Daily British Whig (1850), 4 Feb 1911, p. 6

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may mean flavor or strength or fragrant richness. Red Rose J Tea is blended with ' such nicety that it is the combination of all three points of merit. Will you t?y a package. to. you FEWER (PAUPERS IN LONDON. Old Age Pensioners Said to Explain ) Decrease Last Year. There were 11,955 fewer paupers in London on January 7th than on the day of 1910. The offi- cial return in which the figures are given attributes the decrease mainly 10 the removal of the pauper disquali- fieation for old age pensions, but jt is _ due also in a certain measure to the already existing pensions and to the improved economic conditions, which have been telling on the pauperism Statistios for some months, Thus on ber 31st, 1910; there were 1,436 'paupers ih London than on the lam day of 1909. Those re oeiving outdoor relief have benefitted 10 a greater extent than the inmates of institutions by the grant of old-age - peusion: 0 ot Catarrk Cannot be Cured with LOCAL APPLICATIONS, they fannot reach the gear of the disease, is ablood or constitutional dis- fuse; In order to cure it you must take 3 remedies. Hall's Catarrh Cure en internally and acts directly on th and mucous surfaces. Hall's Cure is not a quack medicine. It was presc by one of the best o sicians In this country for years and Is a regular prescription. It I of the best tonics known, com; & ined with the best blood purifiers, Er lrectly on the mucous sur- @ perfect combination of the two In honts is what produces such results in curing Catarrh. for testimonials fr F. J. CHENEY & CO. Props Toledo, O. . b; Druggista rice 75¢. ora Frarts ay Pills for consti PICTURE FRAMING. For Artistic Picture Fram- fng we have the most ex- elusive line and most reason- - able prices. vi WEESE & Cos Fine Photos, Wallpaper. JOO OOCOOO0000000) SHOE BARGAINS Men's Pat: Colt Blu., § $5.00, reduced to $3.75 Men's Low Winter $ alf Blu., heavy double es to heel $3.79 Box Calf Blu. & 1 Gold in Guwilight | | hth theta $$ % 2 JUontinued from page Mra. W. OC. Barber, Rockwood Hospit- al, entertained at a large and most en jovable tea, on W.dnesday afternoon, in honor of her sister, Mrs. CG. Camp: poll, of Bradford. The tes was given in the Amusement hall, which was very beautifully decorated. The end of the ball, where Mrs. Barber received her guests was arranged with rugs, tables and ensy chairs, to resemble 4 [ drawing room, and the tea room was divided from this with evergreens. An of daffedils, nareissi, plants and ferns were also used for decorating. At the opposite end of the hall 1p the teg room, an orchestra was stationed behind , bank of ever- greens and ferns, and the music added very much to the atiractiveness of the afternoon. Mrs. Barber wore 3 hand- some own of pale green crepe de chine, and was assisted in receiving by Mrs. Campbell, who was gowned in old vose satin. Those aswisting in the reception room were Mrs. W. R. Dick, Mes. Hutton, Mrs. Winch god Mrs. G. McNeil. In the tea roon, the table was centred by a square of fine lace over yellow satin, on which stood a brass basket of Easter lilies, narcissi and maiden hair fern, surrounding which were vases of joniquils and six brass candle sticks. Mrs. Ryan poured tea, Mrs, James Third poured coffee, and Miss Annie Fowler cut the ices. The girls assisting were Miss J, Pol son, Miss Jean Gaskin, Miss Edith Massie, Miss Edith Young, Mrs, Gray- don, Miss M. Graydon, Miss Bull, Miss Pearl Oldrieve, Miss Allan and Miss Ryan. The guests were: Mrs. W. G. Anglin, Misses S. and M. Anglin, Mrs, L. T. Best, Mrs. M. Boyd, Miss ©. Boyd, Mrs. and Miss Bates, Mrs. C. Brooks, Mrs. Cornelius