YEAR 78 -NO, 36 2 KINGSTON, ONTARIO, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 24, 1911, i 0 LAST EDITI S. a A ---- SIME TERNS To Be Given Other Coun- ------------------------ NOVA SCOTIA LEGISLATURE. Canso. Halifax, Feb. Gov. Fraser, and the loyalty of An Extension of the LOR. Towards 24. ~The Nova Seotia legislature opened yesterday afternoon. The speech of Gov. Maliregor, refer red to the deaths of King Edward and the STUDENTS DISGRACE Expulsion of Two Who Tampered With Funds. e Montreal, Feb, #.--The corporation of MeGill University bes unanimously decided after ao' careful 4nd somewhat protoacted investigation, that no dis. tinction should be made in ihe treat- ment meted A. B. Macdonald, B.A. re- 1 LATEST NEWS i -- Dispatches From Near IALKED IK Hon. A.G. Mackay Urged EXPRESS" GRATITUDE That Bishop Fallon Stirred Up Bis lingual Question. Ottawa, Feb. M.--"We are grateful to Bishop Fallon. He has awakened us when we were on the edge of 4 volcano," was the statement made by J. U. Vincent, president of 8t. Jean Baptiste society, in discussing recent WEATHER PROBABILITIES, Toronte, Ont. Feb 24, 10 amin. tawa Valley and Upper St. lawrence --Saturday, westerly winds: fair and comparatively mia TOMORROW b Amendment. provinee was pledged. Reference was tries as United States IN REGARD TO TRADE IF THE AHCIPROHTY AGREE- MENT PASSES, : Hon. W. 8. Fielding Replies to Dr. ' Reid--Members Read Resolutions and Letters For and Against Reel. procity to the House, Special to the Whig. Ottawa, Feb, 21. Several hours were taken up by members on both sides of the House of Commons, yesterday al terpoon, in reading resolutions and letters from their different constity. encies oxpressing views for and against reciprocity, opposition members who read resolutions opposing it were: E. Porter, M.P., Bellaville; A. 8. Gooteve, Kootenay, BC; W. 5. Middishoro, Owen Sound; 8. Henderson, Halton; Martin Burrill, Yale-Cariboo; G. H. Bradburn, Selkick; Dr. Reid, Green: made to the proposed legislation sroposed to Lean. A railway from Halifax wards the Strait of Casso has many years heen asked for by the peo- ple of that section I'he speech made no / nite announce stood that the government has pretty well defi policy, the fentare of which is that the road about 150 miles, will be built as branch of the government, assisted by a large sub- sidy! from the legislature, The general elections will he held will be the fifth session of this legis Inture. FAVORS ANNEXATION. Cordova, Alaska, Feb. 24 -- A movement is on foot in Alaska looking to the annexa- tion of that territory to Can- ada. The men behind the ® -* + to improve the highways of the province, and for this a large sum of 'money is be borrowed. This will in line with an announcement' made last summer by Altorney-Genéral Me- to- for the province. ment. regarding this, but it is under a main of} a LCR. by the federal very soon after the house rises. This rdised in the Ontario legislature. *And Distant Places THE WORLD'S TIDINGS GIVEN IN ¥HE BRIKFEST POS. cently secretary of the students' coun. oil, and A. S. Christie, a fourth year arts student, and it was resolved ac cording, on consideration of communi. cations from the students' council And the committed on morals and discip- line, that hoth should be formally ex- polled from the university and their names expun from all university pecords, Macdonald and Christie have been away from McGill since last Novem her, having been then accused of ap- propriating some $2,500 of the fu of the students' union and football club, Macdonald is from Athelstane, Que., and hie father mortgaged his the | farm to pay the deficit. Uhristic came {from Apple Hill, On. ; was i Matters That laterest Everybody-- Noles From All Over--Little of Everybody Easily Head and Re- membered. Twenty divorces in one day is ilatest record of a Detroit judge. | The subjects of milk standards - I'he inhabitants of a Persian village | ive heen massacred by Russians, | Fhe {| United States railway freight rates | SEOEPEIbPeLY bats tas nites dE ordered cut down by the eutmy. | a t +) # 'begun the organization %! tion of ehurches. $+] Presbyterians have | of a feders-| > ln Toronto the The Canada Refining company (opened its smelter 'at Urillia, jthirty mén employed, ! | King Nicholas, of Montenegro, isin | has with 10 NEW MILK ACT MULTIPLICITY OF STANDARDS THREATENED, The Liberals Forced the House in Regard to the Matter--Fight to Make the Matter a Provincial Af- fair, Toronto, Feb. 24.