ANITOL is Life and Accident insur ance for yourteeth. The germs tha produce decay and discolor teeth can- not exist where Sanitol is used. = Senitol is a scientific germicidal on assuring leaving a refreshing taste. Senitol is pure . white---no coloring matter to cover a deficiency. 4 Tooth Powder & Paste At your Drugfints 25¢. eased. FOR. Health Drink McCuarthey's Ale and Porter. It's the best. Agent, R. J. LAWLER SPIRELLA CORSETS, THE IDEAL BONING, Duplicate Corset free if boning breaks or rusts in one year A style for every figure. Appointments made by card or 'phone 37% MARGARET DUNNETT, Corsettlere, 183 Welllagton Street. 'Phone STS. Cataraqui Bridge Company. TAKE NOTICE THAT A SPECIAL General Meeting of the Bhareholders of the Cataragul Bridge Cympany will be held at the Company' fice, 79 Clarence Btreet, Kingston, on Monday, the 20th day of March, 18i1, at the hour of ten o'clock am. for the pur- pose of considering, and, If it. be deemed advisable, passing a by-law authorizing the sale and disposal of the bridge and its appurtenances for the sum of Twenty-four Thousand, Eight Hundred and Fifty Dollars (324.550) Dated at Kingston this 9th day of March, 1811 o NOTICE TO CREDITORS. In the Estate of John Rebertson, ate of the Village of Hartington, Retir- ed Merchant, Deceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, PUR- suant to the Revi Statutes of On- tario, 1887, Cap. 129, and amendments thereto, that all persons havin claims against the estate of the sald John Robertson, who died on or about the 25th day « September, 1508, at sald village, are required on or before the 15th day of March, 1811, to send a statement of their claims to the undersigned Solicitor for the Executor. And further take notice that after sald date sald executor will distribute the assets of sald deceased in his hands among those entitled thereto, having regard only to those claims of which he shail then have notice Dated this Sth day of March, 1811, ITB. WALKEM, Solicitor, 93 Clarence St. Kingston. John McFarlane, Executor, chute, rQ - WH » SYNOPSIS OF CANADIAN NORTH- - WEST LAND REGULATIONS, ANY PERSON WHO IS THE SOLE head of a family or any male over 18 years old may homestead a quarter section of avallable Dominion land in Manitoba, Saskatchewan or Alberta The applicant must appear in person at the Dominion Lands Agency or Sub- Agency for the district. Entry by proxy may be made at any agency, on certain conditions, by father, mother, son, daughter, brother or sister of intending homesteader Duties --8ix months' residence upon and cultivation of the land in each of three years. A homesteader may live within nine miles of his homestead on a farm of at least £0 acres solely owned and occupled by him or by his father, mother; son, daughter, brother or sister. In certain districts a homesteader in good standing may pre-empt a quarter section alongside his homestead. Price, $3.00 per acre. Duties--Must reside up- on the homestead or pre-emption x months in each of six years from date of homestead entry (including the time required to earn homestea patent) and cultivate fifty acres extra. A homesteader who has exhdusted his homestead right and cannot obtain A pre-emption may enter for a pur- chased homestead in certain districts Price, $3.00 per acre. Dutles-- Must reside x ponte in each of three years, cultivate acres and eregi a house worth $360.50. ¢ Ww. YN CORY, + Deputy of the Minister of the Intert or. N.B Unauthorized publication of this advertisement will not be pald for Schoficid--Holden--Marine Engine Catal ready. Do You Want One? W. A. Spriggs & Co. 167 PRINCESS TEL cob 'Phone 68. : New : Silverware WE HAVE JUST RECEIV- SOME CHOICE NEW PIECES OF FINE QUALITY SILVERWARE. CASSEROLES. PIE PLATES, " BAKE DISHES. SALVERS. _ FERN POTS. CHEESE PLATES.» | Rodger & Wright Jewelers, ¢ $000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 [THE: SPORT REVIEW COLLEGIATES BEAT 'VARSITY IL BY 3 TO 2. But Lost the Round and Champion ship by Ome Foint--No Score Was Made by Either Team in the First Half. , The junior intercollegiate cup will have to travel back to Toronto for the season of 1911, alter having re posed in the Kingston. ( vllegiate build ing for the past two years, as the re sult of the final game here, lust even ing, between "Varsity II and Colle giates. The Collegiate boys failed to overcome the lead which "Varsity had over them and lost the round by one sint. The score here was 3 to 2, is avor of the K.C.I. "Varsity won in Toronto by 2 to 0, and it was fully expected by the supporters of the team here that the speedv Kingston lads would overcome the lead, which the Toronto septette had over them, but they could not do it. The game wns witnessed by a comparatively large crowd, and, although the ice was very soft and covered with water in places, it was quite fast The condi tion of the ice did not seem to affect the team much, for they went as hard as they could go all through the en tire evening. Varsity have a heavier team than the Collegiates, and it is the' opinion of many that if the ice had been bard the Collegiates would have won out, The forward line are all good checkers and good skaters, but the way that "Shawnee" Reid would round those fellows and take A ck away from then; was as Ae The teams were about evenly matched, for the first few minutes and had Collegiates managed to edge their first goal in sooner the result might have been different. For the first time here in a long while the first hal ol a game a made without a score, for neither team tallied. Both teams were back-check- ing with a vengeance, and the goal keepers on both sides had very ittle to do. In fact, all through the game they had hardly enough to keep their sticks hot. Back and forward went the puck and it seemed never to get farther than the defence when tbe point or cover would come down and vainly endeavor to score. : A mighty cheer, which almost Yent the roof, arose from the ranks of the Collegiate girls, who were endeavoring bv means of their pennants to blind the 'Varsity men when Collegiates tal lied for the first time. "Spider" La- rush did the trick on a pass from the side about opposite goal. This was what the rooters wanted. To a casual observer, anything looked good as neither team scored, but the locals supporters remembered that thers were two goals to he overcome. The fans ground their teeth with dismay 'when a "Varsity man came down the ice a few minutes later and with no defence to pass rushed in on Sliter, intending to put in a short shot to be sure, and get it past him. Noth- ing daunted. "Ernie" skated out to meet him, and just as the blue and white man about to shoot he was ni % Goodearle, the old Collegiate player, who lined up with the collegiate last year, scored the next for "Varsity on a shot from the right side which rolled through between the goalkeepers legs. A few minutes later, Reid got the puck near his goal, but lost it and McLaren Retained the Balance, $167, But no charge will be laid, for the young man meant no harm. His fath- or sent him $200, of which 360 was for tuition in a certain college, and the remainder for board and expenses for the necessary rix or eight months. Before envolling, however, the son looked around, and hearing of an- other