Sh \ eesesssesses Catalogues are ready. Do You Want One? Drop us a Card. W. A. Spriggs & Co. 167 PRINCESS STREET, 'Phone 68. Near Bagot THE - AMERICAN CAFE 185 Wellington St. In Up-to-date Restaurant Eati House. Separate A Well furnished and lighted. - Try our full courses dinner, 2. THOS GUY Prop FEBRUARY SALE Furniture, Carpets, Etc. Your time to save money. All three stores reduced Wateh our larger advt., Page 2 Couches $4.00, $4.75, $5.60 up. $22.00 style for only $17.00 Repair and Uphostering 10 per cent reduced. T. F. HARRISON CO. 220 SYNOPSIS OF CANADIAN NORTH- WEST LAND REGULATIONS, ANY PERSON WHO IS THE SOLE head of a family, or any male over 1% vears old may homestead a quarter section of available Dominion land in Manitoba, Saskatchewan. or Alberta. The applicant must appear in person at the Dominton Lands Agency or Sub- Agency tor the district. Entry by proxy may be made at any agency, on certain conditions, by father, mother, son, daughter, brother or sister of intending homesteader = Duties --8ix. months' residence upon and cultivation of the land in each of three years A homesteader may live within nine mies of his homestead on a farm of at least 50 acres solely owned and oceupled by him~or by his fathef, mother, son, daughter, brother or sister. In certain districts a homesteader in good standing may pre-empt a quarter section alongside his homestead. Price, Duties----Must reside up- pre-emption six rom dale the time patent) $3.00 per acre on the homestead or months in each of six years of homestead entry (includin required to earn homestewn and cultivate fifty acres extra A homesteader who has exhausted his homestead right and cannot obtain a pre-emption may enter for a pur- chased homestead In certain districts. Price, $3.00 per acre Dutiés--Must reside six months in each of three years, cultivate fifty acres and erect a house worth $300.00. W. W. CORY, Deputy of the Minister of the > Interior. publication N.R Unauthorized of this advertisement will-not be paid for, Gold in Guwilight . " * ? Mrs. 6. entertained > On Tuesduy evening, Chows, 'Sunnyside, at a most enjoyable dance in honor of her daughter, Miss Hurothy Chown. The rooms were veéry effectively de corated with little red Cupids and 'hearts in honor of St. Valentine's Day. The guests included the Misses Ruth Martin, Freda Burns, Grace Me- Lelland, Florrie Stewart, F. Shannon, F. Aberneihy, Myra Dyde, Mabel Marshall, Chapman, Mildred Hender- son, 1 Helen Uglow, Eleanor Minnes, Ads Petrie, Jennie Philips, Marian Booth, Mildred Wormmith, Annie jnneg, Clarke, Chrissie Dyde, Beat- pice Driver, Bessie Chown, Messrs. H. Hatch, G, Calvin, W. Maclennan, H. Henderson, D. Ellis, H. Richardson, S. Driver, M, Sellery, G. Driver, E. Brook, D. Chown, L. Birkett, W, Farrell, J, C, Smythe, H. Marshall, E, Goodwin, W. Minnes, Arnot Minnes, Harry Minnes, E. Sliter and H, Donnelly. ® r Nr. and Nrs. Wiliam Harty "Otter ! labout twenty gud on Tuesday at the Uountry €. Campbell, Miss Nora Gordon, Miss Lets Carson, Miss Phyllis Shortt, Miss Grace Hemming, Mr. E. Van i Captain H. Boak, Captain F. W Elkins, Captain Roy Irwin and Mr. Ernest Dawson. oe A marriage of great interest to many Kingstoniags took place on January 30th, at St. Mary = Abbots, Kensington, , W., when Mr. Charles Trench Beath, son of the late [1.