YEAR 78 -NO. 40. 10 FLY FLAG On Government Build: ings in Border Towns. IT MAY BE DECIDED TO FLY THEM ON ALL PUBLIC BUILDINGS. w-- Reciprocity Debate Resumed in the House of Commons--Hon, G. P. Graham Gave Information Regard. ing the Intercolonial. Special to the Whi, ' Ottawa, Feb, Ti.--How, William , minister of public works, aunounced in the House of Commons, yesterday, that he had instructed his officials in gll cities and towns on the border line, as well as all seaport towns, to fly the Canadian flag over public buildings every day in the year. He gr ined that the advisability of fying flag every day in the over all ildii throughout the dominion was still under consider on, George P. Graham announced that 618 wen had been discharged m the LCR. since November lst, 1908. The number of men taken on, working for a daily wage, since that was 902, and the number of . clarks and officials generally taken on Sa was 175. Haughton Lennox, South Simcoe, resumed the debate on reciprocity, and almost exclusively confined his re uthrie, of Wellington, He was fol by Hom. A. B. Warburton, libe 7 's, Prince Edward Island, J. EB. Armstrong, Bast Lambton. em ------ WOMEN Ger BAIL; THEN SKIP. v feb. 17.---Rev. T. Moore, Toronto, and Archdeacon C. L. Ingles, Parkdale, waited on the minister of justice, a8 a tion from the Moral and Social Council of Canada, asking that certain amendments be made in t one was the matter of securing Bail for 'women convicted of immorality and whose cases are appealed, the delegation women and avoided punish. SE ---- sid ¥ SUFFRAGISTS LATEST MOVE, Propose to Upset Coming Census in Great Britain, Now York, Feb, 17.~A cable to the Tribupe from London says the Wo- mer he. : has definitely idec carry out its threat to up sot the coming census * by organizing an opposition to it on the part of the militant suffragists. Since the iden was frst put forward an unexpeciedly large number of wo- men have intimated their readiness fo co-operate in this latest move against the government. Elaborate prepara tions are being n to carry out the proposed boyeolt on the largest pos sible scale. I -- en Feb. (N= Punch, yester- » aeviogine all the London pa: which a cartoon, representing Right Hon. Arthar J. Balfour at the grave of Imperial Preference, ol on the day of the death of Mr. Balfour's brother. Ay "Punch" ways that on account of the ters' strike the copies were in the hands of the news dealers before Col. Eustace Balfour's death, or even kis serious ills, was announced. Kills Baby by Mistake. New York, Feb. 17. Mes, Rosenberg; livinggat the Paul Jonds apartment house, 320 Wadsworth ave nue, gave het three-year-old son, Mar tin, a of a patent medi- yesterday norniug, is mistake for mixture. he shild died in ARORy Wwithi teen minutes and the. police wad do » = En mother -: Tro ail Ye not allowsd, ax in most recs] decamped Lena | 'doetors had a hard | ' ROBLIN GIVEN OVATION. Legislature Congratulated Him on His 38th Birthday. Winnipeg, Feb. 16.--Premier Roblin was fifty-vight years of age, yesterday, and wns given an ovation in the house. A resolution was passed con: gratulating him upon reaching his fifty-sighth vear; after which, led by Speaker Johnson, both government sed opposition members gave him three cheers and a tiger. The reply of the premier is interesting when takeg in connection with the rumor that he may enter dominion politics, as he re- ferred to his aired constitution, and hinted that did not expect to be in public life many more years, Among the bills introduced was one to prohibit moving pictures of prix fights or obsene or brutaliziag mat: ter being exhibited in the province. a -------- GERMANY MAKES THREATS, Disclosure of an Alarmist Forecast Causes Sensation, London, Feb. 17.-The St. Peters burg correspondent of the . Telegraph says a deep impression has been made there by the disclosure of an alarmist foreenst which the German ministers are alleged to have made in strict con- fidence to the reichstag committee. The | words, as published, are to the effect | that Germany would soon have to k in menacing tones, and would, | therefore, need Russia's friendship. The , copreciness of the words is denied; but | the fact is admitted. Some member of the reichstag committee must have di- vilged the secrel. SUBSTITUTED UNION JACKS Pulled Down Students Would Have American Flag in Theatre. Montreal, Feb. 17.