: for only $11.00. ts 'and Hanging Hall Mir- Suites reduced to $60. $85 Parlor #38 Couph, leather, reduced to $29. Carpets, Curtains, - Linolewms, 10 to i ON SATURDAY NIGHT. Those Who Won Prizes for Waltzing Those in Costumes. The annual masquerade of the Skat- ing Clup held at the covered rink, on Saturday evening, was declared by ail who attended to be the best ever held by the club. Manager Bonter and his assistants 'had the ice in excellent ing the entire evening. The affair was not brought to a close until 11:15 o'clock. The 14th band music. The awarding of the prizes was the most important feature of the even- ing. J. H. Birkett and Lieut.-Col. Me- Gill acted as judges. The prizes were awarded as follows : . Best lady waltzers--1st, Miss N. Paterson; 2nd, Miss Nora Gordon. Best tlemen waltsers--lst, George Ric: 2ud, EB. C. Gildersleeve. The chariot race was won by Leo- nard Birkett's team, whith shia posed of the following : Misses Sylvia Cochrane, Marjorie Brownfield Madge Taylor. The prize for the most original cos- tume was awarded to Prof. Baker, who was dressed as a German Jew. Those most richly costumed were Mr. and Mrs. Halloway Waddell, who ted "Mandron and Gypsy." BEE is ¥ in cutti roses were : Misses Rear, Nan Ps , Nora Gordon and Dorothy Brownfield, and Messrs. E. C. Gilder- > y very original and pretty. who were in costume ay, Turkish Girl: E Carruthers, Little Girl in Blue; S. H. Kirkpatrick, Japanese; Miss Mar Hemming, Valentine; = Miss Strange, Lady Mary Stuart; Miss Mar Murray, Martha Washington; illie Murray, . i Hise Alice Goodwin, Wi EVED 7-11 i oh z Hi «sd I Bi § = HELD AT THE COVERED RINK condition, and it remained hard dur-| | The writer has no lim the matter other tl the - ling, George I. Pound forcibly 'la from The average M. | members . | nivieteen vears. 3 he t to England to return HEE en pei by Prince °, fone capital in the previous win- i"| prince visited ; 1 8g0. THE DAILY BPITISH WHIG, THE WEEKLY BRITISH WHIG, LETTERS TO THE EDITOR. Test of the New Street Arc Lamps. Kingston, Feb. 13.--(To the Edi tor) : The test of the new street arc lamps as arfaiiged for las week did compet The Queen and nesday night but na official test will be made until the Westinghouse jumps) some Changes asked For. It is expected they will arrive. here in time for a test next Thursday | might. It is somewhat difficult to see bow any test that can be made will enable the committee to determine which is the better 1 . A test of luminosity and elect life is all right but there is another factor and an important one, that is. the cost of maintenance of not only the lamps but appardtus necessary for their tion, and it would be well for committee to look to the cities t in where the new systems have been use for this information. | interest the desire to see the cit get the best possible street lighting system, and trusts that a most ngid investigation will made before the contract is award. ed. --JAMES HALLIDAY. HON. A. G. MacKAX'S SPEECH y| To the Liberals of North Went- worth, | "They tell you you can't ship an 'old horse over the line without ship- ping your nationality along with it!" i "lf two men swap horses, I sup- pose it means the 'disintegration of both their families !" [IT iS ALLEGED - FOUR i not materialize, owing to one Hf the | % ' ing companies not being ready. | Canadian General Electric Co.'s} and Best Costumes--A List of jy ore burning at the corner of} Ontario streets last Wed-* RAPFORPOOLROOMS The Universal Gift for St. Valentine's Day-Books Yon couldn't buf anything that would give more satisfaction to the recipient--young or old--than a : ARE GAMBLING DENS. Hy Rev: Dr. MacTavish Deals With Matter in His Sermon on Sunday --Report of Gentleman Who Visited the Local Pool Hoems-- That pool rooms are playing a good second to the bar rooms, in de- moralizing the young men of tne aty, was the opmion expressed by Kev. Dr. Maclavish, in his sermon, Cooke s churct, dunday morning. "in 'some respects, their intlueuce is even more pernicious, because they are open later at uignt, said the preach- er, "aud they ure patronized by some young men