Daily British Whig (1850), 22 Feb 1911, p. 4

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OIL, in } gal. cans,25¢ BRUSHES, 12 dil- ferent kinds, at 5c to Ea Goods satisfactory or money returned CORBETT'S LD D02I<I<D 2900000900800000900808 eo ¥e WE ARE SPECIALISTS IN STAR. WORK SHOW GASES TENOR FH IN WOOD, 5. ANGLIN & C0. Cor Wellington and Bay Sts. 0000000000000 00000000 ANOTHER WONDER OF SCIENCE, ww a 000000000000000000000000000 Biology Has Proved That Dandruff "is Caused by a Germ, Seiepce is doing wonders these days in medicine as well as in mechanics. Since Adam lived the buman race has been trotibiled 'with' dandrufl, for which no hair preparation has Reretofore proved a successful caré until New bro's Herpicide was put, on the mar- ket. It is a scientific preparation that kills the germ that makes dandruff or scurf by digging into the scalp to get at the root of the hair, where it saps the vitality, . causing itching scalp, falling hair, and finally bald- ness. Without dandruff hair must grow luxuriautly. It is the only destroyer of dandruff. Sold by leading druggists, Send 10 in stamps for sample to The Herpicide Co., Detroit. Mich. #1 bottle guaran teed. Jas. B. Meleod, druggist, spe cial agent, Kingston, Ont. SHOES Broken lines reduced 20 per cent. in Neu's gud Boys' Boots. Rubbers and Overshoes at cut prices, ¢ JOHNSTON'S SHOE STORE 70 BROCK STREET. ) 208316 Teli Bures ) tional importance. It all depends, it G00000000000000000000000000000 ES SERINE "STAY In : p53 We woul rather stay, we will bu any part your Household Effects that you may want io sell-or i If you a Marting housekeeping we can fit you out to perfection, as we carry im full li Furaiture, earre at very low > or WEEE 'part of Canada. Drop a postal you $ got together and decided that THE WHIG, 78th YEAR WHIG, published at Ragaton Seale WHI 18 Dages, ry a Year Te ng a . or t hi of Dilly 3 Ki at 38 ear. - per yi Ear ied Beatie, Suite 15 and 20 Queen City Jers, 32 Church Jorento, peice, J.P. re sntative. Daily Wihg. QUESTION, WHO IS WHO? The Montreal group of touters agninst the reciprocity deal want to {know what A. M. Grenfell, of London, {knows about Canadian or American conditions. As one of the financial | house of Chaplin, Milne & Grenfell, ! through whom large Canadian loans {Bave been effected, he knows quite as { much, and more, than his assailants. i He is quite as good an authority as some of the Toronto noise makers, who are issuing manifestos, which are dubbed by the News as of great na- Cham. iE seems, upon who the shouter is. If a liberal, though hard to identify in an election, the gods are expected to sit' up and listen, and the ministers are expected to fear and tremble. If a conservative of the Balfour school, and so a tariff reformer, as Mr. Gren fell is, he is a nobody and his crities demadd to * know what he is fussing about ! ies A-------------------- FACING A NEW ISSUE The indvitable will happen. - The In ternational Waterways Commission gots in its Work, and all the munici- palities along the yreat lakes are made to ceasé turpitg the sewage into them. Such ao yesnlt has long been contemplated, and the necessity of it becomes apparent when the medical authorities of the Conservation Com- mission and other bodies pronounced the cause of the municipalities as in- jurions, because the water, which so largely entered: into the domestic uses of the peopled was seripusly tainted. Kingston will, sooner or later, and the sooner the better, have to consider the establishment of a disposal works. and it is bound to be expensive. Ham: ilton has such a works now, With plants at two points, and the cost must have beey half a million dollars. Toronto has under comstruction an outfit which will cost $3,000,000. The first thing is to select a site, and build towards it an intercepting sewer. The second requirement will be the appli- ances for extracting the solids from the sewage and letting the liquids go. after a chemical treatment which will make them harmless In the