" THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 22, 1911, Wah Long's Laundry First.clase w Susranteed. Drop me a card and a PROTON at and Clazence Sta THE CURSE OF THE NATION 18 CONSTIPATION "Fruit-a-tives" Alone Cures This Disease A famous scientist states that Consti- pation, or non-actionof the bowels causes more deaths than all other diseases combined. Constipation T¥iflames the Kidneys, ruins digestion, is the found- ation of Rheumatism, poisons the blood, causes Headaches, Neuralgia, Nervous- ness and Insomnia, Constipation is caused by a weak or sluggish liver. Bile, the only purgative of the body, is secreted by the liver, which in turn should pour out into the intestines sufficient bile to move the bowels. Unless the liver is active, there cannot be enough bile to move the bowels regularly, and Constipation is the result. *'Fruit-a-tives", the famous fruit me. dicine, will always cure Constipation becanse it acts directly on the liver-- relieves the congestion--increases the quantity of bile--and strengthens the bowel muscles. soc. a box, 6 for $2.50, or trial size, 25¢. At all dealers, or from Fruit-a-tives Limited, Ottawa. \ ------ ee eee LIST YOUR PROPERTIES NOW FOR SALE OR TO RENT SALES NEGOTIATED. RENTS COLLECTED. FIRE INSURANCE. : CONVEYANCING AND REAL ESTATE, E.Blake Thompson, OVER NORTHERN CROWN BANK. MARKET 'Phone 286. . KINGSTON, 0 our 'sundry. tween H PARKS & SO Florists --RiL Fine, All kinds of Cut Flowers ard Plane in season. Wedding and Funeral signs a speciaity shipped to all parts iis King Street BIBBY'S CAR STAND DAY OR NIGHT Phone ' 2vu1 Highest Grades GASOLINR. OOAL OIL. LUBRICATING OIL FLOOR OIL. GREASE, ETO. PROMPT DELIVERY. W.F. KELLY, Qlarence and Ontario Streets, UARE, « Nothing Better Than Our {Cream Caramels Purest of their kind. Have you tried them ? SAKELL'S exis. Spore fiouse. Poeevi «.YOur Afternoon Tea... is not complete without Ice Cream. Order early from WHAT /HIG CORRESPONDENTS TELL US. The Tidings From Various Points in Eastern Ontario--What People Are Doing and What They Are Saying: Death of a Child, Wolfe Island, Feb. 20.--Seldom has the death of a little child éaused such sincere sorrow as tat caused by the death of little Bernice, youngest daugh- ter of Mr, and Mrs. Williaa MacAdoo, of Wolfe Island, and granddaughter of Mrs. William MacAdoo, of Pittsburg. She was a sweet little child, who won her way into the hearts of all. Items From Althorpe. Althorpe, Feb. 21.--Frederick Dow- dell left for his home in Saskatchewan and took a car of horses with him. John Ritchie, of Bolingbrooke, took a car for Thomas Devlin, Perth. The car goes wo Regina. Lorne Fourniet sold a fine black team. Mr. and Mrs. R. Baldersou spent Sunday here. Mr. and Mrs. A. Watson spent an after: noon at Althorpe. Misses Gertie an Rena Norris have gone to Westport. On February 10th, born to Mr. and Mrs. John Dowdell, a daughter. Allisonville Meeting. Allisonville, Feb. 185.--The scarlet chapter held its annual meeting here, on Tuesday, Installation of officers was followed by an oyster supper. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Thomas gave a large party on Monday night. His sister, Mrs. Stephen Levens, of Well ington came therd on Sunday spend a few days. Royal Hicks and kk. Marvine are cutting ice for Mr. Ketcheson and W. Hubbs. H. A. Me Faul is slowly improving, after a month's illness of pneumonia. E. A. Calnan is able to be out after an attack of grippe. Plevna Personals. Plevna, Feb. 19. --Rev. F. returned from Toronto, where spent the past four weeks. Rev. C. and Mrs. Huyck spent part of last week at the north end of his mission. Mrs. L. aring is quite well again and able to he out. Mr. and Mrs. W White, Ardoch, at her mother's, Mrs L..»Kring"s. Mrs. F. Kellar, Mr. and Mrs. M. Kellar, all of Picton, at J. | Godkin's; Messrs. Godkin, McCommick and Kellar spent last Sunday at | Fernleigh; Mrs. M. J. Clement, at Mrs. | Woods', he Maribank Notes. i Marlbank, Feb. 21.