Daily British Whig (1850), 9 Feb 1911, p. 7

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BIBBY'S GAB STAND DAY OR NIGHT Phone 201 FOR_ Health Drink MecCQurthey's Ale ind Porter. It's the best. Aient, R. J. LAWLER FHOMAS CUPLELY, Proxe 987. Drop a card to 19 Pine ¥treet when wanting anything done in the Carpen- ter line. Estimates given on all kinds and new OME. DAY after exposure to wind, dust or smoke, try Sanitol Face Cream. It's a tonic that removes impurities that clog the pores and gives afresher, healthier appearance after the use of soapand water. Good after shay. ing; good after automobiling. Inviger- ates and degnses. Contains no grease, 8000000000000 0000000uD * Wood, Lumber, Shin ® Honest Measurement. es. N. JACKSON, PLACE IPARMES, Residence, 280 Bagot Street. 'Phone No. 1019. $escssscesscoscsceney J.E. Hutcheson OTIONEER and APPRAISER. A card sent to 517 Albert order left at H warding We or Handerson's Stores 1 reset srompt attent : a ation. wiven, 'esevee o J ve go FRONTENAC LOAN & INVESTMENT SOCIETY. ESTABLISHED 1863, Vresident--Sir Richard Ca t. Monsy issued on City and Farm Pro- perties, Muonleipal and County Deben- tures. Mortgages purchased. Deposits received and interest allowed. 8. CO. MeGILL, Managiog Director, 87 Clarence Street. | COAL Try WM. DRURY, 235 WELLINGTON STREET 'Phone 443, "Tre is Known by Its Fruit" AND ad OUR COAL is known by its good burn- ing qualities. P. WALSH, 55-57 Barrack St. o KINGSTON BUSINESS COLLEGE o 'Highest Fducation at LowestCost" & Twenty-sixth year. Fall Term® beging August 56th. Courses in® Book keeping, Shorthand, Tele-@ graphy, Civil Bervice and English.@ Our graduates get the best g positions Within a short timeg over sixty secured positions withg one of the largest rallway cor. porations in Canada. Enter any® time Call or write for informa-@ tion H. F. Metcalfe, Principal, (Limited). ® Kingston, Canada. Chivers'. Pure Orange Marmalade, Assorted 'ams and Jellies. . Plum Pudding. Pineapple Chincks. Victoria Plums, Dawson Plums. Peaches, D. COUPER'S ve. 041-5 Princess Street Prompt Delivery. Coast ealed Oyeters. ) 3 COAL! the grr tee oo Scranton Coal is good coal and we guarantee 9 prompt delivery, 4 BOOTH & CO. FOOT WEST STREET. ~ ah ; a 3 Bend lc NEW CITY wwwid % tor 8%. Bi amie Rook aed Mas Highest 'Grades GASOLINE. COAL OIL. LUBRICATING UlL. FLOOR OIL. GREASE, ETO, PROMPT DELIVERY. W. F. KELLY, Clarence and Ontario Streets. Toye's Butiding, wh ge Pe "f tr 38 ga me ON m Ce u hair will grow has an my head completely.' ist have luxuriant, glossy hair, if Herpi ced. special agent, Kingston, Ont. WAS BALD SIX YEARS. Three Months of the New Scientific Treatment Restored His Hair. Baldness caused by dandruff, hich is caused by a germ. Kill the rm an almost certain that again, if the folliel not totally destroyed. Nels terson, of Lime Spur, Mont., says had been bald six wl all kinds of 'cures,' but without vy benefit whatever, until I tried rpicide. November 16th, 1899, 1 be- n using Herpicide, and in three nths a fine growth of hair covered Ask your drug- EF verybody can 18 it Is been years, and had for Herpicide. le is used thoroughly. Take no sub- stitute. Sold by leading druggists. Send 10¢. stamps for sample to The Herpicido ., Detroit, Mich. $1 bottles guaran James B. Meleod, druggist, cos FEATHERS. NEW SANITARY MATTRESS. Your old feather bed made into modern and sanitary mattress. Feathers cleaned by sanitary pro 5. o HIGHEST PRICE PAID FOR FEATHERS. Oominion Feather Co., KING STREET (Opposite St. George's Church). Drop a card and our agent will call Per sssrscsasassasssecd Ours is the Lightest Light We want to LIGHT your home with Electric Light. It will CHEER you. It will COMFORT you. When you have the light in your HOME you can iron clothes, wash, clean your car< pets, curtains. beds--every- thing. Let us explain. H. W. NEWMAN ELECTRIC CO, 79 PRINCESS STREET. 'Phone 441. S000 0ev0venve 900000e00000000000 NEWS OF NEIGHBORS WHAT "J HIG CORRESPONDENTS ! TELL US. {The Tidings From Various Points in Eastern Ontario--What People Are Doing and What They Are Saying. At Oso Station, | Uso Station, Feh. S.