The Daily YEAR 78 -NO. 60 KINGSTON, Britist Whig ONTARIO, MONDAY, MARCH 13, 1911. cy LAST EDITION SCHOOLS ---------- 10 ASK LAWS Making Mixed Marriages Valid Everywhere CONSOLIVATING Is Proving Very Popular toba. 13 very in Mani March we slidation provi p It has been a Winnipeg, of schools is ng the province but gaining ved Manitoba's be on there few r ral consolidated are fourteen consolidated and four or five more are being form- ed I'he question of elementary edue tion hasbeen and is to-day a serious | tion lag t the prairies with population comparatively thin, farms scattered and bad weather {the winter. Small schools 'and | attendance has heen the fret teap the schools have had to Grand Master James Berney, of The following figures show what Kingston, to Preside--There Will j,cational department has had he Strong Opposition to Sectarian contend with, Last there Teaching in Schools. two schools operated with an aveen,ze | Smith's. Falls. March" 13~-Grand of between four and five; thirty-nine Mester James "Berney, ob Kingston. with an uverage bf hut Wen Be ar wii prewide at the ual roecting Bn en = nye thc Provincial Grand | e Yitse. of of between six and seven he aver | Oin*aric enst. wit pL hove. {age cost of maintaining the schools We'rcsday, The Grand Black Ch jwith an attendance of ten or less i will meet there Tuesday and slightly over 3141 and for consolida: Orange lodge delegites Wodne ted schools under #0 There will be n present from ill piaces between Port Hape and Ot tawn While couse, stesn will plan. fo-day vhole is the schoo wn Lhe the AT SMITH'S FALLS ANNUAL SESSION. IN poor handi- | fight, thy lo i VOAr were va ne ol ta on ple | the | day ---- Mixed Marriages. Montreal, March 13.--Archbishop | of Montreal, has placed the ban on mixed marriages in his dio leese and curiosity reached bub- | bling point in society circles as to how Miss Alice Shaughnessey, Sir | Thomas Shaughnesseyv's eldest daugh | ter, going to get the knot tied {when she becomes. the wife of H. W | Benuclerk Miss ShaughneSsey is {strong Roman Catholic and Mr. Beau jelerk a Protestant. Rouse's Point, just across the border line, Mont | real's Gretna Green; but it hikelv ! that it be necesgary th re, although there have been weddings in the little boundary {of late on account uceouut of the | the ban = VOTES FOR WOMEN IN FIVE E YEARS PRO-| i | { | i of | Bruchesi, Orangem reciprocity directly wll, not be discuss+l from en be learned, there will be a resolu tion growing out of the t posed trade compact with the United Statrs, namely to reaffirm the loyalty of the Orangemen to Great Britain. It is almost certain that they will pass a resolution approving of the entire abolition of all bilingual schools of this province, and approv ing of the elimination of all sectarian teaching, either before, during, or aft er any teaching. session of the public schools, except as laid down in the curriculum prepared by the depart ment of education at Teronto It is expected also that the Rule: question will be referred to, will also probably a strong resolution condemning papal decree against mixed marriage and an effort made to try and secure toderal legislation making mised mar rages contracted in valid in any other provinee in ada, this being for the purpose preventing the annulment of marriages in Quebec prov nes WOMEN TO FIGHT RECIPROCITY what has Presa iy In A | is 8 will not to many Low town Home Ther be a disenssion and | SUFFRAGE | MISED BY MORMONS. any provinee | Government Watching--Will Action if it Possible Under the Existing Laws. London, March 13.--~Hans P who represents the Intérdemomination {al Council of Women in America, aml for the purpose of cim the work of Mormon mission saw Winston Church ) Cay Take to do Testain is abd | | | { i } i Montreal--Menace Home Lite, Montreal, March 13.~Under the name of the women's branch of the anti-veciproo ty league, the leading women of Montreal have 'banded themselves together, and have decided to appeal to Sir Wilfrid Laurier Mrs. Henry Joseph is the organize of the movement, amd Mrs, S. W Ewing is the secretary hey declare that reciprocity means ultimate nexation and, with it, the loose riage laws and divoree courts of United States. Reciprocity, they is a menace to the home life of ada. The women are miding men's league in circulating and obtaining signatures. MAY RECEIVE ORDERS, Organize in to! who is here has of and thatting aries in England, tl. The latter assured Freeve that was seriously considering the ques tion of proselyting by Mormoms, and that he would take action against it if he could