Daily British Whig (1850), 9 Feb 1911, p. 6

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PAGE SIX. HOTEL DIR Go to the STEWART HOUSE. *Leadin ng cial Hotel Rates, §1.50 per JAS. STEWART, Prop. LOCAL BRANCH TIMETABLE. Trains will leave and arrive at Clty THE | DAILY BRENSH WHIG. THU RAD AY, FEBRU ARY 9, LLL -------- prreesevesereeeentlKIIIF) LITTLE ONES Syrup will Surprise You RATHER THAN AL x ALLOW THEM TO { GO HUNGRY, Even Whoopin i Quickly. A Family Bough at Small Cost. | A New York Man and His Wife En- 0000000000000 060609 | tered Into a Suicide Pact--Théy % | Were Poor--Four Lives Ended. Here is a home-made remedy that | x Feb takes hold of a cough instantly and vc will usually cure the most stubborn | starve 9.--Rather than let to death because fren THOUGHT YT CANCER. | Unsightly Sores. Spread From Her | Eye to Neck. i 154 "On Miss Mary Conley, of street, Montreal, writes: ago I became bothered with an sightly spot on"my right cheek. sore spread. witi! the whale cheek wa covered from the eve to far down om the peck, below the ear It was so wticenble that people asked me if had cancer, and 1 begsin to feel I bad I fully expected the sores would } i eurled Sugarloaf, The sugar have | Pierrot' [ {turned up jonaly ws SPRING HATS QUEER, Sailor and Gondola! "The new appeared in centre ondon, Feb. whiel h have spring the to loaf which promises & vogue is an exact copy of cap with pointed 3op and tiny brim of fine stra The | trimming a feather of f the u variety. Little sailor hats with BOHEMIAN BEER AtThe | Club "The Most er was pennilesi and out of § round turned up brims are also t, Frank Barnard; former il salves : J as rn by smart womien One 1 Pie see recently was in Je horn but noting did aty god | the brim | Hoe wi inal : "I was shouiNin" comsult 4 specialist | $0 bis being line with black velvet, when a lady friend spoke of Zam-Buk, {feather Battery, of th Fa pnd advised a trial of it, first, Acting | Lag ears in milliuery just now, on her advice I procured a box and | J gd relation to the sailor hat i was surprised to notlee the immediate | model on whic bre Siler oe effect the balm had on the sores. turned up | el the same Ee Cia ale and an © Jept j1urDe ap brim with a erown that | uséd three be only, x : " llooks like an inverted basin applying it ench evening before putin j. Gondola shaped toques figure large- : could see how the ut wh lv in the new hat displays, being being cleaned and dried un ! a ee} pointed back and front so that they provement continued until ry ace | really look like little gondolas. Many was cleared of sores completely jon {of them are made of flowers, while Buk is certainly a marvellous bale] jon almost all the new radish red Zam-Buk is a sure eure for cold {ophich jo the present rage appears in sores, chapped hands, frost bites, ul- | come for. Even ostrich oors, Wows: poisoning, varicose @ores, ; varigcated in this new piles, sealp sores, singworm, inf ot | patches, babies' eruptions, and chapped places, cuts, burns, bruises, and skin | Depot as follows: -- Golng West, leave Chiy. Arve Cit y 12 case in 24 hours. This recipe makes | end tried auméron sixteen ounces--a family Jakes | le a ; ; You couldn't buy as much or as good | ly a trainer for the 23rd Regiment in ready-made cough syrup for $250. | Proc dyn, entered i 0.8 ti pa t Mix two cups of granulated sugar | ith ¥ By amie, By by ey with one cup of warm water, and stir | killed tl two litle ones | g En 2 minutes. Put 21% ounces of Pinex { at at the same ime end thew (fifty cents' worth) in a 16 oz. bottle, and add the Sugar Syrup. This keeps perfectly and has a pleasant taste-- | day lying on a bed in children like it. Braces up the appe- | furnished apartment which they tite and is slightly laxative, which | had oecupied on the third floor of helps end a cough. {750 Fulton street. Brooklyn. The You probubly know the medical | bodies of the children were le value of pine in treating