TRLHTV LAAT TELAT TVBLTES $1.25 A PAIR GENUINE INDIAN TANNED, BUCKSKIN, PULLOVERS, RETAILS, at The Mitt that saves the hands. suitable for all work. Soft, pliable, porous. Wears like iron. JOHN MCcKAY, 149-157 BROOK STREET, . Kingston, Ont. SALE - FEBY SALE $85 Parlor Suites reduced to $60, in finest Silk, * $565 Parlor Suites reduced to $42. $62 Parlor Suits reduced to $40. $48 Parlor Suites reduced to $35. All in fine Silks. Your own choice of colors. PARLOR CABINETS -- EXTRA SPECIALS. 2 only $50 Parlor Cabinets for 2 only $38 Parlor Cabinets for a only $45 Parlour Cabinet for 2 only $8.50 Parlor Cabinets for CARPETS, RUGS, CURTAINS, Immense Stock; 15 to 20 per cent. reductions. Repair and Upholstering cheaper than ever before. "Phone 90. Yours. T.F.Harrison Co. = . Prasasasssssersesseennd Blankets ew Comforters White All-Wool Blankets. firey All-Wool Blankets. Union Blankets. Comforters in Batting, Wool and Eiderdown filled. All Fresh New Stock. * & 9 ) OCKEY AND CURLING WILL THE FRONTENACS REACH PETERBORO? The Storm May Delay Them Shorter Halves for Junior Play- ers--Hesnlts of Curling Games. A great deal of doubt was being ex- pressod that Frontenacs would wot reach Peterbore in time for the game to-taght. They left on. the noon trais, which in ordinary time would land them in Petérboro ;about 4.30 o'clock, wing to the heavy storm, it. was feared that they might not be able to get there. Some Kingston money was taken along to match against any Peterboro coin that makes too much noise. Storm Postponed Games, The two hockey games which were scheduled to be played at the Stadium rink, Monday evening, had to be called off on account of the storm, but will likely be played some evening this week. Statement Corrected. The Portsmouth boys said, this morning, that it is the senior Ports mouth team that will go to Ganan- oque on Satugllay, to play the team there and not an aggregation as was stated in last night's Whig. Portsmouth vs. K.C.L With five straight games to their credit, there is no doubt that the jun- ior game will be K.C.1. this afternoon, and there will not likely be much in- terest taken in the way the score goesn However, it should be a great exhibition of clean sport, as both teams are in good shape. ~ -- Basketball Games To-night. Sydenham and Bethel are preparing for a great struggle, in the Y.M.C.A, gymnasium, to-night, in the Sunday School Basketball League series, for a great deal, depends on which team wins to-night, to ge into the fimal series, A large num of rooters are expeited to be present to cheer their respective teams to victory. February 14th will see the last of the scheduled games played, and then the finals will be started. Curling Last Night. At the curling rink, last night, five rinks from Queen's university and five city rinks played and the university men succeeded in winning out by a total score of 63 to 40. The matches created a great deal of interest. : Skip Strachan was defeated by Skip Sliter, 11 to 10; Skip Dyde de- feated Skip Slater 15 to 5; Skip Gill defeated Skip Sutherland 15 to §; Skip Dulton and Skip Watson tied, 9 each; Skip Laird defeated Skip Lyons = 13 to 8. There were no games the local series. Portsmouth Is O.K. One of the Portsmouth juniors writes as follows : "It was reported that a local aggre gation called the Portsmouth Hockey Club would go to Gananoque, to play hockey. Portsmouth people are quite confident that they can turn out the best junior team in Kingston, and also beat a great many of the senior teams in Kingston, and if Portemouth had support enough it could turn the tables in O.H.A. circles, as they have the 'material in Davidson and McCam- mon. They have lots of fast material for forward line as players in Hat- ter's Bay are not so green as they look. Portsmouth, last year, had the best team in Kingston, and moreover, they had no Kingston boys on the team, so please don't hint so hard for Portsmouth is the home of the best last night in sional and O.H.A. plavers have been turned out there, and have always proved to be the best goods on the team." : Nothing New in This. The Toronto Star has the following in regard to junior players being ask- od to play thirty minute halves : "The O.H.A. should make twenty or thirty minute halves optional in the junior O.H.A. series," remarked Harry Griffith, the famoud' Rugby coach, as he watched the light Uu.C.C, ters doing strenuous battle last night at Mutual street rink. "Thirty minutes is too far for fourteen, fifteen and sixteen years old St. Andrews and St. Michaels. There is a grave danger of a youngster &, such tender years overstraining him- self and doing himseli permanent dam- age. Of course, when teams are up to the age limit half-hour halves are not too much, for the boys stronger. I think this matter should hockey players in Canada, as profes- Varsity |p the drili season of 191 ~ THE DAILY BPITISH WHIG, TUESDAY, FEBRUARY be left to the representatives of the various clubs in a group to settle when they settle the schedule." . There is nothing strikingly original in the sbove. James urged a similar change at the O. A. annual _meeting two years ago but ! the chang did not meet with favor! Mr. Suthefland wished to see the playing hour divided into fifteen! minute quarters for junior players. His! argument was similar to Mr. Griffith's, | that a half hour is too long for | youngsters, Ladies' Curiing. 