--(uite a num- {ber from here attended the reception land dance at John Thompson's, last { Friday night. Culbert Bourk and thride left for their home in the west 'on Friday last. John A. Bourk left for his home in Fuglehart, on Friday. { John Thompson and Mrs, Henderson {were quietly martied, in Perth, on January 205th. A party was held at | Ernest Henderson's, Monday night. At Chaffey's Lock. 'Chafley's Locks, Feb, 8.--J. Moulton has rented John Regan's farm and {will move here in March. Mr. Scott, jof Malone, N.Y., the new manager of {the Opinicon Club hotel, is expected {here early in March to take charge, joe prepare for next season's busi { ness. A. Mann, representing the Cana- | dian Northern railway, is near here, | arranging for and buying up the right'of-way for the new road. It is expected that operations will start in the spring. It is also rumored that the company will extend the Brock ville and Westport railway on to Perth. It is expected that Thomas Simmons, chief engineer of the steam- er Rideau Queen, has resigned that position and will take the position fof engineer on the steamer Sowards. A number from this place attended a party given at the home of CC. J. Fleming. La ; Notes From Florida. Ylorida,. Feb. 8.~K. N. Storms, pro prietor of Wilton cheese factory, i drawing ice from Mud Lake. K. Wel don, attending Sydenham High Scho, pent Saturday and Sunday at home, bamon Babcock has purchased a new W. I. Walker and bride have returned to their home in Cal gary, after spending a few weeks with his parents. Osten Babeock, ill with grippe, is improving. B. Davey, at tending Kingston Business College, is spending a few days at his home. Mrs Warren and granddaughter, after spending a few weeks at H. Carroll's, have returned to their home in Yarker, I. Babcock and iwife, spent an even ing recently at Rev, Mr. McGuinness', Harrowsmith, Visitors: .f. Shepherd and wife, Latimer: T. Thompson, In- verary, and R. Shepherd, Gillies, Sas- katchewan, at W. L. Storms'; W, Hufi, wife and son at (3. Redden's: Mr. Jefirey, Hartington, at J, E. Peters'; Earl Lucas, wife and son, Maple Avenue, at D. Martin's. automobile, Long Point Locals. B.~Mr. and Mrs. Caintown, spent Saturday and Sunday last at Frank Slack's. Mrs. John Sykes and Master Dennis visited at Briar Hiil last week. Mr. and Mrs. Michael Slack spent Sunday last at John Slack's, Short Point The Long Point and Ellisville jun- iors played a game of hockey on Sa- turday afternoon. The game resulted inatieof 1 to 1. Mr. and Mrs. C. Lappan visited friends in this neigh- borhood 6a Wednesday and Thursday. Charles 0'Connor made a driving trip to Watertown this week in company with Dr. 0% onnor, of Gananoque, and E. Donnelly, Seeley's Bay. James Cobey took part in a concert at Springfield last night. Mr. and ra. William Griffin, Marble Rock, are visiting Mr. and Mrs. H. Bevins. Mrs. George Reed is visiting her pa- rents, Mr. and Mrs, Bradley, Charles ton. Frank Slack drove to Brock- ville to-day to visit his brother, F, Slack. Miss T Kelsey, Charleston, is visiting Miss Della Tye. Long Point, Feb. M. Leeder, Junetown Tidings. Junetown, Feb. 8.--Miss Mary Avery spent Thursday in Brockville Mrs, Clint and Mrs, R. Cughan and son, of Prescott, are guests of Mr. and Mrs, Abel Cughan. Mrs, MN. Nowlan will shortly * become a resident of Athens, re. Jacob Warren spent last week with Mrs. Joseph Warren, Caimtown, Mrs, M. Potter and daughter, of Echo Lodyre, were recently guests at J, War ren's. Mr. Newell, Algonquin, spent the week-end with his daughter, Mrs, D. Warren. Misses Elva and Nettie Herbison were guests of Mrs. M. GG. Herbison, on Sunday. Mrs. H. Hor. ton, Lansdowne, is guest of Miss .J. Ferguson. Several from tere have been attending revival services at the Stone church, Yonge's Mills, by Rev. C. E. A. Pocock, Lyn: Rev. Mr. Beckstedt, Lansdowne, and Rev. Mr. Cameron, Broekville. Mrs. CO. Howard, Lans. downe, is visiting her brother, A. KE. Summers. Thomas Franklin spent 