Daily British Whig (1850), 21 Feb 1911, p. 4

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minutes is all the time required for brewing Red Rose Tea; and the result is a beverage of matchless flavor and satisfying strength. The verdict of your family will be that IT CURED THE DOCTOR. New Recommended by a Physician, Mrs. Mary C. Crawford, Oakesdale, Wash. : "Herpicide cured me perfectly of dandruff and falling hair." Pr, E. Beardsley, Champaign, Il.: "I used Go ide for dandru and falling hair, and I am well satisfied with the result." Alf. R. Kelly, 2195 Desadero street, San Francisco : 'Glerpicide put a new growth of hair on my head. Herpicide does more than is claimed." Herpicide kills the dandruff germ. "Destroy the cause vou remove the effect" cures dandrufi. falling hair and prevents baldness. Sold by leading druggists. Send 10¢. in stamps for samples to the Herpicide Co., Detroit, Mich, Ome dollar bottles guaranteed. J. B. McLeod, agent, Kingston, Ont, special WE ARE SPECIALISTS IN STAIR WORK SHOW GASES INTERIOR FINISH IN WOOD, 2 NGL 8 G0. ¢ Cir Wellinfion and Bay Sts. 000000000000 0000000000¢ ay o. 3 10 stronger, $3; 3 Bs all drug on Xap of price Coox ET Cy og Re (formerly Wi HEGRE ORIN £"STAY In KINGSTOR'; 5 We would rather you would E stay, but if you are bound to ge we will buy all or any part of your Household Effects that you may want to sell--er & If you are starting housekeeping >) we can fit you out to perfection as we éarry a full line of Stoves Furniture, Carpets, Ollcloth, ete, at very low prices . 180. we have the grandest lot ¥ : of ANTIQU E FURNITURE in this 3 part of Canada. Drop a postal L. LESSES, Cae Prinetas nud Chatham Sta. P THE WHIG, 78th YEAR SH WHIG, published at Kingston, Quiatio tions at 2.30 and 4 ERLY BRITISH WHIGQ, 16 pages. | in ris, on Monday and Dlished Bours Bhate t be IR of the ; bast J Job X ed Avtanh aproved pr he British Sy nine a: The British Co. Ld.' 4. G. b Whig Leman A. Gulld, ita, See Treas. 20 Queen Cit none snd Shh §t, Toronto, regiéaqptatl pers 32 # tative. Daily Wiig. THE LESSON IS UNIQUE. The Ottawa Citizen displays a spirit | time | that is very remarkable at a when some other papers are giving evidence of a panicky feeling. Our contemporary believes that the ministers, assisted by their trade and statistical experts, are better qualified than any other Canadians to pass an opinion of real value om the inerits of the case. These ministers assure Scientific Dandruff Treatment the people that they have made a good bargain for Canada, and the Citizen feels bound to accept their judgment. There .has been nothing so calming in the whole range of reciprocity litera- The average conservative paper is out against 'the government, pro- claiming its acts as perfidious and unpatriotic, and insinuating that .its commissioners are the sellers of the country. The Citizen sets the journal istic world a lesson in temperate coun- sel that is simply unique. ture. CANADA'S NATURAL RESOURCES. What is the use of repeating an idea over and over again without jus tifieation. The tory papers are de: nouncing the reciprocity pact because il proposes that Canada shall 'be rob bed of her natural These natural resources cannot be her grains, for these must be exported, (when in exces of the local demand), and go in any case to the highest bidder. The natural resources in pulpwood are under the control of the local govern: ments, and there is no evidence that they will be sacrificed. The conser- vative governments in the provinces may be depended upon to co-operate against the federal government, as a matter of course, and ' the Queba governthent hay. announced that there i= no disposition on its part to modify the pulpwood regulations in the interest of any one 3 party. Sir Lomer Gouin has made this question clear by. sayiug that in any legis | lation which his government takes or | projects only- eonsideration will be had for the good of Quebec and her people. resources. THE CANADIAN CLUB. The Canadian Club movement has taken firm root in the dominion. Every progressive city from Victoria to Sydney has its prganization. The growth of the movement has coin- cided with that rapid development of material prosperity and national self- confidence which has put Canada on the front street of the twenty cen: tury nations. Few can keep track of the many forward movements be ing made 'in the dominion, Vancou- ver's or Edmonton's experiments with the single tax, the experience of Guelph or Port Arthur in municipal | ownership, the conservation move ment, or the development of our ternational relations, without such agency to bring before the citi: zens of Canadian thought and ac tion and representative men from the Motherland