Daily British Whig (1850), 28 Feb 1911, p. 7

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¥ THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 28, 191i. is not complete without Ice Cream. Order early from . PRICE'S Phone 845 277 Princess St. ! Nothing Better Than Our Cream Caramels Purest of their kind. Have you tried them ? SAKELL'S ICE CREAM PARLOR Next to Opera House. Phone 640 pp. *Pese ¥ Fresh Butteretts at Milk Caramels at Chocolates from - New Figs at R. H. TOYE, -» NN » » per lb. per 1b, tb. up per ib. 302 King St Phone 141 25¢. 25¢. 20¢. 15¢. TLL VTVBEVETT® § 3 : : GOV IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIY $9990 9999 TTS HLL IVT RTL RBBB TTL BRGY IH9 VHB L LLL RSLS BTR LLRLTRHLETRALLREVIOW -MARMALADE.. BITTER ORANGES FLORIDA GRAPE FRUIT SEESDLESS LEMONS SUNKIST ORANGES and SPOONS gt REES, Phone 58 TOTO RVRRUW 166 Pes SL. A. J. _ Bee! HOV VRVTVVVSS We are Ready for Spring Orders: "A LITTLE EARLY" WE HEAR SOME MEN SAY, BUT IT'S EARLY TO GET THE FIRST CIIOICE FROM AN OURS! THE FABRICS SHOWN HERE ARE FROM THE OF THE FINEST MAKERS N EUROPE -- TO MAKE CHOICE TO-DAY MEANS AN EXCLUSIVE PATTERN YOUR SPRING APPAREL. INSPECTION INVITED. NEVER TOO SUCH A STOCK LOOMS YOUR FOR ok Crawford & Walsh. Princess & Bagot Sts REPLY OF S. W. GREER OVER TROUBLE IN TOWNSHIP HOCKEY LEAGUE, Takes Issue With R. J. Vair in Latter's Letter in the Press-- Gives His Side of Affair at Game in Glenburnie, ! Collins Bay, Ont., Feb. 27.--(To the Editor) It is with regret that I ask for space in your paper to fefute the glaring" misrepresentation that R. J. Vair, manager of the Glenburnie hoe key team, would try and throw out to the public.. The first false state ment is when be says sixty Bath Road supporters came down and only about ten paid their admission fee. The Bath Road supporters did not on- ly pay admission but they evenocharg- od the Bath Road Tlockey team's spare man admission, a small piece of busi: ness, on the start, | had thirteen in my sleigh, of whom eight were la- dies, and 1 paid six of that timber. The rest paid their own way. Another rink manager appeared and collected fees the second time from some whom I had paid for. In re gard to. the man who wanted to fight when asked for his admission fee, if R. J. Vair can produce that man, and he is ao Bath Road supporter, | will present R. J. Vair with $10. 1 do not say that po one was so un- gentlemanly as to do that but it was inot a Bath Road man: R. J. Vair save ex-Manager Mcintyre is a gentle man, We know he is a truthful gentle man, amd ex-Manager Melntyre ad- mits that whiskey was freely handed out even at the evening's entertain- ment. Ex-Manager Melntyre declines to say who dealt out the whiskey but surely such conduct at a public gath- ering should be prohibited. Next, he accuses me of interfering 'with Mana- ger Mcintyre. Mr. Melntyre asked me to accompany him to see R. J. Vair 18 he was going to hand him in the names of the Bath Road team and to Me, Melntyre"s own words, he said, Vair had bullied him so much that he could do nothing with him, Then, he charged me with being noisy and this is not He even had the nerve to come to the time- keepers, and interfere. with their work. When that failed he even undertook to referee the game. Not being able to succeed in either one of these acts, he felt sore. Now 1 am free to con- fess that I do think Mr. Vair was hardly respousible for what he said or did. He seemed to be in such a state of excitement all the time, and I do not wonder that when he came to himself that he tried to throw the blame on someone else. He says two of the players clashed. This is noi so, Three of the players clashed, and R. J. Vair's two boys and the writ er's boy, and when R. J. Vair says the Bath Road player was the ag- greasor I know he does. not grasp the meaning of the word aggressor. He says the Bath Road supporters erowd- ol. on the ice. The fact of the mat- ter ia the Bath Road supporters were Inegely made up. Of women and child ren, with only a few men. He also ncouses me of saying to my som, "Strike him." That is not the truth. I used no such words nor any words to that effect. R. J. Vair was the first man to use a hockey stick. R. J. Vair was one of the four men who pulled Richard Cooper to the ground and trampled him under foot. R. J. Vair and his two boys were solely re- sponsible for one of the most dis- graceful affairs that ever occurred in the history of ' Kingston township hockey. I say shame on R. J. Vair, when he says the women were not roughly handled or insulted." I would ask him does he know what an