Bermingham, the Misses Bolger, Mrs. 1. G. Bogart, Mrs. Easton Burns, Miss Fredy Burns, Mrs. Baker, Miss Baker, Mrs. Clark, Mrs. J. C. Connell, Mrs. W, T. Con. nell; Miss A, Chown, Mrs. George Chfi, Mrs. A. W. Cooke, - Miss Con- stance Cooke, Mrs. J, 0. Crisp, Miss Kathleen Crisp, Misses Crisp, Mrs. W. B. Dalton, Miss M. Dalton, Mrs, W. J. Crothers, Miss Minnie Crothers, Mrs. R. J. Carson, Misses I. and V. Carson, Miss J. Drummond, Mrs. H. R. Dufi, Misses Duff, Miss Dwver, Mrs, N. F. Dupuis, Mrs. C. F. Dickson, Miss Jessie Dickson, Mrs. Dawsoh, Miss Dawson, Mra. W. S. Ellis, Mrs, J. G, Elliott, Mrs. R. Ford, Miss M. Ford, Mrs. John Fairlie, Misses Fair- lie, Miss S. Flannigan, Mrs. F. Fowl er, Misses Fowler, Mrs. JH. Fraser, Misses Ferguson, Mrs. W. D. Gordon, Misses Gordon, Mrs. R. J. Gardiner, Mrs. 1. Graham, Mrs, W: T, Good- win, Misses Goodwin, Mrs. W. A, Gunn, Misses Giwon, Mrs, V. Hooper, Miss Dorothy Hooper, Mrs. R. Hoop- er, Mrs. W. Harty, Mrs, James Hiz- gins, Mes. H. Hubbell, Mrs. James Hendry, Mrs. J. Harve, Mrs. W. G. Jordan, Miss E. Jordan, Mrs. A. P. Knight, Misses Knight, Mrs: R. A. Kikyorn, Mrs. H. A. Kaulback, Mrs. Chas. Kirkpatrick, Mrs. T. Lyman, Misses Lyman, Mrs. D. Laidlaw, Mrs, Charles Low, Mrs. R. Laird, Mrs, A. Laird, Mrs. R. Laird, jr.; Mrs. C. Liv- ingston, Mrs. J. Llanos, Mrs. J. PF. Lesslie, Mrs. Macleod, Misses Mes Intyre, Mrs. W, A. Mitchell, Mrs. Mor- rison, Mrs. C. A. Morrison, Misses Morrison, Mrs. Matheson, Mrs. John Mackie, Mrs. George Mahood, Mrs. G. McLelland, Mrs. Mclolland, Mrs. Me. MclLelland, Mrs. E. Melelland, Mrs. M. Phail, Mrs. J. Minnes, Mrs, W. Min- nes, Mrs. (0. Mactonnell, Mise Mac- donnell, Mrs. J, B. Mowat, ' Misses Mowat, Mrs. H. Macpherson, Mrs. D, E. Mundell, Mrs. Macdougal, Mrs. M. Macgillivary, Misses Maégillivary, Miss McRae, Mrs. D. Murray, Mrs. G, W, Mylks, Mrs. J. Massie, Misses Massie, Misses Macpherson, Mrs, J. §. R. Mc Cann, Mrs, W. R. McTavish, Misses Muckleston, Mrs. Neil, Mrs. H. Nickle, Miss. McNeil, Mrs. D. O'Leary, Mrs. A. Orr, Mrs. GCG. S. Oldrieve, Miss Dora Oldrieve, Mrs. A. S. Oliver, Mrs. J. F. Pringle, Mrs. N.- C. Polson, Miss J, Polson, Mrs. J. M. Platt, Mrs. F. Philips, Mrs. H. M. Robert- son, Mrs. A. E. Ross, Mrs. 8. Rough- ton, Mrs. H. W. Richardson, Misses Richardson, Mrs. H. Robinson, . Mrs, J. Richmond, Misses Richwmo! ) Marion Redden, Mrs. J. P. Shine, Mrs A. Strachan, Mrs. R. E. Sparks, Mrs. S. H. Simpson, Mrs. W. R. Si Mrs, H Skinner, Miss Skinner, Mrs, To 6 Smith, Mile; de -StRemv, Mrs. A. Seott, Mrs. E, T. Steacy, Mrs. 0. D. Skelton, Mis. E. F. Scott, Miss Spangenberg, Mrs. J. F. Swift, Misses Loretta and Irene Swift, Ms. James 3 <4 abandapes 8 F £ : i fell: ifs SFE F i 42 A : F H i iH i Bt i i | i £ 1! ¥ Paik F : i F i i i oF i i £ {you can solemnly » for skin eruptions are miserably slow Halloway Waddell, Mrs Charles Masters (Halifax), Mrs. Prin- gle (La Tuque), Misses Muckleston, Misses Helen and Madge Crowe, Miss Nan Skinner, Miss Carrie Beard, Miss. N. Russell, Mirs M. 'Going, Mis A Lyman, Miss Louise Kirkpatrick, Miss Annie snd Miss Kathleen Daly, Miss Gertrude + Whitehead, Miss M. Hora, Miss Amy McGill, Miss Frances Sulli- van, Miss Aileen and May Rogers, Miss Grace Hemming, Miss Kathleen Crisp, Misses Leta and Vers Carson, Miss Alice Macnee, Misses Alice and Muriel King, Miss Maud Betts, Miss Grace Loucks (Ottawa), Miss ti, Deane, Lindsay, Miss L. Norton-Tay- | jor, Miss Deacom, Miss Christine and Sylvia Cochrane, Miss Nan Patersan, Mise Bessie Smythe, Miss Edith Fol- | ger, Miss Millie Ferris, Miss Helen | Gordon, Miss Lassie Rirkpatrick, Misses Dorothy and Margery Browh- field, Miss Dorothy Carruthers, Misses Fthel and Rosatind Corbett, Miss Madge Tavior, Misses