ee The Daily British Whig rT IL SR dee YEAR 78 -NO. 54 For Extra Session of Congress on April 4th. | heen indicted for killing Ernest Begras HE 1S DETERMINED Tr-- -- PITH OF THE NEWS. The Very Latest Culled From Al ' Over the World. BELIEVES IN RECIPROCITY. | Sir Horace Plunkett Thinks it Would Benefit Both Countries. i New York, March 6.-The Right] Fifteen deaths in Hawaii Islands : | tom cholera } { Ton. Sir Horace Plunkett, the eminent Ex-King Manuel will accept a com | Irish agriculturist, left yesterday for mission in the British navy. y i his home after a stay of some Oil mav be used by the railvays And Env eloped in Blood {months in this country, where he has '{o banish the mosquito from Muskoka Rossurio Casavant, Montreal, bh in a fight over a girl. A serious outbreak of smallpox feared at Lachine, Que. The men declare the disease is only chicks {been studying farming conditions. He! sailed on the steamship Oceanic. { | Sir Horace believes that reciprocity | between Canada and the United States Soaked Sack. as is i would work toward the betterment of medical A J | conditions for both countries and does 3 not believe that such a measure would toward eventual ammexa- | enpox. be a step . ina {Jewish massacres in Russia, that ap- | NLT EUR mnie, HOM TO HAVE RECIPROCITY PACT proach in barbarity the famous omnes THAT HAS CONVULSED QU EBEC w------E } RATIFIED. of Kishinev, are being perpetrated in | PROVINCE, { HIS CANDID OPINION. i Kieff { | i Wil Then Cowskdery, Grand Truk Vailwaris raffic-surn- |yapsies Plouite, Butcher, of Theo Congregation Compaed of Uistiesp| I o ! r 0 &% s 49 ! - amers, Whether it Will Make the Agree- oll 8364,512; 1910, $301,663 relic Rivers, the Victim--Provincial ran ment Operative--The Wording of 260,119 ' : Detectives Are Working on we the Proclamation, The firm of Krupp has decided to | Case. . {open a branch factory at the Hook |, St. Leonard de Nicolet, Que., March Washington, March 6 President Taft | is determined that the sixty-wecond congress shall discuss the agreement | with as little delay as possible, has, therefore, summoned both houses | ty meet in extraordinary session on | April 4th, to the end that they may | consider and determine whether the | congress shall, by the necessary legis- | lation, make operative the agreement. | The president's proclamation reads as | follows : | "Whereas, by special message dated | January 26th, 1911, there was trans i mitted to the senate and House of Re- | presentntives an agreement between the | department of state and the Canadian | government, in regard to reciproeal | tanfl legislation, together with an ear- | nest recommendation that the neces sary legislation be promptly adapted. | "And, whereas, a bill to carry Into} effect said agreement has passed the | House of Representatives, but has failed to reach a vote in the senate "And, whereas, the agreement stipu pulates not only that the president of the United States will communicald to congress the conclusions now reac h wd and recomunends the adoption of such legislation as may be © necessary on the part of the United States to give effect to the proposed agreement, but also that the governments of the two countries will use their utmost ef FPAPPLPEPEPEL NH of Holland. The site has already been | yurchasod. and Heinze interests have made a furth- Wd ter payment of 850,000 on the Foster property at Porcupine. This $100,000 applied on the bargain, The Canadian Pacific railroad h contracted for 100,000 tons of rails to be made in Sault Ste. Marie at a contract price of $3,000,000, created tremendous gueitemment, aad Near Mexico City, flying from fifty every house has been doubly barred to sixty miles an hour, Rene Simon at night, and Sv ery dog ny been and Roland Garros dropped dummy turned out to guar agains any {stray miscreant or crazy person, who bobs aginary manof-war saccesstul drops out of four. from monoplanes at an makes | steel im They made three | §.