YEAR 78 -NO, 59 ST-- TAT EPEC Both Houses to Pass Reciprocity. WILL EXERCISE VETO TINKERING IS AT. TEMPTED. IF ANY The President Believes That the Majority Are in Favor and That the Measure Will be Passed Re- gardiess of Party Lines, Atlanta, Ga., March 11.--President Tall does not expect the special ses sion of congress to attempt any tariff tinkering. He made this known in a speech' here, yesterduny. He be- lieves that the majority of the new congress will favor reciprocity, and he thinks that it will be passed, regard. less of party lines. H the special session attempts to undertake a general revision of the tarilf, or if it tries to reverse the schedules of the Payne-Aldrich law, without sufficient scientific data, the president will most likely exercise his owes of veto. This much came from riemds of President Taft who were here 'to-day. The president had this to say him- sell : "My opinion is that both houses, regurdless of politics, will ratify the nyrecnmt before passing on to other measures and before proceeding with other business." PITTSBURG LADY DEAD. AGED The Late Mrs. James Atkins, Aged Eighty-eight Years, Gananoque, March 11.--Another oc togenarian resident of this section pussed tol rest at an early hour yes terday morning in the person of El- zabeth Conners, wile of James At- kinson, of Pittsburg township, in the vighty-eighth year of her age. De- ceased was well-known and greatly ns spected by all who knew her, The funeral will take place Sunday to Gananoque vault. A wocial was held under the aus pices of the Y.P.S. of Grace church, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Conner, King street west, last even: ing. A large sleigh load of young ple drove down to the home of Mr. npd Mrs. William Landon, a = miles east of the town, last evening, and were entertained. A numb of members of Leeds lodge No, 201, AF. & AM, went to King- ston last evening for Cataraqui lodge's "Shriners' night." Mr. and Mrs. Oscar W. Sheets, Stone street, entertained a number of their friends at their home last evening. Miss Fu. lalie Salter, Garden street, is con fined to her home with a severe at- tack of grippe. Forester Seale, spending the here with his parents, Mr. and Mrs J. Seale, Garden street, leaves, to- day, for Weyburn, Sask. Clarke Gil- leapie, spending the past few months here with his parents, Mr. and Mrs ® Oillagpie, Charles street, has re turned to North Bay. Miss Nellie Lake, teacher of the Maple Grove ublic school, is spending to-day in Kingston. A big load of young people dove down to th? home of Mr. and Mrs Goodall, Lansdowne, and were enter tained at a dance, last evening. winter NAPANEE TIDINGS. Three More Automobiles Purchased by Townsmen. Napanee, March 11.--~William Norris and family moved this week to their new home, Piety Hill, lately purchas- ed from Irah (lark. : J. W. Stotms leaves on Monday with a oar load of horses for Emerson, an. Mrs. W. H. Boyle entertained, on Monday night at cards. R. W. Paul, of Selby, has purchas- ed the grocery business from Reuben Richardson. Charles Garrison, York Road, has twenty ring lambs from twelve sheep, e youngest pair weighed vighteen and a half pounds at time birth. Mr. and Mrs. Ira D. Clark, and daughter, Bessie, left last Monday for for Saskatoon. T. H. Wiggins, of Sas- katoon, is visiting his sister, Mrs. F. C. Bogart. Miss McKay, of the Madill Brothers, left, on Tuesday, for her home in Walkerton. C. D. M. Cham: i his brother, George 'this week for Cobalt. . Bigg, , Wil riday. . Bigg L | FRERS CONVICT BEGS FOR GIRL | Virginia Man Asks Governor to Re- leasa Sweetheart, Richmond, Va., March MH. George Abraham Johnson, released from the state penitentiary, yesterday, walked straight from the prison across the city to the governor's office, where he jmtroduced himself and begied for the release of his sweetheart, Laurs Tay- lor, who ix serving a fifteen-year sen- {tence for murder. The woman has al- reddy served nine years in the prison. Governor Mann ix considering the re lquest. Johnson wants to marry the jeirl at once. | A GOOD SUBSTITUTE i | : i : : {To be Given for Present House pt | Lords, J } London, March 11.