Hilda and Doris 'Rent, Miss Matgery Merrick, Miss Mamie Garrett, Miss Marion Lesslie, Miss Nora Macnee, Miss Mollie Saun- ders, Miss Charlie Shortt, Miss Hazel jrowne, and Miss Lenore Hamilton, Canon Starr, Capt. W. Hammond, Mr. Pavis, Dr. C. E. O'Connor, Mr. H. Walkems, Mr. R. R. F. Harvey, and the cadets were present in nearly full force. Mrs. Mills is entertaining at tea again this afternoon. * +» i { Bermingham, Barrie street, invited a few of Mrs. Henri Panet's friends to tea, on Thursday, to afiord them an opportunity to say farewell to this popular young matron before her departure for England. Mrs, Bermingham, assisted by Mrs. Panel, received the guests in the reception room. In the tea room, Mrs. F. Brownfield pourad cofiee, Miss Eleanor Macdonell poured tea, and Miss Fran- ces Sullivan cut the ice cream. The polished mahogany tea table was centred by a lace centre piece on which rested a huge bowl of daffodils, at each corner of the centre piece stood vases filled with the same flow ers, and a handsome green shade over hanging the table and electric light, lighted the room very effectively. The girls who assisted in passing the re freshments were : Misses Brownfield, Miss Marion Redden, Misses Phyllis and Charlie Shortt, Miss Lassie Kirk- patrick, Miss Grace Hemming and Miss Dorothy Brownfield. * * 2 Mrs. W. 8, Ellis entertained about fifty students on Wednesday evening. A most enjoyable time was spent in dancing and playing games, The draw- ing room was very prettily decorated with dafiodils and jonquils, and the library and dining room with carna- tions and narcissi. A buffet supper was served about midnight. Mrs. Ellis will entertain at a dance again on Tuesday m honor of her son, Mr. Douglas Ellis. Mrs, Cornelius + Mrs. Wiliam H. Anglin, and the Misses Day will receive on the first and second Tuésdays of the month in their new home, 103 Frontenac street. * + » The Misses Sarah and Agnes Gib- son, University avenue, entertained at tea last Tnursday afternoon. How to Stop Pimples In Five Days You Can Get Rid of All Skin Eruptions by the New Calcium Sulphide Wafers. Trial Package to Prove It Sent Free. Any man or woman gets awfully tired going around with a pimply face day after day, And other people get awfully tired, too, seeing them go around with faces full of disgstiny pimples, . ; If you are one of the unfortunates who can't get away from your pim- ples, and you have tried almost ev- erything under heaven to get rid of them, take a few of Stuart's Calciom Wafers every day. Do that steadily for a few days, and in less than: a week look: at yourself in the mirror. You will then say that Stuart's Cal- cium Wafers are a wonder in getting, rid of the eruptions. These wonderful little workers con- tain the most effectivé blood purifier ever discovered, calcium sulphide. No matter what your trouble is, whether pimples, blotches, blackheads, rash, tetter, eczema or scabby crusts, depend upon Stu- art's Calcium Walers as never-iailing. Stuart's Calcium Wafers have cured boils in three days and the worst cases of skin diseases in a week. Ev- ery particle of impurity is driven out of your system completely, never to return, and it is done without derang- ng your system in the slightest. ost treatments for the blood and in their results, and besides, many of them are poisonous. Stuart's Calcium Wafers contain no poison or drug any kind; loss, # county ton and Storringtgn Road company, Frontenac roads were collected. the Storrington road the city limits, and which had to be ago. ; \ ANNUAL REPORT Of the Toronto General Trusts Cor- poration, Among the financial institutions with head offices in Toronto none is more carefully and efficiently