--F. Hughes is spending the week-end at Strathcona Station. A. C. Whiteman is painting and repairing his house. A number of the villagers are getting in ice. There was a small rebellion at the cement works, in which Arthur Mason was badly injured. Visitors: Miss Gladys Waddingham and Ralph Thompson, at George Mower's; George Mowers, Jr.. is home from Toronto for a few days. Mrs, Joseph Morgan is at her father's, W.J. Wilson. Tan Frizzell is visit ing his parents at Kingsford, Miss Gladys Carscallen - was here to-day, calling on friends. At Brewer's Mills, Brower's Mills, Feb. 20.--A number from here attended the races at Bat tersea. Miss Lizzie Smith was taken PRICE'S 277 Princess St. v Phone 845 ane ~ |FRESH CELERY Big Large Heads 10c. Each. Large Firm Cranberries, 15¢c. per qt. Sunkist Oranges and Lemons, Grape Fruit at all prices. R. H. TOYE, 2% Xin Peovsesssacse St 141 ened i .MARMALADE ¢ BITTER ORANGES FLORIDA GRAPE FRUIT SEEDLESS LEMONS SUNKIST ORANGES and SPOONS 4 166 Mess SL. A. J. REES, Pu 5 A Great Investment Offering For Homeseekers eo Olive Tadd, at J. Dillon's; -F. Price, nieces of Mr to St. Vincent de Paul hospital, at Brockville, on Thursday last to un- dergo an operation for appendicitis. Recent visitors: Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Dier and © Miss Winnie Dier, Warbur ton, at P, Milne's; Miss Annie ('Brien, Elgin, at J. Smith's; V. Fisher and Miss Hazel Orr, Woodburn, at Mrs, W. Fisher's; Mrs. A. Milne and child- ren, Kingston, have returned home after visiting friends here; B. J. Mur ray, at J. Tierney's, Seeley's Bay; . Smith, at J. Boyle's, Taylor; Miss Mrs. J. Sutherland and son, Charles, at Mrs. E. Hagarty's; W. Murray made a busi ness. trip to the city recently Arden Couple Honored. Arden, Feb. 18.--At the: residence of Thomas Andrew, J.P, on the even- ing of Feb. 14th, being his eightieth birthday, Mrs. L. L. Price Mrs. J, Andrew, with their husbands, and D. A. Osborne and wife, met for the purpose of hav- ing a social evening with the aged couple who (both eighty years old) are held in high esteem. After con. gratulations Mrs. L. P. Price served a sumptuous repast in honor of Mr. and Mre. Andrew. Afterwards Mrs. Osborne rendered several musical se lections, 'as did also Mr. Andrew. The party broke up about eleven o'clock, wishing Friend Andrew and wife, who are both quite hale and hearty, the best that earth cap. ai- ford in their old age. Mallorytown News. Mallorytown, Feb, 20.--Eghert Mal- lory has been kept busy using the snow plough on the roads. The hoe key match played Thursday at Rock- port, resulted 1 to 2, in favor of Mal lorytown. Many on Wed ay went to Brockville to see the hockey match between Westport and Brockville. Eg- bert Mallory was at Athens on Wed. v. George Guild still keeps to his room because of sickness. His mother is also sick. Mr. and Mrs William Poole, of Poole's Resort, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Jordan on February 4th. The L.O.L. lodge, of Escott, on the night of February 14th, gave an oyster supper to ite x Several from here attended. Jerome Buell, of Lee Valley, Algoma, visited at William Clurk's, last week. Mrs. Laura (Guild is very ill. GRAND TRUNK PACIFIC.--Townsite Lots at Rivers, Watrous, Crystal . Springs, Totleld, Edson and Scott. CANADIAN PACIFIC Land, irrigated, at Bow River and within a radius | of from five to one hundred miles of Edmonton, Alberta. : NATURAL RESOURCES--Lots in Fort George and Fruit Lands at Bisque and Okanagan Valley. B.C, and farm land surrounding. Lots in Weyburn, Saskatoon. Regina, Moosejaw, and Farm Lands in Sas- katchewan. x = "Full particulars will be given on any of the above properties by \ At Kaladar Station. Kaladar Station, Feb. 21.--Mrs. boy Harton and children, of Dey New. Ontario, are spending a days with Mr. and Mrs. Henry All port. