REPLY OF R. J. VAR TO A BATH ROAD WRITER'S CHARGES, Concerning His Action at the Re cent Hockey Game--Gienburnie Residents' Regard' Statements in Defence of Mr, Vair, Glenburnie, March 7.--(To the Edi tor) : S.W, Greer, in Tis fletier of Feb, 20th, says it is with regret that he asks for space in your pa- per. Well, I would hesitate to ask for space 100, if 1 had wothing but a rambling collection of falsehoods such as he gave to the public in that let- ter. b said in my letter of Feb, 21st that sixty or more Bath Road sup- porters came to Glemburnie and of that number only about ten would admission, Greer says that is and that he paid for &ix and that a Bath Road spare man was charged and he also says that some paid twice. Now here 14 what the two rink managers, who colltvted that day, have to say: -- Glenburnie, March 21 am one of the tink managers of Gleuburnie and helped to collect at the gate, 8. Sten oid we for himself only, the sum ten cents, He paid for no women, and as far as | know, no one from Bath Roador any other piace paid twice. A young man came to me at hall time and said he was a Bath Road spare man and had been charged and I gave him back his ten cents. 1 also am positive that the man who asked if any one here wanted to fight jumped out of a Bath Road sleigh and was a Bath Road supporter and from all 1 saw happen here that day I know R. J. Vair's: letter was a truthful plain 3} ttamant of the whole affair. --A. A. "Glenburnie, March 2.--I am one of the two rink managers of Glenburnie who collected admission on Feb. 11th, and I am sure that not more than ten Bath Road supporters paid. | saw S. Greer before the game inter fering with both managers and I saw him strike William Blacklock, jr., on the head with a hbekey stick and run fog the sleigh where his wife was and 1 consider his action cowardly, and the cause of all the trouble. I did not see R. J. Vair strike or attempt to fight with any one and never saw a hockey stick in his hands that day. I wish to state positively that 1 no one twice that day. MAC LILLIS." Greer also says that it- was not a Bath Road man who asked if any one here wanted to fight, and that he will present me with $10 if I ean produce that man and he is a Bath Road supporter. Well, come along with your {a spot, Greer. That man was C viendship, Not only a supporter, but also a resident Yl Be'h Road. Now, I do not want his money, but il he hes a spark of manliness in him he will deposit the $10 with you, Mr. Editor, to be squall divided between the Hotel Dieu general hospital. He says he knows that ex-Manager Melntyre is a truthful gentleman and that he told him (Greer) that Vair had bullied him so much he could not do anything with me. Well, here is what this truthful gentiewlon has to say: Si, "Bath Road, March 4.--I, David Melntyre, hereby state that I was at Glenburnie on Feb. 11 with my team. 1 must say, in all fairness to R. J. Vair, that 1 always received fair, gentlemanly treatment from him. 1 say positively that 1 did not say to Greer that Vair had bullied me. 1 also say that Cheer did interfere with both Mr. Vaic and myself before the game. I saw no hockey stick in R. J. Vairs bands that day. 1 did not see him interfere with the game in any way and am sure he did not strike any one nor attempt to, I also saw him Seder the men back wi the sled to protect Greer. I Sify Vaioe letter in the Whi aud say it was a plain, truthfu statement of what happened that day. As for whiskey being freely distribut- ed 1 never saw any until 1 was about to leave for home. I was treated by a man whose name I do not know, and I do know that two or three Bath Road Suparters had whiskey with them that day and 1 can attest this statement by oath if necessary.-- DAVID MCINTYRE, ex-manager Bath Road hockey team." Greer says he was nol noisy. he was and 'the statement of four pro- | minent residents of Pittsburg townshi will bear me in this and Sownatip his whole letter as it deserves : "Point Road, Pittsburg March 2. We, the undersigned, residents of this locality were stators of the hockey 'game L etwasn th Road and Glen jo on February 1ith. We heard S. Greer interfore all he could with the the' A I will just let the public judge as to who was the excited one, Greer or my- self ; "Glenburvie, March 3.