--Alarmed by the | report that the McGill swudeénts arous- od by reading Champ Clark's "ani nexation" speech, were coming to tear down the Amevican flags, the manage ment of the Shubert house here sub stituted Union Jacke and royal stan dards in the steamer scene. A warning been Sonveysi by! some one, presumably at MeGill, and] by the time several hundred students | had obtained seats the offending em-' blems had been removed. ! London, Feb. 17.-All England is discussing John Redmond's rule specoh in parliament, in which, for the first time in the history of the Irish nationalist movement, an Irish leader has publicly proclaimed bis willingness to accept local self-government as a full measure of Irish demands and to acknowledge *Fngland's king as ruler of Ireland. : Hitherto the nationalists have con: sented to . accept whatever England granted as a step towurd final separa- tion, but the Irish leader, in endors- ing the prime minister's statement of the measure of home rule to be grant od, astonished all his hearers by ap: plauding the autonomy granted to South Africa by King Edward and ex- pressing the h that King George would open the Irish parliament and hasten the day when Ireland, recon- ciled, would become a loyal unit of the British empire. [is speech 'was hailed with joy by the government lenders and liberal newspapers. Premier Asquith's brief speech drew forth vigorous chews from the Irish und liberal benches, INTO CANADIAN ARMS. Gevman Girls to Seek Husbands in © the Dominion. Berlin, Feb. 17.--According to a letter from a Prussian suffragette to the Tageblatt, German girls are pre- | ing to compete with English girls Fo Oanadion ushands. 1 ing to the recent announcement that 5,000 F English girls were wanted to become | the. wives of young Cadadian farmers, the writer says, amony other things, that, "Since the German government does not pay the least attention to ileges, Toronto, + ordered her 10 keep "doctors state that there is no cause Dispatches From Near And Distant Places THEWORLD'STIDINGS GIVEN IN THE BRIEFEST POS- SIBLE FORM. Matters That Interest Everybody places Noles From All Over--Hhittle of Everybody Easily Read and Re- bered ; Sir J. Larmor, unionist, was eleot- ed for Sambridig , Eng. Hamilton m a grant of $100 to the starving victims of the Chinese plague. The CPR. new line may parallel the Grand Trunk from Toronto to Montreal. Ten thousand sacks of flour 'sent from Chicago for the rulief of Chinese famine sufferers. Rev. George Miller, Woodstock, aged over eighty, a superanmuated Meth: odist minister, is dead. Joaquin Miller, "the poet of the ierras,": lies critically ill at the ahrola Bospital, Oakland. It is said Premier Roblin, of Manito ba, is soon to retire. He says he has about his work. Provincial S ary Hanna inter- prets the Nickle act jddgment as as. surting, there is no small loal. Wydlifie and Trinity Anglican col are still at variance shout the terms of amalgamation. Capt. A. England, Peuk's Island, Maine, is dead of erysipelas, caused by scratch of woman's Ratpin in Boston. Six persons were drowned off the coast south of San Pedro, Cal, in an attempt to smuggle a party of Chinese ashore. H. H. Rowley, manager of the Brit- ish North American bank, (Ottawa, has been appointed manager of the Union ibank, at Ottawa. REDMOND SURPRISES Sr ---- www. | At Montreal, Paul 'Dinewitzer, who lost his nerve in the Spanish - River CPR. wreek, was given $3,500 dam- ages by the jury. . At St. Petersburg Count Delasey was to convict labor for lifa and Dr. Pantchenko for fifteen years for their crimes. to her room. for alarm. It is thought that in the - United States senate the reciprocity bill will meet obstructive tactics that will pre- vent a vote before the close of con gress on Margh 4th. Judgé Varin, North Bay, set the election of Mayor Cody of balt. Cody did not contest the test, as it was shown that the toral lists were not legal. T Wommi's Freedom League has definitely decided to carry out its threat to upset the coming census by organiting an opposition to it on the part of the militant sulfragists. James Playfair, president of the In- land Navigation Co,, has deposited with the Traders' Bank the aside Co pro- elec- £50,000, to guarantee