| and insured against RS Stored Fire, Burglary, Moth. pp -- Telephone 489. JOHN McKAY FURRIER. 149-157 Brock Street. You MUST LIVE WITH YOUR FURNITURE, fection will help you to yles that you will enjoy all A large your fice Our choice of Parlor Pieces is extra and well selected. Newest de- sighs in frames and latest patterns in covers, imported from best European tia, French and English covers are the richest in tone and quality. Prices oo Suites covered in these are low, | to $4200 up PARLOR CABINETS AND mus CABINETS, All the newest in Mahogany, 3 - Martin Gold, ete. Fhe hour Parlor Saltes. L Our Parlor 'Carpets and Rugs for and a cholce not equalied ng. shown. These have come "in i ngland, u etc, and resent th ¢ oh 'possible From tness RB Our Repair and Upholstéring Sho are a your service for prompt good work. hg Birch, se RO d Yours, T. F. HARRISON GO. {- NEW 6000S § ¥ROM ALL OVER THE WORLD. : Mattings from China and Japan. Ey Drapes from Constanti- n ~, Rugs from Persia, Austria, and Germany. p Tu Curtains from Switzer COArpets and Olicloths from he Linoleums from Scotland. Art Denims and Muslins Boston. from h And lots of other Goods 4 fh : i § 3 i # g i ; i Bold in BGuwilight _ : or of her mother, Mrs. M, A. Ander a gown of blue eolieune white lace yoke and sleeves, ber guests, assisted who Wore a handsome gown of voile. The drawing-re a fusion of pretty Re t The tea table was cen by of real lace, over yellow silk, stood a brass basket fodils and white tuli shaded, candies combined in very ive table. Mrs. W. win pourdd tea and Mrs. Gill coffee and Mrs. John Sparks cut t ice cream. The wirls who assisted were Mise Edith UGoodwia end Miss Ruby Gillies, and little Miss Marion Laird opened the door. * + 9 Miss Madelon Higgine, King street, was hostess al = most enjoyable tea, on Saturday afternoon, fey Miss Ruby Shapley, Toronto, and Miss Muriel H I, of Ottawa, were the guests of hotor. Miss Wind Clax- ton and Mise [ewore Hamilton as- sisted the hostess, and the guests in- cluded Mrs. Charles. A. Low, Misses Hilda and Doris Kent, Miss Norg Mao- nee, Miss Vera Carson, Miss Helen Gordon, Miss Madge Dawson, Miss Marjory Merrick, Miss Mildred Jones, Miss Madge Taylor, Miss Sylvia Coch- rane, Misses Suwic and Mamie Anglin, and Misses Mabel and Eva Richard- son. 0 The vice-pkips of the Ladies' Curli Club entetkained at a very luncheon today. The table looked very pretty, with the silver trophy, filled' with golden daffodils, and silver vases of the same flowers arranged at intervals the full of the table. The guests melded . W. H. Mae nee, Mrs. Hugh Macpherson, Mrs. H. Dawson, Mes. J. Gwillim, Mrs. R. W, Garrett, Miss Maud Betts, Miss Flor- van, Miss Bessie Smythe, Miss L. Tandy, Miss Mamie Garrett, Miss Lota Carson, and Hiss ge Richardson. * An extra tes Was given at the Curl- on Tuesday i wembers. Tea was served informally and two . tables of bridge were arr of the guests were Mrs. H. Mrs. W. St Mrs. Hiram A. Calvin, King street, will entertain at the tea hour, ov Thuteday, sfiattians, in honor of her guest, . Dona Maclean, of Ot tawa; : * * 0 Mrs. Hobart Dyde, Johnson street, will he hostess at the tea hour on Sat- uray, with Mis. Sweet, of Winchester as guest of honor. ee . Mrs. Arthur Cuuningham, Beverly ill entertain at a children's party, on Thursday, for Miss Florence and Master Gordon Cupningham. * ¢ wv The finals in the ladies" and men's doubles at Badminton, are being play- wl, at the Armouries, this afternoon. y LS Mrs. T. F. Harrison, William street, will entertain at teas on Friday, in honor of Mrs. So 3 Winchester. + ' il if i ¥ i : gs 1 I i i gh fe! g ; 8 tis ow Mn B ** 'in hon- | Thursday for Toronto, : sem, of Toromto. Mrs. Henderson, Mrs. Donald Maclean a with Ottawa, on Tuesday, to visit Mrs. - lat present a guest at a very b ; at Amberst arrived in town, to-day, and is and ence Cunningham, Miss Frances Sulli- {street Mr. and Mrs Ur. and Mrs. E. H. Pease, who have been visiting Mrs. E. J. B. Pease, Un- gwanada, return to Ottawa on Friday. ¥ Newboro, is the and Mrs. Cooke, expecta to leave on $$ * rrived from , Alice staat, spending the past cou weeks in Montreal and Boston, is jolly College, of Ottawa, the 0. Professor Adam Shortt, Mrs. Mrs. Vanluven, : Light and Mrs. Henry W. Kelly came | down from Napance on Saturday to attend the recital given