END STOMACH MISERY. 3 Cas. Indigestion, Dyspepsia and All . stomach Distress Go in Five Min- . Glos. Pov.ity = going Lo conunue a sullerer irom indy! gestion, Dyspepsia or out-of-order Sto- | wach is merely a matter of how soon you begin taking some lhapepsin. | iH your stomach 1s lacking in diges tive power, why not help the ° sto- mach wo do its work, not with drastic drugs, but a reenforcement of diges tive agents, such as are naturally at work in the stomach. People with weak stomachs should take a little Diapepsin occasionally, and there will be 'no more indigestion, po feeling like a lump of lead in the stomach, no heartburn, sour risings, gas on stomach or belching of undi- gested food, headaches, dizziness, or sick stomach, and, besides, what you eat will not ferment and poison vour breath with nauseous odors. All these symptoms resulting from a sour, out of-order stomach and dyspepsia are generally relieved in five minutes after ® » E.\0.:,8,8,8 By LLOYD LOGAN, "It is miserably true, ma chere, Ma- rie refused positively to follow An- toinette and myself to town and cerry our scarfs, umbrellas and par- cels. She said to be'a maid in a { 'family did not compske with og respect as an individud,'" Vi- vienne de la Ver disconsolately threw herself on the window seat. Mme. de ls Vergne was looking over bills at the escritoire. Without anse- wering her daiighter she buried her face in her rr and wept. "The last . rose of summer left plooming alone," "' sang Antoinette, he other daughter, as she came down «the hall and entered the room. at syoms," an added pleasantly, "that I am the last rose." taking a litule Diapepsin. Ns was standing in, the JSuorway. | Go to your druggist and get a 50- I rn TO 8 cent case of Pape's Diapepsin now, gne looked up, so absorbed were they 4 yo, will always go to the table Pere is a for in the}! With a hearty appetite, and what you bra she continued. "He is horribly eat will taste good, because your sto- 3 Ys He told Vivienne's jewels mach and intestines will be clean and last o a Hm : Je fresh, und you will know there are hoi apt a ried Vivienne, sud- Mot going to be any more bad nights denl y Jwala and thoroughly ? alam. 808 miserable days for you. They ed. y Madame lifted her tear-stained freshen you and make you feel like life is worth living. "Vivienne's jewels also ?"' she reiter- ated dismally. "Also," answered antoinette bitter- ly--""also. That is not the point. He jeves because they are the last ings he can legitimately take. I) 3 of mE 3 my belongings ary) Antoinette, sitting on "an sttoman be compelled togsteal from my own |at her mother's = Slaspes Jee family !" hands around her knees anc thoug t, Vivienne rushed from the room in a | wrinkling her smooth white brow in rage. | perplexity and doubt. She had a re- ntoinette, going to her mother, put markable 4ptitude for that kind of ad- arms around her. tdition known as putting two and two "I'd be a help, ma chere." together. a E "Antoinette, what could you do-- "Pere has said positively that this you, the daughter of Marquis Auguste ' house will be the next thing to go. de la Vergne, the great-granddaughter Now, we have many beautiful pieces of of Vivienne Casnavette, who was furniture, much bric.a-brac and china one of the maids of honor to Marie that is really very good, charming as- Antoinette ? My whole life has been a yociations that make the relative series of negations. This is just one yulue high. You and I, dearest, will more. The first trial was when we o, through the house and put a price jost our ancestral home in France." = what we would be willing 10 sell Madame always said "we lost." She ,,.4 gather them together in the music would not acknowledge she lived with pn Jibrary and drawing-room, mix- a gambler, even though a gentleman, ing them with the (things we would the little pretense was. a matter, Ol ot part with for untold gold. That sll rept "he next to go wun Wi parently give ther. groi jice you were a wee child we had yalte, tived in this orange grove in Flor- Madame ida. Your father alwiy: would play hands. ro. would sell a8 a gentleman, losing thousands at You do not mean To 0 b lik single game. Uh, these games, elus- OF belongings to a vu gar meh ike ive sirens, luring him on to des- Somon tradespeople ?"' she cried 1 ti 1 ' erv. OrTOor. cho ma Re Daven 'Avo, no ! We would give a little 'at aature ; it has come down directly home' or 'tea,' very inbormal. You through my family." * could wear your black lace, and . the "1 don't know where we shall live," lace scarf thrown over your shoulder: ghe continued. "I have been strug would Hide the hole, ju the back; Vi ' pectabili 0 vienne her cream color silk, the one flihg to minke. Ny hility / dueh made out of grandmother's tea gown and 1 the violet chiffon with black vel nette. "Ihere are hordes of people-- good people, too--who would give anything to be a guest at our home, to be able to speak with familiarity of our belongipgs."' dramatically clasped her with poverty, and," she added softly, "it is pure poignant tragedy." The debonair Auguste de la Vergne tripped lightly in the room, clad in white flannel of exquisite texture and correctly tailored. With the perfect Savotr faire of A Frenchman he gently tion to the. first entertainment giver kissed his wife's forvhead. Going over ee 1 Vy S oth to the glass door, he stepped out on DY. the Deda orgaes. Ly - ri the verandah. With the utmost sang "SIE OUF asset vo. 1, our lami i : : "« name. After they have been, here froid he turned, waving his hand. "Au : Yn es atle ¢ gre some time we will casually remark; vevoir I" he called and passed out on 'We are going back to New Orleans the shell walk ond. : We are distressed about our collection _ Ho had clung, iron willed, to the of antiques. We are going to board youth of his mind, though it was in- ,.