-Col. J. H. Beath, M.D., C.B., Stir} ing, Scotland was married to Ida Eisdale. Molson, youngest daughter of the late Dinham Molson, 99th Regiment. . * 9 Mr. and Mrs. Charles Low, Union street, entertained at a Valentine par- ty, on 7 evening. Fire present. en of a variety of ge being introduced in the form of archery, at which Mrs. Arthur Craig displayed great skill und won the first prize. * 9 Mrs. J. Massie, Earl street, is tertaining at, tea, this afternoon, honor of Mrs. James Gouinlock, Toronto, > oP The dance to be held at the Royal od. teriainment en- in of burn," entertained at a most enjoy- able supper party after the carnival, on Saturday evening. The guests in- cluded Colonel J. H. V. and Miss tielen Crowe, Major and Mrs. Nor way Waddell, Misses Mabel and Doro- thy Brownfield, Miss Nancy Russell, Mise Frances Sullivan, Miss Nora Gor- don, Miss Lassie Kirkpatrick, and Miss Dorothy Carruthers, Captain E. de B. Panet,- Mr. W.. Haggarty, Mr. J. Swift, Mr. N. Steacy, Professor Davis and Mr. John Davis, \ gy as + Mes. F. 0. Wilhout, Wellington street, entertained atthe tea hour, on Tueadhy afternoon. Mes. Willhofit was assis in receivi her guests by Mrs. Brooke and iss Brooke, of Bermingham, England, and was gown- ed in pink silk crepe de chine, with gold trimmings. In the tea room the table was laid with a handsome lace centrepiece and doylies, and was cen- tred by a cut glass vase of red tulips. Mrs. A. K. Kirkpatrick poured tea, Mrs. W. F. Goodwin poured coffee and Mrs. John Waddell cut the ice cream. The girls assisting were Miss Alice King, Miss Lassie Kirkpatrick, Miss Nan Paterson, Miss Mona Knight, Miss Hilda Jordan and Miss Mamie Gur rett. * nh * Mrs. Thetklore Lyman, '"'Calder- wood," entertained at a Valentine party, op Tuesday evening, in honor of ber miece, Miss Eleanor Lyman. There were about twenty children present und a most enjoyable time was spent in playing games. The rooms were decorated in true St. Val- entine style, The tea table was pret- tily done with red hearts and centred by a bowl of ped carnations and a valentine was placed at each place for the guests. After tes a large heart was himg at one end of the room and the prise, offered to the one. who could pin a smaller heart nearest the ventre, was = won by Miss Phyllis Spencer, * * 9 Mrs. W. H. Craig, Miss louise Kirk- patrick, Miss Frances Sullivan Miss Edith Young were hostesses at the tea at the Curling Club, on Tues- day afternoon. Those present were Mrs. Tandy, Mrs: R. J. Hooper, Nr. Vere H , Mrs. Stafford Kirkpat- rick, Mrs. H. B. R. Craig, Miss Letlice Tandy, Miss Mabel Dalton, Miss Mar jon Redden, Miss Jean Craig, Miss Emily Sears, Miss Winifred Stan and Miss Mamie Garrett. * * @ Their excellencies, the Earl and the Countess Grey, held their second even: ing out-door party of the season, on . Among the guests were Hon. J. K. and Mrs. Kerr, the Misses Cartwright, Mr. and Mrs. Allan Keel er, Hr. and Mrs. Lorne Keefer, Miss Muriel Shortt, Mr. and Mrs G. C. Mac- kenzie, the Misses Low, Mr. and Mrs. Ww. P. Wilgue (Nipigon), Miss Kate Craig, Mrs. Miles Cotton, and Colonel Henry Smith. * 4 0 A jolly party of young people went COVERED RINK Hockey Match JUNIOR INTERCOLLEGIATES. Sudden » G.I. v QUEENS IL WEDNESDAY, FEB. Game called at 8.15 pm. Admission, -25¢. T 0000000000000 00000 WE CARRY THE HIGH- EST CLASS PRESENTATION WATCHE§ IN 'KINGSTON. THE PRODUCTS OF THE BEST MAKERS WHOSE RE- PUTATION IS FAVORABLY KNOWN BY EVERY ONE. GET OUR PRICES. 5 000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 i GOVERED RINK HOCKEY MATCH Peterboro' FRIDAY, FEB 17th Game called at 8.15 p.m. Admission--Gent's., 35c; Ladies, he; Raared Soain, S00 Galva tckets 16th, at 10 am. and ! Military College, this evening, is be | ing very much looked foiward to by { everyone. oy * * Mrs. Herbert D. Bibby will receive man Stuart Leslie, Captain and Mry. d nd Thursday of Kenneth Blair, Mr. and Mrs. Hallo- o% the first ane. sero ® LO J Miss Bertha Mahood, Johnson street, was hostess at the tea hour this al- ternoon. : * & . : Mrs. Ernest' Sparks, University ave- nue, will not receive on I hursday. LN Dr. and Mrs. Ernest Sparks will spend the week-end in Toronto. . Mrs. Trevor 4rout, Arnprior, is the guest of Nrs. G. W. G. Grout, Brock street. ; Ly Miss Ada Petrie, who is visiting her aunt, Mrs. R. J. Hooper, Lowér Albert street, will return to Montreal on Monday. : Miss Mona Knight, Alice street, will leave, next Tuesday, for Montreal. Mrs. S. F. Stewart arrived in town, to-day, from Harrowsmith, and will be the guest of Mrs. James Craig, Princess street. Mrs. D. Stewart Robertson, Syden- ham street, who has been visiting her sister, Mrs. T. MeJ. Stackman, in Montreal, for the past three weeks, re- turned home on Saturday. 