college, requiring but one-hall the fees and onefourth the time, he investigated carefully, and decided om the 30-day Syl-la-bic System of Short. hand at the Moon College, 252286 Yonge street, Toronto. He started his course on September 3rd, 1910, gradu. ated after 28 days' study, and has al rendy earned over four months' salary. The $167, along with his present earn- ings, are ou deposit in one of the city banks, and the father, of course, is reconciled. WANTED DISTRICT REPRESENTATIVE VOR CANADA'S MOST PROGRESSIVE LIFE INSURANCE CO, THIS COMPANY HAS HIGHEST net Earning Interest Rate, Lowest Premiums, and has Led all the Com- panies in Business Written in Canada for years Experienced plies are also who are aggressive of good character. man preferred, but re- réquested from those ambitious and Contract made to Jsult any such person. Address communications to Box 310, Whig office. Dr. de Van's Female Pilis TR hie ya EE fs a for For sale at Mahood's drug store. So -- Attention! MEN WHO CARE How their feet are dressed should see our Palace Shoe, a dressy Viel Kid, Goodyear Welt. Our Boys' Box Calf Blucher is a 0 hot for another goal. Stewart evened; ings up a few minutes later; mak ing it two all on a pass from Walsh that got past eve: 'Laird. "Lanker" scored the last ome for the collegiates on as individual rush the entire length of the ice, which was as pretty a piece of work as ome woud wish to we. With the collegiates putting up a gamer' fight than they had showed at any time during the evening, ' vainh mdeavoring to ure another goal to tie the gong spunded and 'they irasped the hands of their opponents o a clasp of congratulation. Collegiates whole line-up played in airly good form. "Lanker" Walsh, if wivthing, was the star of the team His rian rushes at the last stage f the game were pleasing to the eve teid, LaRush, Stewart and McNeil on he forward line worked well together ind broke up rush after rush of their spponents. "Varsity's line-up was well salanced and its combination on the forward line was effective at times The team are all fast skaters and 00d dodgers, but the collegiate for- vards rounded them nearly every time, - : Collegiatem--{ioal, Sliter; point Fllis: over, Walsh, centre, Stewart: rover. Reid; right wing, LaRush; left wing, MeNeil, "Varsity--Goal, Laird; point, Barley. over, Smith; centre, Doyet; rover, McLareny wings, Living and Goed- sarle, Referee, George Vanhorne, "Buck" Goodearle With "Varsity. The many friends of "Buck" Good earle, who is attending Varsity, and was on the team, last night, were de ighted to see him again. It seemed mmnatural for the Collegiates to be laying agamst him, who was cap tain last year, but they did. The Cal- egiates wore Queen's sweaters and stockings, to distinguish them from Varsity, as both teams wear the same wlors, Played on Three Teams, Laird, the goalkeeper for the 'Var- sity juniors, who played here last wening, has played on three different teams this season. All season he play- od with the junior O.H.A. team. He igured in goal for the intermediate in terc¥llegiate team, when they won the championship here from McGill the sther evening, and now figures with the juniar intercollegiate team in win- ning the championship. While this is sllowed,; we think it is pretty small iport on the part of "Varsity. nates played their regular team and shy should net Toronto do the same Were Present to Watch Laird. Most of the Frontenac team were present at the game, last evening, to watch the performance of Laird, in goal, who will be an the all-star line: up, to-night, for the exhibition game in Toronto. Having observed his .tae- tics