'tea is the result of care and experience in blending -- must be the combination of fine flavor, smooth strength and richness. Because all these elements are so generously included in Red Rose Tea it well merits the term «good tea." NEVER SOLD IN BULK THE is un YEAR °° Q, 18 Ei } postagh had price of Dally §3 et, 4, 39 oie 8 cis) o BK ipeice, J.P, represen Daily Wa. WHERE THE POLICE WORK. The ammual report of the Brantiord chief of police is an interesting docu- ment, Some of its features are worth commending. The pool rooms: of Brantiord are visited regularly, and all boys under eighteen are rigidly re jebted. The sale of cigarettes has been suppressed, and the chief recommends that the sale of cigarette tobacco. be forindden except under a license. There is mot a house of ill-fame in Brantford and a sharp watch is kept by, the po- lice so that improper characters de 'not find a lodgment ip the city. Ev- ery place where gambling is suspected Your Grocer Will Recommend It IT IS A PARASITE That Causes dtching Scalp, Dandruff, 1 and Finally, Falling Hair. The itching scalp, the falling hair and the dandruff that annoys are the work of a parasite hidden in the scalp. That parasite must be killed to cure dandruff; and the only preparation that will do that is Newbro's Herpi- cide. "Destroy the cause, you re move the effect." | C. H. Reed, of Victor, Idaho, says : | "Myself and wife had dandruff and | falling hair several years. Two bot thes of Newbro's Herpicide completely cured us, after soveral other prepara- tions had failed to do good Makes hair grow glossy and Soft as silk, Jusirecs of other testimonials just ad |, Ry by leading druggists. Send 10s. ent ing ists. Sen in aiginpe for #ample to The IHerpicide Detroit, Mich. $1 bottle guaran toni. James B."McLeod, druggist, spe-! cial agent. . Chestnut Coal is very scarce. Price has ad- vanced 25c at many points We have plenty of it, and can give you the GENUINE SCRANTON at the Tavis Price while it lasts. 5. ANGLIN & GO. Cor Wellington and Bay Sts. : 000000000000000000000 a pile os CAFE ING'S Lunch Counter ING'S Private Dini Rooms ning Tre a ITanenta * ® » » 3 » ° ® eo. . ° * "» . * » * ® . e *» ® * . " » * * ING (James) Prop. | ING ST. Nos. 538-342 - lis visited, and, in 1910, there were twenty-five convictions. The moving picture are tly inspect- ed, and no pictures are allowed which at THE DAILY BRITISH wiiG, TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 14, 1911. d of silver out-cropings that eed AY BE NECESSARY at | great riches underneath. The govern- ment even did a little preliminary mining with excellent results. But one day Col. Matheson sound ed the note of alarm. There wasn't enough money in the treasury. The various departments were spending so much it was hard for the colonel to keen things going. And so it was they came to sacri. fice the people's property, the Gillies limit. Chunks of it were advertised, and the prices the government got were shamefully low. One company paid around $30,000" for their claim; they worked it four months and then sold out for $320,000 more than they paid for it. It was good business for the company but it made the govern- ment look sick. Had Col. Matheson got hold of that £320,000 he could have figured out the greatest surplus ever. Yet the same thing has happened before, when shrewd wining men have. got around the Ootario government just as a book agent sells family albums to grandmothers. ' EDITORIAL NOTES. The fruit men admit that reciprocity will be a good thing for the con- sumer. They will get the carly fruits cheaper. Reduced cost of living is not a bad thing. The University of Toronto and the Ontario Medical Council are in oppo- are of a tragic or immoral kind. Mr. Sleman likes moving pictures, Jehen they are selected und educational in! their character. Vagrancy is gradually | disappearing, because Brantford does not encourage 'or tolerate it. How does Kingston's pelice record compare with this? MENINGITIS CONQUERED, The