Made 10 Ondr McKAY FURRIER JOHN MeKAY 149-157 Brock . Street. ~~ Feb. Sale Qarpets, Furnit 2, Gurtalns, Linoleum, Ete. SOME EXTRA SPECIALS--ONLY ONE OF EACH. Walnut Combined Secretary and Bookcase, large site, cost $48.00 when new, slightly used, only $20. Oak Wardrobe, mirror doors, $35, for only $28, new. Combination Dresser, regular 8 $165. Another, same, $21, $14, 1 Oak Bed and Stand, used, cost £20, for only $6 for both. Carpets, Curtains, . Linoleums, Rugs, etc, 10 to 20 per cent. off. Repair and Upholstery work 10 per cent. cheaper "~ now than any other time. 'Phone 90. T. F. HARRISON 00. Blankets | Comforters 3 White All-Wool Blankets. Wardrobe and $22. reduced to reduced to Yours Grey All-Wool Blankets. Union Blankets. Comforters in Batting, Wool and Eiderdown filled. 1 ! All Fresh New Stock. "em .. R. McFAUL. | CARPEY WAREHOUSE. Your Own ~~ Home What a feeling of pride and independence when you can say: "It 1s mipe™ We can offer you a bargain in a fine brick residence, 11 rooms, all modern convenl- ences, furnace, gas,'in central and choles location where rou could get boarders or roomers. ® ble' for storage of vehicles. tasy terms it desired. £80 BROOK. os | Sliter, | Miss Mary Studrt, Miss Hilda Laird BH r ' H » Mrs. Douglas Young, Gold in Buwilight sass anal Lb bdd annual science dance was ws The eighth even- held, in Grant hall, on Friday ing, and it was aA mbt Succ ul dance from every point of ' view. At the entrance to (rant hall the guebts wert received by the patronesses, Mrs. F. O. Willhofit, Mrs. L. Ww. Gill, Mrs, ! Arthur I. Clarke, Mrs. W. L. Good-| win, and by Principal Gordon and Prof. W. lL. Goodwin and the president | of the engineering society. As' the) guests ented the hall their attention | was attracted by a huge white air! ship, which was supported high above | the platform. This air ship, which | was very cleverly built, was outlined in electric lights, the word "Science" | in the centre of the ship being also] outlined in lights. At the side of | the platform just above the orchestra was an imitation clock with numbers | from one to sixteen and a huge hand pointed out to the dancers the dance which was being played by the orches- tra. The platform was arranged with easy chairs and cushions and afforded a comfortable sitting-out place for the dancers. lls and class rooms werd also arranged with cush- fous and ehpirs---- .___ The Germani.oom was made espe cially attractive having, in addition to the other decorations, Svergrees trees and branches. Mysterious - ing instruments used by these men of science stood on exhibition in the cen- tre of this" foum , There were Sixtus tl music was supplied by a splendid or- chestra. The name of each dance was quite is with the studies of "Yeo hosts o evening.' Supper was Yerred in the reading room at guartette tables, which were daintily decorated with flowers. Some of the weavers of handsome gowns were : | Mrs. F. 0. Willhoft, grey silk, trim-| med with burnt orange. | Mrs. W. L. Goodwin, ashes of roses satin with cut steel trimmings Mrs. Arthur F. Clarke, old satin with silver pasementerie. Mrs. L.- W. Gill, black satin, veiled in black lace, with jet trimmings and red roses. Mrs. A. Macphail, white satin, pearl and bu orpaments on bodice. Mrs. Stafford Kirkpatrick, black silk with overdress of sparkling black sequins. 'Mrs. J. C. Gwillim, mauve satin with scarf of black and silver. A few of the. s noticed were: Professor and 'Mrs. A. Macphail, Prof- fessor and Mrs. 8. F. Kirkpatrick, Pro- fessor and Mrs. < J.