--As a disin- terested spectator of the pow notable game of hockey played at Glenburnie between that club and Bath Road, and the amount of correspondence connect. od with it, ip all due fairness to R. J. Vair, 1 beg to say that he stood beside me ou a bank during the mbat of the game until the fracas octurred, when he left as cool and collected as I am at present, saying '1 must go and put a dtop to that conduct, We can't allow it on this ice." We all know that R. J. Vair can fight verbally on any question he takes up, to a finish, bat as for using his hands or a hockey stick, he is not the man to do it, and Ihave now known him for nearly twenty years. But I think Mr. Greer must have been under a considerable amount of excitement, when be could strike a man over the head with a hockey stick; still more, when he had to run to the sleigh, get under the seat on which his wife was sitting, dnd when there her clothes would con- siderably limit his vision so that he would be unable to tell who was ex- cited and who was not. I know that Mr. Vair was one of the 10 get to said sleigh and could Ke heard or- dering Glenburnie men to go back, telling them there was a lady in the sleigh who must not be abused, Be- sides, two or three of the respectable gentlemen of Glenburnie have told we that while getting Mr. Greer away to a place of safety, Mr. Vair was most eager in rendering assistance. I may also say that I read Mr. Vair's letter in the Whig and considered it a very fair statement of what occurred at the game. | am also willing to substan- tinte my statements by oath if neces sary ~THOMAS MURHKAY, Glenburn. Then" Greer savs that 1 tried to throw the blame on some one else. He strictly avoided one of the main is sues of my letter--his cowardly ruf- fianly action of striking William Black- lock, Jr., with a hockey stick and thereby causing all the trouble, and 1 say that vou, Greer, disgraced town- ship hockey vourself (if that is sible), aud the name of Bath Road as well. I say again that only two of the players clashed and if he had re ceived a jab in the ribs from the end of the hockey stick, as my son did, he would know the meaning of the word aggressor. | say again that Bath Road supporters crowded on the ice and stopped the game. He says they were largely women and chil dren, Here's what William McKendry has to say about it: "UGlenburnie, March 2.--1 wag present at the hockey match between Glen- burnie 'and - Bath Road on February Lith, am well acquainted with R. J. Vair, and did not. consider him at all sxcited, but did see some Bath Road men excited or worse, especially the one who held the hockey sticks. He walked on the ice several times dur ing the game, and was very noisy. I am sure there were sixty or more Bath Road supporters bere, and of that number not more than sixteen or eigh- teen were women. | saw at least twenty or thirty Bath Road sapport- That Feeling of Fullness Disappears in Five Minutes After Taking a Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablet. A Trial Package Sent Free on Re quest, All of the unpleasant sensations at. tendant upon eating too heartily are instantly relieved by a Stuart's Dys- sepsia Tablet, Like sticking a pin in- to a rubber balloon. The reason is simple and easy to understand. rr Orr cs Undigested Fed Quickly Rekend Sr A Stuart's Dyspepsie Tablet. When you take food isto a stomach that is tired and over-taxed the gas nearly atl the time of the game, and | rs (men) rush on the ice near the close of the game, and I say positively that 8. Greer was the first man to step on the ice when the plavers clash- ed. 1 saw R. J. Vair keep the crowd away from Greer and drive away with him to safety.--W, M'KENDRY." "Maple Lawn, March 4-1 was a spectator of the game between Glen- burnie and Bath Road on March llth 1 heard Greer interfering with both managers before the game and when the players clashed 1 heard him shout tw' his som, 'Strike him, Billy,' or words to that effect and 1 am pre- {pared " to make this statement under {oath if required. ~ JAMES HOGAX." _ In answer to his charge of my hav- ing used a hockey stick 1 -r pre pared to make this statement under oath that I never had a hockey stick in my hands that day, that 1 did not strike any one, that I do not 'know Richard Cooper, and did not pull him to the ground, trample on him or molest him or any one else in any way. I did rescué Greer and save him from well- merited punishment, and to use his own words, 1 must be one of the respectable people of Glenburnie for 1 rendered him ready assistance, or again to quote Greer, we know not where the end would have been. I say also that no lady was roughly handled, and if one re- ceived a black eye, as Greer says, which I do not believe, it was not at the hands of any Glen men, and if Greer had respected his wife's feelings that day and behaved like a man, she would not have been shocked. As to her condition she was on the market as usual on Feb. 25th and again in Kingston on March 4th. Here is what Mr. Craig has to say : "Glenburgie, March 2.--I was an' eye- witness of the game played here on Feb. llth between Glenburnie and Bath Road and of the trouble near roborate every word of R. J. Vair's letter. 