THE DAILY BPIVISH WHIG, --- A ---- FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 10, 1911, 3 $1.25 A PAIR GENUINE INDIAN TANNED, BUCKSKIN, PULLOVERS, RETAILS, at The Mitt that saves the hands, suitable for all work. Soft, pliable, porous. Wears like iron. JOHN MCKAY, 149-157 BROCK STREET, Kingston, Ont. Feb. Sale Carpets, Furniture, Curtains, Linoleum, Ete. SOME EXTRA SPECIALS--ONLY ONE OF EACH. Walnut Combined Secretary and Bookcase, large size, cost $48.00 when. new, slightly used, only $20. Oak Wardrobe, mirror doors, $35, for only $28, new. Combination Dresser, regular $156.. Another, same, $21, $14, 1 Oak Bed and Stand, used, cost $20, for only $6 for both, Carpets, Curtains, Linoleums, Rugs, étc., 10 to 20 per cent. off. Repair and Upholstery work 10 per cent. cheaper now \ than any other time. 'Phone 90. T. F. HARRISON CO. and to Wardrobe $22, reduced reduced to Yours. Blankets And Comforters Grey All-Wool Blankets, Union Blankets. a Comforters in Batting, Wool and Eiderdown filled. All Fresh New Stock. + es R. McFAUL. RHETT NAHM Home What a feeling of bride and _ independence when you can say: "It is mine" We can offer you a bargain fn a fine brick residence, 11 "yooms, - all modern conveni- | rou could get boarders or REMOVING OF SNOW MANY CITIZENS ARE NEGLIGENT IN MATTER. Aud Police Have to Keep on Their Track to Get the Work Done-- Snow Shovelling Is no Easy Job, But it Must be Carried Out. Shovelling snow is by no means a soft snap, and people do not like the job, bnt nevertheless it has to be done. This week, the police have put forth every effort to get the citizens to clear off the walks, as the by-laws of the city say that citizens must do 80, but in having the by-law carried out, the constables have had a very hard task, in many cases. All sorts of "cranks" are found on going the rounds, but there ave: people who' do not have to be told more than once to get busy with a shovel. - "What are you troubling me for, why don't you get the other fellow to clear off his walk ?" This is a sample of what the constable gets from some | of the people while he is on his rounds: Some times the police have | i before he is able to get him to re | move the snow, The final step is to | have the guilty party summoned to the police court, and this is the only | way to bring some people. th time. Then there are some people who think the police have some spite against them, when they are ordered to clean off the walk. They do not seem to realize that the policeman is only carrying out his duty, i If the police did not. remind people | about the snow, there are some who | would not use a shov all winter, i The man who will not turn in and | help clean off the snow is what the Portsmouth philosopher calls a "knocker." And the philosopher is right in this. He says that every cit- izen who has the interests of the city, at héart," will clean off the snow," and do anything else to better conditions he philosopher says it is the small things which count. _ Several complaints have been istered about people not cleaning off the walks, and it is time that the guilty 'parties got busy. The city is clearing the roads, and they think it 18 up to the people to keep the side walks in good shape, WITH Y.M.C.A. WORKERS. i el on their walk | reg- Arrangements Made for the Meet- ings on Sunday. On Sunday, the Y.M.C.A. will hold two big men's meetings in the Orphe- um Theatre, at which they will have two of their best speakers. In the af- dtnoan, at four o'clock, W, 1. Archi- , dominion parole officer, will ad- dress the men. pe . = Mr, Archibald is well known as a good speaker, and his coraection with the pardle system, and prison work, for the last twenty years, insures a first class talk from him, and oue full of imterest. Mr. Archibald is well {mown here as a man full of sympathy or his fellow man, awd it will be a treat for the men of Kingston to hear him on Sunday afternoon. Associated with Mr. Archibald, on Sunday, at this meeting, will be Rev. Mr. Neal. of Sydimham Streét Methodist church. On Sunday evening, at 7.30, Robert Meek will give an address to the men. Mr. Meek needs no introduction to a Kingston