Daily British Whig (1850), 18 Feb 1911, p. 2

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FURRIER JOHN McKAY 149-157 Brock Street. - Fe bruary Sale F urniture, Curtains, Carpets, Etc. Surface Oak Bed Suite--20 x 24 Mirror, Iron Bed, $15.00 for this week only. $065.00 Mahogany Dressers for $35 $40.00 Mahogany Dressers for$31 $35.00 Mahpgany Dressers for $28 Everything reduced to harmonize with these samples. $856 Parlor Suite reduced to ... $656 Parlor Suite reduced to -. $562 Parlor Suite reduced to .. $50 Parlor Cabinet reduced to ..$38 $45 Parlor Cabinet reduced to .. $34 Carpets, Curtains, Rugs, etc. all reduced 10 to 20 per cent. Repair and Upholstering 10 per cent. reduced ~ 'Phone 80. T. F. HARRISON CO. Srsrsrsssssscsssnscsnd Blankets | And Comforters aia $60 $42 $40 LOU, White All-Wool Blankets. Grey All-Wool Blankets. Usifon Blankets. "*Comforters in Batting, Wool | Eiderdown filled. All Fresh New Stock. Davis, FFFELT aif Ould in Gwilight * 9» A most enjoyable tea was given by Mrs. Ernest B. Sparks, Queen street, on Thursday afternoon, in honor of Mrs. James Gouinlock, of Toronto. Pretty dafiodils and ferns were used in the decorations of the drawing-room. In the dining-room the tea table was presided over by Mrs. R. E. Sparks and was centred by a bowl of daffodils and lighted yellow-shaded candles. Miss Irene Williams and Miss Knox assisted in passin, gy The _- inl Mrs. E. e with, Mrs. Colin Macpherson, Mrs. J. McKay, Miss Williams (New York), Mrs. R. J. McKelvey, Mrs, Frederick Mahood, Mrs. Herbert Bibby, Mrs. J. Donnelly, Mrs. Robert Crawford, Miss Hazel Massie, Misses Lena and Kathleen Wilson, and Miss Allen. > + 9» It was with much regret that the many friends of Miss Nancy Russell heard that she was obliged to leave, on Thursday, for her home in Eng- land, on account of the illness of her mother. Mise Russell has been the guest of her sister, Mrs. W. Robert- son, Frontenac street, for several months. * + 9% Mr, and Mrs. Frnest and Master Paul Cunningham, arrived in Winnipeg, on Thursday, where the, were met by Mr. E. A. Moore and Miss Amv McGill. They left on Fri- day for Carman, Man., to spend a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Cun- ningham hefore leaving for Red, Deer, Alberta. * * + Dr. and Mrs, S. A. Aykroyd, Earl street, announce the engagement of their daughter, Lillian, to Mr. Wills iam Ernest Jenkins, B.Sc., of Edmon- ton, Alberta, eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. A. N. Jenkins, Orwell, P.E.I, The wedding will take pluce early in March, 3 : + + Mrs. John Maegilliveay, Lower bert street, entertained the members of the German Dramatic Club, at supper on Thursday evening after their concert. Al- + + » The skips of the Kingston Curling Club will entertain a few members of the club at luncheon at the curling rink on Friday next. +* Professor and Mrs. L. W. Gill, Stuart street, entertained on Frida evening, in honor of Mrs. George Cliff, Barrie street. g * + 2 Mrs. Arthur F. Clarke, Albert street, will entertain Queen's orchestra and a number of their friends next Thursday evening. . > + 0 Mrs. Hugh Macpherson, *'Elmhurst," Wednesday afternoon, and Thureday evening. ee Miss Lily Norton-Taylor, Wellington street, will be hostess at a bridge party, on Tuesday. : * +0 Mrs. F. O, Willhoft, Wellington street, will give a tea next Thursday afternoon. 3 * 9» * Mrs. A. W. Winnett, Bagot street, will entertain the bridge club on Mon- day afternoon. + * Miss M. Hora, King street, enter tained informally at bridge on Thurs day evening. > * 9» Mrs, Jeremy Taylor, Earl street, will entertain at bridge, on Thursday next. i * 4 9 On Friday afternoon the staff of the Canadian Bank of Commerce pre sented Mr. J. L. Walton with a hand- some pipe on the occasion of his de- parture for the west. The many friends of Mr. and Mrs. Walton re gret very much' that they are leaving Kingston and wish them every suo cess 'in: the future. Professor W. L. Grant, Professor T.. Calla Pro- fessor W. Bain and Professor W. B. Anderson left, on Friday, to spend a few days in Toronto. Mrs. E. H. Pense and little daugh- ter, Margaret, arrived from Ottawa, on Friday, to spend a few. weeks with