a -------- . HOTEL DIRECTOR! Mo Command] Hotel Fates, ores per JAS, STEWART, Prop. RANG TRUNK 53s7EM REDUCED RATESPACIFIU In effget from March 10th 10th inclusive SECOND CLASS COLONIST FARE TO Nelson, Vancouver, Vietoria Westminster, B.C. > Seattle, Spolane, Tacoma, . Wash, San 3 Lon Angeles, i HL Low rates to many other points. TOURIST SLEEPING CARS. Yeave Kingston for Chicago on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays at 248 am Berths available for ac- commodation of passengers holding first or second class tickets on pay- ; ment of nominal charge Connection made with trains carrying cars of similar style at Chicago. For full information, apply to COAST, to. April J. P. HANLEY, Agent. Corner Johnston and Ontario Sts. oat TR MBROK RAILWAY EF In Connection With CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY. REDUCED FARES TO Pacific Coast One way second class colonist tickets on sale daily March 10 to from Kingston: -- NE, WASH. | $45.10 PORTLAND, OREGON CAL. RMR | $47.06 CO CITY, MEX. . C.P.R. Ticket Office, Ontario Street. F. CONWAY, "April 10th, at the following rates SPOKA : BC ae ASH , WASH. Full particulars at K. & P. and Gen. Pass. Agent BAY OF QUINTE RAILWAY. OUR BEAVER BRAND Shop hesalisd for bread or A. MACLEAN, Ontario Street. H PARKS & SON Florists --R 30m fe. All kinds and Plane Funeral De- to all parts. See Our Window For High-class Picture Fram- ng. D. A. WEESE & 00. Princess Street, Young man wanted to learn ess. cteverencesesor aoe Wood, Lumber, Shingles 3 Honest Measurement. . Prices. N. JACKSON, PLACE I'ARMES, Residences 280 Bagot Street. 'Phone No. 1019. Resececccsvecovrosvond FOR. Health Drink MecCarthey's Ale and Porter. It's the best. - Agent, R. J. LAWLER THOMAS COPLEY, ProNE 987. 8 card to 19 Pine Street When in the C - as given on all kinds al worl also, Kaceres prompt atvsation attention. Street. cap, he left Tea Lovers make a wide distinc- tion between tess. You get the famous hill-grown tea, direct from the Tea Gardens of Ceylon whea you buy Quality and Quantity Combined Never Sold Wah Long's Laundry BIBBY'S CAB STAND DAY OR NIGHT Phone 201 Wood's The kind you are looking for is the kind we sell. Scranton Coal ln qoud cou] Sud we guarantee BOOTH & CO., FOOT WEST STREET. Spread Paste-- It's COMMON SENSE ! Bug Paste. Bedbugs, ; oS eat It with avidly sod W's their last meal. 25c, 50c and $1, at all dealers. 1. Common Sease o . {2 Bedbags and Tin Roaches. 13 AR dealers nd COMMON SENSE MFG. C8. 381 Queen Street West. Tosgote, Out. THE AMERICAN CAFE 185 Wellington St. The Up-to-date Restaurant and House, te a) ud our full eourse dinner, THOS GUY Prop For Your Hair Here Are Facts We Want You to Prove at Our Risk. When the roots of the hair ¢atirely ded and the pores of ithe sealp are glazed over, we do not believe that anything can restore hair growth. Rexall "93 Hair Tonic acts sci entifically, destroying the germs which are usually responsible for balaness, It penetrates to the roots of the hair, stimulating and nourish- ing them. It is a most pleasant toilet necessity, is delicately perfumed and will not gum nor permanently stain the hair, We want you to get a bottle * of Rexall "93"" Hair Tonic and use it as directed. If it does not relieve scalp irritation, removes dandruff, prevent the hair from falling out and promote an increased growth of hair and in every way give entire satisfaction, simply come back and tell us and 'wi t- question or formality we will hand back to you every pouny you paid us for it. We our endorsement to Rex- all "93" Hair Tonic and sell it on this guarantee, because we believe it is the best hair tonic ever discovered. comes in two sizes, prices 50 cents pnd 30 you oa obtain 3 y at our store Store.