managed than the Toronto General Trusts Corpora: tion. Larefulness and efficiency are the two essential qualities in the manage ment of a trust company. As the managing| director, J. W. Langmuir, emphatically stated in thé able ad dress he made at the annual meeting, the duty of a trust company is not only to safeguard the trust fund« committed to its care, but to aveid speculation of any kind, even with its own capital and reserve funds, as these are the security for the safe manage ment of its trusts. The directors of the Toromto General Trusts Corpora tion follow the rule of investing its capital and reserve under the terms of the Trustee Investment Act. Mr. Langmuir is justified in attributing the marked success of the corporation in large measure to the publie appre- ciation of the corporation's determina tion to eliminate from its transhe- tions all business of a speculative character; This marked success is indicated by the gratifying increase in the volume of their assets, these having increased during the year by $3,786,184.10, that to-day they reach the surprising sum of $41,607,297.63. The fact that the new business during the year reached $6,725,047.90 is a tribute paid by the public in its appreciation of the conservative, reliable and efficient mau- agement of the past. When a man makes a will and appoints a corpora- tion the executor, he is apt to choose the one in whose carefulness he has most confidence. * The directors of the corporation have expressed their sense of the value of public confidence by electing to the presidency Hou. Feath- erston Osler, for many vears a judge of the court of appeals of Ontario. m-------- 80 OBITUARY NOTICE, Late Mrs. Margaret Walker. At Enterprise, on January 3rd, Mar- garet Pevie Walket, a well-known and much esteemed resident of that village, passed away. Deceased suffered a paralytic stroke about seven years ago, and had been failing slowly for some time, and bad suffered greatly from bronchitis the last few months, but the end was peace. She fell asleep in Jesus, in Whom she always placed her trust. Deceased was born April 10th, 1532, in Aberdeen, Scotland, and was bap tized In what is still - known: as Old Machgr cathedral (Preshyterian), Aber- deen, Scotland. She came to Canada when quite young, with her parents, James and Margaret Anderson. They located first at Bytown (now Ottawa), then later at Centreville, where she married her late husband, Iarvey S. Walker, and soon after moved to Enterprise, where she has since lived: Her husband predeceased her some twenty vears ago. She, with her hus- band, joined the Methodist church about fifty years ago, aud up to the time that she had a stroke she was ap active member of that body. When the Ladies' Aid Society was first started in Enterprise she was on of the first members, and in all church work she was always ready and will ing to assist and help on the cause of Christ in whatever way she could. In the home of sickness or death she was always willing to assist there too. She leaves to mourn her loss, one son, Alonzo Walker, of Enterprise, and two daughters, Mrs. Thomas Wagar, who resi with her, and Mrs. 4. F. Lochhead, of Ki on. Two other daughters, Mrs. (Dr.