do so under the existing laws. Freece, it is learned, en hetad the active co-operation the Archbishop of Canterbury the Bishop of London In an interview that thére {| 322 Mormon elders Britain jwho were engaged in persuading wo to Utah. He added that a large part in the pro He asserts that women are they will have votes after been five vears in Utah mai tl sa Freece said tune to-day, at were the present in Great Can {men to go thie petition also polities plays 3 wanda told that i they have A Fine Collection, March 13. Announcement presentation to the {Chicago Art Institute of eighteen al {the best puintings of George lundss, tial law made no difference to Madero. | N.A., the 'American landscape artist insurrectiomists," who, this morning, | The presentation was made by Edward had another skirmish with the federal iB. Butler, a Chicago merchant, and | troops, near the border line, leaving)! himself a painter some local! repu- several déad on the field. The batt! tation. The cost of the a a. serafot " i Udiiten a trifle $150,000 pment Ofhcer commanding United States foree: wouldn't be surprised to get orders to advance into Mexivo gny hour They rather expect them. To Advance Into Mexico Hour. El Baso, March 13.-The fact that Mexico has been declared under mar at Any Chicago, is made of the of willeetion was | over Rig Colonization Scheme, Vancouver, B.( March IU A syn dicate of Canadian and United States capitalists here haz bought mil lion acres of the Peace River district of British Columbia for $5,000,000 The district will be colonized by the American farmers. rt LOST HER POSITION FROM | RUSH TO CANADIAN WEST. ------ } A Tremendous Influx of Immigrants is Reported, Winnipeg, March 13.~Daily hundred< of cars of American settlers with their families and offects are passing ove the border into the prairie provinces At Emerson North Portal, Saturday, specials of Unite States settlers came into Canada. fn account of the early spring, rush has started much earlier than usual. A tremendous United States nmigration is antic cipated this spring Many of the new arrivals are goiny through to British Columbia. i and five WANTS DAMAGES THE Tow NSHP. Sherwood is Sued by a Young Lady! Alleging Defective Smallpox Quarantine Enforcement. Eganville, Ont, 'March 13.-The township of Sherwood is threatened | with an action for close on 3200 dam- { ages by the father of a young lady | who, it is alleged, contracted small pox while stopping at a house in that | townships The young lady, whose | home is in Raglan township, and whe | was on her wav to Calgary, where she held a good position, had a meal at the house in question, amd it is claimed that smallpox of a mild type, existed | in the house at the time. She pro. i ceded to Calgary awd nive days later | became ill with the disease. As a com sequence of her illness she lost hor 14 Pr osition. ' {SHE : | : I i i tha Seamen's Strike Clouds Horizon, Montreal, March 13. It's going to Be a busy Year on the St. Lawrence this season say the old salts with cor responding wealth and boom to the dominion. Sailing dates are set earli- gr for all the ocean going steamers than ever before and lhe department of marine and fisheries is doing Ws share by promising to get the buoysd! and lighthouses on the long rive channel in shape to gunde the pronesr vessel of 1911 safely from the sea to her berth on the waterfront. There is one cloud in the sky. The! lomg-rumored seamen's strike appears | It is claimed that the house was not to be growing into something veal. It 'yrarantined, and Dr. MeCulloygh, chief is a move by the sailors against the health officer for the province, has r International Shipping Federation and ported over his own signature the fet affects all men who go down to the |that an inspector from his department § sa in ships the world over. Owners |)isitud Sherwood township some time and agents of vessels here are watch. [ago and found the district "thickly ing Sernly for the results 'of the meet. saturated with the disease, and most. : = of Ne International gra of ie hidden. miei which is im Ant | " werp, and which wifl decid the stand English Ignorance, to taken by sailors and stockers | Toronto, Mareh 13.