THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, W EDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 15, 1911, @ THE WHIG, 78th YEAR| poovie. Here be loved much and BOARD OF HEALTH severe Bp! was loved much in return. Here hé BRITISH WHI lished at 200318 King ingalos, Gn was recogoized as a great. leader of . at men, pointing the way to a higher] HAD TALK OVER WATER PIPE NH 2 J and a better life, hy his example, by QUESTION. ay To at ns detach hag | his precept, and By his lovable char-| EE to be 24858 ins king price : acter. Here he was, indeed, the spir-: Some Parties Who are Cutting lce and of W $1. r A . - el f are Not Carrying Out the Regula- Attached is one tual father of a Yety sumerous lam. ©oL Lr, Cases in -- Sao Cane. Tad) Ny Tah ily, whose interests he made his own, 2 o da z . . and from this family he retreats with Over, a Mon! So . The British Whig Publishing Co, Ld. many evidences of their affection. The ~The board of health met on Tues : - day afternoon and ome of the mat- { " IR TORONTO OFFICE. farewell of last night touched the | 3 {CLERR ANC one of Lhe mat " . ry 7 X : : = Suite 19 and 20 Queen City Cham. | hearts of every one present. Only 2 lt; the temporary water pipe to be pl fs Polish Your Furniture hers, 32 Chukch 25 econo, BE sense of dity--a duty transcendent in|used while the new portion of intake Specialists in diseases of Skin, ns Denes out ar a - its importunce--could warrant a sep- [Pipe is being laid. Mayor Graham || Bjood, Nerves, Bladder andl Special Ail. the wood. It produces a rieb, artistic = : h of | explained what is being done and | | metts of men. C a aration that embraced so much of . : One visit advisable : if impossible finish. to which airs snd dust will not ALLY big h _ stated that Ald, Carson, Chisirman of | | 00% itary for free opinion ros Di adhere. dust 313 ii snd 3 you how - » tenderness, of faith, of submission t0}ihe waterworks committee, was doing | | vice Question blank and book on » -- | the Divine will. everything possible to secure a per | | Giseases of a See Consultation J ohn sons HERE'S TO THE GROUCHERS, The work of the archbishop will be |fect waggr service while the new piece I Jhdiche Surah gu ad : ) i iil {of pipe laid. No inshore wa- | | te ¢ p.m. Sundays, 10 am. to 1 p.m. : The Whig has before it the paper op |long remembered. His presence . Will | or would bb ped. 1¢ 'was hoped a : Prepared Wax the "Industrial Development of Can- | be missed. His personality remains, | p. bl ump the. Con tion » DRS. SOPER & WHITE is" A < 2 FAFA ANNAN 3 HH HHA ada," by Ellis T. Powell, L.C.B. It | however, in every good thought which [the temporary pipe with the intake ee Faoiah and Polish tor All § | was to bs read before the Royal Co- | he inspired. His spirit, so kind and [pipe at the point where the old piece worl: too. Johasoa's Powdersd Wak 1s lonial Institute in London, on the | conciliatory, can never pass away |© PiPe joins it, in four or five hours, : a =m s. OB ¥s ~ jand therefore, enough water could be 14th, and, of course, there was no mis- | while there are those to whom he retained in the tank to tide over that > j carriage in the plans. Lord Strath- | ministered so ardently in. spiritual period. NECKWEAR SALE . Powdered Wax. for - {cons presided, and it is to be assum- | things, x City Clerk Sands drew the attention i : ; . Eon i is (of the board Floors .. ., . ed from this fact that. the talk was | May :he be a benediction in his a to Sha fast a Feur-in-Hands, Derbles, Hook or quite befitting the occasion and the | new field of labour, and he cannot be . = their own : 2 . 