Rockefeller lustitute for Medical Research has made known, through an official statement, the fact--long" hoped for--that its often promised ser- um cure for cerebro spinal meningitis is at last so positively a success that the serum will become a regular com- mercial article. This ahfouncement of the conquering of one of the worst diseases has afflicted hymanity is corroborated by the declaration that the New York municipal board of health has begun to manufacture the serum and will give it away free for un time. Experiments with monkeys brought to Dr.' Simon Flexiigh, 2th" Histitute!s head, the discovery of the serum which | checks the horribly! painful and fatal meningitis in its iucipiendy 00 Subsequent experiments with the ser- um obtained in- jected into human spites--proved to Dr. Flexner that the-desth-sate from the disease had ben lowered from sevehty-five per cept. oup every bundred, to at leas} ten! t,and y less. Never of médical authorities agree, can there be epide- mics of meningitis such as have swept many cities within the dast decade and carried off thousands of victims. AN EVIDENCE OF SANITY. | What is. this we Beat abbut chivalry --that it is not to be found in Eng- land as in America ! 'The statement is founded upom two episodes in com nection with the Dedes-Gould wedding. My lord was,so embarrassed, or rat- 8. gled, when the ceremony was over that | he walked from the church to the autg- | fto mobile, and forgot himself and to such | {name I could call them is a lot an extent that one of the group fol- lowing him had to hélp the bride into her seat. Again, when. the wedding party reached the Gould residence | Lord Pecies got out and "made a bee ling up the steps," while the bride, in following, became entangled: somehow, | by the veil, with the automobile, antl w: politeman: hud 5 Wuesy to her 're Union which the Ainericas press som. As i i i : § erg ¥ £ k i ¥ o H , 1% | tl Ti | : : i ¥ iil ; f i i" | ji! gf i 4 F 1 i if which ! li: gition, and it will be a war to a Something was needed to and that some It is ' 1 finish, brace up the council, i thing has at last been found. | the university's club. Jane Addams, of Hull House, Chi eago, is opposed 16 the women's fran- chive. It will be time enough, in her opinion, {0 give the women votes when they know what to do with 'them. The political education of the women has been shamefully neglected, { she says. On the authority of Mr. Englebart, the chairman of the Temiscaming rail- way, the grey clay belt will be one of the finest agricultural sections in the province, and one Mr. Whitney (now Sir' James), declared that all of money. There is. a commotion in New York state over the marriage relations of {hundreds of persons. » They were giv- {en decrees of divorce, but the pro- ceedings were not completed, and the ! relations, are, therefore, bigamous. The scare. will-give the divorce business a set back for the e puesent. The chief of police in Brantford wants the council so pads a by-law ! which will make it necessary for the police department to recommend a bar tender before he can secure a license. A prétty good idea, but hard on the profession, Every man under police surveillance. That's what it means. 4 ANOTHER FARMER WRITES Wolfe Island, Feb. 13. --(To the Edit- or): Would reciprocily injure the waterways, railways or manufactur- ing interests of Canada ? 1 see so many writing with such s purely sel- fish motive that it is hard to repress one word thai is bound to come to my lips and the most Pprapriste | Vultures: We farmers are willing to | Gompete with the world even handed, | without bonus or protection, but not | so with some of the other classes. Sir | William Mackenzie is afraid it will in- ¢rease the cost of living. L. L. Hen derson, manger of the Montreal Transportation company, says recipro- a will divert trade 'to Americsn ts and will injure shipping and a LeBron business, as thé grain may rtdand and New ork. money spent in surveys was a waste N KAISER MAY HAVE TO GO UNDER KNIFE. A ---- Unless Improvement Sets in Shortly This. Will be Necessary--Kaiserin is Wasting With Worry. Berlin, Feb. 14.