--In a speech at the National Liberal Club, Winston Spencer Churchill said it would be | aseless to propose any reform while {the House of Lords was possessed of {the power of veto but when the veto was abolished it was contemplated to i substitute for the existing obsolete se lcond chamber a body more or less evenly constituted. ! Six-foot Wins Four-foot Bride, Philadelphia, Pa., March 11.--Hart- ley Smith, of New York, who is six feet ome ipch in his stockings, is about to marry Miss FEilen Jayne Shurp, a Vassar girl, who stands just two inches more thaw four feet. She has been active in "slum" work for two vears, WILL SEE STOMACH HAS NO USE FOR IT ANY LONGER. Alberta Man» Who Had His Re- moved Year Ago, Living in Clover --Making a Visit to Philadelphia. 'hifadelphia, Pa., March 11.-B. J, Sykes, of Cardston, Alta, paid a friendly call on his stomach at the American Stomach Hospital here. "Yes," said Sykes, "1 hadn't seen it for a year. If 1 had kept it I would {have heen dead long ago." Doctors a year ago gave him ome | month to live, and told him he had one chance in a hundred of surviving the operation. He took the chance. Last summer he raised several thou sand bushels of wheat on his five hundred-acre farm in Southern Alber ta, and will go back this spring to enjoy life and three square meals daily. He says he eats anything that anyone else would eat, and never felt better in kia life, but he doesn't dis close the secret, Neither will the phy- sicians. MINISTER FIRED REVOLVER. Now Seeks to Quash Conviction and 83 Fine, Toronto, March 11.--Rev. J. ) Haith, Methodist minister at Delhi, lwas fined 86 and costs for discharg. ling a revolver on the public highway {in Windham township, Lanark county, | He had been asked by. the police to !participate in a raid on an alleged | house of ill fame. and discharged it to intimidate some men who ran away from the house and cause them to stop. The episode took place at a quarter to ten moonlight night. Mr. Haith is now seeking to have the conviction quashed and secured an order from Chancellor Boyd pro- viding for substitutional serviee om the wife of the informant, who is mises tice of motion to quash. HE REFUSES TO SIT FEET OF GAMALIELS, AT THE And Study Loyalty--Haultain's Strong Statement in Support of the Reciprocity Agreement. | Regina, March 1l.---Among the sup- { porters of the reciprocity resolution in | the Jegislature was the leader of the j opposition, F. W. G. Haultain, whe 'declared that it would benefit the | west. If one thing appealed to him than snother TT was the fact eventually the northern part of continent was going to be the largest producer of food for the whole of the continent, to say nothing with regard to the rest of the world. The United States was rapidly ceasing to be an exporting country. Eventually Canada more that of the United States would have come to Canada for foodstuffs. The was to be a food producer for the world, or the continent, and sooner it was to be established better. He had no fears of annexation nor of the loyalty. of the Americana com- er al as the magnatis in the east to decide what is patriotic and unpatrio- tie. I am not prepared to iit at the of these eastern Gamaliel's out of any land study loyalty," Haultain. raised 10 the peerage, when he was the in-law was taken ill and them ason. Gy when made lord high commissioner of Church of Scotland, is on his way to Sebsh is appointed . Vancouver, B.C, to study forestry. and N. OC, 1 Glen's F N.Y, . 1L.4The ts Chery Pe died on Friday at He carried a gun! this | M. | James Vance in connection with i i one | { i } ing, or on the magistrate, of the no, i i | | i i KINGSTON, FEEL UNEASY {Concerning the Situation in Mexico. INSURANCE ISSUED AGAINST REVOLUTION OR HOSTILITIES. Holders of Policies Would be In| sured Against Capture or Deten- tion arising out of Riots or Ware like Operations. London, March 11.