2 ---------------- A REDUCED TO A SKELETON DOCTOR SAD SHE WOULD DIE "Fruit-a-fives" Saved Her Life Rivers A PIgRE, Qun., May oth 1910 1 look upon my recovery as nothing siiort of a miracle, . I was for eleven years constantly suffering from Chronic Dyspepsia, Indigestion and Constipation. The last two years of my illness, I was confined to my bed nearly all the time, I was so thin I weighed only go pounds, and I vomited everything I ate. Even water would not stay on my stomach. The doctors gave me up to die as the stomach trouble produced heart weak- wess and 1 was frequently unconscious. At this time, a lady friend strongly advised me to try "Fruit-a-tives" and how thankful I am that I did so. When I had taken one box, 1 was much better and after three boxes, 1 was practically well again and had gained 20 pounds. 1 have taken thirteen boxes in all and now weigh 1 50 pounds and am absolutely well--no pain-~no indigestion--no cons- tipation--my heart is sound and com- it clear". Mapaxe ARTHUR TOURANGEAU, soc. a box, 6for $2.50, or trial size, 25¢. At all dealers, or from Fruit-a-tives Limited, Ottawa. A Pleasant, Simple, But Safe and Effectual Cure For It. Catarrh of the stomach has long been considered the next thing to iu- curable. The usual symptoms are a full or bloating sensation after eating, accompanied sometimes with sour or watery risinge, a formation of gases, causing pressure on the heart and lungs and difficult breathing headaches, fickle appetite, nervousness and a gen- eral played out, languid feeling. There is often a foul taste in the mouth, coated tongue and if the in- terior of the stomach could be seen it would showi a slimy, inflamed condi- tion, ' The cure for this common and obsti- nate trouble is found in a treatment which causes the food to be readily, thoroughly digested before it has time to ferment and mucous surfaces of the stomach. To secure a prompt and healthy digestion is the one necessary thing to do and when normal digestion is secured the catarrhal condition will have disap- peared. According to Dr. Harlanson, the saf- est and best treatment is to use after each meal a tablet, composed of Dias tase, Aseptic Pepsin, a little Nux, Gold: en Seal and fruit acids. These tablets can mow be found at all drug stores under the name of Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets and not being a patent medi- cine, can be used with perfect safety and assurance that healthy appetite and thorough digestion will follow their regular use after meals. WHAT WHIG CORRESPONDENTS TELL US. The Tidings From Various Points in Eastern Ontario--What People Are Doing and What They are Saying. Westport News. Westport, Feb. 13.--Charles Gibson has purchased the Capt. Lynch farm, Blair Settlement. Mrs. Edward Whit- marsh, is very ill. Thomas Blair has returned from Harrowsmith, Mr. and Mrs. H.W. Hunt, who were remewing acxuaintances for the last month, have returned to Calgary, Alta. Were Disappointed. . Verons, Feb. 13.--A large crowd turned out here on Saturday to wit ness the much looked forward to game hetween Verona and Kingston Business College, but. the college fel- lows found that at the very last minute they were unable to negotiate with the terms offered by the Verona Club. The people of Verona and sur- rounding vicinity were very much dis- appointed. Caintown Items. Caintown, Feb, 13.--James Fergu son and family have moved from the Turner farm to a farm near lans- downe. Eli Tennant made a business trip to Lansdowne last week. John Kineard, has quite recovered. James irritate the delicate | # HE COOLLY SUICIDED SUSPENDED HIMSELF FROM A STREET SIGN. ' A Well-dressed Man Hung Himself in View of Many People, Twenty Feet Above the Sidewalk. New York, Feb. I5.