--At a conferemce of throat and eat specialists, who bave, been. Suesing Emperor William, it was decided t an operation was' provement were not shown within a short time the monarch would have toi go under the knife Worry a RS, is illness as) and the Pipuians. hive Warned he | have w that she must seek rest and quiet. The ' emperor will accompany her to Weis baden, and from there they will go to Corfu, in the Ionian Sea, where the climate is expected to prove of great benefit to both the royal patients. The condition of the kaiser con- tinues to excite alarm, despite the as- surances of the court physicians that be is favorably. He is rength for 'n Joring id st. he has a | mous and a great deal of his { probably will be curtailed. DEEDS OF WEROISM At a Tenement House Fire Brooklyn, N.Y. New York, Feb. 14.--There' were several instances of heroism, to-day, in a fire which destroyed a big tene- ment in Brooklyn, this morni Be- fore the firemen arrived, Policeman Newsharfer clambered burning second storey and dropped ten small children to a fellow officer self with his coattails borning. On the other side, an unknown mewsboy climppd up and cut the icy ropes which held the fire esc mitling many more esCHpes. rescued several with scaling Indders. In all, sixty persons were rescued, largely through efforts of others. It is thought all are safe. ~ News From Verona. Feb. 13. Mrs. Frederick Kerr, who has been ill with pneu- monia, is recovering Mr. Young and wife, 'visiting the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. Revell, Sr., have return- od home, C. Gown, Murvale, has bought 'the Verona and Reynoldston cheese factories, and the rest of the Sbae on the J property, from polds. The score was of 15 to 0, as report- od, between Enterprise and Verona hockey * teams. Mrs. F. G. Gensonm, vite ill of late, is much improved. Nr. and Mrs, Leslie, Piccadilly, spent Sunday at Joseph'Percy's. The scar fet fever quarantine has been raised from the home of Willism Craig. Da- mon Ball, who came home from Wilbur mines, quite sick, is much better. Miss Edith Yorke, visiting in Kingston, has returned home. sn » Broke Altitude: Record. Savannah, (a., Feb. 14.--Frank Col- fyn, a Wright aviator, broke © the 'world's night altitude aeroplane re world's high altitude aeroplane re mer record of 250 feet was held Archibald Hoxsey, who was recently killed in a fall in his machine in Den- ver. Ina second flight Coffyn carried George H.- Manor, of Baltimobe, /as a passen, The first flight las thir- teen minutes and the second eighteen minutes, Verona, © Glendower Ttems. Glendower, Feb. 13.--Patrick Hickey has' bought a first-class horse. Hag art Leeman somewhat better. Timothy Babcock is home from Wilbtr mines. Hugh Campbell has re- turned home. iam . Webster and | I, Wood, are at James Wilson's. Mrs. Leonard Whitmarsh, a popular resident of Westport, passed - away on Monday morning, after ar illness of a few days of pneumonia. - "Buy Red Cross Cough Syrup," cures any cough, sold ouly at Gib son's. The marti is abnounced of Miss Mamie F , daughter of E. J, Flood, Lillie's, tovA. A. Leeder, Cain- town, | (Often times we all find ourselves claiming 'more than we are entitled to. Imitation not necessary at present, but if am up to. the! on the ground floor, escaping him- | 1 i work i 1 the | i DR. SOPER- Specialists in diseases of Skim, Blood, Nerves, 1 a and Special Ail. mefits of men. One visit advisable ; if send history for free opinion and ad vice Question blank and book on diseades men Consul form. Hours : 10 am to 1 ag. Pg a o'ap to pm » DRS.SOPER & WHITE 25 Toremte Street, Toronte, Ont, STORING UP ENERGY There is more nourishment and sustaining power in EPPS'S COCOA than in any other beverage Epps's Cocoa is a perfect store. house of vitality, Fragrant, warmth. giving. Salicia " contans the ui gf honrithment in Cochas