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Pickeri and Miss NEWS OF NEIGHBORS A Reasonable Plea to | Hornby | | recommendations {Cahada. They are the most popular |pepsia, water brash, insomnia, loss of tnre {10 man or child. For The Stomach far Your Stomach is Lacking in Di- gestive Power, Why Not Help the | Stomach Do Its Work--Es. pecially When It Costs No- thing to Try? Not with drugs, but with a {forcement of digestive agents, such lds are naturally at work in the sio- {mach ? Ocientinc analysis shows thai | digestion. requires pepsin, nitrogenous |terments, anu the secretion of nydro- !chloric acid. When your food fails jto digest it is proof positive that isome of these agents are lacking in 'your digestive apparatus. {| Stuart's dyspepsia Tablets contain {nothing but these natural elements {necessary to digestion and when plac- jed at work in the weak stomach and {small * intestines, supply what these organs need. They stumulate the gas- tric glands and gradually bring the digéstive organs back to their normal condition. { Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets have subjected to critical chemical | tes at home and abroad and are {found to contain nothing but natural digesiives. \hemical Laboratory. Telegraphic address *'Diffindo," London. Telephone No. 11029 Central. 20 Cullum St. Fenchurch St., EU, = London, 9th Aug, 1905, I have analyzed most carefully box of Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets {which 1 bought myself at a city chemist's shop for the purpose), man- ufactured by the F. A. Stuart Co, {86 Clerkenwell Koad, London, E.C., jund. have to report that I cannot ting any trace of vegetable or mineral poi hnowing the ingredients of the tablets I am of opinion that they {are admirably adaptable for the pur- {pose for which they are intended. (Signed. ) & i John R. Brooke, F1.C., F.C.S. { There is no secret in the prepara- tion of Stuart's Dyspepsia I'ablets. 1 heit composition is commonly known (among physicians, as i shown by the of 40,000 licensed physicians in the United States and ren a fons, of all remedies for indigestion, dys- appetite, melancholia, constipation, dysentery and Kindred diseases origi- nating from improper dissolution and assimilation of foods, because they thoroughly reliable and harmless Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets are at once a safe and a powerful remedy, one grain of these tablets being strong enough (by test) to digest 3- 000 grains of steak, eggs and other foods. Stuart's Dyspepsia . Tablets will digest vour food for vou when vour stomach can't. Ask your druggist for a package or send to us direct for a free trial sample package and ; vou will be surprised 'at the result. F. A. Stuart Co., 150 Stuart Bldg., Mar fifty-cent ------ Institute, addressed the meetings. An egg association was formed for the | purpose of selling the eggs fresh, thus | getting better prices. The Ameliasbury | band gave a fine entertainment in the ! hall ol the 15th. Mr. Morden has taken the place of Mr: Mackenzie, at the bank. B. 0. Frederick gave an address at the Sunday school eon: | vention at' Consecon. A dozen of the farmers of this community are haul- ing wood from Mr. Gregg Titus swamp. Mr. Drury is to speak to the farmers club, on the 22ud inst. Mr Mackenzie, late' banker at Amelias- burg, leaves for bis new home, at Kelowna; B.C., where he has bought a fruit farm. Gregg Titus supplies the cheese factory with twenty-five cords of wood. On account of the illness of Miss lochlin, Victoria school is with- out a teacher. Crow Lake Budget. Crow Lake, Feb. 2]1.--The recent snow storm blocked the roads entire ly. To get the mail through & num- ber turned out and shovelled the road. The youngsters who contem- plated taking in the box social at Maberly were greatly disappointed in not getting there on account of the snow banks. A Jew peddier nearly ruined his horse plunging him through to Sharbot Lake. The Bob's Lake Snowshoe Club had a tramp Mon- day evening and after their jaunt were entertained at lunch at the home of J. W. Knapp. Mr. and Mrs. S. Middleton visited their daughter. Mr. and Mrs. William Marrs, Portland, had a very tedious journey on their re turn home Or account of the bad roads. John W. Knapp attended the Reform association meeting in King- ston on Saturday last. Mr. and Mrs. William Anderson spent Sunday at Burridge. Harry McVeigh, Oso, is at his' uncle's, Joseph Mc\Veigh's. Mrs. Eliza Jack, who is over ninety vears old, walked from 5. Jones" to I. W. Knapp's one day last week, Very few would complete the jour ney as quickly as she did. Mr. Brad ley, Smith's Falls, and J. E. Irwin, of Sharbot Lake, paid a visit to Middleton's recently. Mr. Reid, P.8 I., visited the school on the 17th He thinks the section is improving greatly as the school flourishes a bell, a clock and globe as well as several other improvements. oS An Event at Graham. Graham, Feb. 18.