- C. Gwillim, Mrs. Brooke « and Miss Brooke, [erming- ham, England, Professor and Mrs. F 0. Willhofit, Professor M. Baker, Pro- fessor Davis, Misses Mabel and Mar jory Brownfield, Misses Phyllis and' Charlie Shortt, Miss Nan Palerson, Mise Maude Butler, Stratford; Miss Lassie Kirkpatrick, Miss Mona Knight, Misses Eva and Mabel - Richardson, Misses Mamie and Susie Anglin, Miss Edith Young; Miss Florence - Elliott, 1 8 rose Miss Helen low, Miss Edna Booth, Miss Madge Taylor, Miss Nora Mac- nee, Misses Hilda and Doris Kent, Mise Chapelle, Misses Millan, Misses Nc- Mahon, Miss Vera Carson, Miss Doro- thy Hill, Miss Flossie Hudon, Misses Misses Edith and Dorothy | Goodwin, Miss N. Hanley, Misses Hay-! cock, Miss Moran, Miss Dora Oldrieve, Miss Lenore Hamilton, Miss Dick, Miss Marjorie Merrick, Miss F. Williams, Miss L. Cayes, Miss Dorothy Carruth: ers, Miss Nora Gordon, Miss Grace Cane, Newmarket, Miss Jean Gaskin, Miss J. Dickson, Miss Donnelly, Miss Kathleen Saunders, Misses Sands, Messrs. Noble and William Steacy, - Balfour Mudie, S. I. Cunningham, Ar- thur Turner, Hamilton, Norrish, Ot- tawa, Bearance, Young, D. Elliott, H, Wood, J. Forgie, A. Davis, J. Davis, D. Anglin, Eric Boak, W. and E. Goodwin, T. Bryne, Ottawa, G. Gil lespie, Campbell Elliott, W. W. Gib- son, representatives from School of Practical Science, McGill, | Mrs. Jeremy Taylor, Barl street, en- tertained the Dancing Club, on Friday evening, in hopor of her som, Mr. ereny Taylor, ie oy time was in t hk ro tT Jeng he , Mibs Miss Ruth Anglin, Leura Kilborn, Miss Dorothen Bidwell, Miss Janet Saunders, Miss rif i 7 i i ! g q it | =p A ! : oF if A i : i> I * Fe i ; 7 a : : : i i f i ; i i i * ii i of i ii ml f; | will not be able to receive, on Thurs | street. [brate the Glorious Twelfth. . that a smaller sum would be THE DAILY BPITISH WHIG, ON Mrs. William Harty, Mrs. FP. Brownfield, Mrs. Rus sell Hale, Mrs. J. B. Cartuthers, Mrs. Frank Strange, Mrs. T. D. R. Hem: ming, Mrs. J. H. V. Growe, Mrs. Herbert Saunders, Mrs. Campbell Strange, and Miss Eleanor Maedonetl. + 4 4 Miss Mabel Milo, Kingston, is the guest of Mrs, A. Waggover, 36 Rath- nally avenue, Toronto. Her visit will be extended to the end of the month. | + + & Mrs. R. 8. Waldron, King street, will receive, on Tuesday, for the first time this season, and afterward on each Tuesday of the month. . *. * * Mrs. D. Phelan, Johnson street, who has had a severe attack of la grippe, days, for a little time. $$ & 4 . : Miss Jean Matthews, Montreal, is visiting friends in Kingston. Colonel H. E. Burstall went Yo Ot- tawa on Friday. Miss Grace Cane, Newmarket, ar- rived in town, on Thutada, and is the guest of Miss Edna Booth, Alfred {Continued on page 6.) -- OFFICERS WERE ELECTED. At Annual Meeting County Orange Lodge. The annual meeting of the County Orange Lodge, of Frontenac, was held on Thursday, when officers were elect- ed. James Berry, Kingston, the coun- ty master, was in the chair, These ficers were elected : County master, W. McNeilly, Sun- bury; uty, Ford Webster, King- ston; chaplain, W. McCamanon ; fin- ancial secretary, A. Hutton, 'Pitts burgh; recording-secretary, H. Gra- bam, Kingston; treasurer, E. Bennett, Kingston; director of ceremonies, M. Shannon, Glenburnie. It is not definitely known yet, where the local orangemen will eele- Another meeting will be held later on, when | this will be decided. Next year the big celebration will be held in this city, and the local Orangemen are putting forth every effort to make ! this event a "bummer." It was well advertised at the gathering last year. THE PEOPLE TO VOTE On Question of Giving $40,000 for a' School. The civid finance committee, on Fri- | day evening, decided to recommend to the city council that the request of the Board of Education for $40,000 for a new public school, be submitted to the vote of the electors next month. The committee did not feel like shoul- dering the responsibility of recommend. ing a grant of such a large sum, in view the fact that some of [the Board of Education members claim suffici- ent, : An Exciting Runaway, A runaway which might have result- ed in a number of hves lost, took! place, on. Princess street, this morn: ing, just when the streets were throng- ed with people. The animal, a spirited mare, which was purchased recently by Daniel Zurbrigg, was standing in front of Laidlaw's