PAGE SIX. FOR. Health : Drink MeCarthey's Ale and Porter. It's the Rest. Agent, R.J. LAWLER WM. MUKHAY, Auctioneer. Furniture Bales given special at- tion. Qountsy Sal of Farms K.etc, have n fi mpecialty years. If farmers.want k dollar, get my services. MARKET SQUARE. C . 4 -- THOMAS COPLEY, ProxNE 987. Drop a card to 19 Pine Street when wanting anything done in the Carpen- ter line. Estimates given on all kinds repalrs and new work alse Hardwood: Floors of all kinds. All orders will receive prompt attention. Shep, 40 Queen Street, BIBBY'S GAB STAND DAY OR NIGHT Phone 201 C » P hd ti If you want your Carriages to Took and wear well, leave them with us. Children's carriages and go-carts en- amelled In all latest tints, E. J. DUNPHY, Cor. Mentreal and Ordnance Streets. 0000000000000 000000VS Wood, Lumber, Shingles 3 Honest Measurement. Prices. N. JACKSON, PLACE D'ARMES, Residence, 280 Bagot Street. 'Phone No, 1018. CPLR 0PBRROLOLRRNEN CEDAR POSTS AT A BARGAIN, W. Drury, COAL AND WOOD YARD, 285 Wellington Street, 1000000 ese sesvervy » PICTURE FRAMING. We have the largest line of Moulding and Frames in the eity at prices to suit any pocket. D. A. WEESE & (0, . Young Man Wanted to learn the business. "Phone 76. 841-3 Princess Street. Prompt Delivery. THE AMERICAN CAFE 183 Wellington St. The Sob lodate Restaurant ting House, Separate furnished and appazttiii, Well lighted. Try our full eourse dinner, Be. THOS GUY, Prop. Have You a Feather Bed ? Why not have it- made into a modern Sanitary Mattress, Feathers ; Cleaned by best and newest method. We will Buy your Uld Bed. Dominion Feather Co., KING SYRERT - (Opposite St. George's Church). Drop a card and our agent will call w eo] 2 ¥ fests roses sovse sesssser : mecesscesecsce 908000000000 0000000000000 Cough Cure Easily and Cheaply Made at] Home. Saves You $2. time. a8 good cough syrup for $2.50, stant relief and most obstinate cough in 'is slightly laxative; stimulates the appetite and has an excellent tonic effect. It is pleasant to take--chil- dren like it. An excellent remedy, asthma, throat troubles, ete. for 2 minutes. tie and add the Sugar Syrup. perfectly. Take a teaspoonful every one, two or three hours. membranes. Pidex is the most valu- able concentrated compound of Nor- way white pine extract, and is rich in guiaicol and all the other natural nealing elements. Other preparations will not work i this formula. The prompt results from this rec- fpe havg endeared it to thousands of housewives in the United States and 'Capada, which explains why the plan has been imitated often, but never successfully A guarantee of absclute satisfaction, or money promptly refunded, goes with this recipe. Your druggist has Pinex or will get {t for you. If not, Send to The Pinex Co, Toronto, Ont. 000000000000 0000000000 * WE CLEAN KID GLOVES. We thoroughly elean kid gloves and return them to you looking like new with abso- lutely no unpleasant odor. : R. PARKER & CO., : Dyers and Cleaners, : 69 Princess St, Kingston, Ont. 0000000000000 080000000, SOUR STOMACH "I used Cascarets and feel like a new man. I have been a sufferer from dyspepsia and sour stomach for last two years. I have been taking medicine and other drugs, but could find no relief only for a short time, I will recommend Cascarets' to my friends as the only thing for indiges- tion and sour stomach and to keep the bowels in good condition. They are very nice fo eat.'" Harry Stuckley, Mauch Chunk, Pa. Pleasant, Palatable, Potent, Taste Good 3 Never Sicken, Weaken, or 18c, 25e¢, 0c. Never sold in y The genuine tablet stamped C C C. Guaranteed to cure or your money hack 926 A CLEANLY AGE, Twentieth Century Ideas Incline To- ward Sanitation and Preventatives. Nowadays scientists believe that in cleanliness lies the secret of prevention of diseases, To prevent a disease, remove the cause, Just as unclean habits breed many diseases, so careless habits will breed dandruff. Improper use ob another's brushes, combs, ete., will surely cause dandruff, and, in time; will just as surely cause baldness. Ils miécrobic infection, nothing more nor less, Newbro's Herpicide kills the druff germ, and causes hair to grow luxuriantly, Herpicide is absolutely free from grease or other injurious substances, Sold by leading druggists. Send 10c. in stamps for sample to The Herpicide Co., Detroit, Mich, $1 bottle guaran: teed. Jas. B. Mcleod, druggist, spe cial agent, Kingston, Ont. -- dan- I