Mrs. E. J. B. Pense, Ongwanada. * ¢ 0 Miss Blanche Kent, George street, will leave, on the lst of March, for Montreal, to enter the Royal Victoria hospital as nurse-in-training. ! . Mrs. ington and little daugh- Professor pm w er ------------------ vo the refresh-: D. | Mrs Cunningham, | "will entertain at a bridge party on | her mother, _ars. Arthur Sweatman. Mr. Walton left to-day, at noom, to join Mrs. Walton and they will leave Toronto on Tuesday, for their new home at Stavely, Alberta. Mrs. Campbell Laidlaw, of Ottawa, | is the guest of 'her mother, Mr, George Macdonnell, University avenue. Miss Madge Taylor went up to 'fo- ronto on Friday to visit hér brother, Mr. Hugh Taylor. - * » left, m Dowling, of yueen's university, on Friday, to spend a few days Toronto. . Mr. R. J. Manning went to Toron- to, on Friday, for a few days' visit. Miss Mildred Fairbairn, after spend- ing. some time with Mrs. S. Sellery, Colborne street, will return to Brock- ville on Monday. i Mrs. J. M. Platt, Portsmouth, re turned home from Picton on Thurs Nr. Gordon Herridge, . of Queen's | university, is ing a few days in {Ottawa with his parents, Dr. and ! . W. T. Herridge. { (Continued on Page 6.) i - DAVID D. ROGERS, Reeve of Pitigburg Township e---------- Y.M.C.A. Ladies' Auxiliary. The Y.M.C.A. auxiliary met Friday afternoon. The treasurer reported hav- ing paid out $3.37, leaving a balance on hand of $94.92. The report of so: cial committee showed that two large banquets, an Irishman's tea,\ and directors' tea had been served very successfully by the auxiliary during the last four weeks, The membership com- mittee reported 176 members paid to date, twenty-nine of these being . new members, After due consideration the voice of the meeting was found to be almost unanimous that the annual thankoffering be held in March, Students Had Merry Time. An enjoyable evening was spent on Thursday when the boarders at 61 Union street invited a few of their friends to a skating party in the covered rink. After two hours of | gliding the party sojourned to their THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, SATURDAY, > { Mr. Edward Wood and Mr. Allen' CRY FOR MORE MEN {TO GO FORTH INTO THE =: SION FIELDS. | a Laymen's Mission Movement Ban. quet Held at Sydenham Street i i EE -- ARY 18, 1911. " ---- Books those on sale are: -- The Message Methodist Chureh Friday Even-| The Wheel of Fortune, ing. Friday evening markéd®™s red-letter event. in the history ob the Kingston Methodist district. It was the oe casion of a Laymen's Missionary ban- quet in the lecture ball of Sydenham street church. About 150 men from city and rural corigregations partook of a sumptuous repast provided by the Woman's Association. | Abraham Shaw was chairman. Rev. Mr. Sine, Gananoque, offered prayer. { Rev, J. T. Pitcher, Gananoque, chair man of the Kingston district, was the first speaker. He rejoiced in the mis- sionary revival taking place in all the { churches. One thing which he regretted {in the Methodist church was the small {number of our young men volunteer- ling for the ministry. The chief reason for this was the passing of the class- meeting, where the young were taught to pray amd testify. We have the preachers, but we have to import a great many. The next speaker was Mr. Amold Toronto, secretary of the Laymen's Missionary Movement oh the Metho- dist church in" Canada. Ii an elo- quent address he pointed out the im- portance of grasping the opportunity of evangelizing world within this generation. Seventy per cent. of our givings goes ta the hore field. Thous- ands were coming to our country, a vast majority settling in the miles from churches, all about the God and His Pook. While he believed we lived in the fair- est land on the globe, it we did not reach our. own people our nation, which was to be, would be a hind- rance to the world, instead of being a blessing, Mr. Arnold, in accounting | for the other thirty per cent. of the givings, reviewed the wonderful change | in the foreign field within the last ten ! vears. The advance of Japan and | China in education, efe., was 1 and the crises which Turkey, India, "Arabia and South America were pass- { ing