Daily British Whig (1850), 4 Feb 1911, p. 2

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THE DAILY BYINSH WRIG, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 4, 1911 2 - FAI®m TWH A-- ----e-- ra-- 0000000000000 000000000 00000000000 000000008000 LADIES' FUR-LINED GOATS in Black, Blue, Red, Greens, Fawn, Ete. Squirrel or Hamster Linings, Persian Lamb or , Sable Collars. Te ) Just t e pl Ww Regular 1 Price he Wrap for Eveni ear. All Si Pe 2 Price Sizes. | 73 p4ttbibr srt dbs titbiride l very enjoyable { Miss K | Hart, Miss Hazel Browne, Miss Ruth, BEEP EEF EPP E EERE EEE] B i Goldin Guwilight ALPES vy 9 Miss Helen Duff was hostess at a driving party on Fri day evening, with: Miss Marjorie Duff, | of Guelph, as chaperone. After driving { around the town for an hour and a half, the jolly party returned to Mrs. Duff's residence on Princess street, where supper was served and dancing was indulged in. Those present were : Rose Rogers, Miss Katherine Anglin, Mise Mary Stewart, Miss Eleanor, Phelan, Miss Lucy Waddell, Miss Una Polson, Miss Annie Minnes, | Messrs. Harold Brownfield, Herbert | Steacy, S. Hill, R. Livingston, Hen- dry Connell, B. Robertson, Cecil Ste- wart, George Hooper, Jeremy Taylor and Kenneth Taylor. | * * @ | Mrs. H. A. Calvin, King street, gave a very jolly driving party, last even- ing, for her daughter, Miss Hilda Calvin. \Aftér the drive the guests re- turned to Mrs. Calvin's residence where supper was served and games were played. Miss Sybil ' Kirkpatrick won the first prize for pineag the tail on the donkey and Miss Mary Stewart won the second. The guests were: Misses Nan Saunders, Sybil Kirkpat- ---------------------- =-_ S-- Natiou, (ll of Montreal, ure spending | be week-vud, in Kingston, | © Mise Grace Loucks, of Ottawa, is the guest of her, parents, Canon and Mrs | £. Loucks, Barrie street. bo " * 9 wv ! iss Edith Ooodwin is the guest' of ~ TOW Mrs. Adam Shortt, Ottawa. 4 260 PRINCESS Miss Kate McAdam, of Prescott, is visiting ber aunt, Mrs. George Rich ardson, University avenue. | Mre. H. Gwynne, who has been the guest of Mrs. Douglas Young, King > street, returned to Toronto, to-day. |! - Colonel and Mrs. Gwynne and Miss 20 Per Cent. Discount Giwynme arrived in town this week! - on Pictures from Halifax and are en pension at Mrs. Pound's, King street. They will 20 per cent. discount on all Fram- remain here about three months, as Colonel Gwynne is taking a course at ed and Unframed Pictures for Thurs- the Royal Military College Mrs. Arthur Sweatman arrived from Toronto on Friday to visit her daugh- ter, Mrs. John Walton, Stuart street. | + i Mrs. Ernest Decary came up from! Montreal, on Friday, and is the guest! fully framed in gilt frames, 14 x 22, of Dr. and Mrs. KE. Ryan, "Rockwood | 0 House." | Regular price, $2.00 Mrs. Clarke Taylor, Gananoque, and 15¢ each. son, Keith, came up, today, to spend | a few days with Mrs. N. Wilmot, Cler- | gy street. ! ; Mr. W. F. Weiter, of Langdon, N.D., CAB HORSES KILLE is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. W. R | -- Dick, Albert strect. { ------ Mrs. J. 5. Smith, Johnson street, t DASHED INTO GJT.R. FREIGHT iday. Friday and Saturday. SPECIAL. 