--~The most spec- tacular suicide that New York has ever known took place at Washington avenue and Montgomery street, Brook. Isn, yesterday, when a well-dressed man coolly climbed twenty teet above the pavement, drove a nail into a sign which hung over the street, plac- ed one end of a rope about his neck and tied the other about the nail and then dropped. He was found dead shortly afterward by a policeman. The man had climbed up one of the poles supporting the sign. The dead man was about sixty years old, and there was nothing in his possession by which he could be identified. ROUTE OF THE C.N.O.R. The Line Will Commence at Rideau Jungtion. ~ | According to the complete survey of {the main line of the Canadian North- jern Ontario rail, which is the name given to that portion of the C.N.R. | transcontinental line running through ithe province of Ontario, it commences at Rideau Jumetion, on the Toronte- {Ottawa branch, now under construe- ition, and crossing the Ottawa river leader is somewhat improved. The The plan of dieting is simply anoth- lat Fitzroy Harbor, will continue along | wah Long's IFORMITY was our idea when we invented OXO Cubed. No measuring -- we have done that -- every cupful alike'-- just right -- perfectly delicious -- wonder- fully sustaining. Sold in Tins containing 4 and 10 Cubes. Two Free Samples sent on raceipt of Jo. stamp 10 pay postage and packing. OXO is also packed in bottles for People who prefer it in Huid form. 5 Lombard St. Turente €1 Common 88 Montreal EE QUALITY Ice Cream Cakes, . Florence t akes, Sandwich Cakes, - CAKES - 20c. Each 25¢. Each 30c. Each Brandy Snaps, fresh every weck, at 1Cc. dozen 302 King St PAGE SEVEN. | First-class wreg Laundry Drop {me a card and I wil 11 at Es ca rompt or our 'aundry. 188 WELLING ST. | between Brock and Clarence Sta ' OUR ROOSTER BRAND | Uf Smoking and Chewing Tobacco at { torty-five cents a pound is a good | Tobacco. Why pay eighty-five? i | ANDREW MACLEAN " ' Ontario Strest BIBBY'S GAB STAND DAY OR NIGHT Phone 201 FOR. Health Drink McCurthey"s Ale and Porter. It's the best. Agent, R. J. LAWLER ® Wood, Lumber, Shingles § ® Honest Measurement. : Prices. N. JACKSON, PLACE D'ARMES, Residence, 280 Street. 'Phone No. 1018. * * . ° * ° - * R. H. TOYE, * Phone 141 § Sess ssssrssassasssssssPresterscssetssrrassased «r name for starvation, and the use of the Ottawa Valley on the Quebec side prepared foods and new fangled break- to Portage du Fort, where it returns fast foods simply makes matters worse to the Ontario side, and runs through as any dyspeptic who has tried them Pembroke and: Petawawa to North Ladies' Aid of the Methodist church met last week at the home of Mrs, James Scott. Mr. and Mrs. lou Hodge, went to Brockville oue day FRONTENAC LOAN & INVESTMENT SOCIETY. ESTABLISHED 1868. Enjoyment tonight may mean suffering to- morrow, but not if your stomach, liver, and bowels cre helped to do their natural work by BEECHAM'S PILLS Sold Everywhere, In boxes 28¢. BITTER ORANGES For Marmalade, Navel Oranges for the table, Spie 'App,es for the table, Choice Grapes for the table, at the Unique Grocery. Newest Ladies' Velvet \. | And Uric Acid Rpisons Bring Pains 8 last weelc, Mr. and Mrs. Salter, of knows. | Bay. Continuing, it will pass up the Rockport are now guests of Mrs. Geo, L.. Buell At Lavant Station. Lavant Station, Feb, 14.--Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Roche and Mrs. William homas visited at T. Lee's last week. Robert Reid, Lavant, is on the sick list. Mrs. C. Judge, of Mar mora, is spending a short time with her husband here. Mr. and Mrs. W. Browning spent Sunday at the latter's home at Lavant. Miss Bella Rankin is engaged sewing at William Thomas' this week. Mr. and Mrs. I. Lee visit- ed at Peter Barr's last week. Mrs. Robert Richardson, who has been se- As Dr. Benmett says, the omly reéa- | Vermillion Valley and great clay belt son I ean imagine why Stuart's Dys- [of the Algoma district to Lake Nepi- pepsia Tablets are not universally gon, and thence to Port Arthur, where used by everybody who is troubled in [it connects with the C.N.R. proper. any way with poor digestion is be-| Taking the Ottawa Valley as its cause many people seem to think that [route, it will run in close proximity to because a medicine is advertised or is | the proposed Georgian Bay canal at sold in drug stores or is protected by [many points. At first it was believed a trade mark it must be a humbuy these two highways would work in op- whereas as a matter of truth any position to each other, but upon fur- druggist who is observant knows that 'ther consideration of the industries Stuart's Dyspepsin Tablets have cured 'and utilities served by each; the CN, more people of catar-h of the stomach, | R. decided that far from interfering indigestion, heartburn, heart trouble, | with one another, they will be comple nervous prostration and run down mentary, and both necessary tp the condition generally, than all the pa-*, full development of the district thr ough [' tent medicines and doctors' prescrip- which they pass. tions for stomach trouble combined. Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets is the safest preparation as well as the sim- plest and most convenient remedy for ---- any form of indigestion, catarrh of Woodburn Mission Meeting. the stomach, biliousness, sour stom: Woodburn, Feb. 14.~The regular ach, heartburn wand bloating after monthly meeting of the W.M.S. was meals. ; ie hold at Mrs. J. Bennett's Feb. 9th, Send your name and address to-day with Mrs. W. Beli as leader. The at.|for a en in package and see for tendance was the largest during - the | YOUrsell. ACCKess =. | year, there being wn fifty present. 150 Stuart Bldg., Marshall, Mich. Mrs. - Bell and Mr. Dobby, Perth Road, gave short and interesting talks on the "Kingdom of Heaven." Those assisting with the programme were: Mrs. McConnell, Mrs. Armstrong and Mrs. Carey; Missess Bennett, Wilson and Orr, and Rev. J. H. McConnell. The social committee decided to hold a pie social at the home of the president, Mrs. Lucy; on Feb. Ith, the proceeds to go towards the sup- port of a Bible woman in West China. At the close of the meeting Mrs, Bennett served refreshments. riously ill, has recovered. Mrs. TT. Lee and son, John, called on Mrs. J. C. Robinson and Mrs, J. Paul last week. mother, left on Sunday Columbia. Thomas Murphy, Sr., "of Stoco, who hns been state of health for some time, is now lying in a very precarious condition. Peter Walsh, formerly of Stoco neigh- borhood, after an absence of sixteen years, 'in South Eastern Montana, has returned to revisit the scenes of his childhood, The new saw mill, in con- nection with the electric light plant, has begun active operations, and s. is now under full headway. The re mains of the late Mrs. Christopher Cassidy, who died last week at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Adolphus Burgoyne, of Belleville, were placed in the vault at Stoco, on Thursday, 9th inst. With her demise another of the Tichborne Tidings. Tichborne, Feb. 14.--A large num- ber from here attended the tea-meeting at Parham of" Friday night. Mrs. T. Hiridgen has gone to Belleville. G.]old residents of Hungerford, has pass Gray has returned home. J. Harris, | ed away. who has been very ill, ts improving ; slowly. L. Kish is convalescent, . . Miss M Swerbrick has returned from | o. At St, Georges Lake. ' Murvale. 'The people are rejoicing 1. lreotge s La e, Fob. 14.--School that local option is still valid here.| ¥a® closed on Thursday ou account of Visitors : F. Steele and Miss MM. the heavy snow storm. A number of Steele, Mississippi, at J. Hanna's;| YOU"% people attended the hockey Miss Stoness and B. Harris, at D. J. match at Sharbot Lake. 1. Kennedy Howes'; Miss M. Steele and Miss M.