Store Closes 5 o'clock WHY NOT HAVE A NEW TOP ON YOUR FUR COAT THIS SPRING. WE WILL DO THIS, RENOVATE THE -FUR, AND STORE IT FREE FOR YOU UNTIL NEXT WINTER. GET OUR PRICES. - THEY WILL INTEREST YOU. John : McKay, 149-150 BROCK ST. New Houses, New Furnishings OR OLD HOUSES AND NEW FUR- NISHINGS, We're ready to help. Our new 1911 stocks are in. It's wise to make your selection early and have the ad- vantage of Newest Goods. CIRCASSIAN w the newest. Has the most handsomely marked grain of any home or forelgn wood ever used. Call and see it wanether you want to buy or not. We have it In Dining and Bed Room Furniture. We have the Cheapest. Best COUCHES, $4.50, $5.50, $7.00, 9.00 OUR HEALTH BRAND MATTRESSES will redeem the worst day by the best night's sleep pessible-- $3.75, $4.50, $5.50. 3 grades. Others from $2.50 up. OSTERMOOR, the best the world over, $15, CARPETS, RUGS, just fn from) Bu markets. ww ITAINS--Lace, Madras, Sik, Phone 90. Yours, T. F. HARRISON G0 Arriving Daily NEW 600DS FROM ALL OVER THE WORLD, Mattings from China and Japan. Silk Drapes from Constanti- nople. Rugs from Persia, Austria, and Germany. ad Curtains from Switzer. Carpets and Ollcloths from England. Linoleums from Scotland. Art Denims and Muslins from Boston. And Lots of other Goods manufactured in Canada. R. McFAUL, CARPEY WARENOUSA » i Special i Estate { Bargains | No. 314 UNIVERSITY AVE, semi-detached; brick; 9 rooms; 'all modern improvements; furnace; deep lot. a McCANN MES BACK TO PEN JAMES ROLAND GUILTY BREAKING PAROLE, INCIDENTS OF THE DAY. | Newsy Paragraphs Picked Up by Re- porters on Their Rounds. "Buy tooth brushes." Csbson's. Last week six deaths were registered with the city clerk. Charles Buunett spent Sunday his home in Belleville. "Shaving brushes," Gibson's. Reginald Crawford, Brockville, spent the week-end in the city. Harvey Milne returned to-day a business trip up west. "Buy shaving brushes." Gibson's. OF Was Captured in Wisconsin and al Brought Back by Inspector Park- imson, of Dominiop Police-- Tried to Escape From Jail at Windsor. James G. Roland, who endeavored to give the police the slip, and break his parole from the penitentiary, found that the arm of the law was long enough to reach him. Roland was found guilty, at Iro- quois, Unt., of housebreaking, and was sentenced to a term of two years and a half in the penitentiary. Two months ago he was allowed out 'cn parole, when he had yet fifteen months on his term. Instead of abiding by the rules and the regulations, however, that of re porting to the police and giving an account of himself every month, .s week, is required for parole men, Roland "Buy tooth brushes." Gibson's. made off. However, the dominion po-' J. A. Williums, Napanee, spent the lice got track of him in quick order. week-end with his family ou Nelson He 'was lacated at Mau Claire, Wis: gtreet. consin, about a week ago, and as a Mrs. Reginald Lucas, Selby, left to- result Inspector Parkinson, of the day for the north-west to join her dominion police, was sent out from husband. Ottawn to bring the accused back. "By, shaving brushes.' Gibson's. The iuspector arrived in Kingston with. Joseph E. Clark left, to-day, for a his man early on Monday morning, month's trip to Cleveland, Chicago after a very tiresome jaunt. The pri- i Toroute, souer spent several hours in a ofl, H Cunningham, piano tuner, at the police station, before being re- King street. Leave orders at moved to the penitentiary. Auley's bookstore. ° On the way down to the penitentiary, The finance committee of the board Roland tried to make his escape. In- of education will, to-night, consider spector Parkinson dropped off at Wind- the estimates for the year. sor, in order to break the journey and' "Fresh on Saturday," McConkey's to get a little sleep, and handed his choice of royalty sweets, at Gibson's prisoner over to the jail authorities. Red Cross drug store. Unknown to the detective Roland had Fireman William Cockade was 'a concealed in the sole of his: boot a Visitor in Gananoque, on Saturday, small file, and when one of the guards the guest of Fire Chief Smith. at the jail made a rather unexpected | "Buy cough tablets." Gibson's. visit to his cell he was very = much' The friends of Miss Bertha Ainslee, surprised to find Roland at work en- JOhnson street, are glad to see her deavoring to saw off the bars. The O"® again, after undergoing an opera- file was immediately taken away from Hon on her throat. : ir ts