---The latest news received here concerning the situation in Mexico, and the compemtration of United Slates troops appears to be regarded with great ser- iousness. ' . An indication of nervousness of the commercial community over the sito- ation is the fact that many insurance policies are being issued by an under- writing corporation against a revolu- tion or hostilities in Mexico. The un- derwriters gave notice, yesterday, that after March' 26th, a clause in policies would become operative war- ranting holders against capture, seizure or detention, and consequences thereof arising from riots or warlike | in | operations of all vessels trading exico, together with their cargoes. PITH OF THE NEWS. The Very Latest Culled From All Over the World. The C.P.R. will absorb the Pere Marquette Railway. Forty-six have died from typhoid in | Ottawa in the past six weeks. Liners arriving = at Halifax, England, report furious gales. The mobilization of United forces on the frontier is deeply resent ed by the Mexicans. It is reported that the Furness Steamship company is behind the in- land navigation merger, : ('anadian Pacific railway earnings for the week, Murch Tth to 14th show an increase of $129,000. Arthur Bean, Maidstone, Vt., aged vighteen, is in custody, accused of the murder of his mother and sister. Frederick €. Whitney, New York, has rights of the Strauss opera, Rosen- kavalier, for a single year for $862 500. --- Indications are that the Ottawa ty- phoid epidemic is now on the wane. from The total number of cases reported to | date is 563, Pavid Lloyd-George, chancellor of the exchequer, is ing from laryn- geal eatarrh, and must give his voice absolute rest. \ At Woodstock, the 'charge against the Oxford County graft cases, has been abandoned by the crown. The Manitoba government has de- termined to retaliate on Ontario re. garding the act respecting the licens- ing of extra province companies, Dr. Arthur Viega Farria, alleged re- presentative of the plotters at Rio Janeiro, has been arrested on arriving at his home from Brazil. Dr. William Saunders, director of the experimental farm, at Ottawa wince 1856, has tendered his resigna- tion' dn the ground of ill-health, The Grand Trunk railway traffic earnings from March 1st to 7th show another fair increase, as fellows: 1911, $806,505: 1910, $769,177; increase, 7,625. Philadelphia detectives/ are investiga- | ting the theft from the museum of the University of Pennsylvania, by two men, of fifteen valuable Egyptian curios from a glass case, the back wf which they unscrewed. The queen has nominated Carrington, Eileen Knox, Eileen But ler and Dorothy Browne, as her train- bearers at the coronation. A series of snow slides that swept over the power houses at Jordan Wed- nesday night almost destroyed the { camp of Lundy and did much damage {at Mono and Masonic Camps. | Dragoons, The engagement of Capt. Alexander McMillan, D.S.0,, Royal Canadian Stanley Barracks, Tor jonto, to Miss Ella Almon Ritchie, Bel { mont, Halifax, is announced. - ! } would have that market; the people | formed 10 half a million dollars to build inevitable destiny of Saskatchewan | the the | millionaire is bebind the scheme. | "We out here are just as. Londoner | i "Buenos Agres, A despatch from The wife of Hon, Octavins H. Lam- bart, of the survey records branch. of the interior department, Ottawa, and 8 son of the Earl of Cavan, died this morning in her 60th year. She was a noted linguist, and a leader in social life and women's work. At Vancouver, B.C., 'the Western Canada F v League \ has with a subscribed capital of arti- ficial ice rinks in British Columbia and Alberta, and run a professional hockey schedule next winter like . ball in the east in summor, A Nilson DIPHTHERIA LURKED IN HOME. Sues Landlady Yor $2,000 for Resultant Illness. London, Ont, March 11.--Frank Schuch rentedia home on Wilson ave concluded Sy nue from Barbara Hartman. He found | Sir Edward Teamant Going West, Schuch moved in and shortly 11.