§ ele of such value' Wwe really disputably true that age had crept cannot store. We would be willing tc Jrematutely on his face. After a dispose of a few but cannot bear the ashion he loved his wife and daugh- thought of just any one--unapprecia ters. He would have been proud to 4; people, as it were--owing them." have given them every advantage that Antoinette was so delighted with the had been theirs for generations. They jun she danced all over the room had ceased to be interested. in: thesg Coming hack to her mother, she kiss dreams. There was nothing more fun ed her on her forehead." damentally wearisome than his pre-. Aftéf "much debate and family con tenses and talk about ideals without ferences the "ica" was give. Wha any actual accomplishment. wonders, weariness and hope delayed "l oan do something," Antoineite and anxiety for the weltare of one's repeated, with gentle emphasis. "Ma best lov od will accomplish in the way chere, we will take count of stock, as of disintegrating sell respect ! Punch Marie's husband says about his store. was served in the library, ices and We will see, first, what our assets cake in the dining room; on the ve _ are." Antoinette held up her pretty randa were confections and fruit. The white hand to count the "asset" on guests were congenial, Yefighted; com her fingers as her mother told them{ plimented and bought freely . they were also all wealthy. Antoinette saw to that' Every woman there took particular her vet. "Then," she continued, "we would invite a choice few, thirty perhaps, not more. Believe ms, they will slay every engagement to accept an invita off. "Dear heart, our most valuable as- sot' is our family name, that hardly has a money value." | pains to call immediately on all "I am not -so sure," mused Antoi- best frienas who were not among the chosen and casually to refer to "the | other afternoon at the De la Vergnes' | I picked up so-and so. They would | hardly part with it even to me 1 No, Just Sound Science. . | y5]d madame I could not buy it, just Many drunkards are sent to Jail to give it to me, and I would leave when what they need 18 medicine. a few gold pieces ih the cabinet for Drink has undermined their constitu-' .. of the girls." Invariably it was tions, inflamed their stomachs and fjiowed by the remark, "My husband nerves, until the craving must be sa- yhough it rather high, but I. did Sished_i1 it is not, rebaved bY 8 not, considering the associations and scientific prescription ss iso on™ rn restores Eo Ty Those thirty women were the envy builds up the health and appetite and Of every person of means in the city renders rink distasteful, even naw; hey schemed how they, ; < i manage an invitation. Not being woous. It is odorless and tasteless, 2 Thplon. and dissolves instantly in tea, coffee public sale an invitation was a neces 'or food. It can be given with or BY In about two weeks Antoinette without the patient's Tmowledge. in her mather's name telephoned . the Read what it did for Mrs. G.,. of chosen thirty telling each one to briv, Vancouver : {a fow friends--she could trust them, vy so anxious to Jort- I went up to Harrison D nu y there. DRINK CURE A MIRACLE? Le This time a different costume was for the three ladies of the the question as to how leng you are | = J into eign emigration the congested cities to the government in of the labor exist, rejected the THE DAILY n the doo ad « them ae front Fre her" 1h crowds of hovers. F friends" were now invit 1 to the dear whieh would marriage } iite a dramatic which was really played o success, {eoup FLOCKING TO CANADA, Trains From and Pennsylvania. Special The Newark, N.J., Star says editor- | ially (Canadian enterprise in draw- ing upon the United States for popula- tion, which has had such extrgordin- | now | ary results in the northwest, is to be directed to the east. It ted' that special trains are to be from New beginning April province run Jersey transport resi- of Alberta, to people who are to change their dence and citizenship The Canadian system of emigration is splendidly planned, well 'organized and thorough- ly carried out It has stripped ths Northwestern States of thousands of their farmers, taken their capital and energies into British ter ritory. This drain of our best of population is a severe loss to nation. Canada selects the best that we have, and is getting it. How does the American emigration system oom- pare with that of Canada? At York a few undesirables of the w class are sifted out from the that come to us from Europe, disease, penury, and crime sthe country nevertheless States practically attracting