~G, W. Mahood. Real Stories of the Paris Courts, Among humorous stories of the Paris law courts it is told how a well-known lawyer, M. Alem Rousseau, was omce Mending a Sathie tiresome case and, noticing t the judges were paying no attention to lim, said, "As the are suspend myself ' { and, gathering 'up his brief and she court gnd | pever ap- on died in general hospital, Ottawa, from WHAT WHIG CORRESPONDENTS TELL US. The Tidings ¥rom Various Points in Eastern Outario--What People Are Doing and What They Are Saying. Entertai Yongé Mills, Members, March 1.--Misses Pur- vis, McLean and Steacy attended a party at J. Herbison's, Lansdowne, Monday might. Frank Torrance, Toronto, i= the guest of P. J. Purvis', Frank Gibson left for Calgary last night. Mr. and Mrs. Allan Wilson and children, Brockville, spent Sunday with Mrs. N, Gibson. Mr. and rs. Flynn, Lyn, were at A. Burnham's over Sanday. Mrs. A. Lamson, Sand Bay, visited here recently. Walter Shipman entertained the members of the Young People's Guild on Friday night. Sa, Budget From Bath. Bath, March 2. s. Ira Davy, Yarker, visited at Mrs. Albert Davy's this week. Mrs. Frederick Cal- ver and children visited at John Brown's at Stella on Monday last. Mr. and Mrs. Gritliths, of Milton, who acs companied the remains of the late John Cunningham here last week, have returned home. The Fishermen's Union and the patrons of the Bath cheese factory held meetings here on Wednes- day. D. H. Robinson, James Shibley and James Graham are putting in their ice. Charles Brown visited at Frederick Calver's on Saturday on his way to Toronto. Sunnyside Notes. Sunnyside, Marveh 1.--A number of people have been making trips to Ma- berly and .Sharbot lake this week. Misses N. P. Clark and lets Gray spent Saturday at Maberly. A. Gray and son, Ross are hauling ties to Sharbot Lake. Visitors:--Misses Tena Gray and N. P. Clark, at E. Conroy's Miss Florence Gray and Mrs. Armstrong, at T. Duffy's; J. Conroy, Herb. and Jobn Duffy, at R. Hawley's J. Dufiy, and sister Mildred, at A. Gray's; Mr. and Mrs. T. Dufily, at T. Duffy's, Maberly; Miss F. Conroy, at R. Gray's; Miss N. P. Clark, at J. Armstrong's. News From Cushendall. Cushendall, March 1.--The sharehold- ers of Pine Hill factory had a bee last week getting out ice: Mr. Walker, cheese maker, had a bee drawing coal from Findlay station. G. Woods is drawing gravel preparatory to build: ing a benk barn. Miss Lizzie Mar- tin is spending a few weeks _in_ the city. Miss Grace Weir is visiting at Willetsholme and Gananoque. Mrs. T. McFadden, who has been very ill, is recovering. Mr. and Mrs. E. Mur- ray, Kingston, visited at Mr. A- hearns' last week. Thomas Green, Chicago, formerly of this place, is visiting her sister, Mrs. Connell, af. ter 'an absence of many years.. Zealand Tidings. Zealand, Feb. 27.--The weather is getting more like spring. A number of the farmers around here are preparing for hot days of summer by filling their ice houses. Misses Maggie and Viola Garrett, visiting their uncle, John Johnston, in Bathurst, return. ed to their home at Zealand, on Sat- urday. Mrs, John Bourk, Oso, is vis- iting lier friends at Lake View Farm. of Ww. | John Young had a bee drawing bay one day last week from D. Ferguson's near Mount Creely. Donald Garrett paid a visit to Pine Shade Cottage, on Saturday. Visitorsa-W. H, Gar- rett, Misses Julia and Maggie Gar- rett, R. Charlton, Miss J. M. Charl ton, Alex. Ferguson and son Jobn R., at T. Garrett's. Moscow Family Leaving. Moscow, March 2.--The annual cheese meeting was held on Saturday and much interest was shown by the large attendance. F. P. Johnston has pur chased the store and business of Wil liam Cairns. William Close has sold his farm to Alexander Curl, and has bought Mr. Johnston's farm at Mos- cow. Mr. Vanvolkenburgh has rented Joseph Foster's farm and has moved on it. C. H. Asselstine has returned to his home in North Dakota. Henry Vanluven left for the west last wi with a 'carload of horses. About one hundred of the friends of Stanley Benn and family assembled at their home on Wednesday evening to bid them fare- well before their departure for Ed- monton, Mrs. S. Storms has return- ed after spendin with friends in Syde At Eagle Hill Eagle Hill, March 1.