him and from that time on until his § Buchu and Juniper, kidney pills, departurd a very close tab was kept p I he ¢ Gian Ye \ Peet on him to see that he did not 2% "on ht nd bi aise a nh, --- oe ce way, of Sore Roland did not at all like the ides wiih he paid a neat oun pe, ox of going back to the iciinry Lo "Fresh ie sweets." Gibson's. rig ut the reminder of his - at Mr. and Mrs. Cornelius Bermingham, "Coc. but won't thoze Kall | Barrie street, will leave for California in thy. ion oa oe lellows oution Tuesday. They will spend several in "he Pen give Lm the: laugh when 'months in the southern clime. they see I am Lack again," remarked | "Shaving brushes," 25c. to the prisoner, while on his way back to : Gibsons. : the big psison, which will be his T. T. Renton, of this city, with home for the next fifteen months. Richardson & Sons, Toronto, has pe E ---------- secured a month's vacation, and will VERY DEEP TO THE ROCK. take o ip to Bermuda or Cuba' for is health. 7 "Buy tooth brushes." Gibson's. Charles Harkinson, business man- ager for Miss Vesta Victoria, the great English comedienne, who comes to the Grand, on Thursday, was in the city to-day, making arrangements for her appearance here, Be. to $7.50, from received at McAulgy's. Phone 778. Mr. and Mrs. A. Page, Kingston, are spending a few days in Smith's Falls. Louisiana strawberries arriving daily only 25¢. a box, at Carnovsky's. Mrs. Robert Orr, Princess street, leaves for Syracuse, N.Y, on Tues day. "2c. to $7.50," shaving brushes. Gibson's. Mrs. Donald Hector McLean, of Ot- tawa, is in Kingston to spend a 21 Me Ninety-four Feet in Centre of Cata- raqui Bridge. The government engineers, who are making soundings in the harbor in connection with the deepening of it this year, find that the water under Qataraqui bridge at its centre js from ten to twelve feet deep. To the rock, the distance is ninety-four feet. Hence, it is out of the question for the city to construct stone piers at that point for a swing bridge. Piles will have to be used dor a foundation, and the tity engineer is making an estimate of the cost on this basis. In the centre of the Shttind townrda the bridge, there seems to a great hollow secu ddl llow before ---------- An Nlustrated Lecture, Miss Harris, of Cairo, Egypt, will give an illustrated lecture in St. " 's hall, on Monday evening, March 6th, at eight o'clgtk. Native A LETTER OF THANKS. Tribute to Dr. Riven. burgh. "To the Publie : - "I have been a sthmmerer for a great number of years, jn fact 1 developed this impediment when but five years of age. It was tidegome and a hin- drance to me at school, but more es- pecially in my vocation as teacher of music. I would have been most® suc- cessful as teacher had I not been afflicted. "At the time of writing this letter costumes and curios will bé shown. It || am under the instruction of is hoped that there will be a large at- Rivenburgh, a specialist for treatment tendance, as an interesting evening is |©f Stammering, and without hesitation expected. I can testify to his ability as to -------- complete success. I took my first in- Appointed to the Command. struction from him on Friday, Feb. Capt. James, Martin, a well-kno 24th, and in four days was able to Kingstonian, "and wn : : a skilful mariner, Peak easily and without effort. I has been engaged to command the consider his system to be perfect, na. steamer Caspiak for the Lake Ontario tural and speedy, as he has the true & Bay of Quinte Navigation company. method of removing the cause of Capt. Martin was last vear engaged stammering. | would advise all stam- with the Ogdensburg, N.Y., fleet. He merers to place themselves under his is well versed in Bay of Quinte and care without delay. Lake Ontario navigation. "CHARLES E. MILLNER, -------- Late organist of St. Mary's church; Divorced Several Years Ago. organist of St. Luke's church, Kiag- The millionaire bride of 1. W. Mul- ston." loy, the blind Canadian hero of the "March lst, H war, was wedded once before. Her first husband's name was eae | Dr. Rivenburgh will be at the Ran- but he treated her so cruelly that she dolph hotel until the 18th of this secured a divorce about six Years ago, month. Those desiring his services and afterwards spent most of er should call this week. time abroad, and resumed her maiden | : name. . Appointed Keeper. Wilham Ryan, who has been A Grateful mn." Ladies" Musical Club. | A programgne of high merit, was given on Saturday