--J. A. Ferguson, proprietor of Aberdeen cheese fac tory, held his annual milk meeting last Neaneésday evening. School is pro- ressing tavorably under the manage ment of Miss LL. Warren, Rockfield. A pleasant evening was spent at the nome of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Hunt, Sa- turday evening, the occasion being a farewell tendered to them as they are leaving for Brockville in the near future. A fine supper,was served. A pleasant feature was the presentation of a parlor rocker to Mr. and Mrs. Hunt, The gift was accompanied by an address, read by Mrs. A: W. Lada, sr. and Mrs. Hunt carry with them to their new home the best wishes of their many friends. A number of the young people attended the ball shall, Mich. of the Carman house, was an over. Sunday visitor at her home in North- book, ! { Cushendall Tidings. Cushendall, Feb. 21 --On Saturday, | James Greenlee had a bee drawing pressed hay to the eity. Thomas Hy- | wand also had a bee drawing home| hay from another farm above King- ston. The- furnace for the new Eng lish church was shipped to Rideau Station this week and drawn down to be placed in the basement. Mrs. R. Henderson's many friends are pleased to hear she is improving since being removed to hospital." W. Ahearn, who has been under the doe: tor's care for some time, is also re- sovering. Mrs. (i. Ward is visiting her two. sons, David and William, in Mon- treal. Miss L. Pyke, Walla Island, is visiting Mrs. Wo Hyland, sr. Miss McNeely has returned to Willetsholme after visiting at J. Weir's. G. Greer, Kingston, at A. Germain's. H. Peck, who has spent the winter with his parents, has returned to Hamilton: Junetown Jottings. Junetown, Feb, 21. --Jerome Herbi- son, of Redmond, N.Y., is the guest of his 'mother, Mrs. M. G. Herbison. R I. McGibhie spent the week-end at his home in Athens. Miss Grace Herbison has returned from a few weeks' visit with Brockville friends. Begumont Cornell, Escott, was, on Sunday last, an guest of B. 1. McGhie. Rev. Mr Kelly, Lansdowne, who preached anni- versary Services in Caintown, was the guest over Sunday at Thomas Frank: lin's. N. Kelly, Escort, made a busi ness trip through here on Tuesday last. Miss Nettie 'Herbison, Fairfield East, is visiting here this week. Mrs. M. Scott and Miss A. Earle, of Lynd hurst, spent a few days.last week the est of Mrs. William Flood. William une has moved to his new home at Athens. Mr. and Mrs. Walton Shef- field, Athens, visited her parents, Mr., and Mrs, Jacob Warren, last week. Z. Purvis spent Saturday last in Brock-| ville. ! At Mountain View. Mountain View, Feb. 13. --The farm ers' Club met' last night, © Mr. Me Vannell, of the Picton Agricultural Once a day if only for one minute every woman and every man toe, for that matter, ought to rub' the scalp vi- {logs | detained from school on Wednesday owing to the condition of the er's. er, in Mallorytopn. Farmers are hauling to thé mill. Miss Warren was roads, Friday Abe, Mrs. Bolton gave a party evening in honor of her son, und bride. Mrs. H. Hogeboom, Qua. bin, is visiting her sister. Mrs. R Edgley. B. Ferguson was a visitor at Frederick Ferguson's over Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. P. Hunt and daughter, Helen, spent Sunday at J. J. Leed- The marriage of Andrew Leed- of Trevelyan, and Miss Mami Flood, of Lillies, is announced to take place in St. James' church, Trevelyan, on Feb. 2lst. Miss C. Leeder, of Athens high school, spent Sunday at her home here. Joycerilly Budget. Joyceville, Feb, 20, Farmers are predicting an early spring as several wootchucks were seen during the past week. Maple Leal cheese factory is holding its cheese meeting, Monday evening, to make arrangements for the coming season. essrs. J, 8S, McCarey and Stunce Murphy are ill with grippe. On account of the severity of the weather, L. J. Joyve's dance was post poned till February 27th. Many gret that