2 Knots. Etc. : » f auspices under which it was delivered. | anything else while he exercises the not ing a pou ie Bay Peterson Lake and Little 5 Regular Sic qualities or tt § | Coneda was, at the very outset, re | gentle influences which have made him 'in reporting to him every month that pissing at present prices . s ferred to as an empire, and a modern | the favorite of Catholic and Protestant | they were using the ice for no. other CORRESPONDENCE INVITED f 25c. | empire, and all good friends of Britain |in Kingston. And may the church ip Purpose. He was instructed to write : or i ' ) i them, onlling their attention to this | 14 King St. East. "Phone Main 4228, : act. Hardware = (a Rn hua | as an integral part of the British em- | cese one who' will walk in his foot-| The question was raised as to a oroato, o pire, the mightieht in the world. But | steps and imitate him in every good certain hotel which was cutting ice SWEATER GOATS Saeseeeeeseeesseseeed Mr. Powell will be forgiven. Me | ork. Nothing more or better can be for Sling Eusposes. One of the 9 3 board wanted (to know if Ww p 0 BREN : iD . . » » AN means well. He does not know, and | desired. othe hostelry's meats came in con- Chestnut has not heard, about the Higher criti ren {tact with the ice, and also il the ice 57 St. Francois. Xavier St., r cism that is abroad. . EDITORIAL NOTES. {wes being used for drinking pur MONTREAL, ROLL NeCK SWEATERS 1 ig, : = A . ios DOSES. ' : ; ; Coal 4 n Pateing o> owe} drake shout Curling is the ideal sport for ladies i The medical health officer' stated Membe MONTREAL STOCK EXGHANGE MEN'S © size of Canada, about t Arge | They always look well handling an (3.0 there had been no cases of ty- | Long Distance Telephone Main 6986 a. is very scarce. Price has ad- vaficed 25¢ at many polats part of it which is yet unexplored, the | iron or a broom. phoid reported to him for over 's | CORRESPONDENCE SOLICITED, Regular 31.00 and 31.25 qualities tremendous increase in population in -- month. Last week a scarlet fever case recent years, the adjustment of politi- | If there were more real objections {0 had been reported. The city had been PITH OF THE NEWS. for 69c. cal machinery to meet the changing | the proposed reciprocity agreement, fae Ix fom. comtagion 0 . Ju ---- 9 : : eters \ e health officer sta circumstances, the change in the con- | there would not be so much hysterics. that he was about to make an in- The Very Jaiew Catied From all stitutional balance from east to west, b ... trustees who want to see a new SPection of dairies, : Otiaws has 361 typhoid fever arcs oo ' the provision for a widely expanding Es ould : 1 Dr. Williamson asked to have print. Ki YE X k . trade by land and water d th school building should organize ARG ed for the doctors of the city certifi- Lloyds are taking gambling risks on : or And Hie eX" | ter on the campaign of educating cates for admitti ildre another British election. ch : paig itting children to. the rm . " D ange of trade with seventy-two the electors schools. * 'He also asked that the pre- "Jack" Frskin and "Babe" Adams : Cashmere and Scotch Heathers. countries. The conelusion of the whole : sent certificates that doctors' are re. | Were murdered at Taber, Alta. Regular 25c qualities for matter will be a revelation to those | The representative deputation asking quired to sign, stating that a child Tod Sifton = i lo be openly 1 who 'arp afraid of reciprocity, who pre aid for the Sir Oliver Mowat memorial had been successfully vaccinated and At Montreal, two men had their dict dire calamify following an agree | hospital should give nerve to the by Striking out ginal pos, Je changed skulls fractured by ice falling on them. 2 Pairs for 25c¢ - ment us to trade, who prophety that | fidermen to make a respectable grant doctor could mot very well sign that | The Christian mission at Chee Foo, the British flag is in danger of being | 10 the popular institution. All classes certificate, ag there were a few peo- en has been' infected with ghe hauled down. Says Mr. Powell : are behind the projet. ple who Would take small-pox even if (PARC, _ workmen were SHIRT SALE We have plenty of it, and can give you the GENUINE SCRANTON vit the regular price 'while ft lasts. 