13 ° a a will like the fine flavor of Red Rose Tea. It has the cup goodness that comes only from Red Rose quality --the reason why it holds first place in thousands of Cana- dian homes. Will you FOR FALLING HAIR - You Run No Risk When You Use This Remedy. We promise you that, if your hair is falling out, and you have not let it go too far, you can repair the damage already done by using Rexall 98" Hair Tonie, with persistency and regularity, for a reasonable length of time, It is a scientific, elenusing, antiseptic, germicidal pre paration that destroys microbes, stim- ulates good circulation around the hair roots promotes hair nourish- ment, removes dandruff and restores hair health, It is as pleasant to use as pure water, and it is delicately perfumed. It is a real toilet neces ty. fe want you to try Rexall "93" Hair Tonic with our promise that it will cost you nothing unless you are perfectly satisfied with its use. It comes in two sizes, prices S0c. and $1. Remember you ean obtain Rexall Remedies in this community only at our store--The Rexall Store. G. W. Mahood. KIRKPATRICK'S ART STORE ESTABLISAED 1874. * * 0 Fine Picture Framing at Reasonable Prices Arta nd To) Tone of al kinds of pictures. * @ Regilding a Specialty | oy NEURALGIA SHEUMATISM CURTL INSTANIAY WITH NERVOL PRICE: 25 CENTS BH your druggist has not 'L «vue to Lyons' Cut Rate Drug Stores 8 Bleury St, Montreal Sole Agents for Canada. FEB. FURNITURE SALE . You cannot afford to ignore these extraordinary Bargains, Even though you do not need Furniture until spring time. J Or or. . Feb 2 ho a iby | decor ations ! (Lindsay) " {this week, Gold in Guwilight * {Continued from Page 2.) Mrs. Bernard Browne, Clergy street west, entertained at a most enjoyable | afternoon tes, on Thursday, in honor of hor niece, Miss Muriel Hubbell, of | 'tawa. Mrs, Browne, assisted by Miss Hubbell received ihe guests in the drawing-room, which was tastefully decorated with daffodils anil lighted vellow shaded candles, The same were used os the tea table, which looked very dainty and pretty, and was presided over by YX... | Browne. The guests included Miss Mabel Brownfield, Miss Usurla Deane, | Miss Nan Patterson, Misses | Leta and Vera Carson, Miss Edith | Hague, Miss Muriel King, Miss Win nifred Claxton, Miss Magline Higgins | Miss Lenore Hamilton, Miss Mani | Garrett, Miss Hilda Kent, Miss Mar. jorie Merrick, Miss Jean Duff, Miss Marjorie Duff, (Guelph); Mise Marion Lesslie, Migs Christine Cochrane, Miss May Rogers and Mise Mildred Jones. + % Mrs. J. Massie, Earl street, enter: tained at a very delightiul tea, on Wednesday afternoon, in honor of Mrs. James Gouinlock, of Toronto. The drawing room and dining room, were prettily arranged with dafiodils, The tea table was also centred by the same flowers and lighted by vel low shaded candles, which stood at each corner of the table. Mrs, J. 8. King presided over the tea table and was assisted by Miss Edna Lockett and Miss Hazel Massie. The gests were Mrs. R. J. McKelvey, Mrs. C. A. Morrison, Miss Loretta Hanley, Mrs. NS. H. Simpson, Mrs. Ernest Sparks, Mrs. Pred. Mahood, Misses Lena and Kathleen Wilson, Misses Lulu and Ilda Lee and Miss Lula Cays. . » Mrs. HK. W. Garrett, Johnson street, entertained at a very successful and enjoyable dance, on Friday evening, or Mr. Willian Garrett, Those present were ©: Miss Hazel Brown, Miss Kathe vine "Hart, Miss Ruth Anglin, Misses | Lucy and Gwendolyn Waddell, Miss | Mary Strange, Miss Helen Duff, Nan Saunders, Miss Veta Minnes, Sd 5800 0dde : i : i, Ts Miss Rose Rogers, | Brownfield, Sherman Hill, Herbert! Steacy, Walter Steacy, Kenneth Tay- | lor, Jeremy Taylor, Howard Folger, | Rodger Stewart, William Minnes, B. Robertson, Murdock and A. Browne. 2 La Mrs. Herbert .D. Bibby, Brock street, entertained at' a most fuccessful chil- | dren's 'party, on' Friday evening, for | Miss Kathleen and Master henneth Bibby. There were about forty chil dren present; Miss Helen Chown won the prire for the pea hunt, Miss Har riett Gardiner was the successful win- ner of the bean bag game, and Miss Doris Mackay won thg prize for pin- ning the tail on the donkey. Ae $ Miss Mildred Sellery, Colborne street, entertained at tea, on Thursday after- noon, in honor of her guest, Miss Mil- dred Fairbairn. The. guests included : Miss Grace Cane (Newmarket), Miss Susie Anglin, Miss Edna Booth, Miss! Eva Martin, Miss Dora Oldrieve, Miss | Addie Toye and