who 'would regard them- selves us tou respectable ww be seen loitering in a bar room." The speaker pouited out that dur- ing the past year, u gentleman had made several visits to each of the six pool rooms, on Irincess street, and nad made notes of what he saw aud heard. lhis inspection had not been made at the speaker's suggestion, but the speaker had been given the privi- lege to read thus repore. In three of tae six pool rooms were found boys about fourteen years of age; in four were found young men playing for moaey; in one, young men were crap- shooting; in three of the six, he heard profane language; three of the six were open alter midnight. "In view of the fact that this man went about his work deliberately," continued the spia.or, 'that he re- "The supreme test is, not how much money is spent, but whether it is all wisely and well, whether the province has received full value for dollar." "l had great faith in the model Adhiogh aysien, because it was in the a of men of experience." "1 would 'étart a sufficient number of model schools at once to give | qualified teachers for every school." The above are extracts from Hon. A. G. MacKay's ing address to the liberals y North 'Wentworth on Saturday afternoon, in which he dealt with the leading questions now before the legislature. The speech was a keen criticism of the conservative administration and ; | an ablé defence of the positions adopt- od on the various matters by the libe- rals. AT BETHEL CHURCH. Annual Offering Taken for General Hospital. At Bethel church, yesterday mar al uately spoke on the work of the ission, operating ' on Ontario "and the St. Lawrence river. The Sunday wehonl eile its an- n offering to Lingston hospi- tal, Fad the afternoon, and was fujoiced to id upp counting it up that it w ly five times the sum con- tributed 1 ist year. This time the their capital strength. gr cap Sunday night a well-known ontreal will speak. of the thirty-six received last Sunday was JAPAN'S FIGHTING PRINCE. | Fushimi Will Attend the Coronation 3 of King George. b Prince Fushimi, of Japan, who is to re the , emperor at the forth- pming coronation of King in r pre occupy the same api York use as in 1907, of Connaught, the head of the Mission, which had visited the ter. As an officer of the " 'army Prince Fushimi took a notable : pase in 'the war with Russia, devoting a ttention in the main to the ques- of transport and commissiarat; he also greatly distinguished him- in the war with China. This Kingston three years tion and New Hospital Equipment A Friends of the Hotel Dieu hospital, By |in fact all who are interested in the Ey "| the pool rooms were schools of {ported only whi. ke saw, and exactly {as he siw it, it seems to me that some grave charges may be laid | against the pool rooms of this city. | First, it may be fairly charged that four of them are gambling dens, for in four money was played for, and in {one of the.four, there was crap-shoot- ig. In 8 true that sometimes the stake played for was comparatively small, frequently for ten cents, but sometimes they were larger, and on one occasion, at least, the stakes were placed at one dojlar. There was no at tempt to conceal the fact that money was being played for, because the los- er threw the money down upon the table and the winner appropriated it in a cool and matter-of-fact way, as if he had honestly earned it. The speaker held that the man who would steal ten cents was just as much a thief at beart, as the man who stole $10; and the same principle ap- plies to gambling. People did not re- alize as they should the evil and dan- ger of gambling, even for small amounts. Itis wrong because it viti- ates our idea of the sacred steward- ship of money. The speaker believed that it could be charged that some of pro- janity. Boys were also allowed to loiter in these places. In view of the evidence, he would recommend: That no move licenses be granted for pool rooms; that the police com- missioners give instructions to the wed | Police, to see that the regulations re- garding tl places are enforces; that no boys iy tog years, be al- lowed to loiter abn