Cor. Bagot and Barrack Sts. 'Phone 941. Baker's Breakfast KIRKPATRICK'S ART STORE ESTABLISAED 1874 + +e Fine Picture Framing at Reasonable Prices Original works by Artists, and full line kinds of pictures. Regilding a Specialty § Aftémoon Teas... Will be complete with some of GRIMM'S Delicious lce Cream Phone 797. BPE PIPPPI PPP P PIPE P000000 British of all Cocoa Is absolutely pure, healthful and makes a most genuine with our trade-mark on the package 53 Highest Awards in Europe and America Walter Baker & Co. Ltd. Established 1750 Dorchester, Mass. A POINTED DISCUSSION. Miss Chatty---Mother--Well, my dear, from Whom do you get your grocer- ten? Mother--From the.grocer, of course. asking such a question? why iss Chatty---Well, papa was at the drove up said he did not keep his rigs up in very good window when the with some goods, an rocer papa shape . Right opposite another grocer delivering goods, theAlifference in the two rigs, one in good shape you would not ashamed of in front of your place. Miss Chatty--Yes, rig costs money. . apa--He need not get a new one Just take old one up to Laturney and he will soon fix it up like new or will #ell him a new one If Re wants it. THAT'S THE POINT. us have your Waggons now, and we Let Orders will fixed up in | hg Fe for the spring JAMES LATURNEY, THE CARRIAGE MAKER, $ Ours is the Lightest Light We want to LIGHT your home with Electric Light. It will CHEER you. It will COMFORT you. When you have the light in your HOME you can {iron clothes, wash, clean your car- pets, curtains. beds--every- thing. Let us explain. H. W. NEWMAN ELECTRIE (CO. 70 PRINCESS STREET. Phone' 4 41. Bh a. Highest Grades COAL OIL. LUBRICATING Oli FLOOB.QIL. GREASE, ETC. PROXPT DELIVERY. W. F. KELLY, Clarence and Ontario Streels. was when he remarked up be papa, but a new or ave you $350 Recipe Fros, . for weak Men Send Name and Address Today-- You Can Have It Free and Be Strong and Vigorous. 1 have in my possession a nervous Asst ty, lack of v , Weakened hood, failing memory and lame hack, brought on by excesses, vonstursl drains, or the © lies of youth, that has cured so many worn and nervous men right in their own . | bomes--without any additional belp or medi- aine~that I think every man who wishes to regain his manly power and virility, quickly . #hould bave a \ 1 have to send a copy of t on free of charge, in a plain, ordinary seal velope to any man who will wri Tails n comes from & physician who has made a special study of men and I sm convinced it is the su -acting combi- nation for tie cure of deficient manhood and Tilo failuts | ver put ther. think I owe it to my'fellow man to send them a copy in "oufidence so that any man anywhere who {§ weak and discon with repeated failures may stop drugging himself with ha I patent medicines, secire what be. he reitorative, remed; Jrescription for gor an determi en HAVE YOU TRIED HIM? "Phone 158. 00060 6000006664 : Champion =: Belts Toye's Building. MARCH FURNITURE. SALE You cannot afford to ignore these extraordinary Bargains, Even though you do not meed Furniture until spring time. RE Dresser, solid Mag., February Lo I aa $70 Dresser, solid Mag., February Price... . $150, 3-plece Walnut, $65, Brass Bed. Feb. Price $32.50 $26, Brass Price... $30 $20, Brass 2 in. posts, 21D, Ca a RR ae ve i g 3 5 ¢ i F at {he i i } os s {len, left wing; O. Warren, centre; | A PURE PRODUCT OF | A PERFECT PROCESS | WHAT JHIG OORRESPONDENTS ' TELL US. The Tidings From Various Points in Eastern Ontario~--What People Are Doing and What They Are Saying. > Wedded at Tamworth. Tamworth, March 3.--A pretty wed- ding took place, on Wednesday, March lst, at 930 a.m. at the home of James Rogers, of Sheffield, when Wil- son Weighill, of Manitoba, and Miss Margaret Rogers, daughter of James Rogers, were married, by Rev. J. K. Henry. James was best man and Miss Belle Haggarty was brides maid. Mr. and Mrs. Weighill intend going to his home . in the west Mon- day or Tuesday next. News From Glenburnie. Glenburnie, March 3.--A number from here intend to see the Fron- tenac-Orillia game next Monday evens ing, in the city. K. Spooner will soon leave for the west. On Monday even- ing last, the home ob Reid Bros. was taken by surprise. The merry-maker spent the evening in cards and danc- ing. The sugar-makers are getting rather uneasy just now,samd all will be in readiness by the time the weath- er man and "reciprocity" get around. Thomas Murray has been ill for the past few days, but is recovering, The rink managers are busy counting up the remaiming skating days, although the ice is still holding out. Local hockey fans will have another chance of seeing the Ramblers in action, when they meet the speedy vers, of the Bath Road, at the Palace rink next Thursday afternoon. "Denny" Lavell will accompany the local team. The "kids" never go on the ice, un- less the genial trainer is along. Verona Varieties. Verona, Feb. 27.