THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, TUESDAY, FEBRUARY THE SPORT , REVIEW E. W. GILLETT CO: LTD. : TORONTO, ONY, : IN CANADA -- 'T. LAMBERT, Merchant Tailor Get your clothes made to your own measurement by a practicgl tallor. Why? HE 5 1st--DBecausa no two men measure prints are all different. , 2nd--Because hand-made garments are skillfully moulded. stayed and well sewn, so that they keep their shape and have lasting qualities. drd--Because your particular physique can be tomsidered and pat- tern and style given which will be specially adapted to your own per- sonality. > : For your next Suit try | Thos. Lambert, 157 Princess Street WORK WITHOUT FATIGUE You won't feel exhausted when you take exactly alike. Even thumb J) FOR {from the right side, while Lewis even- BREAKFAST! lei up the score on a shot which {fhund a vacancy behind Warwick in It will sustain you as nothing else will--there is strength in every particle of it. As a supper beverage it is perfect. N i 0] R DYS va AN y f. ; AN | better brand of hockey than the first, ss {and was quite exciting. Queen's show- | V "Co TA B 8 {ed better form and played their posi- | relieve and cure indigestion--acidity of the stomach--bilioustiess--{Qatulencs needed for the digestion of all Kinds of Jood. Try one after each meal. 50c. a box. If your druggist has not stocked them yet, send us 50e. and we will mail you a box, 3 . National Drug and Chemical Company of Canada, Limited, » Montreal. =~dyspepsia. They re-inforce the ste nach by supplying the active principles | foot and it passed behind the - oo. NPLLLLLLLLL000000000000 08 At Our Low Prices ON EXCLUSIVE FABRICS Many men have felt they could af- ford a. Second Wihter Suit. Why not you? i Looking does not obligate you to buy, 80 come in and see how. Jittle it will cost you to finish the season with a swell suit. cut and fitted by us, and made from the nice selection of fabrics still left Crawford & Walsh Leading Tailors. Princess & Bagot Sts SLLLLEL LL00000004/ of GOLD FISH SENT SAFELY DURING THE WINTER ANY DISTANCE BY EXPRESS, If you wish an Aquarium for your Home. or for a Gift, this is your op- portunity. These Two Bargains are to introduce (old Fish into your Home. A Complete Our Febra- Aquariom for er or $1.00 On receipt of $1.00 we will send you by ex- press the following POPULAR OUTFIT Japanese Fringetail Flak. 8-in. Crystal Fish Globe. Faney Gold Fish. Oriole Gold Fish. American Gold Fish, Gold Fish (Silver). Box Fancy Stones Package Hay's Wafer Fish Food. Bunch Aquarium Moss. Booklet Prive List and instructions ow to feed and Gold t 3 Fish in the Home, : Fish n a rad Kare > Regular Catalogue of thal *Regutir Catalogue 'Price of the above collection is § Order at]above collection $2.75. a , once and we will supply for $1.00. once and we E Sup! % 0. £ X Catalogue and Price List sent Free on request. ii SEED CO. 8-in. Crystal' Fish Globe. Faney Bod Fish. he. Comet Tail Fish. Beautiful Oriole Fish, Choice ver Fish. Small ¢ hh. Paghane May's Water Vish Food. n ° *s Wafer ¥ Buwers Stria Moas. . - Box of Fancy Shells and Stones. Booklet--Price List and Instructions and Tor Gold Th hb ft Tt dh hk pt care for Price 1.65 v THE HAY FLORAL & FLORISTS AND SEEDSMEN, cott is be out again. €. C. Wannamaker has ret of vith. her _4 without asumber stopped . some danger. deavor will be made three D.H.A. teams are now down and out. Another Millan. According do the Toronto Rar, Co bourg has a junior OH. A. player, who { will, this vear; make just such a sen- x | sation as Leo Millan did last year. His jlo the First ,of the Mtercollegiate | 0M 0 opel od he : | { McGILL JI. BEAT QUEEN'S IL BY i 13 GOALS TO 7 : Hockey Semi-Finals -- Other | j,,1ds down the position of rover og the' the Cobourg team. FH, is sixteen vears of age weighs 12% pounds and is a whirlwind on the ice. Although this is this first year in the business he is now the backbone of the team with his fast, skating and hard shooting The Star predicts that he will be the sensation of junior hockey next vear. Hockey News--Doings at Curling Rink,' Anv hopes which the supporters of {Queen's II hockey team had for their | winning the intermediate Intéreolie {wiate championship were snuffed out { Monday "pvening when, at the 'covered | irnk, MeGill Hn defeated the Preshy- | 13 terians. by to 7, after a hard] " . | fought 'battle, of which McGill -had| _ City League Games To-night, the better at all