cpm Ca - Nature's Cure ~~ for a Gough Dr. Chase's Syrup of Linseed and Turpentine is the Most Largely Imitated Medicine in the Country. What to give 'the children for croup, and colds is the problem mothers now have to solve. Most of them finally decide on Dr. Chase's Syrup of Lin seed tine, and make it a 1 have some in the is medicine are linseed, tur and other well-known ingre- unmistakable value in the colds, It is pleasant to take, ch so that children delight to generally is this great medicine t several imitations have been . All alike in name Fe an PHD lie H PARKS & SO Florists | Bt! AN ipped to all parts. , Toronto ; "URES, feb. 9. 10, 11, including Water- 'colors, Photos, ete., copies of famous FEATHERS. | ty i i _ rAMOUS MARYS 4. OF FICTIONS PAGE Always a Pavorite Name With Novel. ists, Poets and Playwriters--in Romance Also . One of {ie gifts that the Queen will treasure t ip the one that will be predented to her by the Marys of the Empire at the coronation of King George and herself. It is proposed 'that every Mary, Marion, and others | with similar names shall contribute a small sum towards this gift. Mary has always been a favorite name with novelists, poets, and play- writers. From "Mary, Mary, quite contrary," of our nursery days to the "Merely Mary Ann" of Israel Zang- another dogens of times. There are in novels over a score of pure ple, to say nothing of Marthas. and of versions of the of his Marys are, how- characters. 'There is Dora's servant in "David for example, and an~ perfield," 1 | other Mary Anne was the maid of the clerk Wemmick in 'ureat Expecta- | tions." Iu the "Pickwick Papert there are no fewer than five One was a servant at the Manor apotber the wife of the prisoner, two . e Haida. one in 8 pot shop and ong to Nupkins, and the last was a at the Peacock. Not all the Marys of fictien are however, placed In humble positions Lady Mary Carlisle is the most im portant woman character in that de lightful play and book, "Monsieut Beaucaire." The author of "Petes Pan" gives his first place in'his novel "When a Man's Single," as Mary Abin ger, the charming daughter of a fiery colonel, And did not the famous dra matist immo her name in that best-known of all phrazes and titles "Little Mary"? In bis "Little White Bird," too, Mary Is the name of the pretty young governess who has such a great influence on the life of the supposed teller of the story. In the late Count Tolstoi's "Resur rection" the Princess Mary Kortche gin was the woman whom Prince Nehldu expected to marry. Many wellknown foreign novelists have been fond of this essentially Eng: Msh pame. In Maarten Maarten's "Some Women 1 Have Known, for instance, Mary Bales is the good natured, loyal daughter whose dearest "aspiration was to possess a Sunday | class of her very own." 4 First: Lady:--"How very happy the bridegroom looks! sant to sée a young man looking so joyful" Really, ft is 1lea Second Lady "Hush! That's not the bridegroom; that's a gentleman the bride jilted six months ago."' A i BRITISH AIRSHIP HAS ~~ FIGHT TANKS Will Have a Storage Capacity of 2,000 Gallons of Petrol--Bulit for © Leng Voyzges Some additional particulars from a reliable source are to hand respecting the British naval airship now under construction at Barrow. The envelope, constructed of a silk similar in char acter to that used in the latest Zep pelins, is divided into seven sections. Its length is given as 510 feet, its dia- meter is 48 feet, and its gas capacity 706,336 cubic feet. To each of the two sets of elghtcylinder Wolseley engines--edich engine being rated at about 200 horse-power--there are at- tached eight sheet-metal tanks. Bach tank has & & capacity for 2,000 gallons of petrol, so that the total storage' oh of the tanks when full gallons. . The tanks are | any section would involve the loss only of a mifute fraction of the sup ply and would not destroy the buoy- {aney of the airship. In consequence of these features of her equipment the alrship Is fitted with some 300 yards of aluminum piping. Her lifting capa city ts estimated at 21 tons, as against work hag been constructed of the new alloy of aliminum known as "dure which is stated to be both and gtronger than the pure mitum uséd fn the construction of the German airships. From these par Czar's Boy Said He Would Net Tell His Father A good story of the §-year-old Tsare- vitch is now going the rounds of society in St. Petersburg, His Imper- ial Highhess is, of course, greeted with & salute whenever he passes a sentry Ia FEBRUARY NOW FOR self" TO VISIT DUBLIN THE BATH! Naughty Little Boy: -- Let me alone, Nurse Asquith; I want to bath mye Rp AND EDINBURGH Details of the Tour the King and Queen Will Take in ireland and Scotland "The King and Queen hope to visit Dublin and Edinburgh during tre