Tea Time Talks 1300 Varieties of Tea Of the 1300 kinds of tea, some must be better than others. Among these better teas "Salada" Ceylon Tea towers high as the sunny mountain slopes on which it is grown. The plantations of "Salada" have the best advantages of soil and climate. The tea plants are the choicest, and only the tender leaves and buds are used. "Salada" comes to you in sealed air-tight packages preserving its delicacy and ex-' cluding all outside taint of dust and dirt. lf ag deg cups of delicious tga. We will mail it to you without charge. Say whether you use Black. Mixed or Green Tea and he price you pay per pound. The "Salada" Tea Co. Yearly Sales Over 32 Yonge S 20,000,000 Packages 000s 0000000000000 00000000000000000R000OS Harris Heavy Pressure Babbit Metal is Perfection, * For all machinery bearings, THE CANADA METAL CO., LTD., - TORONTO © A better orapurer drink was never made than "EDELWEISS" BEER A pure, delicious, appetisiog drink for maids and wives-- the drink par excellence for family use. "Edelweiss" drank at meals promotes digestion and perfect health, Seasoned, bottled and sealed at the brewery. 5S REINHARDTS' OF TORONTO The Best Beer Sold LOCAL AGENT, E. BEAUPRE, Kingston Telephone 313. HEALTH IN PURE SUGAR Sugar is one of the best, and most widely used foods. Would you risk your health for the sake of a few cents on a hundred pounds of sugar ? Buy only EXTRA GRANULATED SUGAR [ts Purity and Quality cannot be questioned, C ompare it with any other and note the difference in color. PARIS LUMPS When buying Loaf Sugar ask for Redpath Paris Lumps sold in RED SEAL P dust proof cartons, and by the pound. The Canada Sugar Refining Co., MONTREAL, CANADA. Limited Established in 1854 by John Redpath For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of Alegetable aration for As- Sinilating te} ood nts 4a ling the Stomachs and Bowe Nl ANTS ( Aang Promotes Digestion Cheerhil- ness and Rest.Contains neither Morphine nor Mineral. NARCOTIC, a Use ~- For Over Thirty Years THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, OBJECTIONS STATED i TO PROPOSED SITE OF THE: TUBERCULOSIS HOSPITAL. I | A y | Two Subséribers to the Why They are Opposed to Erecting the Building on General Hospital | Grounds, | "Edis Con- Kiugston, March S.--~{To the Having read Dr. W. T. pell's letter in Monday's issue on the subject 'stablishing 4 consumpti vel® anatorium on the general grounds, 1 am surprised that a man {of the doctor's standing should make | the charge that the petition signed by many of our prominent citizens requested the city eouncil not to give grant towards the establishing of a tuberculosis building. Evidently, the doctor had wot read the petition or be would never have made such 4 statement. For the benefit of those who are interested | herewith produce an exact copy of the petition, which ix as follows: "We, the undersigned ratepayers and itizens of Kingston beg leave to pe- tition your honorable body regarding the establishment of a consumptive sanatorium on the general hospital grounds, We believe that such an institution should be isolated in a more healthy environment, und con- ducted on the cguntry sVa- tem, with sufficient room for the pativnts to take kinds of healthy exercise. The Jsiccessful treatment of tuberculosis all aver the egntinent is on that prio- ciple. We are in full sympathy with the project, and believe the promoters of the movement are entitled to the best thanks of all citizens for their untiring efforts in collecting such a large sum of money for the purpose of bettering conditions; but we are convinced the institution {both for health and business rea song) should be located in the try. The Canadian press recommends the above treatment, and that the tu berculosis © question should be dealt with by either the Jederal provin cial government The Kingston as sociation 'for the studv and preven tion of tuberculosis states (as , per Educational Leaflet No. 2.) "(1.) The germs or bacilli tained in the sputum of tuberculosis patients and in the minute droplets teprayed by them the air i coughing