1 LAME BACK Cured by Booth's Kidney Pills, If you suffer from backache like Mr. W. M. Ferguson, of Indian Head, Sask., don't wait until you laid off work before you give the matter attention. He says: "I was compell- ed to quit work six months ago on account of a lame sore back, which had become DON'T LIKE . ! KICKS. | Housewives are Confronted With Labor Problem. Boston, Feb. 9 --Boston housewives found themseives confronted with threatened sirike hy servant gids throughout the ity, to-day the chambermaids, . cogks and laundresses are demanding higher wages, and the domestic proteciive union of Boston which is affiliated with the American Federation of Labor is to hold a mass | meeting to-night. there is left any trace of your former! The union already has a member misery. | ship of 606, and is rapidly increasing. The correct name for your trouble is | The leaders predict a gereral strike in food fermentation--iood Souring; the|ihy near future, unless working con- Hiastite Organ become weak, there is | ditions are improved and pay increas- © gastric juice; your si 5 only half digested, and you become | "ye pay, shortes hours, more after affected with loss of appetite, pressure | , ons off, and more evenings out, Bo and fulloess after eating, vomiting { ji crimination against policemen, eli- nausea, heartburn, gripiog in bowels, | cause of housemaids tenderness in the pit of stomach, ate taste in mouth, constipation, pain in the limbs, sleeplessness, belching of gas, | biliousness, . sick headache, nervous symptoms, ness, dizziness or many other similar | If your appelite is fickle and no- King thing tempts vou, or you belch gas, the € ation. or if vou feel bloated after eating, or ; prong a canant your food lies like a lump of lead on | Feb. 9.--The anno aes et your stomach, vou can make up your | that the German emperor wi : aut mind that at the bottom of all this Rome as the guest of the Ruicina there is but one eause--fermentation next March, on the occasion of the if of undigested food. - { tieth anniversary of the proclamation Prove to yourself in five minutes; of Rome as the capital of Unitec that vour stomach is as good as ltaly, has caused the report that any: that there is nothing really | other heads of states may come also wrong. Stop this fermentation and | during the celebration. Those men- begin eating what you want without' tioned more particularly are President fear of discomfort or misery, Fallieres, of France, and King Haakon Almost instant relief is waiting for of Norway. King Peter of Servia will you. It is merely a matter of how | arrive here February 15th, andl it is soon you take a little Diapepsin. a King {thought not impossible th Coorge may Visit Rome after the coro Monday in Brockville... Herbert Seott nation. sald @t valiiable "horse to Mr. Ivan Huston, Mallorytown, last week. l Thomas Franklin sold a horse to | Clark Guild, Mallorytown, last week. | School is progressing favorably, under with the able management of B. MeGhie, ' iho Thion \ Athens. ~ which will cost $1,000. Re jeently the inspector sejzed £1,000 wiorth of liquor from the elub, which later took process of replevin and se cured the return of the liquor, the legal question beihg raised a to whether proceedirigs could be taken INDIGESTION WILL VANISH. Dyspepsia, Gas, Souwrness and Other Stomach Misery Go in Fiye Min. | utes. | Take your sour, out-of-order stom- ach--or maybe you call it indiges- tion, dyspepsia, gastritis or catarrh of stomach; it doesn't matier--take! your stomach trouble right with you to your pharmacist and ask him to open a 50¢, case of Pape's Diapepsia | and let you eat ome 22-grain Trian- | gule and see if within five minutes mination of the , and lighter vacuum cleaners some of the demands of KAPSER WILL VISIT ROME. George May Also Go After Rome, A Whiskey Trick. Halifax, N.8., Feb. 9."Am expensive trick has been practised in connection the hquor _ suit of Syduey vs. Jack Club, oi that city, sOouneone -- ~~. Portland Township Council, Harrowsmith, Feb. 6.