month of July next" This 18 the simple official announce: ment of the King's Secretary, Sir Arthur Bigge. \ : It is expected that Their Majesties will include Glasgow In their Scottish itinerary, and that the King will there formally open Glasgow's new Royal Infirmary. The announcement that the King and Queen are to pay a State visit to Ireland has been yeceived with genu- ine satisfaction in Dublin. Their Ma- jesties are assured of a genuinely hearty reception. The Irish people had a not unnatural feeling of regr:t that Queen Victoria did not visit Ire land except at long intervals, while Scotland was favored with a Royal at Balmoral. Queen Victoria. however, nobiy atoned for what Irishmen regarded as neglect by coming in the evening of her days and when a cross-Channc! journéy was a serious undertaking, on a special mission to Ireland to show | her appreciation of the services ren. dered during the Boer War by what | she almost affectionately called, "my | brave Irish soldiers." King Edward of gratification ! ia by his State visit, j it was in the spring of 1803 that King Edward and Queen Alexandra went to Edinburgh and held a Court 1.000 DEAD BABIES | An Amazing Story in Connection with the Closing of A Russian Hospital The foundiing hospital at Ekaterin- oslav, in South Russia, has been closed by the Governor of the Pro- vince following amasing and revolting infants received tion within the last six The staff of for whom full for | Africa, $32,000,000. { April, 1904. a at Holyrood. They arrived in the city on May 11 and, according to ancient custom, the Lord Provost offered His Majesty the keys of the capital as he stepped from the train. On this occasion, after a triumphal progress through the streets of Edin- burgh, King Edward and Queen Alex- andra were the guests of the Duke of Buccleuch at Dalkeith Palace, .six miles from the city. The following day they held a Court at Holyrood, the first since the reign of George IV, The levee proper Was preceded by a presentation to the King of three arrows and three addresses. The ar rows, three in number, but known in archery as a "pair" constituted the so-called "reddendo" which the Royal Archers are bound by their charter to offer to the Sovereign when he visits the Northern capital. The third day was occupied by vam ious ceremonies, including the open ing of a new hospital. The last official visit of King Ed ward to Edinburgh was in 1905, when nearly 40.000 Scottish Volunteers par aded in the King's Park. King George and Queen Mary were in the city two years later for the Highland and Agri cultural Show, The first Royal visit to Ireland, after King Edward ascended the throne, took place in 1903. On July 21 the King and Queen arrived at Dublin, and were enthusiastically greeted by large crowds. A levee was Leld, and numer ous addresses Their Majesties visited Belfast, Cop namara, and Cork. The late King, accompanied Queen Alexandra, went to Ireland In Their last visit was paid in July, 1905, when they attended the Leopardstown Races, and the Kings town Exhibition. AAAI NSN NIN INI, THE EMPIRE IN FIGURES Striking Statistics of the King's Dominions Striking figures illustrating the magnitude of the Empire's population, trade, etc., are contained in the Sta tistical Abstract, just published. Here are some of them: -- Area of the Empire, 11,199,000 square miles. Population, 343,748,000. Gold production, 10,837,278 ounces. ) Silver production, 29,596,595 ounces. United Kingdom exports to India, $383,142,826. United Kingdom Africa, $84,000,000. United Kingdom exports to South exports to West United Kingdom exports to North America, $101,000,000. Total exports of Colonies, $3,018,000, 000 (India $643.360,120). Total imports, $1,831,000,000, s Australia's public debt, $1,203,000 000. Canada's, $507,000,000, India's, $1,450,000,000. The combined gold and silver pro- duction was over 40,000,000 ounces. A wonderful growth is shown ia pearly every class of production. Ia 14 years Canada has increased her output of silver sixteenfold, and India has nearly doubled her wheat the increase being from 200 els in 1896 to 357,940,800 in 1909. In Australis the increase was from 18, 260,348 bushels to 90,413.587. IATEST SOGIETY CRAZE Women May Send a Team English : « to Bisley were received, and' Six Month Mr. E. A. Lindsey, knows what it is to suffer from kidney disease: was lald up completely for over six His letter te how he was cured by WARNER'S SAFECURE the world's best remedy for the kidneys and liver, will be of great in- terest to thousands of other sufferers. he moutas "1 feel it appreciation I received frox Cure. I had & mation, of the gland d was ir months Afte of Ww Ss » @ ure 3 wat back i I think W Safe Cure a wonderful will always recommend {it Lindsey, 7168 Walnut St. Muncie