--Miss Nellie E. McCarter left, Monday, for Toronto, where she will enter the general hos- pital as uwurse-in-training. Mrs. An- drew Graham is quite ill with pneu- mouia. W. D. Percy is doing a good trade in his general store. Miss Edith Yorke has returned from a week's visit at Kingston. Postmaster James Craig is recovering from his recent illness. Harvey Snider has moved back on the Snyder Road and Mrs. Robert Craig, Godfrey, has moved in 'the house vacated by Mr. Snider. Lewis Vanest has moved in the house vacat- ed by John Keates. The memorial windows have arrived for the new Methodist church. Robert Hamilton, seriously ill with pneumonia, is slight- ly better to-day. Verona hockey team went to Murvale and played the team there. The result was in Verona's favor. Hockey at Battersea. Battersea, March 1.--A friendly game of hockey was played on the King Edward rink, Wednesday, be- tween Ellisville and the Battersea boys. The score was 3 to 2 in fa vor of the local team. Ellisville--E. Warren, goal; Thom- as, point; Leadbeater, rover; McMil- " La. pin, right wing. y Battersea--Dake, goal; Clark, point; VanLuven, cover poini; Ennis, rover; Williams, left wing; Knapp, centre; Ruttan, right wing. ee H. Moore, referee. "a Miss Fva Angrove and, Martin, of Kingston, were visiting at the Granite House on Sunday. The many friends of G. Matthews are pleased to hear that his health is improving. The members of the Ladies" Aid so- ciety met at the home of Mrs. Wil liam Hoider this week. The Splash of Our Own Sir James. Hamilton Herald Sir James Whitney has undertaken ; to decry reciprocity, and he has done so with a heartiness and emergy which put, to shame the more timid eritics who bestow a qualified blame. The blue ruin which Sir Jaames predicts as the certain result of reciprocity is the real thing. It is blue-black ruin-- total eclipse. "Our transportation fa- cilities," Sir James cables to a Lon- don paper, "will be fatally injured. The aspirations of Canadians for im- perial and national unity will be throttled. The last question will be settled forever. Our interprovincial trade will be ruined and the progress wd growth of our great cities stop- ped. The orange will be Yucknd dry and ouly the skin left with us." What a picture of woe and desola- tion, painted with a brush dipped in the gloom of eclipse ! . Does it not af- fright ? Does not one shudder at this piteous spectacle of a ruined para- dive * If you don't shudder at it and refuse to get seared, you do a grave injustice to Sir James, who took all the trouble of composing his word- picture in order to accomplish © that very purpose. Meanwhile let us hope that our pie turesque premier's rhetorical effort will not have the effect of discouraging English capitalists who had been pre- paring. to invest. money in this coun- try. > The Arms of Wales. Aun official communique has been is | sued that at the court at Buckingham palace, at which the king was | one single dose will d for assimilation into t Indigestion, : Sourness go in Five Minutes, Why not get some Bow--this mo- ment, and forever nd youpsell of Stomach trouble and Indigestion? A dieted stomach gets the Glues and grambles. Give it a good eat, then take Pape's Dia n to start the di- gestive juices working. There wll be no dyspepsia or belc of Gas or eructations of undigested food; no feeling Like a lump of in the stom- ach or heartburn, headache and Dizziness, and your food will not fer- ment and peison your breath with nauseous odors. Pape's Diapepsin costs only 50 cents for a large case at any drug store here, end will relieve th: most iobe stinate case of Indigestion and Upset Stomach in five minutes. There is nothing else better to take Cas from Stomach and cleanse the stomach and intestines, and, besides, t and prepare Blood all your food the same as 'a sound, healthy stomach would do it. When Diapepsin works, your stom- ach rests--gets itself in order, cleans up--and then vou feel like eating when you come to the table, and what you eat will do you good. Absolute relief from all Stomach Mi is waiting for you as soon as you ide fo take a little Diapepsin. Pape's Diapepsin, because vou want to become thoroughly cured this time. Remember, if