Children thrive on "EPPS'S." FOR ECZEMA A Treatment That is Guaranteed to : Give Relief. Fezema is parasitic in nature. It is said to be a contagious disease. Until the parasite or hidden in the skin is completely destroyed and re moved, eczema cammot be cured. Fully one-third of all skin disease is in the form of eczema. It affects persons of all ages and classes. It is very pre valent among people between the ages of twenty and forty. We {unhesitatingly guarantee to re- tum every cent paid us for Rexall Ferema Ointment in every case where it fails to give entire satisfaction. It possesses. remurkable. cleansing, anti- septic, healing and curative power. Its great value is very pronounced in the treatment of eczema, whether of the dry, scaley sort or of the weeping type, where there is a constant flow of an ill-smelling excretion, or of the other intermediary forms, such as ring worm, acne, pimples, blotches and dis- colerations. Rexall Ecrema Ointment is very use ful in treating ulcers, sores, wotmds, insect bites, nettle rash and hives. It is patticularly recommended for the treatment of children who are tor mented with itching, burning, and dis- figuring skin disease. We urge you to try a.box at our risk. Your money waits you if you are not satisfied with the treatment. Two sizes, SOc. and $1. Remember you can only obtain Rexall Erzema Ointment in this town at our store,~The Rexall Store. G. W. Ma- hood. estoriy snd "STAY 8 KINGSTON"S We would rather would stay, but if you are we will buy all or any part of 8 your Household Effects that you may want to sell--or If you are starting housekeeping we ean fit you out to perfection, a8 we carry & full line of Stoves £ Furniture, Carpets, Ollcioth, ete. & at ety {ow Priete. i #0, we hav ndest lot 3 of ANTIQUE FURNIT E in this} part of Canada. Drop a postal L. LESSES, .Cor Princess and Chatham Sts. Fou Peterson Lake and Little ipissing at present prices CORRESPONDENCE INVITED 14 King St. East. "Phone Main 4228, Toronto, Ont. ". . ' io Four-in-Hands, Derbies, ¥ Seebursisn§ $ Dressing 3 Gowns SAIN ) if Hook or: Knots. Ete, Regular 59c¢ qualities for 25c. OWEATER GOATS BOLL NECK "SWEATERS MEN'S Regular $1.00 and $1.25 'qualities for 69c¢. MEN'S HOSIERY Cashmere and Scotch Heathers. Regular 25¢ qualities for 15¢. 2 Pairs for 25c¢. SHIRT Tooke Bros. and C rescent SALE Brand Shirts. $1 00 and $1.25 qualities for 69c. TROUSER SALE The Working Man's Special Tweed and W Look good at $2.5 BIBBY'S The H.D. Tho Big Sire With Little Prices. orsteds. 0, $2.75 and $3.00 SPECIAL Bibty Co tras ae to BERMUDA : * RNa ETAL RE Je $150 por JAS. STEWART, Prop. TRAVELLING. TCT, LRG LSS LOCAL BRANCH TINE-TABLE. Trains will leay Depot wo Toho". e and arrive at City . Arrive City. 12.57 a.m. a m, m. m. m. - Simro to woOWwars Med I-IV ouoEpEp -BpBRse Q rr SA rams reg Wan AD - RROD P .m, A am am am. p.m. p.m. pm vyEERp FEEEARG } . 7 and except run 1, ¥: Aher ih k dally 8un- Mformation, a to Pullmans . to avd trom Ottaws, dati a , HANLEY, Agent, ir oh trains 2 an Corer sonaaion and Ontario rt Round Trip $20 and Up Fast Twin Screw 8.8 "Bermud- fan," 5,530 tons, sails from New York, 10 am. Jan. 18th, and 25th. every Wednesday. Blige keels; electric fans; telagraphy atest, ial steamer Bermuda dock In WEST INDIES NEW £8 "GUIANA" and other Steamers every alternate Saturday from New York for St Bt. Croix, St. Kits ntigy loupe, Dominica, Lucia Barbadoes, sid For full information, apply to J. P HANLEY and C 8B. KIRKPATRICK, Ticket Agents, Kingston; A. BE. Onterbridge & Co, 29 Broadway, New York; Quebec Steamship Co. Quebec. |H PARKS & SON Florists | Rivne Fon Fine Ti is An il kinds a arr Bg Dee ! na A foiling to he Deo y all parts. wireless newest and only Passengers At the AN MBROK! PO | > WHEN ORDERING ®t FLOUR Ask your grocer or dealer to send 70u & trial sack of QUALITY Flour. Pry it and be convinced of the celebrated quality of the Flour. ® & 9 Manufactured by the Map Lea Millg Go, - Kingston, LANE E and Toleghone 886. ZUIVDES