Daily British Whig (1850), 7 Feb 1911, p. 4

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THE DAILY 'BRITISH WHIG, TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 7, 191f 2 |THE WHIG, 78th YEAR DAILY BRITISH a, pub at sev King Bree lal rise o'clock pm : WEHNKLY BR J blished in s onday .an pen horn x. 1 & year. To 150% FS, BEE pies 2F Dil' 8 Ink Orion a a in aS and cheap work; nine Nady ati, tinctive, pleasing and unvarying to merit fea x ; TORONTO OFFICE. tom continuous use. The Buite 19 and 20 Queen City - Savor of Red Rose Tea ts || Baines iF rostitinm BX all its own; and it never Daily Wing; the Department of Stéeéts nnd High- i J me LORD MARRIES CHILD 'cardingly, | Kingston has a.good arrangement |THE DECIES-GOULD 'WEDDING ,of accounts. Ho the aldermen and of ificials say, Is it uptodate?' The ! Financial Post offers suggestions which are well worth the consideration of our civic governmimt, iran EDITORIAL NOTES. Thousand Dollars. The Montreal Star wants Sir Wil Pim York, Feb. 7.--In the presence frid Laurier to declare for or against | h the Iepresenatives of the grestent annexation, Why ? Annexation is not proudest aristocracy of Great Britain, an issue before the people. It is an|another important Anglo-Saxon reci- issue which has been dead and buried i for fifty years. - ----p-- (The London steet railway people IN NEW YORK. Another Yankee Girl's Father's Money Buys Her a British Lord-- Majorie Gould's Gown Cost Forty fails to win and hold ap- - [| SUCCESS 70 ¥0U, MR. MAYOR. proval because it never The mayor will be sustained by the fails in quality. Try it. }/| citizens generally when, as "the first , : member ofithe council, and the super- the initiative when there is a work to do. The Whig has been very seriously {impressed all winter with the seeming neglect of some one with regard to our walks and streets. In several places on Princess street there are now spots where one is liable to "slip and fall, and the liability of the city for damages appears to be quite clear. It was clearly the responsibility. -- of some person to report the danger- How After Two Years She Found a ous places, and to have them re- Remedy for Dandruff, {moved by the city's employees when MISS ROSA McAHAN OF BUTTE. visor of the city's business, he takes' found that the peak load basis the | cost of powdd from the Hydro-Electric | Commission would be higher than the steam generated power. This peak load idea is deceptive, and it is a rare one who realizes just what it means, i Peterboro, after for all expenses, debenture debt and interest, and depreciation, has a sur-| ero not bidden to the "feast," as well plus in the water department of $2,- [as hundred who were, trying to crowd 030.13. But the surplus, whatever i¢ in and around the ehurch. jock { 15, and the depreciation account, are nencly halt . Smialion on of Rew a= : eg : o i j chatge of three commissioners abd land make a lane through the crowds cannot be raided by the aldermen. for 2 n All honor to the mayor in kis xd wi 4 he tempt fo stir things up at the city lars worth of flowers. Revi Leighton .. Parks, rector, assisted by Rev. David making ing allow@nce Miss Kosa McAhan, of 22 West Qartz the landlord and tenant failed in their hall/and to protect the people's jute yy Greer, rerform ed the ceremony. uld's atter street, Buite, Mont., says: "Herpi- duty, cide has thoroughly cleansed my scalp f nergy and he is usefully applying it. of dandrufl, with which it was eo. He is just beginning his reforms. May tirely covered, and it has stopped my is . falling hair. 1 have tried many differ- the Whig suggest that he examine the ent preparations in the past two years, revised civic code and then see that but none took effect 'except Newhro's some of {thé by-laws that have been Herpidde." Dandruff jis ease whd Herpicide is an infallible de- foreed siroyer of the germ. "Destroy the . cause, vou remove « thaseffect."" Kill CALLS LECTION 4 SES thie: Jandeulf germ. ~ Ask your druggist RECALLS ELECTION PROMISES, for Herpicide. It is a delighvful dress : : : ing; allays iching; makes the hair has impressed a deputation who wait: gy silk. . od on him with the fact that in op- Sold by leading druggists. Send 10c. iti had dedla inst. rail in stamps for sample to The Herpicide po fon he a He aed aguion a Co., Detroit, Mich. $1 bottle guaran vy . 