--The countryside is convulsed with ! the terrible details about the murder | discovered Friday morning. Quiet and | law-abiding as 'this neighborhood has | been, the announcement that the body of Maurice Plouffe, of Three Rivers, was found only a mile from here on the road to St. Wencelas, has as may be abroad. | The authorities, however, although | they seem to be somewhat at sea, ap SEVP ERR LRPIIT $ POPE WARNS ALFONSO, * - Rome. March 6 According to a Rome newspaper, the pope has sent to King Al fonso, through the nuncio at Madrid, a letter reminding his Majesty of his duties and prerogatives as a Catholic sovereign and warning him that a quarrel with the holy see may be fatal to the monarchy. | | | SPoL Peeps Pear to th ink that it was someone in yrhood, who was responsible Who, was the guilty | party, and why the deed was commit & ted are questions which no one feels # , capable of answering ~ just now, al + though many have suspicions, sus # | picions which include prominent peo- # ple, and these suspicions puint to hall # a dozen persons. i * K. P. McCaskill, chief of the # | vincial detective 'service, the man who | # brought Tom Nulty, and Cordelia | # Viau and Sam Parslow, and Belanger | # | of Ste. Fustache and Guillemain, and | New York, March 6. "That his con & others to pay for their crimes 1s here | gregation is a lot of listless unenter now, however, and the villagers are | prising dreamers, was the candid opin let him unravel the |ion, given yesterday, by Rev. Charles the neighbe + for the murder. pro- | no, REV. CHARLES F. AKED, ONTARIO MONDAY, MARCH 6, 1011 By Which $100,000 in Bonds Were Stolen. Nn BONDS ONLY MISSED WHEN JUNIOR PARTNER WENT TO VAULTS. ---- Senior Partner Remembers That Last Thursday He Was Knocked Down in Produce Exchange--A Clever Substitution Trick. New York, March 6.--~Robbed of a hundred thousand dollars in negoti- able securities in broad daylight, he till Thursday, and did not know it to-day, was the experience of Gedrge Bancroft, aged eighty-six, head of the firm ob brokers of that name. Thurs- day afternoon, as was his habit, Mr. Bancroft took his papers to deposit in the Produce Exchange vaults. a tall man ran against him, knocking him down, and. knocking the bundle of Jove from his hand., Another smaller man came running up, and very solicitously helped him up and shoved a bundle under the old gentle man's arm, which after thanking for his assistance, he carefully deposited in the vaults, This morning when Bancroft's juni- or partner went to the vaults to get the securities, he found that the en- velope contained only three old news: papers. Evident r. Bancroft was robbed on Thursday by a clever sub- stitution trick. The securities included industrial and mining stocks all nego- | tiable. There is no clue. ---------------- ! A THREAT TO BLOCK ne Reciprocity Bill drawn, {| Ottawa, Barch 6.--Conservative mem: the week-end have is Not With- "DOMINION NAVAL FLAG. Co-operation and Lo-ordination ef Imperial Forces. London, March 6.--llon Mr. Pearce, the Australian minister of defence, will bring forward at the imperial con- ference the subject of extending ° co- has already been as to what flag the dominions' naval units should fly. Canada. has asked for the maple leaf, and Australia desires the southern cross upon a blue em- sign should be 'used by Australisn rhips. Mr. Pearce will endeavor to ar- range that otber powers be asked to recognize the distinctive dominion ensigns. : ! J---- MURDERER WILL RECOVER. The Baron Wanted $4,000 to Pay His Debts. Rome, March 6.--Lieut, Baron Pa- terno, the youthful cavalry officer, who shot himself after he had stab bed to death the Princess Giulia Tri- gona di Santelia, one of the beauties of Queen Helena's court, is improving and probably will be restored to aus wer for his crime. It was ascertained that the imme- diate cause of the murder was the re- fusal of the princess to give the ba- ron $1,000 with which to pay his debts. This sordid development has intensified the popular distress over the whole miserable affair. | | MINERAL WEALTH, Ottawa, March 6 --The mineral produetion of Cant. ada for 1910 was $105,000, 000, an increase of $13. 