--A. Armstrong and N. Ready are cutting wood. Philip Plotz left this morning for Camel Chute, where he will be engaged drawing boom chains and boats for Gillies M. Ready bad the mis- fortune to lose a valuable cow last week. Several from here attended the funeral' of Miss Plsa Falk, eldest ter of A. Falk, Denbigh, who few days typhoid fever. Miss dlazel Petfer is in or the sick list. 'Miss Char of tH ai CASTORIA |=5= | To Kind You Hare Ava Bog | AY, MARCH 8, 1011. mau, st PT. Thompson's; Esrs Thomp- son, at William Pipe's; Mrs." Hickey, of Marmors, at her; parents; Mrs. D. Gray, at her son's, John Gray's; Miss Sadie Scott, at P. A. Wickware's, Cloyne; Heiry Vaness, of Northbrook, et U. Vaness'; Mrs. Charity Miller, at Neal Mills': Malcolm Thompson, at Oris Cole's. Village of Selby. Selby, March - 1.--A. Wood has bought Mrs. Clark's house. Mrs. R. Lucas and daughter will leave next Monday for the west to join her hus- band, who has been there for the past year. Mr, Culthorp has rented Nr. Quigley"s house. G. Reid, visiting friends for the past two months, left on Wednesday for the west. Mrs. Hud- gins, on the mck list, is somewhat bet- ser. Mrs. Fitzpatrick is spending a few days with her sister, Mrs. Thomp- son, who is quite ill. William Ander son and Mi Libbie and Mabel An- derson, spent a few days at Thurlow, recently. Mrs. McGuinness is quite ill again. Visitors : Mrs. Hawley 'and D. alleau and wife, and Mrs. Gibson and E. Wiliams at G. Valleau's; Miss Richardson and Mr. Booth at I. Denison's; H. McGuinness and wile at J. McGuinness'; Miss E. Lucas at H. Martin's, Notes From Macdonald. Macdonald, March 2.--8. Vanvolken- berg has moved to his residence, late ly purchased from James McKendry. Lorne Spencer has moved on the farm leased from Thomas Hufi. Thomas Hull's sale last week was largely at- tended. Nelson Dingman and Mrs. S. Miller have' had 'phones placed in their residences. Mr. and Mrs. Ed- ward Rendall and Mr. and Mrs. F. Bowen, of Deseronto, spent last Fri- day at Nelson Dingman's. Mrs. L. T. Spencer visited last week at Jacob Loyst's, Hayburn. Mr. and Mrs. Rowe are Visiting relatives here, prior to their departure for the North-West. Mrs. Stillman, of Peterboro, spent Sunday and Monday with her pa- rénts, Mr, and Mrs. M, Nolan. Oscar Sandwith spent a couple of days last week with his brother, on Amherst Is- land. The infant son of Mr. and Mrs, Oscar Sandwith is improving after an attack of inflammation. Bertram Rom- bough expects to start for Manitoba in a few days. Notes From Kepler. 'Kepler, March 1.--On Wednesday ev- ening last a pleasant time was spent at the home of A. Townsend, when the young people of Kepler gathered | and gave an oyster supper and far well party prior to the leaving o Hubert A, Townsend and wife, wh have taken up their residence at Wi ton. A young son has come to brighten . the home of S. Guuss. T. Garett and children are improving slowly. Mrs. George Lawson enter- tained a fow of her friends last week, Two ewes, belonging to Hiram Wart. man, gave birth to seven lambs. 'Al- fred Kavemer isstill very ill. James Lindsay is visiting J. Gawley's, Glen- vale. Mrs. Sharpe lias returned home after spending some weeks with her niece, Mrs. Watson, Ottawa. Miss Alma Clogg, who has been visiting her sister, has gone home. Miss M. Lindsay is at her brother's. H. Lindsay's; Mr. Muckelwee and Miss Fer- guson, at Mrs. Ferguson's. Parham Reports, Parhan, March 1.