} A. B. Carscalley and Mrs. A. G. Davey, predeceased ber some years ago. Allen Carscallen, who resided with her, was also left The Perie to i: The above is a picture of the toll, house and Storrington road, u short distance bevond Kingston Junction. the two last remaining toll gates leading to the city. council purchased the last toll read in Frontenae from the Kings. was president, for $12.880, 'wi! on December 3lst, On Monday Rankin, of Kingston township, will sell by auction the two toll houses on The above picture shows the Sunbury. The old portion of the toll house was erected about sixty years gute on the Kingston- v It is one of Iwo months ago, the of which W, J, 1910, afternoon of Kingston, last tolls on A. X Fair, the next, Reeve toll gate just beyomd passed en route to Kingston Mills and GANANOQUE TIDINGS, Poultry Show Over--Farmer's Team Broke Through fee. Gananoque, Feb, , 4. --Last evening brought to a close the third annual winter show of the Gananoque Poul- try, Pigeon and Pet Stock gseocia- tion. lhe receipts this year nearly doubled those of 1910. At the Park ring, last evening, the hkexalls and Beavers played a fine ex- lubition game of hockey 'before a large gathering. The game resulted in favor of the leavers six goals to two. Joseph Welch, Howe Island, while crossing on the ice between his home and the main shore, with his team, had the misfortune to break through, but thanks to assistance which was promptly at hand, .the team and driver were rescued not much the worse for their. cold dip. The financial statement of Grace Methodist church for the quarter end- ing Jan. 31st, 1911, is most satisfae- tory. The total receipts were $910.34. sxpenditure, $539.63, The annual congregational meeting of St. Andrew's church was held 'on Wednesday evening. Reports "from the various church activities showed + most successful and prosperous year financially and otherwise. D. A. Mit- chell was re-elected secretary and A. P. Russell was re-elected treasurer. Messrs. D. Darling, J. A. Thomson and J. W. Logan, finance committee. S. Steacy was engaged as caretaker. J. C, Linklater and D, Darling were appointed auditors, Vincent Amo has been confined to bis home by illness for the past week. Miss A. Hind, teacher in the high 'school, ill during the past few days, has recovered. George Robert son returned to Ottawa Thursday. J. Kunnett, Peterboro, . was summoned Home by the death of his sister, Mrs, E. 7T. Fleming. W. E. Meges spent a few days this week in Prescott. J. Garrah left his week for Chatham. A. D. Howe is spending the fay in Kingston. Mrs. Purcotte, Belleville, was in town on Thursday, George Holland, King- ston, was; in Gananoque yesterday at- ending the poultry show, having a fine exhibit of fancy poultry, Miss Maud Cornell, Sharbot Lake, is the Kueat of the Misses Salter for n few days, by ODESSA MAIL MAN WEDDED. Work of Rebuilding Church is Pro. 5 Gressing Well. Feb, 2.--George leonard, mail courier, and Miss Lottie Hart- mann, second danghter of Alpheus Hartman were quietly married at Kingston, on Tuesday, Jan. 3ist, The Ladies' Aid held their afternoon social this week at Mrs. R. H. Pet- ers, on Tuesday adtermoon. A little over $1 was realized. The work in connection new church is progressing favorably. Seventy loads of sand already . has been drawn and the workers expect to make it one hwidred this week, if the toads are favorable. A baby girl ar- rived at Ce A. Brmons. The Metho- dist pulpit, on Sunday last, was oc- cupied by Rev. W. D. P. Wilson, of Odessa, with the { Belleville, who delivered overs - olo- quent sermon. Joy amd Son, Napanee, visited this town, on Monday, and secured the order for the comemt brick to be used in the building of the new phy), are visitors. Miss Bertie Metzler church. Mr, and Mrs. Eddie Turner, the latter, formerly Miss Floss Mur. shy, gre visitors. Miss Bertie Metaler is sp 2 a lew days 4t Napanee. The ice harvesters are busy, filling the ice houses. with first class ice. Harvey Warner Improving, In answer to the numerous i regarding the condition of vey Warner, we are in 5 position to state to our that, while he is not recoverin frem the eficcts of the stroke as rapidly as his