Mrs. Charles Taylor. | ; * | Miss Katheryn Sowards, Mohtreal | street, has gone to Toronto, to be | the guest of Mrs. Alfred Walker, St. | Clarens avenue. ! Diss Reta Boyd, who has been visit- | ing friends in the city, leaves for her home, in Brockville, on Sunday. * Dr. and Mrs. E. J, Lake announce ! the engagement of their eldest daugh | ter, Mabel, to Mr. Howard Cowan, | of Broderick, Sask. The marriage is | expected to take place near the end | of the, present month. i * +» | A tableful of potted white hyacinths, | a gift of a considerate friend, ap-| propriately graced the "At Homes" | at Mrs. Browett's "The! Haven Under the Hill." * + » In the mixed doubles in the Badmin- ton tournament for the president's trophy, Mrs, J. P. Shine and Capt H. Boak were the lucky winners on Wednesday afternoon. * Mrs. P. G. C. Campbell, ' George street, will receive for the first time! since her marriage on Tuesday after noon, and afterwards on each Tuesdan of the month, Si .& Mrs. T. D. R. Hemming, Barrie street, is entertaining at a progressive | game party, this evening, for her | daughter, Mins Margaret ing. Mrs. James Stewart, Stuart street, who has been in the hospital for four weeks, is well again and will be al- lowed home to-morrow, * Mrs. H. J. Fh 4 a very jolly toboggan party on Wednesday, in hon- or of her visitor, Miss Muriel Brown, of Watford, Ont. » + Mrs. Frederick Mahood, Brook street, was hostess at the tea hour on Friday in honor of Mrs. James Gouinlock, eof Toronto. a) i >unday | sentment of social conditions Miss | | Miss Eleanor Phelan, | ; Miss Lenore Hamilton, Messrs. Harold | | THE DAILY BRITISH s dance, for Tuesday, + $+ 9 3 Miss Agnes Richardson and bey puest; Miss Grace Houghton; and Me Georgé Richardson, went up to To- ronts on Friday to spend the week- end Miss Mariorie Duff, « Guel has been the guest of her H. R. Duff, Princess street, left, on Friday, for Perth, to dpend a week two Miss Dufi will stop off in on for a few days ome from Perth. Mrs. HB. R. Craig, Union went to Deserorio, to-day, to Miss Marjorie Rathbun. Mr. Garrett loft Friday for To- ronto, to spend the week-end, Mr. E. Van Lesslie, who has visiting ii Montreal, for the past days, will return home to-daj h, who Mrs au on her way street, spend wiih on been few PLAYS AT THE GRAND. Final Settlement" is the Evening's Production. At the Grand to-night the attrac tion will be a new drama entitled "The Final Settlement," which is said to be a simple, terse and ratioval pre- among the highest classes of present-day Am: evican life. The play is well pat to gether; from beginning to end there is no dull moment. "The Chevalier in "Daddy Dufard." The greater Chevaliertheree is no fitter way to characterize this best of English speaking character adtors--is VIOWET HEMING, With Albert Chevalier, .in "Daddy ford. at the Grand, on Friday, 24th, Du- Feb to appear inv his latest comedy, "Daddy Dutard," at the Grand, next Friday, Feb, Sith. It is a play that deals intimately with the on and off stage life of foothghts favorites, and as such, presents a veracious picture of conditions that have always had a special appeal to theatregoers, Chev: alier will have the part of an ol French actor, retired and living among his kind in London, a part that will reveal the genius of Chevalier at its best. Chevalier is touring America un der Liebler and company's manage ment, which meaps that he will have an adequate proffuction, and a splen did supporting company. Seals for his local engagement will be placed on sale Monday morning. "My Cinderella Girl." Usinsual interest has been aroused among all classes of theatre-patrons in the coming to the Grand, on Sat. urday, Feb. 25th, matinee and night of the successful musical comedy, "My Cinderella Girl," which crowded the Whitney Opera House, Chicago, for over three hundred performances, and is unquestionably one of the best at tractions to be seen here this season, tee Wedding at Parham. Parham, Feb, 17.