16 Philip Boileau Pictures, beauti- Special price The College THE FINEST BOOK STORE IN EASTERN ONTARIO. STREET OPEN NIGHTS SOT LLLLLLLRLRLRBLLRTN ABBR RTRS February Magazines ENGLISH FEBRUARY MAGAZINES, Harmsworth's Red Mag Wide World Mag. London Mag Royal Mag Pall Mall. Pearson's. Weldon's Fashion Book, 10c (7 free spending the past month in Montreal, | bas returned home. | 5 Mrs. A. Langstaff, Kemptville, Ont., | is the guest of Mes. C. W. Hall, 347 | Brock street. : TRAIN AT CATARAQUL The Animals Were Cut to Pieces-- They Were Ownéd by James Eves Con Valentines In Post Cards, ~ Comics and Fancy Styles - | LaGrippe Cough When a cough lasts longer than a week or two. it no longer can. be classed as an ordinary cd, The cold is really gone, but has left an irritation in the bronchial Fashions Book Store Phone 919 \ patterns) For All, 10e (% free pat- terns) Table Silver PEEP PNS - $75.00 WwW NO! $37.50 Prices cut in half to clear. rick, Margaret Hemming, : ruthers, Beth Small, Eleanor Lyman, Mr. and Mr lichasd Wildros Laura Kilborn, Gwendolyn and Doris strat, wert «4 to for Folger, May Stewart, Mary Strange, day. : Kitty Hughes, Ethel Kent. Helen Hale, Miss Alice Macnee leit for Montreal, | domes Fores, the weil-mown ha*< «on, Marjory Gamsby and Margaret and on Friday, to visit her sister, Mrs, | "9" tilled early this morning, as the Elizabeth Cunningham. Frank Botterell, { result of y runaway, in which the out- +> + @ Mr. Donald P'sterson, of the Bank oi fit was demolished by being run nto the | by a G.T.R. freight train at Cata- ¢ | raqui erossing. Mr. Eves had brought 1 Dr. Robert Hanley and a student, who CRIPP'S ASTHMA ---------------------- {I twas hurt in the hockey match last attractive, apd the cost may | Aight to King's Cafe, where they went CURE vary from the price of good Misses Una Polson, Eleanor Minnets, the past month with her niece, Mrs. inside 'to get something to eat. Mr. ---- Plated Ware to Heavy Sterl- Rurnett, Svivia Cochrane, Dorothy Charles Abbott. ' | Eves tied his team to the telegraph Will quickly cure such coughs, ing Silver. Chown, _Florrie Stewart, M. Worm-, Much sympathy is expressed for Mrs { pole and went inside to collect his and also all bronchial trouble, . SMITH BROS. with, * Helen Uglow, Freda Burns,' Ww. R. Butler, Barriggeld, who had n|lare. He had just got inside, when the asthma, etc Ruth Martin, Florence Elliott, Jennie ost unfortunate actident, on Thurs. | Borses started. They dashed up Prin 50c¢ large bottles guaranteed Jewellers, Opticians, 850 KING STREET, Philips, Doroth- Goodwin, Chrissie ja. . when she foil amd fractured her | C88 street and on out the York Road Dyde, . Wilson, Myra Dyde and low 3 . A be - : ee | to Cataraqui, y J) DRUG y eg in two places. Her many friends . Maxwell, Messrs. Hatch, Brookes, Mac- hope that she may have no drawback | As they were going over the eros: STORE dennell, W. Anglin, H. Richardson, H. and have a spesdy recover ling they struck by a freight Ww . . rk amd have a spedy recovery. PRINCESS AND BAGOT STS. Marriage: Licoiises G00 0000000000 ° I {ed over the track. . The horses started from the city O- 1 3 black and gold on the bodice - and 'street, went. up to Toronto, to-day, to | Sous 240 a'clocs Mul ae tev Ive 1] | skirt. In the tea room on Wednesday visit their daughter, Miss Lillian Mun- a siumbire. Mr. Eves said his afternoon, Mrs. George McKay pourt 'dell, who is attending school there. horsts Were very quiet, and he did 1 Oc aC - pvening. Admission Se. If you do not see it vou miss the best show of the season. "~Ran Away While Driver Was in Cafe. - tubes which causes deep and -often wheezy coughs This is what happens after la--grippe and leaves the hack- ing cough, and this is how chrenic bronchial coughs be- gin. Kine | ing your Table Silver replenishing or new little pieces added to brighten it up? Look