9 At the curling rink, Tuesday morn- Jgngl Mrs, W. St. Pierre Hughes' rink won from Miss B. Birch, score 11 to 9. The rinks : Miss Marion Lesslie, Mrs. W. R. Givens, Mrs. Herbert Dawson, Mrs. W, St. Pierre Hughes, skip--11. Mrs. W. A, Witchell, Miss Jean Craig, Miss Mamie Garrett, Missa 8. Birch, skip--9. Miss Bessie Smythe's rink won fron: Miss Lettie Tandy, by 19 to 8. The rinks : Miss M. Richardson, Miss Edith Young, Mrs. Gwillin, Miss Bessie | Smythe, skip--19. | Miss Elsie Pense, Mrs. Vere Hoopes, | Miss Maud Betts, Miss Lettie Tandy, | skip--8, Notes on Sport. Kenora are champions of the Mani- thba Hockey Assotiation. Ordemann, of Minneapolis, will wres- {tle Hackenschmidt to a finish at De- itroit. Americus will meet Gotch. Winnipeg Victorias are not eligible chy s for the Allan cup unless they t the winners of the other di- (visions of the Interprovincial Hockey {Union. They cannot challenge as win- iners of a section. Toronto Globe : Varsity must win in Montreal from McGill, next Friday, and beat Queen's in Toronto to cap- ture the Intercollegiate championship. It looks like a three-cormnered tie from this distance, with the three teams winning their home games. "Tommy" Burus, the heavyweight pugilist, will not fight "Bill" Lang in London or Australia, April 17th, and is out of the prize ring for good. This was settled when Burns' injured knee was examined by a physician at Seat- tle. The doctor said Burns would nev- er be able to stand training. 1 Sutherinnd FIREMEN HAD TWO RUNS LAST NIGHT. Slight Damage at the Tin Shop ol Elmer Lawrenson on Division i Street--Fire Mystery at a Build. ing off Wellington Street. It is very seldom that the firemen after receiving a call, have to search for the fire, But such was the While the men. were at the tin shop of Elmer lawrenson, 153 Division street, early last night, a resident of Earl street, near Wellington, telephon, ed that there was a five in that neigh. borhood. Losing no tin: some of the firemen were despatched to see to this fire, but upon their arrival they could not: find 'the blaze. The people in thay neighborhood had been endeavoring to locate it, but with no success. Chief Armstrong, and assistant Chief Ekner were on the scene, and they went from ome place to another, in an en deavor to locate it. There was a smell as if rags were burning. Just as the firemen had about given it up for a bad job, the trouble was located in a building .at the rear of Wellington street, and near Earl street, owned by Mr. McLeod. Yesterday, it appears that pipes had been thawed out in the building. Some bags had been left aghinst the pipes, in order to keep them frem freezimy again, last night, and as a regplt they caught fire. The firemen s00d had the fire extinguish- ed. When they fornd the trouble, how. ever, the flan g Tad cought fire, and had it not been discoiered just at that time, it might have had a very seribus result. The call to the tin shop Lawrenson was received at 8.45 o' clock, and the other alarm came in at 9.10 o'clock. At the tin shop, fire was discovered uniler the stairway, and two of the steps were burning. A great deal of oil is kept in the store, and the firemen did remarkably good work to prevent a serious blaze. Mr. Lawrenson's loss will only slight. He carries insurance in Wellington Insurance company, Dance at Orpheum. of Mr be the No chariges of any moment were made in the United States football code at the regular winter meeting of the rules committee of fourteen, in New | York, last week. A stand-pat policy was adopted on the theory that the rules so radically amended a year ago were not thoroughly and fairly tried; | out in one season, e committee de- cided after a full discussion of the | many suggestions offered to be comser- | vative, and to let "well enough! {alone'" for the present. i 14th OFFICERS' ANNUAL. Prof.' W. L. Grant and George Bawden Given Commissions. The annual meeting of the officers | of the 14th Regiment, P.W.0. Rifles, was held, on Monday Armouries. Lieut.