8. Greer, his wile and son came to my home after and were ta- keu care of, and Cheer said he struck some one with a hockey stick, he thought young Vair. There were no marks or signs of rough treatment visible on Mrs. Greer. I also saw R. J. Vair get in the sleigh and pro- tect Greer and his wife and order the Glen men- to stand back and tell the driver to turn the team and drive away.--A. J. CRAIG." He says we cannot stand defeat. Ob, yes we cam, but we will not st for crooked work and right here en in a league game this season by licited statements in this letter that I have received from men who saw the game and Greer's actions and my own that day will be the best judges of that and 1 will leave it to them. Here is" another statement by an observer: at the hockey match at Glenburnie on Feb. 11th and saw no hockey stick in R. J. Vair's hands at any time during the game or after and did not see him strike or molest any one in any way, but 1 did see him in the vleigh trying to protect Greer.--A. SANDS." Now, Mr. Editor, so far as I am concerned, this ends the press con- troversy over township hockey, and to. this will be treated by me with silent contempt. As for him he is a matter of indifference to me and I idl that I have only lowered myself by of his stamp and if he writes any more slanderous statements he will answor {0 me in the courts.--R. J. VAIR. Toronto Street Market. Toronto, March 7.--Wheat, white per bush., 80c, to Slo; wheat, red, per bush., 80c. to Sle; wheat, goose, per bush., TSe.: oats, per bush He: to 10c.; , per hush., S0c.; barley, per hoy x, to T0c.; rye, per bush, f7c. to 68; buckwheat, per bush. 18¢c. to BO0c.; hay, timothy, per tom, $16 to 819; hay, mixed, per ton, $10 to $12; straw, per ton, $13 to S14. Seeds--Prices at which recleaned seeds are being sold to the trade :--Alsike, No. bush, $11; Alsike, No. 2, .. $9.60; Alsike, No. 3, per Cie $8.75; red clover, No. I, per bush., $10.50; red clover, No. 2, per bush., $9.30; red clover, No. 3, per bush., $840; timothy, No, 1, per bush., $7.20. timothy, No. 2, per bush. $6.75; | » No. 1, per bush., $13.75 alfalfa, No. 2, per bush., $12.25; dress- ed hogs, 30.25 to 810; butter, * dairy, per Tb, We: to eg butter, inferior, per Th, 19%. to 2c; eggs, new-laid, per dozen, 2c. to 27o.;chickens, per Ib., 16e, to 18¢.; turkeys, Ib, 2c. i; fowl, per 1b, Idec. to lde.; apples, per bbl, 8 to 85. cabbage, Ly Ry 35¢. to 5c. caulifio i Te. to $1; onions, 90c. to $1; pofatoes, per $1.05; beel, hindquarters the end of the game and I ean cor |- . MISS TILLIE TERRISS, With Vesta Victoria, at the Grand on Thursday, March 9th. A -------------------- COOK ACCUSES PEARY. Phone 201 LACK OF PURE BLOOD Cause of Most Iliness--The Cure, | Makes « Enrich the Blood Supply. Any illness caused by lack of blood will be benefited 'and cured by 'harges Aguninst Discoverer of Pele. * Mah 5. Frederick 4. | CRTTIOGE Cook, Arctic explorer, has given If 'you want your BIBBY'S CAB § 4 DAY OR NIGHT course of treatment with Dr. Will out the toxt of a telegram which he | and wear well, jams' Pink Pills. These Pills in } Be gan and tissue an increased supply of I oxygen, the great sapporter of all | 1 1. North Pole of gross immorality, organic life. This has been proved | i iiation by cures in thousands of cases not irregularities, only in Canada but in all parts of |. the world. More people today owe health and happiness to Dr, Will jams' Pink Pills than to any other "A few years ago I became ill and {ve bathed in a cold sweat. I grew seven eligible men. Groer asks me ued to my bed. I tried several doc- to prove my first letter. Well now iors, who cost me considerable the public, when they read the unso-| ' "Latimer, 'March 2.--I was present ' whatever Greer may write in answer 3 3 nl baving any controversy with a man | weaker and weaker until I could do no kind of work and was finally con money, but did me no good, as | was still getting wohker and weaker. 1 asked the last doetor who attended me to tell me frankly if he could eure me, and he told me my case was so complicated that he did not think he could help me. I told him I had hoard a t deal about Dr. Will ioms' Piok Pills and asked «f he thought they would help me. His reply was: "Well, they won't do vou any harm and they may help you' I sent for a half dozen boxes at omee and began taking them. After tak ing three boxes there was no doubt they were helping me, and 1 contin ued using them for some time longe: With the result that I am now as strong and hearty and can do as good a day's work as any man in my neighborhood." ese Pills are sold by all medi cine dealérs or may be had by mail at 50 cents a box or six boxes for £2.50 from The Dr. Wiliams' Medi cine Co., Brockville, Ont, Asquith on Reciprocity. Premier Asquith. "Suppose we had entered into this (Chamberlainite) bargain; suppose vou had given colonial preference; suppose you put a tax on foreign food; and sup) that the whole thing was working beautifully, smoothly, is it not obvious from