--A provincial stan- dard in milk was the point around which the discussion upon the new milk bill raged for. two hours in the legislature, yesterday afternoon. The fight to make the regulation of milk a provincial matter and not one for every municipality in Ontario to' deal with independently was led by Hon. A. G, Mackay, and while the leader of the opposition failed to convince the government of the desirability of amending the bill, his convincing ar- number of government members. developments in the matjer of Bishop Fallon's utterances at the enthronement of the new archbishop of Ottawa. According to Mr, Vincent had it not been for Bishop Fallon's emphatic ify ME STEACY'S guments won the silent approval of al The | fight has not been given up, and when | stand in the matter bi-lingual schools would have been gone before the French-Canadians of Ontario kv they were lost to them. tian will be taken by the French-Canadian edueational associa- tion regarding the presentation oi a French address by Mgr. Routhier to Archbishop Gauthier. Mr. Vincent in- timated, however, that inside of a few months decisive aetion would be tak- en in regard to French schools. -------------- GREAT BRITAIN WON In Dispute Over Returning an Indian Student, The Hague, Feb, 24. Great Britain jwon in the dispute about the right to ireturmn Vinayek Damodar Sevarkar, an {Inclan law student, to the French gov- jernment. This establishes the right of JA fabric full 36 inches wide © and {the country to be harbor of refuge. Sorth every cent of forty cents per ------------------ yard, SPECIAL SALE PRICE SPECIAL WHITE LINEN SALE Wind - About 200 Yards of that fine Irish All Linen Sheer Lawn that makes such dainty, useful and cool dresses for the summer season. | | | ALL DEAD FROM PLAGUE, movement assert that the a critical condition from an the bill comes up for a third reading ( i st Feb. 24.-- ville. Those on the liberal side who read resolutions in favor of reciprocity were : W. BE. Kpowles, Moose Jaw; B. B. Law, Yarmouth, N.8.: Hon. Wil liam Paterson, minister of customs. The following question on the order paper, asked by Pr. Reid, of Grenville, caused considerable discussion : H the proposed arrangement of the tariff with the United States is passed, will the following countries be allowed to import goods into Canada on same terms as allowed the United States, viz. : Argentine Republic, Austria, Hungary, Bolivia, Colombia, Denmark, Jupan, Norway, Russia, Spain, Swe den, Switzerland and Venezuela ? Dr, Reid said he had received an an- awer from Mr. Fielding, but it was entirely evasive. He wanted ves or no to il, After eonsiderable wran- gling, between Dr: Reid and the min- "ister, R. L. Borden interrupted und mid it was very i tant that the should receive o straightfor- said that the countries named would be allowed the same privilege ag the United States with regard to articles on the free list, if this reciprocity agresmmt went through. De, Clarks, Red Deer, Alte., resumed the debuie and declared that he was an ardent free trader. He did not be Heve that reciprodity with the United States wogld tend to increase the Shen of living jn he agreemen 1 . Sir Wilirid Laurier ed that from this date to the end of the wessiom, vernment orders on Monday will ve immediately after ques- tions to be put is I moved that on Wodnentiny next there would be no sitting of the house, that day being a holiday, snd from then on the house would sit every Wednesday evening. MARRIED OTHER FELLOW. Woman Changes Mind Within Hour of Wedding. Trinidad, Col., Feb. 24.