WENT THROUGH Before taking Lydia E. Pinkhant's Vegetable Compound. LH MA od wen! c Tem life before 1 tric i The Quickest, Simplest, | ¥ This recipe makes 16 ounces of cough | syrup--enough to last a family a long | You couldn't buy as much or | Shnple as it is, it gives almost in- | * usually stops the | 24 hours. |" This is partly due to the fact that it oo too, for whooping cough, sore lungs, | Mix 2 cups of granulated sugar with with one cup of warm water and stir |. Put 2% ounces of | Pinex (50 cents' worth) in a 16 oz. bot- | It keeps | Pine is one of the oldest and best | known remedial agents for the threat |" GANANOQUE EXODUS TO WESTERN CANADA HAS .GUN THIS WEEK, BE | | More Railway Trouble in the Town-- J. A. MeCammon is Nominated as sheriff of Leeds and Grenville, THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, THURSDAY. MARCH ' INDIGESTION 'WILL VANISH. Dyspepsia, Gas, Sourness and Other Stomach Misery Go in Five Min- utes, or Take your Sour, out-of-order stom } ach----or maybe you call it indiges. tion, dyspepsia, gastritis or catarrh of stomach; it doesn't matter--take | your stomach trouble right with you {to your pharmacist and ask kim to iopen a SUc. case of Pape's Diapepsin i out at in charge ito, suecesded in toe hil 4 gE yester- afternoon. : i vation Army barracks to be used in i be local = corps held tea at the iast evening { { Lhe pro-| proceeds are } new instruments for the band. load of young peopledni » the home of Mr and Mra. | rederick Richardson, Leeds, on Tues-| and were entertained at | {eurin day evening, 8 dance | Petition circulated and largely the town | favoring ie appoiutment of Lieut .-| Col. J. A. McCammon, the recently! elected president of the Leeds servative association, to the vacancy in the shrievalty of the united comn- ties of Leeds and Grenville, occasioned being are signed thro ehout con- by the recent decease of Sheriff George Dana, of Brockville, The western exodus has opened up strongly this week, William Toner be- of the first to Last evening Town Councillor. John A. Bul- loch, with three horses, provisions, fodder, etc., accompanied by William Case, as helper, with a car of effects, Charles Shook, with horses, one cow and two car loads, with Al fred Rogers as assistant, and Honan, with five horses and a far load, with James Bowman, were pull- ed out to 1. 1. Junetion cillor Bulloch is bound for his Pinch- er Creek ranch, whére he will wemain until October. Mr. Shook will locate near Swift Current, Sask., and his family will follow in a few weeks time. Mr. Honan will locate at Es- tevan, Sask. E. G. Cook, Montreal, is spending a short time in town. Mrs, A. D. Howe, Oak street, left, yesterday, for Athens, to spend a week with her pa- rents, Mr. and Mrs. Davis. leave, ing one twelve Joseph Fown Coun- COPYRIGHT HARRIS AND MARTIN A. RNAPP, Chief judge of the U.S. Court of Com- merce ING. WAS Parsg is now in Evidence. Peterboro Examiner A meeting to "protest" against the trade agreement, will be held in Mas- say hall, Toronto, next Thursday night. Since opposition to the agree ment has been made a party question by the conservatives, and since To- ronto is slightly. tinged with toryism, we may expect the nature of the pro- fest. Under similar circumstances, if a liberal government had proposed the enactment of the Ten Commandments, we should find a Toronto party gath- ering eager to condemn them. The spe- cial interests, are making a dead set against reciprocity, and a mint of money is being spent in engineering stage'managing aod advertising the adverse agitation. The trade agree- ment involves immense national inter- ests and should be judged on its mer- its or demerits, not supported or adopted because it is made a party measure. The interests of the whole country aré involved, and we should have reasoning and deliberate discus- sion and not party howling. Going to Sahara. New York, March 9.--To study the Bedouin in his native haunts for the purpose of working him into popular fiction, Mrs. Louis Closser Hale, act- ress and author, will soon pitch her tent in the Sahara desert. A part of her equipment will be an aftomobile with its tonneau fitted as library and writing room for the author. Mrs. Hale leaves March 15th, accompanied by a party of friends. Must be Vaccinated. Montreal, March 9.