waters of the bay and river. Here is a big con- which will by presently foroed upon the city, entailing an expendi- ture of $300,000 or $350,000, and it is an expenditure which cannot be shirked. tract THE SCARCITY OF TEACHERS. The minister of education is the ob- jeot of constant attack, and without result, The Hon. Dr. Pyne, for some ronson, holds his office, or for wome reagon is mot removed from it. That réason has nothing ta do with his uselilness, because he is incapable of effort in the way of intreducing or carrying through any edueational ie forms. The doctor claims credit foi raising the teachers' salaries, but is the claim well-founded ? 2 'He projected a scheme three years ago by which the salaries of the fral schools were to be of a certain stan dard. But the rural school trustees this legiglation should go, and they won their point. The minister heard their | number, beeause he cannot avoid and later he may be foreed to 'Féstore those which he closed up. "In the last year in which the coun- tied" had their - model schoals there THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, WEDNESDAY. FEBRUARY 22, 1011. OUR MENICIPAL FINANCES. Mr. Carson, further discusses the accounts of municipdlity, and in this_article com-} ments upon the assets and liabilities. | Municipal works are not condycted for | monetary profit. Citizens receive divi-| dends in the form of Health, comfort and copvenience, and the city is the | best pi which renders the best service| towards these ends, at the lowest cost. "It matters little," says the Finan- | cial Post, "if the capital account or surplus of assels over liabilities creased or diminisfied- from dear to year. A city's credit is not determin- od by such surpluses, as in the case of an industrial corporation which is or- ganized for gain. The real capital is the assessment for taxation, for by this is the indebtedness restricted and the ability to pay determined. If this argument is admitted--and the writer fails to see how it can be successfully controverted--then the necessity for a uniform basis of valuation for assess- ment becomes imperative, if an intelli- gent judgment is to be rendered, and a proper rating assigned." ' The assessment of Kingston being limited, the necessity becomes the greater for care and ecomomy in the management of the public funds. The earnings of the utilities should be husbanded, and these utilities should be managed so that. they will serve the people efficiently ahd be self-sus- taining. lt-is a poor policy to use up the earnings for general municipal pur- | poses and borrow money from the banks for improvements. every dollar so borrowed entailing a charge of another dollar for interest, provided the loan runs for the usual period of twenty years. The Financial Post touches a point of special local interest in view of the fact that the gas and electric plants had a surplus last year, "What dis- position," says our = contemporary, "should be made of such funds if they may not be used for the reduction of taxes, or for building extensions and improvements ta plag¥? The answer is "obvious. If the patrons of the vari- ous utilities, after meeting all opera- ting costs, capital charges, and ample depreciation, had not been overcharged there would exist no surplus accounts to cause the enquiry." . The ample de preciation jas not been met here, and in view of the fact that the account has been missing since the works were taken over by the city it follows that the thousands now on hand should | be held for restoration purposes, some portions of it being available for im- mediate improvements: The plan of running to the bank for loans to meet the current wants of the power and light depa pt. is surely tire some. EDITORIAL NOTES. : In future a bank charter can only be secured when a large cash deposit has been made with the government. There of the Farmers' Bank kind. The liberals of Ontario proposed to move an amendment to the liquor act. It will be to the effect that the major- ity