---Mr and Mrs. Foster, of Yarker, visited the latter's grandfather, George Lake, recently. Mr. and Mrs. Stewart and Miss Myr- tie Smith went to Verona last week to assist in a concert given by the Sunday school. Mr. and Mrs. James Smith, of Westhrook, spent Sunday with their son, G. A. Smith. Mr. and Mrs. F. Charlton are visiting friends at Long Lake. Miss Annie Buchanan, of Maberly, is the guest of her cou- gin, Miss Lillian Killine. F. Good- fellow, of Sydenham high school, was home over Sunday. Mrs. D. Good fellow is visiting in Westport. Some of our young people attended the mis- sionary concert in Fish Creek Metho- dist church on Tuesday evening. Mrs. J. A: Goodfellow is teaching school at Reynoldston for a few weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Barr, of Burridge, were guests at the home of Carson Barr Jast week, -- Happenings at Graham. Graham, March Po of the you were easantly enter- hs People home of Mr. and Mrs. Eber Burnham, on Thursday evening, it being the first anniversary of their wedding. Dr. Kenney, LI'.S,, visited the school on February 24th. S. Dows- ley and family have moved to P. Hunt's farm. Miss Warren spent the week-end at her home in Rockfield, P, Connors and J. Williams made a busi- ness trip to Brockville on Saturday. Master Engley is visiting his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. P. Lorne, Quabin, Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Leeder visited the latter's parents, Mr. and Mra. John Cobey, Athens, on Wednes Caintown, called on friends here on Friday, Miss Aggie Healey spent Sun- day at McIntosh Mills. Arthur, the little son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Weston, is y low with pneumonia. Lorne Trusdsle, Rockfield, was the guest of his sister, Mra. Frederick Fer- on Wednesday last. Joseph lost a valuable horse by being kicked severely in the stable by an- other horse, dMternoon ey Hobestaon's hall. ; Jorge number trons, attended. J. E. Freeman was en chapman and Mr. J, of the meet- ing. Mr. McMaster, of Metropolitan ith, was present and address on methods 'butter, 1,945; value, $392.30; she March day of last week. James Ferguson, - pounds whey | average including 756; value, £391.64; No. price 'per 100 pounds milk, whey butter, 99.18¢, Mr. Ryan has erected a fine stone building on the site of the one Je stroyed by fire last October. It will be ready to receive milk by April 10th, He will make cheese on same terms as last year. The following officers were elected for 1911: Salesman, MY. Ryan; assistant salesman, M. Trousdale; sec retary and treasurer, Mr. Jamieson; auditors, E. Revelle and L. R. lLeon- ard. + Events at Stella. Stella, March 2 -Mr. and Mrs. D, Hinton, Kingston, are visitir, aid res newing acquaintances. Mr. Crovby, or- ganizer for C.O.F., has beea working up the order on the island during the ast week. Miss Kathleen Neilson and Neilson have gone to Port Hope, for a few days. Miss Neilson intends going on to Peterboro, to visit Miss A. C. MacDonald, student at the nor- mal school. A good crowd attended the dance given by G. Bulech, Friday night. Miss Anna Filson spent Sunday with her sister, Mrs. D. Caughey, Capt. Thomas Sanders returned home, on Monday, after spending a week with his parents. Earl Craig, of King- ston was up over Sunday, visiting Ernest Filson, The "Five Hundred Club" held their last meeting for the season, Friday, Feb. 24th. A ' large attendance present. Wolfe Island or- chestra furnished masic. The agent for the Dominion Alliance wall speak in the Preshyterian church next Sunday morning, and Methodist at night. Harry Filson, of Kingston spent Sun- day at Mrs. W, Hitchin's, W, S. Mae- Donald spending the past two months here, expects to return to Buffalo in a day or two. John Richards attend. ed the dance at Wolfe Island, Mon- day night, Mrs, Sheridan Patterson entertained at "Five Hundred," Wed- nesday evening. The many friends of Edwin MacDonald are glud to see him around again, after a serious and prolonged attack of grippe. Miss R. hill returned home Saturday, after spending two months with relatives north of Toronto. The Canadian Or der of Foresters gave a banquet for the members of the lodge and their wives, the lending officers of the sis- ter lodges, and the clergy, on Tues- day evening, in Victoria hall. A fine programme was rendered. ------------ The Average Horse. Everybody knows, says a writer in issue of MacLean's Maga- zips, that this world's rewards 'are not even equitably distributed. That is why the world has