2 > Mrs. C. W. Druryz who has been spending the winter in Montreal, re: turned to Halifax, last Thursday. She was accompanied on her trip by Major and Mrs. Heori Panet. Mr. and Mrs, Max Aiken have re turned to London, England after hav- ing spent three weeks in Nice, where they have taken a flat. They have also taken a house in the country just out of London. Mrs. Seecombe and Mr, Henry Hill, of this city, and Mra, M. Neilson, of Westmount, will accompany Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Givens to Florida. While away Mrs. Ashby will remain with the family at 'Maitland House." Mr. and Mra, George Mabood, Gore street, will go to Gananoque, on Thursday, to attend the "at home" given by the Masons. La Miss Maude Butler, who has been the guest of Mrs. J. C. Paterson, Union street, returned to Stratford on Monda 18, 15 THURSDAY, FEB. 16th | Hmusements. Sam S. & lee Shubert (Ime) Presest THE LOTTERY MAN A Comedy in Three Acts, Dy RIDA JOHNSON YOUNG, Direct From One Year in York. A Feast | of Laughter. SATURDAY, FEB. 18th Bargain Matinee, 2.30. Evesing, 8.15. ompnon Presents uw Vital TR aT Business and Social Life, me "SETTLEMENT Special Cast. Complete Seenle Produe- ". New Seats now 28, 1. i | BARGAIN ™ ATINEE--COhildren, 13et es Adult . EVENING--15, 25, as, See. Seats. on Sale Thursday. GRAND OPERA HOUSE In Aid of St. Mary'scof-the-Lake Orphanage, . MONDAY, FEBRUARY 20th, AT 8.15 PM. MONSTER VARIETY ENTERTAIN. «THEN AND NOW" Old Time and Up-to-date Dances, Songs, Games and Living Pictares. A Company of Over Eighty Perform- ers. To conclued with the Roaring Musi- cal Absurdity, "Crazed." Characters by Miss Helen Crowe, Shine and Lt.-Colonel Crowe. PRICES, $1, 75¢, 50c and 25¢. THEATRE Get the Griffin Habit PROGRAMME : ARTHUR YOLE & CO. featuring + Baby Helen prodigy of the age. THERESA MILLER Comedienne BILL JONES in a Novelty Musical Act ARTHUR LYNN Song, "Where Are The Scenes of Yes- terday." ' 5 ¥ 5 REELS MOTION PICTURES. TWO HOURS' ENTERTAINMENT. MATINEE DAILY, 2 p.m. Evening, 7---Admission, 10¢; children accompanied with parents, be. Please come early to avoid crowd- Nr. T 8. Hughes after sf g =n few days visiting friends in London, returfied home on Tuesday. Mr. J. M. Burpee, of the Canadian Bank of Commerce, arrived, on day, to assume his duties in the King- ston branch. Colonel. Frank Strange, Professor 1. E. Martin, Mr.. W. C. 'Kent, Mr. Win- throp Sears, Mr. J. C. Newlands and Dr. A. W. Richardson left to-day to attend the annual dinner given by the Croscent Yacht Club at Chaumont Bay. * 4 Miss Marion Redden, William street, returned from Toronto on Monday. Miss Loretta Swift, who has visiting in New York, Montreal, and Ottawa, for the last two months, re- turned home on Monday. 3: Tuoes- | |JOU-S5¢ MOVING PICTURES, AFTERNOON AND EVENING, @HESEEETE ED) x SPIRELLA CORSETS. Duplicate Corset free if boning breaks or rusts in one year. The only Corset made combining health, com- fort, style, awrability. Call Thursday or Saturday and leave your er. MARGARET DUN) Corsgettiere, 106 Wellington Street. 'Phone $78 Mes. H. Bristol, after sp g afew weeks with her daughter, Mrs. Her bert Saunders, Alice street, returned to Oakville, to-day. Miss Martha Miones, Union street, is ing a few weeks in Ottawa, while Dr. and Mrs. Robert Minnes are in Bermuda. ---- Mr. and Mrs. H, H. Gildersleeve, Sarnia, are the guests of Mrs. C. F.. Gildersleeve, King street. After spending a few weeks in Ot- the t of her brother, Major , Mrs, Bernard Browne, urday, bringing with her her niece, Miss Muriel Hubbell, who will spend a week or two here, Se * Miss M, Gordon, Queen's University, --d a a Me a ys wit ¥. y D. D. Calvin. 