shall rule. This principle should predominate in every department of government. i The Hemilton Herald bas it cor rectly when it says that if the newer provinces be demied the advantage of The situation is more serious some people seem to think. The members of the opposition com- plain because the ministers will not sit in the house and look pleased while hour after hour is spent in fruitless talk about reciprocity. And the same complainants go out and disappear when the ministers | speak. Here is real courtesy St. Thomas has a street railway which has been run at a financial loss. Under & new management it is hoped to make the thing at least self-sus- { Londom spondent mains stationery, or is greatly in- q reciprocity the. people will be per | manently embittered towards the cast. | than ! | There are 50,000 eligible bachelors in a the Finance :... HORSE IS LIVELY n Sa-- REMARKABLE RADIUM EXPERI MENTS MADE IN PARIS, Injections. Had Great Rejuvenating of Horse In. creased by 76 Pounds. ! Feb. 22.-The Paris corre- of the Daily Mail has visited Prof, Gahriel Petit, whose declaration' that radium imto the arter- is of a very "he hag extraor- divary rejuvem g effects, caused a sensation, gud has seen the horse in uestion. Prof. Petit declared that "while it was top early for him to give any de- tailed information sbout his experi- ments with the object of finding an efficient radioactive serum, he was, The now aged horse had been chosen for the experiment, as it was easier to observe than a rabbit. "I do not expect to see a fiery war- horse sporting with high spirits," Prof. Petit sand. "Our horse is very far from that, and you will appreciate its value when I tell you he only cost 5 (320)." The «correspondent says he "'found the animal to be a middle-sized brown farm horse, with a shaggy coat and a furrow in the neck, where the injec tions had been made. Teeth and eyes bore the marks of great age, but the horse was quite brisk and seemed in remarkably good condition. It was worn out when it arrived at the school, eighteen months ago. Before the injections it weighed 725 pounds, apd four weeks after the operation turned the scale at 801 pounds." An Awful Possibility. Woodstock Sentinel-Review An esteemed contemporary has dis- covered another awiul possibility of the pro trade arrangement with the United States. Maryland straw- berries are ready for the market weeks ahead of the Ontario produce, and with the market free there is no- thing to prevent the Maryland grow- ers shipping in their berries by the car- load. Zi Just think of the blow to the old empire the disgrace to the old flag it 'would be if people of On- tario were all to buy strawber- ries at so much a hox instead of so much apiece, weeks before the native crop is ready. And what is to prevent the un- scrupulous American grower inocula- ting. his fruit with annexation germs for the corruption and destruction of Canadian loyalty ? Even without the annexation the cultivation of a Coniad Jat a Ruarican fruit would surely ollowed by dangerous consequences. Who knows but that the git ioe strawbafty may yet appear to have been forbidden fruit w mortal taste brought death into the werld gud all our woe ¥ . our eyes. open to awful re sults that have attended - introduc tion of the American banaha, not to speak of the orange and lemon, will ve tame ly tolerate the early straw- rry ? Church Losing in Power. | Hamilton Times church conference in ther day, Charles Stelzle, of the bor Temple, New York, declared that "the church is slowly, but surely losing ground in the cities where the masses of people live. If this tendehcy continues, and At a great Pittsburg, the won't be any more financial kite flying .ilithe city is to dominate the nation, it doesn't require a prophet to fore tell the inevitable result, so far as the church is concerned. It is a sim- ple problem in arithmetic." He said there was a great work to be done if the church was to retain its influence. He claimed that the church is respon: sible for the spirit of social unrest, having been the greatest trouble-mak? er in history. IL was right, he said, for the church to make people dissatis- fied, but it was mot right for it to leave to professional afitaton the dity of satisfying them. But if thé church attempts to satisfy the dissatis- fied, it will have its work cut out. Huge Scheme of Marriage. Canadian. Gazette. i Western Canada, There are many more than 50,000 eligible and unattached women in England. Hence the mission which has brought to this country Mr. Howell, a rmer officer in the Salvation Army in Canada. He comes to find "5,000 English girls, willing to become the wives of Canadian farm- ers." He tells us that he has appoint- ed a staff of Canadian ladies to help { him in recruiting in London, at Bris | tol, i ey Chelmstord, Ashford, Ee Each of them { will preach from the text that there are immediate itions awaiti at | least 5.000 'girls in the Cana- j dian west, positions which will , set 'CORRESPONDENCE INVITED February Specialists in diseases of Skin, Blood, Nerves, Bladder aud Special Ail. a Sdviaable ir 3 Ib : m send history for free opinion pay bi vice. Question biank and book DRS. SOPER & WHITE 36 Toronto Street, Torente, Ont. S. J. WILSON, Member Dominion Exchange, Ltd. "Right of Way" will soon declare BIBBY'S IIIA Suit Prices ; Seits $525.04 830 £ FRAN HAAN HHH NAAAIN ANNAN = > AHA HH HAHAH their quarterly dividend; at present price it yields 353 per cent. Suits, 14 King St. East. "Phone Main 4228, Toronto, Ont. W. P. O'BRIEN, Single and Fine Domestic Tweeds in new Double Breasted styles. the same models as our more expensive ones. $10.00 shades and new patterns Sizes, 34 to 44. Cut after 57 St. Francois Xavier St,' : MONTREAL, Membe MONTREAL STOCK EXGHANGE Long Distance Telephone Main 6936 CORRESPONDENCE ' SOLICITED. News From Philipsville. Philipsville, Feb. 11.-Samuel Far- din . was called to Ogdensburg, on Suits, Greys, Pin Dot Cheviots, etc Sizes, 34 to 46. $12.00 Nobby Suits of English Tweeds, Dark Browns, Greens, Mixed § Splendidly tailored. Smart styles account of the serious illness of his mother. Mrs. Arvin Brown is under the doctor's care. Mrs. Maria Philips put , her shoulder out of commission, while dressing. The doctor was call ed in and reduced the fracture. George Whitmore, an old resident in his seventy-eighth year, passed over to the silent majority. The body was placed in the Elgin vault. In the Suits, Fine English extra special. Sizes, 34 to 44. Worsteds, new shades of Greeus, Greys, plain and rich pattern effects, $15.00 Browns and 1911 models Something AANA ~ spring his remains will be laid beside those ob his wife, who predeceased him six years ago, Mrs. Anna Shire is having the<ma- terial for a residence placed on the lot she purchased on College street, It will be rushed to completion as soon as the weather will admit. Will. iam and Michael Kennedy, H, Putnum and Charles Hagerty went east, 'on a business trip last Friday. A large Good, roomy trousers. Sizes, 34 to 40. Suits, $18 Hand-tailored Garments, Suits that satisfy the smart dressers, hand padded collars and lapels, Nand-worked Handsome fabrics. FAEK _button holes, etc Real classy garments numer of tenant farmers are moving to try and better their conditions. A number from here attended the funer- al'of the late Mr. McIntyre, merchant, at Harlem. His remains were placed in the vault at Elgin. Blue WENTHWORTH STYLE, $15. St. Lawrence, Wolfe Island. St. Lawrence, Feb. 18.---(uite a number from this vicinity attended the AO.UW. ball, Monday night. School re-opened on February lst, with Miss Cynthia Barry as teacher. George Mo. CASTLE BRAND, $18.00. THE $22.50. Suits THE EMPEROR, £20.00, HE COUNT, AAA Donald finished some large contracts fredsing bay and moved up the is and. W. B. Kent, engaged as cheese maker in St. Lawrence factory for past eleven years, left on Wednesday with his family for Latimer, where de has purchased a large factory. Frank Elery, Pittsburgh, visited this section ™ buving horses, nard Morgan, of Ashland, Wis, visiting his father, George Morgan, St. Lawrence, return- ed home on Monday. Farmers took advantage of the good roads and ice to draw, hay, grain and timber to Kingston. On Friday evening a num- ber of voung folks drove to the resi KH dence of Mr. Cummings, Clayton, N.Y, where an enjoyable evening was spent. W. Dixon, Depauville, N.Y., spent a fow days visiting Capt W. ors Mr. Dixon was Shi of Wolfe Is- land and is doing well across the line. Ardoch Boy Broke Leg. . Ardoch, Feb. 16.