audience, and he will be as- sured .of a good attendance. Men from the factories will do well to hear Mr. Meek at this service, as he' will have something for them. . W. RB. Givens and Donald Melntyre have kindly consented to atsikt at the buginess men's banquet, on Tuesday, at the YM.C.A. Mr. Givens will pro- pose the toast to ""The Association,' to which Mr. Archibald will reply. Mr. Mcintyre will propose the toast to "Canada," to which Mr. Tudhope, of Orillia, will reply. : Thoughtful Kingston Girl. The young student was calling on a University avenue girl. He didn't (know her very well, but she looked 'good to him. He wanted to eall again the next night, but hardly had the nerve to ask jarmission to do so. | "I'd like to come up again," he said when he was ready to go home. "How about next week some time?' A look of disappointment came over her face. "Next week ?' she said. "Why, isn't that--er--well, I'll teil you {what to do; you come up to-morrow night and we'll decide which night next week you may call." New "Indian" List. A new "Indian" list has been issued by Ulark W. Wright, the inspec tor, and was 'distributed to the local hotel-keepers, to-day. There are nine { tyfive names on the list, and the | names are! placed on it alphabetically, so that hotelmen who are looking for | & name will not have to wade through he whole batch. At Sunbury § Avishe anle at the jarth vb Robert 3 I THEY WERE PATRIOTIC, Drunks Rendered Some Selections on the Street. Two drunks who went ont Montreal street, late last night, were in a very | patriotic frame of mind, and when | ; The Juniors Carried Off Homors--| ped and gave a small entertamnment, | tor the benefit of sll the neighbors in | was | was | they reached the barracks, they stop- the district. The firsi selection 'God Save the King," and it given with variations, Then "The Maple Leaf Forever." At this juncture, some of the people ia the neighborliood were of the opinion that the nuisance might be kept up for- ever, and made a request for' the midnight sons to get busy and move on. However, the drunks could not be bluffed' in this way, and by way of a change in the programme started in with "What's the Matter With Fath. er," and thew tried "We Won't Home Until Morning." After these two selections had been remdered, (in good voice), the two started out arm in arm for their respective homes, came J to go to a person two or three times | { mn EE ---- YMCA. BOYS IA FINE EXHIBITION GIVEN THE GYMNASIUM. 'Boy Scouts Gave Flag Drill--A Large Crowd of Spectators. There was a lively scene in the gymyg- nasium. of the local Y.M.C.A,, last evening, the oeension being the boys' "gym" exhibition = to their parents. The pveming was brim full of good work, interspersed with many funny incidents. J. Perfyman, as clown, played his part real well, filling wherever there was liable to be a wait and alse gendering - some first-class: clown stumts, |. At eight o'clock the orchestra struck Go {up a march and the entire number of | performers marched into the 'gym attired in neat suits of soft white shirts, red tie, white trousers, black shoes and stockings. After doing many twistings and tarnings they came down the in fours and got ready for a called "'skin-the- snake." Jt was very amusing and the audience enjoyed it immensely. No.2 line won, winning two out of five ol the trials.. The apparatus dome with precision and in good form. The juniors, led by A. McBroom, econ- ducted themselves better than any oth- > = DENMAN THOMPSON, Proprietor of "The Old Homestead," be here Feb. 14th IN ANOTHER WEEK. to Hon. Adam Beck Hopes to Have Proposition, In a week's time, Hon. Adam Beck, chairman of the Hydro Electric power commission, hopes to have a proposi- tion ready for Kingston. This is the encouraging report which Ald. Toye, who was sent as a delegate to interview Hon. Mr. Beck, in Toronto, brought back with him, to-day. On Tuesday he had an inter. view which lasted about two with the minister, and the Jatter told him that an estimate was being se cured as quickly as possible. In about another week, it was hoped to have the estimate ready. Ald. Tove talked over loeal conditions with the