Rev. W, . McAndrew in tends leaving here in April. The trus tees have equipped the school with a set of maps and some library books Dame Rumor says there will he two brides here in the near future I'he pages of the Daily Whig are cagerly scanned by the villagers, who ar anxious to see the atvitade oi leading men towards reciprocity. The farmers wore a broad smile when it was learned that the bill had passed congress. They hope our parliament will do likewise. The hockey club does not appear to stand in favor with the weather man and consequently they experience much difficulty in keep ing their rink open. Visitors : , Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Donnelly, and Leo nard at P. Joyee's; L. Woods at A Donaldson's, Brockville; Mr. and Mis L. J. Joyce, at M. J. Shortell's, Brew; er's Mille. J. Norris, Kingston, at J, McCarey's; Mr. and Mrs. W. Franklin and Helen at James Atkinson's; J. P. McCarey at J. Martin's, Cushendall; Mr. 'and Mrs. P. Joyce and Stance and Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Murphy at G. Patterson's, Mount Chesney; Mr. and Mrs. W. Woods at H. Toners, Whitmount. » re- very the Expert Advice on Hair Culture How to Stop Falling Hair and Drive Away Dandruff. T hair, and so sure is it to give the limit of satisfaction that J. B. Me guarantees Parisian Sage to abolish dandruff, to stop falling hair and itching scalp, or refund your money. . Parisiap Sage is free from gredse jand stickiness and once used will nev- be displaced by any of the ordinary commercial hair tonics A large bottle costs but 50e. at J, B. MNeleod's and druggists every where. The girl with the Auburn hair is on every package. Mail orders fill- ed, charges prepaid, by Giroux Mig. Co., Fort Erie. Ont. "I have weed Parisian Sage for some time and think it has po equal as a hair beautifier jer Mex. William. CONOMY was our ideA when we in- vented OXO Cubes. Don't pay for water nor for bottles -- get: the Cubes. They hold all the nourishing and stimulating properties of rich beef. Sold in Ting containing 4 and 10 Cubes. Two Free Samoles sent on receipt of 20. stamp to pay postage end packing. OXO is also packed in botties for People whe prefer it in fuid form. 25 Lombard SL Toroute. € Oommen M. The most delicious of chocolate confections. They stand alone in 'their smoothness, richness and unique flavor. Insist on having COWAN'S. Name and design patented and registered. THE COWAN CO. LIMITED. TORONTO. ---------------------------- ee] "A Household. Necessity." Parker's ERADICATOR For Cleaning Clothing, Coat Collars, Carpets, Silk Upholsterad Furniture, Gloves, Laces, Kid Belts, Kid Slippers, Babies' Bootees, Tan Shoes and Canvass Shoes. For Removing Grease, Paint, Dirt Spots, Tea and Coffee Stains, Ete. SOLD ONLY AT REID & CHARLES A Real Lung Tonic There are many. prepar- ations that will relieve a cough --few that will cure it. The first class, containing such drugs as Opium and Mor- phine, simply deadenm the irritation and stop the cough, but do little or no permanent good. "Father Morrisey's No. 10" does not contain a trace of these dangerous drugs, but is an absolutely safe and scientific preparation of Nature's own remedies--¥erbs, Roots and Balsams. It entirely removes the irritation that caused the cough, by cleaning out the mucus, stopping the inflammation and healing the delicate membrane of throat and lungs. Moreover, it tones up and strengthens the whole system, particularly the lungs, and protects against future coughs and colds. Trial size 25c. per bottle. Regular size soc. At your dealer's. 23 Father Morrisey Medicine Co. Ltd. Chatham, N.B. : Our Shoe Business Sold and guaranteed in Kingstonhv Jas. B., McLeod. Is... Growing 'Wonderfully . : . We're trying hard enoug) to make it grow After all the only thing that has any effect is the Shoes and Prices making it pay people to $5 Shoes Asking for business does y good come here--that's the way we ret business See Our Men's $4 and Velour Calf dnd Colt Skins deal Shoes, every pair of them See Our Women's 3$ and $4 Shoes It's such Footwear as this that builds wits new friends for us daily CL HSY THE HOME OF GOOD SHOES our reputation and