3 an a teed. Jas. B. Mcleod, druggist, spe- [or®, consent to aid financially a link cial agent, Kingston, Out. with the Canadian Northern. "He hadimade two exceptions," says a 0000000000000000000 oe friendly contemporary, "in six years. : An occasional exception, to any poli A WATER TIGHT tical principle, is excusable." So it - is. And Sir James has broken other promises or declarations without any compunction of conscience. He was For that House or Barn can easily be made with. our Cedar Shingles. going to see that the ninety-five per cent. of public school children were given a better education, and not the five per cent. (or Nigh school pupils), at the expense of the ninety-five, and secondury education is becoming more expensive, He was going to see that ~law reform was brought about, es pecially law. expenves. He was going to put an end to the_ political patron- 9000000000000 00000 Neat in appearance, . Proof. 'against rain. Easy to lay. Good for 40 years. hery of the dead in the collection of the succession tax. He would take the @ license business out of politics. 0. MGLIN & 00, § irom ic Po © Cor Wellington and Bay Sts. ¢ calling election promises he will not 0600000000000 0000000e "OP At railway bonuses, which he fears to grant "because of a depleted 0 Ww treasury. He will get busy on some y ry oman of the other issues which are oon- and should know . the tinually pressing for attention. MARVEL Whig Spay mor ate nro . MUNICIPAL FINANCING. ER a ATs for Some years ago an attempt was made, through the Ontario Mumicipal and Railway Board, to secure financial returns from 'the cities and towns Kikbson surrir co, which were managing public utilities, - and for the pirpose of printing them ING'S CAFE : (84 a matter of public "information. Tons giv "But the, soheifie. was a complete fail: * ' ING S Lunch Counter .. wregiand, for the reason that no two ING'S Private Dining : municipalities had the same system of Rooms , accounting. | There would have to be this if the Ne (James) Prop. : Ontario Municipal and Railway Board followed the example of the Insurance ANG ST. Nos. 338-342" Department and submitted "a blank AACE nas TT -- which hat to be filled and fyled with- INGSTON. in a certain time, subject to a penalty Now open. {in the ovent of failure. Then, per- Caterlog Contracts Taken. jhaps, the councils and their officials "Pelephone No. 1138. sesensnbennes Aes the ; EER. fades would see the wisdom of rearranging | It we please you, tell others. If their accounts so that there would be ~ We don't please you, please tell us. yomething like uniformity in results. counting, and these articles should be read by every ome who has. to do with the management of civil ments. What is 5 they . which, when pronounced * Fi Bgl. pie Mr. Graham has an sbundance' at. This city, does not want a Wood: a germ dis: long a dead letter are properly en- Sir James Whitney, the mighty one, ! i { age, He would not continue the rob-} fact' that it had not the support | The Financial Post has been printing | the 7.!n series of articles om municipal ne- |; : Miss Go were her sis- en man at the head of its affairs, and ter, little Miss Edith Gould, as maid {it would be strange indeed if Mayor |of honor, her still smaller sister, Mise Graham did not have the fallest| Floris x tnd Miss. Diana Dalziel, ' tot ise bi ar 5 as flower. girls, and a of other {Wberty to exercise his supervisory pow- | poids and matrons. of honor. Decies i" was supported 'by Lord Alastair bio © -- Graham, a cousin, "and Anthony J. Very touching was the test of the Drexel, who was married, pine months Kansas chaplain in the senate of the ago, to Marjorie Gould. a state in the way of religious educa-! The bride's wedding gown was of tion. Only eight senators know th heavy duchess satin, white, in semi: {Jeon 3 0 , ® empire style, heavily embroidered with | Lord's 'prayer on the first 'trial. After silver roses. The train was eight a week's coaching half of the members ' yards long, and was