-Col. Cunningham . Reports were read from regi- mental, rifle and band committees, which showed that a great deal of interest was being taken in the differ- ent departments. The appointing of | committees for the coming year were then made, with the following re sult : | Regimental--Lieut.-Col. Cunningham, Majors Low, Dawson and Macnee, Capts. Mills and Birch. Rifle--Major Dawson, bell and Birch, Lieuts. Stephen. » Band--Lieut. J. A.W, Peters, Lieut. Lockett. The companies will organize at once, and recruit drillewill commence next Capts. Camp- Swain = Craig, Capt. I i to hold an indoor practice, at the Armouries, Saturday afternoon. The regiment have a-team emtered in the Canadian Rifle League and wish to get in shape soon. Major A. J. Sinclair, who has cém- pleted twenty years of service, suitably remembered. Two -- sions were granted, to Prof. W. 1}. Grant, of 's University, formerly of the 48th i nders, and George Bawden, of Kingston, and from now on they will prefix lieutenant to their, The meeting was the most largely | attended ever held. The regiment has! eight supernumerary officers, the: first | time ever such a thing has occurred. Officers will be posted as follows for Livingston and Birkett. No, 4-Capt. Swaine, Lieuts. Mahood and Keill, Ww ei ia No. 7-Capt. © I, Lieuts. Rich- ardeon. and anh No. Swtapt. Craig Lieuts. | land refreshments evening, in the Monday evening. The rifle committee | On Monday evening, a dance was held at the Orpheum hall, under the auspices af Court Earl Roberts, No. 4265, 1.0.F., which proved a most de- lightful affhir. There was good music, were served. The committee having charge of the event was composed of Sergt.-Major W. 0, Gimblett, Q.M.8. I. Birbeck, Corpl. Temple, Farrier Q.N.M.S. Frape, B.S. M. Marshall, Bombadier McDaniel; Wheeler Q.M.S. Smith, and Sergt. Fowler. Removed to Hospital, . David Bartlett, aged thirty-five, of Maynooth, was removed to the gene sal hospital, yesterday, and under went an operation for appendicitis. He i. doing as well as can be ex- ted. William Cunni ra , in} Collins Bay wreck, is still in the general hospital, and is doing nicely. Lord Marries Gypsy Girl. This is shown on the screen at the Bijou Theatre, this afternoon and evening, and is both an interesting and amusing comedy. Three reels. Music Sale. On Wednesday only four latest hits, iy Kingston News Co., opposite Y. L.A, Frederick Skinner, of Gananoque, is i H ol : onse, | last night, with the loeal firefighters. | : : ham, the Gananoque & at Ge © a visitor in the city. | "Buy camphor ice" at Gibson's. we Partnership Sale department of our store is offered at startling re- ductions daring this cel- ebration of the admission of a new partner. Best made 'Corsets -- all new $1.50 Kinds for $1.19 $1.0 Kinds for 79¢ 75¢ Kinds for 59¢ i { { ! i : i | the coal stove, over were burned in-over thirty places, and | had the family not ! | worth i HDSURCIFRFRE The College Book Store THE FINEST BOOK STORE IN EASTERN ONTARIO. 1260 PRINCESS STREET Phone 919 * OPEN NIGHTS VLDL VRVR AVERT R 20 Per Cent. Discount on Pictures 20 per cent. discount on all Fram- ed and Unframed Pictures for Thurs. day Friday and Saturday. SPECIAL: 16 Philip Boileau Pietures, beauti- fully framed in gilt frames, 14 x 22 Regular price, $2.00. Speciu) price. 75¢ gach. FOR ALL WASTE PAPER, Mills, How to git rid of waste paper around the stores and factories is quite a proposition to some, but there are. a few places in the city where there is a system which does not bring about much troible, and which is giv- ing much satisfaction. There is being used a press, just like a hay press, and all the waste paper around the stores and factories is placed into it and pressed into large bales, and then it is shipped back to the paper mills, Paper is getting so scarce that the mills are very glad to get the paper back agam for further use, At N. C. Polson & Co's establish ment, Ontario street, one of these pa- per presses was recently installed, and it is giving good service. This firm received .daily a great many papers, and if it did not, have this system, it would be quite a pro- biem to dispose of all the paper which would accumulate. HORSES ARE NEGLECTED. One Cause for a Great Many Rune aways. A great many runaways occur in Kingston, and one reason for it is that horses are not given the care that they should receive. There is a by-law which states that they must not be left on the street without being se curely tied, but every day one can see horses left standing, without anyone in charge, and it is u great wonder that -there are not more accidents. In the cold weather, horses are very rest: less on the street, more so in the win- ter than any 'other time of the year, and, therefore, they should be given ev- ery care. When the weather is so cold blankets should