3 Mrs. J. C. C. Almon, spent the week-end wn Ya James Gildersleeve i Departmca of Raays and Canals DOMINION CANALS, NOTICE TO DEALERS IN CEMENT, SEALED TENDERS = ENDORSED "Tender ror Cement' will be received by the undersigned up to 18 «o'clock on Friday, the 14th February 1911, for the supply of some 200,000 Barrels of cement, more or less required for the construction and maintenance of the vafious canals of the inion and to be delivered in such guahtities at such places and at such times ax be directed. r total quantity requir oF for such portions thereof as may sult their con- venience. hr Specifications, forms of tender and full information can be obtained from The Department does not bind liself to accept the lowest or any tender. By order, Dealers in cement may tender for the L K. JONES, x Secretary. Department of Rallways and Canals, Ottawa, Sth February, 1911 Newspapers inserting this adv ment without inanrtig from the Pe: partment will not be paid for it. ALL ACCOUNTS OWING 70 THE .Griffin's..| The most wonderful child: ople's Forum even CONDENSED ADVERTISING RATES First insertion le a word, Each con secutive fusertion thereafter half cemt a word. Misimom charge for one in- sertion, 25e; three insertions, 0S0c; six, §1; one month, $2. { HELP--WANTED. DISH WASHER (WOMAN). at British-American Hotel APPLY office. A WOMAN TO alse Waiter. - Apply to Steward, Frontenac Club. ! A YOUNG GIRL TO ASSIST WITH housework. must Soap at home. Apply at Mrs King's, Alice Street. WORK IN KITCHEN}. PPIPIS SIS PS SP II III IPIRY FOR SALE. SMALL GREEN PURSE, CONTAINING a sum of money, on Monday after- noon. Reward for its return to Whig office. A LARGE STORE KEY, ON TUESDAY, on Brock, King, Market or Ontario Streets Finder please return to Whig office = SUM OF MONEY, ON TUESDAY morning, near corner of Clergy and Colborne Streets Finder indly Jeaxs at Whig office and receive re- ward. BIRDS, BIRDS, BIRDS. ' IMPORTED GERMAN CANARIES.-- Have you heard the dickey birds sing? If you haven't, you missed ASS METAL PATTERN makers; high-grade men wanted Standard Ideal Co, Port Hope, Ont. ERAL SERVANT FOR SMALL family. Apply, in the evening to Ss. am 1 J HB therland, 56 Wi FURNITURE WOODWORKER FOR repair work; ome who can do finishing preferred. T. F. son & Co. SMART LAD AS JUNIOR CLERK IN wholesale house, who understands shorthand and typewriting. Ap- ply, Box 132, Whig office. ' SALESMAN WANTED FOR WINTER for our cholce Nursery Stock and newest varieth see potatoes; liberal terms. Cavers Bros, Galt YOUNG LADY BOOKKEEPER; ONE who understands typewriting: must be good writer; short hours; good wages: state previous experi. She. Apply to Box 152, Whig of- Tice. INTELLIGENT PERSON MAY earn $100 monthly corresponding it. They are the finest in the i Perfect, guaranteed song- sters. Come in W. J. Driver, corner Queen and Barrie. "Phone ar ARCHITECTS. HENRY P. SMITH, ARCHITECT, ETC, 258 King Street. "Phone 346. ARTHUR ELLIS,. ARCHITECT, 181 ' VniVersity Avenue. Telephone WN. tects, ete. 'Phone 608. NEWLANDS & SON,. ARCHI- Office, 258 Bagot Street. POWER & SON, ARCHITECTS MER- chants' Bahk Building, corner Broe and Wellington Streets 'Phone 213, MARRIAGE LICENSES, C. 8 KIREPATHION, GOVERNMENT Tssuera da 4 rence Street, Kings- ton, Ot. lephone 568. Resid- t ence, 38 Frontenac Street. ' SEVERAL GOOD WORK HORSES FOR salé cheap. Apply, I) J. Hay, 12% Clarence Street 4 SOME SPECIAL SNAPS TO (CLOSE but within next month. See Geo. Cle, Real Estate, 88 Clarence St SEVERAL SINGER SEWING - chines, among them & Shoemakads Patcher. Great Bargains TW Phone T98 FOR QUICK CASH SALE. & SEVEN. roomed New Hidek 1 ouge r art of city: modern {m ox a. Jardiner & Bateman, ¥ rence Street. 