pretty well they fwill be able to act accordingly. N. H. A. Standing. --~Lioals 1. Lost. For, Apt. 3 17 69 66 57 91 10 1] 88 6 Ww w 8 bad Hv Ottawa - 'anadiens .. Renfrew .. ... . " Juebec ...... grossing Sporting Notes. Torento Star: The all-star junior team will make the Froutemacs go to the limit to win. The O.H.A. championships are well livided, the senior to Central Ontario, intermediate to the west and junior to 'lub has ac- the east. The Chicago Hockey f Berlin profes- Windy city on 12 septed a challenge from sionals to play in the March 16th and 17th. The Frontenacs were the only Lo repeat. St. Michael's College and Colhngwood, last year's semior and ntermediate champions, failed to win their districts ' The Stanley cup match between the Ottawas and Port Arthur, the winners of the western series, will be played at the Arena on Thursday mstead of Wednesday of next week. Toronto - Mail and Empire ©: The ad- dition of "Ken" Williams to the local rughy talent is no mean aoguisition. With the coming of Williams the fans will immediately figure out that he is lled for the Argos, and as these same people are counting on Binkley and Gall, a great Kicking trio is rounded out in Wilkams. team Strong Insurance Company. In this issue will be found the th annual statement of the Rimouski Fire Insurance Company. This company has until recently confined their busi ness principally to the lower provinces which accounts for their not being so well known in the west. Their strong financial position and past experience, however, is gaining for them a liber al patronage in this distriet. The company is represented here, by Ald. McCann. i ------------ -- The Georges and Marys, Every George and Mary in Kingston can contribute towards a fund for a special presentation to their majesties at the oStonation. At the suggestion of Earl Grey and others, Canadians whose first names are Geo can con- tribute from five cents ae dollars. and now a scheme is suggested by the ial Daughters of the Fmpir: of which Lady Sybil Grey is honorary treasurer, towards which those whose first names are Mary, May, Marion, Marian, Maria or Marie can contribute Colle-, Hmusemenis. {GRAND Tuesday, March 14 JOS. M. GAITES BEGS TO OFFER THE MUSICAL COMEDY SENSATION, 3 TWINS Clifton Crawford Back Again With Original New York Company of 100. | The People's Forum : bd 4 w-- EE me m-- er SLL 0440000000 SLL ARAL ALANS CONDENSED ADVERTISING RATES First insertion lc a word, Each con- secutive insertion thereafter half cent a word. Minimum charge for one in- sertion, 23¢: three lasertions, six, $1: one month, $2. HELP---WANTED. i FOR SALE. NENG, A wateh, wit ¥ er kind ON FRIDAY MOR LADY'S sma siiver i ia fave a SEVEN DO tween IN BILLS, B® gr ry morning this office Augmented Orchestra, THURSDAY, MAR 16 Wood Frazee and Lederer Preseat The New Amsterdam Theatre, N.Y. Production of the World's Greatest Musncal Seusation, MADAME SHERRY "Every Little Movement an a Mean- Seats mow on Sale. 7 50, $1.50, 33. ™o MAIDS, Tospital APPLY AT GENERAL] ! A BOY TO LEARN I PHOLSTERING. TF F. Harrison Co CARE OF ans' Home A WOMAN childres TO TARE : Orpi BOY, 14 TO 16 YEARS, TO WORK IN greenhouse Baiden Bros, Ports mouth JUNIOR House office iN Box CLERR Apily Ww HOLESALE| 2, Whig of- BIRDS, BIRDS, BIRDS. IMPORTED GES Have GERMAN CANARIES « you heard the dickey birds f wm haven't, you missed the finest In the guaranteed Ww. J Come in Sarger 'Queen and Barrie 12 DENTAL. SPARKS AND SPARKS, DENTISTS, 230 1-2 Princess Street, Kingston 'Phone 346 ing AN Its Own." ted Seats on Sale Monday. A |, W100, w130, eed St. Patrick's Night Friday, March 17th Under Auspiees of United irish Se. cleties The Beautiful irish Drama, \ THE RECTOR in 1 Irish Specialities Between Actin, A Real Seats on Sale Wedunend 35, 50. TH. Irish Night. .Griffin's.. THEATRE Get the Griffin Habit Thursday, Friday & Saturday MARCH 9th, 10th, 11th. PROGRAMME : Elis Biamphn & Her Nora The Classiest Singers of Vaudeville in Comedy Stunts. ETHEL RAY | Character Change Vocalist Dancer. Crowley, IMPERSONATOR. and SPECIAL FEATURE PICTURE, I1 Trovatore With Special Music, 5 REELS MOTION PICTURES. TWO HOURS' ENTERTAINMENT. 