-Sir Edward the baby took diphtheria and afterwards that the former tenants had had diphtheria, but he was as sured the property was Sininiscted ter is. wife was . in the hospital for veka and nearly died, then a sister- now seeking to recover $2.- Paraguay Under Martial Law. Argentina, March 11. Asuncion states that | A BE es ei aan and warships, | | their | States | : wo Ladies | EASTERN | Mary Dawson, Mabel Ogilvie, Vietoria been | ONTARIO SATURDAY, MARCH I1, 1911 EET -- LIVED BEYOND MEANS Stole From Institution to Keep Up. Appearances. | Pittsfield, Mass, March 11 --Arthor ~~ THE WELLAY) confessed ° 10 Systematically robbing the Third Nablonal bank of Pittsfield | [g to Be Enlarged, Hon. G. P. Graham Says. and a bunk examiner has arived bere -- S---- to go over the sccounts. President Ralph Bardwell has issued a state TO BE LAID BEFORE THE OOM- MONS {ment that the amount stolen is small. | Feeley was adeaft clerk and had a salary of $360 8 mouth He was a member of fashionable clubs and | dressed in fashion. Last February he {was married fo Miss Ciworgie Nellie !Wombly, of. Richmond, Va. Feeley's 'marriage caused his dismissal at the {bank and the resultant exposure. He | says his friends will py the shortage. Before the Session Ends--The Hud- son's Bay Railway is to be Bailt Out of the Revenue of the Coun- try. Special to the Whig. ! Ottawa, March 11.-The House of 4 Commons was treated, yesterday, to ! 3 : an elaborate detmte 'over the Inter ; ! g colonial railway by Hom. George P. | Graham, minister of railways and ca 1 nals. It was his good fortune to be | able to show an increased surplus over | the preceding year. | ; Mr. Grabam dwelt at considerable lewgth on the building of the Hudson | 2 Bay railway. He declared it was the i intention of the government to build ; the road out of the country's revenue, and the matter of operation, steam- ships, wharves, ete, was a seco ry would be considered Coming to" the Welland canal, the minister said that the total cost so far had® been 325,338,616, but he did not propose te dilaté upon that at { wo - { present. However, the session | 0 ARATE AND ! {was through he intended to explain | MRS WILLIS VAN BEVANTER us RE definite proposal pa {Wife of Ansoelate Justice: Van . De on nnd deepen the river. | Vanter, of the U.S supreme court Mr. Devlin interjected and said that ato {the only route w G i GIRL-WIFE ON TRIAL. Je Sui. Toute yu the. Geotgion Boy Sur i Mr. arty ing: Lover to Protect Her! vies $e pingston, Honor. The minister, therefore, expressed his | Whiteville, N.C., March 11. Mrs. [desire to do all he could to aid both | Rosa Hayes, aged seventeen, on trial { projects, whith would eventually make for the murder of Robert Floyd, a |th® port of Montreal one of the great- | young medical student, calmly swore [¢5t mm the world, | that when she mepeatedly shot Lloyd| Dr. Daniels asked the minister he was making a desperate effort 1, | marine and fisheries if "coons' attack her in her own home to be allowed admittance to do | The state introduced love letters vice on the Canadian navy. from the defendant to Floyd, and| Mr. Brodeur said that a certain | showed 'that Flovd was éngaged to a|"eoon" had applied for a position in | woman in Charleston. 'our navy, but owing Lo his failure to A qualify for the inside service he was . | naturally rejected. " R | Sir Willrid Laurier's speech in the ! house has been the outstanding fea- ] | {ture of interest of the week in com- | ADVERTISING FOR WIVES IS nection with the reciprocity debate. DENOUNCED, {'lhere seems to be just as much op- position as ever to the trade pact, but on the other hand the government sens as determined that it shall go Immigration through. The navy debate in time grew mo- inotenous, and there are signs that people are also growing weary of the muchmess of speaking" on the reci- preeity measure. With the exception of the afternoons on which