dry goods store, and be | came frightened at a passing street | car and bolted. The animal ran down | Princess street to Wellington street, and there took the left sidewalk and ran as far as King street. There it encountered a farmer's rig and nar rowly missed upsetting it as it tore past. The farmer's horses became frightened and dashed - into u tele graph pole. The horse. ran on out King stregt as far as it could be seen. Valentine Tea. Come to Y.W.C.A., sale and tea, Tuesday, February 14th, from 3 to 6. Kenneth Robinson, going into the Kingston foundry, with a gasoline torch, slipped and fell and the torch badly burfied him on his face. Money invested in first-class security at good rate of interest by Mullin, corner Johnson and Division streets. Mrs. M. J. Allen, Gananoque, for- merly of Kingston, is seriously ill. Her sons are at bedside. Mrs. J. C. Cornell, Sharbot Lake, wife of the Methodist minister, frac tured one of her arms by a fall. "Kingston's Famous Fur Store." = Partnership sale Will End in Ano- ther Week So far we have sent away hundreds who will for some time to come remember the occasion of our taken into the bus- iness a new partner. Of any article in any department of our big store, Experience. 126 & 128 Princess St { {when the location of the new hghts is of- [be passed around. MATTERS TAKEN UP BY THE! COMITTEE. Recommend That Dr. Nicholls be) Retained as Veterinary Surgeon' For Fire Department--Test to bel Made of Chatham Engine--New | Lamps Required. | There was but a small grist of busi: | ness before the fire and hight commit | tee, on Friday afternoon. The chair- | man, Ald. Givens, presided, and the | other members present were Adds. ! Fair, McCarthy, 'Hoag, McCann, Fra) | er and Hanley. | A request was received froin T. Mon- crief, for a light on Durham street. This request will be taken up later, considered. There are a batch of re quests for new lights to be taken up. At the last meeting of the commt- tee, Dr. W. J. Morgan, applied for the position of veterinary surgeon for the fire department, and the committee re- ported to the council, that no action be taken. The council, however, re- ferred the matter back to the commit tee. Dr. Nicholls Las been acting in this capacity for the department, and at the last: meeting Chief Armstrong reported that he was giving perfect satisfaction, with the work. Alds. Fair and McCarthy favored the appointment of Dr. Morgan, giving their opinion that the position ghopld Ald. McCann mov- ed that Dr. Nicholls be retained at his old salary, and Ald. Fair moved in amendment that Ur. Morgan receive the appointment. Alds. Faw, MeCar- thy and Fraser supported the amend- ment, and the motion to retain Dr, Nicholls was carried. The committee confirmed the action of the joint meeting, held recently, when the chairman of the fire and light committee, the chairman of the light, heat and power committee, with the city i , and the manager ol the. light plant, were appointed to look after the location of the new street lamps. In regard to the proposed test, to be given the Chatham fire engine, the chairman reported that the services of Mr. Yellowley could not be secured for the test. It was decided td have the test made by Mr. Thompson, govern- ment inspector, or in case he could not act, to have the work done by some other competent engineer. There was some discussion about new lights required. The fire chief drew the attention of the committee to the great need for a lamp at the corner of Brock and Bar- | vie streets. This corner was used a | great deal by the department, in re ing to alarms. Other members offered sites for. new lights, but, of course, no action was taken, as the question of the location of the new lamps has yet to be considered. IN SPORTING CIRCLES. Queen's II. Beat McGill IL in Mont- real by 6 to 5. . In the intermediate intercollegiate hockey match in Montreal on Friday evening Queen's IT defeated McGill 11 by 