what has happened that in any day of any week and in any month of the year, without any reciprocity at all the ninety or hun ! dred millions of the United States could have toppled the whole fabric ance of having free sources of supply of food and raw material from Can ada--it was not necessary for them to enter into any bargain with Canada at all. All they had to do was to lower their own tariff wall, and in» a moment Canadian corn goes into the United States, and. the very foundations of the edifice of imperial preference are undermined. (Minister: al cheers.) A more crazy structure resting on a more unstable basis and more certainly doomed by -the inenit able play of economic forces to decay was never created the imagination of a politician. (Ministerial cheers.)"" : nt to President Taft last night, pro- crease the red matter in the blood | tewting against the Peary bill being and enable it to carry to every or | signed by the president. I'he telegram of the public, and other here is a Certain sort of partaership medicine. One of these is Mr. James | between the Lord and the good doing Starr, of Galahad, Alta., who says: man Un your own account alone you had very weak. Some days I would have [better be am optimist than a pessi- aps in hot dry fever and on others would st I want to state positively that jglen- | dn > ind Sou 'burnie Ramblers have never been beat- Children's carriages and go-carts amelied in all latest tints. E. J. DUNPHY, accuses the discoverer | Cor. Montreal and personal and commer- Nothing Better Than Our Cream Caramels Wood, Lumber, Shing! Ho mest Measurement. Prices. N. JACKSON, PLACE D'ARMES, BAAN SEERA AE al 212 Princess St. PHONE 159. "THOMAS COPLEY, Prone 987. a card to 19 Pine Street when wanting anything done in the Carpen- ter line. Estimales given on all kinda repairs and new work alse Hardwood Floors of ail kinda All orders will recelve prompt satteation 40 Queen Bireet Residence, 280 Bagot Stree 'Phone No 0000000000000 00 0000 SAKELL'S Parest of their kind. Have you tried them? "ICE CREAM PARLOR Next to Opera House 000000000027 3990 000008 A Great Investment Offering For Homeseekers GRAND TRUNK PACIFIC~~Townsite Lots at Rivers, Watrous, Crysta: Springs, Tofleld, Edson and Scott. CANADIAN PACIFIC Land, frrigated, at Bow River aud within a radius of from five to one hundred miles of Edmonton, Alberta. NATURAL RESOURCES---Lots In Fort George and Fruit Lands at Bisque and Okanagan Valley. B.C., and farm land surrounding. Lots in Weyburn, Saskatoon. Regina, Moosejaw, and Farm Lands in Sas katchewan Full particulars will be given on any of the above properties by Agent 18 Markét Street, Kingston, Ont. over ? (Ministerial cheers.) It was not necessary for them, when their own J O Hi J I i ON - wants dictated to them the import. 3 * . 9 Our New Spring HOTEL DIRECTORY, a ¢ to the STEWART HOUSE. Leading a nn ial Hotel as $150 par day JAS. STEWART, Pros. TRAVELLING. WTR TERE, REDUCED RATES.PACIFIC COAST. In effect froin March 10th te Ap 10th inclusive SECOND CLASS COLONIST FARE TO Nelson, Vancouver, Vieteria Westminster, BA. $45 10 . Seattle, Spolane, Tacoma; Wash, San Fran fos Angeles $47.05 Son Diego, Onl Mexien City, Men Low rates to many other p © TOURIST SLEEPING CARS Leave Kingston for Chicage o Tuesdays, Thursdays and Baturdays at~23.48 am Berths avaliable for = commodation of passengers holding first or second class tickets on pay of nominal charge. Connection made with trains carrying cars of similar style at Chicago. For full information. apply te P. HANLEY, Agent J Corner Johnston and Outario Sts ESET DT MASEL I: RAILWAY EE a CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILY A)» REDUCED FARES TO Pacific Coast One way sedond class colonist tickets on sale daily March 10 to April 10th, at the following rates from Kingston: -- SPOKANE, WASH. ie gh | $45.10 i RR | $47.05 Fall culars at K. & P. and C.P.R. Office, Ontario Street. F. CONWAY, Gen. Pass. Agent BAY OF QUINTE RAILWAY. in lea : On $10. Shoes Are arriving daily. As usual you will find us with all the new Fads and Fun- cies of Fashionable Shoedom. - Bi -corsiean May stb, 3une 20a Our buyer was successful in picking up "romisian® May 19h June 19h many novelties in the Boston and New VIarian/. May Sun, Tune 2304 York markets. + Montreal to Glasgow By watching our window displays fiom May Sth. June ded now on you will smarter shoes Roa May Pon, June ThA. than the ordinary dealer can. / . OF PABSENGER ST. LAWRENCE SUMMER SAILINGS. Montreal to Liverpool ROYAL MAN SERVICE. OPERATING THE EST FLEET p ERS ON THE May 37th, June 24th Montreal to London One class (moderate rate), Bisamers iling at Havre, France ' For full particulars of Rates and = ; k # - 2 Sasiiags, Spy, 8 : 9 ; ny, iP. HANLEY, © 8 KIRKPATRICR ay : BE : GT. Ry. - Clarence 84 THE ALLAN § 77 Yonge Street, Toronto,