Sickness is usually caused by the accu- mulation of waste within the body. Dr. Morse's Indian Root Pills, enable the bowels, the kidneys, the lungs and the pores of the skin to throw off these * impurities. Thus they prevent or cure dis ease. 25¢. a box. OUR BEAVER BRAND "Of Flour is upexcelled for bread or pastry. Price is moderate. Me MACLEAN, Ontario Btreet. iw v Soranenens "evra WM. MUKKAY, Auctioneer. Lora dnies an, 20 2 Sets ir farmer: wash or, get my services. ARB MARKET BQU. PO0000000000OCOIOOIOIOIOIVS Wood, Lumber, Shingles SMES, N. JACKSON, PLACE IVARMES, Residence, 280 Street. 'Phone No. 1019. 0000000000000 0000000 FOR. Health Drink McCarthey's Ale and Porter. It's the best. . Agent, R. J. LAWLER THOMAS COPLEY, PrHoNE 987. Drop & eard to 19 Pine Street when wanting anything done in the Carpen- ter line. 'Estimates given on all kinds of repairs and new work also, Hardwood Floors of all kinds. All orders will receive prompt attention. Bhep, 40 Queen Btreet, iage Painting u want your Carri s to look oar won," leave them with us. an ad a carriages and go-carts en- amelled In all latest tints. - E. J. DUNPHY, Cor. Montreal and Ordnance Streels. | THE AMERICAN CAFE 183 Wellington St. The abi dnte Restaurant snd House, Separate ePpertments. Well lurnished our full eourse dinner, Try Thos GUY Prop How to Stop Drinking X was formerly customary for the habitual drinker to take the pledge re- u es Ounce a year, and n every fit of remorse that a his debauches, and then-- t now it is the world that pledges do not stop 3 enness, e nervous system of the habitual drinker is diseased and he have treatment that will this condition. Orrine does benefit after a trial. we refund money. Can be given secretly Wri for free booklet on Alcohol ism §0 the Orrine Co. Orrine Building, ington, D.C. Mail sealed in pla pe. Orrine costs but $1 r hox. ' Sold in this city by G. W. alood, cor. Bagot and Princess Sts ® » * * » ® ® » ® ¥ radually dawning on cure not Your D000 0000000000000000 o KINGSTON COLLEGE s » ° Highest Education at LowesiCost" : Ran Jo Chamea'me Keeping, Shorthal Tele-® ¥, arf Service and i 3 in secured eo a ort Both, rallway Canada. Enter ° Sl Ora riit £0 informa $ FF limitear * ° Kingston, Canada. ° ®o0ssessce 000000000000 FOR BALD HEADS A Treatment That Costs Nothing if time with ® cor NEWS OF NEIGHBORS WHAT WHIG CORRESPONDENTS TELL, US. The Tidings From Various Points in Eastern Ontario---What People Are Doing and What They Are Saying. , Notes From Flinton. | Flinton, Feb: 22.--The Flinton Milling Co. is doing & rushing. busi- tiéss drawing logs. Some of the logs are big fellows. Three trips a day dre inade, making thirty miles in all fhe roads are full of pitchholes. Mrs. Sidney Stapeley, of Havelock, ill at her father's, of pneumonia. The little daughter of Edward Nolen is very sick with scarlet "Jever. School is pro- gressing under the able management of Miss Lake and Mrs, Drier. Notes From Florida. Florida, Feb. 23.-J. E. Peters . is spending a few days in Watertown. Herbert Townsend, 'Kepler, has leased Mrs, O. Babock's farm. The roads in Portland township are in terrible state. W. L. Storms, wife and daugh- ter, spent a few days in Inverary, last week, H. Curl and grandmother are at Yarker, at the bedside of his broth- er, who is very ill. Z. Hunter and family have moved to this neighbor- hood. They lived in Watertown for a number of years and have come to re- side with Mr. Hunter's parents. Doings at Flower, Flower, Feb. 23.--Mrs, Sergant, Mrs, Ryder and Mrs. Thompson, Snow Road, spent a few days with Mrs. James Love, this week. John T. Love and Miss Minnie made a trip to Cala- bogie, yesterday. Thomas Cameron has returned home from the shanuy, where he has been working all winter. Messrs. Deachman and Love are haul- ing pulp and poles to Flower, for shipment. Stephen McGonegal is still on the sick list. W. St. Pere cuv his foot rather badly last week. Austin Shields has returned from Renfrew. Wilkinson Wafts. Wilkinson, Feb. 22.