6 to 5. However, McGill wina the round by 18 to 13, as it took the game in Kingston last Monday by 13 to 1. Curling Last Night, The curling matches, Friday night, resulted as follows: Skip Sills defeated Skip Bell, 14 to 8; Skip 8S. 8. Corbett defeated Skip Reid, 14 to 11; Skip Cunningham won from Skip MacFarland, 9 to 8; Skip Dalton defeated Skip Robertson 15 to 3. "Varsity Beat McGill. Varsity defeated McGill in the senior Intercollegiate hockey game at Montreal last evening; by 11 te 4, and ended any chapce of a tiein this league. The Toronto team will have the championship this season, - unless Queen's can beat it in Toronto next Friday night. As Queen's and McGill played two very close games,' it would seem that "Varsity has tho best team of the three, taking the result of last night's game as a criterion. Frontenacs Go to Oshawa. Oshawa won its round in the junior 0.H.A. series from Upper Canada College, the game. last night resulting 32 to 3 in its favor. Frontenacs will play in Oshawa next Tuesday evening and hope to score another victory to their long list. Oshawa has not the best kind of a rink, but the local kids should take the measure of the team up there on its own ice, and win down here by a good majority. It is hoped that "Bouncer" Brouse will be well enough to appear on the ice with the Frontenace. He will be ready for the return game anyway. "Hummers" Won Out. In a game of hockey, last night, the Dufferin Hummers defeated the Pine (Hill Tigers, by a score of 11 to 1. The score at half time was 7 to 6. Greer gave entire satisfaction. The Hummers will play the Stadium Pets on Monday afternoon, on the Duf- ferin rink. Line-up of teams : Dufferin H FIRE AND LIGHT| Tuesday, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 11, 1911. Feb. 14th, v - Pictures FRAMED PICTURES Of the Cupids, Den Pictures, Philip Boileau, Frederick Remington, etc. at 20 per cent. from regulsr prices -- * > + + + 0 Books BOOKS OF LATEST FICTION . | From $1.50 to 50c. A shipment of the latest rebounds opened to-day. | SPECIAL GIFT BOOKS, i Scott's Lady of the Lake A Book of Sweethearts The Christy Girl Riley Gift Books | The Rosary, gift edition | St. Valentine's Day THREE MOST SUITABLE GIFTS .|A LIBRARY MEMBERSHIP The Gift is 1 most acceptable Valentine ife Membership in the \ lege Book Store " The larg- | e8t member and st Ll. RATE good until 14th, $1.00 city, contai > latest books February VALENTINES. POST CARDS from 6 for 3c. to Sc. Each. The College Book Store THE FINEST BOOK STORE IN EASTERN ONTARIO. 260 PRINCESS STREET INCIDENTS OF THE DAY. Newsy Paragraphs Picked Up by Re- porters on Their Rounds. "Buy talcum powders." Gibson's. Mr. Harvey sings at Bijou, to-day and evening. - William Swaine, piano tuner, Orders received at McAuley's. Phone 778. Miss Valetta Cogkade, 130 Division street, is. visiting Mrs. Harper Reid, Centreville. F "See the talcum powder window." Gibson's. Miss Nellie Forsythe and her sister, Beatrice, have gone away a short visit. H. Cunningham, piano King street, Leave orders Aulev's bookstore. Arthur Bick, student at Queen's, went to Ottawa, to-day, to spend the week-end at his home. : "The invalids' tomie," Beef, and Wine, 50c. Gibson's. Richard Clark, manager of the King- ston box factory, went to Ottawa, to-day, on a business trip. Lord Roberts unveils monument. Bijou to-day. Miss Mabel Albright, of Renfrew, is on a visit to her sister, Mrs. (. 