asthma, | tween those of the parents. The hus bronchitis, and other throat troubles, | band left a brief pote stating that sore lungs, etc. There is nothing bet- | poverty prompted him and his wife to ter. Pinex is the most valuable con | enter into the pact. ' centrated compound of Norway white Persons living in Fulton pine extract, rich in guiaicol and all | street building smelled At the the natural healing pine elements. | sume time it was noted that nothing Other preparations will not Work ID | jad been seen of the Barnards. The this formula children, George, four years old, and and 25 485 3 15 which SuEE EERE THOMPSON, IR. Distributor, 892 PRINCESS STREET. 'Phone 194 for © case. all 235i RRnmera Teeerrps © {own lives The fou found yestes: GEO. the scantily bodied were BREE» de D0 tn i ing z 273 > Te o® Tra 3 4, n hi other trains A "axe cept Sun- h Pullmans to and Ottawa dally on trains 2 and 6 For further information, apply to J. P. HANLEY, Agent; Corner Johnston and Ontario Sty rou from feathers are sos - a shade and So the gas, grressessssmsssssesssissstsassseseessateny white, EE -------------------------- " , I © TE AINCSTONG ARTO A VETERAN ORANGEMAN. All druggists - and | RAILWAY Connection With The prompt results from this inex- pensive remedy have made friends for it In thousands of homes in the Upited States and Canada, which ex- Daniel two, usually were heard play- ing about in the apartment. Getting no response to knocks, the neighbors he dis juries generally. stores sell at 50c. box, or post free from Zam-Buk Co., Toronte, upon re- ceipt of price. You are warned against | Presentation at Toledo to Robert | Seymour. i....Your Afternoon Tea..... gis not complete without Ice Cream. PRICE'S $ Phone 845 277 Princess St. PIPPI IIIS IIIIII IIS GRUP ROVE ERY Ee RY summoned a policeman and covered the tragedy. Feb. 35.~The home { hert Seymour was the scene of a very {pleasant event on Feb. lst when a { delegation from Toledo L.OL., No. 1289, assembled to do honor to Nr Sevmnour, one of Leeds county's old Rev. W. Thomas' address ted him harmful imitations and substitutes Toledo, of Re See the registered pame "Zam-Buk" on every package before buying. PACIFIO RAILWAY. Trains Leave Kingston Express--For Ottawa, uebec, Ppt erboro, St. John, Boston, Toronto, Chi- nver, Renfrew, Sault Ste, fe, Duluth, St. Paul Winnipeg. rancisco. Seattle, Portland, and San cisco, 6.00 ~~Local, for Jherbet Lake, ° connecting with C. P. and 7.45 a ixed--For Renfrew and intermediate points, Mon, Wed, and gon at a wa at § %.6¢ plains why the plan has been imi tated often, but never successfully. A guarantee of absolute satisfaction or money promptly refunded, goes ------ ain with this Jetipe. ow arusgiat bas | Sailors of Cruiser Hansa Detected OUT OF IMPERIAL ORBIT. Pinex or will get it for you. not, ! fortifications. : ) i seid \8 Tse Pinez Co, Torugts, Ont HAO upilug For Feb. 9.-The | What Reciprocity Agreement Does | ¢ st and noblest Orangemen. German scare has extendéd to Ber For Cangas. : : Eid, ¥ posto of = muda, It synchronized, this werk, London, Feb. 8. The reciprocity eh, pF read an with the arrival from the West In greement between Canada and the it, Newbliss, proses dies of the German .criiser Hansa, United States was brought up in th commanded by Captain Feld. commons, this . afternoon, by Austea Armagh, Ireland. There was much firing of canner, | (qv iberlain, who remarked that it] the Urango and official visits were paid and ve | Oo very delicate question, involving | ireland turned. A sudden termination to the |, =. uo policy of one of the great | ga festivities and good fel dominions. He asserted that the! ind lowship was brought about by the agreement removed Canada from the' fy, fact that certain of the of the |. herinl orbit and drew her into the Hansa were detected in endeavors to tex of continental politics and in obtain photographic views of the for tevests of the United States. One tifications and approaches of the sult would be. he said. that food in navy yard, and the situation of-the England would cost more; and he de lights and bearings. manded 'to koow if the British govern When these facts came to the know in staking' Steps to secre a ledge of the colonial authorities the was taking ste . : reciprocity with Canadal lighthouse and navy yard were im y mediately closed to all visitors, except such as received special permission The Hansa only remained a few days, FEDORENKO CASE REVIVED. GERMAN SCARE IN BERMUDA. 