and the Ugited States The Kingston club, now entering second year, is making an effort include in its membership every alert and progressive citisép- It is to be hoped that the young men especially will respond to the appeal and help in some to 10 make the Kingston Canadian Club [worthy in numbers and enthusiasm of tae best conditions of the Limestone city. i Arrangements are being made fan attractive series of noon-da® and 'evening addresses. J. 8. Ewart gave, last weék, a trenchant and clear-cut i presentgtion of one view of Canada's national destiny; other points of view on this all-important issue will given' later' "Sir George C. chairman of the Tnternational Water. ways Commission, H, W. Richardson hori are among the first | for, for ernment with regard to reciprocity. The meetings and the resblutions are ers, whose interests are not affected r gg { weep over it as a thing which two | its} THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, an TURSDAY, FEBRUARY 21, calls 'and demands lightly, | COULD NOT STAND ND THE FARE. ' deserves the defeat , that must be' theirs. This reciprocity agreement in] {on experiment. which can be tried for' a year or two without dismay damage. It is better than a treaty in that it can be abandoned at any { time when it produces results that are' oe rot desired or expected. The anneyation bogey meanwhile will rot alarm any One. Annexation was! | once preached by the party which now | affects to be so much in fear of it, ! and the imperial preference was op- i posed by the men who, in parliament, was | dean to their hearts and is, in their ! opinion, in jeopardy. Any one who {can be influenced by this performance must be an easy mark. EDITORIAL NOTES. i pars us W. R. Travers Baulked at Tin of Tea and Dry Bread. ; Toronto News On his geturn to the city from King- ston, W. R. Travers had something to say of bis experience in the. peniten- tiary., He had been offered a tinful of tea and two pieces of dry bread, but these he could not take. "1 may find my appetite for that if of fare," he said, 'after a few v8, just like a hungry dog." 'Apropos of the suggestion that he had been too garrulous, Travers said that he had not attempted to injure anyone, "I must be truthfull" he added. "I must answer the questions put to me." Travers grew reminiscent, and re ferred to the fact that Dr. Beattie Nesbitt, when president of the bank, 'had frequently Ns to close its ! doors. "I wish he had," asserted Travers. or | 1011, | DR. SOPER Specialists diseases of Skin, Blood, Nerves, Bladder andl Special Ail. ments of men. One visit advisable : if impossible, send history for free opinion sand ad- vice. Question blank snd bdook op diseases of men free. Consultation tres Medicine furnished in tablet ™S: 10 am. to 1 pm. and Fine Bou a 0 am to 1 pw. DRS. SOPER & WHITE 25 Toreate Street, Torente, Ont. The Whithéy iden is that the major-, "Everything that he rec ded to ity shall rule only when it suits his ™® went bad." purposes. In option law the minority | Bribery of the Press. Frade, find he has virtually told the Montreal Witness temperance people to dry up upon the' Whatever the money that protection three-fifths clause. thas taken from the people can do to : prevent reciprocity will be done. The The lord mayor of Dublin on strike ! purchase of newspapers and the in- | !That is the latest. The council' cut spiration of news agencies in the in- {down his salary, and he cut out terests of protection has become fa- the miliar. The latest thing is to pur- | style, including the great banquet at chase pages in government papers to which some people have been accus- Aut forth in quash ial forms desponding recourse to the well-known tomed to blow themselves. its he of the ple. We utually | The legislature will legislate so that 9 8 silly appeal to Sir Wilfrid Lau- | the municipalities can insist on pure Het, 2 es SY oom disorp- tion by wrecking this trade agreement, milk being sold within : {will it amount: to unless the legis- This them. What in a full pase of the Toronto Globe. recalls an attempt that was latures makes il compulsory for the ™ ) i Some ea ago to Roach tho fus- : : ple by printing a newspaper © council {o act. ed the Globe in elose imitation of the The three fifihg %s be Globe of Toromto, which was circulat- [Heed again in the legislature where ed, gratis, far and wide. Mr. Proudfoot will move for its amend- | Valuable to Each Other. ! ment. The government may be wedded Buffalo Bo Ye hi Times. 