--An amusing in- | H English i ance of Can! in dealing with shipping masters, j stance of - S-------------------------- {acky came to fight at the city hall, this Former Congressman Marcus C. 1. imorning, in a letter to City Engineer Eiken died at the Allentown, Pai, hes: | Rust, from H. and T. Dunks, Nether- | pital, following a stroke of apoplexy ftom, Prodies, England, Jusking for per | two weeks ago. "He nea i i i ! WHE ety iniesion to tender on Ta ire bedl- Fors for. the Bron system at a Jeidentty believes Camrose is uf Teruste, took jsraop 8 Freece, | | the {invitation to the coronation {dian M.P.'s was the personal favor of (with stealing mail | Alberta, [td States tional By { Toronto, | Larose | the | way and power the Fasken syndica | ests ling, j eral i sight by (sanity, lis being made to sehd au specialist LATEST NEWS p ------ Despatches From Near And Distant Places THE WORLD'S TIDINGS | GIVEN IN THE 'BRIEPEST POS. { with SIBLE FORM. Matters That Interest Everybody-- " Noles From All Over--Little of Everybody Easily Read and Re- membered. Martial law has throughout Mexico. King 10 crowned Delhi as emperor of India The first elections of the Portuguese | { republic will be held April 30th. At Virginia, Minn, twenty-six min- {ers were buried by a landshde. | At Montreal, after being shot in the head, an Itclian woman captured her ! assassin, | The total value of Mrs. Eddy's estate is 760,000 At Bowmanville liberals nominated the legislature At New Orleans a sensational story is afloat that Japan is allied with Mexico for defensive purposes. At Halifax navigation is seriously affected by the disablement of the government ice breaker Stanley. Toronto hotel men demand a coms mission of enquiry before the applica tion of the new provincial tax. At Caly Texas, fierce riots place United Stdtes | and Mexicans and negroes, voted to loan $25,000 fou vears to Robert Dodds, of] to establish a earpet factory late Charles Byrd, Montreal, left on to churches amd charities. The Montreal general hospital gets 810 00 Ww. Cormmwall, been proc laimpd | i George is be at Mary Baker approximately $2,- West Durham Clark for y R eeve aston, bétween Perth twelve ue igh, he 8. Hollister Frank Hunter, of will given RH.S medals for saving children from drown- and be | ing At actress Des was driven police' when harem skirt. As Ottawa it is explained that In., off a vaudeville bn Maines, the streets appeared in the to Cana- British M.P.'s H. M. Johnston, ship, employed in hamesville, was of Lowden town the post office, nt arrested, charged Under the new Quebec law no co leaine may be sold except on prescrip tions from doctors or surgeons, and {increased fines are provided. for eacl successive infraction Rufus Pope, ex-M.P., of Compton, Que., has returned to Montreal from and grain growers abolition of all tariffs, and says the advocate *reveniue taxes on the land A Montana, James Streeter, I H. Carter, Tawney, and Charles New Hampshire, have been appointed Uni- members of the interna waterways commission . to deal with the Long Sault and other mat ters COMBINATION syndicate Silver Mines, Cobalt, March 13 Details here of a deal by which David director of Nipissing and mines, has taken of Nipissing Central plants, POWERFUL Fasken of Cobalt known Fasken l lectri ra indicate that te has also secured other mines and the Nipissing and Larose inter has formed the most powerful combination ever known in silver min representing actually invested capital of twenty-five to thirty mil lions under Canadian control contre control of several with Regains Sight and Weds at 74. Philadelphia, Pa., March 13 Re Eqolston Burroughs, a Baptist minis r, of Burlington, » who has just [er his seventy-fourth birthday, | was married recently to Mrs. Marie I i Ziert, a widow, sixty-one Dr. Burroughs has been blind sev years, and came to Philadelphi, 3 ! {to have an operation performed ou his eyes. While here he met Mrs. Ziert amd celebrated the recovery of his marrying her. The present { Mrs Burroughs is his third wife. Bell Telephone Financing. Montreal, March 13 It is stated iy financial circles here that the Poll Telephone company, of Canada, will, in the immediate future, issue $1,250. 800 of five per cent. bonds on ihe imarkets of Canada, the United States and Cveat Britain. 'The company's | outstanding bond issue is in the neigh- eho of $3469.000. The price of he new issue will probably be par. Cures for Insanity. Montreal, March 13.