in- sult to a lady is? One lady received a black eye, and as for Mrs. Greer she has not recovered from the shock vet, and right here I want to thank the respectable residents of Glenbur- pie for the nid they gave us. If it had not been for them it would have been much worse for the Bath Road people. Yes, wo were cared for by Glanburnie poonle, but it was not at the hands of R. J. Vair nor his col leagues. Now R. J. Vair's own wards, that Math Roaders fled and cut the ropes the horses were tied with. Now why did they do all this ? Because thee were in danger of their lives, and as I have already stated, had it not been for the ready assistance of rome of the respectable people of Glen. \burnie we know not where the end would have heen. Again, R. J. Vait accuses Rath Road Piles Quickly Gured At Home Mailed Free to for 80, Instant Relief, Trial CHILDREN'S SCALP SORES Healed by Zam-Buk---Mothers Pleased, : Mothers are well aware how fire- quently children contract scalp soves, ringworm, ete., at school. Some little sufferer 'is sent to school with a sore of this nature. At play, the children change caps, and right thers the infec: tion is spread--the d amage done. : Some children are particularly Ji- able to scalp sores, el, and often these hieak out with annoying fre- wency. Such a case was that of the ughter of Mrs. Albert Gaedike, of 485 Amherst street, Montréal, Mrs. Gaedike says: "My little three-yeéar- old daughter suffered frequently From disease, an try as we would, scalp not rid the litte one of this. We tried everything we could Sdn of, ut failed to effect a cure, until we oon advised to try Zam-Buk. This balm seemed entirely different to any- thing we had ever tried before, and from first applying it iene -. sed improvement. & sores marke] L Raed, and less jrritable. After a few days they ceased to trou ble the child; and in less than a fort- night from first commenting with Zam- Buk, they were completély healed, In view of these facts feel it my duty let mothers know how beneficial Zam- Kk 18. Bok is no doubt that for scalp sores, ringworm, ulcers, abscesses, cold cracks, chapped hands, frost bite and similar sores, Zam-Buk is ahbso- Jutely without equal. It is just as good for piles, varicose, Sores, poison: ed wounds, cuts, burns and scalds. Rubbed well in over the affected part, it cures rheumatism, sciatics, ¥tc, etc, and rubbed into the chest it relieves the tightness and feeling of weight due to contracting a bad cold. All druggists and stores sell at 50c. box, or post free from ZanyBuk Co, To ronto, for prive. lefuse imitations. Are of not having a straight Bath Road forgetting the fact all the their star player, D. Me Connell, is a resident of Cataraqui. Is this the first trouble R. J. Vair has been in since be hecame manager of that team ? Oh no. [I see he took his team off the ice eight minutes be fore the time was up while playing a friendly game at Ballersea, also when they played Cataragui and the score stood 1 to 1 they at once wanted to fight and omly through the efforts of a gentleman of that place and my self it was quelled. In summing it all up the whole trouble is they cannot stand defeat. Now, Mr. Vair, prove your state ments and be a gentleman. I have given you a chance.--S. W. GREER. team, time that BOILING WITH INDIGNATION. Because of Closing of Dublin Man- sion House. London, Feb. 28.--Ald. John J Farrell has begin his year in office as lord mayor of Dublin, on a reduced salary of £1,600, instead of the 600, which was formerly paid. There is every indication that the mew lord mayor's year in office will be =» stormy one. In accordance. with his threat to close the mansion house a= a protest against the inadequate sal ary, he has already refused a number of organizations the customary per mission to hold meetings there, As u result of this the Gaelic League Ath lotic carnival could not be held, Lord Mayor Farrell, in a letter to the offi. cials of the league, regretted his re fusal, said : "The enemies of Dublin have closed the Mansion house for twelve months, probably forever." The Gaelic League and other bodies are boiling with indignation. MARDI GRAS AT QUEBEC. @ y Spectacular Event Promised fo Tuesday Evening. Quebec, Feb. 28.