'Matinee at 2 p.m. All Seats, 5c. Evening at 7 and 9 p.m.. Admis- | sion, 10c. Children accompanied | with guardian, 3c. | IJOU-S5 Commencing Monday, March 13 "PRINCESS" THEATRE Under New Management. | ---- iN | 1 HIGH GLASS VAUDEVILLE 3 Reels Newest Pictures 3 Library Coupons with] each ticket. General Admission, 5c. | to all. Matinee: Children, 2 for 5c. | Kingston Homane Society Concert! CITY HALL, | THUESDAY, March 21st, At 8 pom, Rewerved Semis, Tickets, 20cy We] extra. i Plag at RB Uglow's ' UNDER THE PATRONAGE OF } Mrs. Lennox Mills MFe J HV. Crowe, | Mrs. E. Burstail, Mrs J RB. Car ruthers: Mrs. W. HH. Macnee, Mrs. A. P. Knight EXECUTIVE COoMMTTEE MPP, President KO. Vice-President Secretary-Treasurer rs. W i hi the Mavor. |! Prof. G. 'W. Mitchell | DIRECTORS Dobbs and R Harvey. Mrs. Y H ¥ Willhoft, His Col, Jas. Massie MUSICAL Mrs J. BC RF SHEFFIELD Musical Festival Under Direction of Dr, ¢ TWO HINDRED VOICES, VISIT KINGSTON, Under "\dspices of Queen's College A "Tabs, GRA SATILRDAY EV o. TELG ] ol Fos EX ATL sy. 2 Loca present ve. CONDUCTOR, DR. HENRY COWARD. Plan open Friday, March 24th, at Uglow's - Kk Stooge. seats early. Mall orders will receive' prompt ate tention. AUCTION SALE. + 170 BARRIE STREET, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 15TH, 10 AM. Wormwith Upright Plane Parlor Suite, Marble Top Queen Anne and other Tables Writing Pesks, Pictures, Brussels and ether Carpets, Ndison Phonograph. Mirrors, Lace, Chenille, and lamask Curtains, Sideboard, Ex- tension Table Dining Chairs, Mahogs any Couch, Singer Sewing Machine Happy Thought Range tas Range ge 4 tor, hi Bedroom Buttes. | Odd essers, irgn Beds Springs, Mat-| tresses, Ped Like ere en, Stwdemts Tables h i? ALBEX (The sauwiMpicr, 4 Iq hens Harlin "Phone 202 > $100 MONTHLY AND EXPENSES To ft win Kindly secure] NO WASH- at 38 A GENERAL ing A ¥, Barrie Street SERVANT; it ROOM Yo AND BOARD indies &t once Whig office SMART GIRLS TO work: good wages; Apply HKiagston King Strest West ron Apply, ™o Fe Bex 312, RN EASY Steady wurk Hoslery Co travel and distribute samples for big manufacturer; steady work S Scheffer. Treasurer. '381, Chieago GENERAL SERV ANT, NO WASHING, ironing. or sweepir Mrs. Fra Macnea, 8 rence C¢ King Street tage, West SMART BOY TO ASSIST IN MAILING department on Monday and Thurs- day morning agd Saturday after- noons Apply," Business office, Whig -- ---- rn A YOUNG LABY STENOURAPHER: one who thoroughly understan her business; steady ® ation good. salary. Apply, Box 118, Whig office. WEEKLY AND EXPENSES to trustworthy people to travel and distribute samples for big whole- CF Emery, Visi GIRLS TO WORK IN Factory; Hght work; steady employment Kingston Paper Box Street, opposite Hosiery PAPER BOX good pay - $ly to Co King Mill WANTED, smith; fitter m EXPERIENCED also Plumber and capable of making Apply, with references and expected, to Box 311, Whig TIN. Steam esti SALESMAN WANTED FOR IMPROV ed Automatic Sprayer: best m chine for potatoes, tree washing: big demand. se tory immediately Cav Manufacturers, Galt START YOU EARNING dally at home in spare time silvering mirrers; no