~Miss Catina Raspolic. of Wooten, broke all records for freak weddings when, less than one hour before she was to be mar. ried to John Tatur of Primero, she decided she would rather marry an other man, John Prafvivie, also of Wooten. The latter was to have of: ficiated as best man at the Tatur wedding. The prenuptial feast was in progress and fhe march to the chuich was about to begin, During the tempotary ahsence of the groom the to be best man stepped up, proposed and was accepted, with the result that the wedding was held on schedule time, but without the original bridegroom, Waldeck-Rousseau Papers. Paris, Feb. 24. The Matin continues its publication of the personal papers of Former Premier Waldeck Rousseau. These disclose that when Waldeck: Rousseau was a senator he met Cats dinal Rampolia at Rome in 15896 and warned the cardinal that the atti- tude of the congregations v affair would result in arous republican opinion against Tren. te ay ag them that the whole peaaléy would fall pn them. & a Never Was Ki oston, el Nh H. 'and hoe of fl ally 7 ; : is Lif g Fe EPEITIEIR ORI b 0 | United States government does not seem dlaposed to re- Heve the territory of its pre- sent burdens, and that an- nexation to the Dominion seemp to offer the only hope. # CUPID MUST SEE DOCTOR. Health Certificate Required With : Marriage License, Indianapolis, Feb. 24.--The bill in- troduced tative Bedgood, licants for a marriage In- y-one to cian, passl by a vote thirty-three, sixteen members of the house either being absent or dodging a volte, (iov. Marshall had declared himenli against this bill, daying that it would rob marriage of its romance. The bill was advocated by the ministers of Richmond, and it has the support of the board of health secretary. TOO FOND OF CIGARETTES. Barelegged Dancer Ejected From Two Chicago Hotels. > Chicago, Feb, 24.-Because of her fondness for cigarettes Countess Tha- mura de Swirsky, the bare-legged dan- ver, is having a dificult time find: ing a place to live in Chicago. She was epcted from two hotels last night for. smoking cigarettes in the dining-room against the protests of other diners. The titled dancer de nounced Chicago in round terms, de claring that it was 'narrow and pro. vincial." At ------ READING A NEWSPAPER CLEARS 3 UP A MYSTERY, The Publication of the Death of a Wealthy Lumberman Brings a Fortune to His Deserted Wife and Daughter, Neenah, Wis, Feb. 24.---A casual glance' ht a newspaper cleared a mys tery of twenty-one years' standing for Mrs. Keyfus Sindahl, of this city, and incidentally brought her an estate of $20,000. Mus. Sindabl was the daughter of J. x Janz, ocmeely of Menashua, who isappea twenty-one years ago, leaving het and her tion with oe means of support. They searched for ears, but could find no trace of hin, He had had no trouble at home, which strengthened a belief of foul play. ntly a wealthy lumberman was killed by a falling tree at Black Duck, Minn, and in his pocket were memor- anda referring to his home city. An account of the matter was published and Mes. Sindah! chanced to read the item, She made enquiries and had no ifficiilty in establishing her relation- ship with the dead man, The father had made a will, leavin, all his property to his daughter and made matters doubly certain by tak- ing vat deeds in her name. The mother rin, B.C, Fob, 24.--0Official an is made that the British Marine y company es Ean ag 8 Love, | ult, 'be 900 feet long and no * of apoplexy. of Lafayette, to require all male ap- iy livense in diana to present to the county clerk a certificate of health | from a physi | The |} attack | to de- I By a party vote of twenty six ! nineteen the Manitoba legislature dedtetd a reciprocity resolution. | Fourteen millions for American goods iwas the value of the shipments to {Toronto from the United States last | year. i Col. Sam Hughes, M.P., is back at Ottawa from Washington with the assurance that the Long Sault dam {project is dead at the capitol. | The question of international arbi- {tration was discussed in London, | Washington