afternoon, in Con- guard at the penitentiary for vocation hall, by the Kingston Ladies' time, has been appointed a Musical Club. The programme includ- fill vacancy caused by the a voeal solos by Miss E. Folger; a some r, to ob oP William Bannister, the veteran@yiano solos, Miss Gordon: vocal solos, keeper. Mr. Ryan's place as guard has Francis Fischer Powers; piano solos, yet to be filled. Miss Tandy; voeal solos, Miss Wal- dron; vocal solos, Mrs, Arthur Craig; Have Gone to Cuba. piano os, Miss A. leslie and a Mr. and Mrs. John Mills, of Oak |vocal selection given by Mrs. Craig, Park, Chicago, left recently on a trip | Miss Craig, Guy Attwood and Francis to Cuba. They will be away several | Fischer Powers. yo . months. Mr. Mills who is a promin- [N-------------------- ent real estate man, is a native of Spring Will Soon be Here. Kingston, Already butls are commencing A ------------ make their appearance on some of the Will Assist at Concert. trees which bud early. The soft maple, plays the eupho- | poplar and balm of Gilead are put. Salvation Army band, | ting on their first coat of spring paint oft, to-day, for Ottawa, where and the sight is one that 'is warming will assist in a concert this even- [the hearts of those who are longing THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, MONDAY, William Swaine, piano tuner, Orders | | 87.50. © gerins of tuberculosis (tubercle bacilli) | MARCH 6, 1011. ~ rr Re CRITICISH 1S MADEBOOK |OF A PETITION: TO THE, CITY] COUNCIL | | { } ---- { | Asking That No Grant be 'Made to! These Books are so | the Tuberculosis Hospital--Dr. W.' Cal managers are willing | T. Connell Deals With the Mat-| { tem | Kingston, March 6.--(To the Edi-| ron) : A petition is at present being | Audrey, circulated among the citizens asking | Mary Johnston. | the city council to give a grant to- | Beverly of Graustark, wards the establishment of a tuber Brewster's Millions, 'culosis building . the hospital Geo. Barr McCutcheon. grounds. The business men are espec- Checkers, {ially being upproached by the pro- Henry Blossom. {moters of the petition ou the grounds [The Conjurer's House, {that such a building would be "bad |} 8. E. White jlo business and would deleteriously | rp q Firing Line, i sale of local goods through. | Robt. W. Chambers. rt, LIke the 1 ong of a Thomeand Candies i Ee Meredith Nicholson. a building established 'our locomo- | . tives, ships and marine engines, hos- | The Lightning Conductor, |iety and underwear, dry goods and] , The Willlamsons 'groceries, would run severe risk of | being infected with tuberculosis and | carrying disease to the unfortunate purchaser. As a supporter of a scheme for the establishment of such a building here, though not wedded to the idea that it must be placed on the general hos pital grounds, I would like to point out some [allacies in the appeal of the petitioners to the business man, as well as the condition of affairs at present, and as 1 believe they would be aficcted by the establishment of such a building in ur aty. | In the fust place buildings for! treatment. of jubercular cases are al- regdy in existence in the cities of Montreal and Hamilton on their hos- 'pital grounds. Sanitariums for simi- lar cases are established in Ottawa, London, St. Cathagines and Toronto but on grounds of 'their own. So far as I am aware the goods of none of these cities have suffered ostracism on account of the presence of hospitals for treatment of consumption. These cities are bul meeting the requirements of their immudiate localities and that | Eastern Untano ; is all we can propose to do here and! "No unfair influence of any sort bas instead of it doing us injury it [been brought go bear in the matter, ought to do us good as purchasers of [remarked Mr. Cunningham All along our goods would say, if they gave the! have urged the city To wait and matter consideration, "that as King-|see what the Hydro-Electric commis- ston is looking after its consumptives|sion will do. Now, after In the meantime will find our work cut out for ut in caring for the cages in Kingston and its immediate vicinity without striving or requiring to draw for cases on other localities in the province, whose duty it is to look after their ownsick and aMicted. { --Yours truly, W. T. CONNELL. ABSOLUTELY ABSURD, Says A. B. Cunningham, of the To- ronto World Story, "Absolutely absurd," remarked A. B. Cunningham, solicitor for the Sey- mour Electric company, when asked