minister. He will report- to the mem- bers of the light, heat and power committee. . WILLE NOT WITHDRAW ACTION, British-American® Proprietor After " Dun's Bulletin. ~ Walter Telfer, proprietor of the Brit- ish-American hotel, states that he will not withdraw his action against Dun's Bulletin, Toronto, just because that business sheet makes a correction and says that the statement it puob- lished last week that the bailiff was in charge at the British-American was in- correct, Mr. Telfer says that there was no foundation for the charge, and that the publication of the item has affected his business standing. He is determined to make the Dun people suffer for the publication, and the case will come to trial in April. No small amount will entice him to settle. The action is for 850,000 damages. LITTLE BOY SCALDED. He Upset Boiling Water on His Leg. "Master Roseoe Scott, son of Roscoe Scott, living at 148 Division street, waa the victim of a very serious ac- cident on Friday morning. The lad at. tends Louise school, and while tak- ing a pail of boiling water off the stove he upset the pail, and as a result his leg was badly scalded. Seeking Information. The engiyeers, Messrs, Chaplaau and Pense, who are here from the public works department, Ottawa, in con- nection with the harbor work, were to have met the members of the fin. ance committee this morning, in or. der to secure some necessary inborma tion, but they found this available, at the city engineer's office, and the roposed meeting was not necessary. harbor is sadly in need of dredg- ing, and a strong appeal. is to be made to the governmont to have the work done. The engineers are now taking the soundings in the harbor. No Charge of Forgery. Bank of British North America will not take any action against Sergt. G. Harrison, of the C.PASC, for forging a cheque for twenty dol lars. The amount has been made and Harrison is now in bar hours, | - and which is provided for er of the groups, although the collegi- ate and business boys were not far be- hind. The high bar work showed there is much material to be developed and, no doubt, by the time the next exhibi- ticn is amnourced, the boys will have rome high-clms work to display on this pee of appargtes? The jumior leaders' corps made a good impres- sion. They looked quite smart in their "gym" suits, with big leaders' crests on their jerseys. Their work on the horse and mats was of first rank and showed much good traiming. | W v J | eign to its own use, and also by the | | The Boy Scouts, to the number «¢ eighteen, were. conspicuous in a march and flag drill. They made a good showing with "the flags carried over ! their shoulders andgin their scout uni- form. After some difficult marching they went through the alphabet by the semaphore code, and then spelled Y.M. C.A. Boy Scouts. The tumbling squad, 'led by M. Lemmon, did some hair-rais- | ing acts _gnd feats of strength. The different' contests = between the col- legiate and business boys were keenly fought out right through.! Iu the ob- stacle relay race the collegiate boys won, best two out of three, while the business boys (in girls' uniform) won the broom ball, The Y.M.C.AA. orchestra supplied music in their usual pleasing manner. {The seating acsomIOgation was taxed to its limit. [aes very emeouraging ito the promofers to have such a large attendance. : rn Ap FOR,:GARBAGE SYSTEM. City Delegation * Secured Valuable Information. Loaded up tion for the proposed garbage system, the local delegation which was sent } west, and compeged of Als. Toye, Bailey and oity engineer, returned home this afternoon. { Asked by the Whig, Ald. Toye stated that the trip had been a most successful one, A good deal of infor- mation was recéived "about thergar- bage systems and this will all be brought before the garbage committee hy Ald. Toye, who is the chairman. Information was secured at Toronto, Guelph .and Brantford. At Toronto, a good deal was leatned about the dis- posal of the garbage after it is col lected, which is a very important part of the entire system. The garbage commitetee will prob- ably be called to. meet next week, | when the report of the delegation will