--~Over ninety alle gorical and other cars have now been entered for the grand Mardi Gras pro cession, to take place this evening, and the event promises to be one of the most spectacular ever seen in Quebec. There will be six bands of music in the procession and thousands of gaily garbed masqueraders are expected to participate. Widespread interest is being take in the event in outside lo- calities, and it is stated that no less than three special trains will pe Tun from Montreal. The Montagnard Snowshoe Club, of the latter city, are coming down in full force to form the procession, and all Quebec and Levis clubs will be , most of them turn ing out with handsome cars. EMIGRATION OF CHILDREN. Italian Government to Pass a Pro hibitory Law, Rome, Feb. 28.--A special law will soon be passed to prohibit the emi- gration of children from Italy. Mean: time so many children, especially girls, are leaving the country that the min- ister of foreign affsirs hag issued a provisional decree which forbids chil- dren under twelve to leave the goun- try unaccompanied by their parents or guardinns; or unless to join them abroad. Boys under fifteen and girly under eighteen will not be allowed to go unless accompanied by a member of their family. snot object to boos FIRST NIGHT COUGHERS., Laurence Irving Unpleasant London, Feb. 28.--An inserted slip on every programme st the Kingsway theatre, on the first might that Law- rence Irving and his company present. ed "The Lily," ssid: "The mannge ment begs to state that any one irou- bled with a first might cough will be supplied with jujebes on application." The management pow explains that are a number of people who make a practice of coughing at first nights, with (he object of wrecking thé play, They say it is an organized conspiracy by out-of-work actors, ac tresses, minor dramatists, and other disappointed persons. Mr. Irving says there was an organized storm of coughing on the first night of his production of "The Unwritten Law." The same thing bappesed ' when Sir Beerbohm Tree gave "Much Ado About Nothing." Mr. Irving says he does and hisses, but nothing upsets more then a constant coughing. Ii is a most sub Attempts to Stop Practice. actors IN A LEVEL POSITION. pra-- A Fine Invention as to a Threshing Machine. Spokane; Washo, Bue . whe serving a term 1 Walla Walla, Wash tion on the charge of passing 'mo funds' checks, to-dfy, draw a good oue for $12,000, the amount he from J. F. Kimer, of Spo kane, and B. C. Holt, of Walla Wa for a patent ailtachment to a sade hill combined threshing machine. The device is designed to keep the thresh ing apparatus of a combined harvester in a level position on any contour of land and tilt of header. Experts de clare that the attachment is the most useful contrivance of its kind that has been patented, as it will add much to the efficiency of the big machines, now used extensively in the wheat belts throughout the western country. Bu chanan made arrangements to sell his device while hehind the bars. M is said he passed the worthless checks while under the influence of liquor, SF =Clinton completed + county gail at following convie Lily received tle weapon, as it is so infectio Prima donna as "Lady Leslie," in "A Again on His Rounds, George Buskin, and mission: ary of the International Evangelical & Colportage Mbssion of Algoma and the North-West, is making his annual visit to Kingston in behalf of its twenty-seventh vear of disseminating biblical literature among the men en gaged in cane) life and in rural dis tricts. There have been sapplied by the missionary, which have been tak- en account of, over 16,000 capies of biblical sacks in twenty-four langu ages, jes thousands of biblical tracts, and about eighty editions of books aml tracts have been published for the work in five guages, Sone of them costin ireds of dollars. - The donations of Kingston, last year, were ¥3l.50 gratefully ap knowledged. The depots are al 20% King street East, Te and 17 Eagle street, Hochester, LIVING AT HIGH TENSION to keep up with y of the age it sani rent many routo, N.X. To overdo ii 1 the parade is ne Living at such a high tension, any wonder that om tariums and rest nervous, men and women When one beging to condition, there is only complete rest, toygethe some diet and a tonic and strength nothing in this line excel the medicinal clemer cod's liver « This simple « Vinol. It and agrees with « A well known college professor states that be considers Vinol a truly wonderful tone and strength creator He was. himself overworked and run down to a critical point. A friend asked him to try Vinol. He did and is now enjoving perfect health, and its curative powers cannot be too strongly extolled. We recommend Vinod aid strengthen the is nerve ure filled with broken-down cures overworked, into this oure an with a whole blood apaking There i can possibly te of the tonic iron found in oil or get one good creator that mwhyine ith anbinat in contains