12.01 ontreal, .B.; Halifax, ARSE Prratsssssrsresessasescsed $ WM. MUKKAY, Auctioneer. ture Sales given specie at 1 Country Bales of Farms kate. have Bn my speciaity Cag Years. If farmers wan! oliar, get my services MARKET SQUARE. cased FOR CONSTIPATION A Medicine That Does Not Cost Any- thing Unless It Cures, The active medicinal ingredients of Rexall Orderlies, which: odorless, tasteless and colorless, i= an entirely new discovery. Combined with other extremely valuable ingredients, it forms a perfect bowel regulator, intes timal fWmvigorator and strengthemer. Rexall Orderlies are eaten like candy and are notable for their agrecableness to the palate and gentleness of action, They do not cause griping or any dis- agreeable effect or inconveniende. Unlike other preparations for a like purpose, they do not create a habit, but instead they overcome the cause of habit acquired through the use of ordinary laxatives, catharties and harsh physic, and permanently remove the eause of constipation or irregular bowel action. We will refund your momey without argument, if they do not do as we say they will. 'Two sizes, 25¢c. and 10e. Sold only at our store,~The Rexall Store. G. W. Mahood. 'Above | bove all flavors For Puddings, Cakes, Sauces, Ice Cream, the one flavor that delights every palate and gains praise for the cook, comes in a bottle labelled Made of the finest Mexican Van- illa Beans in a way that retains all their exquisite fragrance and taste. Ask your groceryman. CAUTION : A smaller quantity re- quired than of any other extract. Other delicious Shirriff flavorings are -- Lemon, Almond, Rose, Pineapple, Strawberry, Ratafia and ninety more, 17 Township of Kingston Council. Feb. 6.--Members all present. Min- utes of last meeting adopted. Moved, Reid-Valleau, that the town hall shed i yg Bug SXPénse £9 be equally H Sti Beh shared by ¢ ownship and congrega- r=, C, =, eville, is a daughter, -- dealers o ) is f x If tions of the several churches in a "Buy backache plasters," Gibson's. A horse has no evebrows. Soil einen; Bite & Inge. Moved, VaHean-Gordon, that : id ¥ ; - ra - the pathmasters, fence viewers, snd : g poundkeepers for She Yar | 1911, be ap- pointed. Bylaws 2 dd and. 509 were given required and, signed. Moved, Gordon-Reid, that the clerk, the treasurer and Councillor Val- lean, be empowered to receive the col lector's roll for 1910, Jud the collection of H. J. Day. Moved, Gorgon-Reid, that H. C, Orser and : was horn in 1X32, order in 1348, 12th, Seyidur in county and joined marching in 1848 and summer of 1850 he de to leave the land of his birth America and was wm shipboard Atlantic during the twelfth of IN50, the day being remem bered by the captair all Orangemen and Protestants on deck for scripture reading and prayers In the vesr 1851 the subject of this sketeh walked | n Smith's Falls with Lombardy lo dee | ind the following Toledo | lodge, to which belong- |. + NOVer missing that did not march brethrén Passengers leavin B-------------- HN pm, arrive in Otta 4.3 Toronto, Pao 1, p Bb Boston, 7.30 ontreal a 0 am. 13.00 ook. CONW am; St. John, F. AY, Gen. Pass, Agent. BAY OF QUINTE RAILWAY, leaves finden Station, Ontaric nday sxcepted) ints north. © Bannock TSE 2 BEVEL VVVTBTRTVOLTRTVRES I Ty ea Florida Grape F ruit | Sunkist Oranges 2 dozen for 25c. 15, 20, 30 and 40 cents per dozen. on July In the consequent crew on the Ye assembling