by the Whig, to-day, about the state ment of the Toronto World, that cor- { poration influgpas were at work in Kingston spreading distrust of Hon Adam Beck's cheap power scheme lor } waiting for there will be no danger in goods sent | three months, without any reply, 1] to resiime therefrom." | have asked | gotiations At present our city hospitals are treating annually an average of thir- |Our company ty-seven persons suffering from lung | ¥ill not afrect tuberculosis, and these patients have | Hydro-Eleetric commission to be cared for in wards with other | take up. The company patients, a condition highly undesir- | not asking for an exclusive franchise able surely when other inmates of jor a long contract. If the Hydro wards are already weakened by illness, | Fleetric commission can do better and hence more susceptible, Knowing [for the city than the Seymour then this, many physicians do not send tu fall well and but it simply bercular cases into hospital as freely [absurd to say that corporation as they would were therw special pro- | fluence has been brought to bear vision made for their care in a build- | the matter." ing apart. Thus we have at present | time, in this city, over 200 cases of | active tuberculosis of lungs. From fif teen to twenty per cent. of these are actually confined to bed orto their rooms; the balance go about more or less and some are even able to per- form their daily labors. Now of these { sufferers, not more than forty per "cent. are being so looked after (or are so looking after themsefves) that they are harmless to others. We must re member that a careful consumptive is| harmless to his family, his co-workers | and the community, while a careless | consumptive is dangerous to himself, | his family and to his fellow workers, | jand to that extent and that only is} dangerous to the community. Keeping | in mind always the fact that the| the city The dealings the have with the any negotiations Sey- City mig Seymour good, in mn- m LOOKING AHEAD, grow only in the body of the patient, | not outside, and that these germs are thrown out from the patient's body | only in certain excretions which can | readily be disinfected, we See that the | patient is the possible "seeding cen-| ew Hm and whethee he is such or nmot| Mrs. Spénder depends upon the care of his infected | COD!S a day, at excretions. At the present time then ' [OT baby until in Kingston we have practically 120) have $1,212 Ww . cases of tuberculosis that must be] ander Nhat's he . placed in the careless class, that | that time he can go to work are possible distributing centres, owing | to their lack of knowledge of neces: | sary procedure, or through their indif- | ference, and these individuals are put. | Information Desired. ting their families, or their fellow. | Kingston, March 3-4To the Edit workers n danger. vould ke | °F) For a city the size of Ninysten The proposed hospital woul take our public library is lamentably twenty of these cases, educate them in vr and bY . : the necessary measures for self-pro- "7. And insignit Ba : tection, protection of family and fel. P58 as an © Meational lows, besides giving them that treat He anwlae je tat ment which would be cuable them to fald wart it Hi Lan \ ary bring about care of their disease. In ow at Ha ey vauing a. ins stead of increasing: danger from tuber oo] STE ING £ i HES Sag a culosis, the hospital would diminish ip lo Ln grea Re ¥an afc of the the danger (at least to the extent of go ACCARe cits lates a ils inmates) and in time through les-'° =~ * NE hii sbi rary: 1 1.5% sons taught by example and precept = ns Dian Sty were entrtie , would soon materially lesson the pos BY ee annua Te tow a sibility of its spread outside in fami ue be ST 1 us One ut Ne ns Bes, work shops and school rooms. We HE Te bE Such a report y Is : 1 public are entitled to know tan scarcely hope that it will 4 ONCE yw many members the library has lessen the incidence of the disease, but| rolled, "how many hooks it ow ns one to two generations hence ought tol many are. creamed ach Sud the disease practically eradicated. how they are classified, what propor tion of the readers are adults and | what proportion juveniles, inew hooks are circulated. et * Kingston's Famous Fur Store. {dition to this, the aonual finan { Statement should be published, | | Sure our newspaper: are generous and {publicspirited enough to give swh {formation through their columns if the facts were available.