RIDEAU WARD CRIES SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 14, 1011. BE THE DAILY BRITISH WRIG, DEATH AT NAPANEE -- ---- A EE -------- -- y -- PAGE SIX. Edith THE WHITE PLAGUE. : y Sund avy, for New Yorkl where Miss Jeave of they will 2 ' VEER TERT N SRR "@ its Study and Prevention Will be ir You have pro- bably keen in- tending to try Red Rose Tea for some time but from "force of habit" 4 have just kept on using enother tea. Break the Habit ed Ros 0 and buy R next time Recommend It | pewasee were Budget From Lansdowne. Lansdowne, Feb, 10. Freeman Doak is a patient in Kingston general hos pital, suffering from inflammation of the eyes. Lonis Moore has rented Webster's house on Main street. There is one case of scarlet fever in the village, at F. B. MeNanner's. His youngest daughter contracted it. A meeting of the women's institute was held on Friday. J. W. Darling gave a short sketch on the life of Thomas Moore. Miss Gertrude Bowen read an article on the "Values of Fish." Mrs 8S. C. E. Dixon read one on Sugar.' The Chosen Friends have purchased a lot from Mrs. Eliza Dixon, and intend building a hall thereon. Master Glen nie Isbister had a jolly party, on Monday, the thitd avniversary of his birthday. A daughter of Rev. Mr and Mrs. Beckstedt is suffering with measles. Miss Grant-Wales is the guest of her cousin, Mrs, Thomas Leech, at the rectory. Miss Libbie Stewart was hostess at a charming thimble tea, on Thursday afternoon. Miss Ann Dixon has been-confined to the house with an injured foot. A number from here attended the conservative con- vention at Delta to-day. Mrs. Walter Steacy has returned to Gananoque, after spending a few days with her father. Piles Cured in 6 to 14 Days. Your druggist will refund money if Pazo Ointment fails to cure any case of Itching, Blind: Bleeding or Protrud: ing Piles in 6 to 14 days. 50. FREE DISPLAY OF ART Reproductions of the most famous Originals fu the Galleries of Great Britaln and Europe. All lovers of fine art cordially Invited. The publisher's representative will be with us until 9 p.m. Satur- day. = : D. A. WEESE & 0. nervous sysicm, makes ? ia o'd Veina. Cures Nerv Menta! and Brain Worry, Des Weakness, Kmiszions, § Elects of Abuse Toronto, Silverwear Let us have it to Now the time; alse Skates Nickel Plating and Electro Pl ting of all kinds. Nickel, Copper, Brass, _ ute. We guarahtee a good job PARTRIDG E& SONS KING STREET WEST, 'Phone 380. Oh gr Did you hear it? How embar- rassing. Thess stomach noises make you wish you could sink through the floor. You imagine everyone hears them. Keep a box of CAS- CARETS in your purse or pocket and take a part of one after eating. It will relieve the stomach of os replate is ira a of or lreesses., Eo Mx for One will please, six | all or mailed in on ioe of price. New namphlet \ ont. | after the heii ® * + 9% {Continued from page Mrs. WR. Silis, Maek tertained at a set delirhtiul , Frhursd ted in rece Hare, Ir oGawilhim poured punired coffer the 'ice cre vas benutifully de wrnations and ace cen fed candles cirls who passed the refreshments Miss Sara Oibson, Miss Edith , Miss fdith and Miss we Williamwon, The guests in cluded Mrs. Hobart Dvde, Mrs. George Young, Mes. Gordon Mylks, Mrs, CO, Mrs. R. Uglow, Mrs. J. i, Elliott, Mrs, W. Renton, Mrs. W. 5. Filig Mrs. O. Bartetls, Mrs. J. 0. Boyd, Be H. Dyde, Mrs. Lindsay Malcolm, Mrs, George CLfl, Mrs, S. Roughton, Mrs. 1.. T. Best, Mrs. Ed- win Maclelland, Mrs. Hugh Macpher son, Mrs. Robert Fraser, Mrs, W. G. Jordan) Mre. Frederick Chown, W. C. Barbar, Mrs. rs. W. Baker, Mrs. Arthur Jameé Macleod, Mrs, A. phail, Mrs. T. W, Savary, Mrs. F, H. Sproule, Mrs. W. D. Carmichael her guest, Mrs. Clarke, + > $ Fraser Livingston, Mrs. Russell Hale, Johnson entertained at a most were five tables in play, and prizes were won by Mrs. Herbert Saunders, Mrs. Francis Hill Macnee, and Miss Eleanor Macdonell. The tea table was presided over by Mrs. J. B. Carruthers and Mrs. H. E. Bur stall, Mrs. P. C. Stevenson served the ice cream. Those that plaved were: Mrs. James Cappon, Mrs, F, Brown field, Mrs. H. R. Dufi, Mrs. W. R Givens," Mrs, J. B. Carruthers, Mrs H. E. Burstall, Mrs. Prank Strange, Mrs. Campbell Strange, Mrs. T. D. Hemming, Mrs. P, C, Francis Hill Macnee, Mrs. 