--A eure for in discovered by Dr. George Rob- tony of the Royal Edinburg Asylum for the Insane, has been' reppried, and attending physicians at the Verdun land St! John de Dion asylums here fare so much interested that an wort ta { Scotland to get further particulars To Raise §1.5300,000. Toronto, March 13. <~Rev. T Egerton Shors and Rev. C. E. ning have left for a two-months' to Vancouver, Victoria, algary ani} {other Westarn sities pecs ma! Maw | oposed | nel waterworks {appeals, particularly to he mtn | Wesleyan Theologieal collage at tun sarose, Alta. The. firm (hoes of ihe Methodist church . a suburb | ty a ry will endeavor for secure » million half dollars for missions, and OF "Deceased Was Born in Kingston in rl top! SAVED TWO. Fled When Policeman Sought to Get His Name. March | wi CONVICT -A FREE HAND For Canada in Giving Trade Favors IDEA IS TO AVOID EN- A A woman alter sweetheart to-day, Seine. Her lov 1 stroke, f a ating threw herself er wi I ed thard and plunce The pol to help the her the slow the them mm were ron B sinking brave whet Faw ¢ both arrived in time tune embankment e, in order that omar ree the his HAW so iatered Fund his hel it he as a « He toak to he W ifrher was proved to be DANGER OF TARIFF TANGLEMENTS. a fa ANY rl him Imperial Government May be Asked to Abrogate Favored Nation Treaties--Those With France and Japan Will Not be Interfered. With, Ottawa, March 13. --When Sir Wil: frid Laurier gos to the imperial con- ference in May next he will take up with the imperial government the question of the revision or abrogation, insofar as Canada is concerned, of the favored-nation treaties with the Argen- tine republic, Austria-Hungary, Boli- via, Colombia, Denmark, Russia, Spain, Sweden, Venezuela and Switzer land. Although Canada's trade with those countries is comparatively small, and the favored:nation treatmeny accorded them under the provisions the im- perial treaties has practically bad little real effect on the volume of either imports or exports, the fact that Canada is bound to automatical- ly give them the benefit of any tarifi reductions accorded other countries is hardly compatible with the actual assertion of the dominion's unrestrict- ed fiscal agtonomy. A case in point is the argument now being uged by the opposition that the proposed tariff reductions to the Uni ted States must also be extended to Argentina and other vountries 'with ofit any reciprocal return being given. I'he only countries entitled to favor lad-natiop treatment by reason of freaties, which have been approved by the parliament of Cavada, are France and Japan.. The other countries en titled to _ favored-nation - treatment have become so entitled by virtue of old treaties between these countries ami the imperial government. i the case of the denunciation imperial government of the bend and German treaties in re wpeet of Canada, it is believed that imilar action might be taken in re spect of the remaining favored-nation countries if requested by Canada, thus | leaving the dominion absolutely free {in the matter of extending reciprocal trade favors te any country without necessarily having to*extend them to! ithe favored-nation countries named { above w. 1 Principal | Colle for Escape, Twent here, wed » blan "Narrow Ma I Guests® NB, th Hotel Nuss x 1 fi } h wpe When had i ir woe i A nant Some them 5 1 kot rns on ar etme THE USEFUL CAREER THE L ATE § REV. DR. WILLIAM IL. SHAW. 184 1--First Studied Law and Then Enteved the Ministry, M: Mare 13. Re Shaw, DD, LL.D. DCA the Weslevan Theologie who had been in failir time past, sufi re -------- BATTLE WITH HURRICANE. treal | Steamer Boston Arrives at Halifax in Damaged Condition. Halifax, March 13.-Fleven days out from Jamaica, after battling with a fierce hurricane for over four days, the steamship Boston has put into ~ port with her wheelhouse blown awas doors smashed and part of her railing washed overboard. The Boston (Capt. Holstead), left Jamaica on Sunday, February 26th She arrived at Turk's Island two days Inter and sailed for Halifax on Wed nesday, February 25th. On entering the Gulf stream she encountered n heavy north-east gale, which increased im velocity until it culminated in a fierce hurricane. The waves swept over the ship fore and aft and she was | compelled to lay to. For eighty*five | hours the ship lay there wumable to | make any progress. Heavy seas swept over her, sometimes covering her com- | pletely. The wheelhouse was earcied away by a mountainous sea, one life boat and a jolly-boat were badly dam | aged, doors were smashed, and part the railing was carried away. So perilous was her phght that the man | who steered had to be lashed to the { wheel, and the other members of the crew wore life belts J health fron | University ol eaneet me diexd idence, 1 str treth vear King hé wa , Kin ittoria Univer el gston, at her aM WW ted AL. Wt 2 1961, Us the as a Met te n, ul ive k N in course ntreal, where 1 mn 1880 and LI degree 1887 Intended for i with that with late King and Messrs, Mownt ir he hrst the lega feasjon, object In view, Fadge Bury stithsequently and Maclean, nt