and Ottawa simultaneous™! duh pr. x { GIACOMO P et Rev. Charles Aked, pastor of Rocke- 'The noted Italian 'composer, born at {feller's church, New York, has » R Ha the Hee ten Pate ihe called to the First Congregational author of - the following operas - church, San Francisco. i | Madame Butlerfly, "La = Boheme Indications are now that the Uni ated, esl of he vigaen Wen ted States senate will side wack the sede reciprocity agreement to a new con OUTLAWRY IN JAPAN. gress. i ims at Grp and Pasty, in Noon vel, Matin Censuring Government for ad to wal to Lotd Stratheona's | Allowing it to Spread. Mouse, carviages not being at the sta-| opie, Fe. 91.-The spread of an Until the present typhoid epidemic jg Archistic doctrine in Japan was the over no new members will be initiated hasis of an stiack upon. the. gov: into the Independent Order of = Fores- ernment. in the diet, yesterday. Mem- tors in Ottawa. lod of the SPposition Jiirodiited a In the byeelections in W pg, J Eonoiution sirong ng the gov. Wiltshire, Bug, Hon. Geoliry ming ernment for having permitted ; out- liberal, was: clected 'with 5.073 voes. lawry to reach a point #here an at His unionist opponent, G. L. Palmer, "emPt upon the life of the emperor bind 4,492, " {bad been planned. The resolution was According to reports received by the | defeated hy a latge majority. Red Cross joty, New York, | The debate revived the recent con- China, 2,800,000 Chiness will die ispiracy which = resuited in the execu- want. of bread: if assistance : is tion of Denjiro Kat ku and his wife rendered immediatly jand ten other anarchists and the im- Miss Helen Hunt, of St. Augustine, |Prisonment of fourteen others. Pre Fla:, who was expelled. from Stetson mier Katsrra outlined * the efforts university three vears ago, has been which' were being made to prevent the awarded $15,000 "damages from its growth of the movement. president, Lincoln Hulley. i Grip medicine, which affected her' throat, is said to have restored the ROOSEVELT SCORES of | voice of Miss Elizabeth Grant, Ephrata, Pa., who ¢an now speak i & ter thirty-three years' silence. |THE ANNEXATION SCARE THAT A telegram from Harbin reports the | HAS BEEN RAISED. gruesome discovery of a Chinese vil-| lage, in which the entire population! was dead from the plague.' Many Praised President Taft for His Reci- bodies lay in the open air and were! procity Efforts--Believes in Trade covered with snow. '| Pact on Economic Grounds. At Boston, Mass, the confession of! _ . " William R. Remington that he shot, p Chicago, Feb. i--Col Theodore Max Scorokien in the latter's store, rede ant : a ) Ted a while under the influence of a drug, he hoch, wae yr eo the ns believed hy A jury, Mxhish return: with Canada and congressmen a verdict of manslaughter. whom he said werp responsible for Russia has apologized for an' at- hindering the confirmation of the tack by Cossacks on Veramun, on the agreement by means of an "annexa Persian frontier, and u massacre of tio, seare," From Canadas he turned inhabitants ii revenge for the killing his attention to peace advocates who of a Cossack in a skirmish with sek to prevent the fortification of the {| Panama canal, claimed it the clear Palm was arrested in and apparent duty of the Uniied Reading, Fa., charged with = practis- States to fortily the canal ing witeheraft as a ""'Hexeral doctor," | Col. Roosevelt was cheered when causing the nervous breakdown of a he advocated the proposed reciprocity mother by his incantations over her Sffesen ty Cand ol Praised sick child. 'resident Taft for forts t Unable to sta™®a constant appre- President is extending towards its con hensiony John Dorsman, aged twenty. firmation. yo three, who two years ago made a sue- I not only believe in the agreement cessful escape from Sieg Sing, has 0 economic ds,' said Col. a A io osevelt, "but because I feel it Teturid en to serve out thir shoyld'. boa cantina] objet of ovr | policy to streng 2 i every way the ' : " be | relations of amity mutaal eel WRITTEN IN "AMERICAN." respect between us and our on and US. & Off Seb growing neighbor 8 the not i" a Fitwary List. : NOT AID IN PACT. London, Feb. 24.