it over sometime soon. We are headquarters for TABLE SILVER. Our patterns are Does not need some mio on Thurs-| A Lime team and back Lelongane to Edith Car- + 4 2 | | { 00800000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 Mrs, James Henderson, Gore street.' Montreal, Montreal, is spending entertained a number of Miss Mildred week-end with his mother, Mrs, J. Henderson's friends at a dance on Paterson, Union street. Thursday evening. A very jolly time © Migs Macauldv returned, on Friday, was spent by all present. These were from Stratford where she has spent new and Do not miss the chance to buy a coat at our inventory sale. Lots of winter coming yet. : , Issuers of ma John McKay, 149-157 BROCK ST. Kingston's Fur House who came out to 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000° FEY SALE FURNITURE CARPETS-GURTAINS Money Saving Month fot Minnes, A. Minnes, H. Marshall, Sli- + | train and cut to pieces. An express ter, F. Wardrope, L. Skinner, Hag- | Miss Edythe Starke, of Gananoque { train which came along a short time as gart, Page, D Ellis, Ww. : : animals " Mins Ee rai aud {Qontinied on page 8.) not know how they became frizhtened ] Susie An ursday af 4 30 aan 3 rom ba at all. The outfit was a total loss. ternoon, Mrse A. W. Winnett pour- | GIRL SAFE CRACKER Shap Pomionis ii Be pt na ory 3 Hockey Caps, assorted At Smith, : : | after, further mutilated the : % arrived, Thursday, to visit Mrs. | ' Chown, M. Sellery, J. Smythe, 0. 1 ioserh G Elliatt Pati re : : {and when a party_of young people Smith, Goodwin and Whytock. i Mics. Else Cotion Toronto Sa the | Came along on their way into town, edAea, assisted by Mrs, McKay and i ic l , 3 3 - . \ and the cab which was of the latest Miss Kidd. v as Captured About Twelve O Clock, | approval pattern, was worth about * + 9% Midnight. | #100, so the total loss is a heavy one A i H 0 t it Brick Dwelling in a + 4 guest of her sister, Mrs. Alexander | the one horse was found cut to pieces Mrs. Elmer Davis received on Wed: Rosamond, at Almonte. {and the other one was terrisly man nesday and Thursday of this week for Mr. and Mrs. Carlos Manen, from | gled- The cab, a shapless nase, as the first time since moving to her new . Barcelona, Spain, | throw u inte: the Sormet of the fence, home on Sydenham street. The draw- 'this country to take part in and see | A Was 5 badly ire hed at those ing rooms were beautifully decorated the Canadian winter sports, spent al® 8 ere Shere could 2 tel : When for the occasion with a profusion of few days iii Kingston, this week, and |! ial ange oy A nd igine ease, Ne sweet peas, carnations, and American enjoyed some ice boating. They left, | longing to. oF RD EY, WES WM Lue Beauty roses, Mrs. Davis wore a very on Friday, to continue their travels cab, and everything in it was Scatter handsome gown of black satin, veiled in Canada. in gold spangled net with applique of Dr. and Mrs. I. E. Mundell, Brock Mrs. H. E. Burstall, Barrie sient, } A beautiful girl . wearing a mask i entertained at luncheon on Thursday, opened a safe, taking all of the con : a : : assorted in honor of Mrs, Henri. Panet, who tents, and was about to depart when INCIDENTS OF THE DAY. leaves next week for England. Covers tha proprietor entered and stopped were laid for eight and those present her. After calling for 'the police he were : Mrs, Norman Stuart , Leslie, vefused to prosecute her and instead Mrs. Kenneth Blair, Mrs J; Sedge fell in love with her and mar-| wick, Miss Helen Crowe, Mrs. William ried