through. The world was ready for a great forward movement, and vears would decide its spiritual des- tiny. Was the church gomg to carry out the command of the Master ? Mr. O'Flynn, K.C., of Belleville, was the next speaker, and in a stirring address, struck the patriotic note, He traced the history ob our natiom, the British nation from the earliest Anglo-Saxon times. The position of our country was clearly stated, and (as Mr. Arnold said) now is the hour to do what God intends---the laying of the foundation of a Chistian na- tion. The West needs men and money, but if we get the men interested at home, the money will be forthcoming. A resolution was moved! by Dr, Anglin, seconded by T. I. Harrison, that the gathering should pledge it. self to pray for the men on the field, and increase its offering by the du plex system for missions, and it was west, | and forgetting | noted, | ten | i By Louis Tracy. Diamonds. ut Paste. By the Castles 'My Lady of The South, - Randall Parrish. Happy Hawkins, Robert A. Wason Thurston of Orchard Valley, By Harold Bindloss. The Bride of the Mistletoe, James Lane Allen. Mr. Opp, Lovey Mary, . : ~ Author of Mrs. Wiggs of thej Cabbage Patch, i Popular, New, Top N 260 PRINCESS INCIDENTS OF THE DAY. Newsy Paragraphs Picked Up by Re- porters on Their Rounds. Gibson's. "Buy soothing syrup," 'phone, Carnations, hyacinth, Purdy 's. | Stanley Rutledge, of Queen's, spending the week-end in Toronto. William Swaine, piano tuner, Orders received at McAuley's. Phone 778. Messrs. Michael Mallen and E. God- win have returned home from Inver ary. * Buy -Castoris," at Gibson's, Rev. Dr. Speer, of "Toronto, | Queen street church to-morrow ing. "The Final Settlement" rived in town, this morning, on local train. Thomas McQuay, foundry, is seriously on Pine street. i H. Cunningham, piano | King street. Leave orders Auley's bookstore. Rev, T. W. Savary will address the boys at the Y.M.C.A. building at 19.30 a.m., Sunday. Miss Annie Vanalstyne | away, yesterday, to Toronto, owing to the serious illness of her aunt, { James F. Kane, ob Sydenham street, llhas returned from a very pleasant vacation, spent in Watertown, N.Y. Do not bake, but buy your pies, cakes and table goodies at tha Hotel Dieu hospital bazaar, Feb. 21st, 22nd, i 23rd. "Buy Scotch mints," at Gibson's. Norman Lawless who has been spending a few days in the city re. turned to Toronto, yesterday after- noon. The many friends of Mrs. Reginald lewis will be sorry to hear that she has been in the Hotel Dieu the past week through illness. John Kelly, hailing from Colling- 36, is » in even- company ar the of the Kingston ill at his home 21 Me tuner, at was called hoarding house, where their land: lady, Mrs. Burns, had prepared a bounteous repast. Charles Williams, who acted as master of ceremonies, proposed the toast to the king, which was responded to be A. Hag- yard. "Our College" was proposed by D. A. Ferguson and responded to by G. Scott. In rising to offer a toast to "Our Hostess" H. Smith expressed the esteem in which Mrs. Burns is held by those who sit at her table day by day. The toast was most fittingly responded to by Mr. McIntosh. "The Ladies," proposed by W. J. Lamb, was appropriately sponded to by W. Armstrong. party broke up after singing Queen's doxology. The the A Y.M.C.A. Banquet. The banfjuet the Millionaire Club tendered the Dreadunaughts, last even- ing, in the Y.M.C.A. building, was a grand success. H. Philp gave a selec- tion from Service's collection. Samuel Lilley, adviser of the Millionaires, in a spirited talk, impressed upon the boys the importance of all-round develop ment. Alexander Bain, G. Suddard, N. Knapp and R. Bowron contributed to the progra cupied I Ww. Millionaires. Leach, president of the To Close Deseronto Consulate. United States Consul Johnson has orders to close the consulate at De seronto, whith has been in existence for the past forty years. The books and papers will be brought to the Kingston office; which 'covers-thedis- trict. between Brockville and Belleville. During the past three years, the U, S. consulates at Brockville, Gananoque, Napanee, Belleville and Picton have been closed. Howard E., Ryan