--The farmers are hauling wood. The euchre party held in the young men's hall at Carman- ville was a great success. Thomas Moran has returned home after spend- ing a few months with his sister, Mrs. McMahon. Born to Mr. and Mrs. Mar- tin Kennedy, a son. Martin Donevan and sister, Richmond, are spending a few days in this vicinity. Mrs. J P. Finn has returned home after spen- ding two weeks with her mother, Mrs, John Evans, Moscow. School is pro- gressing favorably under the manage- ment of Miss E. Sullivan, -- At Lake Opinicon. Lake inicon, Feb. 22.--The pat- rons of the factory held their annual cheese meeting, on 'Saturday last. M. Hughson had the misfortune to lose a valuable cow. The young folks spent a pleasant time at the home of Miss A. lough, on Friday evening. Mrs. J, Linklater, who has been sick, is some- what improved. Miss Mabel Darling is spending a few days in Kingston. Mr. and Mrs. C. Ennis, are spending a few days at Mrs. E. Hughson's, Latimer. Norman Freeman has re turned, after spending a week at his home at Inverary. Miss M. Lindsay is visiting at Kepler. Mrs, I. Caird, Keel erville, is visiting her mother, Mrs, M. Stokes. Wellington Ennis, Merrick. ville, recently visited at C. Ennis'. E. Randells and family, of Perth Road, spent Sunday at J. Randell's. Wolfe Island News. Wolfe Island, Feb. 23,~The Sailors' hall, on Tuesday evening, was a grand success. There was ninety-three couples present. Davis and Russell's orchestra provided music. J. 8. Briceland, of sland House, at the village, had his ice house filled on Monday, and the Card Bros. are filling the other in the village this week, Captain Steven- son, Buffalo, and wife, are the guests of James Russell. Richard Russell is able to be around again. Oliver Haw. kins and F. Briceland attended the Watertown races. The last dance of the season will be held here, on Mon- day evening, by H. Davis, G. Russell, G. Keegan, D. Cosgrove. Grant Pyke and E. Briceland, are hauling timber from the eity for building purposes. The ice in the harbor is twentywix inches thick. ---- Former Bath Resident Dead. Bath, Feb. 23.--The concert and dance, on Monday evening, last, in the village hall, here, by the Roman © |Catholé church, was a grand soccess. The net receipts were $80. Mrs. D. T. Rowse and Miss Hattie Rowse, also Miss Marjorie Guy, left, on Th morning, for Toronto. After visiting there for a few days, Miss Rowse and tsh.@ | Miss Guy leave for Regina. Born, on Friday, February 17th, to Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Gourlay, a daughter. John Cunningham, of Milton, died, on Tuesday. The deceased was for- y a citizen of ihis place, and was labout sixty-six years old. body came, oh Thursday, to Ernesttown Station and was met bya number of members of the Bath. lodge, A.O.UW, of which lodge deceased was a mem- ber, wlio accompanied the body to the vault, -- Presentaotin at Elgin. Figin, Feb. 22.--0n Feb. 13th about fifty friends of Mr. and Mrs. Hollis Doney assembled at their home to tender a farewell to them on the eve of their ure for their new home near Guelph, where Mr. Doney has h valuable H EE Eps - A: ao . s 3h evening with songs, wile Rev. William Pearson, . Warren, EB. VY. Halladay fo San Stewart of 'the spoke words valuable services Mr. Doney has ren- dered to the community and the clock as a token which they are held ity. the esteem in by. the commun- {Rec 1911. urned home to-day, ul on the Newburgh n Belleville. nd Miss Chapman at the bride's home ou k, Ont. They near Tavistock, their home Tamworth after ist. Miss Ada Way and C. H. ure on the sick lst. A pomber Tamworth people drove to the were Wednesday, will be a March | Rose The Late James G. English.- | Dufferin, Feb. 23.--The funeral of the | late James Grant English took place | from the family residence, Dufferin, oul C home | Puesduy, to Cataragui cemetery; Rev. | of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Kilpat On€ LHW. Reede, St. John's church, Pitts night last week and presented them | ° . : i vital ice chairs and condubted the service. The pall with two beautiful rocking chairs and lp oo oo 6 od' Hav. Daniel Mo- | a nice address, before they left for] uners v harles Hay, Dani { 2 nu Th a5 a Jan oi l#un, D. 