--A sad accident oc. curred here a few days ago, when Alcide Jenneirt's little boy, Wiliord, fell down stairs and broke his leg. He is doing very nicely. John Bourk and Mrs. R. M. Munro are ill. A num- ber of the young people here, apent an enjoyable evening at W. Wagrn's on the ld4th. D. Geddes has. returned to hix work here, after spending a short time at his home in Elphen. The Chandler and Jones trams are drawing logs from Mr. Weber's to the Mississippi river. Victor Maclean has returned home, alter visiting. Snow Road. Visitors: Mrs. R. G. Watkin, (at BR. M. Munro's; Mr. and Mrs. Will iam Johnson and Miss M. Webster, at William A. Miller's; Mrs. J. B. Me. Kenly and little son, Howard, at Matthews MacLean'sy A. 0. Yeomans $1.25 and $1.00 lines, 69¢. 40¢. Te hes Have you entered the contest, > SALE OF SHIRTS, SALE SHIRTS, 76c des for The H.D. The Big Store With Little s CHF F FRR 0000000000000 0000000000000000000000000000000 Bar Solder, Bafbitt Metal and aft Ingel Metals NECKWEAR SALE, B0¢ qualities for 28¢. EAHA Eh AAAI HH HHSC Bibby Co 3 * * + A i : CASH PRIZES Amounting to $1,380.00 will be given to collectors of RANGE MEAT CARTON BOTTOMS, and are you busy collecting? Send post card to Orange Meat, Kingston, for circular giving detalls Orange Meat and Milk is a Perfect Food 1 diate expenditure of $25,000, perhaps. were 1,730 pupil-students in attend- | taining, but there must be an imme 'them well on the way towards becom- £50,000. The small city that wants] BOWES: | nL Fed i Sgiiit---- the luxury of a street railway must A Conflict Between the People. : Hamilton Herald at W. Wageorn's; J. Godkins and William McCormick, of Plevna, stayed over night, at R. G. Watkins, on their way to Clarendon. At Chaffey's Lock, Chaffey's Locks, Feb. 4. -William Kerrstish Ais moving, this week, from the. farm to the Mill residence here. has sold the most of his fatm stock by 'ate sale, to Mr. , of manogque, J, E. | O'Brien, Montreal, is ex here in a few days, to settle with the C.N.R, company for the right of way over his property. The rest of the property owners of this section have been set- tld with good satisfaction with the C.N.R. company. J. K. Jordan, wife and child are to leave, in a few days, Jor Southern Alpaca, whte be will he yed of bri buildi the vineial government. J. FE and M. Brockville, are visiti in this section, before fet uraing to land, Ohio. Miss ler has re turned from Leeland. The watered stock bill was killed in the Ontario legislature. . CASTORIA For Infants and Children. To id Ye Bo We are headquarters. THE CANADA METAL COMPANY, LIMITED. OFFICE: 31 WILLIAM STREET, INTO. $00000000000000000000000000000000000000000 e®0000000 ®s000even Michea), at whose home Mr hemp passed away; James CO, Bufia lo; Margaret A. (Hitchinson), of Thousand Island Park; Amos, Kings tom; William, Hannah (Friend), and Mdria (Kenney), ail of Wolfe Isiamd The funeral took place from Mrs Mickon's, to Trinity church, on Tues Jday, Bev. Walter Cox Officiating belig of Frank R Arnold, Nagk, this daughter was lured away while fu Fifth avenue, kid- andl afterwards murdered. Her body, he believes, was disposed of to concen] the crime WOLFE ISLANDER'S DEATH. (Mrs. Kemp Passed Away on Sunday Last. Wolie Island, Feb. 21.--About_ 12.30 ¢, February 19th, there James C. country when he was sixteen years age, in the year 1837. His first home was in Kingston. Four years later be the island and settled on the rest

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