times. The ice was in| Wolfe Island and Portsmouth are léxcellent condition but there was an scheduled to meet, tonight, in the | exceptionally poor Rouse owing to the [senior City Hockey League series, and fact that the management had noithe Portsmouth philosopher says it time in which to advertise the game. |will be a walk-over for the boys from {The weather, too, was very bad, and | Hatters' Bay, for the 'islanders have ino doubt had a great deal to do with {no chance whatever of winning. from {the crowd. the husky Portsmouth gentry. Renfrew Anglin started the scoring work fof | County and R.C.H.A. will play the Queen's doing the first trick one min- | second game, and from appearances 'if' ute ond twenty seconds after the puck will be all Repitgw, Bad the battery was faced offi. He made it on a nice men got on their t sooner, Lhere is bit of play down the side and then Ino doubt that they would have made gver to centre. After the puck had things interesting for the other teams. been faced off she second time Elliott, | Next year their supporters are looking in his attempt to gain control of the [for them to make a mark for them- suhber, was given a rest on the pon ren sity bench. Anglin scored the second] time in ome minute and a hali from] the time the first one was put in. There was an executive meeting of Then MeGill commenced to figure on! 0 City Hockey League called for the scoring line and Murray, ihe | jag evening, bub on account of the quatre han, scored om - folen vush so storm, all the members could not. be Gentes. 3 pon, to et : Bette présent. {here were enough to make a noyaer gon ive minutes later ol { quorum, but the president would not Eliott 1 the vex. one {call it so, on account of the fact that Quecre ie der ual {two of those who were most interested Myon 5m a . could not be on band. The main topic centre. Smith tallied for McGill : : 1 hw minutes later on: a short for discussion was the cha lenge sent in by the Montreal City Hockey League. The challenge was formally accepted, last night, and word sent to the Montreal league. All arrange ments have been mi and the game is assured: It was thought that the team which won the City League would be sent, but this is not certam; it now being thought that a team will be picked from the whole league. sn Accepted Challenge, for from a shot the nets. Smith, McGill's wing man, was put off for tripping but when he got back on the ice again he scored twice in syccession. This finished the first half, McGill leading by 6 to 4. The second half was a great deal Marty Whish Leads. {tions better, Blakesley got the puck! The following is the complete list of and started down the ice. When near the goal-getters in the National Hoc I McGill goal he lost it in trying to key Association: Walsh, Ottawa, 15; nets. Kerr, Ottawa, 18; Ridpath, Ottawa, got it again and on a short shot | 19. Darragh, Ottawa, 11; Lalonde, who replaced Lewis, Canadiens, 11: Mallen, Quebec, 10; 1 i Was" qnith, Renfrew, 10; McDonald, Quebec, { ruled off. In a little mix-up in Me- 9. Russell, Wanderers, 8: Dallaire, {Gill's goal a few minutes later War-lo gions 8: Payan, Canadiens, S; wick, the custodian of the nets, could | 1 oc Wanderers, 6; Hyland, Wander- | not resist the temptation to get in A ors, 5 Yair, Renfrew, 5: Pitré, Cana {little illegal wotk and was sent to 0." ¢ piclor Renfrew, 4: 0. Cleg- {the bench. Smith, the speedy wing | how. Renfrew," 4: Rows, Renfrew 1 ! § : i » A rh man of McGill, scored ten minutes af-'g : eG \ ter half time on a brilliant rush down | Smaill, Wanderers, 5 Shore, Ottawa, a oy 12; Oatman, Quebec, 2; Power, Quebec, the side. Forgie, the new man, dis- 2. Holden 29 Roberts, N tinguished himself in the next score. | > ra Shests, aR a» ki § - » re R » pr » He and M. Meikle had been wor | Lake, Ottawa, 1; Johnston, Wander ess, |; Poulin, Canadiens, 1; Marshall, the combination down the centre. Meikle shot and it went down beside' n 8 : the nets. Forgie poked it out to | Wanderers, 1; Bernier, Canadiens, 1; Meikle, who scored. Thompson, of | Granear, Quebec, 1; Malone, Quebec, |. McGill, followed with a nice rush! i pT down centre and shot with telling ef-| Baseball Talk. fect. Elliott was benched. During the| Although the hockey season is far vext few minutes Riley and Thompson from being over, the sports are com- mencing to talk about the summer scored for McGill on some fine com- bination work. Queen's sprinted but sport, baseball. It is expected that their 'opponents were right on the job there will be a number of changes in and Hughes tallied one by himself. | the league. The announcement is made In a mis-up a few moments later, A. 