be presented. ~ | Ald. Bailey ig enthusiastic over the trip and the amount of information which was secured. While in Toronto, the local delegation was met by W. F, Nickle, M.P.P. ---------------------- i R.M.C"s. New Dormitory. T. W. Fuller, architest of the public works department, Ottawa, and Ma- jor A. P. Deroche, Royal Canadian Engineers, are here to look over Roval Military Cellege in connection with the new dormitory to be erected «in this year's dominion estimates. "Kin gs t 's ¥ » Yur " Our Parinership sale Will End in Ano- ther Week So far we have sent away hundreds who will for some time to come remember the occasion oLbur taken into the bus- iness a ncw partner. * NIGHT IN| in! work was | with valuable informa: | the | Ti St. Valentine's Day ST EEE THREE MOST SUITABLE GIFTS Pictures Books A LIBRARY MEMBERSHIP . BOOKS OF LATEST FICTION The FRAMED PICTURES From $1.50 to 59%. A shipment of | Girt is Life Membership in the Cel- the latest rebounds opened to-day.} SPECIAL GIFT BOOKS. Scott's Lady of the Lake A Book of Sweethearts, The Christy Girl \ Riley Gift Books at 20 per cent. from regular prices | The Rosary, gift edition. VALENTINES. POST CARDS from 6 for 5c. to Sc. Each. The College Book Store THE FINEST BOOK STORE IN EASTERN ONTARIO. OPEN NIGHTS Table alc Each Silver { ! | most Valentine acceptable lege Book Stoge ye Library. The larg- { est members ny library in the |e. ng latest and best $ { : { Of the Cupids, Den Pictures, Philip ' Boileau, Frederick Remington, etc. containi books. SPECIAL RATE good until February 14th, $1.00 * + Eh i ! f : i ' '9260 PRINCESS STREET 1 Phone 919 i i DEAN BIDWELL LECTURES "Historic Continuity of the Church o. England." At the request of Queen's aufhori- ties, and Prof. Morison, the Dean of Outario, lectured in Convocation hall, on Thursday evening, on the "His toric continuity of the Church of England." The &istence of a British «church centuries before Augustine and the Roman mission of 5% come to} Britain was proved by the tact that the Roman mission was fitterly op- posed by the Bishop of York and Caerleon, in his endeavour to impose upon the British church observances which were purely Roman, and for On | | FLFR PR EP VRRR TREE RNS Svar' or to vour Table replenishing Does not need some new little pieces added brighten it up? Look it over sometime soon We are headquarters for TABLE SILVER. Our patterns attractive, and yary fromthe Plated Ware to ing Silver SMITH BROS. Opticians, See our window for ar % TY extra special in Ladies' Walists, all new goods, including neat dark are new and the cost may prices of good fleavy Sterl | presence of British bighops at the important Council of Arles in the third contury, This church- differing in its customs in many vespects from" her sister at Rome, maintained at the Reformation her identity with the Catholic church of the first century, | cleansing herself without revolution, in the reign of Henry VIII, who was {enabled by three statutes of the | realm, which-various popes had un. | successfully tried to have remwved, to | acconiplish the rejection of the popal | power, | The dean's designs, in 'light and prints with tucked front. and with cuffs sleeves, finished All sizes, 34 to 44 with em- Also White Lawn Jewellers, B50. KING STREET...» - ae ! Issuers of Marriage Licenses, FUR Sale At COURDIERS \ broidery front and sleeves finished with tucked ---enffs sizes 34 to 40 On Sale Sat- lecture was clear and {soholarly, entirely non-controversial, land yet completely vindicating the ! position of the Church of England as both Catholic and reformed, and pro- ving her oneness with the nation from the days when England became a pa- j tion. { Prof. Morison, in moving the vote tof thanks, spoke in terms which could {not have been more eulogistic, He also { spoke, eloquently, of the spirit of the English church, a spirit of upright ness, of fearlessness, a spirit which one met with in the days of Xlired, in the twelith century, in mediaeval dark- ness, and in reformation times, a spir- it existing to this day. To him the ideal "worship was the worship in a cathedral in old England. There was | no doubt in hig mind of