'Herbert Saunders, Mrs. A. Flower March, Mrs. W. St. Pierre Hughes, Mrs. Jeremy Taylor, Mri. Douglas Young, Miss Mary Hora, Miss Eleanor Macdonell, and Miss 'Lilian Norton-Tavlor. + A very enjoyable afternoon tea was given by Mrs. H. D. Bibby, Brock street, on Wednesday. Mrs. Bibby was assisted in entertaining her guests, by Mrs, Frederick Chown, Mrs. T. F. Harrison, Mrs, Oliver Chown and Miss Helen Mclutyre. The drawing room, where Mrs. Bibby received ber guests, was artistically decorated with carnations, and ferns. In®the room the polished table was by a square of fine lace, on stood a basket of beautiful' crimson roses and lilies of the * valley. Mrs, D. E, Mundell poured the coffee, Mrs, Neil poured tea, Mrs, William Jack- son cut the ices, and they were as sisted by Miss Gladys Bibby, Miss Helen Bailey, Miss Florence William son and Miss Jennie Liviugeton, * + dining centred which Col. and Mrs. A. B. Cunningham Beverly street, entertained at dinner, on Wednesday evening, in %onor. of Me. and Mrs. Frnest Cunningham. Covers were laid for twelve. The table was centred by a Inrge vase of dai fodils, surrounded by smaller vases filled with the same flowers. The host ess wore sn become of pink ab; with tumie of cream allover lace. he guests were: Mrs. Henry Cunning ham, Mrs. R. (. Carter, Miss Florence unningham, Miss Nora Gordon, Miss Bessie Smythe, Mr. W. Grant, Mr. E Van Lesshe and Mr. Stanley Cunning. ham... 5 gown * + @ Robertson, Frontenac street at a;birthday party, Thursday eveming, in honor of her on, Master Jack Robertson. A very jolly time was spent by all the chil- Mrs. W. entertained on dren. At the end of the evening, Mrs. | Robertson, dressed as a fairy, pre sented éach guest with a prize. Those present were Misses Margaret, Eliza beth and Florence Cunningham, Mollie and Pegpiec Shine, Lissa Wood, Mast- ars Gordon and Douglas Cunningham, Walter and Gordon Hughes, and Nor: man and William Macleod. " * +9 There was a jolly luncheon party at the Country Club, on Friday, Those present were, Mrs. Arthur Cunning ham, Mrs. Halloway Weddell, Miss Aileen Rogers, Miss Nora Gordon, Miss Irene Swift and Miss Bessie Smythe. + +» A jolly crowd of snow-shoers went for a tramp, on Thursday evening. Afterwards they went to the Country Club, where they enjoyed a supper before toiuming home. > Mrs. Broweft's "At Home," for St. Valentine's day, is conveniently spread over the entire week, and many hours, 20 that invited friends who may have a multiplieity of engagements can suit themselves. f -* > Mrs. P. G. Br a went to Avon. ontreal, on' Pri fi visiting ; home in Mrs. Hobart Dyde, Johnson street, entertained, informally, at bridge, on Tuesday eveving, in honor of Mes. Henry Wade 4 Hrs. Seancis Philips. ae K. Lyman, "Calderwood," is itertaining at a children's party, February ith, in honor of her ~ Miss Eleanor Lyman. 5 supper, carnival, this evening. * gy Goldin | Buwilight BVA EROESRRNY Mrs. Edward Ryan, Ellis, Mac- and street, interesting bridge, on Thursday afternoon. There | Birmingham, the Stevenson, Mrs, | honie pink m | cases of skin diseases in a week. trip, Mass Tra days in Miss was one dance al Mrs. Lennox Mills will not next Tuesday, 14th, ¢ will be in Toronto, with the Bishop of ith Davidson, Sydenham, of the at the science Queen's last eveming, guests receiva February as she Ontario Mr street w Fhursda Mrs. 8S. Roughton, King i! leave for Californis + + @ Mes. few weeks with her sister, Mrs. W. Barber, House * turned home to Dradierd, last Satar- "Rockwood Miss Mira Gravdon, who has been h st of hee sister, Miss Graydon, "Rockwood House," returned on Sa- turday to her home in Streetsville. Mrs. A. I. Knight, Alice street, wil retiun from Toronto on Monday next. Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Givens, Maitland | street, will leave for Florida week, and will spend the remainder of the winter there. Mr. Ernest Decary came up Montreal, on Saturday, and spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. E. Ryan, | "Rockwood House." Mr. Deecary, ac- companied by Mrs. Decary, two weeks, returned to Montreal Monday. + + 9» Mrs. J. B. McLeod, Alfred street, will receive every Thursday during Febru- ary and March, instead * of the first and second as formerly, Professor 8. F. Kirkpatrick, street, who spent a few days in Deloro this week, returned home on Friday. Mrs. Brooke and Miss Brooke, England, . arrived town, this week, at Mrs. Hugel's, William street. They éxpect