Abandoning that design, he his studies for the minis ordained in 196% pre ehied the we with of To r oneed y 1564, amd was rewster's Hemming Ho be Weslevan an 'i found essively vehit Mon I and rite, °, id, Odelit treal instrget ollege h wn CANNY An T al N which e 'assisted to inted professor Mareh, » succeed the late priveapal of the he w Ip te ok in this coll and i he br college Quadr 1804, Re wa willed Dan NOTHING TO WORRY OVER Ans delegate to ente face 1574, av of the Mon He wa the count L the ywrovioce of the Protestant board of ontreal in rh ofbee each the Metho elect = is 133 Years PW | The Annexation Talk Old. March 13. Talk j annexation of Canada to the States is mothing new, declared S. McLennan, of Sydney, in an dress before the Canadian Club, this afternoon. "Some people have be- come excited over the ammexation talk, | resu tmg from the reciprocity negotia tions," Mr. MeLennan declared, "bat there i& nothing to worry about. The {past is fall of lessons for the present. with United and it might be remembered that the i colonists who broke away in 1774 and Nas A Viceniesident of | 75 held, as their successors still seem Ane . to hold, the view that North America im the Thiirsasship to the Arctic ocean should. be under boar school {the same flag with them." commissioners of Montreal a few | a -- weeks ago, on mesownt of illdealtd, | LIGHTHOUSE BURNED but retained Ms sed® on the board. i Dr. Shaw 'was a most able and scholarly minn, whose teachin®r and in : ® Cai house Board. at 'the Wesleyan theological 2 daring a great number of | Sault Ste. - Marie, March 13.~The vears had a marked ¢feft upon stu. | lighthouse at the south of the hrter- dent life and « inationa! bridge, jor 'many years serv: He married Sara ling ms beacon for mariners entetiog late Captain Robert ithe ship canal from the west, was Kingston, Out. in | bdrned , this morning; by order of the vives him, He i [lighthouse board. The light was ren- three sons, Fred. J, Fletcher, anet | dered useless owing to improvements Goaarge Mell Shaw, and by three (on the American side, and the build Miss Touwige Shaw, Mise ling of the new canal. It was found Etta Shaw, and. Mrs, Ant(lif. All pe. cheaper to burn it than to tear it ride in Montreal, ®ith the evoeption dawn. of Mrs. Antlifi, who lives at Ottawa. | -------------- The public will be permitted to view | Gananoque Board of Trade. the body of the deceased in the Jans | Gananoque, March 13. --A - meeting Convoeation ' Hull, of the [for the re-organization of the Gapan- Theotogieal College, "from | ogwe Board of Trade was held in the {town hall on Friday evening, when ithe following ers were elected : Hnotury presents, Charles Mavdon- Pabd and I. Adkinson: president, rpm, the public serciod being held in Frederick 1. Skinner; vice Was ennial Ce rel nit \ was Confer appointed of public f £ dist ch the United John ad od presi . eal Montreal, of INT n m m ences in member i stracti Juehec and commissioners f He one Like 1 ¢ Order i ities, Pr tis but believe bev iity the friendly ~t ISSS. an u i 1 =06 hekd m Shaw was non-Qar- tin NEOMPrOmising British and to erown relations the He ord"s Day tsignnd of Protesta tes er | He wt © At the Soo by Order of the Light. fluence collapse harncte davghter of the Patterson, of | 189, who ghr. also survived Ie . daughters, { | Perrier Weslevan ten min. to twelve noon, on Tuesday The serciees for students and mem bers of the tamaly will be held in the | oo 'and ORIGIN REVEALED, Hair From China is Combings Well-to~do Women. Washington, March 13.---Women who resort to 'rats,' switches and puffs of hair to reinforce nature, need not think that they are wearing hair taken from the dead, according to the United States consul-general at Hong Kong, China. He alsa contradicts the stories that have been circulated to the effect that much of the hair which goes to make up these "reinforce ments' comes from queues that have been cut off. To substantiate this he Savs that although thousands of queues have been cut off in Hong Kong during the past few months, the hair has not been sold. 3 The hair shipped from the Chinese empire is the combings of the well-to- do, mostly women, savs the consul general. Combings that formerly were thrown away, he adds, now are saved and sold to barbers by Chinese maids Barbers also obtain considerable hair | while plyieg their trade, selling it to | hair exporters. Much of the Chinese product is sent to Paris and is ex- | potted from there to Canada and the | nitad States as French hair. of PLAYFAIR GETS CONTROL Of the Northern Navigation Com. | pany Lines. Montreal, March ~That James Playfair, president of the Inland lines, to-day, definitely obtained control of the Northerm Navigation company, with the approval of the G.T.R. com- pany, was admitted by those on the mside. Mr. Playfair is now negotiat- mg with the directors of the Riche lien and Ontario lines, with the object of forming a big merger of the three companies. No definite steps have ! beer taken towards such an agree- ment, however, Blown to Pleces. Buffalo, N.Y., March 13.