borne by uniform- | joined in the morning devotions. Here ® pages. This dress, with, the bride's is the evidence of a morvellous awak- |trousseau, cost forty thousand dol- i. |lars, and , was made in Paris. The , ening. | bridesmaids' gowns were of white chif- | Se-- J fon over white satin, trimmed with The laborer is worthy of his hire. festoons of sea green satin ribbdh. The evangelists who shook Toronto It is estimated that the total ex- received nothing but the good will of- penses of the wedding were at least) : iit seventy-five thousand dollars. ferings of the converts or ieligious After the ony nt the church, | people, and now some critic is -scold- this afternoon, there was a brilliant ing because the managing committee reception at the Gould residence, on paid the: hotel expenses. Verily some Fifth 'avenue. Lord and "Lady Decies good people can be awfully mean "io will go. to, California for their honey- 4 moon. They will return to England Wiey ike, lior the coronatiod, where be Indyship Prohibition was asked for in Sas- {48 bef atted 84 hurt her Sa katchewan by the Social and Moral | gown for the court festivities. | Reform League, and declined by the a Portsmouth Philosopher. governmeht on the ground that local Ee ; i On account of the heavy snow storm | option had only been provided al od the street Fail dy being tied upy] couple of years ago and should be | the Portsmouth, philosopher was not given a fair trial. If that law wepe in very good humor this morning. He not working well it was due lo stated that the only sure way of be: of ing in the city on time for business thése days," was to stay in over night, "You can never tell what is going to happen," he said. There WEDDING BELLS. were a good many people from Hat, ter's Bay, who were wishing that they, A Joyous Event at Harper on Feb,! had stayed in the city all night. 1st, ; At the Orpheum. An unsually happy event took place 4 . : ' &t the howe of Richard Hopkins, Har. | The Orpheum hos a fine show this per, on Wednesday, - February lst, week. Johnson and Kew, Rubetown when his daughter, Miss Fuphemia | Entertainers," are decidedly good in was united in marriage, to W. M. their old-time songs, dances and music, Buchanan, Blucher, Sask. At five o'- | Kipling ad Kipling oa fiw danc- clock the bridal party entered the | ing couple, no better having been seen drawing-room, during the singing of | here. No less than five reels of motion the hymn, "The Voice That Breathed | pictures are shown, and Arthur Lynn O'er n,"" and took their places un- | is there with . the illustrated song | der a large white bell. The fair young golods, The Orphen grows more po- bride, conduc! thither by her fath- jpular each week. a er, looked beautiful. She was arrayed treme in a lace robe over white silk, with The Best Always Imitated. long tulle veil and wreath of .orange| You will find numerous attempts to blossoms and carried a bouquet of | substitute other tires for Dunlop Pneu- white carnations and msiden hair fern, matics. It is a sure sign the bicycle The only ornaments worn by the bride { is cheap if it n't fitted. with "Dun were the gifts of the | room, a|jops," and that the agent is not handsome uecklace, with pearl and looking for 'your confidence when he sabiphire settings and a gold bracelet | ruommends vou to buy the inferior with an amethyst. The ceremony was article Petlormed by Rev. C. ¥. Sadie Mab # - . - erly, t m deci mah in which both the particigating Pattie: v Fishing Through the Ice. "ily A number of well-known men locally spoke _ the "I will" made the eon- : gratulations and best wishes heartfelt | ¥ont to Loughboro Lake, Sunday, and and sincere, and prompted meny a for a while were busily employed in , Prospective picture of their happy fu. | ishing through She xe Ne sport dod ture. delssohn' Wedding very remumerative for they succeed pe | was and Miss Ettie ie in landing quite a few of the finny Smith's Fails ably presiding at ribb. This if a sport which years ago, organ, while the was i fod in by many, but in later years it has not been popular. wilt Make Changes. The list of appointments for the Montreal Co's vessels the local authorities. DR. SOPER