Sir Wilfrid and R. [. Borden, leader of the op- position, spoke, the attendance in the galleries of the house has been small As for the long-winded speeches and debates, readers have heard so much of them that they are now often skip ping them From what can be learned, the de bate is likely to go on for a consider ible time vet, though it must neces sarily be shortened before long, as sc members are anxious to get for the coronation. i i | | x { TS BAe 3 vomdition and later, | fe | Shot a Student said : "We of were wer: v | Irishwomen of Montreal Object to! | That Method of | Work. Montreal, March 1l.--Advertising for wives is a policy upon which the wo men's auxiliary of the United Irish | League of this gly has declared war, A Canadian railway company is ad vertising in England for wives. for farmers in the Canadian North-West # and the auxiliary has adopted resolu tions, which say "We call the attention of the wo men of Canada and Great Britain to a practice which, il persisted in, mas cause untold misery and sufiering te countless numbers. The demand for wives is not so great throughent the west that it is necessary to resort to this debasing method, which tends to commercialize matnmony. It is' net only degrading to our womanhood, but is an insult to the intelligence of many away MANY CHARGES LAID. { Prisoners Have No Chance of Es- . | cape. eture Films Must be, Viterbo, lialy, March 11. Nearly a {riot developed when Cammorist pri |soners were paraded from the dun their trial today. Thous ands ar? present what they think will be the end of this deadly wid best-organized criminal pact of modern times. The actual trial begar {to-day in a huge court room. It is {they can be totally exhibited, Th fthought th prisoners haven't the admission of children under fifteen | Sh tent chance of escape. Scores of years of age, unaccompanied hy | rer and other crimes are charged Jults, 'will be provibited {agninst them, including killings 3 , " i | England and the United States, T0 SEEK NESBITT i i though being tried at present on Ita lian charges | REWARD OUT FOR. INFORMA. | TION AS TO HIM. TO HAVE CENSORS. All Moving ¥ { Approved, Toronto, March 1}l.~In the legisla ture Hon. Col. Matheson introduced a bill for the control of moving pie | {ture shows. The new det provides! {for a central board of three censors, who are to upon, and either stamp or disapprove all films before goons to to see pass he - Long Point Budget, Long Point, March 9.---Mr, gnd Mrs {Frank Slack spent Saturday asd Sun iday last at Joseph Loaders, Cam | Chief of Police Grassett Seeks Him | town. Charles @'Connor attended the | 'on the Charge of Forgery--Can tle at Charles Heflernap's, Charles . ton, on Monday. Walter Slack bas { be Extradited Anywhere. bi {retarned to Brockville. Mrs, Joh Toronto, March 1l.---Ik William | Moorhead is very fll of pneumonia Beattie Neshitt, of the provincial leg- | Miss Maria MeAwdle left, on. Thurs islature, ex-registrar for the eastern day, to visit' in Athens. Miss Stell division of the ¢ily of Toronto, unsue- {Sly returned to her home at Seeley': cessful candidate for the mayoralty of Bay, yesterday, after spefiding a | Toronto, aud former president of the | weeks with friends here. Mr. and Mrs | Farmers' nk, is, at last, to be John Sykes and Master Lemnis visited {sought broadeast over the world. Cir- at Briar Hill, on Thursday. The Long ars have been issued by Chief of Point-Ellisville hockey team went to \ senday, but was defeated {enh | Police Grasett. offiring $20 for mfor: Batterses, Ty 'mation leading to his apprehension 'by the score of 3 to 2 A number [upon the churge of forgery and de from here attended the Newhoro vs iclaring that his extradition would be Westport hockey game. at Brockville, sought from whatever place he might Thureday evening. Miss Madeline be found. The forgery charge is a O'Connor has returned, after spending new one. a few days in Charleston, where she i * {attended the farewell party given Mr. | At