'Phone 331 or 38% TO CLEAR, 3 PAIR BOYS TAN Bluchers at $1.50; Men's heavy §3 and $2.75, Boots at $3.35 "ceme quick: they won't last jong at these prices. Jack Johnston, 0 Brock Street. GASOLINE LAUNCH; LENG feet, 52 inch beam; hull © oak; Kingston Foun miles. W. J and Barrie Streets IN ar and seats five; 2 cylinder 4 Ah dry motor; speed, 7 Driver, cor. Queen Phone 812 TO LET. STORAGE FOR FURNITURE, CLEAN, dry, airy rooms, absolutely moth proof; your own lock and key. rost's City Storage, 2199 Queen St, 'Phone 526b. SUITE OF ROOMS, INCLUDING SIT. ting-room, bedroom and bathroom, arket Sguare & Mudie, located near ply to Cunningham Clarence Street Ap- is THE ROOMS AND DWELLING. ON Wellington Street o¢tupied for § years by Dr. Baker as residence dentist parlor; possession ist Apply te © Livingston & for nEwspapers. No canv t Send for particulars, Press Syndi- cate, 3.96% Lockport, N.Y. CAPABLE OLD COUNTRY DOMES. tics arriving weekly in summer, fortnightly in winter. Apply, now, The Guild, 71 Drummond Street, Montreal, or 14 Grenville Street, Toronto. ANY INTELLIGENT PERSON MAY earn steady income corresponding for newspapers; experience un Necessary Address ress Cor- Teaponding Bureau, Washington, D.C. - WANTED NON-UNION MEN. IN ALL branches of the Building Trades. Highest wages to competent men, Employmen aranteed. Apply to Becretary uilders' Exchange, Box 270, Lethbridge, Alta. CLERKS TO SELL ARTICLES MUCH ed: in every home, especially by working men: go salary; per. manent position; if you are work- ing for small salar behind the counter, write to- ;j you can double your wages and be your own boss. Apply, Box "E. B. C.," Whig Office. WANTED----GENERAL. ONTARIO AND SA VETERAN SCRIP to buy for cash. J. 8. R. McCann, 51 Brock Street. GARBAGE TO COLLECT: WILL CALL any day and will do it free of charge, Write Box 231, Whig ce. . CUSTOMERS TO BUY SOME OF OUR Cream Caramels; purest of their kind. Sakell's Ice Cream Parlor, next to Opera Iouse. 'Phone 640 LEASE HY THE YEAR FROM March 1st, a § or 7 room house, south of Queen Street, east of Al- fred Street, at $1,350. McCann, 51 Brock Street. GENTLEMEN TO BRING THEIR Cloth and have it made up Into up- to-date suits, Price and workman- Ship guaranteed to plea Pressing and repairing done on the shortest notice, Thomas Galloway, 130 Brock St. next Bibby's Livety. GOOD SE- ARNY PERSON HAVING and Stoves cond-hand Furniture before disposing drop me a card 1 will pay good prices. I have for sale Brass and Iron Beds and all kinds of Furniture in Oak, Happy Thought Ranges. Will sell reason- able. J. Thompson, 333 Princess Street. TEACHER WANTED, TEACHER FOR 8.8. 13, LOUGHBORO; must be experienced: duties to commence at once. Apply, statin qualifications and salary. ex 4 to 8. J. Deyo, Sec.-Treas., Verona, Ont. DENTAL. SPARKS AND SPARKS, DENTISTS, 30 1-2. Princess Street, Kingston. 'Phone A 8, H. SIMPSON, LDS, DDS, DENT. int, 258 Princess Street. Telephone DR. C. C, NASH, DENTIST; DR. C. HL. Weicker, assistant, 183 Princess St 'Phone 738. KNAPP, DENTIST, 150 MONT- Srreat, near Princess Street $53. DR. A. E real 'Phone 1 dg OSTEOPATHY. Asheroft, D. DO, Grad the Found Princess Street, corner § Phone 447. No charge for con- .sultation and Iterature. ce hours, 18 to 12, 2 to 5, § to 8 MEDICAL ARK: PHYSICIAN A o A ee Wellington | Bt Office hours, 10 to 12 am. 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 pm. "Phone 386. LEGAL. CUNNINGHAM & WMUDIE, B 3 &: and Solicitors. Law St ingston. 