her. This attractive play Harty and Miss Mabel Gildersieove. is shown on the screen at the . + Bijol' theatre, beginning Saturday af teenoon at two o'clock, continuing all * Wool Fexgues, Newsy Paragraphs Picked Up by Re- porters on Their Rounds. "Buy cough syrups" at Gibson's. Major D. I. V. Eaton, Ottawa, i at the Randolph. "Syrup Horehound," cures and colds. Sold only at. Gibson's William Swaine, piano tunes. Urdes received at McAuley's. Phone 778 The Whig makes to order all kinds Seen a : of rubber stamps, daters, ete. Prices Cures Eczema. reasonable, Burton's Ointment kills eczema. Ap. | Hear Rev. Joseph Montrey, of Bel. fast, Ireland, to-morrow evening in all col A ws' Wool Gloves, White All-Wool Blankets. Grey All-Wool Blankets. Fancy Box coughs In this columm, on Wednesday last, frills Desks, $35, reduced to...$27.00 | we mentioned. Mrs. H. P. Smith as Desks, $18, reduced to... 14.50 | being present at Miss Carrie Waldron's Mission Desks, $11, reduced to... 9.00 tea for the Toronto String Quartette, Mission Tables, $22, reduced to 17.50 |on Monday last. Mrs. Smith is a mem- Mission Tables, 83.75, reduced to 2.75 | ber of the executive of the Ladies' | Mission sideboard, $28, reduced Musical Club, but owing to recent be- | reavement, was not present at the tea. ! plied to cuts, burns, wounds, old sores Mission Sideboard, $25, reduced . {it allays pain and heals. 25¢. box, | Yneen street church. Prouse's Drug Store. H. Cunpingbam, piano tuner, 2! Mission : Knitted Clouds, White, Navy, Mission Mission Cardinal. Men's Heavy Wool Sax, value Carls" Wool Colonel and Mrs. J. H. V. Crowe, Roval Military College, entertained at dinner on Wednesday in honor of Maj- or and Mrs. Henri Panet. The guests included Colonel and Mrs. H. E. Bur- stall and Meior and Mes. Norman Stuart Leslie. ee King street. Leave orders at Me only money | Auley's bookstore. time! Mr. Blodgett, Oswego, N.Y., man the | ager of the 0. & W. Coal company, is Any young man can save and make money at the same by buying a lot in Kingston on instalment plan. See McCann. {in the city, on business, Maj. D. I V. Eaton, took over com-| "65 new Tabard Inn library books." Girls' Long Wool Mitt mand of "B" Battery, RCH.A., to-|Gibson's. 5 Aon * + 9 day y : Mis A EV 1 fle i Gres & « . p-- Mrs. J. C. Paterson, Union street, is Rubber ama. oad kd : P32 iss Annie a Sogn fo ay ered Bi Larey. entertaining at fea, this afternoon, in ete, may be had gry Whig Eri | a - i ag yay honor of her daughter, Mrs. Charles "Svrun Horehound," cures coughs | see her around soon. Masters, of Halifax, and Miss Maude | Sold only at Gibson's. | There'll be a big demand for King WHLLINGTON ST near PRINCESS. a oR . nd colds. other hotels, bul uone NY )/ Buller, of Stratiord. * ston property in the There's . a! [% saving in purchasing now See } In the points sompetition at, the _ "Kingston's Famous Fur Store." f | what McCann has to offer enrling rink, Miss trios Threh won A -- se A Er T Miss Barbara Tennant, the English the first prize for the month of Janu- Shakespearean actress, will y ary. Miss M. Betts secured the second ! matinee recital this afternoon, at the highest number of points. ! { Windsor Hall, Montreal! * 40 : P. M. THOMPSON; Proprietor. Mrs. G. Y. Chown and Miss Dorothy "Almond cream" i Gibson's. | | g have sent out invitations for a "Val eatine'"' at home at "Sunnyside," on { Mrs. J. W. Elliott has been called nays Primes HE igi home from, Chatham t, care for her Ni H o'clock. } A Nice Home 1, ra . Won't Cost mother, Mrs. George Watson, who is +b i fill, at her home, 212 University Ave Mrs. Douglas Young, King street, | § Fal You Much 'Don't think that only the n Ai Ll Lhe oA, | A great reduction in price in ready- will entertain the girls' branch of the wealthy can afford their own homes. Tha 5.256 . Mission Sofa, $20, reduced to... 16.00 Ladi Globe Wernicke Book Sections, Mission, $28, reduced to .. 