5. ANGLIN & CO. Cor Wellington and Bay Sts. 0000000000000 0000000 9000000000000 v 0000000, 00000000000 0000000000000000000 i a000000O0GS a "In Canada nobody of importance 1 vaccinated, The percentage was YOIY Ikilled in th rerturnis i Wood's dreams of any breach of the imperial | Mr. Lourassa denies that he pur small, of cou Tha paaaed Gpcided 1 ht SYuuNIng 0» mow Phosphodins, compact, of any interruption of the poses to retire from the legislature of q ney i 18 Len oifater's re- Eight men are on trial, at Rome, Tooke B Phas the whol process of weaving: the domihion as'a Quebec, He left the commons 16 Te ' A couple of sanit matters came | [°F killing a young boy as a sacrifice Ooke Bros. and Crescent Brand Rkod DoW . ary he | to the plague. Shirts We Botha denies the rumor that South $1.00 and $1.25 qualities for miniature British empire into a majes- tic design which the rolling centuries | form the local house, and he has not before the board and were referred to : : . i i the board's < investigation. : : A : i and a brave and patient ancestry have | yet begun his work. There is a lion ike bows , ear. Jor igvestigation. Africa is: going to discontinye the i fi , thei teful |: ay it is Goui ; . i nd pe 'the on po" ju the way, and i» Gouin fy name were J. B. McLeod (chairman), Mayo: Relish tend vr le and eight were 69c. the dominion seas (fresh or salt) the | gy. ectric light department. is act- Siraham, 2. or Knapp, A. Strachan {, when a joy-riding auto crashed British flag is overwhelmingly --I had ing wisely in insisting upon a test of : yor. into a pole at Detroit. almost said aggressively--a feature of ion v : Three thousand people attended the 3 the Jasdusape Sud Sha asssape, he he Se street lampe before jeoceed -- PLAYS AT THE GRAND. meeting in Toronto celebrating the ter- TROUSER SALE 0 " man wo so as to to purchase them. . . 'nghi ible. , Correct ure Framing uae its mt the starspan- the best, (and they are the most eco-' "The Lottery Man" Comes on Thars- | centenary of the English Bible * turn out most artistic ed banger would have ut five 3 bout it. . i stirred up, by petit t iv The W A frames for the most exacting minutes in = which' to make his choice nomical), whe we' are " : The lotttey in the play, "The Lot- ee a an. ve - uring Het e-Spocin) TWend } eustomers, at prices which are between a strait-waistcoat and police The delegation of fruit men to Ot- wy ia conducted by a New Sir A. P. Pelletier has resigned the At on very Faasonable. protection. It is a tremendous politi- a wan's 2m ann. -but 3¢. did Par paper, "Jack Wright, one of lieutenant-governorship of Quebec, and Look good at $2.50, $2.75 and $3.00. PD. A. WEESE & 00, cal and social phenomenon, this do- | tawa il the b iY h reporters, is responsible for the | Sir Francois Langelier may succeed. IB % Wallpaper. § minion. Taken altogether, I doubt if | not represent all the men who are in scheme and he ofigrs himself as the |* Dyring the discussion on the trade BIBBY'S SPECIAL the northern half of the globe offers dhe business. 'There was considerable Prize. Meantime, heAalls in love with agreement, at Washington, Champ its parallel .as a comtemporary. spedh-Yp "oot the dilegation. All the A Charming young lady and er br [Clark said Cangds would wake up $2.00 SSIS men of political architecture on a gi- fruit 'men are by t mn to capture as many of the | one day and find herseli annexed to gantic scale, where the stones are n al no means opposed to as possible. Lizzie quietly | (1. United States. 4 "STAY IN KINGSTON' British citizens and the cement is. in- | reciprocity. eaters the race. She invests but a The geological survey anmounces the dustrial prosperity and steel rails. single dollar, the price of the cou- rahbly bn \ : We would rather {ou would And yet we, who sep it now, see mere The Calgary Albertan suggests that pons, and steals a second from the J ehetice Bre Aa a oo oe h * 3 \ ound to £¢ PL ly its earliest beginnings, and can |g. opponents of the new tariff believe °00k. It is the latter coupon which | tan miles in extent, and is estimated I ¢ a. . 