HE oy BRITISH WHIG, TCPSDAY. MARCH #4. wot1. = © WARSHIPNANEI'FOR'KNES | CAN'T BE COUNVERFEITED, | FISTICUFFS IN WOUSE. | - Abr ! Whe m ritis men ame "King George V." Will Nel | Bank of England Notes Dely Exac n Members of British Comment | Tea Time Talks Recall hfated "Royal George." | Reproduction. Have Fought. Tea Spoils with Age . i Vigorous hand-to-hand struggles are as Ney Fark Hold * navel eos : W200 1 BT ery a Md oh ed at St. 8 ibe but they | follows: : | for not ing a style of note that Gladstone Was a Famous Al Fresco "The decision of the naval authori- | could' not imitated, and at the Duswe and Often Slept Throush | he bution to bo Is Gow. i be | Hiei So ont et em gk when Ti a By Te ay as Se -- i i » House at the age it o s Plus Be ites dn tect the Swims 2 being death Ee ey vent blood The best tea is the freshest. Fey *Salada' Tea owes much of its world-wide reputation to its sale fresh from the plantation. The leaves are fresh picked every week the year 'round ; then dried, sorted and packed in air tight lead packages. Every five weeks a new " a ! some discussion al nomencla- the "Great Sleeper--Hail an Hour's | Some It Dad Es likely that the Govern. picking of ** comes fresh from planta- tion to purchaser. ! Rest Is a Wonderful Freshener for | that this ship i ed Bulk teas, carried year after year, lose their ¢ ; PAGE NINE. -_ Th, = ee i I TAKING FORTY WINKS | MOW PROMINENT BRITISHERS | STOLE THEIR LITTLE NAPS. fact, fights have of Commons eve ¥ when his a matter of place at 'the House since the ti ¥ shed "and Perhaps t of this desc times hapr Nr : against the | modern Tth, 1388. peaking e Gladstone, sand at ten o'clock. when the closure fell, someone shouted out "Judas," and this very unparliamentary: epithet was reported to the chairman. who, however, declared that -the offensive expression had not been heard by him. He ordered the division 0 be proceeded with, whereupon several members of thé Tory party refused to leave their seats. A few seconds later war was declared by a Conservative seizing an Irish member by the coat collar, and within a short time there { was a regular free fight in the House, in which Colonel Baunderson was rendered hors de combat after he had scientifically "floored" ome or tw. of the "enemy." John Burns, it is sai, helped to pull the combatants asun- der until the arrival of the Bpouker put an end to the unseem!y proceed. ings. Col." Baunderson took part "i many disputes at Westminster, ® fell Y with Mr. William Redmond ome, day, and it looked as if the pair would seltle their differences with blows. The Colonel, it appeared, had commented very strongly on Irish violence, and Mr. Redmond took each and several of the comments as a personal insult, suggesting that the redoubtable colone! should meet him in the lobby after the siding. The Speaker, becoming aware of this, sent a note to the chief of police at St Stephen's asking him to take up a position in the lobby and prevent as fight between the hon. members. The e; ~ however, did not happen, for when Mr. Redmond and the Colonel met in the lobby they calmly talked matters over, and finally wished each other a cheery "Good day! Some years back, when the House hap %0 be in commitiee, the Irish members refused to go into the lobbies for division. The chairman sent for the Speaker. and that gentle. ¢ man promplly "named" the offend. ers, and their suspension was moved and carried. The Irishmen refused to budge an inch until a body of police walked into the House. Even then it was as much as the constables | TRERPE ERIE CLL IRR) WRIERPININEES . Fated ATTENTION matter of fact, the police and the WHEN YOU REQUIRE ANY withan July -% was . Royal One does not buy a bedstead. Liayd George in I Seorpe. Jihongh that name ie YU ! ; . ] minds of most people only con. For buying means to jncer ex- | kord Morley, in his interesting Life | pected with the disaster commemor- pense; and a bedstead is an in- | of Richard Cobden, shows that one of i ated in Cowper's dirge: vestment -- a lifelong one. So the famous Free Trader's greatest gifts | Toll for the ve! : the bed good enough for your | WR tas ability to fail > oy | The brave that are no more! Lome should be all a bed can be. ol he yuied 0 this eB All sunk beneath the Wave, It is, when this trade. a Mi gift. He Suan pe, Fast by their native shore! mark is on its " and often enjoyed "forty winks" on However, the precedent of the foot rail. te Treasury Bench when his political lst Jigs, Shen Bi Batiicehip Sppantos were hurling charges at bob % a oe Hite = wag V4 Jim of which he was perfectly obliv- |}, christened the King George V. | "It is an open secret that King Lord Westbury could sleep almost as | "od will. When in Pay snd Dot j George hime has selected this wanted in the House, he would mit iu | "ame. there is a consensus of the library reading "his briefs with | OPibion that in this matter the choice an attention wholly absorbed. While | '* judicious. When Queen Victoria 20 OF he occasionally "dropped was on the throne it does not ap- off 10 sleep, and awakening after a | P24F 0 have been her practice to ho : | worry. much about the names of short interval, resumed his work : : hk - 3 without apparent effort. In the same | S1iPS. but with King Edward this way Lord Brougham found relief | Was changed, and although the Con- amidst bis work, sleeping whenéver he | troller had a suggested list ta the bad she chance. Many anecdotes