THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, JUESDAY. MARCH 7. 1081. ° vo _-- PAGE Seys A ---- gas '| Tea Spoils picking of freshness. tion to of Salada Bulk, teas, carried year after year, lose their Tea Time Talks with Age No tea is fit to drink after it is two years old. That is the age limit of tea quality and benefit. The best tea is the freshest, *'Salada' Tea owes much of its wadd-wide reputation to its sale fresh from the plantation. The leaves are fresh picked every week the year 'round ; then 'dried, sorted and packed in air tight lead packages Every five weeks a new »" comes fresh from planta cups of delicious tea. you without charge. you pay per pound. 32 Yonge Street Ask your grocer for * Salada" Tea or send for a free trial package which makes 25 We will mail iT to Say whether you use Black, Mixed or Green Tep and the price The "Salada" Tea Co. Toronto 170 LOSE FORTUNES ® St. Lawrenée "Crystal Diamonds" may cost a few cents more on the "Hundred pounds than other lump sugar, always cost more than inferior quality. LAWRENCE "CRYSTAL DIAMONDS" are really the most economical Sugar, because they go further on account of their matchless sweetness due to perfect purity. To appreciate the superiority of St. Lawrence Sugar, compare it with any other sugar. aes Jaw Sugar The St. Lawrence Sugar Refining Co. Limited However, ST. MONTREAL. 31 Good things Fall wheat, bined form a perfect made with | 3 a crisp, flaky texture brings many a com; the cook. } 900 DROPS ) Regelo le Preparai Sila ing the Tood Jul a OT NARCOTIC. combines the rich gluten of Manitoba Spring. wheat and the lighter, but equally im- portant, properties of Ontario The two com- ly blended flour that makes bread light, white, nutritious and extreme- ly palatabley while pastry ver Flour has { that DEALET Promotes Digestion Cheerful ness and Rest.Contains neither Morphine nor Mineral. FLOUR. incomparable qualities. mend it, You don't need to be an expert in baking to attain the best results with BEAVER But if you are am expert, you will readily recognize its Your grocer has BEAVER FLOUR; and will recom- S5~=Write for prices on alt Feed, Coarse Grains and Cereals. THE T. B. TAYLOR C9. Limited, CHATHAM, Out. 108 ent to The Kind You Bears the SASTORIA Por] Infants and Children. Have Always Bought EE -- jv NDER BANKER'S WiLL CHILD- | REN MUST REMAIN JEWS, i Must Not Wed Gentiles--Daughters to Lose Three-fourths if They Aid Liberal-Judaism Movement. London, March 7.--~The will of the late Lopd Wavthling, the well-known | bunker, has-been sworn for probate at 1,500,900 pounds sterling. So far w can be ascertained at present the {estate is probably worth more. | All bequests to the testator's chil- dren, of those inheriting through the hildren, are subject to' a clause pro- | viding that at his death they must be { professing the Jewish religion, and must not be married to persons not | professing it. { It lays a solemn injunction on the | children against abandoning the 'Jew- {ich religion or inter-marrying outside jol it at any time or under any cir The trustees are empow » withhold three-fourths of their linheritance from two daughters who | have @ assisted the Liberal Judaism movement, if, after his death, they as- Jsist it directly or indirectly, umstances, | ered GAME WAS A ROUT. | (Continued from Page 6.) Smokers Were Present. In spite of the fact that a special request was made that there be no | moking at the rink, last hight, there was a big cloud of smoke over the rink all night. It is too bad that sup-. porters of the team could not put away the weed for the short time the game is in progress -- Give Them Souvenirs. It is suggested thai the city council should "recognize the champion: Fron lenacs by seeing that suitable sou venirs are given them for t reat victory. The Frontenacs have adver tised Kingston in a most-wensational manner this year. Receipts Were $1,074 here were exactly 1.806 pe vid