to remain here until June. Mr, J. town, at the Royal Wednesday. in Military College * + + Mr. J. Walton, of the Canadian Bank of Commerce, Kingston, b been transferred to Stavely, Mr. and Mrs. Walton will leave, Monday or, Tuesday; for their Their many friends regret much that they in Kingston. Miss Doris Jackson, Brockville, is ex- pected, on Tuesday, to visit Marion Lesslie, William street. Mr. W. Haggarty, spent a few days week, returning day. Mrs. George Deane, Lindsay, to-day. Miss Ursula will remain until the od of next week with her aunt, Mrs. R. C. Car- 'ter, West street, * + 9» new very in Toronto, to towd on returned to to Mr. Tramble Warren, both of routo, on Tuesday; February 28th. You never make a mistake in aban doning methods that are annoying. Lewis Campbell after spending i LT next ! from who has been Mrs. Ryan's visitor for the past | on Gore of and are en pension Burns, Ottawa, will come to next week, to attend the dance on Albetih. on will no longer reside Miss of the R.C.H.A., this Thors- Deane Invitations have been issued for the arriage of Miss Marjorie Braithwaite To- How to Stop Pimples In Five Days You Can Get Rid of All Skin Eruptions by the New Calcium Sulphide Wafers. Any man or woman gets awfully tired going around with a pimply face | day after day, And other people gut awfully tired, too, seeing them go around with faces full of pimples. If you are one of the unfortunates who can't get away from your pim- ples, and you have tried almost ev- erything under heaven to get rid them, take a few of Stuart's Calciam Walers every day. Do that steadily for a few days, and in less than a week look at yourself in the mirror. You will then say that Stuart's Cal- cium Wafers are a wonder in getting rid of the eruptions. These wonderful little workers con- tain the most effective blood purifier ever discovered, calcium sulphide. No matter what your whether pimples, blotches, blackheads, rash, tetter, eczema or scabby crusts, you can solemnly depend upon Stu- art's Calcium Wafers as never-failing. Stuart's Calcium Wafers have cured boils iu three days and the worst Ev- ery particle of impurity is driven out of your system completely, never to return, and it is done without derang: your system in the slightest. in Sot treatments for the blood and for skin eruptions are miserably slow in their results, and besides, many of them are poi us. Stuart's Calcium Wafers contain no poison or drug of any kind; they are absolutely harm- less, and yet do work which cannot fail to surprise you. Don't. go #1 ob fap 08 disgusting | of | trouble is, §° around with a humiliating, 2 OF MRS. ELEANOR THOMPSON, AGED EIGHTY-FOUR. Harvey Warner Improving--Ladies' Musical Club Event--An Heir at the Home of W. A. Grange. 11. Another of of Napanee in the Eleanor A. Thomp the home Barton Ihe Napanee, Feb. old residents person of drs, | son, died Thursday, at f her jaughter, Mrs. James J. i Centre street, aged eighty-four. | funeral takes place this afternoons. Harvey Warner is somewhat better and his fricads are hopeful that Tu | will be about before long. i Mrs. J. R. Young was at home t her many friends on Tuesday I Thursday evenings, of this week. Mrs Dickinson entertained. a number of her friends on Tuesday ev ening. : I Miss C. M. Cairns returned from New York yesterday, after six weeks' visit ! with friends. Mrs, J, Rudd Perry re {turned from a five months' visit | with her daughter, Mrs. E. Barr Hall, {at Princeton, B.C, A son arrived to Mr. and Mrs. W { A. Grange, on Friday morning. Miss ol ana Whitney, of Oshawa, is the guest of Mrs. (Di) Cameron Wilson. Mrs Mann, of Renfrew, is the guest of her gister, Mrs. (Dr.) Sills, street. The ladies' musical club held sixth regular meeting in the hall on Friday afternoon. The gramme was given entirely by talent and all by students, as it was "Students' Day." It is needless tc say they all did remarkably well anc won for themselves many expression: of praise from the audience. The death occurred, on Sunday last, of William Saul, a former resident of Camdea East, but for the past twc or three vears he has resided witl his daughter, Mrs. William Vine, New burgh Road. the ripe age of eighty-three years and a few months. He came originally from Ireland and was employed or the Victoria bridge, Montreal. He later settled in Camden township. He leaves a family of three sons and fow daughters, Robert and David, Camden East, W.J., Toronto, Mrs. William Vine, Napanee, Mrs. Sidney Williams. Camden East, Mrs. B. J. Sigsworth, Hartington, and Mrs. M. Orser, Kep ler. The remains were taken to Cam den East on Tuesday for interment. | PITH OF THE NEWS. their pro home Over the World. Seventeen have died in Ottawa from | typhoid fever. : James Livingstone, ex-M.P., Ont., is critically ill. Engineer Earitt was t | nection with the train collision Paris. : Dr. Edward Gamaliel Janeway di at Summit; NJ. He was. seventy years of age. . 