--The Board of Control has decreed that manufactur- ers and industrial establishments gen- erally must comply with the by-law ordering the vaccmation of all em- plovees. The enactment will also be strictly enforced as regards children attending school. Captain | Fi Montreal, March 9.--A case of much interest to mariners was decided here when Capt. B. St. Denis, who last fall brought the steamer McCormick down from the upper lakes to Mon- treal, without holding Fol, regular pilot' license was fined one Seven Days' Fast. Geneva, N.Y., March 9.--William M. Quinn, a Hobart college student, has finished a. seven-days: fast which he undertook as an experiment. During the week his only nourishment = was water. Quinn lost twenty pounds dure ing the experiment. 3 Canada is asked ior a hundred thon. v | gule and see if within and let you 'eat one )-grain Twman- five minutes there is left any trace of your former misery, The correct name for your trouble is | food fermentation--food scouring; the ! g | digestive organs become weak, there is | food is! lack of gastric juice; . your only half digested, and you become {affected with loss of appetite, pressure and fullness after eating, vomiting nausea, heartburn, gripiog in bowels, tenderness in the pit of stomach, bad taste in mouth, constipation, pain in limbs, sleeplessness, belching of gas, biliousness, sick headache, nervous symptoms. ness, dizziness or many other similar Ii your appelite is fickle and no- thing tempts you, or you belch gas, {or if you feel bloated after eating, or vour food fies like a lump of lead on { your stomach, you can make up your mind that at the bottom of all this there is but one cause--{ermentation of undigested food. Prove to yourself in five minutes that _your stomach is as good as any; that there is nothing really wrong. Stop this fermentation and begin eating what you want without fear of discomfort or misery. Almiost instant relief is waiting for vou. It is merely a matter of how soon you take a little Diapepsin, GAVE HIM FREEDOM. This is the View of the Brantford Expositor. Jrantford, March 9.--The Expositor the local liberal organ, in discussing the attitwde of Lloyd Harris, M.P., for Brantford, on rpeaprocity takes no exception to the line of reasoning which has led up io has stand desite the fact that he has received no» mandate from his constituents to copgdemn reciprocity. Were they cons sul the Expositor thinks, they would, as in case of the Brandon lib- erals endorse the government's policy while leaving Harris freé in matters of this kind to follow the dictates of his conscience. Evidence of a Different Kind. Ottawa Citizen. Mr. Sifton points out that since 1897 the preference was responsible for a growth of Britain's business which is roughly estimated at 320 per cent. In ten vears the increase has been some fifty millions, but in the same bundred and twenty-five millions. If Canada's attachment to Britain is to be indicated by the increase of our trade with the mother 'country and if an increase of trade with the United States means a gradual weakening of that attachment, surely results would have heen apparent by this time in both departments. 'We have undoubt- edly strengthened our ties with Britain since 1597 although we have increased our trade with the United States to a much greater extent than with the old land. Such analysis seems to bear out the contention that our loyalty is not to be measured by trade figures. Also that we have not fallen in love with the man from whom we buy most of our goods. Humbugged the Farmers. Belleville Ontario, © how those multimillionaire phil* anthropists in Toronto and Montreal love the poor farmer! How they fill the columns of our leading' journuls with fatherly advice, at so much a line, agate measurement ! How they uncomplainingly pay the bills! Sure ly, surely all this will not be lost upon the pitiable object of so mueh unselfish devotion 1 Surely the mulish, deluded ignorant agriculturist will pall up before he drives himself and his would-be benefactors, and the whole blooming country plump to perdition ! well, if he does, the said multimillion- aires will have the satisfaction of knowing that they did their best to warn, to counsel and to save. ---------------------- Alcilas Desroches, Montreal, sued Leopold Sabourin, tailor, because the latter had not delivered his wedding garments till after the wedding." He demanded the return of his money, which was ordered by the judge. HONEST CONFESSION, A Doctor's Talk on Food. There