'so its pet, but it eannot abuse the e t thing that can happen for without clause has : the United States: for generations to causing come is to have a great and strong state growing up on the north be side the union. There is enough dif- Mr. Bourassa is opposed to the ference between «the two nations to Chamberlain idea of fiscal reform and make them equally valuable to each favours reciprocity between Canada Other for stimulation, healthy rivalry, aid the United States. The quasi ap- criticiem, different ways of working : : out destiny, but always with th > jproval of the nationalist leader is friendly i and the 3 the "that | & perhaps the worst thing that hae vet they bear in their arms more of happened to the trade agreement. human hope and happiness than any | other two countries on the footstool. The old chap on the temperance de-| It is impertinence, folly . or knav- who shook. his fist the ©r¥, or a combination of all three, to fuive of Sir Jamies Whitney. the thrust the notion of annexation - into Yolo of an ran a serious aay debate of a Jmibject of common | interest to the union and 'the domin- risk of the The idea of jon. threatening phe premier in his balliwhaek ! temperance trouble. people putation, in at interview, dungeon. own | | A Very Important Question. { Torontn Clobe. | Sir Edmund Walker is a firm believ- 'er in free trad is i- fortunate the water department would gent of a oo em gr have been if left with the $10,000 branches in the United States and {which the council misappropriated . a that uses Canadian money to operate {couple of years ago. The department Urrited States industries and carry on be goiug into débt now for 're commercial transactions of great mag- : gon nitude. Is he not afraid that free ac- pairs which it could have safely met cess to .the 'American money market if left alone. and the diversion 'thete of some of Canada's surplus fumds will "hamper So dome. of the senate : wy fe, Seviopment ot Canada's resources : bs in her own way a y her own peo- think there are too many old men in jo 3 Or is it only surplus farm pro- the upper chamber. What others have ducts the export of which will weaken thought for a long time. What js the the ties that bind Canada to the em- cure ? No one will resign a life job, pire? and its handsome emoluments, and there .is no way of forcing him out. "Tis a pity, true 'tis a pity, and a pity, 'tis true. In view of present emergencies how | . will { Fine apparel is often the aftermath of dishonesty. en the Dads = hie Against Yo | You Can Depend on Dr. Chase's Syrup of Linseed and Turpentine to Help You, if You Get the Genuine. The Quebec government is creating a teachers' pension fund, and promis ing"the beneficiaries an annual benefit of from $75 to $800. About 100 | teachers will benefit. "It is "expected | | that this will make teaching more at! tractive. It is to be hoped Soak, the fund, as in Ontario, will no inadetpiate and so be a. to but the older teachers. It is estimated, and by William | | Frank, of Winnipeg, a prominent grain | dealer, that reciprocity in trade, be-! tween the United States and Canada, ! Pwill add a million dollars to the land| What a fight goes on during a values of the North-West. The western | Winter season against coughs an representatives who would oppose the | Soida. The shige ry Safe lon . gu. Frade arrangement, under these cir-! punts are worried to hear them cough. cumstances, may vote against it, but The best insurance against serious he will forfeit his political life in the results } is the use of Dr. Chase's Syrup transaetion Tinseed -and-Furpentise. pot So well-known is this medicine and so universally used that we need soarcely tell you of its merits. © But we do want to warn you against imi- Who Did the Begging? Montreal Witness be Gibbons, One of the most captivating argu ments against the reciprocity agree ment © cuts two ways. There was no ueed, we are told, of being in such a hurry to make concessions, as the Un: ited States would have made these re- ductions any way; she has not made them for our sake, but for her own: why, then, did we need to go begying' Such is the argument. The first an swer to it is that we did not go beg: tations and substitutes. Once you know that there are | at least four imitations of Dr. Chases Sytup of Linseed and Tu on the market, you are not lI ey to le any dealer talk you into ecepting anything but the genuine, on each bottle of which are the portrait and signature of A. W. Chase, M.D., the famous Receipt Book author. Imitations are sald om the reputa The board of trade in certain places are presuming to dictate to the gov influenced by manufacturers and bank- ging. If there was any begging, it! was Brother Jonathan who did it. H the United States wo have had to Sonetde these reducti 10 her own without any a 'with us, t only shows that her boa¥ted tection gystem bas tion of this great medicine, and noi on their own merits, or why should they not have a name of their own. With the genuine Dr. Chase's Syrup of Linseed and Turpentine, you can readily. overcome croup, bronchitis, whooping cough, throat irritation, and the most Serious coughs and colds. 