his purchase of | the Northern Navigation company's stock. Bishop Fallon apd Mgr. Aylward, London, Ont., will attend the en- thronement of Archbishop Gauthier at Ottawsn. "With the help of God we will both be there," is the reply of the wo ; leslie NS. Macoun, Ottawa, sonin: law of the minister of militia, has been appointed orderly officer to Lieut «Col. H. H. Maclean, the officer commanding the Canadian coronation contd t. At ¥ Col; Mrs. F. Esper, ag died, in the arms of her 111-yéar-old husband, from burns reosived when her clothing caught fire from an open grate. They had been married ninety-one years. OBJECTIONS RAISED To the Presence of Several of On- tario's Bishops. Wh "Bie: ¥ Reservoir is Going u Ten Inches - Montreal, Feb 17.<From a report made to Chief Es danin, of the wh the serious: 'was brought to light that the water in the big reser voir op the mous is going down at the rate of ten inches 'a day. Mr. Janin eed that if this condi- outlook was that serious diffienlties would be entountered in the matter of giving 'citizens a satisfactory supply. The cause is 8 most peculiar ome. It appears that owing to (he intense frost this winter the ice has got so thick near wher® the city's intake is situated at Lachine that the water is lowering rapidly every day. There are where the ice is so very thick that it has actually touched the bot- tom. The ice in open aqueduct, which conveys the water to Montreal, is also abnormal in thickness. While a water famine in the city is not ex- , officials of the water depart. ment are concerned at the difficulty they are experiencing io getting a pro- per volume of waler to pump KING BLEEDING TO DEATH. While Walking He Slipped and 'Ruptured Blood Vessel. ¥ x; - RING NICHOLAS. Cettinje, Montenegro, Feb. 17.--King Nicholas is reported (6 | slowly bleeding to death. While i in ans | Prothingham, Worman & Ca., a large from Vienna, but it is feared that they will be unable to reach here fif* time to save the king, who is in a state of collapse. MISSING TRAPPERS SAFE. Parties Hunted For in Northern On tario Returned Home Well. Charlton, Ont., Feb. 17.-Ford Tee ples and John McCoy, the two trap. pers who were supposed to have mei with an accident somewhere 'in Savard township, have turned up alive and well. During their trip they found themselves much nearer Dane, on the line of 'the T. & N. O. Railway, than home, and as their provisions were nearly exhausted they decidetl to go sum of | out to the railway for supplies instead of returning, as 'they had promised. Their change of plan was, of course, unknown To their families, hence the search instituted for them. HAS RESTRICTIONS HE DECLARES THAT RUSSIA VIOLATED TREATY. Representative Parsons Toatroduces Measure Ending Agreement Be- cause Czar's Government Dis criminates Against American Jews. . Washington, Feb. 17.-- - tive Herbert Parsons, of New York, has-introduesd inthe house solution providing for the termination protected in . Russia, on the ground that Russia is violating the treaty by ting the Jews. and always has been a funda- principle of this govirnment rights of its citizens shall fpr was presented to the house. This | E. ©. Eaton, of Montreal, Ends His Lif La dey-goods A Joint re. «| developed that W. R. Travers . made 10 PRESS IT G. Howard Ferguson Cannot Be Stopped. \ BHLINGUAL SYSTEN WILL BE ATTACKED IN THE LEGISLATURE. The Mover Will Discuss the Matter Exen if He has to Move the Ad- jomrument of the House to get a Chance to Speak. Toronto, Feb. 17.--"l certainly in- tend to press this matter despite what some people think," declared G. How- ard Ferguson, M.L.A., for Grenville, in i ing his resolution that np lan- guage o than the English lan guage should be used as a wedium of instruction in the schools of the pro- vince. Mr. Fi made this state ment for the benefit of those who pre- dict that his resolution, of which he has given motice will not be heard of further, "I intend to discuss it if I have to move the adjournment of the house to do it," continued Mr. Ferguson. "I put it in the form of a resolution on purpose so that it could not be side. tracked. Had I put the matter in the form of a bill it would have been held back or else I would not be able to go on with it -till Dr. Merchant's ve- not a party question and it shouldn't be considered as one by the house." i The Grenville member points out that the whole tendency othe thing is to segregate the French population and keep them a people apart. SHOT HIMSELF IN BED. e. Montreal; Feb, 17.