- BED ' HOTEL DIRECTORY. Bo to th STEWART BOUSE. Leading Commer al Hotel Rates, §1.50 per JAS, STEWART, Prop. EE Traing will leave and arrive at City Depot as follows: -- RAILWAY wl a = o Padraig 288s cal... .. . Limitedl "oF i aaa "13 WOVE ® BP Sdn w) CTEREP 4 ail | local ... gp BEEEEE» 3 CE a 3 «EFERRP CEEEEER No. $s Mal} .. .. .. * 2 Fast Express? "34 local ... .. 8 - § Mail 2 Fast 2 local Jn. 22333 "hero aie ee "wo ee S590 Rne "1 » Trains 1, 2, 8 4, daily; other trains day, ; Frou h Pullmans te and from | Ottawa delly an tralus 2 and §. For further information, apply to J. P. HANLEY, Agent, Corner Johnston and Ontario Sts. se = 0 5 6 7 and dally except Bun- THE MARVELLOUS POWER OF FRUIT "ERUIT-A-TIVES" IS THE ONLY REMEDY MADE OF FRUIT Fruit is nature's physician. Fruit juices increase the action of, liver, owels, kidneys and skin--and form the greatest known blood purifier. Physi- cians know, however, that it is impossible 10 use fresh fruit in practice. "Fruit-a-tives'" is made of the juices of apples, oranges, figs and prunes-- which contain all the medicinal . or healing properties of all fruits. "Fruit afives acts just like the fresh fruit juices--gently and mildly. "Fruit-a-tives'" is a trne stomach tonic--a certain cure for Constipation and Biliovsness--the best Kidney Regu- lator and Blood Purifying Medicine soc, a box, 6 for $2.50, trial size, 25¢. At dealers or. from Fruit-a-tives Limited, Ottawa, KincsTond PEMBROK RAILWAY in Oonnection With CANADIAN PACIFIO RAILWAY. . Trains Leave Kingston 12.01 m. Bxpress--For Otfawa, Montreal," GQuebee, Peterboro, Bt. John, N.B.; Halifax, Beston, Toronto, Chl. cago, Denver, Renfrew, Bault Ste, Marie, - Duluth, St, Papl, Winnipeg, Vancouver, Seattls, Portland, and San anclsco. ra "9. m.~Loca) for Sharbot Lake, an and connecting with C. P. i East and est. 7.45 a.mMixed--For Renfrew intermediate points, Mon, Wed, riday. Fassongers leavin Ringston, at a d mn, arrive is Ottawa at In. 85 m.; Toronto, 6.68 sterboro, 4.3% Pp iy Montreal, 7.06 p.m.; Boston, 7.30 12.60 noon, . hn, ot Jv CONWAY, Gen. Pass. Agent. ---- BAY OF QUINTE RAI. WAX. leaves ("union Btation, Ontaric prog 4 p.m, daily (Sanday exceptad} tor Tweed, Byden ain, panes, Deset. ato, Bannockburn all points 'o secure quick despatch to Bannock- Maynooth, snd sluts on Centra: tario route your praen te-Rallway. For further paru re apply NW. DICKRON. Lgent one, No. ene i} OUR BEAVER BRAND Of Plour is unexcelled for bres} or pastry. Price Is moderate. A. MACLEAN, Ontario Str Brsesaseneree WH. MUKKAY, Auctioneer. Eon" nery "Sates oto, have n my 8 If far wan, nigh liar, get my con MARKET SQUARR H PARKS & SO ' Flordsts | Riu Phone fis. | All kinds t Flowers and Plant in season. Roig raneral Da signs a specialty shipped to all par 128 King Street. Highest Grades -t . for - the W. F. KELLY, Clarence and Ontario Streets. Toye's Bailding: FEATHERS. Your old feather bed made into modern "and sanitary mattress. Feathers cleaned by sanitary pro- cess. HIGHEST PRICE PAID FOR Dominion Feather Co., KING STREET (Opposite St. George's Chureh). Drop a card and our agent will eall WHEN ORDERING FLOUR : Ask your grocer or dealer to send youu trial sack of QUALITY Flour. Try it and be convinced of the | GRAND UNION | HOTEL == orders will receive prompt \ Sena BSEAES doe 87. GT onide Book asd Mes 1 HUMAS COPLEY, Prose 987. Drap = ard to 1» Pine Street Nua, wanting anything done ° pre ter Ned Et hine of given on all kinds Jepalrs and new work also Hardwood Floors of all kinds. - Al attention shop 60 Queen Htreet Electric Restorer for Men honol restores every nerve in the body Phos to its proper tension ; restores vim and vitality. Premature decay and all sexual weakaess averted at once. ol will make you a pew man, Yrice $a box or alled(to any address. Scobetl Drug . ines, Ons. " "#or sale at Mahood's drug store, Correct Picture Framing We turn out the most artistic frames for the most exacting customers, at prices which are very reasonable, 2% D. A. WEESE & 00, Photos. ! Wallpaper, Cook's Cotton Root Compound. y ress: Ti , ormerly Wi THE GLUB HOTEL WELLINGTON ST., near PRINCESS There are other hotels, but uons approach the Club for homelike sur roundings. $0 Located In centre of city and close stores and thoetre. | ges are moderate. Special rates by the week. P, M. THOMPSON, Proprietor. THE AMERICAN CAFE 183 Wellington St. {} The Up-to-date Restaurant and - Eating House. Separate ho Well furnished FEBRUARY FURNITUR HOUR LARGER SPACE. r #37 Wilton Rugs for 0 per cent. off most of FatherMorriscy's LE Remedies WHAT WHIG CORRESPONDENTS PRLL US. The Tidings From Various Points in Eastern Ontario--What People Are Doing and What They are Saying. " At Cedar Valley. Cedar Valley, Feb. 11.