by the Ladies' Musical Club, in Convocation Hall. Mile. de St. Remy is sufficiently re covered to leave t ital and is the guest of her miece, Miss Carrie Beard, O'Kill street. % * Capt. and rs. E. A. arrived in town and are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. William Hazlett, Royal Military College. Miss Muriel Hubbell, who has been visiting her relatives in town for the past month, will return to Ottawa on Friday. Mr. Wendling Anglin, Earl street, will leave for New York, on Thurs day, to spend a couple of weeks. Mrs. Thomas Tandy arrived in town, to-day, from Toronto, and is the guest of Mrs. Henry Cunningham, Earl street, Miss Nora Gordon will leave, on Monday, for Ottawa, to visit her sis tet, Mrs. Victor Anderson. Dr. and Nee. w rr Knox, of Kel owna, B.C... who have been nding some time in New York, will arrivé in town, on Monday, to be the guests of Mt. and Mrs. C. T. Dickson, Barrie Miss Edith Atkin came down from St. Agnes' School, Belleville, on Sa- dey, and spent the week-end with Mr. sid Mrs, Charles A. Low, Union st " Ho Guy Attwood, whe was the guest of Mr. F. F. Powers, Princess streel, returped - to Brockville on Monday. Mr and Mrs. D. Laidlaw, Earl stivet, returned, on Saturday, from Toronto, where a 4 spent a week Td * + Miss Oharlotte Powers, who was spending a few days with her broth- ar, Mr. Francis Fisher Powers, Prin- cess strept, left, on Monday, for Brockville. She will remain there til the middle of the month, Ww ox to return to Kingston and spend some time here. Mrs. John Fairlie, Brock street, ex- eta to return home the end of week. from: Toronto, where she boen_ visiting Mr. and Mrs. A. T. "James Binnie, of Tweed, is the of Dr, and Mrs. J. C. Connell, street, for a few days. ; - Mis. gi WHO PROCURED SOME For » Member of the "Prohibited List"--Had to Pay Fine of $30 and Costs -- Remarks of Magistrate on the Case--Another| Case Adjourned. # Magistrate Farrell banded out ao stiff fe, to James Ryan, in police morning, for progur- ing liquor for a member of the "pro- hibited list." The penalty was $0 and costs, or & month in jail. Ryan guilty to the charge. Francis n, a member of the "prohibited who was before the court a few i, that Ryan had se- hiquor for him, and he was placed . under arrest. Farrell remarked that as was able to ascertain, 'the FETE igi to them, and a as well go into a them some poison, the end, would cause Dolan pleaded guilty to being drunk. He said he was employed om a steamer as a fireman. ! "And you came to Kingston to get n 'schooner,' " snid the magistrate He was given-a chance. ; An abusive case was enlarged until Friday, as the accused is laid up with the-grippe. } Bid NOW THEN, PORTSMOUTH! A Plea to Trim the Granites of Kingston. The following verses have been written by a lady admirer of the Portsmouth hockey team, which meets Granites this evening: -- Oh, Portsmouth, dear, and did ye hear the news that's going round, boasting. up In Granites , they'll win on their own ground, But what's been done in days gone by can sure "be did" again, You dowped them there in nincteen- ten, why not in nineteen-eleven? So "Deyle" keep your eye well peeled, and "Davidson" ge! your man, And "McCammon" skate rings round "ne bunch as only "McCammon" 3 They always call you "quitters" when vou play in their town, But just you show them Wednesday i's t'other way around Sail in and lick them good and well, and do it fair and square, Remember it up" to you to land the silverware. All Porfsmouth is waiting to let loose the vietor's shout, And if vou just stay will 'da it there's na doubt : But don't get "benched" for tripping boys, or eather like offence Stay on the ice is my advice, in there at all events. The ladies all adore you, idols of the fair, : To see you "go down to defeat" would rive them to despair. They're betting chocolates by the ton, boxes large and small s game and then they'll fetures on the wall you're the "candy with them we you're the Just win that ob, Famamonth." Ports outh, =" rest 'are on the fence, You make a bunch of high-priced stars jook. dear at thirty cents You've got the = and finish, a the stavin ower beside, Se it" oath, Wednesday, Granites' hide. A LADY ADMIRER. ------ A Cheese Meeting. nd ad tan the BY § * ¢ 9 t St. James' cathedral, Toronto, last, the marriage was of Miss