Accepted. Postmaster Stewart received word, this morning, from the Canadian na- ard E. Ryan, of Kingston, had been accepted as a signaller, and to send him to Halifax at once. The young man will leave on Monday. | Postmas- ter Stewart has forwarded two local applications for places in the naval wireless service. Had a Jolly Time. Mrs. A. Francis entertained a party of young people at her home on Uni ity avenue, on Friday ing, and the event was a jolly ne. Cards and a few very pleasant hours weve dispersed at a sea sonable hour, with many thanks the kind hostess. re- | mme. The chair was oo' val authorities at Halifax, that How-! unaminously carried. A vote of thanks to the ladies, . for their share in the eveding's gathering, was moved by J. M. Hughes, and seconded by R. F. Greenless. H. W, Richardson responded for the ladies, Mr, Anderson moved a vote of thanks to the speakers, which was seconded by ¥. G. Ettinger and supported by F. R. Anglin. A helpful discussion on missionary work was taken part in by Revs. Dr. Ryckmyan, Neal and Sellery, and Messrs. O'Flynn and Harrison. To Prevent the Grip. Laxative Bromo Quinine removes the | There is only one "Bromo Look for signature of E, LHe. cause, Quinine." W. Grove, #il colors, "Purdv's." To-day was the first real spring weather which has been experienced The mild condition of the weather . gave the assurance that spring would i soon be here, "Buy listering," at Gibson's, The Y.M.C.A. will hold a song ser- | vice at 8:30 on Sunday evening in the association's parlors, I. "Buy listerine,"" at Gibson's. Tulips. i "Kingston's Famous Fur Store." Many Thanks OUR PARTNERSHIP SALE is. over, and we wish to say that we are pleased with the sume - 'ber who participats in its benefits. are grateful for the many wishes = of success for the New Part | nership. For the | benefit of our out- i of-town friends who usually drive to Kingston, and } { was fined 81 and costs, or ten days, He went down. y "Bunyon protectors," Gibson's. The city engineer had the "gpiker"' out over the sidewalks in the down town, section early this morning, and it prevented a few falls. Aunt Chloe and Uncle Biff will ar rive from the south, on Tuesday morning, to exhibit at the Hotel Dieu hospital bazaar, Feb. 21st, 22nd, 2rd. The Toronto World prophesies that Orillia will be the team (6 come up against the Frontenacs for the "final game in the junior 0.H.A. "Buy Taleum powders," Gibson's, | 'The Iroquois club is holding anoth jer of their popular dances, in the Orpheum hall, on Monday evening. This is the third of a series, Queen's College service on Sunday will be in Grant hall] instead of usual in convocation hall. Rev, .J. H. Milne, of Ottawa, will preach. "Bunyon protectors," Gibson's . The 14th band will play at the ho- tel Dieu hospital bazaar, in aid of X-ray fund, Thursday, Feb. 23rd. Ad nession, 0c, Miss Hazel Brown, has been spending the past few days with Miss Maude Graves, Princess street, left, to-day, for her home Alexandrina Bay, N. YX. A 25e¢ Gibson's. | J. Griffin, of the Griffin Amusement Company, Toronto, left here, this morning for Belleville, after being ii the city a few days in the interests of his house, Liebig's Extract of Meat Co., ol, makers of Lemeo & Oxo, "heen granted a royal warrant of pointmint to his majesty King George | as Ww i who an kid glove cleaner for 0c, Timit have apr The general hospital governors !wish to acknowledge a donation of £25 from the Literary Society, at Harrowsmith through H. W, Guess, the president. |. "Talcam powders," Gibson's. i John MeCue's "Kivarado" and P | Burnbam's "St. Anthony and "Jap' will take part in the ice races at Wa Ltertown, N.Y, on Tuesday, Wednes: day and Thursday, next week. . A betition is to be presented this af. { ternoon to Postmakler Stewart from residents of Kingston Junction, asks {ing that a Witter carrier be appointed to cover that district. There are thirty-six families con: y § Kenneth Hermiston, Collingwood street, has returned from Toronto, where he has been spending the past two months. He has secured a posi. tion ws second mate on the Algonquin for the coming season. "Buy eating chocolate," Gibson's. The taxation of property of