are nt fairer set of men on earth than the doctors, and when they find they have been in error they are usually apt to make honest and man- ly admission of the fact. A ease in point is that of a prac titioner, one of the good old school, who lives in Texas. His plain, «un. varnished tale needs no dressing up. "I had always had an intense pre- judice, which I can now see was un- warrantable and unréasonable, against all mmichly advertised woods. Hence, I never read a line of the many 'ads' of Grape-Nuts, nor tested the food till fast winter, "While in C Christi health, and vi r for my ly fond of it and of it every week n 5 causing no eructa- tions (with which I was formerly much troubled), no sense of fullness, nausea, nor distress of stomach in any way. "There is no other that with me 56 well, or sits as lightly or tly upon my stomach as this since I began the use of - Grape-Nuts than I have been for 10 ry od am no longer troubled with nausea and tion." Name give by Postum Co., tle Creek, Mich, Look in pkgs, for the famous little book, "The Roa Fellville." "There's v letter? A now sand dollars for Chinese famine suffer. ors. " Gieon's. = % wi oc ond 9, 1911, -- farmang at FARMING AT 83." | Newbunrgher Writes Interestingly About Himself and Operations, A Farm, Tordénto three years old and sull! farming ! That's a record which is | hard to beat. The man who is I that advanded age is B. Aylesworth, Newburgh, Ont., fat of Sir A. B. Aylesworth. His activ at such an age is wonderful, and he is still interested in farming i ters is shown by the following letter which he sent to Canadian Farm: "l am a farmer. My father and my | grandfather were farmers. °I° have | worked at farming over eighty years, | all in Addington county, near King- | ston, Ont. 1 was a good boy--stayed | home with my father and mother six ty-two years. My older and younger | brothers all left home. : How foolish to some it appears, that i a man over ecighty-three years, at] farming work, till should labor. Ii do my own plowing and sowing and | all my planting and hoeing, at har | vest time hire some neighbor to do up | my reaping and mowing, ir Half a century ago, when this part of the country was newly settled, it | was quite a common practice for i kigh still | the | farmers to meet together and help each other at logging and corn husking | bees, barn-raisings, stone and manure | hauling bees. I was making prepara tion for a manure bee when | sent the | following invitation to a neighbor, | who appeared the next morning with a | face blooming with smiles : William Bell, my dear friend, ; 1 this morning send To you a most cordial invite ! To work one day for me At a farmer's dung bee, From to-morrow morning till night Perhaps I ought to say : That as for the pay, "Twill simply be what you can So, if you can afford, To work for your board There'll be lots of potatoes and meat If all come that I ask, It won't be a hard task I hope they will all be on hand Without working hard To clean out the yard, And help to enrich the land. eat, A BEACON LIGHT. Lighthouse Keeper's Story. From the light-house at Lobster Cove Head, Bonne Bay, Newioupd- land, Mrs, W. Young sends an 'ex perience of ZamwBuk, which should certainly act as a true beacon light, guiding all sufferers from skin dis case to a safe harbor of retuge. Mrs. Young says: "I suffered with eczema for seven years, and to my great delight Zam-Buk has cured me. I'he disease started on my breast, and | spread until it extended over my | An Atlantic period the United States has increased | her trade with us to the extent of one | hack. The itching and burning-- | especially when the affected parts | were warm--was terrible; and yet | when the eruption was scratched or | rubbed, it turned to bad sores, and | caused great pajn. I went to a doc- ! tor, and tried various 'prescriptions, hut seemed to get no benefit, so tried another doctor. Again 1 got no re lief, so tried a third doctor, and then a fourth. A ugh they all did their | whit -for-my goto relief from my pain. / i "Seven years is a long time to | suffer, and I had got used to the thought that I never would be cured when 1 saw a report in The Family Herald' telling how beneficial Zam. | Buk was in eases of skin disease, 1 thought there would be no harm in giving this balm a fair trial, and bought some. . i "Well, from the use of the first. box I saw ZamyBuk was going i to do me good. I