'by one of the Victoria Baseball Club Méikle was carried off the ice from that the junior '"'Vies" would become McCill put of &« man .to senior this year. This will make a even it up. Riv and Smith stored four-team league. Supporters of the for the Montreal bovs in an easy | junior boys are rather dubious as to manner. Forgie had his éyve hurt as! the wisdom of this. While the fact is the result of being ru . into, and was admitted that . they have cleaned up off for a while. Hughes, of McGill, | evgrything in their way during their and Elliott, of Queen's, were each offranization of four years, the fans given a rest on the penalty bench. M. think the semior company will be too Meikle made a rush from centre down fast for them. This may be true in right side over to centre and scored. 'some respects, for it will take the cubs This finished the scoring. some time to get used to playing with McGill played better hockey all the seniors, but nothing in this town around and the victory which they [is too fast for them. It is said that won was well earned, for the husky | Wilham MeFeodridpe, last year's presi triccolor boys made them earn every~ dent, will not seek reelection, and the thing they got. The combination work (bovs are casting their eyes around for of the McGill team was marvellous. [a new one. Tho name of "Ned" Hart- Their lightening dashes down the ice rick has been suggested, but his con and brilliant boring was the wonder nection with the senior Victorias, last of the rooters. Queen's did quite - a year, would bar him from that. The lot of loafing, waiting until an op- passing 'of the jugior Victorias from ponent was upon them, before they junior ranks to semior will leave omly made any attempt to get away. The two teams in the junior league. Last bak checking of Blakesley was parti- 'year Regiopolis did not do much on culgrly noticeablegand many times he agcount of the fact that college closed e iseored. Forgie, {who was hurt in the first half, } i J being hurt. saved the situation for his team. When the time that things commenced to a McGill man got past him with the got interesting, and they were forced him and times to drop out. It is said that an en ret another make the puck ho got after ous shots, Fach man on Queen's team team started this year to i 3 distinguishid himself more or less, al- league work owt right. though individual praise if any should go to M. Meikle, in the centre for his work the entire evening was a mai: effort to say that | vel. McGill's whele line-up did splendid | RESULTS OF FOOD. being most | Seri work, the forward line effgctive, Smith, Riley, Thompson Health and Natural Conditions Come and Murray working perfectly to From Right Feeding. gether. Warwick, in goal, did splen | Man, physically, should be like a did work, and he is responsible to a perfectly regulated machine, each part great degree for the score not being working easily in its appropriate higher. Smith was the pick of the place. A slight derangement causes team. us "| undue friction aud wear, and frequent Queen's 11-Goal, Mills; polit, |. ruing the entire system. Blakesley; cover, Elliott; centre, M.| "A well-known educator: of Boston Meikle; rover, A. V. Meikle; right wing, | found a way to keep the brain and the Lewis; loft widg, Anglin. {body in that harmonious co-operation McGill 11-Goal, Warwick; point, | which mekes a joy of living. : Hughes; cover, Kelly; centre, Murray; | ry, years ago," she writes, "be- rover, Thompson; right wing, Smith; |e i iio ing, : Nokle Steacy. Sometimes we have to make a big ttle word no. - Executive Meeting Next Week. 2 7 : { 7 34 COL0L0000400000000000/000000000000008000004 | has attended the work of the 3 , 1911, i ~ ~~ . PAGE FIVE, $ SA0A0488804800008088000800002800800000804000000000808000868008080008 0%0if Evening Shoes 20% » FIFI IIII III III IIe UNIVERSITY PASTOR ANNUAL MEETING HELD ON "MONDAY AFTERNOON. Everything About the Home in Fine Order--The Finances Better Than Ever Before--A Heated Talk at the Close of the Meeting. The board of director of the Home For the Aged met in the police court room, Monday afternoon, fog their annual meeting. Mayor Graham pre sided, The report of the directors for the year