Daily British Whig (1850), 10 Mar 1911, p. 4

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i a THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, FRIDAY. » MARCH 10, 1011. PAGE FOUR. . AT 60 YEARS OF AGE THE KIDNEYS HEED HELP Gin Pills Give Them The Strength . Of Youth. 3 B. C. WoonroRrp, Consulting Mining Engineer, 29 Broadway, New Vork. 50 Broad Street House, London, "1 bought some of your GIN PILLS at Vittoria, B.C, last September, Imade inquires in New York on my arrival there but was unable to obtain any information about them. Your remedy, I find at 60 years of age, to give me perfect relief and I regret very much that you have not made arrangements to have GIN PILLS on sale in New York and London, as I urgently recom- mend GIN PILLS to friends of my age as being the one thing that does me good. 1 will be glad if you will send mie a few boxes of GIN PILLS to my London address and a few to my office in New York by post if possible. I enclose cheque', E. G. WOODFORD, Hf your kidneys need help, strengthen them and keep them well with GIN PILLS,~the guaranteed cure for Weak Kidueys, Pain in the Back, Bladder Trouble and Rheumatism. soc. a box-- 6 for $2.50 ~money back if they fail to relieve. Sent on receipt of price if your dealer does not handle them, Sample box free on request. National Drug and Chemical Co, Dept. B., Toronto, National Lazy Liver Pills are a gentle Inxative and a sure cure for Constipation. asc. a box, oe Beaver Board A SUBSTITUTE FOR WALL PLASTER. soft wood to Walls handsome Can be cut like and easily applied and Cellings with panel effects See the at our Warehouse Samples A -------------------------------- 5. ANGLIN & GO. Cor. Bay and Wellington Sts eos e%o00e Suits, Top Coats, Boots and Shoes, Rubbers All New §Spriag Goods Styles and Best Makes We can clothe you for less money than any other house in Kingston. Come in afd lot us prove it ISAAC ZACK'S 271 PRINCESS STREET. MSHI AGRA ROR EERIE "STAY IN KINGSTON" Wea would rather you would stay, but if you are bound to go we will buy all or any part of your Household Rffgets that you may want to seil---or If you a starting housekeeping we can fi you out te perfection as we carry a full lige of Stoves, Furniture, Carpets, Oillcloth, ete. at very low prices Alnor weé have the grandest lot of ANTIQUE FURNITURE in this part of Canada. Drop a postal L. LESSES, Cor Princess and Chatham Sts. HAH AAIIAAINE Yo i Ss Sa Latest | tion arises from the [act Light ona Dark Subject - COAL--of course, and only the grades known to best for heating find their 1 our black carbon--no- IB prehistoric about Its : Cs this year's E dollars are added annually to the as ieee THE WHIG, 78th YEAR ievislative body which holds sway in DAILY BRITY WHIG, published &t (}e city hall, it is likely that some 306-316 King Kingston, Ontario, a \ : : at §8 per year. tions at 2.30 and 4 thing will happen. The time of test- "WEERLY BRITISH WHI. 18 pages | ing is surely at hand. in s on Monday snd] ag at 3 a year. To! THE SITUATION IN BRIEF. charge for pos tage pad| : 8 making price of Dally id The government of Canada, may, as od ay $1.3 Bab Print- | Prof. Shortt put it in his talk -- on a on nine aaa, yan. Modern Democracy, have had recipro- The British Whig P bis bi Ce., Ld, "it thrust upom it by the people. Sir J. G. Eliott, ident. ~ Wilirid Laurier has demonstrated by Leman A. Guild, See-Treas. quotations from the public records, = : speeches of our public y Cham-, mh, Mr. Foster and Mr. Sifto, H. BE ihe contrary, that reciprocity has been the conservatives TORONTO OF . and from the Bulte 19 and 20 Queen 'Cit bers, 32 Church St, Toronto, Bmalipeice, J.P, representative. Daily Wag. COUNTY SCHOOL CONDITIONS, Edu- leation with regard to the non-reeidi to for did continuously before The people many vears. The rals were not eagerly urging it, as late as 1594, libe- the party and decided it farther The position of the Board of at one time the government that it would not pursue dent pupils of the Collegiate Institute' without invitation from the Ameri- i is easily understood The institute ' cans, which came later, and now that "approved," ahd sO given it 18 an issue before the is the outlook ? Prof. Shortt | Oyer-crowding was alleged, and when aspect of this question the people what {ean only be {a very desirable status, when linspectors have reported in its favour. made very clear one The American lithe facts were gone into it was tound ' government can urge it upon congress, that here were some seventy non- and be repulsed without the los of ! residents; and these were in the leond and third forms. With not ses prestige. The Canadian