invented heaven and hell. The people that don't get what they think they ought to get in this world figure--or at least some of them do--that things will be evened up ip the next world and that the fel- ow who possesses everything in this life will be accordingly deprived of everything in the world hereafter, ex- cept heat and company. But the aver age horse has not even this sort of thing to even things up. He has no religion, no domestic interests, ' no friends, no hopes, no trade umiom, no propaganda. He has not even the pleasure of a varied diet, such as men have, or of the varied diseases to which men incline. When a man dies it is from one of a thousand causes. When a horse dies, it is one of a few, heaves or glanders, or over-work, Even when he is blind they drive him, When he is too far gone to drag the cart any further, they shoot him in the street, and when he is dead he is reincarnated into boots and glue. A horse's work is never dome and he hasn't even the fun of sinning. Ban on Play Withdrawn. London, March 3.--The censor has withdrawn his ban on "Oedipus Ty- rannus," for which he refused a lic vense when Martin Harvey proposed to produce it some time ago. Mr. Har vey declines to say what led to the censor's change of attitude. It ie un- derstood that the play will be pre- sented shortly. It's what you do, not what the world says, that should be of first in- terest to you. ' Last chance to buy 25c. package tea, Lipton's, Blue Ribbon, at Gilbert's. To some the greatest grief comes when the last will and testament is made known. Take the thief's word and you need not logk farther for an honest mau. : STAMINA IN MEN 3 : $ AND HOW TO POSSESS IT. «* (From "Man's Maladles.") . "Physical bh, strong nerves, mental ef- < money and social suc- ny man sing these . Any m possessing can be a success and have the other two. jon of a with strong nerves Tequirentint which . n cholia, weariness without cause, fave. annct be e¥pacied pected that ure, will be a Succeds 3 iy, 1 or 1 i has only to those whos proper) nourished in a y. ure in her wisdom has extracts, es- SALES NEGOTIATED, 166 Prineess St. NATURAL RESOURCES----Lots in Fort NN -------------------------- es -- LIST YOUR PROPERTIES NOW {FOR SALE OR TO RENT RENTS COLLECTED FIRE INSURANCE, > CONVEYANCING AND REAL ESTATE. E.Blake Thompson, OVER NORTHERN CROWN BANK. MARKET SQUARE, "Phone 286. KINGSTON, ONT. .MARMALADE.. nn BITTER ORANGES FLORIDA GRAPE FRUIT SEEDLESS LEMONS SUNKIST ORANGES and SPOONS at A.J. REES, Pu 5. Te NS For Homeseekers GRAND TRUNK PACIFIC.--Townsite Lots at Rivers, Watrous, Crystal Springs, Tofield, Edson and Scott. CANADIAN PACIFIC Land, irrigated, at Bow River and within a redius of from five to one hundred miles of Rdmonton, Alberta. Bisque and Okanagan Valley. B.C, and farm land serrounding. Lots in Weyburn, Saskatoon. Regina, Moosejaw, and Farm Lands In Sas. | i | katchewan. Full particulars will be given on any of the above properties by J. 0. HUTTON, - Agent 18 Market Street, Kingston, Ont. ng Wonderfully We're trying hard enough to make It grow. After all the only thing that has any effect is the Shoes and Prices. Asking for business does no good---making it pay people to come here--that's the way we get business. See Our Men's $4 and $5 Shoes Veloyr Calf and Colt Skins Ideal Shoes, every pair of them. See Our Women's $3 and $4 Shoes It's such Footwear as this that builds wins new friends for us daily. our reputation and BBV RLCSN A Great Investment Offering eorge and Fruit Lands at -- bL. Telephone RING DAYS will soon be upon us--days of unséttled weather and uncertain footing --winter lingering in the lap of spring. How much it would save your wife and family if, during the unpleasant weather, they could do the shopping and attend to social arrangements over the telephone. Have You a Telephone ? In all emergencies too, such as sudden sick- ness, fire, or night alarms, the telephone is a great boon. Consult our Local Manager. COMPANY OF CANADA