chari table institutions is endorsed by the Jegislature as also the right of muni- cipalities to regulate the place for the storage of rage and bones. Both were Ki bills : Wait and buy good cigars--Come atid have a delivious cup of tea in the Japanese tes room, at Ho tel Dieu ital bazaar, in aid of Xoray fund, 2st, 22nd, Wrd. "Buy Scotch mints," at Gibson's. YHNCA Sampaigh | to raise 53, ~ The Colle THE FINEST BOOK STURE IN EASTERN ONTARIO. STREET Wood, Was atrested as a drunk, and | ital--tha Books : The Pool of Flame, { Louis Joseph Vanee. A Gentle Knight of Old Brandenbyrg Charles Major. ry Vanishing Smugglers. ey Stephen Chalmers | The The House on Cherry Street, Amelia E. Barr. ! The Three Brothers, Eden Philpotts Stradella, F. Marion Crawford. Martin Eden, Jack London The Hungry Heart, David Graham Phillips i MARCH MAGAZINES NOW ON SALE: -- : ) Joteh, Smith's, Green Book, Blue Book, Short Stories, Cosmopolitan, ete, etc ge Book OPEN NIGHT 4 EXAMINATION Sry SN TW \N % 7 NS Be Eyes should be examined every two years, The eyes change. Glasses exactly right last year may be injurious now. Whether you wear glasses or not your eyes should be examined every two years. We are eye experts. We can afford you perfect sight Qur varied stock of mounts helps us to give perfect satis- faction. Dr. A. P.Chown, Druggist, Optician, 185 PRINCESS STREET. "Phone 343. TO-NIGHT "Ask to see our Specials in | Wide Silk Pale Blue, White, Ribbons, including Pink, Cardinal, Cream, Navy, Black, ete, at 15¢ a Yard. > Our Specials in New Model H0c, 76¢ and $1.00 Corsets at a pair. Many styles to show in all sizes Our Special in Ladies' White Waists at ONE DOLLAR EACH. Our Special in Newest Frill- ings at Sc EACH. OUR DISPLAY OF EMBROID- ERIES, INSERTIONS AND LACES. BETTER THAN EVER. Newman ~ & Shaw THE ALWAYS BUSY STORE. LA > British Money In Canada. i Mr. Paish, the editor of the London Statist, has prepared a reparkable statement which shows that the new Canadian issues of capital wade in London last year were of the value of 2166,650,000, which maket a total for the last thres wears of 8505650000, This compares with $130,000.00 for Australia in the same three vears, 105,750,000 for Mexico; F149,000,000 | for Brazil; 8250 000 000 for Argentine and B270.000,000 for the United States, where Mr. Pash save Eng land hing been placing capital from in Canadas, and new = b . ing in af the rate of over $150,000 000 is, capipel privately supplisd gage, the purchase oe the conduct of private jrost, &e.~--the amount is probably wenrly $200.00m,000 5 year. In insisting wpon Sous sights have jost 'ax earmest regar the rights jou nest rega rig s for loans Of some of the titles there are but At less than half their cost price. ORIGINAL EDITIONS of $1.50 and $1.75 Books to clear at 50c. These books are not and possibly never will be in the rebound edi tions, but are sold at less than half the cost to clear for the Spring Fiction. one or two coples Among % Half a Chance. Frederick Isham. The Title Market, Emily Post The New Commandment JAnthony Errall The Son of Mary Bethel, Elsa Barker A Husband dy Proxy, Jack Steele. The Mother, Eden Phillpotts. The Backwoodsman, Charles G. D. Roberts Store, S Phone 919 Whitby Jet FROM THE OF ENGLAND. FEPPPR PPP R PPP PR PPNe DIRECT MINES We have a line of Jet Brooches, of for mostly small neat desigus, genuine material, suitable mourning wear, at very reason- able prices. SMITH BROS., Jewellers, Opticians! 850 KING STREET. FUR Sale At | } i | GOURDIERS A COZY BRICK HOME ON UNIVERSITY AVENUE CAN BE BOUGHT FOR { Containing 12 roems, furnace; deep | lot; hen house and stable i Houses to rent Money invested i to advantage in first mortgages. Mullin Cor, Johnson and Division Streets. 'Phone 539. THE TRIAL We want you to give our iaundry the severest trial you ran cons telve- a veritable tomt of skill g and carefulness, THE VERDICT Will be left to you. Whether you have entrusted to our care cleaning of your richest i 4 L 4 4 curtains or your coveriags we'll be . ACQUITTED ~honorably aequittied of eay peglivence or malfeasance in lsuns dering. 4 KingstonLaundry. Sn Sn uo) stem

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