government is these dependent upon the support of the ma- be Jority in parliament and the majority onda {in the house are dependent upon There was only one of two things : an' addition had 10 be erected, divided, as they are led or misled those who assume political matters, removed the classes would the to do by providing more class rooms, as the to guide them in the non The Americans may excluded, 2Opt reciprocity at the next ciear "Pvial session, or they may not. No- inspectors recommended, or yesident pupils had to be and Lhe to board did not see its way y to provide thing siffers by the experience save the ecounci feelings of the president and his col- ask the city non res; and epuip class recent 1#agues, who have projected the mea dents, and especially after a . ho 2 sure and are committed t SKA Pe The people will vote on © the passage experience 3 ! of it. ra | the. by-law which aims to provide the NS would. Im Canada the popularity of recipro- City is school, and folly mereasing funds for a new i h } ; ontingent upo 5 aducatic have been supreme to make the : : gent upon the' education a aifiotint of the masses, and their education acute Dy ie ANON 225,000 issue i | must be begun and conducted in the { ' careful I'he who ; opponents of the ¢ greement-- the manu i the of IT facturers and rich themselves embay v at least ! > : most and effective way The county ratepayers are in- terested in the education corporations--have 1 " fan children, and find undertaken to impress the people with he chal lenged though they may not be coun teracted the ment, and primarily the farmers, must " O " We essed with the eanfusion that I agencies whose wisdom may vaile in the eounty council, are to be not be The cross | sympathized with Fhey may The friends of agree able to bring about a remedy council is operating at It has the interest county get busy at once, and thes campaign purposes, three factions At must be thorough and far-reaching. of thenew Con- The government, whose future is more dependent upon the result, can work, in tinnation school in the north, of an at or less enldrgement of the high school not afford to let this education go Sydenham, and of some arrangement indifferently. tv which the pupils of the front tow: the accommodated' in EDITORIAL NOTES of Mr. \ : : . Brantford, on reciprocity, is nof question of the greatest good to the hard to understand when it is rentem- ships may be city. There does not seem to be an | The attitude Harris, of hope of reconciling them. It is nota So greatest. number, but of local interest, bored that he is the vice-president of local jealousy, and local patronage. '(he Manufacturers" Association, and | it is doing what it can to Doss parlia- FALK, AND THEN TAXATION, The council has asked for the budget | of the Board of Fdueation, and it has ment and its jobs. a well-direct Mr. Miller, ed shot MP, took at Sir William Van Horn, Len delivered This document calls : : for nn increase in the grant from the who says he has been working for Ca- £3,350, this amount represent nada, that he has been on the job for city hy , : B® . . thirty years. His financial interests, ing the additions voted to the salar jes lust waar and the addition of on Ant The council wi'l Canadian development is oniy a however, appear to lie in Cuba, and nde mi mber to the stafl, 1 thus find it the havder to do its board | i that g- issue with him. , tid nancing, because, while the hi And over The church is disturbed over and the civic 'committees claim th v have exercised the utmost econ- question of mixed marriages. 'with some reason. Over and omy the final result will probably be again Qumestic peace has been des a raise in the tax rate, | Al the things talked of in in, and the church aims to avoud of -civie * this by discountepancipiz the Re 3 o~ E y > and swing bridge, sanitorium, heatin age of persons of conflicting faiths. 'troyed when religious differences have the wa: improvements--new school marry L & of the city buildings by néw system, ete, --are very desirable, and indicate A mass meeting was called in To the spirit of progress. But they all ronto to denounce the reciprocity a mean money, and the revenues of the greement. from sited to attend who were in harmony Free discussion, or But only those were de cily are very largely derived land with the scheme. an argument in favour of reciproetiy, Of a meeting of this kind was bound taxes. When a boom is on in values and real estate, when the city of was expressly forbidden. course is growing and many thousands sessment, an increase in the expendi. be unanmous. It can he met | The in-* not, ture is not noticeable. out of the