the continu- ity of the Church of England. E. H. Brower seconded. the professor's motion Lund Principal Gordon conveyed the sentiments to the dean, amid wn out- burst of applause. urday morning d0c Each Huck i | 25 Dozen Finé Tow- } els, size 19 x 38, hemmed ends with white also Turkey ved borders. "For a Saturday plain special 12 1-2 Each or $1.50 a Dozen, THE HALLS OF QUEEN'S. i , South African Addressed Political { Science Students. Our Queen's Correspondent The history and political science classes at Queen's were, this morning, addressed by Lieut. Curtis, South Af rica. Mr. Curtis, for many years, has been actively interested in the politics of his country, and to-day is making ® trip around the world studying m= perial conditions and affairs. The speaker's subject, this morning, was { "The Development of Union dn South i Africa." : { i | | By Get in Touch With Malin For Real Estate Bargin $1,100 buys 1 ! Dwelling, Clergy | provements; rent THE ALWAYS BUSY STORE. Frame th im- i $144 Stone and 1 w ir Street bring D Albert rooms, Striet hed ) b La A mass meeting of students will be held, Monday afternoon, to consider the pastor problem & and 8 tached + lurnace Albert | frame; rooms, are detached heating John water Civil" service examinations progress at Queen's water brick, 8, Kas, i The sciemce dance, to be given m . Grand hall, this evening, will -be the social event of the college year 4 vee be exam ok bar- every two years The eyes change Glasses exactly right last year may be injurious now. Whether you wear glasses or not your eyes should be examined every two years.- We are eye experts. We can afford you perfect sight Our varied stock of mounts helps us to give perfect satls- faction. Dr. A. P.Chown, Druggist, Optician, 185 PRINCESS STREET. 'Phone 343. ssscseccoscsscsnsses Modes in Brief, Probably because of the great nup bers of all fur hats, with their littl trimming (of flowers, smartest dressers now prefer a hat of doth, like the gown, trimmed with a band of | the fur that trims the gown, . | +The soft, dark color of the sealskin | blénds delightfully with most of the shades of amethyst now well thought of. This fur drapes well and | is smartly used for the tam crowns of large velvet or satin hats. Many women have their match their brooches, Furs appear on SVERING., JOW NS any color, and material as white fon, Persian ditto, beaded net, allover satin, velvet, cloth wool mix tures, voile, wool-back satin, crepes, Fete: Jabots for winter are longer in most cases; stocks show the "straight cut" at the top and collars are All widths: from the little turnover to the style which may be called a cape. Met With Accident. Richard Waldron, dry goods mer chant, met with an accident this morning while on his way 'Yo the store, slipping on the widen in front of his own house andl gs a re- sult had a bone in his whist broken. He is doing nieely. and jt Tv expected that he will. be able to be around : advertised has Mullin | Cor. Johnson and Division Streets, 'Phone 539 TR 2.8006 House the BO hatpins of hil lace P0000000000900 00000 Room for Doubt, The cuckoo clock had just chirped j the hall howr before midoight, and the girl in the parlor scene wal weary. "Mr. DeBorem," she said ss she vain ly attempted to stramgle a yawn. "1 heard something about you the other say that Pm Mire is not tree" "Indeed 1 he exclaamed. "What was nt" *1 beard some ung say you were mn ealy going chap," she aoswered.~ Chi- | § cago News. " Woulda't Interfere. Harry Rowe Shelley loves story and ean tell one. . The parish priest "was going his rounds when Marty Sullivan ran un to him with hiz eves the size of say ors. "Share, father" said he. "Pat Driscoll has banged bimsel 0 Lis barn," The priest said, "You eit him down of course." "Ro," said Marty: "be w again in a very short time. an Trish Se ---------------------- + The Hold-up Case. There are no new developments \the hold-up case. The police have made no more arrests, aml none are Jikely to be made. The man now un der arrest will come before the magis- Hats on Tuesday morning, for hig A: LI eS el | PATRONIZE yot."--New York Telegraph. a # You and | to be glad thin ie ene | Car,