'D. Rogers, Henry Barnes, | their Dew hase. 1 ore To James Tierney and George Purcell. ! rious lo be, driving party 86 JOB ieee was am active mtbr of te | fe hus shoved into. the Karns | Presbyterian church, and since the house on Piety Hill. Samuel Shan jprestiutt of St. John , 1863, had given | non and son, were hurned ouf on { his willing support. He was 3 egy | Tuesday last. Contents were about all lar attendant until within the last five | aed. The driving party held a | years, when a slight stroke of pa Jacob Wagar's on Wednesday night [alysis caused him to withdraw from | was well attended. M. R. Reid, school {public life. But until within 2 week in or, was here to attend the | of is death, he as Soe to fully en- | : HT T v. joy his quite home life. schobl meeting, Thursda |" In his death the community loses | one of the oldest and most respected residents. His parents were among the | pioneers of Frontenac, and in the sev- | wmty-nine years of his fife, spent on the homestead, he witnessed many ad- vances of the country. Sympathy is] extended to the wife, and family, who | in i of | thurg, Barriefield News. Jarriefield, Feb. 23.--Mr. and Mrs. W. Hunter aud little son, from the jsle of Man, spent Sunday with Mrs. Norman. Mr. and Mrs, >. Saunders and little daughter, city, spent "Sun- day with Mrs. Stanmton. Mr. and | slreets j of p a farm. . Brown and G, H. Howard enlivened appetite, Mrs. W. Norman have a little baby boy to brighten their bome. Mrs. Butler's frends are glad to hear she is improving greatly. Mrs. F, 5. Dwinell, Syracuse, is visiting her mother, Mrs. G. Medley. Mr. and Mrs. N. Stanton, jr., spent Sunday with their parents, The death of Mrs. %/ Pugh has cast a gloom over the village. Although she had been ill a long time her death came as a shock. Miss Kh. Allan has returned home from Al bany, not feeling well. Miss B. Hut- ton has returned home from Water- town to visit her mother, Miss Grimshaw has returned to Toronto, after visiting Mrs. W. Hutton. T. (Green, of Chicago, was here visiting his sister, Mrs. MeNiece. ¥., At Carrying Place. Carrying Place, Feb. 22.--(reat dis- satisfaction exists m the village over the action of the government in not making an oppointment to the posi- tion of postmaster, Siuce the fire, in January, which burned the postoffice, the people have over half a mile to walk for their mail. It is understood a petition is being sent to the post- oflice department with a view of re moving this grievance. W. Flindall, of Hillier, was the guest of Rev. J. del'. Wright, on" Wednesday of this week, He ' presented the reverend gentleman with a load of oats for his horse, on behalf of the Hillier congregation, Mrs. W. H, May has ay printed invitations for a party in St. John's hall, on the 24th inst. Miss Mary May will make her debut on that occasion. The Ameliasburg band concert put on a splendid programme in the hall, here, on Friday night last. The pro- ceeds were about fifty dollars. Con- tractors from "Galt, arrived on Mon- day and pr to Consecon, and are now decorating the interior of Trimity Anglican church. A handsome altar from Montreal, costing over one hundred dollars, bas been ordered for the same edi C. Westlall, is ser- fously ill. H. W, Haye 'is very with an attack of pleurisy. A Reasonable Plea For The Stomach If Your |Stomach is Lacking in Di- gestive 'Power, Why Not Help the " Stomach Do Its Work--Es- pecially When It Costs No- thing to Try? Not with drugs, but with a forcement of digestive agents, as are naturally at work in the sio- mach * Secientitic analysis shows that digestion requires pepsin, nitrogenous ferments, and the secretion of hydro- chloric acid. When your food fails to digest it is proof positive that some of these agents are lacking in your digestive apparatus. Stuart's dyspepsia Tablets contain nothing but these natural elements necessary to digestion and when plac ed at work in the weak stomach and small intestines, supply what these organs need. They stimulate the gas- tric glands and gradually bring the digestive organs back to their normal condition. Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets bave been subjected to critical chemical tests at home and abroad and are found to contain nothing but natural digestives, Chemical Laboratory. 'Telegraphic address "Diffindo," London. Telephone No. 11029 Central. 20 Cullum St. Fenchurch St., E.C. London, 9th Aung., 1905. _ I have analyzed most carefully a box of Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets (which I bought myself at a city chemist's shop for the purpose), man- ufactured by the F, A. Stuart Co, 86 Clerkenwell Road, London, E.C€, und have to report that Iecannot find any trace.of vegetable or mineral poi- sons. Knowing the i ients of the tablets I am of opinion that they are admirably adapta! for the pur pose for which they are intended. Signed.) low J. R. rein- such N 7 'months iti es a nti EH have Jost a kind husband and father. Budget From Bongard's. Bongard's, Feb. 22.-W. J. implements. last Tuesday. Cows brought from 345 to $55. It is under stood the amount realized from sale was over $2,000, Mr, Bradley hax sold his farm to Mr, Scott, of Adol phustown, who is now taking posses sion. Miss Grace Pierce, confined to To- ronto hospital with infantile paralysis, was brouh} to her home. Her condi- tion is shightly amproved. Mrs. Roby ert Bongard is recovering after an at- tack of pleurisy. Mr. and Mrs. R. Harrison, who have spent several months in California, have returned. H. Caranahan, of High Shore, has pur- chased J. Bradley's farm, and has taken possession. The social evening given by the Epworth League on Fri- day, proved a great success. B. LE. recent guests at P. C. David's. Mrs. James Bradley was suddenly called to Trenton on account of the illness Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Bongard and daughter spent Sunday last at Cherry Valley. V. Stevens has purchased farm in Cressy. Misses Stella and Rosa Eaton, of Picton Collegiate, were at their home over Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Bongard, Picton, who have been visiting their daughter, Mrs, Harrison, have returned to town. Flossie Bradley has been visiting grandparents, Mr, and Mrs. J. ley. A number in this vicinity are with grippe. Mrs. J. R. Bongard, who had the misfortune to break her arm, has quite recovered. S. A. Tobey and wife visited at Cherry Valley recently. Allan Harrison spent a few days hire this week. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Lea- vitt. and family spent Sunday at (George Storms'. THE LATE J. D. McENTIRE. Deceased Was an Orangeman Sixty-six Years. Hirlem, Feb. 22.--The announcement, good health for many years, bis great ambition kept him up and around. ceived a few weeks ago, so took care of his horse and fed her for the last time on Tuesday evening, the 14th, and had just returned to fell stricken with paralysis and ous for a short time when his was holding his hand. He pressed her hand several times as token of parting love. away that night at midnight. ternoon, to the Methodist church. this place. The Elliott, took taking for his text, Hebrews xii, 29 to Westpori The funeral was conducted by the Or- deceased was a devoted member. 1844, at Escott Mills. Althoug to celebrate his that order. He was born at Escott Mills, January %h, 1829, and celebrated his eighty-second birthday on January 9th. Mr. McEntire was man for the late W. H. sixty-sixth and favorably known. After the death of his first wife, in reside. Om February 3rd, lage, and for a number of years ing neighbor. He worker in the Methodist. church, until he became feeble. He leaves to mourn a wile, two soms and two daughters, viz. : James S., of Westport; J B., of Gananoque; Mrs, W. M. Shaw, of Vancouver, B.C; Mrs, S. 0. Sherratt, of Port Arthur; besides grandchildren and great-grandchildren. . A Grievance Disposed Of. Edmonton Bulletin, » ern to agninst the Dominion ment with the story that those whom seed grain had been were being unduly minister of the : ¥ fet 2 Bradley, { P of Picton, had a ale of his stock and | : : . «| preparation: of the musical ritual HAVESPLENDID MUSIC CHOIR FROM ABBEY, ST. PAUL'S AND OTHER PLACES. New Anthems