3 W. German, M.P., liberal for Wel lund, may vote against the reciprocity kid Baden arrested in con agreement, Gange, New York peddlar, for napping © a child, given years in prison. New York's health department an | nounces that they have made 160 ar rests for expectorating. ! Toronto has presented a portrait of Gen. Booth, of the Salvation Army to the National gallery there. \ Three sisters of W. P. Mallory, | | : On { Trial Package to Prove It Sent Free. ' Stamford, Conn., share in a $250,006 estate. They live at Hamilton, 'Unt It is reported that President Arose mena, of Panama, will proceed to Eng land in June to attend the coronation | ceremonies, Rev. Charles A. managed Madison L200, 00% Baptist to raise avenue { last year for the church. 2 he is said the C.P.R. will establish steamship line from St. ohm an Halifax to West Indies, calling als at Boston. The large French college » by the Capuchin Fathers of Toulouse Armenia, was nearly destroyed by fire | The college has 100 students, Rev. H. G. Livingston, " street Methodist church, Hamilton asked to remain as pastor for tenth year. His is a mission church. manage } Barton trappers near Charlton, Ont, been missing for two weeks. It is fear ed they have been eaten by wolves. At Tavistock, Ont., James' Vance contractor, was arrested, with having bribed a councillor to obtain a contesct for building bridge. Reduced to 'penury through inability to find employment, Jacob Van Has selt, forty-five years old, son of a no bleman in Holland, shot himsell dead Lin Chicago. D. J. McDougall, M.P.P., East Ot tawa; has been presented with a cabi- net of silver by his fellow liberals. in the legislature. Mr. McDougall i tc be married on Thursday next to Rosamond: Chadwick. = Harry Cameron, John Laxguue, B Indiano and Perramupe, wealthy stock men, of California, missing since Jan- to have been m R: despatches re , who at the last turned out the t Politics" the Dundas town Deceased had reached The Very Latest Culled From Al near twenty-five © Eaton, New York, ord Teeples and John McCoy, two have charged 188 uary, are believed by the authorities Presented. This educational leaflet is issued by authority of the Kingston Association for the study and prevention of tub erculosis : The campaign against consumption in the city of Kingston is to be pros ecated as tapidly and as vigorously as possible. The campaign is solely! for the good of the people. As far as pos. sible, and as promptly e city mast be rid of th The association aims at th 5% each individual of the city, as the truth about consumption, begin- ning with the school child and reach ing all the people. The following leaf jets will be issued, one each week ause of Tuberenlosis; Spread of Tub sreulosis: Prevention of Tuberculosis Symptoms of Tuberculosis; Cure Tuberculosis. Duty of the tuberculosis atient to the family and the com munity. Duty of the family the tuberculosis patient. Duty of the com munity to the tuberculosis patient, Why Warfare is Waged. Pulmonary tuberculosis, known also by the name "Consumption" and 'The Great White Plague" is respon- sible for one out of every seven or vight deaths. The civilized world an- nually offers up more than ome mil lion lives to this disease. In Canada. the death roll frem tuberculosis every year, means the loss of one out of every 550 of our citizens. It is esti mated that there were 11,657 deaths in Canada in the year 1907 from this disease or one every forty-five nmunutes About ninety, per cent of these deaths occur among adults. The economic loss represented by these deaths means wn annual deficit to Canada, of more than fifteen million dollars. There were thirty-one deaths from tuber. eulosis in the city of Kingston during 1910. This is Ligh but below the aver age. All these deaths and