no grease ervone, 80, to build up run-down and over worked, wetk women, old people, delicate children and convalescents, In ease anyone is not satisfied after taking one bottle, we always refund their money. Thic does not happen, often, however, bechuse Vins centage of ewres is very J. Melood. high. on Wednesday, March 1st, stubborn Cinderella," at the Grand, All Kinds of Sports, Saskatoon threatens to for the Minto lacrosse cup. Trustee Foran has received a Stan- ley cup challenge from Phoenix, "B.C, which is the latest joke of the series Wolgast promises to score n knock out over Brown when they fight next Friday at New York Ottawa hockey treal next Thursday derers, The Boston he Crescent team, at challenge Mon: Wan team goes to to 'meet wkev club defeated the of Halifax, by 3 to 2, Boston. Steve Vair's presence makes a | difference on the Renfrew The Ontario hockey association re {fuses to return the Allan cup vo the | trustees on the ground that the iatter | exceed their rights i: demanding it "Jack" says he will retire from the ring unlese someone mak a match with him on his own tams in six months. The elimination Argonauts, ed St 1 Mic ' el"s College, nother spike in the contention of the Ail cup trustees as to playing for that (rophy in the middle ob the season Ottawa Free Press: Ottawa followers are inclined to the that the red, white and black as a result of Friday night's reverse Renfrew, will he satisfied to win championship and no more, and hardly win against Wanderers Canadiens in Montreal. Many bets were made at the start season Ottawa would go without losing a contest Fig hockey dine Johnson on of had Parkdale, by who delea in hockey belief mn the will or long of the through IT CERTAINLY wt IS RUSSIAN. BACKS THAT ACHE GIN PILLS Cure Them Age is no barrier to. the wonderfu! soothing, healing properties of GIN PILLS, the great Canadian Kidaey Cure, We have on record many letiers from men and women of 60, 63, 70, 73, 80 and over, testifying to the great reticf they received from taking GIN PILLS. Mr. Samuel Martin of Strathroy, Ont. suffered for twenty years with misery in bis hatk. ~Some months ago, he tried GIN PILLS and after taking on'y three boxes, was entirely cured. MM: Martin is now 83% years of age and enjoys the robust heaith of a vigomus man of sixty, thanks to GIN PILLS, Ail elderly peopie are troubled, more or less, with Ridiey and Bladder Trouble, and pain and weakn in the back. GIN PILLS are a guaraniesd cure for all these misfortunes. Movey promptly refunded if they fail to give complete satisfaction. 50¢. a box---6 for $2.50. Sample hox free if you write us, mentioning this paper. National Drug and Chemical Co., Dept. B., ' Toronto, IT Carriage Painting If you want your Carriages to look and wear well, leave them with us Children's carriages and go-Carts en- amelled In all latest tints, E. J. DUNPHY, Montreal and Ordnance Streets. Cer. THE AMERICAN CAFE 185 Wellington St. The Up-to-date Restaurant snd Eating House, Separate Well furnished and lighted. Try our full eourse dinner, 28e. THOS GUY Genuine wast bem Signature A He ', . STOVE POLISH is the best polish in the biggest box. It is a paste, and far lesstrouble than any other prepar- ,ation. A gentle rub brings out a brilliant, lasting shine. Is with- out a rival for polishing stoves, pipes, grates and ironwork. If your dealer does pot carry "Black Knight" Stove Polish in stock, send us his name and roe, and we will send o full size tin by return mail, THE F. 7. PAULEY 00., LIMITED HAMILTON, ONT. a Nobility Congress Would Give Jews No Rights at AlL Petersburg, Feb. ~The "All | Russian nobility," congress, now sit ting here, has prepared a report charg ing the Jews with being the leaders in an "Liberation" movement, and advo cating ther exclusion from state vice In any capacity, even change their relation, together with deprivation of all electoral, legisla tive and admidistrative privileges. Rt. 0% her if they To be of use to the community is a high and noble incentive. Adversity iz a friendship tester, Successful leadership can never be obtained by force Makers of the famous "3 in 1 Shoe Polish. Try This Home-Made Cough Remedy Costs Little, But Does the Work Quickly, or Money Refunded. Mix two cups of granulated sugar with one cup of warm water, and stir for 2 minutes. Put 24 ounces of Pin- ex (fifty cents' worth) in a 16 oz. bot- tle; then add the Sugar Syrup. Take a teaspoonful every ome, two or three hours. You will find that this simple rem. edy takes hold of a cough more quick-

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