and sneezing Many con sumptives throw off several billion «1 | these daily (2) If this sputum 01 spray is scattered about it soon dries, and as fine dust mingles with the air and may be inhaled. (3) Tuberculosis i$ thus spread largely by sputum of tuberculosis patients. (41 The maintenance of good general health is the kev to safety 'In the face of the above in, deference to those of our owning property in the trict, and damage to ow ing and commercial interests from our city being known as a sumptive centre, 18 in our sufficient and good reason why should oppose the hospital site." Being one of the citizens culated the petition for signatures 1 might say that only one man, out oi perhaps hundreds who were approach ed on the subjeet, refused to and he did so without even reading the petition. The petitioners are men of the highest standing in the com- munity, many of whom are mong our first citizens; nearly being contributors to the members of our municipal bodies philanthropic Dr. Connell presumed that thes titioners. 'are opposed to the scheme; such is not the their cnly anx- that a very serfous mistake might made by establishing per manentiy * within the mst which carries with it a suspicion the ecomn vl concerned of cottage space to give all most present that coun or are con into facts, any citizens hospital dis magpufactur arising con opinion you who ar: sen, classe a- all and and city, ie project, societies of the case; ety is be citi un tion of dang interests sO far as of the city When the doetor refers to the possibility of ships and marine engin:'s contracting the disease, of its establish- here, it to be a serious upon intelligence of are so flippantly locomotives, because seems th assume * a ment reflection Kingstonians who much attitude. It is a that certain cities reputation of constmptive because of They such, but because of enterprise, mn treat consumption in well- have serions fact the not more Knit earned centres, to be known the success of the ing and combating its various form. Kingstonians are thoy can to jassist the matter in hand, enterprise should be limits { 1 understand that Connell, in j commenting upon my previous letter, ! admitted that the conditions set forth by me . were ideal, but that it was a {matter of conventeuce and economy lon the part of the advocates of the {hospital site. Now, we, as eitizens, {think that the question of conven. lience and' economy should be second- lary, and that the site of such an mn- | stitution is of far greater importance. |The doctor claims there is no dan- ger from a properly trained patiens, {at the same time recommends isola- {tion. Does not this seem contradic tory. 'The medical profession for the lust tweaty vears admits th! disease is both contagious and infectious, and that the most delicate poople are the most susceptible. This being the case would not any reasonable man hesitate before giving his consent to establishing an institution of . this kind at the very door of the general hospital, and 'within a few vards™ of one of Canada's leading universities, where our voung and hest blood mn the country their studies from day to day. iy the authorities of Queen's what this ht mean lecting an institution complete their education. Some months ago commissioners were appointed by the province ' of Quebec to make a report to the gov. ernment upon the toatment of tu berculosis, and if the doctor wili read this report he' will find that the chief point of their argument is isolation. Further that wherever a case is di covered in the family it should mn desire nw to do all k ave the city anxious those but believe oufside the who Dr Sure- realize to those se- w herein to jthey are hospital | | are compelled to pursus THI RSD AY, MARCH Fund Tell | medical mes this acute of location, almost" unanimous in the proposed site, as otally unfit for the requiremen would most heartily eudrse be financial ody environment t would five an abundance of frésh wir operated on the cottage principle. The cultivation of vegetables, fruit and and he raising of poultry | could be indulged in by b { able to little work, and a half dozen healthy milch cows eounld be kept, the v iring for the ticn a supply of fresh milk and ter for the inmates. This idea, aith the grant, more than for maintenance . Compare idea with that of housing 'n numbet of consumptive pa Pm ning their | and assistance un cation with endeavors flowers those who are do =n institu but along would sec government provide this i 9, THe Most EXPENSIVELY BREWED BEER IN AMERICA SERVED WHEREVER QUALITY COUNTS THOMPSON, JR Distributor, 202 PRINCESS ST. 