Mrs, Sivorge Rar Corry ig being Ha Sie trip to the west, ad Mrs. Gilbert had 0 : XC ange It has been definitely decided that | which Premier Roblin and Hon. Robert low went to a moving pictur sow, rate of $1.50 ATL explal " Jnat 8 | been preparing to go out with him | the Dowager Queen Alexandra will not | Rogers, of Manitoba, had with Sir Wil yesterday, leaving her two children, distan : h Was made the to the west, where they intended to uttend the coronation. frid Laurier and Hon. W. S. Fiokding, [Donalds and _Aune, six and seven bo leas. thes 220 niles. This would make their home. Doceased's maiden A. J. Ferguson, bank manager at | regarding the extension of the boun. | years of age, m the flat 'oceupi ya He. ted M ons h a cent a mile. neme was Fmeritta Maxwell, and her Hanley, Sask., who suicided, formerly |daries of Manitoba, ended without an amily on Chatham street. Fire broke i an Tr. Graham, minister of parents live at Collins Bay. She was lived at Woodville, Ont. agreement having been reported. out, and the children were later found railways, to explain how he could ever | married eight years ago. There are no y Police Constable James Barrett, When the conference was over, Sir dead in a eupbourd, smothered by Sxpect lo dks the Intercolonial Pay | children. Hamilton, suspended for a year for | Wilfrid Laurier was asked if he had (smoke. Chief of Police Campeay sat: ®t such conditions ? : ee flagging TH. and B. trains. ' any statement to make. "We are ne- | *d he would see if criminal proceedings Hon. Mr. Graham said that the 1.C, | Visit of Provincial Prior. The steamer Aranto was wrecked on |gotiating," was his reply. "~~ |oould not be instituted against the R. board of management had a guar- | Henry Pringle, of Belleville, provin- the southern coast of Spain, Friday, | "From what we saw," said Mr. Rob- | mother, . ice iS. 200. puople, which rate, cial prior of the Kingston-Ottawa dis- BORN. with a loss of twenty-two lives. tm, "it is million dollars to one cent 2 -- » » pre ary excursion rates trict, paid an official visit, on Friday | warrLace--a § Fro s Bt reat There is an epidemic of grippe in| that we shall not be able 'to come to SUFFRAGETTIST = M.P'S. . eOuifieting reads for the same num-. night, to Hugh de Payens Premier : % Ingston. on Friday, Feb hr London, Ont., and some factories and | .n agreement with the present. admin- | i 1 nd Introduction of Bill in rr would only net $270, Preceptory, No, 1, Knight Templars willl, to Dr. and Mrs. 'Herber: offices are seriously shorthanded. istration at Ottawa." Will. Dema Our deal meant 100 per cent. pro- He was received by Eminent Preceptor i Engineer Duin, Portage la Prairie, il British Parliament. : fit and was the best paying train run W. S, R. Murch. After the session, MARRIED was sealded to death mm the freight London, Feb. 4.---The suffragettist over the Intercolonial for five years. tht provincial prior was entertained at SMITH I KEM AN ar Fer leigh. Oni wreck near Swift Current, Sask UNIONIS members of parliament of all parties If the leader of the opposition should a banquet in Ring's cafe. To Jan, 30th, 1911, by. Revs Waits It is thought the dead body of a met and resolved to move for Sue in hake. a os Toy have a demon- | . Cox, Wolfe Isiand, at the home man found near Nelsom, B.C, is that a J troduction of a modified conciliation | I stration, and would give us the same! the bride's parents, Miss Vicicria, of William Bull, u Toronto traveller. | BY THE PREFERENCE AS|ii) ot the present session. The bill | Votes Down Eroposition to Give guarantee he could have a similar PRINTED IN 1641 Jounage dn asnter Bae, Capt. Belanger, of the French avia- MOST IMPERATIVE, will be mainly the same as that of Ballot. - train at a similar rate." (Laughter.) erick elasst 'son of Mr. and Me tion corps, completed the final lap of last year, but will be amended so as Lansing, Mich., Feb. 4.--Again the Mr.. Stanfield, from Truro, called | -- ----e, 48, Wa mis. ' y ah am the Paris-Fau flight in two hours, from | o woo 0 wn Per Cent. Differential [to enfranchise all women household- | Michigan legislature turned down the | Mr. Grabam's attention to a conserva. | WILL SELL RELIC OF JOHN BUN- DIED. * Bordeaux, . 1 Against New York ers. The title also will be changed. [very large and representative body of | tive picnic held in that town last | YAN. "\ BAWDEN -At Lethbridge, Albers Many of states in union are investi British ty ARains| New. --- the women of the state,not coldly, | summer and the 1.C.I. was asked for! -- ba "Feb. 3rd, 1911, Elizabeth 1°. wid gating infantile pacalysis, necking a Cargoes Would Strengthen Empire Germany's Potash Tax. nor flatly, but what most of She wo. excursion rates. At first, if was |'Antographed Copy of Fox's Martyrs intalt the lity Homyy Bawde n remedy. New York state is asked to Trade Routes, Berln Feb. 4.--Germany's reply, men considered ig nous, FH thought that they would noi be Worth $40,000 to bé Sold to Save | [IEANEY-- At Joyceville, on Feb ud start an enquiry. London, Feb. 4.-Mr. Balfour re- | biG Fir dy been presented to | the house, by a Yota of eotle of | ranted. However, after considerable | ' 1911, Minnie Isabel Heaney, aged At Lansing, Mich, Represeptative |, 0 to London yesterday for the Secretary of State Knox, at Washing- Satuud to re to a SJneipls Ol delay they were granted, and the Bedford Jal. | 20 Yours, fulhar's sbibn, Charles M. Green, of Port Huron, | Loving of parliament. It is expect ton, by the German ambassador, to Mishigan. a 5 wha . ques dos a8 whole trouble arose by an official in| London, Web. 4.