000,000 over the previous year. By provinces, Ontario shows the largest produc- tion, being $43.000,000, or about $20,000,000 more than British Columbia, which is next in order. The silver product In the minion was $17,000,000. total do- PAPI PPFPPPPEPP ET PHP PEPPERS under negotiations! AST EDITION WEATHER T nto Ont PROBABILITIES March # ) (Hiaw N ¥ aT a Valley it rly winds, fa Tuesds ~~ Heard operation snd co-ordination of the! i YE. military forces of Uritain and the 5X overseas dominions. E The status of the dominion's navies | very Ww ere " Rath If It Comes From STEACY"S It Must Be Good A common phrase in the homes, on What I get at Steacy's is always right, the 'streets and in the stores, whether it Be a large or small pur- chase there is always STYLE, QUALITY IND VALUE +o us ne IN THEIR SILKS, au ss0 DRESS GOOBS, SUITINGS, TRIMMINGS, LACE GOODS, EMBROIDERIES, ' WASH GOODS, KID GLOVES, forts to bring about such changes by [ quite yillieg to on fe ) bets away aver concurrent legislation at Washington | The total production of all kinds of | conundrum. s { F. Aked, pastor of Rockefeller's. Fifth me . i FRR b bd Phebe ibbedd and at Ottawa. { pig iron in Canada in 1910 amounted | With his head enveloped in a rough | Avenue Baptist church, Mr. Aked Suu. hak Jegain full ob ese against a ta ' FABRIC GLOVES, "Now, therefore, I, William Howard | to 710,210 tons, against 677,090 tons {and blood soaked sack and smashed {tame here from Liverpool four years op; i sreater * chi tio to ha DENIES MAKING CONFESSION Talt, president of the United States of | in 1909, an increase of 63,120 tons, land battered almost beyond all re jago, getung $10,000 salary. He say ot the oy er ns Inatiey oun ------ HOSIERY, America, by virtue of the power vest {ar ® " | cognition Maurice Plouffe, a butcher | he may go into the Congregational au e - threat to. hioe P! "| That She Killed Her Son With Car- : s Je | jor 9.3 per cent. po {in B 2 i greg ings amd make the house sit all sum- CORSETS, ed in me by the constitution, do Here | Marin Adagniat, New York, aged of Three Rivers, was found on the ministry at San Francisco, t mer anil permit the voting of no sup wer bolie Acid. by prosiaite ind declare that, a eX | twenty two, shot Guiseppi Orsini, why lonely sau Resear) oH vd Between this | TT y--mTT {ply *all the reciprocity bill has been Albany, N.Y., Murch 6. Mrs. Edith HANDKERCIEFS, traordinary occaglon requires the con | hetyayed her and married another. In town and the little village of St. Leon SPPPEPELES either witht i : Pk i y 7 rei i : % : « in ; : S04 EPESoMpee ither withdrawn or submitted to the | Melber, widow, is on trial here, charg Vi of it % house of Ae qomgres { hospital the man denied that the jrd; situated about fitem miles from * bint people by dissolution * of parliament. ed with taking her bov to a swamp READY-TO-WEAR of the United States at their respec | woman had shot him jac et. ¥ MURDERERS § That is i ili ith earbolic acid, so | SUITS, ; ay Lown) i sho . 1p 3 RE S) at is the threat of the rank and filo |and killing him with earbolic acid, so ' SUX 00. YRESSE AIST je shuuthoes jn He hy balung. | Mrs. ( Baxter, Pittsburg, Pa., bas | Teille waa bat Pe Monday, Pe oe 5 nor. 3 of the opposition. Leader Borden he that she He marry again. She has | an, By WAIN, lig On Lhe L ol , 1911, at {cued Nedjib Melhame Pasha, formerly [When he went a the village of St. t vet given hi i repudi onfes SKIRTS, Ete. twelve o'clock, noon, to the end that |, of the i ite ministers pr' "th Leonard and there purchased a bottle (: Barly, Maroh' | -6-=The $i not yet Ken a ig of She pro- listed Be alleged > Be they may consider ~ and determine SU) pe ne niin for ro |Of high wines and ori of gin. 1+ German operations gaint % posed tacts. ~~ have been made to the Rochester po- whother the congress shall, by the ne 1a A 1 id re Oe Hater returned to the farmhouse | e rebels in. Ponape, Caro- % A CEA Ce . ice; when arrested, that & pois {In fact. it 1s a pleasure to shep at ary legislation, make o ative the | very of jewels, stocks and bohds | Fu Bumdls Hiving tha' villas 1 line Islands, have been con- PASSAGE OF MEASURE. oned the lad. agreement.' ' : {put into his charge. ig 8 mill ing meas \ of o BE {#% eluded Fifteen murderers : -- - . : . E. N. Lewis M.P., has a bill before po ne ng) i Niet ot : a: and officials were court | This is Expected at the Special Ses- New York Firemen Shake-up. y : " ¢ a the Dominion parliament, which pre armer driving along the Aicalet rond | martialed and shot. The «+ sion, tori 5 Canada Will Not Delay. vents municipalities from securing the night before last was horrified by | § other insurgents numbering + wag March 6.--Even those i New York, Nach i 3 suakeup Ortawa, March 6.11, ay stated in | their water supply from streams, riv- | tho-ghastly sight of I iI otha es br os ar hing, Eh shite inthe New York. fire department, ne. 2 Washington despatch, Sir Wilirid Laur | A ing, rt ve in the m light the froze ar A 8 the capital who are mot in favor of | result of an is igation showing | ing Pe ' x ers, or other running waters into prone in the moonlight on the frozen | 4 recent revolt four Europeans a : : } rary --~ ap ™ jor were to receive a message from | which sewage or refuse has been ems road. The head of the unfortunate '4 and five friendly natives the Canadian reciprocity bill, are in-|lax methods and uty in WHY DON'T YOU GIVE THEM A President Taft, "asking for a postpone | id inless the water secured is butcher was battered in as if by an & were killed. ' clined, this morning, to admit that several bureaux, Wher | TRIAL. ment of the ratification of the recipro { specially treatéd and sterilized. axe, while about the face and throat | o indications point to the Pajhage of re { omenismioner Wal 4 | (ESTABLISHED 1881.) city agreement until next December, he | i ------ were long knife slashes, and blood 'gapgtddtss +04 dh the measure at 4 special ion call- | missed oseph L. Parke. hoa f CSTABLIS . would probably reply (of course, in di | from the many wounds had soaked +4 404d +4 thd ed for April 4th. With the departure reau of com i - Tees -- plomatic language), that there may be | the bag that covered the head. Two Exploration Parties. of the old congress things are quiet Is are to follos b i BORN. cause for delay upon the part of tho] Plouffe had spent several davs in Montreal, March 6.--Early this spring here to-day but Taft's cabioet is busy | artment, MeBR( OM Al aanano ue. Mar h 1st United States, but that the ( anadisn | the neighborhood of Nicolet and St two exploration oartics wil he Pa getting ready to introduce the hill > i daughter NStRborn), gidroum, 4 government proposes to ask parlia | leonard buying cattle, and was a ut from Yere J A. : he with an amendment when the new | ; N | BYERS--At Ste. Agathe des Monts ment to proceed at one to implement AND STATION WARSHIPS AT familiar firure in the county. We is ig. o b ¢ 3 eo gO to e I'a- congress meets. : | Que, on Feb 28th, te Dr. and Mrs its parts of the tariff agreement, which GIBRALTAR known to have been drinking heavily on So oo Prince Rupert, and a. 4 J. Roddick Byers, a son is in these words : RTL 8Th i +. eR ' the other to push its way into the " i » De n Chicago. | 3 "Such legislation on the part of the. during, itis Jost trie, iy ois uebabl Peace River country. They are being "Appl Mary oh lh ie Mary," FORMER HAMILTON MAN ans ICImle Rid M United States may contain a provis- {This May be the Result of the Visit grypien quarrel n % pent by corporation agencies, limited, ! Bicago, March fe A on Arie] UNDER ARREST FOR BIGAMY. e---- ------------ jon that jt shall not come into opera of the British Army Council to the : for foreign, ciients and it is pot wm: od he! Ta 8 a acthe OM es pti --_ tion until the United States govern > . ; " likely that their reports, when they board of trace, > a '| "irst Marriage Took Place There MARRIED A Old Fortress. . A ' 0 or the @ fu of ment are assured that correspdnding .A Miraculous Spring. return this antumn, will mean the b ilding pL ee the Seat ttle Twenty Years Ago--Late Rey, | MOROA2 ELSTINE oO legislation has been or will be passed | Gibraltar, "March 6.