Marjory Braith- waite, daughter of Mr. A. D. Wraith waite, to ex t Trumbell Warren, son the late H. D. Warren. qroom's many Kingston frighds send him heastiest comgistulations. The has been announced of Miss Jessie Muriel Ramsay, dsugh- tet of Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Ram sy, Montreal, to Dr. Frank Stewart Patch. Convention at Napanee. One hundred ance men, rep- piiiting the counties of Lennox and Addington, met. at a convention held under the auspi od the Ontario branch of te ominion Alliance at ganization will. be to carry forward temperance reform in that distriet, Officers and conveners were appointed for each mmmicipality, with a view to organizing them in a smaller way. VanLuven Bros., Bell Rock, held their -antual cheese meeting Wedies- day afternoon. The average Ibs. of milk for ohe 1h. of cheese was 10.38. The average price paid for cheese per Ib., was 10.87¢. The average price of milk per eentum was 92.2c. ete $3.35 Excursion to Toreato. Special train leaves G.T.R., on Sats urday, at 1 p.m. Tickets good to re turn up to Tuesday night, except on trains 2 and 4. Come along and see Frontenacs play the "All Stars." -------------- Syndicate Members Here. The members of the Ontario Ex ploration Svndicate were here, to-day, from New York and Cleveland in con sultation with Manager J. G. McNulty and Engineer R. Corr-Harris with re gard to the pier and concentrators be- ing established here. . Audrey, Mary Johnston. Beverly of Graustark, Brewster's Millions, Geo. Barr McCutcheon. Checkers, Henry Blossom. The Conjurer's House, 8. E. White. The Firing Line, . Robt. W. Chambers House of a Thousand Candles, "Meredith Nicholson. The Lightning Conductor, The Willlamsons. ~ > 260 PRINC IN CURLING FINALS SKIP BROWER DEFEATED SKIP GILL 16 TO 11, the Championship---- and Granites Meet the Covered ESS STR And Won Portsmouth This Fvening at Rink. Skip Brower defeated Skip Gill, in the finals, in the local series, on Tues- day night, snd as a result, holds the championship. The score was 16 to 11. This concludes all the games in the local. series, which have attracted a great deal of interesi, and provided some good sport. This afternoon, Skip A. H. War wick and Skip R. D. Sutherland are playing off for the Carruthers medal The see is in fair condition, notwith- standing the mild weather. Vanhorne Will Referee To-night. George Vanhorn will referee both senior and junior games at the cover ed rink, to-night for the two cham- pionships. Regiopolis in Gananoque. The Regiopolis hockey team driftel down to Gananoque, yesterday, and plaved the Shamrocks of that place. Neither team secured a' victory, the score being 6 to 6. The boys had a good time while down there, and speak well for their treatment. Line-up for Portsmouth. Portsmouth séniore will line up follows," in the game at the covered | rink, to-night with the Granites : | Goal, A. Doyle; point. A. Davidson; { cover-point, W. McCammon; rover, K. Reid; centre, J. Gratton; left wing, I.. LaRush; right wing, Dennison. Outside Hockey Scores. Preston won the O.H.A. intermedi- ate championship, at Midland, last might. Midland won the game by % to 6, but Preston beat the locals in Pres ton by 6 to and thus won the found by two goals. Renfrew defeated the Wanderers Remfrew, last night, by 7 to 6. At New York--St. Michael's, 7; New York AC, 4. as atl ------ Won Cup. At the Palace rink, last evening, the K.C.L, senior juvenile hockey team, won the trophy presented by Harte, Milne, in a game with Thistles. They {just won out by the skin of their teeth, the score at full time being | to 0. Half-time score was the same, ne goals being edged in the second half. Thistles and Tecumsehs play at the Palace rink, Thursday evening, for second place. ATHEETICS AT QUEEN'S. K.C.L -- the - Season Will be £1,100. B" Our Queen's Correspondent The annual meeting ob the athletic association at Queen s university was held Tuestlay aftermoon. As was wun nouyiced in the Whir last week, the mprdgress in athletics this season has been extensive, big moneys Rave been Surplus on expended in the way of up-to-date im. | provements and the aoquirement of gen eral apparatus. The receipts total : 811,000, while the expenditures are es | tiwited at 89.900, leaving a healthy cash reserve of $1,100. The total of expenditures includes the