21.00 Neck Scarf R. McFAUL. § ner wammmovm i A new solid only 8 rooms b, desirable location, with and furnace, good cellar, front and side entrance, to be Sold for Get in . Children's Kid Mitts, mall $2,850. This is a peach, early on the deal. Mullin Johnson and Division Streets, Nie, Houses to rent, spring Chinldren' Aprons, White Linen Shade give to stores and thaetre, are moderate. rates by the week. : ; Cor, for rough skin | Newman & Shaw THE ALWAYS BUSY STORE. "Phone 539. Carpets, Rugs, Linoleum, Curtains, all reduced 15 to 20 per cent. 'Phone 90. Yours, T.F.Harrison Co. Solon BRAVA AVATVVVAT RLV BRUTAL RE DRAB RTTLLTCC ERT ORY MILLS & {made clothing, gents' furnishings and Danghters of the Empire on Monday | clothing made-to-order, at Prevost's, ¥ Brook street, to make room for spring afternoon at four o'clock. ' + se | importations. : ; | | Lovers of music. will find something Mrs, Elmer Davis, Sydenham street, j to give them usual delight in E. B il rei Ng the sean, aii thing Mon-| {ibe 0's article on "Comilon Music," vs + mon uring re | mainder of the season. i fwhelt The Ling Age foo Feburary * @ Mrs. Herbert Bibby, Brock street, To-Night Only : {Lith reprints from 'ne \ utah Cen has issued invitations for an at We will offer for i | tury. home for Wednesday next. yr bs | The Trusts and Guarantee company, $1 5 7 5 EACH limited, Toronto, have been appointed se | committee of the estate of Anna Eliza : { Weir, of the city of Chatham. The es Mrs. E. Mowat, Johnson street, Two Ladie 2 Black enteftain at tea on Tuesday after S$ | tate consists of real estate in Chat { ham, amounting to about $3,000, "Cold eres" for rongh skin. Gib son's. The Living Age for January 28th, with far collars and lined] iba, tor jt: foading article 3 discus with lock squirsel. The {in the United States," written for {regular price of thesef|t Contemporary Review by & Bow- coats is thirty-five dollars | ' "iii io There are only two in stock, and this means "hurry up" if you want helps us to give perfect satis- one of the biggest soaps] i," 700 "i Grillin, and W. > a : : of the year Archibukd, {he dominion parole officer, n #13 had spent a week over them, Dr. A. P.Chown, ' = "Inhalers for colds on the chest." as wa Draggist. Optician, Kingston Laundry Sold at Gibson's. . speakers. J Miss Blanche Featherstone arrived : 4 4 : Cor. Princess and Sydegham. . | Streets. 22. OOOO mt a RAIMA OOOO IOC Promises Get Friends Performances Keep Them We've hundreds of friends won through performances and we're going 'to get hun. dreds more When we promise to send your LAUNDRY home at a specified time our performance takes If there SHIRTS COLLARS, CUFFS Laundered in double quick time just as spotlessly and daiutily, too, as' though we Eyes should be examined i every two{years. : ' The eyes change. Glasses exactly right last year may be injurious now. Whether you wear glasses or not your eyes should be examined every two years. We are eye experts. We can afford you perfect sight $ ' Our varied stock of mounts The bosrd of directors of the Y. NM. yg Sol co to i "Phone

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