1 y oO * > Mental and Brain Worry, The Grand Trunk xailway has been Q uy any t ol & * 3 et $ > your Household Bifects (hat you # form no resl idea of the magn wins the husband. Wrights however, | ("10 $0,000,000 tons. IN 3: ii | that the gnly way to keep Canadians iamin's may want to sell---or f the completed structure which will > 3 . learns of Lizzie's theft and threaten xr % thi : ; It vou ate starting Rousekeeping R Coit" the eyes of posterity. 1f we, here [loyal is to hold their" noses 10 the ing har with arrest, she decides to din Na ie 8tore With Little Prices - ¥ as we carry a full line of Stoves upon this bank and shoal of time in | grindstone by making us pay more for Coxe ather than go to prison. ! of church erection of the United States | #¢ : : HAIN TRraituns, Carpets, Dilelath, se. the year 1911, could be permitted a | oye goods than we should pay and by Meesrs. Shubery will present "The Preshyterian church, is dead, at New : Rt rE EAR Also. we have the grandest lov momentary glance at the Canada of revehtiog: us: from ting for - our Lottery Mag™ at the Grand on Thurs- fork, of a complication of diseases. of ANTIQUE FURNITURE in thi: ¥ {he year 2000, 1 doubt if our noblest | P mg ge'ling for. day, Febyuary 16th. He was seventy-eight years old rt of Canada. coptions of liberty and prosperity | produce what we should get. In other 3 3 . Drop a postal : 3 s »" * i would be adequate for a proper intel- | words by keeping us poor, or trying Final Settlement. FOSTER ON RECIPROCIT L. LESSES, Jectual grasp, of the magnificent pic |, ; i. In The Final Settlement," the at- Toronto Street Market, ON BECI . > Cor Princess and Uhaitham Sta. , ture which would be unfolded to our Yi traction at the Grand on Saturday, | Toronto, Feb. 14.--Wheat, white, What He Had to. Say But Two uic eturns -- FHSS eager eyes." #3 {Febuary 18th, bargain matinee and 85¢. to ¥6¢c.; wheat, red, 5c. to ee Month 'A » | The Royal Colonial Institute of Lon: HIT BY AN ICICLE. night, theatregoers will see a new so- 86c.; wheat, goose, S0c.; oats, bush., University Ma go: ING'S CAFE {don, England, cannot do better than ee -- cial melodrama. The play deals with 3Sc. to 39c.; peas, bush., S0c. to 82c.; Woot you Fatine. Dee, Jere Honest Assortment send a fow copies of Mr. Powell's ad- Montreal Man's Death May Follow issues particularly vital to the new | barley, bysie-66c. to 68c.; rye, bush., 5 you 4 en veto all attempts » ING'S Lunth COURIEr [grees to the apposition in Ot -- Blow. financial of American life. A | 6%. to #o.; buckwheat, bush, 48. to | cp FEC (FACE relations hotwesn Correct Market Prices Paid om In awa, : : : " i : ] ada nited States iy : Montreal, Feb. 15.--Struck down by bright mg workingman makes a i 50c.; hal, timothy, ton, $17 to $19; a X y . ING'S Private Dining with the request that it be read and an icicle that fell from the eaves > fortune and becomes a capitalist. His hay, mixed, ton, $10 to $14; straw, ND Teags = Ja bata to make for all kinds of : discusced line by line and paragraph | gh. Quebec bank building, on Tuesday, . Wife clings to her domestic ideals, old- per ton, 315 to $16; Alsike clover,|;") i a : 1 boagian by rr S ) by paragraph in the next party cau |Ivan Dyver's skull was At fashioned aad Hojesotme, The he No. 3: hs 8 ia sa No: > by the aa eve it is hol: RAW FURS and SKINS » the general hospital it was said that band is wrathful at her reluctance to | bush., $6.50 to $7.75: No. 3, bush. | = y ING (dames) Prop. oe his tion is veo engage in social splendor. He di- | $5.50 to 36; red clover, No. 1, $6.75|.0er® are no illusions there will be i 3 A : : fewer errors. Granted th v full Send your collections to F, NGS \ Mr. Dyer was passing north on. Place .v her, a bra ant actress and [to $7; red clover, No. 2, $6 to $6.25; realize that : we re be: we i ie ; ING ST. Nos. 338-3421 FAREWELL TO KINGSTON. d'Armes Square, in front of the bank seeks to make h ay into the cir- | red clover, No. 3. 