ad- missions at the game last night. The receipts were 31,074, the largest umount ever taken in at a hockey game here. Fully 50 people were turned awav., Fach team and the O H.A. get 2275, ; What About This? I'he Portsmouth philosopher has dis covered how the Frontenacs managed to score sixteen goals, The engine on the special train which brought the Orillia supporters to the city was No 1916. The philosopher marked it down at the time, and said that the score would either be 19 or 16, and sure enough it was the 16. The philosopher made the price of a new suit of clothes on the game, although he was unable to be present. Curling Semi-Finals. In the curling semi-finals, at the local rink, on Monday night, Skip Gill defeated Skip Ross, 18 to 7, and Skip Sutherland defaulted to Skip Brower. The final between Skip Brow er and Skip Gill will be played. to night. Play All-Star Team, Saturday. Now that the junior Frontenacs have won the championship they will play an all-star junior O.H.A. team in Foronto next Saturday evening. The team will be picked from seven clubs of the O.H.A.,, one man from each club, The team will be announced on Ihursday. Yanity Disgusts Montreal. Montreal ar Much Ie tuitaction was expressed on all sides with the unsportsmanlike manner in which "Varsity had acted, while the plea put forward by the R. M.C. that the authorities would not generally accepted. It appears that Varsity were unable to give any rea sonable excuse for their withdrawal ex- cept that they should not postpone their own meet, and were fearful of cortain defeat at the hands of Queen's, as happened, last year, Verona Beat Sydenham, Verona, March 6.---On Saturday, March 4th, a large crowd of speetas tors watched the speedy locals defeat Sydenham's fast septette in an execit ing game of hockey by a score of 2 to The locals surprised the crowd as this is the first time that Sydenham have been defeated by any country team. The game was clean and manly from start to finish, both teams play ing excellenit combination, but only on account of the sure work of Verona's defence, was the visiting team held at bay. At half time no goals were yet scored by either side, but shortly" after the beginning of the second half, Boyce scored Sydenham's only goal which was soon counter balanced by Yerona's fast little for: ward, "Ken" Trousdale. At full time the score was even and after playing twenty minutes oyertime Skinner, of Verona, scored the winning goal. Russell Stoness, of Woodstock, proved himseli an efficient referee. Verona--Goal, Webber; point, Assel- stine; cover-point, Skinner: rover, E. Trousdale: centre, F, Trousdale; wings Burnett and K. Trousdale, Sydenham--Goal, Williams: point, Carving cover-point, Blakslee: rover, Mundell: centre, Cochrane: wings, Lacey and Boyes. Notes on Sport. The Allan cup trustees have been notified that the new O.H.A. cham- pions are ready to defend the trophy, which is now t allow them to compete, was more | jt + Bible "weve perforated by the bul: 3 ig SAVED LIFE SOLDIER TER DU RING CIVIL WAR. Iowa Yeteran Lost the Good Beok, and is Searching for It--Thinks OF A it is Somewhere in Dixie. Glenwood, la., March 6.---350 obsess- ed has Samuel H. Wireman, of this city, become with the desire to again possess a Bible which saved his life, that after the lapse of ars he ha again taken up the practically hope less task of trying to find the book The Bible, Mr. Wireman believes, is somewhere in Dixie land, and if = the | object of his pursuit is given the ne cessary publicity he believes that he can locate it, after which its recovery he believes will be comparatively easy. Wireman's ° mother gave him the Bible when he left home during the civil war, a member of Company D, Ninth Ohio cavalry. His name, com- pany and regiment were written in the book. MH. lost possession of the Hible when he was captured, Septem ber 24th, 1864, at Athens, Ga The union soldiers were surprised. one