-A pretty wedding was solemnized at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Solomon Cronk, near Par- ham, on Wednesday evening, Feb. 15th, when their youngest daughter, Miss Edith, was united in marriage to Ard Wagar, lormerly of this place.' At six o'clock to the strains of the wed- ding march, played by Mrs. A. W. Stewart, the bridal pasty entered the parlor, where the ceremony was . formed by Rev, J. A. Waddell, of Har. rowsmith, assisted. by Rev. A. A Stewart. The bride was becomingly attired in white silk, and was &ttend. ed by her small niece, Hazel Vani volkenburg, of Enterprise, who made a sweet little flower girl, After con. gratulations had been extended, all repaired to the dining-room, where a repast was served to over ejghty guests. The evening wai pleasantly spent in speeches, vocal and instru- mental duets, and social conversation, Amother interesting feature of the evening was the christening of the bride's little sephew, Frances Keith Vanvolkenburg, 'also the little daughe ter, of William Wagar, and AWred ron. The bride was the recipient of a large number of tty and useful its. Mr. and Mrs. Wagar leave next week for their home in Cobalt. The missionary concert held in the Methodist teh, on Thursday evens ing was ch enjoyed. An excellent address on was given by Rev. J. A. Waddell, of Harrowsmith, after which the pastor, W. Stewart, ex- hibited a Nieto of us > spent two years in the quartelie was rendered by. A . Stewart and Revs ais fi WHIG, ":|ARE READY T0 ACT TO STOP PELAGIC SEALING FOR TEN YEARS. ; Canada Has Agreed to Treaty if Russia and Japan are Included in the Conference. Ottawa, Feb. 18.--The Canadian gov- ernment has agreed, through the Brit ish ambassador at Washington, to a treaty with the United States for the entire cessation of pelagic sealing in the Pagific for a term of not less than ten years. The agreement is condi- tional upon the signing of similar agremmuents between the United States and 'Russia and Japan, but it is un derstood that the governments of these two countries are now ready to co-operate in the imperative work of preventing the entire destruction of the seal herds in the Pacific, threaten- ed by the continuance of the present practically uncontrolled sealing, Ei- forts tp secure ap agreement among the four powers have been in progress for some years, and the negotiations are now within sight of a successful jssue. By the terms of the treaty at Washington the United States govern- ment may still continue its present system of taking each year a limited number of seals from Priybyloff Is lands, it being held by experts that the killing of a limited number of males each year is conducive to the better propagation of the herd. To compensate Canada for the with drawal all sealing privileges on the high seas; the dominion will be given an eqUity based on a percentage of the total annual take from the islands. It is believed that in the course of a few years of absolute protection for seals in the north Pacific, the herds will again become as large as ever, Wolfe Island Council. Wolfe Island, - Feb. 6.--Municipal council met at 10 s.m. Members ali present. Minutes last meeting confirm- etl. Steamboat acgounts paid. Wm, Raneous, 5 gallons oil, 9c; Jas Swift & Co., coal, $240.%; Swift & Co., wharf rent, $50; Marlow, 20} days fireman, $03 92 Crawford, 1 month captain, $50; A Mullin, 1 month engineer, $66.66; M. McDonald, repairing rail, $1.25; Cal vin Co., amount of account, £46.81 ; W. B. Card, waiting room, $5; R. Waldron, amount of account, $1.56. Resolved, that the minister of public works be petitioned for the use of dredge to deepen channél to township dock. Township accounts paid=--Kirk patrick, Rogers & Nickle, legal ad vice, $11.40; S. Anglin & Co., cement, $2.77; W. L. Allison, roads, etc., $8.39; W. B. Card, salary, etc., $38.70; Geo. Sudds, hushing road, 8; Wm. Grim- shaw, grant to dock, $25. Resolved that the following be engaged as of. ficers for Str, Wolfe Islander: James Crawford, 'captain; R. Mullin, en- gineer; James Davis, mats; Geo. Rat- tary, purser and to furnish meals, at 12¢. each. Council adlourned to the first Monday in March, at 10 a.m. out their wood yard to Thomas Ryan. How to Stop Pimples in Five Days You Can Get Rid%of All Skin Eruptions by the New Calcium Sulphide Wafers. Trial Package to Prove It Sent Free. Any man or woman gets awfully tired going around with a pimply face day after day. And other people get awfully tired, too, seeing them go around with faces full of disgusting pimples. If you are one of the unfortunates who can't get away from your pim- ples, and you have tried almost ev- erything. under. heaven to get rid of them, take a few of Stuart's Calcium Wafers every day. Do that steadily for a few days, and in Jess than a week look at yourself in the mirror. You will then say that Stuart's Cal cium