friends would wish, yot his medical stiendant, Dr, Cowan, thinks he is i ing iries WHITE LABEL ALE INVALID STOUT INDIA PALE ALE XXX PORIER The product of perfect brewing. Brewed and Bottled by Domi Biowery a. Li Toronto. Rigney & Hickey, Agents, 136 Princess St., Kingston OUR ROOSTER BRAND Of Smoking and Chewing Tobacco at forty-five cents a pound is a good Tobacco. pay eighty-five? MA On hn | TVW VVVVLVLTVRVRRN ALWAYS LOOK WELL PRESSEDPANDNEAT By sending your Suit to us occasionally. It will always look like new. We will keep your clothes looking well and make them last twice as long. R. PARKER & CO., and - Drsrs aad Cleaseens : Ca Dont Be Bald t Nearly Anyone May Secure a Splen- did Growth of Halr. We have a remedy that has a record of growing hair and curing baldness in 3 out of every 100 ecuses where used according to directions for a rea- sonable lemgth of That may seem like a strong statement--it and we mean it to be, and no one should doubt it until they have put our elaims to an actual test. We are so certain Rexall 93" Hair Tonic will eure dandrufi, prevent bald- ness, stimulate the scalp and hair roots, stop falling hair and grow new hair, that we personally give our posi- tive guarantee to refund every penny paid us for it in every instance where it does not give entire satisfaction to the user, Rexall "93" Hair Tonic is as pleas- nant to use as clear spring water. It is delightfully perfumed, and does not grease or gum the hair. Two sizes, Sle. and 81. With our guarantee hack of it, you certainly take no risk. Sold only st our store<The Rexall Stores G. W. Mahood. : | i time. is, Do not expect as much credit as vou think vou're entitled to, amd more, be thankful to receive any. "Cancelled Tabard Inn library books." 25e¢., at Gibson's, Red Cross drug store, 4 The third party, with the hone of contention, often does more actual damage than the other two. A lot of wives tolerate husbands who make home the last resort. Plumbing Hurry UP Jobs demand mighty quick action? Ve try hard & meet ail such calls We are not infallible ™ tation-~in is dev 3 eur tavor t CMeTrgency Test Us! David Hall, 'Phone 335. 66 Brock St, Residence 8356, 0000 POR OORIOOGOERRROOS i] 0000000000000 000000 NONE NOONPRNPINNISINS 9000000000600 0000000VS ® Wood, Lumber, Shingles & ® Honest Measurement. N. JACKSON, PLACE I'ARMES, Residence, 280 Street. 'Phone No. 101%. 0000000000000 000000 February Furniture Sale EVERYTHING HAS BEEN RE. DUCED. 1 Iron Cribs..... $4.50 $2.00 Springs and Mattresses Iron Beds .. . ae san Extension Couches, Upholstered, $10.50, $15.00, Ete, Couches, $4.50 and up. Rl J. REID, -- Phone |[577. COMING Canada's Hale Expert Every woman and every man whose not in a perfect 'eqgndition is rinterested in the coming visit nk Pember, of the Pember Hair & and Beauty Culture Institute, of Torunte Prof. Pember's advice upon the conditior your sealp if followed Bow may | baldness If your hair is thin, fa SCTragEy, Coarse, or stokly he can help. it If vou are-in need of a natural wavy switch, bang transformation, wave, braid or set of puffs, you will see the most beautiful and the most beautifying exhibition ever displayed in this town. PROFESSOR PEMBER Desires to emphasize the famous Pem. Ther Totipes Tor bald He will show a full unusual! preparations stitute of Beau f hands, hair a undoubtely worth RANDOLPH HOT feet our oF semi-bald men line of the very used at the 1 r the complexion A SY 1 be the while at L, KINGSTO Wednesday and Thorsday, Cutting a Little Deeper Oud Lots from Our Best Stock In Patent Leather, Dongola, Kid, Gun Metaland Tan Calf All sizes in lot. Regular $3.50 and $4.00 $240 KING. GS, Ty ae

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