day by the Tennesseeans under command of General Forrest, and he, with others, was taken a prisoner The attack was sudden and Mr, Wire man states that in the haste of pack ing his effects he left his Bible out side his saddlehags. He then hur viedly placed the book in the left hand pocket on the outside of his blouse, an act that enables him, forty- seven years later, to be alive and tell of the incident. A few moments later the Ohio ea valry were rushing o the fight. Mr Wireman had not gone far until he was struck by a bullet and almost knocked from his horse by the impact of the missile. 'the bullet had erash wd into his Bible, iveated as it was, over the heart, { he was consider bly hurt interna Several books of et, having plowed its way through antil it reached the Psalms, the last page to be 'broken containing the ninety-second Psalm On examining the book alter the battle, some of My Wireman's vete rans noted what they considered a sinidlar coincidence jand many of they impressed that they the significant verse in the mnety-first were so copied Psalm, which reads 2 'A thousand shall fall at thy side and ten thousand at thy right hand, but it shall not come nigh thee" Mr. Wireman was in the hospital for 1 week following and in the eonfusion atiending his capture the Bible dis appeared and efforts made at the time to recover it proved unavailing, I'he' marriage lof Miss Annie ¥ James, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Fd ward James, Perth, to Wiliam War. ren, Moosejaw, took place quietly in St. James' church, Perth, on Tuesday. Thomas A. Low, M.P.. Renfrew, has decided to offer a medal to the pupil i in South Renfrew, who takes the highest veition at the entrance examination d this summer. vne marviage of Miss Eva Miskelly, only daughter of the late David Mis kelly, to Bowen Heney, Sandford, Man. took place on Wednesday oven ing. \ The debentures of Wellington tol raise funds for the purchase of a pub lic park have been bought hy . E Howerman, Wellington. How's This ? We offer One Hundred Dollars Re- ward for any case of ( 'atarrh that can not be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure F.JC HE NEY & CO Toledo ¥ nN Pant. 15 Years, i 3 honorable #8 transactions and fina i ibis to carry out any obligations made by his firm WALDING, KINNAN & MARVIN y lesale DD ruggists, Toledo Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken ATT - ally, acting directly upon the Bl ood and 'mucous surfaces of the system Testimonials sent free. Price 76 cents per bottle. Sold by all Druggists Take Hall's Family Pills for con stipation 0 Knox Knox Gelatine is granulated; it dis- solves quickly. Each package contains two envelopés, enough gelatine to jell one- half gallon of liquid. (Each envelope makes one quart.) Knox Gelatine is un- colored, unsweetened. It garnishes the meats, gives body to the jells, stiffens the sauce and gravies, thickens the soup, givesconsistency to the ices and ice cream and is the basis "Marty™ Walsh now leads the N. H. U., in' goal scoring. He has secured thirty-one goals. Kerr comes next with twenty-eight. One thorough application of Zam Buk at night will bring ease Zam-Buk steps the smarting, heals the cracks, and makes the hands smooth... M ss Hattie [ertrand, was troubled hands and arms and nothing until we found by morning, them thorou lias cured for several skin there is nothing Mothers sh Buk daily, as My father troubles and Zam Bulk" iat their children us Zam-Buk lightly SIE eC after washiu yg, Zw Bas is also » sure cure { load itch, ringswo burs and bruises. S00 pest iree te an Zam Buk ¢ Harris Heavy Pressure Babbit Metal For all machinery bearings. : is Perfection. s THE CANADA METAL €O., LTD. the hands and wrists, haps and cold sore sXin diseases, eczema, relleve and cure in spepsia. They needed for the digs 80c. a box. If y our druggist has and we will mail you a box. National Drug end Chemical Company of Canada, Limited, TTR VBTRVVLRBRLBABAS SME 166 Princess St. ow sens (xelatine BITTER ORANG FLORIDA SEEDLESS LEMONS SUNKIST ORANGES and no] «Saas TRAV VRRVBATAVLTBABRAN MARMALADE, Nl A a A NP i to A.J. REES, FEVVVLACTATBTATTBITRLTLATATCALTI TATTLE T TSS Saaaws for 3; cup cold water. 