--A number of people from here attended the hoekey match in Philipsville on Sa- turday. James Ralph has the con tract of running the stage from Ce- dar Valley to Delta twice a week. Maribank Notes. Marlbank, Feb. 10.--Miss Lizzie Fitz- werald, of Tdmworth, was the guest if Miss Ruth Loyst, Thursday last. Licorge Cassidy, of Stoco, was here, lust week, Mr, and Mrs. John Gar- rett, of Erinsville, were the guests of I'bomas Doyle, Blue Bell. Sangster Personals. Sangster, Feb. H.<Mrs. James ('- Coonor and son, Thomas, are visit ing her daughter, Mrs. Golden, at Norwood, i.¥Y. Charles Goodheart is home from Papineauville, Que., visit- ing his father here; Mrs. S. (Connor, at James Daly's; Mr. and Mesf™7, Young at James Connor's, Cole Lake; Peter Daly, at T. Burns', Bur-. ridge; W. Coreorsm, at T. Barrett's; Miss Rosie Daly and M. O'Connor, at I'. Young's; Mrs. J. O'Connor, at J. Daly's; Mr. and Mrs. G. Padget, ut +. Shechan's; Thomas Barrett, at Fer- moj. At Brasses' Point. Brasses' Point, Feb. 11.4. Fran- is, of Kingston, spent Sunday at wme. George "Tuli had a sale on Monday which was largely attended. Cows sold at a high price. Bchool has heen closed for the last two weeks owing to the illness of the teacher, Miss E. T. McAllister. Mrs. Isaac Tuttle is visiting her sister in Kingston. J. Kelly, of Kingston, is visiting at (i. Tuf's. Mrs. Campbell ws returned after visiting in Toron- Mr. Gibson having rented Mr. is moving his farm im- farmers are hauling o. fufi's farm plements. The wood. ® At Clyde MAL . . Clyde Mill, Feb. 11.-The storm of Inst week delayed lumber hauling for + day. The lumber is mostly ali out ww. Philip Cameron, in the general wapital, Kingston, with typhoid fev- w, 18 slowly recovering. J. Buttrick wand J. Lake, on the sick list, are nuch improved. J. Elliott is ip with grippe. J. Moreau has moved us family to Wilbur. Their departure s much regretted by the people of his place. Born to Mr. and Mes. IL ameron, a son. Miss Maggie Me- sonigal has gone to Kingston. A it J. Campbell's, lust week. Mrs. R. Davis and Miss Macey Davis called on heir friends here this week. (i. Flint, Kingston, is at A. Crawford's. Meeting With Favor. Sharbot Lake, Feb. 11i--Owing to he iliness ob Rev. J. C, Cornell there vas no dervice in the ' Methodist hurch. Archibald Erwin, who has wen ill, is reeovering. Dr. Kilborn is H with pneumonia. A nurse is in ittendance, Mrs. (Rev.) Cornell's arm is improving. The Bible class was held it "the residence of Joseph Milligan, nd was well attended. The hockey watch between Verona and Sharbot Lake was well attended, the score be. ing seven to four, in favor of Sharbot Lake. The council is holding its meet ing to-day. Mrs. Carey, of Omemee, is jsiting her daughter, Mrs. Archibald irwin. Mrs. J. E. Erwin and little on, Ari, visiting at Perth. Rev. A. E. smart has gone to Kingston to have iis throat treated. Miss F. Williamson a visiting her sister, at Westport. lohn Hetherington, formerly of this lace, is renéWing acquaintances, Mrs. lohn Carey's little son, is very ill, Budget From Odessa. Odessa, Feb, 10.--On Wednesday, 'eb. lst, Norman Snider snd Miss ena Heath," youngest daughter of Peter Heath, were quietly married at Wilton, by Rev. Mr. Boyce. The C. M. quarterly service was held iunday morning, the barracks being teams, went (o Napanee on Monday rowded. Thirty men, with their to draw cement back for the new hurch, from Joy & Son's. "The CM. B.A. 