was first read. It expressed gratification upon the success: which home. The institution is fairly well equipped and affords a degree of comfort to the inmates which they heartily: 'dp preciate. The cost of mmintenance per day was 25.81 cents, which was high er than last year and much higher than former years, owing to the bet terment of the class of food, The city had a total representation, of forty. three among the infhates during the year, and the counties of Frontenae and "Lennox and Addington sixteen each. The contribution from the unit- ed counties for the vear was $1,489.77 as compared with $1; in 1009. The poor in the home ave looked ai- ter by Dr. A. R. B. Williamson, who visits them regularly, at least once a week, and at other times when ask ed to do so by the superintendent. The county poor from thé united céun: ties are looked after by Pr. A. W. Me: Carthy and he leaves with the super- intendant a brief report of each visit, | The home, being without nurses, those who become ill are at once removed to the general hospital. The value of the domestic commit tee, as pointed out in the report, is inestimable, Its members visit the hame from time to t'me, inspect every department of it, examine the beds and clothing, consult with regard to: the cooking appliances and confer with Mr. and Mrs. Greer upon every detail of management. This committee also informs the board from time to time of the wants of the home, and it pur- chases when orders are issued, sach articles of clothing tor the women and of household equipment as may 'be nepessary. They rot only advike™ but they serve. During the vear there wav considerable work in the way of "re pairs, such as painting and carpet ing, which will not have to be . don this year. The garden turned out well last 'year the produce bringing in $157.90 ns compared with £76.85 the previous year. The close ob the report commended the caretaker and his wife, Mr. and Mrs, Greer, for the exéellint work which they had done, and for their painstaking efforts on behalf of those who were inmates. The report of the income aad sxpen- ditures of the institution for "the véar revealed the fact that the income wad $4,445.34, and the total expenditures, 83,204.09, leaving a balance in the bank of $1,241.25. The superintendent's report showed that the total vumber of adnmssiops] for the vear were 76, of which forty nine were male and twenty-six were female. Syxty-six of the inmates wore | Protestants and nine were Roman Catholies. is completed the reading of "the reports, and the matter of electing a new hoard for the ensuing year Wis then taken up, with the result ¥hat' Mrs. A A. Jordan, Mrs. Montagu Strange, Mrs. Samuel Birch," Miss Machar, Robert Meek, Hugh ©. Nickle, W. J. Crothers and Dr. A. P. Chown will constitute the new board. The question was asked why the Skinner wing was being occupied Ww only one couple, while there were. six empty rooms not occupied by anyone, establish a university iL 1s necessary churches, for mitted that and Mauve THE MOVEMENT AT QUEEN'S FULLY EXPLAINED. is Not Hostile to the City Churches--% Committee is Cans vassing the Students to Find Out Their Attitude to the Scheme. A Queen's student writes: "For some time a moyement has been grow: ing among the students of Queen s to pastorship, now that the situation pe clearly understood. The movement ® not in any sense hostile to the aity * the aim is to do the work which it is felt the city churthes cannot be expected to do. It is ad not more than half the students attend church at all regular ly, so the problem is too great for the city mimsters, already busied with the duties of their own charges. More: over, the university pastor would be a distinct help to the city churches, for his work by deepening the spirit- ual interest among the students would send more of them to the city church es It $0 "So far the matter has been merely discussed among the students, and the only progress made is that arrange ments have been made for a thorough canvas of the students to find oul their attitude to the scheme, This can vas is not undertaken by the college suthorities, but is entirely in the hands of the étadents, Fucther, the canvas is not vonneeted with 'any col lege organization, . peligious or ovher wise, but is conducted by an intlepen dent committee. This commiteee is womposed of men who have felt the need for more adequate religious work, and recognizes that it has no author ity. Its sole aim i= to arouse a de finite interest among the students, so thut a committee may be appointed with authority to 'act for the student body. The following compose the com- miteee E. L.