'Phone 301 for Case. The Ri GEO. is PAGE SEVEN. ' | HOTEL DIRECTORY. | 0 to the STEWART HOUSE. Leading Lmmereial Hotel. Rates, $1.60 per ys JAS, STEWART, Prop. TRAVELLING. ETRE REDUCED RATES--PACIFIC COAST, effect frox Mar 18h te April 10th i RAILWAY A { |BECOND CLASS COLONIST FARE T Nelson, . Vancouver, Victoria i Westminster, Bo {| Seattie, Speiane, Tacoma, i Wash, Angeles, 1 05 , . many sr points san Fraaciseco, Los san Diego, Onl. | Mexico City, Mex. Low rates to ' SLEEPING rot Riss apply HANLEY on apd Ontaric tients in a stone building with Limited i space for recreation when | the treatment recommended is large open Now. if opefi air" treatment is the why not have wooden | buildings would gnarantee | greater entilation, winch are the xact cor erations recommended own in treating this and exercise, ar best, which our experts cafe. y It would be a great mistake for promoters of this worthy feel that the thanks of the worthy endeavors, the case. | have not met a project have the comnsinity in opposite not t Ke Fory LIST YOUR P..OPERTIES NOW FOR SALE OR TO RENT SALES NEGOTIATED. RENTS COLLECTED. FIRE INSURANCE. CONVEYANCING AND REAL ESTATE, E. Blake Thompson, OVER NORTHERN CROWN BAN MARKET SQUARE, 'Phone 286. KINGSTON, ONT. CANADIAN PACIFICO RAILWAY. REDUCED FARES TO Pacific Coast One second class colonist | tickets on sale daily March 19 to April 10th, at the following rates way on tributor who would accept a dollar | in return if the ive Mowat me | built eutside the , but | they have expressed to renew their contributian meet the demands a sue tion of this kind would | i Sir morial was in many fosare, Necessary, to essful mstitu require Fhe ston Cases board of governors of the King hospital must assume sponsibility of location, and from the concensus of opinion express wl from those I have met since the igitation began, I am the. | will give it "the consideration it de | CONTRIBUTOR. the re judging convinced Serves Another Complaint, Kingston, March B.--(To the Fdit or): | understand that a petition has | besn signed, opposing the building of | the tuber hospital on the grounds of the and, | ulosus general hospital, .MARMALADE.. A At Alf PP A Att Pt tat lin, BITTER ORANGES FLORIDA GRAPE FRUIT SEEDLESS LEMONS SUNKIST ORANGES and SPOONS at 166 Pcie S.A. J. REES, Pome 58 tT RUVETTVVTTUVTRLTROTVLRT VRS AF VVVVTCRLBUULERVBLL TBAT ABRRS SLU VVBVLTRATCRBTLTRRACTCRRNNY =. | sPOK ANE, TTB VOETRRATRTLLTVLLTRACLCAE CATARACT VALR ART RAR RNRND | VANCOUVER, BC | VICTORIA, B.C | IRATTLE, wali TACOMA, WASH. *ORTL AND OREGON 8, CAL 0, CAls bn |s5.10 $47.05 3 is Eg X1C0 CITY, MEX. K. & P. and Ontario Street. Full particulars at C.P.R. Ticket Office, F. CONWAY, { . Gen. Pass. Agent. | } 9 me is | | BAY OF QUINTE RAILWAY, Train leaves Union Station, Ontario, Street, 4 p.m. dali; (Sunday excepted) tor Tweed, Byden re Napanee, Deser- nto, Bannockburn and ail JI potnis Rorth, Fo secure quick despatch Bannock { urn, Maynooth, and points on Cdntral | Ontario route your shipments via Bay | Quinte Raliwa For further te | sulars, DICKBON, ent ply R ! Phone, rq though 1 have reside in the vet I think vised by the valid ones. of the vicinity that "the priitioners are g [ don't quite agre reasons set out wm the px tition, but if [ resided near the {a pital or was the owner of pr adjacent thereto, I would vrtainl strongly oppose the placing of the pro posed hospital anywhere near th pres sent one I have sub have paid my done so I consider | #! other subseribers hav: selection of For the wheres such except upon -the | King street, where