Prepared--Old Lone don Will be Made Beautiful With Lights and Decorations. At the approaching coronation no less than ¥1,000,000 will be spent on the day and night decorations of the of the metropolis by public bodies and busigess firms, 'not to men- tion private enterprise. Judging by the enthusiasm with which the decora- fos | tion schemes have already been taken up, the far from lovely city of London will be almost transformed. While the details of the plans have not sheen definitely * settled, certain leading features of the gemeral scheme decoration have virtually heen adopted. It is probable the city will be divided into sections, with magni ficent arches at the entrance to each division, The streets of the west end through which the coronation proces: {sions will pass will be lined with rows. of Venetian with floral garlands, and topped by flags representing all portions of the em- ire. Gratifying progress is reported in the ot As already an- masts, connected the coronation service. the | nounced, the musical programme will follow closely that at the coronation of King Edward VIL, with a few notable additions. There will be a larger choir and also a larger band than at the coronation of the late king. The singing will number almost five hundred, and the instrumentalists probably one hundred. The nucleus of the choir will natural- lv be the Westminster Abbey singers, | who will be reinforced hy the choirs of | st. i Royal, St. | Harrison and wife, of Waupoos, were | | band, the of | her sister, Mrs. Jones. Mrs. J. Shep-| ard entertained on Tuesday evening. | . . Pp Fuesday | ritual will pe | honored il | them a break will be made, so for| last Wednesday morning, of the sudden | from He was improving after the fall he re- | and the the winners that he |here, on Saturday. Seeley's Bay and I the provinces, 3 | Frederick Bridge, Sir Paul's cathedral, the George's Chapel at Wind- sor, and drafts from the choirs of Rochester cathedral, and other sources The orchestra, in which the trumpeters will have conspicuous part, will be made up of i from the king's private orchestra of the Royal | Choral Society, and the Kneller Hall School. of Military Music, The chief features of the musical be the anthems specially for the occasion by Sir Walter Parratt, and Sir George Martin, the (hree | greatest organmists of England, Sic | Frederick Bridge probably will be se {lected to compose the anthem which will signalize the entrance of the Chapel | musigans mposed Misg | royal party into Westminster Abbey. This recalls an interesting and .time- Midway. in the an- 1 that | the hoys of Westminster school may {exercise their anvient privilege of greet- ling their majesties by shouting *'Vivat Maria," "Vivat custom, Rex Geor- | Regina igius."" LAND IS BEING BOUGHT the Newboro District C.N.R. . | Newboro, Feb. 22.--Representatives the Canadian Northern raflway were through this district, last week, buying the right of way. They paid 20 to $40 an acre for the land In by the | | | 1 death * of John Devenport McEntire, | from Chafiey's Locks to Portland. of Harlem, was a great surprise to his | many friends. Although not enjoying Hockey League, in Elgin, on Monday, At » meeting of the. Leeds County | Westport and Athens were ordered wo play off in Brockville, on Wednesday, play Newboro, [lei will play off in Brockville also {on Wednesday, and the winners play \ the | the winmers of the Newboro game, pro- house for a few minutes when he 'Was 'bably on Brockville rink, March lst. gt The dispute over the floor. He never spoke after, Hut [will not be settled he appeared to become slightly conseci- | meeting. wife gently | with grippe. u | spending the He passed | Delta. the Penwarden cup until some future George Bilton continues seriously ill Miss Lucy Dormer is week at her home in Dr. Preston, who has been ser- { ously ill for some time, is recovering The funeral was held, last Friday af- slowly. of | pastor, Rev. D. D. [farewell party at Robert Polk's, last charge of the service, Friday evening A number from here attended the Nr. next week, to the Polk will move, vicinity