your stomach feels out of order and uncomfortable now, w can get relief in five minutes. Tell your druggist that you want | two years ago it was found that £10,000 FOR A VIOLIN. Haddock Fiddles, Finest ! Collection, to be Sold. The announcement that the collec tion of violins which belonged to the late George Haddock, the famous mu sician, is to be sold, has aroused the keenest interest amoug dealers and collectors in England. The Haddock fiddles are reputed to be the finest pri- vate collection in existemce, the gem being the "Emperor Stradivarius," pronounced by Joachim to be the fin- est violin he had ever seed, and which is stated to be worth £10,000. It is nearly 200 years old, and, notwith- standing its great age, looks as fresh as fit had but vesterday left the hands of "Antouio Stradivari, the famed violin maker, of Cremona. This is a somewhat exceptional value to be placed on a violin, the price of each of the 600 Strads which are known to be in existence ranging from £500 to £1,500. Perhaps the only violin which can be compared . with the "Emperor Stradivarius" the Haddock collection is the one which Paganini left to the city of Genoa, for which as much as £10,000 has been offered. The Strad presented to the late Dr. Joachim on the occasion of his jubilee cost £1,200, while that presented to Lady Halle by the Duke of Edinburgh, the late Earl of Dud: ley, and the late Lord Hardwicke cost £1,000. When Private of Sarasate's will was proved he had bequeathed £4,000 and a Strad each Lo the conservatories of Paris and Madrid, the money being for the pur pose of founding prizes bearing his name. Each of the violins were valued ATTEMPT ON JACKSON'S LIFE. Old Letter Tells How He Narrowly Escaped Assassination, New York Times. How narrowly Andrew Jackson, while president of the United States, escaped death by assassination, is told in an important letter of John Tyler, which sold for $43 at auction in Philadelphia recently. The letter is dated Washington, Jan. 31st, 1835, and is addressed to Tyler's son, Rob- ert Tyler. John Tyler at this time was United States senator. In this letter he says "My object in writing to you was to give you an account of an occur rence which transpired yesterday, and to ask that vou will walk down to Judge Semple"s and inform him of the facts. Warren R. Davis died two at about $2,000, one of the instru ments having been discovered in a very romantic manner. At ome time it was the property of a Genevan' black- smith, to whom it had been given by i a traveller who could not pay for the shoeing of his horse. For years it hung on the wall of the blacksmiths house, until after many years another horseman, M. Boissier, who was also a violinist and a colleptor of violins, came along. The blacksmith asked M. Boissier to buy the violin from him at his own price, or else to find him a purchaser. M. Boissier carried it away, cleaned off the smoke, discover: od the Strad mark--and did not de fraud the blacksmith I'he story reminds one that the vorite violin of M. Eugene Ysa magnificent Strad, valued at £ which was stolen from his dressing room three vears ago while in St fa nights ago, and yesterday the funeral ceremonies were performed in the House of Representatives. The mem bers of both houses were present and the president «of the United States, with the members of his cabinet, The procession moved from the hall, through the rotunda to the east poreh of the capitol. The house fizst, sen ate second, followed by the president, ete. I was unwell, and concluded not to go to the grave, and after getting to the porch I stepped out of the line of the processionto the right. 'I had been standing there more than a minute when I heard an explo- sion, similar to that produced by an ordinary cracker, which caused me to turn around, when J roeived a man, standing in front of the presi- dent, about four stéps off, with a Joehat pistol pointed at the president. he report immediately followed of the same character with that I had a moment before heard, The president immediately raised his cane and made at him, but before he could strike the fellow was seized and thrown down, the president still pressing on him, and when preparing to stick his cane into him was drawn off. * 'The fellow was immediately trans. ferred to the civil authorities, and now lies in jal to abide his trial on a fu- ture day. It seems that he had two pistols, each of which he attempted to discharge, but they were with percus. sion caps, the day was very damp, a thick mist prevailing, and, although the caps