1; box Kfiox Sparkling Gelatine. Stak the gelatine in the cold water five minutes: cook a pound of prones was : remove the stones. and pass the pulp through Paina de 3 poumd pruses. a sinve: add the kernels from the stones, a cup of sugar 1 eup sugar, and the gelatine: stir over the fire aotfl the Prunes Juice of one lemon. SWEAT and gelatine are dissolved. then add encogh Orange juice. orange juice to make one guartin sil. Threedourshe of a pound of prases gives a more delicate confection. Str Boat ct Fit Soma me Chasles 5, Enns Co. '500° Knox Ave., Johnstown, N Tue Rati ¢ Marui Ginnie "Dainty Desserts Pour grocer's same. for Dainty Peopie." oor Mavtstad buok, and 4 slut susie. will be sot N. ¥, U.S. A. Burmese } i i | 0 to the STEWART HQUSE. HOTEL DIRECTORY. ; Leading Commercial Hotel. Rates, $1.30 per ay. JAS. STEWART, Prop. TRAVELLING. YR REDUCED RATES--PACIFIC COAST, in effect mn Ma re 10th te April sive SECOND CLASS COLONIET FARE TO Nelwon, - Vancouver, Vieteria 4 Seattle, Spolane, Tacoma, $45. 10 Wash. San Francisce, Los Angeles, sana Diego, Usi. : Mexico Clty, ' Westminster ¥ Mex. Low rates to n TOURIST Si holding ss tickets on pay- charge Connection carrying cars of L Chicago information, apply te J. P. HANLEY, Agent Corgter Johnston and Ontario Sts Kincstong PEMBROK RAI LWRAY AR LUMutUMLe WR CANADIAN PACIFICO RAILWAY. REDUCED FARES TO Pacific Coast One way second class colonist tickets on sale daily March 10 te | Los ANGELES, AL | AY HRC | 647 05 SA D £GO, JA La | A ar i * i | TACOMA, WASH. {April 10th, at the following rates from Kingston: -- | SPOKANE, WASH. | $45.10 PORTLAND, OREGON | MEXICO CITY, MEX Full particulars at K. & P. and jc P.R. Ticket Office, Ontario Street. F. CONWAY, Gen. Pass. Agent BAY OF QUINTE RAILWAY leaves Union Btatios, Umntar) Train Street, 4 p.m. daily (Bunday excepted) a Napanee, r mto, Bannockburn and all points north Fo secure quick despatch to npock urn, Maynooth, ur abipme on Ceatral Jntario route your of Quinte Rallw ibments Rot party furt . | lars, ry eX DICKBON ut Phone, 0 {ALLAN LINE is Coy, Ltd. HE FINEST "LEET R-STEAMERS on THR ROUTH I A 5 SUMMER SAILINGS, Montreal to liverpool ROYAL MAIL SERVICE. Tune . 2nd Sth Motreal to London Ine rate) Steamers Free Rates and PF. HANI C8 KIRKPATRICK G7. 1 Clarence St THE ALLAN LINE, 17 Yonge Street, Toronto. a BERMUDA ¢ Lf | Ticket | Outerbr! Ee Trip $20 and Up Fast Twin Screw 8.8. "fermud- 6,630 tons, sails from New am. every Wednesday Blige keels; wleciric fans, wireless elegraphy astest newest and only steam r a LE passengers at the dock tn fermuda WEST INDIES 88 GUIANA" and other very iternate Baturday, for St. Thomas, t ts, Antigua, Guada- Martinique st Arcia and Demerara For full Information, apply to J. P IANLEY and C 8. KIRKPATRICK, Agents, Kingston; A. BE. ige & Co, 29 Broadway, | Mew York; Quebec Steamship Co, Quebec orders wij! receive prompt Shop, 40 Queen Street THOMAS COPLEY, Prose 987. Drop a card to 19 Pine Street when 1 i in the Carpen- en on all Kinds of repairs and new work mise fardwood Floors of all kinds All attention CNT) BISNIS COLLEGE i . » 'dighest Fducation at LowestCost" o Twenty-sixth "ar Fal Torm® begins August th. Courses n® Doockkeeping Shirthand, Tele-@ graphy, Civil Bervice and English. @ Our graduates g*t the best positions, Within a short time over vag secured positions with . one of largest raliway cor-® porations in Canada Enter any® time. all or write for inferma-® tion. H. F. Metcaife, Principal e . (Limited) : Kingston, Canada. ET 800000000000 00000000 . THOS GUY Prop 183 Wellington St. The Up-to-date Restaurant Eating House. Beparaia appartments. Well 'and lighted. - our full gourse dinner, on