--Fireman Richard Clinton, of an engine con pany, was blown to pieces, and a number of other firemen are missing, as the result of an alcohol explosion dufing a fire at Wood Products com pany, Fourth and Pennsylvania streets, noon, to-day. A general alarm was turned in, NAVAL PROPOSALS $221.962.300 FOR THE NAVY. This is an Increase of $19,000,000 Over Last Year and Less Than Was Sought, London, March ~The naval esti mates issued prov se for the expendi- ture of $221,962,500, an increasa $19,000,000 on the previous yea-. cost of new construction is placed $..,319,355. The programme includes five Dread noughts, three protected cruisers uvnarmored cruiser, twent lostroyits, six submarines anl 82 ant personnel of the navy of th SANG men The naval building Ea caused a great deal of discussion. As cording to the reports the alairal wanted six new llreadnoughts laid down this year Reginald McKenna first lord the admiralty, favore five, and wm of cab net and liber insisted Ll four would suffice Mr. McKenna's statement shows that a compromise has been reached Ix tween the insistent radical demands for naval economy and the admiralty authorities at BRITISH | Ww Fhe a oie an ne ¢ r proves of the radical seetic th al party at A Fine of.8500. March 13. James Gibbons, | street railway motorman, who was convicted of keeping an illicit still, | distilling moonshine whiskey un der the shadow of the House of Com mons, was fined 8500 or two months' imprisonment, this morning. Ottawa, PLEADED FOR AID OF A GENTLEMAN. GIRL She Took Him to Prostrate Form, a Man, Who Covered Him With a Revolver and Relieved Him of Money and Jewelry. Toronto, March 13. As monds, a Dominion bank walking up University street the parliament buildin he was met by young pitiful tones, asked him to come over and help her mother, knocked dows | by an auto. Deng chivalrous ger tleman Simonds respondal and she'led him toward a prostrate form on the | road. On approaching the girl and man, for such the prostrate form proved to be, drew a revolver and re lieved him of six dollars cash and an | hundred doliar diamond tie pin and then made off. Two mer arrested later but not identified B. J. teller, towards night, who, 5 was inst "a girl, mn a were "Omly Protecting Fromtier. New York, March 13. --Before sail ing on & long trip to-day. Secretary of State Dickinson said he koew «of no reason why the United States should intervene in Mexico except to protect its own frontier Owing ta, the long extent of the frontier a large | body of troops had to-he segt. 4 Big Coronation Rents. Loadon, March 13. -- Rents for Jodg ing houses for the coronation season are rising with the increasing demand jor ascommsedations. According to the Chromicle one liberal peer has re fused sn offer of ten thousand pounds for the use of Ris residmce for sis weeks, , A company composed of Chinese has fad organized to Equip and tain an electric lighting plant Fh, Botwinion ue Methods (A. W. Tavior and 1D. Ford Jones; Strath. hall an hose Juter, retary treasurer, Chath A. Wag, Amoy, IN PITIFUL TONES : WEATHER PROBABILITIES March 13 pper St the % Milliney Opening 'Wednesday, the 15th | THE FIRST COMPREHENSIVE SHOWING OF THE SPRING FASH- IONS PARIS HAS PRONOUNCED CORRECT. ~A display that light the artistic demonstrate Steacy's supremacy store for will eye, only dee but will unchallenged Kingston's leading high-class exclusive MILLINERY at Practical Prices. We are ready to give you the sea- son's first not as impressions EVERY TRIMMED HAT, EVERY FRENCH FLOWER EVERY FANCY FEATHER, in Every worth the having shown in this gathe ripe of beautifu Millinery. COME and judge for yourselves We extend a hearty invitation to all STEACY'S style repeats / DIBD. Sunday Rl F ST Morris? "ROBERT a RE, The "Phone 577. Seo arise, Street _JAMES REID 24 and ane Ee) Se PRINCESS STREDT, "r Ambaiserce. TAKE NOTICE. Balid Mahogany € as two n T™™ a al: - "ke Are frest ne MINERAL WATERS Are the safest to drink now We' have in stock RADNOR. WHITE ROCK. SUN RAY. CALEDONIA. VICHY POLAND. GINGER ALE SODA 'WATER. Just = Jas. Redden & Co. INPORTERS OF FINE GROCERIES.