all the at. tendant suffering and sorrow, are oe casioned By a disease that can be pre vented." A fight against tuberculosis means a fight against all microbi diseases. The same treatment that makes tuberculosis patients well, keeps well persons from getting sick, as possible, of to What is Tuberculosis? Tuberculosis is a disease aflecting the lungs, although bones, glands dnd tissues are attacked. The glands and the neck ave very frequently affected, The disease here is often the forerun ner of disease of the lungs. "White swelling" and "'hip-joint disease' ar forms of tuberculosis of bone. The Cause of Tuberculosis. For many vears tuberculosis or con sumption was believed to be inherited, It was often observed that one child fter 'another of the family died of the disease, and it was thought to be transmitted directly from parent to child. In 1882, Robert Koch, a Ger man physician, discovered the real anse of the disease. It is a tiny plant or germ, so small that it has to be magnified many hundred times to be seen at all. This tiny plant is known as the "germ" or "bacillus" of con sumption AN AMUSING DISCUSSION Over the Twin Sisters From Edia- burgh. An amusing discussion ook place at the King's Cross Station of the Great Northern railway, when the twin sis ters Blazek arrived from Edmburgh Born thirty-one years ago in Bohemia, Yosefa™ and: Rosa Blazek, who are known as the successors of the Sia nese Twins, are inseparably joined to ether, and when it was found that hey had bought only one ticket the (westion whether the railway ompany was entitled to ask for a se ond fare. Such a case had never been heard of before, and after much per- arose themselves with taking the name and wddress of lke 8. Rose, of Berlin, who s accompanying the twins on their ravels, and whdé explained that he wad never taken more than one ticket for them amd had never been asked for « second fare, The object ondon is to undergo an examination by surgeons and doctors of the Gener | Medical Coupeil during the week. One of the sistérs has a nine-months- old baby, which she was carrying her arms on her arrival at Cross. of the sister's visit to mn ---------------- Got His Dose. A famous actor would never take medicine, and his medical man was of. ten _gbliged to resort to stratagem to i » a dose upon him. There is a play in which the hero is sentenced to drink a cup of poison. The actor in question was playing this character one night, 'and had given directions to have the cup filled with port wine, but when he came to drink it, what was his horror to find it contained a dose of senna! He could not throw it away, as be had to hold the gob let upside down, to show his perse cutors he had drained every drop of it. Our hero drank the medicine, but he never.forgave his medieal man, as was proved at his death, for he died without paying bis bill. Died at Stanley Barracks. Toronto, Feb. 11.--Capt. John Car lob, of the Royal Canadian Regi: ment, died, last evening, of t i poeumonia. Ile served with the Grenadiers from 1899 to. 1901, mid then entéred the permanent force. Une til two years ago he was stationed in barracks in the maritime provinces. During the last two years he has been attached to § barracks. A wis dow and one daughter survive. The funeral takes place at 2 pm., on Mon- day, from Stanley barracks. -------- . Credit Sale. Of farm stock and implements will be held at 12 o'clock noon, on Tues day, Feb. 14th, at the revildence of Jas. Ferris, Lot 16, 10th Concession of Storrington, 1 males north of Battersea, at Hart's Corner. Sale will be conducted by Willism Mutray, aue- tioneer. Meport-ins it. that Miss Ethel Lo Suave has sailed Jor Quebee. The honest man is the work of God r pat ih » dexity, the railway officials satisfied | King's | FOR NEEDED IMPROVEMENTS TO VICTORIA PARK. Badly Needed-- of Res Lights and Walks Criticism of Oraamentation Lower Parks Until Victoria ceives Attention. } Edit the {To the the report of arks conumitilee, | press of a perusal the | which red BELEN, uth, i the mports' be of the work outlined lor vear shows that the needs of the res: dents of Kideau ward are again | be ignored, and the same old lemon once more handed "ito them. Water] pipes to the flower beds, cement urns, | and lighted walks for the city park, | : 2 a { lights for Macdonald park flag pole, | and a "white way for the | mooted esplanade. The committee we ave told | "fell dead in love' with the latér idea, | And Victoria park fell, a little! whitewash for the band stand. Last vear Victoria park, apart from the usual grass cutting, tree drimmityg and flowers, which could not very well be denied, received half a dozen loads of cinders to repair its walks, and the material remained in a heap for three months before being spread. The residents were also favored with what called a band (?) concert. This be made, a beauty needs looking after instead of being al- lowed to deteriorate. Its pathways at present are simply water courses and and in such a state that by farmers, who their teams over ------ them, for roadways. New cinder walks . : should be laid and the entrances to same protected by posts to prevent] teams using them. Or better still per " manent walks should be built. Then Victoria park "light. tx a Here is a park, all oT which {full bleached, 66 to 2 in. Juavily wood area of [ywide. Beautiful designs wooded, covering an ro blocks hout a light; a park | = Sanat Yix blocks of public street, | and regularly 85¢. yard. "Saturday Only and intersected by a street, one block Jit. Repeated req §4c. Yard CRUMLEY BROS. Corrset, the ensuing Big Clearing Sale DRESS GOODS EMBRACING Many Popular Weaves, in Plain Cloths, Stripes and Diagonals. Materials werth 60c, 75c. and 85c¢. yard. Special 44c. Yd. See Window Display was park is, or can spot, but badly and improving, mud holes, they are mistaken repeatedly drive needs is | bounded bs with only s have ue cess flag the "great: white way" near the Grove Inn, which doubt might pleasing to the few who mdulge [in no look Extra fine; satin damask, boating after dark in the west part of our harbor during two months of the but would be of no material service to the of citizens who flounder and grope along danger from | could | park been made for light but without Do you not think, that the pro- posed lights on the top of gghe pole in Mactlonald park 8 + FEBRUARY year, hundreds ous pathways and dark streets one year's end to the other, well stand over until Victoria and its vicinity are properly lighted Let wus have necessities before orna mentation. Even band concerts, flow er beds, water pipes and cement urns | should take second place walks | and lights. | $15.00 The immediate section of the city to'| $12 00 Rockers for the north and west of Vietoria park $700 Rockers for is building up rapidly: and some { $2.25 Rockers for : thirty forty substantial residences | $1. 50 Rockers for. have been erected . during the past | WATCH OUR LARGER SPACE. two vears, with more to fallow if | 5 Regular $37 Wiiton Rugs proper encouragement given the | $28.00 20 per cent. off most people. Rideau ward is booming, and | hia ine it is to be hoped the parks commit (this He. a Sq i will reconsider their programme | T.F.Harrison Co. as outlined in the press and give Vie | 3 Buckle Overshoes to Rockers for or is tee Cash. toria park the attention of which it | i# in great need i Another matter puzelin dents of this part of Mack ago a bylaw for this, but ing' is the to of the city is + Over resi the | 2 Buckle Overshos | 1-Buckle Overshoes { Men's Rubbers Bovs' Rubbers Youths' Rubbers | Ladies' Rubbers Felt Boots Felt Boots, leather Men's Felt Boots, all leather co ered 2.5 hundred § last week's | The JOHNSTON'S SHOE STORE 70 BROCK STREET. extension street 8 VOAr passed i the heen hang held was since sign has matter up? Burned in Great Pyre, tront 11--At Chang-Chun, bonfires, eight bummed, being Pekin, irimense {corpses were Feb in | above are genuine bargains, | accummulation of bodies unburied, ow to the fact that all the grave diggers have died of the plague. The epidemic .is now at its most virulent | ing £11.50 $9.50 . $5.50 . 81.65 sL.10 . 1.08 stage at Chang-Chan. Yesterday's to- tal of deaths was F40. and idleness are MIPANIONS, Self, to many, sivht and hearing Gossip i hoon The prodigals | from coming prise Keeps many back Nothing Better Than Our Cream Caramels Purest of their kind. Have you tried them? SAKELL'S ICE CREAM PARLOR Next to Opera House. Phone 640 WCET CY ADDICTIONS wl J Lv d sition CIC i cet BIGS : ; : Ice Cream Cakes, 20c. Each Florence Cakes, 25¢. Each. Sandwich Cakes, -: 30c. Each Brandy Snaps, Irth every week, at 10c. 302 King usually ARAN St Phone 141 R. H. TOYE, ok xs