and that if they are found there, that the pro- prietor be liable to punishment: that the rooms close each night, at ten o'clock; that playing for 'money be prohibited. ! Another Arrest Made. The police have arrested a young man, who may ,be arraigned hefore the magistinte, on a charge of being implicated in the hold-up on John Hickey, last week. At present he is being detained on a charge of vag- rancy. The cBse will come up for hearing, on 'Tuesday morning. Wit- nesses in the case were summoned to- day. . Paganini at Bijou. This afternoon and evening also the London anarchists and the Arizona ostrich farm. Your chief concern you say, not what others say. "Kingston's Famous Fur Store." Last Week OF OUR i * Partnership Sale Onl y five more days thateveryar- ticle in every department of our big store will be reduced in price, as well as our enor mous stock of at | : should he what {* well chosen book. { At 50c. | The Enchanted Hat } © Harold McGrath. i The Barrier, ( { The Spoilers, I Pardners; x By Rex Beach. Peggy at Spinster Farm, Helen M. Winslow | The Red Mouse, i Wm. Hamilton Osborne | The Elusive Pimpernell, Baroness Orczy. Lin McLean, Owen Wister. The Maid At Arms. The Fighting Chance, The Younger Set, . Cardigan, Here are a few All Books in Special Valentine Bands. suggestions from, our, K well-stocked s tore i g OPEN' NIGHTS. e Beloved Vagabond, Wm. J. Locke With Juliet in England, : Grace 8. Richmond The Happy Average, Brand 8. Whitlock. Held for Orders, 4 Frank Spearmgy. By Right of Purchase,' Harold Bindless To-morrow's Tangle, Geraldine Bonner The Stuff of a Man, Katherine Evans Riake Children of Destiny, Molly Elliott Seaweéll Beverly of Graustark, {| Th Cowardice Court, Daughter of Andersdn Crow, Jane Cable, By Geo Barr McCutcheon Rue With a Difference, The Old, Old Story, The Mistress of Brae Farm, By Rosa N. Carey. The Heart of a Child Frank Danby QGret, Beatrice Mantle, A Spirit in Prison, Meryl By Robert Chambers. The 260 PRINCESS PERSONAL MENTION. Movements of the People -- What They are Saying and Doing. Johm T. Lefever, went down Brockville, to-day, on business. James Minnes left, at noon, day, on a trip to the old country. A. M. Snider, Odessa, has spent the last few days visiting friends in this city. + Roscoe Scott, who was scalded at Louise school last week, is able to be around again. Dr. A. W. Winnett is in New York this week. taking a echimic at the Pyonhea hospital. : J. D. Thompson, left this morning, for Haileybury, after visiting his mother, on Colborne street. Mrs. J. C. Whalon and sister, H. A. Gilleran, Brockville, are on visit to friends in Kingston. Mrs. Edward Jenkins and son, of Kingston, are visiting Mr. aod Mrs. Thomas Wickett, Port Hope. Mrs. George A. Bateman home, to-day, after spending a days with friends at Port Perry. Misses Gladys and Olive Baker came up from Ottawa to attend the science dance and were the guests of Mrs. E. 0. Sliter. Mr. and Mrs. John Cleary, Wolle Island, entertained a number of their friends at their home on Wolfe Island, Saturday evening. .. Last evening in St. James' church, Miss Olive Baker, of Ottawa sang that beautiful solo, "Come Unto Me" with beautiful expression. ' The friends of Miss Annie Van alstyne, will be pleased to know that she has fully recovered from the acci- dent she sustained while skating. W. P. Archibald, dominion parole of- ficer, Ottawa, who is here for the week, will address the Canadian Club at Belleville on Friday evening. Miss Laura Richardson, daughter of Dennis Richardson, Princess street, was taken to the general hospital, Sunday afternoon in|James Reid's am, bulance.. : Frederick Harold Billings, the eight- months-old son of Mr. and Mrs. James Billings, Wellington street, died at their residence, Sunday, after an ill- ness of only two days. The remains of Mrs. Victor Wensley, who died in New York, were interred in Belleville cemetery. Deceased was a daughter of Mrs. John Merrin, King- ston, and was aged forty-nine years. Her mother and. three sisters reside here. Miss Nona Lo to Miss a returned few Portsmouth, who has been connected with the millinery department