--The greatest | Montreal, March 6.--The announces investment of more foreign capital in un In a ' : wikia 25rd ay Parsonage. Lore by the parliament of Canada, and, in |importauce is attached in military tment that a miraculous spring has Canada. ' brie and wedwich stand yi a Canon Curan Officlated at Ccre- May Asialal me of Rob on, te NB > : nk AS . ; : x 0 1a] oe. hy # x } like manner the legislation on the part | circles to the unexpected visit ob the heen discovered bubbling forth under Bing te of mudae pot. oni mony. URLSLAKINS=At Varker, on March of ( nada nay contain » Jrovision British arity Sapiily She. mothers of (the altar of St. Clotilde has brought Being. ! Brooklyn, N.Y., March 6.--A peculia Ju Robert 2 30, Atlan ih ¥ that it s all not come Pu a ion whis h have arrived here in their offi- |{housands from far and near on 'a 0 R AE eal: dame was Terese Celle. | case that is attracting the aitention lakina, bot} ian Town until the government of Canada arc a3 capacity. visit to the church. An altar, on Lith known of her antecedents, | of people in and around Newark, is assured corresponding legislation ha It is reported that in all probabihty 3 A | ; Attia Is rly h Fy ah . ' been passed or will be passed by the | the garrison will be augmented \ which a mew statue of the Blessed | save that she was partly of French | one in which a woman accuses the DIED ht . EY B : augmented, ABY 'Vipin hed recently been placed, sud-| WHAT CAPE HAITIEN 1S PASS. extraction, and came from Algiers to}man she has had arrested for bigamy |BEDORE--At South Napanee, on Feb congre of the United States it is alto said that prm fi { The "government here will do its -- i ioe OE Cl Ta tian} ne denly required the atieation of af ING THROUGH. Chicago. She left a fortune estimated | with having forced ber to aid him to Sours Mra Martin eflore, aged 37 part, no matter what mav happen at te ere The. A fe plumber. Investigation showed the] at $60,000, A committee of the board | comsnit bigamy by posing at the cere PTA ak: Nasanen oi wi Washington. The reciprocity yesolution | gow here has been ordered to make {spring of pure water bubbling from | (eizens Suspected of Disloyalt of trade will conduct her funeral. mony of wife No. +s 84 his mother. 25th, Edna Kathleen, only dash will be put into Taw and if the Uni: Jn stay of three month 1 t t the earth. A similar occurrence was | ; yalty - Mrs. Ellen Pritchard, in her cons ter of Myles und Selena. Stafford, < Ri , 8 i A £ r no hs and oO return reported same (ime ago fro a Shure | Were Taken From Their Homes | Confessed to Murder. plaiat, all that she was married aged 19 years ted States fails to do its part the fault {in July for six months more. ¥ af i. h A a | G : : McGURN--At Williamston, Michigar will not rest with. Canada. In othe : s------hp-- of the samb name in Lou, Franee. It| and Summarily Shot--The Pri-| St. Leonard de Nicolet, Que., March | to George ritchard, the prisoner, on on Feb, 20th, Mrs MiGurn, rel will take the! WOLVES HUNGRY THIS YEAR. id said that sine the discovery of | som Full. | 6 _Hormidas Trepanier, a farmer | July 29th, 1891, in Hamilton, Ont., of the late Wm. McOurs : forty-five years of age, of St. Leon- | by the late Canon W. R, Curran, and Ernesttown, aged §7 years words, the agreement place of the "standing offer" of -reci procity which was contained in the na tional policy tariff from 1879 to 1596 ---- BURNED TO DEATH. m-------- Terrible Scenes at Fire in Moving Picture Palace. St. Petersburg, March 6.