-- Yours traly, JE LOVER If we 41 per cent he's of deposit ten interest, age, he'll use By 1s, LETTERS TO THE EDITOR. oh This ' entre I was a that a take has rant of La » uid how mw i Spoke on Church and Theatre, | Rev. J. Talman Pitcher, Gananoque, tand chairman of this district, read o {paper before the Methodist Ministerial {Association, on Monday morning, os | "Church and Theatre." After the paper {was read a general discussion follow led, in whith the strong poigts of the We give votes for the Library Contets | address werk brought ont. on all purchases andon}| . "T_T _"__ all money received on ac-|| _©irders From Quebec Bridge. count. . A number of the girders from 1 i bec bridge, which gave way two . vears ago while in proiess of constrae Keep the good work going Jicar have arrived at the Roysl Mihi 0 | tary College to be used in engineering study. Guests at the hall next Jume : : { will have the pleasure of sitfing upon them. the : To Dine Lieut. Hennessy. The stall 6f the Royal Military Col loge will entertain Lieut. T. J. Hen nessy, late quartermaster ¥ the | A Little Brother of good from both literary and dramatic standpoints that shrewd, to spend thousands of dollars on the productio Each 50c. he Lion and The Mouse Charles Klein the Rich, Patterson. Joseph MediM Rosalind at Red Gate, Meredith Nicholson. 1 The Secret Orchard, Weldon's, 7 Fashions for All, § London Red Magazine 260 PRINCESS STREFT BS0000000000000c000000000 The Castles March Magazines free patterns free patterns Royal Pall Mall Eyes should be every two years The eyes change. Glasses exactly right last year may be injurious now. Whether you wear glasses or not your eyes should be examined every two years. We are eye experts. We can afford you perfect sight Our varied stock of mounts helps us to give perfect satis- faction. Dr. A. P.Chown, Druggist, Optician, 183 PRINCESS STREET. 'Phone 343 erfes We have a greater range than in any pre- vious season. All the different kinds are shown in great va- riety, from the very narrow Edging to the wide Flouncing. Also The 38 Inch Allover i? The Patterns are dainty The quality fine, The price correct To see is to admire Newman & Shaw THE ALWAYS BUSY STORE HE WILL NOT GO To the King's Coronation specting Outfit. reupine; in Pro- I. N. Campbell, '¥ of Kingston, has en don in the negative his fina! de Im the matter of attending the king's ecoromation in | bis prospecting outfil, as was pro posed. Hir exense being that lon't want 10 be exported by own country.' The New Liskeard Speaker says Our townsman, |. N has struck lack in uncovered 0 feet formation earrying the surface. It is south-east corner of I of solid gold values located rushing' savers] other deals through his | Porrapine . oilice. He also has t springs on his lots in Golden he' knows of in Porcupine City." The many friends of W. H. Reid, the wellknown bulcher, will be plessed 0 know that he was a Nitthe better, to . formerly | Campbell, | Porcupine, having | earts | City and they are the only flowing springs S Worth Dramatizing' Are Worth Reading far-seeing theatri- n of each one. : jRed Book Blue Book Green Book Popular {Pop. Mechanics Argosy | Munsey Scribner's Century Harper's | Woman's Home Companiod. | Baseball l | FEA ESES PEIN PEPPERS * fe Votes given on every pur- i chase of 0c for the Library I& Vouing Contest, ASK FOR THEM. - + | FHP ER EERE FERRE PL PPI ORES eee eat The College. Book Store, THE FINEST BOOK STUKE IN EASTERN ONTARIO. OPEN NIGHTS Phone 919 Casseroles | For Family Cooking. We sell these dishes, from the smallest sizes for families of two, to the very large ones, suitable for large gath- erings. Thereis no ta- ble piece quite takes the place of the Casser- ole. . Oar designs are always attractive and serviceable. SMITH BROS., Jewellers, Opticians, N 850 KING STREET Isswers of Marriage Licenses. FUR Sale At GOURDIERS SNAP ita York 8t., $2.850 N « brick deta r rt and gE and cook i yard Albert a4 br S8t., £3700 New 8 jetached; 8% yr £1,800, Victoria St. Sing od £1 $1,200 Lansdowne St. aud large $3,100, University Ave. Barrie St., $2,850 Barrie St., $3,000 : I ed "MULLIN, Corner Johnson and Division Sts. 'Phone 538 SOME Laundry SCORCH YOUR POCHET We don't We don't We don't We don't We don't We don't scorch linen! break collars! tear lace curtains! shrink woollens! half wash! disappoint! Ise't that the kind of laune dry you want? Give uy a chance to prove these dont's. KingstonLaundry teeters