25 cents a bottle; family size, 60 cents; all dealers, or Edmanson, Bates & Co., Toronto. A POINTED DISCUSSION. Miss Shatty --Mather--W. ell, my dear, fram whom you get your grocers Mother--From the r. of course. Why asking Such a onT iss whe ChALLY. Well, papa was at the window r arove nH P ao A e a a, pa a keep his rigs Mgrs very good pe ght opposite another grocer was deliverin od Manitoba government Line & goods, 'when bh ark agreement. S. J. WILSON, Member Dominion Exchange, Ltd. "Right of Way" will soon declare their quarterly dividend; at present price it yields 53 per cent. CORRESPONDENCE INVITED 14 King St. East. 'Phone Main 4228, Toronto, Ont. W. P. O'BRIEN, 57 St. Francois Xavier St, MONTREAL, Membe MONTREAL STOCK EXGHANGE Long Distance Telephone Main 6936 CORRESPONDENCE SOLICITED. ' Dr. de Van's Female Pills A reliable French regulator: never fails. These pills are exceedingly powerfel in refulasige the fenerative portion of the temale ajttem efuse all cheap imitations. Dr, 8 are sold at Wa tox, or three eiordl Mailed to any address. Boebell St. Catharines, Ont. For sale at Mahood's Drug Store. H PARKS & SON F lorists-- Night 'Phone Tis. Cut Flowers and Plane Wedding and Funeral De- Hh a 8 Speciality oN Poed to all parts. AOMORI The Wretchedness of Constipation Can quickly be overcome by Genuine mustbem Signature See Frm ir | | ne VET, VTL VERLROLRVROTOO™R Ours is the Lightest Light We want to LIGHT your home with Electric Light. It will CHEER you. It will COMFORT you. When you have the light in your HOME you can iron clothes, wash, clean your car- pets, curtains bads--every- thing. Let. us explain. H.W. NEWMAN ELECTRIC CO, 79 PRINCESS STREET. 'Phone 441. Sorat v ete VBNtVRRS » FEB. FURNITURE SALE You cannot afford to ignore these extraordinary Bargains, Even | though you do uot need Furniture until spring time. - ® * | . § Full Dress Wah Long' s me a card and I wii tween Br 3 Suits $ Suits 3 $25 and 330% * $25 and $30 * SESE EERE 2B HHS res February Suit Pris BIBBY'S * " HANNAN AN oF HAH oH HAHAAN HHH HH HANAN A ANA RHAAAN NANA FARHAN e FHA NH Fine Domestic Tweeds in new shades and . new Single and Double Breasted styles. : Sizes, 34 to 44 the same models as our more expensive ones Suits, $12.00 Nobby Suits of English Tweeds, Dark Browns, Greys, Pin Dot Cheviots, etc. Splendily tallored. Sizes, 34 to 46. Suits, $15.00 English Worsteds, new shades of Greens, 1911 models patterns Cut after Greens, Mixed § Smart styles AAHAIICK RRA io HAH HH Browns and Something Fine Greys, plain and rich pattern effects, extra special. Sizes, 34 to 44. Suits, $18 Hand-tailored Garments, Suits that satisfy the smart dressers. hand padded collars and lapels, hand-worked button holes, ete ¥ Good, roomy trousers. Handsome fabrics. Real classy garments Sizes, 34 to 40. Blue Suits 5 WENTHWORTH CASTLE BRAND, THE EMPEROR, STYLE, $18.00. 820.00, $15. HAAN Se HAA HAHAH HAH AANA HAAN THE COUNT, 822.50. gl HAH * NECKWEAR SALE, 80¢ qualities for 23¢, AAACN HK SHIRTS, lines for i0c. ALE OF SHIRTS, SALE 1.25 and $1.00 lines, 75 oe Ss. $ HAAS AHHH HEE {The H.D. Bibby Co > The o it Store With Littles Prices HH ERIE EEE ER FAAEESER & EHF RHE * Bar Solder, Babbitt Metal and ai Ingot Metals We are headquarters. THE CANADA METAL COMPANY, LIMITED. OFFICE: 81 WILLIAM STREET, TORONTO. 00000000000 000000000000000000000 00000008000 Laundry tae Tr ¥ 185 WEI N N 8T. and Clarence Sta First-class ur 'aundry. ock mir "BUILDERS ALL KINDS OF LUMBER AT LOW PRICES. Will be complete " with some of GRIMM'S Delicious AsBESTIC lee Cream 4 - PLASTER FOR SALE, : ALSO COAL AND ALL KINDS OF WOOD. S. Bennett & Co. Oor. Bagot and Barrack Sts. "Phone 941. 5 Dresser, solid Mag. February $62.50 Pa = = $70 Dresser, solid Mag. 'February S30 Price. $150, 3-plece " Clrcassan Walnut, February ... $120 $65, Brass Bed. Feb. Price $32.30 $26, Brass Bed, Feb. Price .. $30 $20, Brass Bed, I in posts, S15 SR. J. REID, Phone 577 China bas given way to Rassia on the treaty dispute Phone 797. * 2 | oe ORDERING FLOUR you a trial sack of QUALITY Flour. celebrated quality of the Flour, Kingston. WHEN Coal Reeps Sow ards. HAVE YOU TRIED HIM? "Phone 158. . Ask your grocer or dealer to senc Highest Grades a I LUBRICATING OIL. FLOOR OIL. GREASE, ETC. PROMPT DELIVERY. . F. KELLY, Clarence and Ontario Streets Toye's Building. Try It and be convinced of the LE J Manufactured by the Maple Leal Milling Go. Branch Office, Ontario Stree Telephone 888. J

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