payment of £1,000 on the gymnasinm mortgage ; $667 was paid as interest on the afore mentioned mortgage: This és easily one of the best balance sheets present. ed at Queen's in many seasons, and much of the success is attributed the wise and careful management ithe association secretary, John Daw son. It is understood that Mr. Baw son will again count the coppers of the Presbyterian athletes for anoth er session although the election of of s will not take place until the meeting of Alma Mater, next Nature day evening. Two vacancies will be created on the athletic commitive by --enSoi, snd Grip 1eitady mos ia BW. Grove. ne THE FINEST BOOK EET : Anghin'e farm for Each 50c. The Lion and The Mouse. Charles Klein. A Little Brother of the Rich, Joseph Medill Patterson. Rosalind at Red Gate, Meredith Nicholson. The Secret Orchard, The Castles. March Magazines Weldon's, 7 free patterns. Fashions for All, § free patterns. London. ? Royal Red Magazine. Pall Mall hd Eyes should be examined every two years. The eyes change. Glasses exactly right last year may be injurious now. Whether you wear glasses or fot your eyes should be examined every two years. We are eye experts. We can afford you perfect sight Our varied stock of mounts helps us to give perfect satis- faction. matizin Are Worth Reading These Books are so good from both litera and dramatic standpoints that shrewd w » ry , far-seeing theatri cal managers are willing to spend thousands of dollars on the production of each ome. Blue Book. Popular. Argosy. Red Book Green Book. Pop. Mechanics, . Munsey. Sgribnier's, Century. Harper's. Woman's Home Companion. Baseball SEPP PPPPMP Votes given on every pur. s chase of 10¢ for the Library + Voting Contest. J ASK FOR THEM. Pere | The College Book Store, IN EASTERN ONTARIO, OPEN NIGHTS "Phone 919 Casseroles For Family Cooking. We sell these dishes, from the smallest sizes for families of two, to the very large ones, suitable for large gath- erings. Thereis no ta- ble piece quite takes the place of the Casser- ole. Our designs are always attractive and serviceable. Dr. A. P.Chown, Druggist, Optician, 185 PRINCESS STREET. 'Phone 343. 000000000000 OROORS 00000000000 OPOLEIOIONROIONIYY 0000000000000 00000000000 New Foulard and Tussor Silks A new array of the very nowest shades in Foulard and Tussor Silks All at popular prices 35¢c to 75c a Yd. These silks are very popular and fast seis lers. See our range at once & Shaw THE ALWAYS BUSY STORE. -- Reclerville Tidings. Reelerville, March 7.--Little Adelbert Caird had the misfortune to break his fog last week. A number from here ats tended the hockey match at Battersea on Saterday. feorge Kuethven has sold his farm to Irwm Caird. He is tends leaving for the west shortly, Frederick Light has leased J. \ one year. Thomas Clark is drawing hay which be r chased at John Patterson's sale. vol Stanley, of Watertown, who has been ing the winter with her son, Rob ert, has returned to her homes Fred: erick Light is away, today, to be married, Visitors : Thomas Anglin, of Pine Grove, at 5 in' wil fam Sleeth and i on's; Mew. Thomas Clark and Ethel Clark at Charles Clark's, and plane in Labor ball, fest SMITH BROS., Jewellers, Opticians. 850 KING STREET, Issuers of Marriage' Licenses. FUR Sale At GOURDIERS SNAPS iran Investigating YORK STREET, $2500. brick detached, separate, gas f« hot water and drive hous New solid rooms. bh & « ing and cooking good yard, barn ALBERT STREET, $5,700, New solid brick, detached; 8 rooms; %; bh. & ¢; hot water heating F1LN00, VICTORIA STREET. bh & ¢ good f-room iot house, with stable and largs L100, I NIVERNMITY fen rooms. bh & « ase and stable BARRIE STREET, bh & AVENUE, furnec hen of ho $LN00, furnace vd brick ar 1.000, gas; b BARRIE STREET, & ©; shied or 1 Furni ¥ : rauce aud Money TO LEASE, poet. south rooms, [uruace, and Barn, eal MULLIN, ohason and Division Sts, "Phone 539 SOME Laundry Don'ts P00000000ROROOOROPRROOS Sees ssesstsessseseseee SCORCH YOUR POCKET We don't scorch linen! We don't break collars! We don't tear lace cortain! We don't shrink woollens! We don't hall wash! We don't disappoint! Isn't that the kind of laun- dry you wast? Give us a chance fo prove these dopt's, ? KingstonLaundry Cor Princess & Sydenham Sts. "Phone 22. esesssssessesesesse B00000000000000000000000000.0000000000000000000000 ee