swelling receipts. creased revenue in Kingston is with the the trade agreement was one of the fino (There is no doubt of) that, and the "people and the papers that are in The speech of the premier on however, proportionate y and there seems to be no help for it but to tap the power | creased expenditure sinuating that it was not are ceiving themselves. It was a clear source of income, the earning : question, of the ratepayers, to n further exposition of an important "land nothing is to be ghined by mis tent, . & { representation. The one thing that challenges at. bo tention in both 'the school board and|{ Mr. Hareris, M.P., of Brantford, the council is the manifest uncertain: jects to the trade 'agreement because ty as to what they really want. "This the government had no mandate from the Board of Eduea- the people to negotiate it. As much that the 'of a mandate as previous govern- finance committee is not the revising ments had to negotiate on similar force, but the medium through which matters. If every important issue the, other committess express their that arose had to be referred to the wants. The finance committee has |people there would be continual Cur been indeed reduced to a few Romina {dl ; duties, and these are prefunctorily or ARE Ct formed. Since the rim is Ee Despen Hee Own. Watermays. g . Toronto Telegram. responsible for the passing of all ac! Canada's trade must reach the séa 'counts that have been regularly cou. {by the Front Jat and the. Whole tracted, and responsible for the hold. | Vatersay must be financed with Can ing up of alt not A thorized alae crelit, and-wabject to Canada's the finance committee has very little] The money? to do or sa Moreover, the board! The cost is not prohibitive--per- : vy by some demand | haps 8100,000,000 will pay the whole oN abe uncertainty in | The finance committee of the coun- jeil is in a very different position. It is the advisor of the council on all in some of ils mewmbars, with gross U | incompetency in connection with the land proposed bridge, and when aldermen I not drop it in 15991, bat had it before! majority of the people. The people are | de-, 'SPIRIT OF THE PRESS It Kills Annexation Dean Johnson, New York U ersity Not in a thousand vears there been a union of two countries, except {for the reason that one or the other | bas gained an economic advantage ! Commerical reciprocity will SeCHrY both to Canada and the United States all the advantages which political | union might bring, and will achiev the desired result with the least pos {rible friction, there being no interfer i | ence with the social or political insti-| tutions of eithen wountry. Champ | Specialists in diseases of Skin | Clark, who says Ruciprocity will pro: Blood. Rerves, Bladder and Special Ail. imate annexation, jis entirely wrong. meats of men. i Reciprocity i at try R | One visit sdvisable ; if impossible, send history for free opinion and ad- ------ vice Question blank and book on Farmers Should be Busy. Toronto Weekly Sun. diseases of men free. Consultation All that was said last week as to Medicine furnished in tablet form. Hours: 10 a.m. to 1 pm, and j the imperative need of instant action by farmers is, therefore, repeated here. 2 to § pm. Sundays, 10 am to } pm DRS. SOPER & WHITE iombard parliament, bombard the press with letters and resolutions. Do 36 Toronto Street, Toromte, Ont. not confine the pressure to one party. eee ee Consepvative farmers who approve of Ww. p 0'BRIEN . 1 the agreement should let Mr. Borden and his followers know their opinions. 57 St. Francois Xavier St, : MONTREAL, Member Liberal farmers should take the same course with Mr. Fielding and the libe ral members of the house. Let it be MONTREAL STOCK EXGHANGE Long Distance Telephone Mair 6936 CORRESPONDENCE SOLICITED. known everywhere that farmers, re gardless of party affiliations, are for S.d. WILSON, Member Dominion Exchange, Ltd. freer trade and wider markets, and that this reciprocity agreement is the MINING LISTED AND UNLISTED SECURITIES, immediate means to the desired end. CORRESPONDENCE INVITED. 14 King St. East. "Phone Main 4228, TORONTO, Ont. -- Lords Committed Suicide, Mr. Asquith in London "T climax was reached in the autumn of 1909, when the House of Lords rejected the finance of the vear Well, sir, I do not think it is a very rash prediction--thongh I am loth to assume, even for a moment, the mantle of a political prophet--that the judgment' of history will corroborate the coolest-headed contemporffry ob- servers that the rejection of the bud get by the House of Lords in 1909 was the most stupendous at of politieal blindness that has been perpetrated. (Loud cheers.) 