Of all the ills humanity is } nothing Is more to be en those caused by diseased ki cause on so aware have store medicine such ailments inv: stealthily that you @ of their presence actually spread dang ease throughout the system I you rise in the morning with dull, aching pains at the bottom of rour back, and feeling as though your night's rest has not refreshed you f you are weak, depressed, nervous, irritable; if your head appear before vour eyes or noises ring in your ears; if your apy your thirst excessive, your urine scanty and your complexio you have indigestion, billoushess, rneumatic pains and have ! you have any of these symptoms you may be sure Kidney pal your blood, and you cannot possibly get well until they are re ed Nothing else can do so much good nothing can cure you half so quick as Warner's Safe Cure It has a steady yet persistent restoring action n the kidneys and brings perceptible relief almost immediately It is made from the fresh julces of plants and medicinal roots gather el at the proper season in various quarters of the globe Men pharmacy and chemistry compound it it is pleasant to the taste ¢ ' able to the most sensitive stomach. Be and $1.90 sizes and sold by all druggists, Constipation and Biliousness WARNER'S SAFE PILLS for Constipation and Billousness ively vegetable, sugar-coated, absolutely free fram. injurious substances, are & perfect laxa- tive. They do not gripe or leave any bad after effects & package 5 Sample Bottle and To convince every sufferer from diseases of the kidneys and liver of the merits of WARNER? | 3 Box of Pills Free CURE a sample bottle and also a sample will be sent FREE OF CHARGE. postpaid, to any one who WARNER'S SAFE CURE CO. Toronto, Ontario, and mention ha this liberal offer in the Dally British Whig. The genuineness of is fully guaranteed by the publishers | QUALITY CAKES 20¢. Each It is put up in 5% 28¢ i | | | Ice Cream Cakes, Florence Cakes, 25¢. Each Sandwich Cakes, - - ' 30c. Each Brandy Snaps, fresh every week, at 10c. dozen 302 King St i R. H. TOYE, Phone 141 Sess sssssssstassesses are prrarerens hhh hhh $ Your Afternoon Tea... is not complete without Ice Cream. Order early from PRICE'S 277 Princess St. SEF IIFIIIS FIPPFEIIIINNIIIIIIIIIY i : < > ¥ > » : > i * * » » » Phone 845 Cents 5 Cents 'Men's Rubbers, Women's Rubbers, Boys' Rubbers, 0 Cents sessstsaateaet SPECIAL Men's $5.00 and $6.00 Boots, - $3.75 Women's $4.50 and $4.00 Boots, $2.98 REID & CHARLES A SUFFRAGETTE PLAY, WASHING WITHOUT WATER Marie Corelli to Write One From an Anti-Viewpoint. London, Feb. 10.--Marie Corelli, making her debut ss A dramatist, has made a contract to e a short one scene play for the London Hippo- drome. Its title will be "The 5 Chair." The subject will he woman suffrage, which the novelist will treat from her well-known anti-suffrage point of view, There will be four Miss Corelli will choose the cast and inte the production, the date Is Like Trying to Get Rid of Dand- ruff Witheut Herpicide, Did you ever-see auy one trying wash themselves without soap water 7 H vou did what would im ? , It in every hit as foolish to try get rid of dandvufi and to prevent bald ness by feeding the germs which cause it, with Canthrarides, Vaseline, Glyver jue and similar substances which form the principal "ingredients of most so-called hair growers Newbro"s Herpicide is successful be Yo or of you say "n i i 4 i cabin ast socels csi to. 10 WA him. in. A large Number of Club, raqud, ie at ©. Smith's. 3 the Hourteen for which has mot yet been fixed, e------------ : Died at North Augusta. , Feb, 9«Rev., F. Danby a end news, on Tuesday, that his sister, Mrs. Bissell, North 'Augusta, bord died very suddenly. Mr. Danby's father and mother, who bave been with him for the jast few months, accothpamied him, on Wednesday morn mg, to North Augusta. Mrs, C. Surith 3 still very ill, Mr. Rogers and wife, Wolfe Telund, visited Charles Ewing, this wed Vee Boyd, Cats Prank 1. ins, former postmaster Raolf Ste. Marie, Mich, JS prvy cause it attacks and kills the parasitic germ which feeds on the hair roots. It is the original and only genuine scalp ickde manufactured Sold by leading druggists. Send 10e. in stamps for sample to The Herpicide Ceo., Detroit, Mich. One dollar bottles guaranteed. ' James B. McLeod, special agent, Kingston, Ont. Destroys Liquor Craving. Drunkenness (5 8 progressive diseade ihe moderate drinker 1s not satisfied aHh two wr three drinks & day, the ceavh for more Gnd more Becomes irregistihie an the discape advances, the result Is Chronte Alcoholism. t os coeasfully by un homes is the under- not Benefit youy money secret fomady : ng to ther fobs engl pookist on Alre- % pany. irvine Batiding. Wasskingion, : seid by iesdion fate. awd in thie vier Wp AW ae vor, Pagel awd wn BER, 4