3 F A ' hy Al us to Fen. 1 ete Son | RICHARD RCL Box Ce. Advertising comes more complex: defection of a tenant. his peace of mind. equilibriam. FINANCE AND INSURANCE. FOR INSURANCE THAT INSURES GO to Godwin's Insurance Emporiu over Northern Crown Bank, Broe Street, or 'phone 424 GENERAL INSURANCE-FIRE, LIFE, Accident and Health Policies issu- ed; first-class companies; standard rates, T J on, Agent, 159 Wellington Street. GEO... A.. BATEMAN REPRESENTS the Protectors' Underwriters, backed by §10000000 of capital and four other fire insurance com- pables; all kinds. of insurance ef- ected. Call or drop a -oard 'Phone 396 67 Clarence Street, Kingston, Ont FRONTENAC LOAN "AND INVEST- ment Society; established 1863; president Sir Richard Cartwright: money isfued on city and farm properties, debentures. mortgages purchased; deposits received and interest al- lowed C. McGill, Managing Director, 87 Clarence Street. LIVERPOOL, LONDON, AND GLOBE Fire Insurance Company, Avaliable assets, $61187.215 In addition to which the policyholders have for security the unimited liability of all the stockholders Farm and city property insured at Jowest possible rates, Before renewing oid business get rates or giving ne Agents from Strange & Strange 'Phone 125 CARPENTERS AND BUILDERS. DROP A CARD TO CHAS. W. KELLAR, Carpenter and Bulider, 365 Division St. for reasonable prices on all kinds of jobbing. All work done promptly ¥ DROP A CARD TO NR. MAYELL, i Carpent er an giner, 262 Syden- ham Street North, for redsonable prices on all kinds of Jobbing. All work done promptly and neatly. PERSONALS. - MOL aw v permanently Fporience. Dr: i Eve, rr, ™ lem. od ent roat and Skin In every phase of the city's life, every Ads. play the part of the peacemaker, and me at some crisis in our pace and tension from proving too fast and tight for US Truly, the Want Ads. ARE FOR SERVICE! municipal and county, Modern Life Would be Hard on Nerves if it Were not for Want The pace of life has become tense. Worries, disappointments, up-sets losses, discouragements scem to multiply as daily lite bee" at home and office, The property owner, who MUST have a steady income from rents or lose his property, is "racked" by the untimely Some classified advertising retrieves his Joss--and quiets his nerves, quickly The salary earner unexpectedly loses his position----and The straln would shortly "break" somes thing in his nervous system if, once more, want advertising did not find the better job--and restore to him his mental day, the Want They SERVE you lives--and keep the modern ad Want Ad. reading every day 'is easy----pleasant--profit- able. Make it part of your dally reading. FOR SALE OR TO LET. THE EXTENSIVE BUSINESS PRE. mires for many years occupled by Henry Skinner & Co, Wholesale Druggists, extending from Pein. cess Street to Queen Street, with frontage on both, and including ex-, tensive bulldings Apply to Cun- ningham & Mudie ; HOTELS AND RESTAURANTS ONTARIO station, one bloc on street car line; bar supplied with best of wines and liquors; charges moderate; special rates by the week John Cousineau, Prop BRUNSWICK HOTEL, opposite OTR from CPR ST. * HOTEL WHITNEY, BROCK STREET, under new management; bar sup- plied with best of wines, liquors, and elgars; boafd by day or week F. Whitney, Propristor THE GRIMASON Princess Street HOTEL, 343-344 Bar stocked with the hest of Ales Beers. Wines Liquors, and choicest Brands of Cigars. Meals, 25e sach, rates by the week Ir stable accommodation 14 reasonable. Mulviile & Driscol FURNITURE FINISHER. ANTIQUE FURNITURE A SPECIALTY, ebonizing and gilding. enamelling and all colors of mission work; al work given best attention Pat Driscoll, 23 John Btreet Phone 995 4 UPHOLSTERER, W. J. GAVIN UPHOLSTERING, RE- pairing and carpet work, hair mat- tress renovating call 216 Bagot Street. DANCING. VIOLIN AND PIANO FOR DANCING, evening parties, etc. Apply. Lenses , Nose, ish Specialist, 258 Bagot Street. & Hackett, 358 Bagot Breet The Searching Winds It takes warm. That Coal is ours. Peculiar to this season are with vs. Coal to keep a house It lasts. No Drop & card or,