1 do not think 1 am aggerating in the least when I say that on that fatal dav, fatal ta the | House of Lords, not to anybody else, ! the 30th of November, 1909, the House | of Lords as we have known it, as forefathers knew it, ' committed politi cal suicide." A. T. COLE. W. E. SMITH. ¢ COLE & SMITH, { Members Dominion Stock Exchange. Stocks and Bonds Bought and Sold on all Leading Exchanges 402 Lumsden Bldg, - Toronto Special attention given to De- velopments at the New Gold- fields at Porcupine Cobalt Stocks VDOT LVTTVTVLVLVTRVRVOOS BPO ony Se---- One on the Crookers. Wilfrid Laurier General Grant in his memories: nar | rates that during the Mexican war he | was in the army of the United States | as a voung lieutenant. He was riding towards the front in company with a friend, when, all of a sudden the: heard a most unearthly howling of wolves. His friend asked him how many he thought there were in the pack, and, not wishing to exaggerate, he said that he thought there must be | at least twenty. His friend smiled and said nothing. In a few minutes they | came in sight of the wolves, and there | were just two making all that noise Getferal Grant observed that he i thought of this incident in after lite when he heard the poise made hn some disappointed nen, and he adds they were always more numirous he- fore they were counted. 1 believe that what he found true of the United States is also true of this country Hi Reh i The Anvil Chorus § Is Pretty--But { It Doesn't Get You} Sir TVTLTVVTLRVOOS Anything : Hollingerat $3.50 | : was like buying the whole north rybody at 25 cents, Imost ev 1 Swastika I am prepared to execute buy- Preston East Dome ing orders on ? its purchase at ~-and advise the market 19.M, WALLACE; BROKER, TORONTO, ne 'Phones Malan 1044-5. "Sercams" Dying Out, ¢ 4 Montreal Witness Sulu ingis tintin division The further the pendulum of preju dice swings one way, the further in evitably it will swing the other. If an historieal character is blackened enough in one generation, be sure that some other generation will tn to change or vary the disagreeable soot, color with one coat or more of moral whitewash or kalsomine. This gests that the day cannot he very far off when journalistic screaming will no longer be fashionable, because it will no longer pay. Men have givén up the vile habit of "swearing" before now for the same reason. A "round oath" too often repeated ceases to interest or alarm and only leaves disgust. The most perverse musical taste tires in time of the loudest gramaphone, and of that more blatant instrument, the calliope, but which "ircus managers now seem to have abandoned, As sure as night follows dav, front page screams, the simulated agony, of yellow newspapers concern: | ing innocent and beneficent reciprocity proceedings pill fail to 'interest even the most unsophisticated, except to disgust them, and all the wild absurdi- ties which are now being told about annexation will recoil upon the au thor's head. NO MONEY IN ART. a the She not art ' He--You're right mers get big money Trimming a woman's hat is there Trim- Only One "Bromo Quinine," That is Laxating Bromo Quinine. Look for the signature of E. W. Grove Used the world over to Cure a Cold in One Day. 25e, S---------------- Township of Kingston Council. March 6.~Council met in session. Members li present Mir utes of last meeting adopted. John | David appointed pathmaster in Div. | IS. Moved, Gordon-Valleau, that $10 be granted for Salvation Army rescue work. R. J. Cooper appointed pathmas- ter for Rd. Div. 3a. Moved, Reid- Hawkie, - that the report of auditors for accounts of treasurer, 1910, be ac- cepted. Adopted. Moved, (idrdon-Val- leau, that collector for 1999 he held re sponsible for the balance still dwe as given in his final statement of his col- lection. Moved, Gordon Hawkie, that the valuation of lambs and sheep killed by dogs be increased to #5 and $7 each respectively. Moved, Hawkie Goran, that the following properties, Pts. of lots 3, 4, 8 and 9, Con. 2, now iocluded within the limits of polling subdivision No. 1, be changed to that of polling sub-division No. 2. Moved, Reid-Hawkie, that the auditors re | J. Willred Brown, of Water street. ceive £7 each. Moved, Gordon-Reid, | Campbellton, N.B, 'save; "Hyome that John Woodruff receive $5 for jeuredd me of a severe case of eatarrh 'opening road frome Sydenham Road to {and asthma after four years of sufier- McRowe's mill. John leathecland jing. [| was constantly hawking ami voted $1.66 for one sheep killed by (soitting awd the catarriml droppings dogs. Accounts paid ©: $5.65, county [that came from 'the head into my