8S, Anglin, Wellington street. Do you suffer from bunyons ? Bunyon Rite, at Gibson's. Capt. Alexander Potter has complet ed the work of putting in the new little for tuner, 21 at Me Iron At See | boiler in the steamer Stranger. "Physicians"' recommend Beef, Iron and Wine tonic, 50e. Gibson's. There is talk of protesting the game of last Thursday evening, between Granite juniors and Barriefield, Messrs. David and T. H. Funnell, of this city, were called to Syracuse, N Y., owing to the illness of a relative. "The invalids' tonic," Beef, Iron and Wine, 50c. Gibson's. A picked team from the city went out to Battersea, this afterncon, to give the boys of that place a game. Arthur Joyce and Vernon Horton, Napanee eame to the city, yesterday, to spend a few days with the form- er's brother, Sheldon Joyee. "Cancelled Tabard Jon books," 20c. Gibson's. Harvey Mile, president of the City Hockey league, has offered a reward of 810 for information which will veal the identity of the person or per sons who kicked Campbell and Tis dale in the ribs at their game with Granites. Such rowdyism com temptible. Mr Milne is endeavoring to do all in his power to put a stop to it. Na | Se ii, library re 18 ' - 0000000000000 0000 0000000000000 0000000 12ie to 20c a yard. Assorted colors. than half price A few of the spe 9000000000000000000000600 TN 25 Pairs Corsets In odd makes, priced up to $1a pair. sizes except 19, 20, 21. For a Saturday Night Clearance 35¢ a Pair. Be Early. 500 Yards of Ribbons A big variety of dark shades, odd lines, To-Night 7 i-2c a Yard. 3 Dozen Boys' Hockey Toques To Clear To-Night 15¢ Each Ladies' Flannelette Under- : skirts Grey, Pink or White. To-Night at less cial WAISTS left and will be sold at 50c each EYE EXAMINATION J Eyes should be every two years. The eyes change. Glasses exactly right last year may be injurious now. Whether you wear glasses or not your eyes should be examined every two years. We are eye experts. We can afford you perfect sight, Our varied stock of moums<® helps us to give perfect satis- faction. » -------- examined S-------- Dr. A. P.Chown, OPEN NIGHTS Druggist, Optician, 185 PRINCESS STREET. 'Phone 343. DISAGREE AS TO SITE Mowat Memorial Hospital, For the Tuber. culosis The choosing of a site for the Mow at Memorial Tuberculosis Hospital is again to cause a debate. by the management the general, hospital on Friday even Ihe question was discussed sommittee of oard 61 ng, and the majority of this commit tee are opposed to eresting the build | the hospital ground, as has | wen proposed. They did not consi le hat it would be a good thing cear ago, this matter airing in the press by writers agninst the hospital site. It is under stood that the medical board of the ospital is opposed to the site on the srounds: It is likely the question will some before the board of the first governors, ng on \ was given ar for and governors at {s meeting on Monday: March, On request of man; people Rev J another lecture in it. Andrew's hall last evening, hi ubiect being the humorous social ife of the Irish. His lecture was pun situated with many witty was vigorously applanded vorthey delivered remarks and L All | | i 25¢ Each . IMONDAY Big display of New Embroideries and Whitewear. Call and see the range Newman & Shaw 'THE ALWAYS BUSY STORE. 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 0000000000000 00000000000000000000000000 0000000000000000800%0 00000 ess00ee Cor. Phone 919 m---------- Table Silver Does not your Table Silver need some replenishing or new little pieces added to brighten it up? Look it over sometime soon We are headquarters for TABLE SILVER. Our patterns are new and attractive, and the cost may vary from the price of good Plated Ware to Heavy Sterl ing Silver SMITH BROS., B50 KING STREET Issuers of Marriage Licenses. FUR Sale COURDIERS Get in Toush With Malin For Real Estate Bargains $1,100 buys 1 Stone and 1 Frame Dwelling, Clergy with im- provements; reuts bring in $144 per year $1,100-<Albert Frame; 8 rooms, stable $1.800-~Albert Street frame; 8 rooms, b. & and stable $2,500--Albert frame; 8 rooms, $3.600--Detached son 8 rooms, heating and stable Look over out gains Houses to rent Street, Street, b & Detached and detached furnace detached hot water heating brick, John gas, hot water Street, Street big list of bar. The $2,800 House been sold Mullin advertised has Johnson and Division Streets, "Phone 539. Kingston Cor, Princess and Sydenham Streets, Laundry, Phone 2%