| 2nd fomily are leaving for the west Taggart, Fish Creek; Mr. and Mrs. J. xt week. Miss Maggie Riley has Allison, at Mrs. H. Gray's; Rev. Mr. TR carried away to adorn the home Stewart, at J. Allison's; Miss Pearl bi oy Godbin, of Fernleigh. A host Ritchie, and Miss A. Gray spent Sun-| 7. K9°C wishes go with them. J. day at Parham; J. Henna, visiting Tou is hauling logs to Sharbot friends at Kish = Crock, has returned| Gre: H. Awelstine made a trip to home; W. Hanna and family have Hagareille on day. Rew. x. ved 3 ri : Fars ulpit in the ) moved in the village. thadist church on in, nl The ~ Tidings From Tweed. mains of the infant children of 71. ; ey \ Badour and J. Ixroche were lai Tweed, Feb. 14.~The Roman Catho-{ oot in Oconto cemetery on Fra. . lic bazaar opened here, to-day, in the! number are on the sick list. Miss Jes- building adjoining the post office. Miss | 0 Joli, spent Sunday at W. Mick's. Minnis Bohan, after being here a few! McKivor has returned home from weeks. from Toronto, visiting her! Erineville, Visitors: Mr. and Mrs. Q W. Crawford, Toronto, at D. Sly's; 0 1d U Asselstine, Long Lake, at S. Agsel- The Kidn stine'ss Mrs. I. Kennedy at G. Me- Kivor's: : Reports From Mallorytown, Mallorytown, Feb. 13.--John Mal lory is drawing hay to Brockville. F. Tackaberry ' is "leaning telegraphing. Many of the older people of the lage have got the idea that skat- ing is good exercise and in the even- ing 'they may be seen going rink, The -service in the Methodist church is withdrawn because of the anniversary at Caintown next Sun- day. Miss Lillie vine and sister ure patients at the Brockville al Boston eh Edward Quigsey, while calling on neighbors Inst Thursday, had to walk home as his horse got loose and re- turned without him. The cluster of diamonds, valued at $600, which was lost at the L.O.0O.F. at home, was found and Aches to Back and Limbs. DR. CHASE'S KIDNEY-LIVER PILLS. biol fens indigestion and irregularity of the bowels and there may be rheumatic A. Stuart Co, i in a delicate vil- | The great basin drained by the Ot- tawa river possesses unlimited re sources, which bid fair to make the Ottawa Valley one of the greatest fields .of industrial activity on the con- vinent. Two things are necessary for its development, vheap local and cheap {and rapid transit facilities. The unal will supply the one, and the railway the othe. : The Canadian Northern Ontario rail way, although éxploiting a new coun == fry, will make five crossings of other for British roads, and in every case overhead. It will pass through regions rich in iron and marble, besides the coarser miu- crals, phosphate of lime, feldspar, mica, and graphite, which all lie dormant for want of cheap tramspor- tation. Rich agricultural large areas of timber, including first quality pine, tie timber, and that re quired for pulp development will be apened up. The country is unsurpass- ed for its aesthetic value, possessing inmumerable streams and small lakes, which afford the sportsman another "hunters' paradise." ; The new line will leave Rideau June tion some six miles south-west from the point of entry into Ottawa, and will run directly west through the vil- lage of Bell's Corners, through the |vich and comparatively undeveloped tepuntry in March and Torbolton town | ships, unserved by any existing road, 'and cross the Ottawa at Fitzroy Har- hor to the Quebec side of the river. By taking this route the company hopes to encourage manufacturing es- tablishments at the magnificent water- power at Chat's Falls, such as have been promoted by inferior powers on the Mississippi at Carleton Place, Al- monte, and Galletta, and on the Bon nechere at Renfrew. ! MOTHER HELD BABES | Little Fingers Imprisoned by { Rigid Hand. i Mount Sterling, Ky., Feb. 15.