Treasurer, ance dud on county rate; [throat affected my stomach and | 226, R. Uglow & Co., office files, blot- leould moti enjoy my meals. Chiet ters and # for council cham- | Crawford having the same trouble od- ber and for stationery: $10.80, British [vised me to ty Hyomei. [| did so i for collector and immed soon | was without 4 sem of the 1910: $R58, Rees & [benlth racking disense that had tron i bled me for so long. | now recom: mend Hyomei to all eatarth sufferers" Hyomei (promounced High-o-me) guaranteed to cure asthma, bromehitis, eroup. coughs and colds. XA complete outfit consists of a bard rocisr whaler, regular a art een old committed sui after for a James Smith, a | thoy, Tenn. cide with chloroform this teacher, in revenge ping lLent--Fresh pike, pickerel, haddock, sea herring (very mullets, do tree, white fish, smelts, at right prices, tat Gilbert's stores Camptell Bros'. for Seoti's, Heath's, Buckley's, Christy's famous hats The sight of two red mittens pro- truding from a hob ia the'ice of - a pond, at Utien, N.Y., resulted in find ing the bodies of two little boys, drowned Thursday CHIEF CRAWFORD Advised Hyomei for Catarrh. year of Bristol, shooting whip farge;, Whig, advertising Sale of $1 & for 69c. ou We best of Trouser DEATH OF YARKER BOY. --- Buildings Being Taken CNR. Co. Yarker, March 8. Stanley Benn ar family left, this week, for Alberta He expects to retin mo three re again settle here. The post affice comtinue in Lhe lhe May Ist. The Dobating Society its debate at William Conn night. Ntewart, hy present bus day the youngest Carroll, died, at his He was bur das fommunity was surprised to hear y few his: desth, as he wns a bust boy The funeral was held Methodist chureh, here: his ol acted s¢ hearers A telegram came 1; hesithy y John Dowd, nouncing. the death of his child in Winnipeg Wwrén Lee has moved to his near Wiltan. John Kimmett has ed the Brosnaban farm and ha there from Yarker 4. Connolly and B.S lin left for New York, to funeral of the wife of Mus lib, who is a mative of Kir Lockwood Was a Visito Good's. . Cyrus Fdgar and a gang of men are moving the buildings of 4. C. Connol Iv, as the C.N.R appropriates some of his land. Arse Ashley' bas rented the farm of Mrs. X. MeWithams, one and a half miles south of Yarket. The wife of A HN gave birth to a davghte- and the wife of John Kimmelt to a daughter; still bom. hurles, Freeman will take over the stock of the late Johny Ewart, from Jehan Mott. Mrs. Egarton Vanluven has returned from Kingston. It is not diphtheria that a Yarker recident reported to have: Harold Freeman. de Hl. James Ciordon will move to the residence vacated by Jobm Kimmett, as the residence le now occupies will be taken by the UNR and moved avway. here, at Was Campbell's for men's hats At the ecorosation the troops will be quartered at the Puke od York's Sehonl, (Chelsea. Lond fashion's latest oe eolonial a bottle of Hyomei and nero sfdropper for Bling the bdmler. Your sts will supply vou the outiit for ¥1 'fextra bottles S09), or posts paid from the RB. T. Booth Cou. him ted, Fort Erie, Ont. Movey back if it Strathoonn has given £250 10 the en tertaioment fund. Tomatoes, 1c. and 2c. a can, Gilbert's. 3 Povrassa oalls Quelwe to sland 'at $1.25 el BIBBYS" The season's choice ready for inspection or choosing. 'Our clothes ar ashioned for crit'cal eyes, and they are tailored Or critical tastes by master hands. See Our Chamberlair. Suits, $15 Our Wenthworth Suits, $18 Our Count and Emperor Style, $20 The Castle Brand, $22.50 See Our Special $15 Spring Over coats 4 and seven fails. Sold amd guaranteed by J.B. Sale of 50¢ Neckwear Lid. for 25c. 2 3: ed N EL R SPRINC SUITS and correct models are for Spring 1911 buy our Hats from the hatters, makers with a reputation for making the best hats, and we sell them at moder- ate prices. : See Oar Great $2.00 Hats ti tr ta Sale of Men's Trousers Regular $4.50, $1.75, $5.00, $5.50 and $6.00 s, $4.00. The best Trouser in the store for $4.00 Per Pair. their honeys Notes From Florida. March 7.-Onay hool fav . lemnent of Florida, rah Miss Peters, ill with Walker and : ook. Mics Maggy: after spwe my ton. better Calgary last w Bertha Peters, dys at Cole 'ome. Visitors M: family, Sydenham; M wife, at T. and son, Inverary: 3M Mrs. 8. Bates, Ww L. Storms' Ros wi Lake Lumoiin Babeork's. 7 Portag Ladies' Co. Poe HWE suits Massey, a pe he insane, Killed a neo triarele in Hart county, Kent i= sooliring the cou A plo} ix on to 1 the throne of Portug EUBES give the magic touch of deliciousness to all meat dishes, soups and chafing dish cookery. 4 Cubes, 10c. z -~

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