is ment 00 route my a pip similar te~Hallw vear joined MY AB he has a celebration with his ------ sinee "Oatmeal King" Dead. Mitchell, Feb. 8 Walter Thom=or a prominent and wealthy citizen, of | S---- Mitchell, and until recently one of | Thaw Must Stay, the largest millers and grain dealers | Albany, N.Y., Feb. 8. in western Ontario, died at the Thaw must remain at Matteawan dence of his son, in Texas, on Friday. | prison. The court of appeals has He was formerly known the Oat. | dismissed his appeal from the decis- | meal King, and had milling interests | ion of the appellate divisio m adverse in London, Woodstock, Seaforth and |to his contention 'that' he was being Mitchell. He was born in Kelso, Scot, | detained illeg gally in the state hospi- land, in 1835, but has lived since 15840 | tal for the insane. ! in Ontario, and since 1567 had been a resident of Mitchell, 12 Wrappers and 12 cents gets Rogers' Sunkist Orange Spoon at 166 Piness SL. A. J. REES, Powe 58 A BVVBLRRTVLHLVLLLLLBVLEITL TRL RLRLOTTVLTVLLEP SULA W BERMUDA Round Trip $20 and Up Fast Twin Screw 8.8. "Bermud- fan," 5,630 tons, sails from New York, 10 a.m., Jan. 18th, and 26th. Harry K to BLVD VEES aveee TSB PVVVVVTLBVLRT BVO BTVBBLOIIER Russian' Government to Appeal Privy Council. Winnipeg, Feb. 9.--The orenko extradition case, which minted abruptly several weeks when Justice Robson ordered the discharge of the prisoner on a legal technicality respecting the formal re quesition usual in extradition cases, is by no means over. It will be taken by the Russian gov ernment to the foot of the British throne, by way of a direct appeal from the judgment of Judge Robson, There is precedent for this appeal to the Privy Council of Great Britain, in the famous Gaynor and Greene case, and the proceedure in the Fed- orenko case will be similar, t} ~ famous Fed. ter- ago, Burned tc to Death. | Newcastle, Penn., Feb. 8.--Two chil- | j dren were burned to death and a | { mother and three other children were seriously burned from a fire, re by an overheated furnace, which de itroyed the home. lest Pocket In Search WV of f Beauty ah SHENTS Every. stick a match' You Must First Win Health by Get. Doubles Children's Savings. Cleveland, Feb, 8.~J. W. Ellsworth, of New York, a wealthy coal opera- tor, who is making a model town out of Hudson, where he was born, has just delighted all the children of the village under sixteen vears old by =a offer. He agrees to double the sccounts of all children who at and make money during The cash is to be First National Bank { | { new bank tend school their spare time deposited in the N of Hudson. He Cried Because it Ended Too Soon 1 In Daddy's Aeroplane. Priest's Sudden Death. Garden Sity, I.I., Feb. 9. <The Guadalajara, Mexico, Feb. 8.--Father voungest aviator in the country is the | Theodore Valerof, the Catholic priest | levery ;mateh a light, ting the Blood Rich and Red. 3 distinction claimed, to-day, by Robert | who admisistered the last sacraments Lawson, three and a half years old, | of the church to Fmperor Maximillian who accompanied by his father and | just before his execution at Quereta even flame. ¥ "De-Light" ror. the Smoker =Try a B ox Always eve Ashi pilot, William Hilliard, flew for seve-| rop, died suddenly in the San Fran v | ral minutes, yesterday afternoon, in a cisco church in San Luis Botosi ac Every man and ovéry woman has | Burges biplane. Hilliard cut the flight | cording to a report received by tho. individual idea of what constitiites 1 --- short for fear of injury to his youth- } ecclesiastical authorities hove. He beanty. : : in Sands ful charge which brought lusty cries of | dropped dead at the altar as he was fs beauty protest was little Dobby, robing for a mass. pend on every Wednesday. Janding, passengers at the dock in ternat Saturday, from ark homas, it. Dominica, Martinique, information, apply to J. P. Outerbridge & Co, 29 oi tolsataony keels; electric fans; wireless