Eighty-six Cut His Throat. and Mrs. ple pa nk Monday Pittsburg, Pa... March 11--"Doctor, evemny. Mrs. (Gs yoidhurst is if 1 were you, I would cut off the Visiting at John Moorhead's. Mrs. heads of these old fellows, who call Charles O'Connor is visiting in Gana om you for medical attention," res noe. Other reoemt visitors to this marked Jacob Meiemer, age! eighty neighborhood: Nr. and Mre. Wilkam Dr. August Sofel talked Moo head, Sweet's Corners: Mrs. Gil with him the other duy. bert, Lyndhurst, at J. Moorhesd's: Members of Meismer's family @ kept Niss Edith Andress, at Ira Bevin" 'a strict watch over him, but on Fri- Dr. F. J. 0'Connor, Gar ue, J. E day his body war found on a , stair Donnelly, wer's Mills, C. Heffernan, way. with the bead almost severed by Clmrleston, "at Charles O'Connor's a 'razor. : ? The marridge of Arthur Pownall, of { this neighborhood, to Miss Eihel Gal -------- vitish Whi NARROW ESCAPE Slipped Under Car Wheels at Smith's A Falls. Smith's Falls, Ont., March 11 --But for the rare présence of mind of a fellow 'passenger, a young Scotch im- migrant would have met a horrible death here yesterday. The young 1a- low was on a colonist . train west. ward bound, and he got off at the depot here. During the wait of the train he got intoxicated, and when he attempted to board it again made a lunge for the steps of a coach, but did not. make them. He fell be- tween the train and the platiorm, with one leg across the rail A car wheel actually shoved his leg off the rail, but in doing so his body was swung farther towards the wheels. At the moment when the spectators expected to see the man's body crushed to putes a man who had just got off the train reach: ed dopa and quickly pulled him to safety. DIED AT BELLEVILLE. Her Body Found in the House on Floor. Belleville, Ont., March 11.-- Miss Au- gusta M. Ashley, a maiden lady, six- ty-five years of age, who lived alone was, last night, found dead in her home on Mill street by the police, who forced open the door of the place. De- ceased had been missed for a week and had been dead for some days. The body was clothed and lay upon the floor. Heart disease was given as the cause of death. Deceased was born in this city and was, for some time, cial reporter fur the local courts. A STAGGERING BLOW TO THE LIQUOR INTERESTS OF OWEN SOUND, It| Will Require a Three-fifths Vote to Repeal the Local Option By- law, Passed Some Years Ago. Owsn Sound, March 11.--The liquor horrified \ young | LAST &DITION | WRATHER PROBABILITIES, i Toronto, Ont, March 11, 10 am.- tawa Valley and Upper St. Larenc Fair and cold Sunday, cloudy milder, with light falls of snow rain SUCH AN ~ ARRAY 0 : F SUITINGS Has never been seen in this aity be= fore, Those who have seen of foreign domestic fabrics for the making of | SMART SUITS for WOMEN AND MISSES Are amazed at the unlimited variety | exhibited. great assortment a staggering blow in in the amendment to the liquor li cense act by which Owen Sound and other municipalities which have ocar- ried local option under the straight majority vote before the three-fifths vote was established, will have tc take a three-fifths vole in erder to repeal the measure. The hotel people contemplated put- ting on a repeal campaign for the coming January election, but this amendment makes their case a hope less one. It will also have its effect in securing the stability of the mea- sure in municipalities such as Owen Sound, where singe the by-law has een in force there has been a most wrsistent violation of the by-law. The move of the provincial secre tary may be takem as the direct re! ult of this opposition to give the ocal measure a fair test by the anti- sption hotelkeepers Treaty Will Meet With Favor. Loudon, March 11 The premier, Mr. Asquith, replying to a question in he house, said that. Ambassador iryce has reported that the United States contemplates a treaty under | which all the disputes of the two na- tions may be referred to arbitration He added that such a proposal would | neet the most sympathetic considera | tion, Famous Artist's Wife Suicides, Moscow, Russia, March 11.