--Members al present. Minutes : of last meeting adapted. Un motion of Stover- As selstine, the taxes for 1910, of Mrs. M. against a so-called club under the Nova Seotia temperance act. Aftér two trials the ease against the 'club, and it was up to thém 10 return the "goods." When the city got the "goods" back it was found that the entire lot consisted of nothing strong. er than water. Every bottle had been emptied and refilled with the city's own brand. The city is secured, it holds a receipt, and a bond E. Charlton, $6.18, and Hannah Bab cock, $2.85, were remitted. On motion of Watson-Stover; the aduitors re- port of the treasurer's accounts from the 31st of December, 1999, to the Ist of January, 1911, showing a_ cash balance of $740.91 for township pur- poses for 1911, was adopted. Accounts peid : $23, C. H. Martin, pay list, piling stone for crusher; $10, J. Mills and wife, charity; $2, Maggie Revell, GR i Fe" ha charity; 89, R. H. Snider, for keep of the sheriff is. also had. / Ww um Compal] and wife |, for three | "Cattle Breedérs Not Agreed. weoks; $170.70, British Whig, printing | 2 : ik and 'advertising, 1910; $170.18, Davin Toronto, Feb. 9.--Opinion seems went as to ht vid amoug the stock breeders Purdy, Portland's inmates at House of be vided i hore re fardin z Inlustry, 1910; $51.69, David Purdy,' reciprocity Portland's share of repairing Long Swamp bridge, 1910; 85, Herbert 3 3 xT oo ' ~ 3} A nis Boerum dra Tol qustar; Toh Archibald Asselstine, "col: | pti { the Dominion Cattle Breed. lector of taxes. On motion of Stover j Muetang of te De , McKeever, 1), Ad. Taggart was 4 difference of pointed township assessor for 191]. tion was passed salary 860; no extras for postage and | ¥ . stationery. Conneil adjourned to meet | Reciprocity in Criminals. 'n town hall, Monday, April Ind, at | 1:30 p.m. i London, Feb. 9. Justice Grantham sentenced at Liverpool, an accountant, to five vears for 1 gery. The prisoner had heen sentenced tto three years in Toronto and proposed on the I'he the the effect the agreement would hav dian live stock market Cana matter annual opinion no resolu -- Doings at Westhrooke: - Westhrooke, Feb. 9.- Word was re- cei ed from Saskatoon on Saturday of the death of Mrs. E Lafonteese, a tor ner resident of this place. F. Gates is il. Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Smith drove to Belleville and Halloway and spent a week visiting friends. Sacra- ment was administered in the - Metho- dist church on Sunday afternoon lits Drew and Miss Cronk have turned to their home in Parham ter a visit with Mrs. R. Swith. Sncok has purchased the late Abra- | ment of the board of trade sl ham. Asselstine's roperty in the vil- 'creases of ¥33,92 lage. Mr. and A John Greenwood i ¥14,633,500 in exports. and daughter, Alphae, of Wolle Island, | of foodstuffs decrease spent the week-end the guests of Mrs. { cotton from the United States Mazgie Kenny. Mrs. G. W. Smith, of creased $27,950,000 and Woodbine, called on friends in the points 86,500 000 Me, te Yin | Pos as ch in tion sie tertained a number of friends on Wed: | Wekday evening. Mrs. Meagher, of Marysville, spent a few days last | week with her sisters, the Misses Sheehan, Thomas Sproule has re turned from a business trip to Bay- side. Mrs. Newton Ames is visiting her mother, Mrs. Edwards, at Sun- buy. Mr. and B. Rose were recent this, the judge said: "That is sort of reciprocity Canada England, sending her criminals here to be punished and in {matters seeking reciprocity with { United States." has over the re | = ------------------ af- | British Trade Still Increasing. OWS from Goes on the Stage. New York, Feb. 9--Dr. Frederick A {Cook, who said he had reached th {North Pole, will make his first pearance on the vaudeville stage the Manhattan Opera House week. He has eansed a moving ture to be made portraying his ne i jventures and will go before the lic to explain his claims A GENEROUS OFFER. vis'tors at Lapum. Rumor says that James Howie hns sold his farm to W. Gollonghy, of Elginburg., = Mr. und Mrs. W. L. Grass aud daughter, | Margaret, spent Sunday with Mr] and Mrs. €, W. Anderson, Kingston i . Miss Nellie Smith returned home on | To Whom It May Concern. Friday after spending the | past two| There are hundreds of people in this weeks at Colling Bay. John Adsit | vicinity at this season of the vear still continues quite seriously ill {who meed a blood-making, body-build- ------------ mg and strength-creating tonic, Mammoth Grain Elevator. It is to all such, whic comprise old Ogdensburg, N.Y., Feb, 9.