- Brute, M, R. Bow, E I.. Longmore, J. W North, A. P Menzies. "The commitiee is facing a serious problem, and in its efforts to reach a solution, it hopes for the sympathetic cosoperation of all the students, and their friends in ---------- ro ---- the city." for fear they will unl Some men worry not get Justice for fear they will Piles Quickly Cured At Home Instant Relief, Permanent Cure Trial Package Mailed Free to All in Plain Wrapper. some others The Pyramid Smile, Many cases of piles have heen cared by a trial package of Pyramid Pile Cure without further treatment When it proves its value to you, get more from your druggist at 50c a box and be sure you get the kind you ask for. Simply fill out free coupon below and mail to-day. Save your- sell from the surgeon's knife and its torture, the doctor and his bills. which could profitably be occupied by the inmates. Miss Skinner, who w roment, said the wing had been ih or. the express purpose of providing suite of rooms, which could oc cupied by married couples without any interference. Since the wing Bad been built, there had never been hore than two or three couples eccupving it at any one time. She was sorry that this was the case, but it was so, It was resolved, on motion of "Mis seconded by Canon Starr, of providing Better Machar, that the question FREE PACKAGE COUPON. Pyramid Drug = Company, 266 Pyramid Bldg, Marshall, Mich, Kindly send me a sample of Pyramid Pile Cure, at once, by mall, FREE, in plain wrapper. mal erent Co he women ght to t nt- tention-of the new board. Cohdidets able discussion was provoked on this question, and it finally begame so warm that Ald. Ross moved that' the! Stra ; ts | Misa Macha i' Jordan, Mrs. Monta Betts, Mrs Birch 3 W. J. Crothers, 'AM. Robert LB Miss Skinner, Varo All work won SERING, SPRING Is coming. and it will sot be long un- Lili you hear the robias Now your time to order your Hew ZONE 50 a8 10 Rave them in time pa spring | 2 REPAIRS, HEFAIRS On your Wuggons should be looked after now. hing done o% lusty ger, as ak plenty of (ime to arden before going sult jute the Time » stone nud, which soon sats i off, e are prepared to attend te an! kinds of work on the shortest notice. we have fhe Best equipped aliop Torople. 4 ween Montreal and Special attention paid to Rubber) nder ons supersi} hi Ladies' Patents, Kids and Beaded Slippers, White | Calf, White Silk, also Pink, Blue ALL REDUCED 20 per cent. with the exception of our New Velvet Shoes, which have just arrived, $3.50. ¢ Abernethy's Shoe Store! PIPIPIIIIIIIIIIE PIF IIIPIIIIIIIVOV For the Ladies * We have the most complete line of TOILET REQUISITES At this season of the year you need a lotion or cream for . the hands and complexion. We have all the popular prepara- tions. Nyal's Face Cream, Sanitol Cold Cream. Hinds' Honey and Almond Cream Ideal Orchid Cream Witch Hazel and Cream Ingram's Milkweed Cream. Balm of Violets, Frostilla. Campana's Italian Balm, Seely's Cold Cream Prouse's Drug Store Branch Post Office, Cucumber SVL VVVANNY | i BE SMARTLY DRESSED. This is made easy by send- Ing us your clothes occasions ally We can keep them al- ways looking clean and neat, and with no bother and with little expense to you R: PARKER CO., ; 4 Prinses SoS Doane: out. PVDVVVVVTT RRB LBLVBOS Why Don't You Try a 23c. Bottle of 108 NOX A COLD IN ONE DAY It will stop your cough in a few minutes; Nox a cold in a few hours, relieve bronchitis and asthma Try it. 25c a bottle at Mahood's Special Sale of Furs All 'This Week $10.00 Mink Marmot Ruff now $8.00 $13.00 . " - ., $10.00 $8.50 $16.00 . 7 $10.00 " 10 Storm Collars Reduced, $14.50 English Mink Stole, now $10.00 now 15.00 Ruff, now L. BI2.975 Stole, now 10.50 Sable Stole, now Co M1275 Sable Ruff, 8 ' $18.50 ' Virginia Sable a. $18.50 American Sable $15.04 American now 11.50 « $2.00 $15.00 Virginia $4.00 Oppossum Stole, now $8.50 Oppossum Stole, now $4.00 Badger Ruff, no# $25.00 Stone Martin Ruff, now foes. BIB00 in Ruff, now 30 $3.50 Imit Stone Martin Ruff, now : $6.00 $12.50 Imt. Stone Mart $5.50 Hiack Coney Ruff, now $4.00 $2.50 Brows Coney Ruff, now 's iin al $1.75 $10.08 Grey Lamb Collars, now $8.00 Grey Lamb Stole, now .. $6.00 $8.50 Grey Lamb Ruff, now . .8500 And many others