by their explosion must have been as fine as were ever used, the Jota did not ignite. They were ound to be well loaded with the fin est powder, and 'tis almost a miracle that they did not go off. The man is said to be an Eaglishman by birth, to have been in this city some three years, to he a printer by trade, and to have given on more occasion than one, evidence of derangement. He was asked, 1 learned by Mr. Randolph, the scrgeant-at-arms to the house, what led him to attempt the life of the president. He replied because he kill ed my father three vears ago." There i+ nothing but madness in all this Be Warned by Headache It Tells of Serious Derangements of the Liver and Kidneys. KIDNEY LIVER. PILLS. erful drugs. Bat it is not generally wise to $0. 5 A headache almost rege Misi you of gasangemmant$ tl tive system, the liver, kidheys, or bowels. Awaken the liver to healthful action by the use of Dr. Chase's Kidpey-Liver = bc Ef i if i bi } gf fF 8 8§ You can stop s headache with pow- | Petershurg--is said to have changed hands at one period for 33s, being sold at that price by an unknown traveller to a wailer in a railway re staurant in a small Moravian town ! Twice at least £2,000 has been paid by private treaty for Strads, and £1, 100 was paid fof a "Betts Strad," the title which it gained from the follow ing incident : Betts was a music sell er in London some sixty years ago, and one day a stranger entered his shop, offering a violin for sale at the low sum of one guinea. The dealer at once jumped at the bargain, put down his guinea and secured the instru ment. He retained it in his family for a number of vears, and, after chang ing hands several times, it was bought at the figure named for a foreign nobleman. Five vears ago £700 was paid for a Strad which for years was played upon by a strolling musician in the Notting Hill and Marylebone districts of London, while some time ago £1, 600 was paid for a fiddle which had previously been knocked down at an auction sale to a laborer for 6s, For tunately for him, the laborer knew something of the value of fiddles, and a fow days later sold his treasure to a dealer in curios for £600. Ultimately the latter sold it for £1,600 ~truly record bargain. a Concerning Dogs. Conadian Century A Montreal teacher recently asked her class of little girls to write a com position on the dog. Here are a few bof the gems gleaned from among (ha bundle of stories submitted : "A dog is a kindly disposed ruped. He is found in Asia, all parts of America. | kind and loathes insects "A dog swallows his food without chewing, which goes to shew that he belongs to a preantideluvian area." "A dog is a kind creature to chil dren and goes out of his way to harm no:one except when she has puppies or is gone mad." "Bulldogs are terrible fighters fight all the time they are not eating or sleepfng "or otherwise doing no { harm. They have big beads and mas give jaws, but are in no way related to the whale." "A dog is friend." "A dog eats meat and bread and bones. A dog runs sideways, when he runs, because he does not run straight when he runs. He runs when he not standing up still, sitting, walking or lying down." "Dogs are taught to kill cals. They catch the creature behind the head and kill them instantly and quickly." "Chere are many varieties of dogs as well as 'poodles and other kinds much devoted upon by the ladies." quad Africa ard loves man nud man's most inmost Is His Poor Memory. New York Times. A Brooklyn approached om the street by woman who inquired whether he were not the Rev. Dr. Blank. "Yes," said the mimister, who seemed at a loss lo identify the young person the girl, laughingly. 2 "Um dfraid 1 do not," said the good man, apologetically. "Will you not "| give me just a little hint *" "Well," continupd the young woman, "1 gertainly think that you ought to remember me, oven if it has heen so long a time. Why, Dr. Blank, vou baptized we here in Brooklyn, just be- fore my parents moved west. You ten me entirely ** -------------- Wise. It was to be the first sleigh ride of the season. "What are these 7" asked the juetis picked up two mousel i sleigh. jects "Ear minister was recently | a young | "Don't you remember we *" othad | don't mean to say that you've forgot. |. i Gull Hay'sieall 23 i 1° ne Restores color to Gray or Faded hair--Removes Dan- druff and invigorates the Scalp --Promotes a luxuriant, healthy hair growth--Stops its falling out. Is not a dye. $1.00 and 0c at Drug Stoves or direct wper 2 receipt of price and dealers nage Send 10¢ fo sample bottle. ~ Philc Hay Specialties' Co., S.A REFUSE ALL SUBSTITUTES Newark. N. J. 1 Jas. BR. McLeod, Agent. SP 0000000000000 000OIVSE $ Wood, Lumber, Shingles . ® Honest Measurement Prices. N. JACKSON, PLACE D'ARMES, Residence, 280 Bagot Street: 'Phone No. 101%. 