be left on the horses, but some drivers do not even give the poor animals this much consideration. Constable Arniel, officer for the Hu mane Society, has been giving the matter considerable attention. The lo- cal society is doing all it can to look after the welfare of dumb animals, and it should have the hearty support of all the drivers in the city. TOLL HOUSI LD. Relics of the Storringtow Road Dis- posed Of. On Monday - afternoon Reeve A. M. Rankin, of Kingston township, acting under authority of the county coun al, sold the two old toll houses on the hingston-Storrington road S by auction. The one just beyond King- ston Junction was purchased by T. Hogan, and John Campbell for $49, and the one at Hickey's Corners was secured by R. H. Fair and George Draper for 851. The houses will be removed as soon as possible and then there will be no toll gate marks re maining in Frontenac. A STARTLING DEED. Robbed House and Scattered Live Coals About. While Edward Draper and family, Point Road, Pittsburgh township, were away from home on Saturday,' some one entered the house and stole a number of tools. Before departing, the depradators scattered live coals, from the floor. Holes returned in the time, five would have destroy: As it 'was, about § was done. The Ww. HN nick of ed their home. of damage dwelling was insured, and | Godwin has settled the claim for the above-mentioned amount. Made Good Showing. Holland Bros., of Kingston, made s good showing at the Gananogue Poul try show. They entered twenty-two birds and won on Langshans, first ------ * Local Firms Send it Back to Paper and segond, cock; first and second hen; | first and second cockerel; first and se On White and third hen; first and second cock- 'erel; first and second puliet. Black Cochin Bantams, first on cock; first on hen; first on cockerel; first and third on pullets. They also 'secured three special prises. Divisidn Court Cases. Division court was held here this Rubber stamps, pads, ink, daters, ete, may be had at the Whig office. Valentines In Post Cards, Comics and Fancy Styles | February Magazines |ENGLASH FEBRUARY MAGAZINES. Harmsworth's Red Mag Wide World Mag London Mag Royal Mag: Pall Mall Pearson's Weldon's Fashion Book, 10¢ (7 free patterns). Fashions For terns) All, 18¢ (4 free pat- VOB VRRVVLVTVUVTRRRON LaGrippe Cough When a cough lasts longer than a week or two it no longer can be ¢lassed as an ordinary cold. The cold is really gone, but has left an irritation in the bronchial tubes which causes deep and often wheezy coughs. This is what happens after la grippe and leaves the hack- ing cough, and this is how chronic bronchial coughs be- 'gin. CRIPP'S ASTHMA CURE H------------ Will quickly cure such coughs and also all bronchial trouble, asthma, ete 50c large bottles guaranteed. DRUG STORE PRINCESS AND BAGOT STS. For the Linen - Towels 364 200 Dozen big value at pair and up Linen 0, 25e, a the Se Linen Doylies, in all different shapes and sizes, and up. Linen Tray Cloths, a big as- sortment at popular prices, 30¢ each and up Bleached Table Damask, extra special at 50c a yard and up the in Table Napkins, in different sizes, beginning price at 75¢ a dozen. "Bleached Sheetings in 8-4, 9-4. 10-4 widths, at last year's prices Unbleached Sheetings, all widths, best prices Pillow wanted circular, in all the plain Cottons, widths, and Sheets, Hemmed for Hemmed Pillow Cases, Best prices ready use, & Shaw THE ALWAYS BUSY STORE - ing; J Madden, of N rn - re : 8000000000000 00S EYE EXAMINATION years. We eye experts, Wi can afford you perfect sigh Our varied stock of moun helps us to give perfect sa faction. ™e ARDDULL VLAECE LLB ARGV ABERB ERR Table Silver TEI P PIPL Ddes not need some your Table Silver replenishing or new © little pieces added td brighten it up? Look it over sometime soon We are headquarters for TABLE SILVER. Our patterns attractive, and vary from the Plated Ware to ing Silver SMITH BROS., Jewellers, Opticians. 8850 KING STREET. Issuers of Marriage Licenses. FUR Sale At GOURDIERS Get in Toush With Mali | For Real Estate Bargains | $1,100 buys 1 {| Dwelling, Clergy i prove ents, rents | per yéar i $1.160 Albert | Frame; 8 rooms, | stable $1 .800 i frame; = . and stable $2,500 Albert frame; 8 roon $2,800 Rid | dwelling; 10 rooms, | Hght a i 3: 0 | son Street; heating 'and over are new and the cost may price of good Heavy Sterl- Stone and 1 Frame Street, with im- bring in $144 Detached and Street, hed furnace Liber rooms dein detached heating Street, brick bh & ¢.; electric water heating John water | i | and Peta 5 ro stable hot hed HIS, Eas, . brick, hot Look bis ERifE Houses to ront Mullin {Cor. Johnson and Division Streets. 'Phone 539. TG ' A; our Hat of bar- | ! i al 4 . FE: LIA (Sy yieiplri>