capital free instructive booklet, 5 plans of operation G F Re mond, Dept. 335, Boston AGENT FOR LIFE on a commissio: basis for City of Kingston and surrounding territory: also one for Sydenham and surrounding district; splendid proposition. Aj ply te Box 1 this office A GOOD, LIVE nsurance Ce LIVE MAN OR WOMAN WANTED for work at home paying $2.00 to $3.00 per day, with oportunity t« advance; shale time can be used; work not difficult and requires no experience Winston, Limited Spadina Ave, Toronto. CLERKS TO SELL ARTICLES MUCH needed in every home, especially by working men; good salary; per- manent position; If you are work- ing for small salary behind the counter, write to-day: you ean double your wages and be your own boss. Apply, Bex "KE B. C." Whig Office WANTED--GENERAL. ONTARIO cash. A Street KE. Berlin, O NORTHERN Land Grants, King VE N AN Hett, 115 N SCriv ONTARIO AND SA. VETERA 3. R. McCann to buy for cash J. 8B : §1 Brock Street GARBAGE TO COLLECT; WILL CALL any day and will do it free of Sharge. Write Box 231, Whig of- ice. S. H. SIMPSON, LDS, DDS, DENT. bas 258 Princess Street. Telephone DR. C. ©. NASH, DENTIST: DR. C. H. Weicker, assistant, 183 Princess St 'Phone 738. DR. A. E. KNAPP, DENTIST, 18 MONT. real Street, near Princess Street 'Phone §52 "LEGAL. CUNNINGHAM & MUDIE, BARRIST. ers and Solicitors. Law Office, 79 Clarence St, Kingston. FINANCE AND INSURANCE. FOR INSURANCE THAT INSURES GO to Godwin's Insurance Emporium over Northern Crown Bank, Brock) Street, or 'phone 424 oy, GENERAL INSURANCE---FIRE, LIFE, Accident and Health Policies issu- od; first-class companies; standard | rates, . J. Boon, Agent, 153 Wellington Street GEO. A. BATEMAN REPRESENTS the Protectors Underwriters backed by $10.000000 of capital and fodr other fire insurance com- | vanies; all kinds of insurance ef fected, Call or drop a card | 'Phone 398. 67 Clarence Street, | Kingston, Ont. i FRONTENAC LOAN AND INVEST. ment Society; established 186 president, Sir Richard Cartwright money fssued on city and farm properties, municipal and county debentures; mortgages purchased deposits received and Interest al lowed 8 C McGHI, Managing Director, 37 Clarence Street i LIVERPOOL, LONDON, AND GLOBE. Fire Insurance Company. Available asse $61. 187.215 In addition to whic the po vholder 8 y the unir 1 . e stock city property possible rates. bi. or giving new bus from Strange & © Phone 325 } } FURNITURE FINISHER. ANTIQUE FURNITURE A SPECIALTY, ebonizing and gliding, enamelling and all colors of mission werk; ail work given best attention Pat Prisco! . 23 John Street. 'Phone 9 UPHOLSTERER, J. GAVIN UPHOLSTERING, oe] pairing and carpet work, hair mat tress renovating Drop a card or call 216 Bagot Street OCEAN STEAMSHIP AGENCY. TRANSATLANTIC LINES, ALL CLASS. = C. 8 Kirkpatrick, Agent 42 Clarence Street, Kingston "hone bey HOTELS AND RESTAURANTS. PRUNSWICK HOTEL, opposite [a i f t an ® < GRIMASON rincess Street best of . srs, and che Brands Meals by the /Rovcomme nabile Muiviti ARCHITECTS, HOTEL, 342-344 Bar stocked with Wines of ia and Rates Driscoll , Or spe Yard TO Ma for A RESIDENCE from FURNISHED re los 3 Americans rock Street INTELLIGENT PERSON MAY earn $100 monthly corresponding for newspapers No canvassing Send for particulars, Press Syndi- cate, 3.869% Lockport, N.Y AN COUNTRY DOMES. - parties ar and CAPABLE OLD DE- best will REPAIRING OF EVERY first class work leather only used; one - tria suffice Bring Your repairs Scott's, Barrie Street, cor Clergy SHOE scription 208 West KINGSTON WINDOW Company Spring Is coming and you will want your windows clean- ed Now is the time to get your orders in before the rush Drop me a card 21 Montreal Street All orders promptly attended te CLEANING | SPIEPEE ERIE SMITH, ARCIIT g Sreet Phone HENRY ¥. oT, ETC, 238 K 345 ELLIS. ARCHITECT,. 