~E. €. Eaton, a well-known revolver shot, who has care ried off numerous prizes in local matches, was found lying in his bed at his residence on Strathcona avenue, this morning; with a bullet through his body. He was quite dead. It is thought that he shot hiriself. Te was for thirty years managing director of are firm. The revolver was un- po pillow. He lenves x widow nad three children. Budget From Battersea. Batterses, Feb. 17.--The concert and tea, on Tuesday evening was a decid. ed success considering the stormy weather, Dr. Frank Young proved an efficient chairman. Rev. W. W. Anglin, of MeKepllar, Parry Sound district, has been spending a few days with his parents here. He leit to attend the Dominion Alliance convention at Toronto this week, Miss Marion Cun- ningham is giving splendid satisfac. tion as teacher of Cedar Lake school. Miss Edna Lake, of Queen street, Kingston, accompanied by A. 0. Der- byshire, of the G.T.R. office, were guests at Isaac Lake's, on Sunday, Jsase Lake received the sad intelli- gence of the sudden death from pneu- monia of his brother-in-law, Judge A. R. Wiswell, of Wadena, Mion. T| many friends of William Ormebee are glad to see him out again, after be ing laid up several weeks. P. B. Macnamara Dead. Manchester, Feb. 17.-P. B. Mas namara, Canadian trade commission er, died ly here, this morning. He was born in Kingston om April 6th, 1880. cand was for many years merchant in Brockville. He was first appointed to trade com- missioner service in 1903, when he was sent to Bristol. Four vears ago he was transferred to Manchester gud was regarded as one of the most capable representatives of Canada in the Uni ted Kingdom. The news of his death wus receiver with sincere regrets \by Sir Richard Cartwright and Deputy Minister C. T. O'Hara, who paid high tribute to the high efficient public ser. vice réndered by deceased The Case Agninst Stratton. Toronto, Feb. 17.--<Cases againet J. J, JJ. Warren and the Farmers' Bank were continued in the police court, this morning, and again this afternoon. It Various statements which satisfied the finance department of the bank's standing, but Secretary Knight, of the Bankers' i was very da- hious about it, and submitted the re- port to that efect to the finance de- partment, © ei A Colored Alderman. Windsor, Ont, Feb. Re Siedy's municipal election to o alder. Lin phe third ualifien don chosen to, Serve plagality vote of sn Trumble HL k i = £ ¢ i » 2 3 a WILL XOT STAND SMOKING, Not So Particular About Little Love sicknesses. Syracuse, N.Y., Feb. 17.--Chancellor James R. Day strougly lectured the male students of Svracuse University on the use of tobacep.. this morning. He said the rule | pst students smoking on the « |B would be strictly enforced. A other things Chancellor Dav seid : "T don't under stand the use of tobacco. They used to voll pp sugar in cloth and give it to babies and now the young men in college roll tobacco in paper to calm their "nerves. The use of tobitco by young men is physically harmful and this is the verdict of the medical pro- fession. | will stand for the little love sicknesses of the students, but smok- ing I will not stand for." . END OF ANNEXATION. House Committee Voted Down the Bennett Resolution. 'Washington, D.C, Feb. 17.--At the instigation of President Taft, * the house committee is in session on the resolution of Representative Bennett, regarding annexation of Canada. It is understood President Taft asked the chairman to get Mr. Bennett to with- draw it at all costs, owing to . the effect in Canada and the United States. The committee voted the re- solution down, Mr. Bennett alone sup. porting it. CRASHED INTO WAGGON And Killed a Man on Crossing Near Buffalo, N.Y. ° Buffalo, N.Y., Feb. 17.~The Grand Trunk passenger train, north-bound in charge of Engineer E. Howarth, of Stratford, crashed into a waggon on a level crossing, killing Charles Durke and injuring fatally Jesse Herbert. It is stated the gates were not lowered soon enough on the approach of the train. Woman Appointed Agent. Davenport, Ia., Feb, 17.