sts . in §izeasen of Skis, Nerves, Bladder and Special Ail- men. advisable ; if {mpossib! history for free opinion and bis, Question blank and book on of men . Consultation Medicine furnished in tablet Hours : 10 am. to 1 p.m, sod ¢ p.m. Sundays, 10 am. to 1 po. Is the time to come and buy our A Rods. For two good reasons-- # he rush is over and money is ¥ scarce. We offer 20 per cent. off all $ purchases over ten dollars. A big line of Heaters and X yet to clear out. stock of beautify! Old- fashioned Furniture is the b in the country, and as we have too much on hand will sell very heap. All kinds of Household Goods d Bric-a-Brac 'bought and L. LESSES, Cor Princess an AAAI ORS CH a ------------------------------------ FOR SKIN IRRITATION We Guarantee Relief--=Your Money Back if Not Satisfied. We have ap ointment posséssing ex- traordinary power to permangntly re lieve all forms of eczema, skin erup- tions, pimples, blotches, ringw acne, tetter, scaly scalp, hives, /all forms of itching and irmtation caused by insect bites, Its power to soothe ulcers, sores and' wounds is very pro-] nounced. We are so positive that Rexall Eczema Ointment is unexcelled for overcoming these ailments that we sell it with our personal promise that it will not cost the user anything un- less it in every way gives satisfac- tion. Wa exact no promise and in no way obligate the purchaser. You must admit that. we could not afford to make such a broad liberal guarantee, except we are certain we could sub- stantiate our claim. Bexall Rezema Ointment is a gray- ish-white, pleasant smelling, antisep- tie, cooling, healing salve that is strongly germicidal. It destroys the germs that penetrates the skin and cause eczema and other tormenting skin ailments. A remedy must .do that to be effective, for in no other way can such diseases be overcome, Rexall Eczema Ointment is ideal for the treatment of skin irritations pecu- liar to children, for barber's itch, and for sore itching feet. It is positively the best remedy we know of, and we urge vou to try it at our risk. Two gives, 50c. and $1.-- The Rexall store. G. W. Mahood. Highest rades COAL OIL. sold. W. F. KELLY, Clarence and Ontario Streets. Taye's Building. ------ I ,.,---_§---.,a The Wretchedness of Constipation Can quekly be overcome by k or CORRESPONDENCE INVITED 14 King St. East. 'Phone Main 4228, Toronto, Ont. W. P. O'BRIEN, 57 St. Francois Xavier St, MONTREAL, Aosakon | Wedding and Funeral © oat ret pc | Long Distance Telephone Main 6936 | EH PARKS & SON ferecececepecerteeses sssesessssssessesstsse SPECIAL SPECIAL ® i : . : $78. Quality Qualities : ® $ Sa oo Yeveey Vv vevyveyIyeveyey 3 4 I | i i | New Blue Suits Snappy Styles There's a certain Clothes feeling within every > : 1 5 youiig man that makes him want "The Thing" We're showing the Smart, New Spring Models for young men. "Tailor touches and kinks" thatare new # and very artistic, : : Fabrics are, Worsteds, Serges and Cheviots » : » "The Count" $18. $20. Other Lines $10. 512. We were never better prepardd to give the + "The Wentworth" $15.00 I PIII IPP III ITIP III IPI PI ITI III III III III IP III IOI I SPP RIO The Emperor $20. young man his ideal suit than we are at this present Writing and we're always pleased to show "Classy Clothes" 3 $ | February Sale § $1. 1.25 Shirts Neckwear § or 69c. 50c. Qualities: Took & Crescent for Brands 25¢. The H.D.Bibby Co The Big Store With Little Prices. FIVIPIIIIIPII IPI P III IGG I GV II OVI OV IPO Oboe FIPITIIIIIIIV II IIIT VPNs eeeseee LIST YOUR PROPERTIES NOW FOR SALE OR TO RENT SALES NEGOTIATED. RENTS COLLECTED. FIRE INSURANCE. CONVEYANCING AND REAL ESTATE, E .Blake Thompson, OVER NORTHERN CROWN BANK. MARKET SQUARE, 'Phone 2886. . KINGSTON, ONT. [All This Week ur Red 2tter Sale Will Continue . Weare forced to do this to clean up all smal _§ lots previous to our stocktaking, Feb. 13th. This _g Week should see some extra values. Windows band papers will announce a daily list of goad things besides 25 per cent. off all shelf goods. 4 » $ 55.00 ICH si500 3 Farlined Over- Overcoats Reg- | coat. Regular ular $20. $22. NN 3 A ARI

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