000000000000 00000000 Dr. Martel's Female Pills EICHTEEN YEARS TNE STANDARD ments, a scientifically prepared remedy of proven worth, The result from their use is quick and permanent. For sale at all drug stores. po . COAL! b = ¥ The kind you are looking for "4s the kind we sell. Scranton Coal fs good coal and we guarantee prompt delivery. BOOTH & CO. FOOT WEST STREET. HARE TH How to Tell if vou vou Even of hair, er it is m a 98 per cent tonic Pull a hair out bulb at the end of the re i and shrunken, it proves t and is diseased, treatment if i ed hair is health We want everyone quires treatment We promise that it Hair Toni not cost ar satisfactory 1» overcome dai tation to tighten the bh grow haw It is becau Hair Te ha faith in vou to try 50c. and 21.00 A.W NK is if ne of t 1 the bulb is i timuiate Vy and cure S goodness that wie TEST Your Hair is cased. yond whet} he peopl of vour head, if the white at the har prompt avoid the whose hair re to try Rexall "93" if it doe H i desig tev } the iread baldies of what Rexall "6 done and our sincere want Hh, at « Mahood. AAT SOULE J 8 sen ALES "ELECTRO BALM" CURES ECZEMA, Write for Free Sample STAMP FOR POSTAGE 11 111 HL all dealers or upoh OR SR EAN CHEMIGAL GO, } | BAN Dis ll'from « PAGE ELEVEN. -- ! HOTEL DIRECTO! | 80 to the STEWART HOUSE. Leading ! Commercial Hotel. Rates, §1.50 per i = JAS, STEWART, Prop. i TRAVELLING. EL PREE | | RAILWAY SYSTEM REDUCED RATESPACIFIC COAST. In effect from March 18th to April 10th Inclusive ECOND CLASS COLONIST FARE TO $45.10 (Sgn, ices, Ca $1.05 | Low rates te masy other points TOURIST SLEEPING CARS, | Leave Kingston fer Chicage on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays 2.48 am Berths available fer ae- {commodation of passengers holding ifirst or second class 'tickets oun pay - {ment of nominal charge Conneotion {made with trains carrying cars of similar style at Chicage For full information, apply te J. P. HANLEY, Agent. Johnston and Ontarie Sts. elson, Vancouver, Vieteris Westminster, BU " eattic, Spolane, Wash, | San Francisco, Loa Angeles, 8 N s | | i i i Tacoma, > Corner KINGSTON PEMBROK! SGV In Oonmection With CANADIAN PACIFIO RAILWAY. REDUCED FARES TO Pacific Coast One way second: yclass colonist tickets on sale daily March 10 to April 10th, at the following rates from Kingston:~-- SPOKANE, WASH. VANCOUVER, B.C. VICTORIA, BC, . 4 SEATTLE, WASH. $ es TACOMA, WASH. PORTLAND, OREGON DIEGO, CAl. $47.05 MEXICO CITY, MEX. Full particulars at K. & P. and C.P.R. Ticket Office, Ontario Street. F. CONWAY, Gen. Pass. Agent LOS ANGELES, CAL SAN FRANCISCO, CAL BAY OF QUINTE RAILWAY. Train leaves ['nlon tion, On « dally (Bun ¢ deni nto, Bannockburn al Am, Napanee, and all v 0 secure quick despatch to nook surn, Maynooth, and polnts gh rae TLS your A apmeh uinte Rallw: rulars, wy . DICKBON, Phone, No. 8. ss BERMUDA Round Trip $20 and Up Fast Twin Screw 8.8. "Bermud- fan," 5,530 tons, salls from New York, 10 am. every Wednesday Bilge keels; electric fans; wireless telegraphy. Fastest, newest and only stsamor landing passengers at the dock in Bermuda. lo WEST INDIES NEW S8 "GUIANA" and othdr steamers every alternate Saturday, New York for Bt. Thomas, t Croix, St Kitts, Antigua, Guada- 1 re, Dominica, Martinique, st la Barbadoes, and Demerara. or full Information, apply to J, P HANLEY and C. 8. KIRKPATRICK, Ticket Agents, Kingston; A. E. Outerbridge & Co, 20 Broadway, New York; Quebec Steamsbip Co, Quebec. FOR. Heal Drink McCarthey's Ale and Porter. It's the best. Agent, New Buckwheat Flour Maple Symp Maple Sagar Coast Scaled Oysters D. Couper | 'Phone 76. 341-3 Princess Street. Prompt Delivery R. J. LAWLER i | i i ® KINGSTON BUSINESS COLLEGE : o 'Highest Education at Low estCost" sixth year. Fall Term begins August 30th. Bookkeeping, Shorthand, graphy, Civil Bervice and English. ® Our graduates get the ® positions Within a short timeg over sixty secured positions withg one ¢ the largest railway cor-o porations in Canada Enter any time. Call or write for informa-® tion. H. F. Metoalfs, Principal ® (Limited) ® Kingston, Canada 0000000000000 RONIIN Twenty the drink par excellence for family use. "Edelweiss" drank at meals promotes digestion and perfect health. Seasoned, bottled and sealed I¥ yy a ~ 's po at the brewery. . SS REINHARDTS OF TORONTO The Best Beer Sold