persevered 'with it, | and the improvement it worked in | my condition was really wonderful. | It eased the irritation, stopped the | pain, and the sores began to drv up and disappear, In short, 1 found | Zam-Buk all that was claimed for it. | and within a very short time it work. | ed a complete cure in my case." | Not only for eczema, but for ulcers, | abscesses, varjcose veins, bad poisoned wounds, cuts, cold sores, chapped: places, piles, ringworm. | children's eruptions, burns, scalds, and all skin injuries and diseases, | ZamBuk will be found unequalled. | All druggists and stores sell at Boe, | box, or post free from ZamyBuk Co 1 Toronto, for price. Refuse harmful substitutes and imitations, very leg, | A -- PEF Is the Standard Article READY FOR USE IN ANY QUANTITY . For making soap, softening water, removing old paint, disinfecting sinks, closets, drains and for many other . A can equals 20 Ibs. SAL SODA. Useful for 500 purposes--Sold Evergubeore. . E. W. GILLETT COMPANY LIMITED TORONTO, ONT, SAMA 00A0040A000000000000000000000080000000 Giving Up i < 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 < 4 4 4 < 4 < 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 ¢ 4 < < < < < < < < 4 < 4 < ¢ ¢ < 4 4 < 4 4 4 ¢ 4 < 4 + 4 + & 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 + 4 4 4 4 i 4 4 4 4 < 4 M 4 4 4 4 4 + 4 . 4 i 4+ & v Business And Leaving Kingston "Provided we can dispose of our stock and store, which we are now offering for sale ata rate on the dollar. of Seasonable Dry Goods to Dispose of Before May 1st. Our Retiring Sale Is Now In Full Swing We have every confidence that the people of this district will realize that this is the greatest opportunity ever offered to purchase their season's supply of Dress Goods, Wash Goods, Hosiery, Underwear, Smallwares, Staples, Suits, Coats, Millinery, House Fur- nishings, etc., at prices never before equal- led in the City of Kingston. ; Don't Miss this Great Sale For further particulars see bills or better still visit the store. CRUMLEY BROS. 132-134 Princess' Street. PTY TYP Y Pr TY TTY PC PTS PVC CYS YEP Y YE EY Storm Plays Havoc. San Francisco, Cal., March 9.--Hav "1 oa stronger r and. sore active 1 street ww ing played havoc theughout Central and Northern California by causing | washouts, floods and damage to growing crops, the storm of the last! four days, according to the 'weather bureau, has begun to break up and] move eastward, i The storm has been unprecedented in | the velocity of wind ot the heavy! rainfall. In several cities, notably San | Jose, boats have taken the place of | the usual vehicles in the streets. Thou: | sands of acres of grain and orchard | lands were submerged, vesterday, re-| sulting in great loss. Railroad traffic has been interrupted on every line in | the northern and central parts of the state. At sea the storm has raged fury all along the coast from Diego to Oregon. forty milies were rendered homeless at Waterville and some of the streets submerged under six feet of water, Stork an Abominable Bird. New York, March 9.--Fifth avenue has been partially vindicated. In an- swer to the statement that Mrs. Elinor Glyn made in London, yester- day, that a New York doctor had told her that not a baby. had been born on this avenue of fashiopable homes in the Inst two years, an investigation made, to-day. discloses the hirth of eighteen babies since 1909, from Wash- with San street, about five miles. From One Hundredth and Fifth street to Ove Hundred and Fortieth ,» occupied by the residence of the less fashionable, 147 babies made their advent in these vears, clearly indica- ting in the opinion of the board of health, that the ultra-swagger set still consider the stork an abominable bird. In the fashionable part of the avenue the birth rate is declared to be the lowest of any residence street in the Sinn, Another warm diseussion in the Priv i | "1 the RING DAYS will soon be upon us--days of unsettled weather and uncertain footing --winter lingering in the lap of spring. How much it would save your wife and the, unpleasant weather, they could do the shopping and attend to social arrangements over the telephone, Have You a Telephone ? In all emergencies too, such as sudden sick- ness, fire, or night alarms, the family if, during great boon. Consult our Local Manager. Telephone in Home telephone is a THE BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY OF CANADA I --