~A sub-commitice o the edaeation Camunities of the Ambassador Was Not Fastructed in ndon county council presented a re-. Reciprocity Negotiations, port at a meeting of that Dod: eon. Loudon, Feb. 2t.---Foreign Secrolary denied in the House of Commons, mbassador Gray Rudge esterday, that A co. had ¥ Jity the right to appoint inspection to pressed | the Persian goverument. the liberal leader will divide the house, | The clase which precipitated the | discussion was that which provides! that "The council of avery municipal ity is hereby authorized to enact by- laws regulating the granting of licen- ses to producers and to vendors to sell milk, and shall have: power to re- | fuse or cancel such licenses," and that | "No person shall sell milk in = any | municipality where such by-laws are in force 'without first obtaining a license therefor." These two sections, together with a later one, which gives every municipal- enter premises, no matter w loca- ted, of avery person producing milk for sale in the municipality for which he is inspector, were given considerable attention by Hon. A. (i. MacKay. He described the confusion which would result from the power given municipali- ties to pass by-laws regulating milk produced outside its boundaries, and declared that numberless standards of milk would be fixed. A farmer who shipped milk to four' or five munici- palities would have to take out' a license for each one and be subject to the standards fixed by each munici- cipality. He might have to produce several standards of milk. The depart- ment of agriculture with its staff of experts should, Hon. Mr. MacKay con- tended, set the standards abd fix the regulations under which milk should be produced. Daniel Reed, of South Wentworth, Valentine Stock, of South Perth, J. (1, Elliott, of West Middlesex, and Mr. MeEwing, of West Wellington, also fought for the provincial standard, and G. W. Neely, East Middlesex, agreed with their position, while W. K. McNaught, North Toronto, ane of the milk commission, himsell was with them on the main point of contention, The bill was carried through commit. tee without any amendment of impor tance, but when Hon. Mr. MacKay avked whether it would come back, and the prime minister replied that it would be put through "then," said Mr. MacKay, "the house will be divid- ed on it on the third reading." DERELICT COMES ASHORE, Warship No Longer a Menace to Navigation. London, Feb. 21.--The derelict old French warship Richelien, which was sold to be broken up, and which broke away from tugs in the Puy of Biscay, will no longer be a menace to navy gation. She went ashore vn one of | the Scilly Islands during a storm, and for a time there was the greatest excitement here, as the story was that a large liner, presumably one of the vessels of the Leyland Line, was being wrecked. Tremendous sens were pounding over her, and the masts and furmels had been swept overboard, There was great relief when it was definitely ascertained that the vessel was the old French warship. MASSACRED BY RUSSIANS. Inhabitants" Shain. Without Regard to Sex. Londen, Thursday, Feb. 24.--~A de. spatch to the Times from Teheran says | that Russian troops, after a skirmish with brigands, attacked the Village of Vernmun, near Astara, al though the brigands were not there, and burned houses and massacred in- habitants of both sexes. The victims are officially stated to number fifty, affair seems to have been due to the barbarity of the local military officers. The Russian minister has ox. regret for the occurrent to A DISQUIETING TALK. ' Of Candidates for British Army + Commissions. ; CHARGE OF SENATOR Petershurg, A telegram fram Harbin re- ports the grussvme discovery of a Chinse village near there in which the entire population was deal from the plague. Msauy bodies lay in the open air and were covered with SNOW, * + * +* + + +* + I P4500 4954% 4% | | KING GAVE MEDALS. Houndsditch Policemen, Whitehaven Miners and Women Aided. ondon, Feb. 24.