--Since 1841 a copy Pansral from Jer, fathers reside dropped dead of heart failure. He was «d 'that the unionist amendment to the secretary's inquiry as to the rea- I ion Nomen the office at Moncton overloo the! of Fox's "Book of Martyrs," which Brewers ' Mills, where & soles fifty-four years old. ; : he address in reply to the speech] =o "3 the imposition of a penalty oF hot. correspondence. Mr. Stanfield wished | belonged to John Bunyan during his Srauiem mass will Je Feaoin Mg The Toronto railway will equip and lr om the throne, in especial reference |, on potash, purports to correct to know from the minister whether famous imprisonment in the her soul Friends and. scqusint. test four ears with a new automatic |, the Washington trade agreement, | =o, co (ool statements -contaim- BOYS AS BURGLARS 'this delinquant- official was discharged [jail of Pedford, has been in the pos aches are. respec tfully Invited to iety signal fot a. at crossings and > ill' be po down for, debuts in the 4 "5 the American note and . re or promoted. The minister upliod | season of the Bedford general library, attend when passing stancing: cars. . [house of commons neXt week. sents a history of the potash law, in that he would look into the matter. | and it is now proposed to dispose of |= -- 4 oe ie jr pr iy 1h Kigkt Hoa. a ee with special | Felereiute Ae the provis- | paRy, GUERNSEY AND NELSON | The house went into committee of [it in order to replenish the funds of ROBERT J. REID, i. BEY, I rg auyh: [has heen in Close con ere M3 | ions icable to the American case. B supply on public work ti . that institution, notice having been cate of the teaching of sex hygiene in | father, speaks at Birmingham on Sa- |. ap is based on the ides that CAMIDGE HELD AT CLAYTON, ppl uy ie works en imates | given of bd eo to ell g a Pas Saading Unitraimt, the public schools. ; turday night. i: bo the American government, when in- GRAVE IRREGULARITIES. mortgage on the premises. The book, | : : _A Liverpool report states that the! It is already on that, mE formed of the true nature of the en in three folic volumes, was printed in | S REID Elder-Dempster line will inaugurate a | gesting the abandonment of t in- actment, will come to a different con- : | Challenge Libel in British Columbia! London in 1641. It is in bisck letter | JAME service between New York und West |nerial preference as part of the co 0 regarding it. : , Politics. and thre are: meeral pices of The Od Firm of Us evs, y 254 awd 204 PRINCESS RELT. "Faone 147 for Ambuisnce. African ports, begining March 18th. nionist policy the Daily Mail is a} ; proposes to admit to an el . : J A $30,000 campaign is on among the | voice crying in the wilderness, No- a court the legal question Stole Silverware and Cut Glass. riot, BO dy 4--atw Oli- Ratiyn re Sullurity at he Stake, At the Mothodists of the city of Winniper to Uhing ix Jess fikely. Instead, the union | Go 4, wira-shall be linble for the ex-| Clayton, NY., Fob. £2-The mystery | Kbcral leader in the Provincial Jagia- {ink in capital lotto, the name oka MONEY. COMES SLOW. strengthen the chu in the west, jist leaders regard the preference as |... payment of export duties and for | surrounding the robbery of several | jature. delivered sational speech |-B "In the third volume -aftet |. For that reason L°will sel} a BW where necessary, and to open new ones | having been made even more urgent |. {oy on extra production at 'va on Grindstone Island during in which a 8 unyan. in 4 " 00 hich | Roll-top Desk and Bookease combined where advisable, and more imperative thang ever by rious mines brought shout by private here i ale on the name is Jhe te l; OD ik for §i6 at TURK'S 'Phone 705 Annie Clobesk, of Guelph, who ws | President Tait's action. contracts outside the syndicate. In » Nelson Coan 8 gorresponds : RY i injured in stepping from a train at i 4 . event of the decision heing unfavor- ] i . joined or be: book a Health F oods From Clifton Junction, has disappeared from ble to the American purchasers, Ger a . ! i hospital, at Niagara Falls, Ont., and ais tha Toe entry gisotal 16 Can Ren is prepared . fate_g lune E . Camidge the fortes of Melle. with fens Be been valued at $40,000, ith of Loon, (ut. who |adian. wheat, no such. uifioulty arises [oF uodestandine. altonds outind in charged with had been given up as'dead by his fam- | with regard to the other Canadial |) othe German een hi urned, wnexpoctedly, the other [products which form. the bulk of Caw {00d "ond Mr. mtr Astiaed While sitting. in his brother's [ada's exports. ambassador, the German Ameri- lmp---------- regularities in commection with work FOR FUEL PRICE INQUIRY. A British Columbia Legislature Asks for Royal Commission, . Victoria, B.C., Fa» 4.--A resolution Oatmeal Wafers. was adopted in the lerislature, yes Laxative Biscuits. against the prese: Protoss Vegetable Meat. Mekose, Prune Marmalade. Fig Marmalade, Peanat Butter. Yogurt Cheese Battle Creek Sanitarium. Toasted Rice Biscuits. Breakfast Toast is H a i Gieatiel Beith duty cot ov A Mrs. Russell | 9 u it uty aga New Soe oF ora a. Timon, | York cargoes would be a powerful fac N.Y. je announsasl by President jtor in strengthening the trade routes Rat. Fri 0 ood le i for a vew vary Hy for women stu-f her empire: ports in their competi At Clifton, Bri Mrs, John Hon with n rivals. RET $5380 pie Lif; Bride, in consenting to the resolution, said it was a mat. ing trade and i iE} i ig i F ther up till this storm. Sows of the joe men wi i fey

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