'met on Monday night at Toom- ww & Oswald's hall, A social. was held, at the residence of Mrs. The proceeds were in aid of the Me thodist choir, who suffered a loss of tbout $108 worth of music books at the time of the church fire. * William V. Smith and Miles Smith attended the funeral of Mrs. George 'mith at Cobourg, George B. Hamm left on Friday for Madoc, having re eived word that his uncle, Charles Aylesworth, is very low. Turner Va- ety Co..showed here Thursday and Friday nights. o------ Latimer Locals. Latimer, Feb, 1l.--Sacramental ser- dees were held in Inverary = church, Sunday, by Rev. Mr. Ryckman, King- ston. Mr. and Mrs. Jobn Taylor, have oturned home from a visit to Mr. Tuesday night, N. F. Snider, son Arthur, ave visiting at J. thur's before leaving for their new tanta ejb the You Jase J. lw! is very ill with croup and brovchitis. R, H. Dixon has rented his farm, to Thomas Allison, Glen- Surnie. Miss May Taylor, has Perth Road laid. wg. H. Dempsey was elocted county master. The Oddiellows held their an nual oyster supper last night, in thei lodge room, over .. Boyd's store Mrs. Philip Terry, of Wellington, turned home on Wednesday, after spending a week nursing her father, A. McFaul. Mrs. Giles, Trenton, is spending s couple of weeks with her daughter, Mrs. A. Hogle. Mr. and Mrs. Spencer Huffman, spent Tuesday, at Mr. and Mrs. Grant Valleau's, Mr. and Mrs. A. "Hogle éntertained a pum- ber of friends, on Wednesday might. Mr. and Mrs. Farrington, Salmon Point, and Miss Weeks, Cherry Valley, spent Sunday, at Grant Valleau's, Mr. and Mrs. Willet Valleau, spent Tuceday, at Shirwin Burr's. Mr. and Mrs, Thomas, of Wellington, visited their son=here, this week. Miss lock. lin, of Melville, is slowly improving, after a severe attack of rheumatism, and pneumonia. re At Myers' Cave. Myers' Cavey Feb. 11.--~The teacher, Miss Campbell had to close school one day this week as the children were unable to attend owing to the con dition of the roads. Robert Tapping, of Revelstoke, B.C., after an absence of over twenty vears, is renewing ac quaintances in this neighborhood. © T. Cuddy is very ill, suffering from a severe attack of la grippe. Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Dellyea a son, Leonard, who have been laid up with grippe, are getting better. Harold Neale, very ill for some time, is convales cent. Mr. and Mrs. 1. Sedgewick and daughter, Cora, were the guests o. Mr. and Mrs. T. DD. Perry on Sunday lust. Master T. Perry was an over Sunday guest of his sister, Mrs. E. Wood, Harlowe. Mrs. W. Loucks, who has been goufined to the hougp,. for some time, suffering from grippe, is much better. OO. Cole, of Har lowe, and grand-daughter, Miss Dora Spicer, of Cloyne, spent Wed- nesday evening at J. Dellyea's. Mrs. John Curtis and daughter, Fdna, were the guests of Mes. FF. Good on Thursday last. Parhain Church Event. church on January 29th, and ziso baptised the infant son of Mr. and Mrs. W. Goodfellow. Miss Gertie Barr, of Kingston, is visiting her parents bere. Thomas Wagar, of Kingston Busioess (Ubllege, was home last weck. J. N. Smith was in Toronto this week as a delegate from Parham Agri cultural Society. Rev. A, W. Stewart was gn Kingston this week, Presentation "at Pittsburg. Cushendall, Feb. 11.-On "Tuesday evening, Jan. 31st, James Gordon and family, who intend to leave for the west in the early spring, were het J icasantly surprised by a host of fry gid adofirers, who crowded in to theif hospitablé express in a tangiblt way, the great esteem in which they were held by the entire community. During the even® ing an address was read by Rev. .J. H. McConnell. C. W, Trotter and AlL fred Franklin presented Mr. and Mis. Gordon with a beautiful clock, suit- ably engraved and to Miss Annie, who has n organist of Zion church, a chased gold bracelet, Joseph fiordon, who has been secretary of the Sun- day school, was also remembered. Short addresses were then made by M. J. Franklin, C, W. Trotter, James Martin and A. Cowan, expressing. re- gret at their coming departure and appreciation of them as neighbors. Mr. Gordon, on behalf of himself and family warmly thanked the donqrg for their kindly words and the tadihie proofs of their regard. Refreshments were served and a most enjoyable evening was brought to a close, by the singing of the National Anthen: Mr. Gordon is an ex-reeve of Pitts burg. SUNDAY SCHOOL CONV ENTION, ome, in order to South Frontenac Teachers Met at Sydenham. Sydenham, Feb. 11.