Wafers are a wonder in getting rid of the eruptions. These wonderful little workers con- tain the most effective blood purifier ever discovered, calcium sulphide. No matter what your trouble is, whether pimples, blotches, blackheads, rash, tetter, eczema or scabby crusts, you can solemnly depend upon Stu- art's Calcium Wafers as never-failing. Stuart's Calcium Wafers have cured boils in three days and the worst cases of skin diseases in a week. Ev- ery particle of impurity is driven out of your system completely, never to return, and it is dome without derang- ne your system in the slightest. Most treatments for the blood and for skin eruptions are miserably slow in their results, and besides, many of them are poisomous. Stuart's Calcium Wafers contain no poison or drug of any kind; they are absolutely harm- and yet do work which cannot np ein ; Faiif 1 i iike ii ii i 9 i 3 i i i Fe : jit Noonan & Feriex, Perth, have sold Money We Must Have This is our excuse for that will induce you to part for next year's needs, : The First Loss is the Best Loss. Thatis the | putting on this sale and offering you goods at prices with the coin. It will pay you to lay in a supply now y : = | Principle we Work On We might better sacrifice Overcoats, Heavy Suits and Underwear now than carry them over and perhaps sell at a loss next season. How much better it is to take our loss now and have the use of the money. At present we have only one am- bition, and that is to convert at least $1,000.00 of this stock into Cash by the mid- dle of March. We Will Give You More for Your Dollar Now Men's Overcoats at Than You Ever Got. $3.95, regular 8.00; Men's Overcoats at $6 75, regular 12 00. All our $18.00, 20.00 and 22.00 Overcoats to go at 12.93. Men's Suits at $1. to 25.00. 95, 6.75, 9.65 and 15.45, regular prices from 8.00 Men's Working Pants at.95¢c and 1.19; worth regular 1.50 and 2.00 : Men's Fine Trousers at $1.65 and 1.95. worth regular from 2.50 to 3.00 Underwear at Mill Prices. Boys' Sweater Coats from 59¢ up. Men's Sweater Coats from 65c up Police Braces at 15¢ pair. Fancy Suspenders, Armlets and Garters, 3 pieces in fancy boxes, reg- Jular $1.00 a sett. Out they goat 39¢ per sett. Lal OR Lo Every Article in the Store at Sale Prices. No Reserve. Bargains in Every Department Don't stay away from this sale and then regret your loss. No old goods to show you. The stock is new, Sale Opens * Feb. Rone 1 SATURDAY MORNING, 18th, at 9 O'clock. y & Co. Princess Street. RUSSIAN SOLVES PROBLEM. | Milk Can be Successfully Sterilized Without Changing Ferments. A Russian chemist claims to have | solved the problem successfully of | sterilizing milk without - altering its | ferments and antitoxine. "An ordinary boiling process or heating even to six- tytwo degrees CO, will make milk inert, while the Russian's method of bringing it so rapidly to a tempera. ture of eighty degrees C. that the fer- ments are not altered is just as effec tive so far as the thoroughmess of the sterilization is concerned. It is done in this manner : The milk is forced into the heated vessels in the form of a spray, which breaks it up into glo- bules. Tt is at once condensed 'and drawn off into a receiver to cool. An air spray has no effect upon the thar- acter of the ~milk, but a steam spray of course dilutes it about ten or fifteen per cent, His Serious Mistake. A somewhat egotistical young divin ity student, who has not yet seen enough of life apl hard work to lose his high estimate of his own impor tance in the scheme of things, supplied not long ago in the pulpit of a near by country church. When the service was over and. congregation was leaving the church, the young man asked one of the dea- | cons, a grizzled and plain-spoken old farmer, what he thought of the ser The old man thought for a moment before he : New Bucwiat Flow . Maple Symp Maple Sugar Coast Sealed Oysters D. Couper { "Phone 76. 341-8 Princess Street. Prompt Delivery . Silverwear Let us have it to replate. the time; also Skates Nickel Plating and Electro Pl ting of all kinds. Nickel, Copper, Brass, ete. We guarantee a good job. PARTRIDG E& SONS rE wa, Now is Sweet are the uses ob alimony. MARMALADE... BITTER ORANGES FLORIDA GRAPE FRUIT SEEDLESS LEMONS SBUNKIST ORANGES and SPOONS at 166 Mess SL. A. J. REES, Png 58 § ' ; SEAR ARRAEIEEIEEEIREIEIECIENEEEEEEEEEEIEEEEL i Holiday -:- Presents; 'Buy Something Useful for the House DOO00 OOO ae ere ea