-~Ninety persons and many children were burn od to death spd many mained when a fice destroyed a moving picture pa lace in a provincial town, on Sunday. There were terrible scenes and no fire eseapos. : A Graft Investigation. Chicago, March 6. After investiga- tag cha of graft and corruption at East Chicago and Indiana Harbor, Indiana, a grand jury returned thirt, indictments and adjourned. Among those named are ayor A. G. Sch licker, Chief of Albert Lewis, and the eity clerk, Walter Spencer, of East Chicago, and Julius Fried- man, alleged head of a conspiracy to collect tribute for the protection of | viee, ( Barou Paterno, Rome, shot Princess Trigova di Santelln because she would wot give him $4,000 to pay his debts, Queen Helena had made every effort to bring to an end the uncon ventional alliance, and reunite the princess Numerous in Vicinity of Charl Lake--=8Some Shot. Charlton, March 6.~Wolves and in the country bordering the head of the lake here coronation. \ me Man and Wife Found Hung. { Reading, Pa. !Adam, a farmer, thirty-five years § i } were found hanging in the garret their home, near Hamburg. They ened a rope over a rafter, made pnooses, and, placing their necks them, jumped from a chair. They a rambling note which indicates with her hushand, Pringe Trigona di Santella. ! DAILY MEMORANDUM. Division Court, 9 am. Tuesday. 14h Band at Palace Rink to-night. savers Hak $13 p and power commities, 4 public cided to die together. pm, numerows at the head of the lake here Coun cil Creek, right down to the Montreal Old trap March 6.~Samuel | Ol and bis wife, Mary, aged twenty-nine, the spring two people, who were suf- | fering from different ailments, were cured instantly by the use of the wa- tor, Cape Haitien; Hagti, March 6.--This city is experiencing a reign of terror { approaching that of 1908, when citi {zens suspicted of disloyalty to Presi- ton are | i pi dent Nord Alexis, were taken from i Saved by Baby's Screams, | their homes at night and summarily { was. found on the road between Three i Rochester, N.Y., March 6.--~That a shot | Rivers and St. Leonard de Nicole t on y Thursday night. Chief MoCaskell stat- J {break in a gas pipe at the home of | Arrests by the military continue and River. Two were killed at one of y hy R. Booth"s lumber camps on Bear | r=. Frank Reeg, in this city, did not i the prisons are filled. The lo al jail, Creok the other day and another at [Prove fatal to four sleeping persons | designed for the confinement of eight {at theee o'clock, Saturday morning, persons, is i {was due to the fact that the fumes men. The prisoners as arreste | rad, whose son was formerly a well {known athlete in Montreal. Gives Red Cross $60,000. | San Mateo, Cal, Whitelaw Reid, ambasspdor to Grest Britain, yester day, made an additional gift of 860, to the Red Cross Guild hospital wl Ottawa, March 6.~Five senators and thirteen members of the house of fas. commons will attend the coronation, two representing 'the dominion parliament in and as guests of the British parlis- morial to her parents, Mr. and Mrs left mmiarians, Five conservatives and DD. Mills. a eight liberals will he chosen from the membership of the house « ---------------- Will Dine With King. Lomgon, March 6--Dr. J Lemon, Mah 9 I. Soh al church, who goes to Fifth pow uvecupied by eighteen | ary | March 6.-Nm. wife of the American which she established here as a me i The money is to be used in the con struction of additions to the hospital buildings. : Henr, p 3 ton York, wae Ei | aril 'de Nicolet, was { home oun Sunday, by Chief MeCaskell of the provimeial police, for the mur der et that Trepsnier had confessed he : had killed Plouffe, ------------ Death of a Crimean Veteran. Brockville, | The king and dined out priv |ataly on Friday Jor the first time in {the pew weign. Lady Forgubar was To their hostess, There were thirty guests Parrot s Bay Presentation, "Queen Mary and the other ladies were Parrott's Bay, March 4A _ all dressed in black, relieved by mag social was held at , niticent . Navid Smith on Thursday evi This afternpon, in paclisment, wil [March 2nd, after which the neighbors be lively with a discussion regarding a nd friends presented Mr. and Mrs. ce liberal | Smith with an address and a hand 'ch that Adelard Lanctot, a Richeheu, ' i [ property. If this is proven {must resign. Mrs. C. J. Corrigan, a woman "fhomas Waterhouse, whe heat arrested dt his of Maurice Plouffe, whose body March 6.