--An interesting meeting of Sunday school workers was held in Wesley hall, Sydenham, Fri day, February 10th, afternoon and evening. Rev. J. M. Glassford, B.D. field seerewniry of the"Omtario Shc day School Association, conducted Parham, Feb. 11.--The tea-meeting held in the LOO.F. hall, en the 10th, the auspices was a decided success, Mr. Forrester, pastor of the was chairman. There were duets, quurtettes, choruses, solos, readings, and -a.recitation. by little Gladys Ayerst. A fan drill, by several young ladies of Tichborpe, with a burlesque by six gentlemen, was much enjoyed. Miss Myrtle Smith was the accompanist, and also gave two instrumental solos. Rev, A. W, Stewart, pastor of Methodist church; gave a. short -address on "Meer Want ed." At the close of the concert re freshments were served. Proceeds amounted to almost $40. i Miss Percy, of Kingston, is guest of Miss Fannie Goodfellow. Rev. under church, church, golos, violin William Craig, of Kingston, conducted arty was given to the young people quarterly services in' the Methodist Da You Enjoy Your Meals ? One of the Most Important Ques. tions to Consider in the Search The burning question to. you is, | "Are you getting out of life all the pleasure and the health you are en titled to ?* Hf not, why not ? No matter whether every organ and member of your body is in a sound state of Health and strength, if your stomach is in any way disordered, you ary not going to be "yourself." You ard going to be a worried, out-of-sorts, Frervious or sullen individual, whose ac- tiofs will reflect your condition inside, | and people will naturally avoid you. . | The world wants to smile and be cheerful, and 'unless you are cheerful and smile, at least, occasionally, you will have few friends, fewer opportumi- ties, no success, and you will go down in defeat--defeated by dyspepsia and a bad stomach. A and thorough digestion has a quick, wonderful reaction upon the brain. You must have noticed it many times, for the brain and stom- ach are as intimately connected as needle and its thread, one can hardly be used t6 advantage without the oth- er. If your prim is slow and lazy In digesting your food, it will produce at once a slow, lazy and cloudy influ- énoce upon your brain. Mark it! If your stomach has absolutely quit work, and fermentation is poisoning your vitals as a result, surely your brain is going to be sluggish and cor- reapondingly depressed. No one need tell you . | But why continue to suffer all the miseries and tormepts that a disorder- | ol stomach brings you ? i If your stomach can not digest your food, what will? Where's the relief ? What's the cure ? Tablet - Stuart's vapepsia Tablets are t relief and - cure. Why ? Because, as all stomach troubles arise from in- digestion and because one ingredient of Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets is able to thoroughly and completely digest 3,000 grains of any kind of food, doesn't it stand to reason that these little Dyspepsia Tablets are going to digest all the food and whatever food you put into your stomach ? Science nowadays can digest food without hav- ing to use the stomach for it. And yf ia Tablets are there for Happiness and Health. {hip James Cook, round-table conference in the after- noon, and manyl points in teaching of the F nglish | and Sunday school management were Rev. discugsed. The need and good result: ing from having a decision dav in every schoal were emphasized. Ij the evening he gave a stirring address on "Teaching." Rev. T. CC, Cassidy gave a very practical addresd en "The Teacher's Pridilege." T. F. Harrison, Kingston, provincial president, gave two very stimulating addresses "How to Ensnré" Missionar§'. Spirit in the Sunday School," and "Why the Adult Should be a Member of the Sun- ay School." Dr. . Lake, Kingston, gave an illustrated paper on "How to Become Familiar With the Bible." The following county and $ownship officers were elected : President, Thom- as Ellis, Pittsferry: vice-president, J, D. Medeof, Holleford; secretary-treasur- er, RB. Gordon, Glenvale; president