-- Nadame | Verestchagin, widow of the famous ar- tist, who lost his life when the battle ship Paropaviovsk was blown up by | a mine in Fort Arthur during the | Kusso-Japhnese war, committed sui- | ide by shooting. She was a sufferer | rom cancer, ---------- WILL TAKE NO STAND FOR OR AGAINST RECIPROCITY | AGREEMENT, | : | Sir Thomas Shaughnessy is the! Only CP.R. Official Who Has/ Authority to Speak, And He Has Said Nothing. Montreal, March 1l.--In an inter | view Mr. Bosworth, vice-president of he Canadian Pacific railway, stated hat the company had not expressed | ny opinion on the reciprocity o| reement. 'The only person who has | uthority to speak for the C.P.R. Co, | s Sir Thomas Shaughnessy, the pre-| ddent, and he has not said a word, | ither for or against," said Mr. Bos- | vorth. "As a matter of fact the! anadian Pacific cannot say what the dffect of reciprocity will 'be, and cer-! ainly the company is not taking! iny stand for or against." i ---- | Shy of Some Trustees. i The continuation school, at Sharbot Lake, and the larger high school at Sydesham, will do something to re lieve the pressing needs of Frontenac. But these will not be able, for many a day, to relieve the conditions in Northern Frontenac, and they are feplorable. The education department has no hesitation in patting on the wrews on the city school boards, but it certainly goes shy of the rural school boards. Two Years in Prison. Pembroke, Ont., March 11.--Frank Winard, who plended guilty to horse dealing, was senfenced, by Judge lonahue, to two years in peniten- tiary. For obtaining money by false wetences he received six montns, the dertences to run concurrently. Minard, who is rather weak mentally, made a pathetic plea for leniency, hence the spring suits. Geo, Nils & tovay, of Sweet's Sutwes, iol place wn Uspapoque, tight rentence, i interests of Owen Sound have received | C the announce- | ment that a section has been included | SHEPHERD CHECKS, FRENCH WORSTEDS, BRITISH WORSTEDS, " SCOTCH TWEKDS, IRISH HOMESPUNS, A DOMESTIC HOMESPUNS, ENGLISH SERGES, v GRANITE CLOTHS, BROADCLOTH TWEEDS, ETC. IT 18 AN EASY MATTER TO GET SUITED AT STEAGY'S ESTABLISHED 1881. : MARRIED CAMERIDGE-~In Kingston, on Thursday, March Sth, 1911, by Rev. Lr Ma kle Emily May. only daughter of Henry Cambridge, 156 Ordnan. e Street, to Hugh Lane, Pine Bt a TKOBKERT J, REID, he Leadi Undertab or, 'Phone ATT ro Princens JAMLS REID 3D Old Firm of Ly , and 3656 PRINCESS Phone 147 for Ambulance TAKE NOTICE. Five Solid Mahogany Chairs has arms. also two nice Walnut Parlor Sofas. These are a fresh lot. At Turk's. 'Phone 708 MINERAL WATERS Are the safest to drink just now, We have in stock RADNOR. WHITE ROCK. SUN RAY. CALEDONIA. VICHY. POLAND. GINGER ALE. SODA WATER. si. Jas. Redden & Co. | Did Not Know "Twas Loaded. Montreal, March Il. "How would you like to see me die?' asked o young man named Frederick A, Va trick, aged twenty-two years, as he sent a bullet through Lis brain ia the boarding house on Bt. Germain | street, where he resided. Heo. wis in the best of spirits, talking and lsugh- ing with his landlady, and evidently he was under the impression that the revolver wes not loaded or that it contained a blank cartridge Negotiations are being earried for ward for the sale of the Napanee pow er, It is rumored that the purchasers are the Seymour Power company. The town was offered this power about « ago, and it was & mistake not to have it. Prevident Diaz, of Mexico, is dying. His death will bring disintegration of | Mexico, and intervention of the pow ers will be \ about eixty-five necessary It is estimated that horses will lehve Athens station for the west this spring. H. N. Babbitt, Picton's chief of po lice, has resigned, owing to ill-health. He was given $150 ps retiring gift. William Murphy, a cripple, was fa- tally burned while smoking in wd on Friday wight.