8 to $5.58; timo- |. ; BEL 00 eve op REVILLON FRERES ; The diocese of Kingston has taken | building, when the icicle became dis- cles of the ety. 1s Me ead | thy, No. 1, recleaned, $6.25; timothy, tor malty. ei antutaly_imdopen a ---- . . Sh : : inthe dx 4 % = wx ' ¥ VO nsantain- INGSTON. to owe of Archi Genii snd feel" on pd 0 king th pie eo ch fo bi, Bo lo" dtl RU Ml oo pm polly oe mb | | een Now open. the aecasion marked a distinct pach Mr. Dyer is twenty-eight years of comes again the workingman and so- [39.75 to $10; butter, dairy, 2c. to om, nde which we may develop to Fur Trade. Catering Contracts Taken. in the life of the ¢hurch in this dis age, and resides at 20 Mount Stephen cial nobody. How his first wife is | 970. butter, inferior, 2c. to 22c.. | '"® Utmost our resources for our own 134 of 136 MeONI St Ne ' od ofits spizitual head. His . at ouni still faithful 45 hisy. and how the pro- es. new laid. doz. 3c. to 35c. | *trengthening and upbuilding and that rest, Meatrenl It we a ol others, It a , removing from this sity . blem of life 4s worked out to a start- -- spring, Ib., 17c. to 0c.; chick: = sthwae " resifiraity hh inter- Our PRICE LIST FREE a ¥. : 5 . * nT E . iv] p eres eTewl in rable; that : . we don't pleass you, please tell us. reali that in the history of the Drowned at Egan . | ling » are strong | ts in the «» 16c. to 18e.; turkeys, Ib. 2c. derstood. we welcome the fullest rr for the asking a 3 i ! play. e.: 1h. bh .; fowl, « . individual as in the history of the na- 1 Bigauville Feb. 15. Falling into the to Me. geese, Ib i 8 and intercourse consistent therewith WE PAY EXPRESS CHARGRS ; n : hile attempt! -------------- sv Ide. to 3 . ey ire v - tion, there are. events of special sig- to il A 8 of + Fortune Left by Jockey. $5; cabbage, doz., 35¢. to 45c; cauli- We owe you much, we admire your en- ; : get a pai A 4 4 : terprise and your wonderful growth, nificance. ~~ Sometimes the history [hole in thé ice, little Michael McHale, | London, Feb. 15.--No surprise was ' flower, doz, 75c. to $1; onions, bag, and sympathize with the efforts vou of the one is largely the history of | the Shite ynnold son of Michael occasioned by the announcement that 0fc. to $1; potatoes, bag, 95¢. tol re making to grow rightly and de |¥ith the above conditions, we will be the other. His acts, hia words, his ar oe is Jace, a ried: > a of Eaglish jock Rn the BL on Hinduarters, gy »: { velop the best forces of : at de- [glad to co-operate. Mennwhile, as a . h C hy, N . + grea a ey; left an } 50, ,» foreq ers, * | moers } . ighborly ginmi : Oo deeds, have to. do. with the moulding occurred at two. o'clock, and a con- tate of 8721720. This is believed to | beef, choice, carcass, 0 to $0.75; try yo wg Ba nid | ive our Y gaming Stld You nat and shaping of that public policy or | stant search has been kept up since be the largest sum ever juanaseetd_ bY a | beef, medium, ecarcdde," $5 a 50: municipal and national. If we can YOUr market at the same rate which administration which affects in no [that time, without revealing any trace jockey, but it is not within » j mutton, per ewt., $8 to od "% n make easier channels for trade be "* 8ctord to you in our markets? the 3 | prime, owt, $11 to : " "tween the two countries, consistent] YOU are bigger, older, richer, more ewt., $10 to $11.50. 3 - ik | skitied, and more populous. What com : petition should you fear on a basis At Carrying Place. of squivalent tarifis ? Jf you were Carrying Place, Feb. 13--The enter- ny 2 Va T. Pe to do this it would be an ssrnest-. of a held recently in St. John's NY @ 9 T T S good feeling and might 7 adi us to Anglican hall was most s the g further converse." * i i 3 Ig Ul SIO MURDERED A YOUNG GIRL. A Ba J § ------ Jealous Virginian Then Committed Suicide. ustai Roanoke, Va., Feb. 15. Driven to s ns the J desperation, J. W. Powell, of renews strength of weak, failing ats a Kills Miss Mond West, babies; pale, delicate chil J 151%", "mn, 0 2 ibn, tern Sten; tired, nervous women | his, le. Fowul called on, Hise Wout and feeble, aged people. It young man. contains hile the young woman was on her no alcohol, no way 16 a mail box to post a letter Powell, who was hiding, jomped from a clump of bushes and opened fire ------------ majority of our people If i Hee AEG d d 7 AER Ng fr, fits ESN ETE i;