secure the foul ah that empty into i knitting mill and wet whatever damp | air and mist that proximity to the | lake would give them { What tubereulosiz patients want is] good clean, dry air, and thes | ly could not get that from the | sent hospital grounds. | Fhetre are many places in the out- | skirts of the city pital could be built on high ground or a building, read; to purchased for. one-third of the that it would cost to put one understand thd Straubense hom A¢ or if t other place nearer the city, spare land about | them that could be purchased cheaply and where there would be ample room for the erection of the shacks which | are, as 1 understand it, an important | and necessary factor in dealing with | disease. Hf no building could be had which would suit them ther are number of plots of land inside the cite limits that could be i able, but, of course, the building tion with high wages and ' ex material would he to be considered Experience has taught™»e that even careful avehitect has to add of the hospital, { main objection and | with | ood some pert eribed to the fund and subscription and having wild with man, | an voice in the a site life of vo: cannot a building could he ' ground close to the patients could | from the sewers | lake near the alt pre either a. hos | dry | | hand, | amount | up w here and in Portsmouth is for too far ont. there are with the ang made a pensive the most not signed it, nor do || se Dr J.Collis Browne's THE ORIGINAL AND ONLY GENL. YE, The Most Valuable Medicine ever discovered. The best known Remedy for COUGHS, COLDS, ASTHMA, BRONCHITIS. Like a charm in DIARRHOEA, DYSENTERY & CHOLERA. LTectually cuts short all sitacks of sr ASMS. Checks and arrests those too often fatal diseases FEVER. CROUP and AGULE The only palliative ia NEURALGIA, GOUT. RHEUMATISM, Chloradyne is a liguid token in drops graduated a "bad <1 INSIZT ON HAVING Je J COLLIS BROWNE'S CHUORODYNE. CONVINCING MEDICAL TESTIMONY WITII EACH BOTTLE Sold by all Chemisty Prices in England VW. 2/9, 4/8 Séte Masuficturers 1. T. DAVENPORT The immense ol this Remedy has given rise to many imitations success N.B. Every bottle of Genwin Chloredyse bears on the stamp the name of the inventor, Dr, J Collis Browse Wholesale Agents, Lyman Bros. & Co, Limited, Toronto | | ALLAN LINE "Sa Go'y, Ltd. T FLEET NGER STEAMED IN THE LAW RERCE PROUT SUMMER Montr noy a SATLINGS pal to Liverpool MAIL SERVICE, Montreal to london TH Yonge fo BERMUDA YO int Trip $20 and Up Fast Twin Screw /8:8. "Bermud- tan," 5,630 tons, sails from New York, 16 a m. every Wadnesday ° electric fans, wireless ALLAN LINE, Street, Toronto nd on a the steam r dock 1a INDIES FANA" and ternat WEST Gl one-quarter to the origi him, principally and for this reas m suggest the pur with a building al which a « would at least estimate unforeseen extras, I would strongly chase of a site ready. upon it and tively sinall into what would be necessary for the inportant object. Keep it away, how ever, from the present hospital if vou | want the scheme to be a Success: | Yours truly, A SUBSCRIBER. made by for ompara- | outiay convert Hamiltom street railway svstemn is | to be given modern equipmesit | i i Our New Spring Shoes » 4 nN Are arriving daily. As usual you will find us with all the new Fads and Fan- cies of Fashionable Shoedom, Our buyer was successful in picking up many nuvelties in the Boston and New York imnarkets. By watching our window displays from now on you will notice smarter shoes than the ordinary dealer can. J. H. SUTHERLAND & BRO. THE HOME OF GOOD SHOES a Barbad ' "For full ir formation, arply tod. P HANLEY and C. 8B. KIRKPATRICK, Ticket Agents, Kingston, A KE Outerbridge & Co, 29 Broadway, | New York, Quebec Steamship Co, Quebec OUR BEAVER BRAND 0 unexcelled for bread or "Erl e js moderate A. MACLEAN, Ontario Bireet yn eessessesssssss BI51NI35 * COLLEGES 'de ghest Fducaiion at LowestCost" o Fall Term year : het short times positions with Fraliway oor. Canada Finter mny® 21 or write for informa-@ Metcalfe, Principal ® (Limited) ® Highest Grades a COAL OTL. LUBRICATING OIL. Ti