rg "newest 'and only steamer WEST INDIES NEW BE > "GUIANA" and other or Bt Kitts, Antigu Suada- i pe and Demerara. HANLEY and C 8. KI REPATRICE. Ticket Agents, Kingston; A. New York; Quebec Steamship Co, Quebec. TAKEN FOR A FLY, Wah Long's Laundry me aglste 1 Earn rom or Dabo, rE Re IF . QUR ROOSTER BRAND and Chewing Tobacco at 'e cents a pound is a good eighty-five? Tobacco. DREW macLE ve tario Street. wr HV | ARCHES "The Jafest Mary Creation Greatest Maen] Manufaciory l i 4 : ' skin deep or does it de the glow which he alone | can give? Js it due to nlarity of | feature or to the gracef and | elasticity which accompany health and vigor ? To win beauly you must first health. Rich, red blood is the Pr. Chase's Nerve Food is and popular because it forms red blood and in this way gives UY a hilness to every movement and = healthful, matural glow to the eo i plexion. Thin blood and weak nerves give one a tired, worn out appearant Worry and anxiety show Pernrttvon | in wrinkles and care lines. Dr Chase's | a | Nerve Food enriches the blo od, re stares vigor to the nerves and drives away headaches and bodily pains. By filling the arteries with new, red | blood Dr. Chase's Nerve Food round out the form to healthful proportions makes the muscles and tissues und strong, and gives vivaeity mind and body. Dr. A. W. Chases Nerve Food, a box, six boxes for $2.50, at alth tse Essensa ees Holiday -:- Presents Buy Something Useful for the House Nt ' Silver Knives and Forks, Silver Spoon, Carving Sets , from $1 to $15 per set, Carpet Sweepers, Fancy Tea and Coffee Pots, Wringers, Washing Machines, , Fancy Andirons, Gas Logs, Brass Fenders, Fancy Gas Heaters, Coal Oil Heaters, etc. Elliott Bros., Telephone 35. 77 Princess Street. sles ssesas ss susie eres ress eves wie aieininrel A Woman Legislator. Spokane, Wash., Feb. 5---Spokane may have the unique spectacle of a woman sitting in solemn conclave with four business wn and passing wpor the lnws needful for the government of the city upder the new form of com mission government which was recent ly adopted, The woman is Mrs, May Arkwright Hutten, one of the most prominent woman's suffragists in the North-West. Her husband 1s a million aire mine owner, ------------ A Veteran Methodist. Calgary, Feb. 8.--With the proud r cord of having prea shed eig! t thous. and sermons and having had charge of nineteen separate churches in vari ong parts of Ontario, Rey. Ir. Lang ford, formerly "GEHENIITON, celebrated the fifty-fourth anniversary of his hecoming probationer, in his twent ieth church, Central Methodist, here on Sunday. He is seventy-five years of age, was ordained fifty years ago, and before preparing for the ministry was in the Fifth Hussars. On Sunday he preached an interesting sermon of remimiscences. He is hale and well and says he is capable of filling many more pulpits. At present he is taking temporary six months' churge at Cen- tral Methodist church in place of the Rev. G. W. Kerby. ness i EXHIBITION OF ART PICT. i URES. i feb. 9. 10, 11, Including Water- colors, Photos, ete, coples of famous originals in "Great Bri- | tain and Europe. DP, A. WEESE & 00, C121 Princess Street. gam secret successful | rich, me | i soon Ate Dynamite for Candy Wilmington, Del, Feb. 8---While British ship. was loading dynamite and other explosives for Mexico, = small stick was dropped on the wharf After a long search one of the crowd. an E nglishman, admitted that he had pigked up the stick of what he called "a blooming sweet" and had-eaten it for candy. Its taste, he said, was not disagreeable. He showed no ill after effects. THE AMERICAN CAFE 18 8 Vellngit st. to-date Restaurant OCRCROC FOROCRO OO Na Le hrm i fo He. | alt | Co., | thet Pest eRn Emmanual Wickett, died at Canton, Ohio, in his seventy-seventh year, For many years he resided at Thurlow Thurlow . township, Hastings county. sf PH tL 5 =F lf

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