151 Avenue Telephone ARTHUR niversity 1012 WM... NEWLANDS & SON, ARCH. tects, et Office, 208 Bagot Street 'Phose 608 POWER -& SON, ARCHITECTS MER. chants Bank Building, corner Brock and Wellington Streets: | 'Phone 212 The Dally British Whig, The Weekly British Whig, Of Kingston, Ont. Price and circulation consider. ed, there iz no better advertis- ing medium in Canada | "HEALTH WITHOUT D A MANDOLIN, GUITAR, AND COR. ned al Turk's : ¢ SPECIAL SNAPS TO within fiext month + Real Estate, 83 © CLOSE See Gea. arence St ' - ---- LEAF h price, Hay, Clarence OND-HAN MAPLE grindes; t Aty Apply, DATS N EXTRA Goon sie Banner (wis van and Crass, INCUBATOR, t at -------- cAPrACITY am Outdoor May bo Avenue cas (2 TWELVE. George BRICK HOUSE, #8 (LERGY STREET: ne Nt. Mary's Calhedra eight t 1 basing Je Apply A "oon PAYING BESINEAS, roomed part of INTERNATION Gas STATIONERY able, 4 hp: sd at a bars & Bous 187 1 ugine, nea ew! willl be gals Apply, Lewy Welling vel BARN TIMBER SAVED SQUARE oN destin . Hank charg Jacko Wagar GASOLEAE LAUNOn, feet, 52 inch bea t oak: seats five « inder 4 hp Kingston Foundry motor; speed, 7 mile W. J. Driver, vr. Q and Barrie Stree I" re ene, LENGTH, 18 cedar and \ ACRES OF THOME GARDEN viLrie THE alving shiles a nariet | ® Lockhart Welling! Ren! £0 ni OK DWELLING Y r 3 b TO LET. AND EN. ete PW ELLINGS, FIRNIMSHED fur i st « oy ox Mca ! DESIR Ani Ww AT = BRICK HOUSE, 1 Stree a modern Apply te « King and Ir ve Van, « BRIGHT SUNNY 0 ed t Tone ! Sydenha ! FOR FIRNITI RE, ry rooms. at tely k and NCLIEDING SIT. d bathroom, Ap ih sure ting OF ROOMS room, bedroom ae RY INT MAY, a ; A SPLENDID ts o> : A FOR SALE OR TO LET. THE EXTENSIVE BLSINESS PRE. mises for ma . J by FRA f'r Whi OSTEOPATHY. RUGS --B. G, k Ashcroft, seid Ashcroft, DO, FE no . the 4 ie Division. ge for cof- ire Office gio 8 ess St ne 447 sultation and liters hours, 10 to 12 2 to & BUSINESS CHANCES, GENTLEMEN TO BRING THEIR Cloth and have it made up Into up- to-date suits. Price and werkman- ship guaranteed to please. Pressing and repairing done on the shortest not Thomas Galloway, Brock . next Bibby's Livery ANY FrusoN HAVING GOOD SE. cond-hand Furniture and Stoves before disposing drop me a card 1 wiil pay good prices. | have for sale Brass and Iron Beds and all kinds of Furniture in Oak Happy Thought Ranges. Will sell reason- able. J. Thompson, 333 Princess POSITIONS WANTED. UNIVERSITIES, COLLEGES AND Cricket Clubs -- Wanted, engage ment as coach and groundsman: medium fast right, arm « bowler: references given frdm three Engx- lish atlemen, iale members of the Eilon eleven. Apply, "EA 3." Whig office. A CARD TO CHAS. W. KELLAR, rpenter and Builder, 235 Division for reasonable DROP A CARD TO JORN R. MAVFLL, Carpenter and Joiner, 262 Syden- ham Street North, for reasonable priven. oh 8 Riods of Jobbing. All PERSONALS, . MOLES,.. BIRTHMARKS, warts, etc, removed permanently without scar Twenty years ex- Dr. Eimer J Lake Eye, , Throat and Skin Blem- ish Specialist, 258 Bagot Street MEDICAL JF. SPARKS, RA. MD, PRYSICIAN and Surgeon, 1060 Wellington &t Oftice hours, 19 to 12 am. 2 to' 4 and 7 to % pm. 'Phone 38¢ Fuel HAIR, CAN START t home Ne own boss, Tells Bow. NY can ass ng . * Bendofor fres hookler Heacock, 2 388 Leckport NOT SEN rin. hase & se D ANY MONEY OR Vv aif = % 1 . 'For Spring i "split. Any New soft and hard wood iit and ° quantity delivered. Cannel) lamps' for open fires. A Nl work done proeopily and peas ~~ J.SWIFT &CO SL ty i en UW ed