There is a cry labor and state governments make no effort to draw. the population con gested in the cities out to the Ibe federal ment admits for and lets it go at that it As Q ove] i, governmept permits 1 who have class the New orst masses but creep The sy stem, of vice 3 have no emigrants farn and locating every year for Instead of directing the form foreig: colonies or into the slums Ii state : were as el ond € 18 ents the | governn cor would auld, be in the labor not amply districts, while supplied in the where it is so niuch ATE The Predominating Issue, Torapte Globe The matter of the House of will predominate over. all other and disestablish ment | cannot be taken up at once. The sovernment's immediate fou fealing with the lords is embodied n what is termed the parliament bill it practically wipes out the power of the upper chamber to kill legislation n the commons by providing that any bill shall become law which the com- nons has sent to the lords for three successive sessionsy in a period of time 10t less' thay two years, and which was been three times rejected or not lisposed of.. To insure the control of inance by the commons and settle the issue which the lords raed when they Llovd-George budget the that anv money upper chamber doe Lord pro jects, as home rule policy nll provides which tha nase within one month after it is. sent | ip from thé lower "house shall, with the royal 'assent, law. The speaker of the commons is given final withority to decide whether any sure deals with taxation, applications wd Toany; and i= sill. The last and not least im roriant provision reduces the life of a » become mea the narliament from seven years to five, This is Very Kind . Toronto News "The News does not believe that the rovernment deliberately designs heck Canadian industry, 'anadian investmenis or to endanger 'anadian nationality." tor prejudice ° Not Too Bad. Mtawa Free Press An increpse of 265,000,000 in nonths' look so bad does it ? of Canada does even in trade The home heather have the preference® over the foreign kind Sometimes you help If voursell vou help the other fellow to refosm ought to New Jersey | and Pennsylvania, | 1st this year, to the gestion | ' BRITISH WHIG, SATURDAY. i back {3 Is the Standard Article 4 READY FOR USE IN ANY QUANTITY For making soap, softening water, removing old paint, disinfecting sinks, closets, drains and for many other purposes. A can equals 20 Ibs. SAL SODA. Useful for 500 purposes--Jold Evergiubere. FE. W. GILLETT COMPANY LIMITED TORONTO, ONT. is sta- | There is HEALTH and STREN in every cup of s S Children th "EPFS' Its fine invigorating qualities suit people of all ages Ri h in cocoa butter, and be y 4 FREE FROM CHEMICALS. 4d a | » GRATEFUL AND COMFORTING EPPS { i | Why let that headache spoil your day a. an o pa a wil. ed. te d5 ve oo NA-DRi-co HEADACHE | W/ AED 25¢. a Bex at your dru » Guaranteed to contain no morphine, opium or of! National Drug and Chemical Company of Canada, Limited, Ordinary "vanilla" extracts are not made from vanilla beans and do not give the Why not have the REAL thing? time demand Shirriff's. true flavor. Next Your dainties will never taste so delicious until you 8 use this peerless extract. Just try bil | not | properly a mouey | Qhicrift Shirt | i * Made from the finest Mexican firs "3 quality vanilla beans --and aged till. | Rega = 21 4 the strength surpasses all others. A smaller quantity oy Rp 2 ae CAUTION : Tn required than of any other extract | Ss DM ; E Other delicious Shirrift flavorings are Lemon, Almond, Ratafis, ineapple, Straw- mid-January, | a ent Grocerymar be Alon n 9000000000000000000000 3 Sowards § i 0000000000000 PRC FCC NCTE SCN RCE PE RES RC RCC I ORCC SCC CR FOR SALE. Hote $évessssssssresesssasead Ours is the Lightest Light property, | Orme treal + 3 Ure "ives Kings r wil at a sacrifice. For partim in RHART «! Fatale Agent 150 Wellington Kingston Keep Coal AND oal "eeps Sowards. FRIKL B H. W. REWMAR ELECTRIC CO, 79 PRINCESS STREET. 'Phoucv 441. SATLTLLSTTRTORATNBLTRN. an Te HAVE BOLT LL ATLL LRLATRRBRB ARN w= EAN PBR VUBT ULV RARADECEBRRIRGRED SBR CS v < : 09090000002 900009 +6 i rd Sess ss sss rin r sess sss e dss sss eR ERE RR eee Holiday -:- Presents Buy Something Useful for the House a a A A A - . . . . . . . . . . . . . Silver Knives and Forks, Silver Spoon, Carving Sects from $1 to $15 per set, Carpet Sweepers, Fancy Tea and Coffee Pots, Wringers, Washing Machines, ; Fancy Andirons, Gas Logs, Brass Fenders, Fancy 3 Gas Heaters, Coal Oil Heaters, etc. Elliott Bros, Telephone 35 77 Princess Street. se Passa neninnie nis ee 3 BP BEANS SRP BEE Loser assesses Reser Size of EDDY'S Famous "SILENTS Every stick a match every match a light, and every light a sfeady even flame 4 "De=Light" for the in oker--Try a Box }iways ever where sn. Canada, Ask for of EDDY MATCH . we re af Mat ITN Ten = "The latest Match Creation oy Cutting a Little Deeper Odd Lots from Our Best Stock In Patent Leather, Dongola, Kid, Gun Metaland Tan Calf \ 4 sizes in lot sitlar $3.50 and $4 06 , e Price $2.40 KING ,|H. JENNINGS, irorer - Quality Food - A Most Nourishing and Economical Food At y Your Grocers od For Large Families T * nor Cardboard Packess Small Families: ¥ex an i pe