--~The funeral , psed his position as a member to have the governmest {employ 'and do work upon bis private Lasctot et als tb a | offers as proof a certified marriage certificate, signed by the Rev. E, J Etherington, now pastor of Thomas' chureh, amilton, bears the names of Harry, Sarah and Jennie Eland, as well as a copy of a Hamilton newspaper, which tells of such a marriage two days hefore. Mrs. Pritchard further alleges that under death' threats, she was com pelled to pose to her hushand"s new wife, April 5th last, as his mother, and that St. u her home, 15 Alpine street, some chair before their removal. sddress expressed zard held for them by 'eeling replies / to be wealthy, died at Hamil Miss Jeanette Lew:s has parchaced on and the police are looking for her two buildings on ludid senna relaiives, : to convert Hawg! and proposes thom an hospital for children. - which whom she allegés Te married The the esteem and Fe r their - Mr. apd Mrs. Smith ye 4 K.C., is much improv- | The "Phone B77. JAMES REID = The Old Firm of Undertakers 854 and 356 PRINCESS STREET. "Phene 147 for Ambulance OLD AND GOOD, BW. Buite--B8afs, Lt Three-plece Chalr--=a kind »w and Ladies' pors say the wolves are having a' " goted the Reeg baby that the in- chained together i particulerly hard time of it this win- ge ot inlo screams, cali 1 The titables pais. = Visok place, Sunday, of Sergt. Mat a . hi ; "Phot { tor, owing to the great depth of snow the er ho ad EE nome ee i d thew Kelly. the last local survivor of she-wite No. 1--tives at No. 453 High aften coms across. Puts Tiave and the absence of a erust. MNany'oj in a fire alarm. The grandmother a famine is threatensd the Crimean war, who died at his re . iat gy the bills, rent, gas, have died of starvation, they say. {and Miss Popp, a boarder, were taken | The hospitals are filled with soldiers sidence in Elizabethtown on Fridey thi oe Rithan, xe. which ars paid ie fo the hospital, unconscious, but re- [ill and dying from starvation.» Only | night. Me. Relly was in- the si of Pr oo d 4 : i : re ast : HE 15 CHAIRMAN. | covered later. the military authorities andl foreign- Sebastopol with the 39th E re The ard, who is held on the big | { re {ers are permitted on the streets. Civi giment. He came here im 1569, any charge Jor the grand jury, de | * Fit for a King "ommi : i Senator for Montana. {lians generally are in hiding, fearing | -------- ap the charges excopt that he : Head of the ( ttee on Eater 8 g ing, fearing . Robertson pays for everything at the High tainment. : Helena, 'Mont., March 6.--Henry L. "eptiscls by gernmente, Hu { Death of Tipe, S Bh 6 Tho address, because Rove bor awht PANCARES alli | Poreigners arriving here Fredericton, N.B., Marc jo m- y S 4 . London. March 8.--Lord Rosebery | a shore Sou: tiens returning, are not permitted AY las Robertson, M.P., died at his home | PEPY: nothing more. He asserts that (Made from our BSelf-ralsing Buck- has the chairmanship of | = d Senator Carter, on the land until their trunks are opened and at Harvey Staton, last night. He never was in Hamulton in his life, lords and commons commitice for the | 0 int Joint legislative ballot, their contents examined by the port was fitvdour years of age, and lesves fos in London, as the marriage certi wheat ¥iour, eniectalnmant, of the pressntutives » 3 bj ee aduatey Authorities. Letters they have on a wife and ten children. He was "al" ule feads Shae Soasge Juilchard is | Siar Dominion perliament a t here wer n i i" ~ 3 1kies. . s. ns 1 A {for senator, among them C. H. Hon- Shes STs are subjedt to the same conservative in politics chard, who is accused of hr wife | B SYRUP ' : Vo. 9, is almost prostrated with grief | and a cup or two of our JAVA AND MOCHA COFFEE. | Sa ths home of I wine. Jas, Redden & Co. IMPURTERS OF Five anor PRIFS The Eayl of (rows will be laid sei for two months, owing to bis sud In a fall he received consis ge