--Yesterday was dl award day at St. James Palace 3 George invested a number of persons™with decorations for heroic service. Among those upon whom medals were conferred were the police men who performed gallant service agpinst armed burglars at Hounsditch. Miners who risked their lives in res- cue work at the Whitehaven disaster were also remembered, One medal was presented to a wom- man--Mrs. Frances Wright, who as sisted a policeman in a fight with an armed burglar, probably saving the of- ficer's life, SURRENDERED TO POLICE. PF. G. Rolls Wanted ix Welland for Embezzlement, Memphis, Term,, Feb. 24. Confessing that playing ponies led to his down- fall, Frede i. Rolls, who says he is wanted in Welland fo~ embezzlement of fifteem hundred dollars of Grand Trunk funds, has surrendered to the police, 25c. HE NEW SILKS ARE HERE 50 ARE THE NEW SUITINGS DRESS 6000S DRESS MUSLING COTTON SUITINGS ALL-OVER LAGES EMBROIDERIES, ETC. WE INVITE YOU TO CALL AND SEE THEM. It's a fashion education no woman can afford to miss, STEACY'S THAT TOO MUCH MONEY IS SPENT ON MILITIA, A Discussion in Senate on Appoint. ment of Military Officers--A State ment by Sir Richard Cartwright, The "Phone 577. ROBERT J. REID, Undertaker, 230 Princess Street. JAMES REID ola Otiawa, Feb. 24. "Militia expendi- ture has increased from a million and a half to almost seven millions since the present government came into pow- or. The naval and militia estimates and Ladies' often come across. Turk's. "Phones 705 OLD AND GOOD, Three-plece BW. Suite--8ofa, Arm Chair--a kind you dont now amount to twenty-two and a half millions, or a fifth of the total esti mates, It is time a halt was called, Canada has been spending too much in 'srass buttons and gold braid, an ex penditure which brings forward in this country a set of tr, who sneer at gwilians at such functions as the governor-general's reception." The senate chamber was the place whence came this deliverance. It was Senator Cloran who uttered it. The remark was provoked by a discussion concerning the appointment of military officers, Senator Lougheed had drawn atten tion to the appointment of a Mr. Dic kis to the coloneley of 78th Regiment of Nova Scotia. Mayor Burnside, se cond in command, should have receiv. od the appointment, but Sir Frederick Borden told Senator Ross that Mayor Burnside had not been appoint. el simply because he "was a tory." Senator Ross confirmed this. Sir Richard Cartwright said that fo reorganize the 78th Hegiment it had first decided to disband it. Every officer of the regiment had then peti- tioned for the appointment of Mr. Die kie to the command. : An Embezzler Suicided. Buffalo, N.Y., Feb. 24--Just after being taken into custody on a charge of embezzlemént of a thousand dol- lars from the Wellandvale company, St. Catharines, for whom for many a trasted 8 Feb. 24 Bruises CANNED CORN. CANNED PEAS. CANNED BEANS. CANNED TOMATOES. CANNED PUMPKINS. OUR PRICE, 10c PER TIN. BEST BRANDS ONLY, EVERY TIN GUARANTEED. ened Jas. Redden & Co. IMPORTERS OF FINE GROCERIES. TO REFORM LONDON, ONT. A Rev, Dr. Shearer to Look Into fits Morals, London, Ont, Feb. 24.--Rew. in bearer, whose Winnipeg vestigation caused such u furore recently, is com Ling to London, next week, to ameint the Joeal clergymen in the invautign tion they sre masking into social amd moral in London. Ratte is coming to investigate the ai Joged white slave traffic bere. Syracuse Woman Burned to Death, conditions in Miss Syracuse, N.Y. Feb. 24.~Mre. Har riett H. Garrett, a widow, was burn ed to death kitchen of ber home. Smoke was dis covered coming the house by neighbors, and when 1 made their way in Mrs. Garemt vas discovered aflame and lying dead It is Believed her dress betmine ignit- at work in the of on from a stove. Her only known IY named Y Potter, Washingion, D.C, Feb. 24. --The sii on dey an ¥ i Tying: F. A. Hutchinson and wile, » Sorat si Fri So OT in Sed gas, clan 000,04, od Eon in canal, Bn na ' . of $14,456,503 from the i dnak i