--Despite | people, delicate children, the weak, the blizzard, zero weather and the run-down and convalescents, and ail piercing cold winds Sweeping the wa- [those who suffer from chromic coughs ter front, the Joly 8. Metcalf com- | and colds, that we ask to come to our pany. of Chicagu, and Montreal, start. store and get a bottle of Vinol. our ed work on the erection of the new {delicious col fiver and iron toni m elevator for the Rutland tithou} oil), Trausit company, replacing the one de- it fails to build you up, create stroyed by fire a few months ago. | strength and restore normal health, we The new elevator will cost over {will cheerfully return the money paid $225,000 and will have a capacity of us for. it. We take all the chances over 500,000 bushels of grain, It will you take mone. As a watter of fact; be built of cement and stesl and will we don't take much chanee either, he- be circular in shape. The contract cause Vinol rarely disappoiats us. calls for the elevator being in opera- [Come in and get a bottle 'on these b from | ers' Association, but on account of the |. Arthur Baker, | for- | had | { been deported after serv ing one. Anent | the | for | other | H.| London, Feb. 9.--The January state- | in- | 5,000 in imports and | The imports | «d $5,000,000, but | | other | The increase in ex- | The most tempting breakfast is spoiled if the Coffee be of poor quality. But--every meal is a Banquet when you use Seal Brand | Coffee Packed in 1 and 2 pound cans only, 12% CHASE 4 SANBORN . MONTREAL D*J.Collis Browne's / Ne ives THE ORIGINAL AND ONLY GENL.5C, -------------------------- The Most Valuable Medicine ever discovered. The best known Remedy for CoucHs, CoLps, 'ASTHMA, BRONCHITIS. Acts like a charm in DIARRHOEA, DYSENTERY & CHOLERA. Effectually cuts short all sttacks of SPASMS. Checks and arrests those too , often fatal diseases - FEVER, CROUP aad AGUE The oxly palliative ia NEURALGIA, GOUT, RHEUMATIS WN. o the malady hing sleep leaves ed s a lguid taken in drops. graduated ves Pain 0) whatever kind falion of the rérvous system when atl other vesedics favi Cbs | and can be taken when wo other medicine can be oderal CONVINCING MEDICAL TESTIMONY WITH EACH BOTTLE Sold by all Chemists Prices in England : Vik. 2/9, 4je Sole Masufacturers 1. T. DAVENPORT Ld, LONDON, SE create we bad ef INSIST ON HAVING De. J COLLIS BROWNE'S CHLORODYNE. The immense success of this Remedy bas given rise to many imitations. NB. Every bottle of Geauine Chlorodyae bears on the stamp the same of the investor, Der. J. Collis Browne. Wholesale Agents, Lyman Bros. & Co., Limited, Toronto. i i HEALTH IN PURE SUGAR { Sugar is one of the best, and most: widely used foods. | Would you risk your health for the sake of a few cents on a hyndred pounds of sugar? Bi y only x ; | EXTRA GRANULATED SUGAR uality cannot be questioned. Compare r and the difference in color. PARIS LUMPS When buying Loaf Sugar ask for Redpath Paris Lumps sold in RED Seal dust proof cart ns, and by the pound. The Canada Sugar Refining Co., MONTREAL, CANADA. Limited Established in 1354 by Joba Redpath Estoblished in 1354 by John Redsath Its Purity and Q it with any oth | ! i i 1e TE -- Cutting a Little Deeper Odd Lots from Our Best Stock In Patent Leather, Dongola, Kid, Gun Metaland Tan Calf All sizes in lot. Regular $3.50 and $4.00 Sale Price $2.40 ap : at next | ad- | pub: | KING tion by A Ist. The new elevator (terms. Mahood's Drug Store, Kis i be aah 70 feet High ad ior {tern - " the most modern ma- 3 STREET H. JENNINGS

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