of elementary grades department, Mrs, E. W. Cook, Cataragui; president teacher training and temperance department, Mrs. (Dr.) Tovell, Sydenham; president home department, Miss Shorey; presi dent adult Bible class department; Miss E. Bimnington, Cataraqui. Township officers : Kingston town- president, and J, Pittsburg, president, and D. G. Storrington, Ira Darling, treasurer, and M. Vanluven, secretary; Portland and Loughboro, Charles Purdy, Hartington, president, and Miss S. Shorey, Sydenham, secre tary. George Leatherland, Latimer, ubly performed the duties of chairman, and ¥F. W. Barnett moved a voted of thanks, to the speakers, secouded by Charles Purdy. on L. F. Sproule, secretary. A. B. Cowan, Hay, secretary; The People are Critical. Wondstock Sentinel-Review Whether or not there was any bung- ling, or worse, in allowing Dr. Beat- tie Nesbitt to get away at the time he was so urgently needed to explain certain transactions in connection with the unfortunate Farmers' Bank, there is no doubt that it will be hard to find a sufficient excuse for failure to bring him buck. As the London Free Press frankly puts it, "it should not rest in the mouth of anyone to suggest that justice slept while a friend of the government made good his escape." Public attention is not ventred exclusively on the conduct of Dr. Beattie Nesbitt; the whole of the machinery of justice in the province is under scrutiny. Neither the depait- ment of justice nor the man whom its officers are at present seeking should be hurriedly or carelessly judged; but it would be a grave mistake to ignore the fact that the people are in a eri tical mood, and that now isno time for trifling with public patience. 'Will Benefit Agriculturists. Grain Growers' Guide. : By placing upon the free list all the products of the farm the government took the farmers at their word and there will be no complaint because the farmers mean what they say in asking for it. Although the free list may work hardships in some quarters, yet, taking Canada as a whole, nine Plive per cent. of the agricultural class will benefit from the placing of icultural products on the free list. yg new tarifi conditions will create additional competition for the duce of the Canadian farms, and the Canadian farmer can meet all comers in production. Government by Commission. Toronto World : i H some lawyer wishes to distinguish let him draw a short act pro- for municipal government by if the ratepayers vote in it. The World will find a a of | pember to bring it up in the legisla- the meantime Sir James might put Mr. Luca on the ad sh. should ba nt i dia a law prov ie utilities com- missions wherever the people wish And where is Controller Hocken on things , tine. In ~ PAGE SEVEN. 2 eA PERFUMED ol :| Bar Side, Babbitt Metal and afi ngot Metals We are headquarters. THE CANADA METAL COMPANY, LIMITED. WILLIAM N OFFICE: 31 STREET, TORONTO. 1800000000000000000000000000000 'e000 000e faoooesens nis AXATIVES a new evacuant pleasant to take, mild and painless, lacreasing doses never needed. 25c.a box at all druggists', National Drug & Chemical Co. of Canada, Limited x VT I NT NS w.YOUr Afternoon Tea... is not complete without Ice-Cream Order early from PRICE'S -@ Phone 845 277 Princess St. FIVIVIIIIFIIIIRINIIIII FISRINIIIININII III A -------------- ; : : LLLL40000A00000¢) os PERFECTION COCOA (MAPLE LEAF LABEL) Its richnéss and exquisite flavorgive an added delicious. ness to homemade "sweets" and dainties. © Be sure you get COWAN'S -- the cocoa with the Maple Leaf Label. TRE COWAN CO. LIMITED, TofioNTO. 123 i SOV LLLES TTB VLBRLVTLLLRBTRTLB LVRS Florida Grape Fruit Sunkist Oranges ar i» 2 dozen for 25c. 15, 20, 80 and 40 cents per dozen. } 12 Wrappers and 12 cents gets Rogers' Sunkist Orange Spoon at el wey " NAY 166 Pies $1. A. J. REES, ABBR VAVBTLVLTLABAATL PLLA ABALL ALLE ECLA CES A All This Week Our Red | Letter Sale - Will Continue We are forced to do this to clean up all small lots previous to our stocktaking, Feb. 13th. This week should sce some extra values. Windows and papers will announce a daily list of good things, besides 25 per cent. off all shelf goods. Ahh td A : LH SUTHELAN & BR.