~Miss Daisy Oden, for years chief clerk of the Davenport passenger office of the Chi- cago, Burlington & Quincy railway, has been appointed division passenger agent, the first woman, so far as local railtoad men know, to occupy such a position in the United States. STAGGERED HOUSE BY PROPOSAL TO OBTAIN (COAL AREAS. to Secure Water Powers and Coal Areas of the Province, Regina, Sask., Feb. 17.--Arising out of a resolution moved by Mr. Haul tain in the legislature, urging upon the government the advisability of taking steps to secure the water powers and coal areas of the province one of the most memorable debates in the his tory of the province took place. The resolution was as follows : "That in the opinion of this house the government should take immediate steps towards obtaining the control of the unalienated coal areas and wa- ter powers of the province, with a view tq the ultimate establishment of provincial underlettings for the devel opment and transmission of power lor municipal maoufacturers and other purposes in the province and of cheap fuel supply under the control and ope ration of the government." To say that the house was taken by surprise would be to pui it mildly. Both sides of the house, with the ex- ception of the government, were un- fdoubtedly staggered by the far-reach- ing character of the proposals set forth by Mr. Turgeon, who gmbodied the governments policy ina Jagihy: amendment. STRAIGHT FOR RECIPROCITY. Hom. Mr, Frewen, of London, Eng. Favors Mt. Washington, Feb, 17.-The Hom, Moreton Frewen, of London, a mem ber of the English parliament, called atthe White House, yesterday. He is in favor of the reciprocity agreement betwegn this country and Canada, ment row pending before the Ameri can congress and the Canadian pariia- ment. The 0/0 people of that dominion will get a market from the 90,000,000 people. of the United States for their products. I cannot see why they should not wish to grasp such ap opportunity without delay." To Build Fine Road. Montreal, Feb. 17.--W. HH. Howell, of Platisburg, N,Y., met and H. D. Hadley, heve, yesterday, as well ss reeves from other places in- Mr. Haultain Wants Saskatchewan | "Canada has, in my judgment, " a} great deal to gain by the trade agree | Mayor Guerin | .Heney of Peossia, a LAST EDITION -- WEATHER PROBABILITIES, Toronto, Out. Feb. 17 13 sm On. pper St. Lawrence tawa Valley and U Southerly winds with Hght snow oy ral Saturday comparatively mild STEACY'S REMNANT SALE Is Still Going Snemnpisiond Did You Get Your Share ? There are thousands of odds and ends left for your choosing Useful pieces for the making of ladles skirts, children's dresses, coats, ete, Hundreds of Silk Ends from 1 to 9 yards. TABLE LINENS, TOWELLINGS, SHEETINGS, WAISTINGS, .. FLANNELS, TRIMMINGS, LACES, LININGS, Ete. Big Parcels For Little Money AT STEAGY'S Come To-Morrow a . BORN. BAWYER-««In Kingston, on Feb 16th, 1811, to Mr. and Mrs Ww A Bawyer, 1583 University Avenus daughter ROBERT J. REID, The Leading Undertaker, "Phone B77. 830 Princess Street, The OM Firm of ers, 384 and 256 PRINC STREET, Phones 147 for A . OLD AND GOOD, Three-plece BW. Suite-Sofa, and - Ladies Chalr--a Rind you often come across, Turk's. "Phos Grosse & Blackwell's . JJOTTED MEATS Game. Chicken. i Tongue. : Devilled Hsm. Ham and Tongue Ham and Chicken : Turkey and Tongue. i Turkey and Ham. i Anchovy Paste. Bloater Paste. Sardine Paste, Jas. Redden & Co. IMPORTERS OF FIx# GROCER, TO FLY TO AMERICA. | Airship Named by Princess Heary i of Prossia at Kiel Kiel, Feb. Ee Brocker's al ship, in whivh he will try to fy acrog the Atlantic in - May from the Cap Verde Islands to a still sadetermined point in Amerien, was pamed Suchard, after the chocolate maker, by Princes here, yesterda: | Prince Henry and a large official guth wring siiended the cerpmony. The > chard will ndertake trial trips . Kiel and over the Baltic toward Tone. rifle early ia April. Sr pn, | of Prince Edwari y No, 18, AF. & AM, Picton, will célebrate thei: gestenmai on Fed ronry 20et, with a dedieatory ood mony of St. John's hall, Don't {sil to ger in on the deal. It omy) comes oboe in LVERrS. er go A LU Publie Buildin , shi semport; and border towns are to Hy the Libon Hack every day. It as stall quite » possibalily org tun thant the reciprocity bill wis be turned down board of (rade voled, hy ing Wrjority, ¥ ¥