-Mrs. J. M. Jones, of Bath county, was found dead in her chair, tightly clasp- ing the hands of her two little chil dren. She had been repairing the wall paper in her room, when she sat down to rest and expired. She held the { hands of her children so tightly that Her *: | they could not release themselves from | the death grip. Milk will quench a fire caused by an | exploding lamp, water only spreading { the oil. THE WRONG DIAGNOSIS, Prompt the Use of Worthless Rem- [istricts and | and as wholesome cream The most digestible of nourishing beverages ALE and STOUT Creates appetite; makes meals taste better; brings healthy sleep. Keep it always in the house. Your dealer gells it, or you can order direct. a John Labatt LONDON - CANADA King St. E., Kingston Father Morriscy's Prescriptions have been curing for 30 years, aiid are curing to-day, all the common ailments that come to every family. We bave. hundreds of grateful letters to prove this. Father Morrisey's No. 7 tones up the Kidneys, re moves Uric Acid from the blood, and cures Rheumatism. In tablet form, soc. Father 's No. 10 is a most effective and reliable cure for Coughs, Colds, Bronchitis, Asthma and Whooping Cough. A real Lung Tonic. Trial Bottle, 25c. Regular Size, so Father Morrisey's No. 11 Tablcts relieve and cure Dys- psia and all forms of Indigestion. 134 pounds of food. Father Morrisey's No. 26 positively cures Catarrh, Each tablet will digest Per box, soc. A combined treatment--tablets for the blood, and a healing salve for the affected parts. Tablets and salve together, soc. Father Morriscy's Linimeat is a household standby for all sorts of aches and pains. At your dealer's. Father Merriscy Medicine Ce., Ltd., Pleasant to use--quick to relieve Per bottle, 25¢c. 51 = Chatham, N.B. Sold 'and guaranteed in Ki ngston hy Jas. BB. McLeod. We Want to Thank All those who patroniscd our Big Red Letter Sale, and announce that no sale goods will be ex- changed after the 16th of this month. We are busy stocktaking, but want to ane nounce the following lines that arc certainly well worth investigating, 19 Pairs Women's Patent Colt Button London Sn oke Berge Top, a very smart, stylish $3 - To Close at $1.79 : S oe One Lot of Child's Button Lace and Strap Slippers Mostly sizes 6, 61, 7 and 7}, Ines $1 and $1.25 President--Sir Richard Cart ht. Money issued on City and Farm Pro. perties, Municipal and County Deben- tures. Mortgages purchased. Deposits received and interest allowed 8. C. MeGILL, Man ug Director, 87 Clarence Street. COAL Try WM. DRURY, 288 WELLINGTON STREET 'Phone 448. ° Now Buckwieat Flom ols Sw Maple Sugar Coast Sealed Oysters D. Couper 'Phone 76. 341-3 Princess Street. Prompt Delivery KINGSTON BUSINESS ' COLLEGE 'Highest Fducarion at Low estCost" © Twenty-sixth year Fall Term® begins August 30th Courses In Bookkeeping Shorthand, Tele-® , Civil Bervice and English @ graduates get the best positions Withi short time over sixty secured-positions with g one of the largest rallway cor- _porations in Canada. Enter any® time Call or write for ihforma-® tion H ". Metcalfe, Principal ® (Limited) * Kingston, Canada » ' Chivers'. Pure Ora Marmalade, Assorted ams and Jellies. Plum Pudding. Pineapple Chincks. Victoria. Plumas, Dawson Plums. Peaches, D. COUPER"S Phone 76. 041-5 Princess Street Const sealed Oysters. Prompt Delivery. COAL! The kind you are looking for is the kind we sell. Scranton Coal is good coal and we guarantee prompt delivery. ROOTH & CO. FOOT WEST STREET. Best by Test This bs proven in 8 Wormwith Try One in Your Home They are sweet artistically designed, priced, KINGSTON'S LEAINY MUSIC HOUSE. i in all popular and classie Music in Book and Sheet Form Orders promptly filled