of Crumley & Johnston for a number of years past, left to-day for Toronto, to attend the spring millinery openings. In two weeks she will go to Norwood, where { she has secured a position as head trimmer in a large store. Graham, PRONOUNCED FINAL Religious 0 at the House of i nee. | One of the most beautiful ceremonies of the Roman Catholic church took place in the chapel of our Mother of Sorrows, House:of Providence, Mon- day morning, at 7.30 o'clock. The sisters, who pronounced final vows and consecrated their lives to God, | were: Miss K. O'Rourke, Brockville, (in religion, Sister M. Winnifred); Miss C. Quinn, -Ferguson's Fall, (Sis- | ter Hildia); Miss M. McCoy, Huntley, | (Sister Monica); Miss M. A. Scott, | Huntley, (Sister Edmund); Miss M. E. Scott, Huntley, (Sister Alacogue); Miss Teresa Lynell, Westport, (Sister Jd. Baptist); Miss H. Donegan, Osceola, | (Sister Victoria); Miss K. Farrelly, | Slontusile, (Sister Rita). By deputation of the archbwhop, Rev, C. J. Mea, dean of Regiopolis College, performed the ceremony. ' YM.C-A, Banquet. . There will be a fine gathering for the annual business men's banquet at the Y.M.C.A. to-morrow evening. The speakers are all good men, i bald, Dominion officer tawa, will respond to the the association snd M. B. VOWS. toast to College THE FINEST STREET #lare iticised for ing oo nly ore ' standing | Book Store K STORE IN EASTERN ONTARIO. Phone 919 Whitby A Jet Robert Hitchens, William Tillinghast Eldridge (DCL EN, : Eyes should be every two years. The eyes change. Glasses exactly right last year may be injurious now. Whether you wea glasses or not your eyes should be examined every two years. We are eye experts. We can afford you perfect sight Our varied stock of mounts helps us to give perfect satis- faction. FROM THE MINES OF ENGLAND, We have a line of Jet Brooches, designs, of for mostly small neat genuine material, suitable mourning Wear, at very reason able prices. | SMITH BROS., Jewellers, Opticians. 8350 KING STREET. FUR Sale At GOURDIERS Get in Touch With Mullin For Real Estate Bargin $1,100 buys 1 Stone and 1 Frame Dwelling, Clergy Street, with im- { provements; rents bring in $144 | per year $1,100---Albert Frame; 8 rooms, stable $1,800--Albert frame; § rooms, and stable. - $2,500Albert Street, detached frame; 8 rooms, hot water heating $3.600----Detached brick, Johm- son Btreet; 8 rooms, gas, hot water heating and stable Look over our big | gxins. Houses to rent Dr. A. P.Chown, Druggist, Optician, 185 PRINCESS STREET. 'Phone 343. escsccccccsse Detached &* « and Street, b Represents one of the many stylish SKIRTS that we are showing this season, made of good quality Panama Cloth in all the wanted shades and sizes PRICE $4.95 detached furnace Street, bh & ¢; list of bar- The $2,806 House advertised has been sold Mullin {Cor. Johnson and Division Streets, 'Phone 539. Newman & Shaw THE ALWAYS BUSY STORE. Only on Saturdays. i A young Philadelphian recently went | abroad and secured a position as reporter for the London Times. He was sent out one evening to wrile up the story of a rich and beautiful girl) who had taken chloroform because her | lover failed to appear at the altar when due. The young Philadelphian raced nimbly about, gathering various | particulars, and hurried back to the | in a cab, after getting his copy | shape. Not far from midseight he up stairs to the joeal room | turned in his copy with i ' his ° unavoidable lateness. "ht " said one of the adi} , calmly, "this is Monday, you know, and we print suicides only on| saturdays." 1 The members of the Pembroke Me- | thodist church ale contemplating an solargement of their church. There are times when you and 1 THE TRIAL taundry con whiil We want you to give pur the, severest rial you can tuivé--a veritable test of and carefuiness THE VERDICT Will be left to you Whether you Rave entrusted te our ear cleaning of your richest curtaing. or your fe coveringh we'll be ACQUITTED of in 1 4 ay Bp ONOrably acguitied laun- Eegligence orf mallengan dering ® ma, Laundry § Kingston , morning" may carry Who knows but what a hearty "good with it "Phone 22. Streets.