of Kings- H. Dancy, Elgin, assisted in the ser- ton, where he" has purchased a farm. vice. The remains were taken to Elgin | M. Grant, Bedford Mills, has vault. Afterwards they will be moved led Mr. Polk's urchas- farm, and will move cemetery for interment. onto it next week. J. A. Morfarty, who has been home angemen of Elgin lodge, of which the [from Ottawa normal school, owing to ches He illness, has almost entirely recovered joined the Orange order on July 12th, jand expects to return in a few days, feeb) left 0 he went to Brockville last July !2th, Brady, who have been spending a few year in [weeks at their home in Bedford Mills, resume his studies. The Misses {have returned. Mrs. Vickery is recov- 7 al fore | 1 i redenburgh, | ry, Chaffey's. Locks, were the guests of of Westport, taking charge of his mills | Mr. and Mrs. i for nearly thirty years, and was well | Monday. i | on ering from a severe attack of frippe Misses Ella Bolton and Jean Bawden visited friends in Crosby, on Satur- day. Henry Flemming and son, Har- John Flemming, on J. B. Tallman, who injured his foot s 1888, and his {while sleigh riding, is able to be out health failed, he went to Kimgston to again, and may be able to play in the 1892 he mar- (hockey match here on Saturday. ried Miss 8. A. Richards, of this vil- | Mrs. Jobm Dier, Sr., who broke her he shoulder bone recently, is recovering conducted a mercantile business here. [as nicely as could be expected. Jos He was always upright and honest in leph H. Butler is able to be out after ali his dealings and an accommiodat- his long Gliness. Mr. MeClement was for a great been carrying many years a devoted and energetic {the B. W. & NW. depot during his ill- has the mail to and from ness. Several new 'phomes have been installed in the village recently by the Crosby Rural Telephone' company. R. 4. Dargavel, Toronto, is hee, on husi- ness. A wumber of children in the lo- cality are ill with measles. Robert Littlejobn, 'Croashy, was a recent visi- tor. A pumber from here will attend the CM RBA assembly in Elgin on Friday night. Miss Marie Monakan is in Thon, NY. Rev. Mr. Humphrey re- turned, on Saturday, from Toronto. His Excuse. The A regonant Mrs. E. S. Stewart, the secretary of Fort Erie, Ont, a ud Yobtained from all dreggists and deal- 'Cane al seven we Nothing like 0X0 CUBES handy--so strong --so good. Their usefulness in makin, equalled by the delightful balf a pint of warm mil nourishing food for children Scid in Tins conte Tied Free Samples sen 7 Lentant St dishes. Splendid as a beverage Why ony smiles of deep conioniment Jt v5 mone than mere preseniment, We sit thus with eyes on clock so have ewr OX, CUBES has ever been made before. They are absolutely unique in concentrated beef -- so Soups, Sauces, etc. is only avor they give to all such One OXO CUBR in k makes a strengthening, ining 4 & 10 cubes it on receipt of 2 stamp to pay postage and packing. 0 is alse packed in Botties for Pee ox nd pater 1 in Fd Fh ple FINE PH For up-to-dat finish in Photos we lead. We have the only ground floor studio in the city, which is of great convenience to you D. A. WEESE & 00. Picture Framing. Wallpaper, OS. styles and THE GIRL AND THE BEE. ----- A Story of the Ignorance of a City » Girl. The city girl coming down to bresk- fast at the farm house and observing a plate of honey on the table, said, "Oh; 1 see you keep a bee." That's about the way some people talk about the blight of baldness as if a bald head was something one got all at once imstead of being the result of long depletion by an insidi- ous germ which thrives upon the roots of the hair and succumbs to only one known remedy, Newhro's Herpicide. Newbro's Herpicide is not a tomic any more than electricity is a fluid It is an exterminator, pure and #im sle, : "Destroy the cause you remove the effect." Sold by leading druggists. Send 10e. in stamps for sample to The Herpicide Co., Detroit, Mich, $1 bottle guaran: teed. James B. McLeod, druggist, spe cial agent, Just WILLING TO BE WIVES. English Girls Write Quaint Letters to C.N.R. Young men who have come to Can ada alone and are finding a lite of single blessedness somewhat irksome, will have no difficulty in obtaining wives for the mwre cost of a third class passage from England. The Can adian Northern Steamship Co. have received a number of applications from English girls who as one put it, hho) Kke to come to Canada to be a prospective bride. One young lady writes to the C.N.R. as follows "1 were looking over the papers and I saw you were in want of wives, so 1 gave myself time to think and at last I thought that I should like the idea of immigrating to tanada to be a prospective bride. My age is eighteen, and occupation a laundress, I assist is house cleaning and can also do cook ing. I prefer a young man not twenty-seven, or I shall have to him Father." Two Welsh sisters have written, evi dently unknown to ome another, and one says: 'I am an English girl ned wood like to go to Canads and I would like a young man for my husband and m Pleas let me know if you advance the passage fave. If vou do right back and let. me know when you want me to come. So 1 will entlose xxxxxx with fond love and kisses, because | am a poor girl and I would like to go some where from home because we are thir teen in family with Father and mother and we have six sisters if yon would like more than one from the same family." The other sister would like to came to Canada very much but she save Tam a poor gird and I cant get the maney to eame. But if you advance fair 1 would like to cans veory much 80 Dear sir write back and let me know by when vou wants us to come. My age js twenty three next June ded. Homt forget to write back by return of post. over cali HYOMEI Death to Catarrh Germs! Hyomei (promounced High-o-me) means death to catarrh germs in a few hours. It is the only guaranteed Cg Cure. When you use Hyomei, you don't swallow nauseating drugs. You sim ply breathe in the soothing, pleasant and antiseptic Hyomei air through a little pocket inhaler. Ax this medicat od vaporized over the m- flawed parts at Your druggist, J. B. Mcleod, will sell you a complete outfit for $1 and what is more, he will refund you your money if after tising Hyomei ac cording to directions, it fails to do all that we claim. Hyomei is guararteed to cure catarrh, croup, grip, cold in the head, asthma, etc. Hyowei can be | age is twenty in the third of may. | ------ Wah Long's Laundry First-class way ranteed. Drop me a card and 1 will call PRombLy for our laundry. 166 WE NGTON 8T, tween Brock and Clarduce Sts. H PARKS & SON : Day 'Pnone 239 Florists -- Ri Fm tis. All kinds of Cut Flowers and Plane in season. Wedding and Funeral De- Ya a specialty shipped to all parts. King Street. Of Green and Black Teas from Cey lon have arrived Though prices are much higher, are still sell- ing at 36¢. per Ib ANDREW MACLEAN, Ontario Street, BIBBY'S CAR STAND DAY OR NIGHT Phone 2¢1 em ss. m-- THE CLUB HOTEL WELLINGTON ST., near PRINCESS There are other hotels, but none approach the Club for homeilke sur- roundings. Located in centre of city and ciose to principal stores and thedtre, Charges are moderate. Special rates by the week. P. M. THOMPSON, Proprietor. 9, Cook s Cotton Root Compound. The great Uterine Tonle, and y safe effectual Moothly ilatar on which women can depend. Sold In three degrees of strougth~No. 1, §1: No. 2 10 degrees stronger, $3; No. 8, for special cases, $5 per box. ro Bold by all 4 Kata, or sent paid on receipt of price, lot. Address Ju we zat Tes pam Coot Menor Oo, TonouTo, ONT. (ormeriy IV indasor New Buckwheat Flour Maple Symp | Maple. Sugar | Coast Sealed Oysters ~ D. Couper 'Phone 76. 341-3 Princess Street. Prompt Delivery Jomo COAL I The kind you are looking for is the kind we sell.-- Scranton Coal is good coal and we guarantes prompt delivery. BOOTH & CO., FOOT WEST STREET. Cheapest in the year. Dining Chairs, leather seats, ré- duced $2.00, $3.00 and $7.00 a sett, This means a saving Dining Tables reduced proportion Curtains and Carpets all reduced, Repair and Upholstering 10 per in same Yours, ors, or postpaid on reesipt of price from The R. T. Pooth Co., Limited, Se : cent. reduction - Co. T.F.Harrison