have | First Lord, his late Majesty #ook a been related of Pitt's habit of sleeping | decided interest in the matter. st odd moments.' One dsy, when an Seeing the close relationship in attack was made by an antagonist on which rd Fisher stood to the Lord North, who had a similar knack | (Prone, doubtless his advice was of sleeping, a member, whinking he taken This was certainly so in the was dozing, exclaimed, "The Premier | C8s¢ of the Dreadnought. Consider i "» ing his close - association with the is . "Not 80," said the First Lord; "but | Davy, it would have been surprising I wish to Heaven I Fun if Kiag George had not followed his Lord Palmerston, from his smatch- | father's example. His interest in ing an occasional nap in the House | Paval traditions is also shown by the of Commons, was nicknamed the | further selection of names like the "Great Sleeper." Centurion. the Ajax and the Auda- On one occasion, when Burke was | ¢ious for the three sister shipe to the wearying his hearers by one of those | King George V., all these names hav- long speeches which obtained for him | ing been borne by ships of mark in the name of the "Dinner Bell," a | the service. nobleman ha; to enter the | "In regard to cruisers, a new sys House just as Selwyn was leaving it. | ten was instituted some little time "1s the House up?' he inquired back, approximating to that which 1s "No," replied Selwyn; "but Burke | a law in the United States. A terri- torial connection was set up, first The Duke of Wellington could sleep | with the counties and then with the when he chose; and, according to his | principal towns. This has in late biographer, "it was one unbroken | years been extended also to the colo- slumber with him, when in health, | nies and oversea dominions. As in from the time he {aid his head on the | America, so here the localities honor- pillow until he rose again." Napoleon, | ed have responded to the invitation, also, could sieep at all odd moments. | and have in nearly every case pre- John Leech suffered" much from | sented their namesakes afloat with want of sleep, and Carlyle tells us of | some souvenir of the connection. himself how, when upset by overwork "Two of the cruisers now building aud sleeplessness, he one night went | for the colonies are to be named the down to smoke in the back yard "in Sydney and the Melbourne, and#hose his nightshirt. It was one of the | about to be laid down for the imperial beasutifullest nights; the half moon, | nuvy will be named after Chatham, clear as silver, 'looked out as from,| : Dublin, and Southampton. Many of elernity, and the great dawn was | (hese territorial names are not new streaming up. I felt a remorse, a to the navy, but they were first in- ind 2 apailde, Yahi) ute 1 a troduced to commemorate people of distinction and itle my sorrow at all, with a life 0 soon [| "Ii js, however, in regard to small to be absorbed into the great mystery | craft that greater diversity of opinion above and around me. D [ prevails. Objections and protests sre on plijuician re Magdeburg. r. JU: | constantly. wade to the use of such Foe wi Jets hi wailer; Sasafied ia vames as Dove, Violet. Stag. Zephyr was lw i to ne con. and Grasshopper for fighting shipe, stant habit of sleeping with his bead especially as they have no conmection towards the north. We are told how, ith matitime allaits or the navy. at a military hospital in Russia, he suggestion has been made more . than once to substitute for these some years ago, there were sote sick i t : patients of highly sensitive nstares, | POtanical, zoological and entomologi : ; *al names those of naval officers who who were rapidly recovering. But fa taki ished: then thea removed Ww another wing of the De at nguishe ives by uilding they made no progress, so | *",. hr that it was found advisable to get The proposal to commemorate the them back to their former wards as | Names of officers below those of flag | , : rank who have lost ir lives in quickly of posible, where the heads |, face of the enemy, is said to have : been favored by King George, but ae Tn NS sfijoyec upon what authority the statement is on he aps tv Bench. made is not known. In a navy like Mr. Lloyd George has the happy that of Great Britain custom and ift of being abie to sleep at any time. | (radition stand for a great deal. and Tr P. O'Connor tells Ay on there is no sign at preseat that this i i i you without charge. Say Black, Mixed or Green Tea and You pay per pound. The "Salada" Tea 32 Yonge Street a" You may need to pay & tnfle more to have it on the bed you buy. But itis worth that lit. tle more when it is " Ideal" quility Worth more because the snow-white enamel remains white (does not tum diagy gray, or yeilowish) Worth more. because that "Ideal" trademark goarantees the buyer a metal bed that will sot rattle. nor become wobbly: nor ever look cheap. Worth far more than the Little extra price -- perhaps forty cents ~for forty technical reasons, We who make and guarentee "Ideal" Metal Beds believe many pes think hetterness is valuable when it affects sleep. For those people we have printed a little booklet called "The Philosophy of Sleep" Your copy is to be sent quite free for your name and the same of Your dealer if you ask for Book- let No 120 6 Harris Heavy Pressure Babbit Metal & is Perfection. For all machinery bearings. THE CANADA METAL CO., LTD, - TORONTO : A -------------------- Serr ttrtt tits sa dress assscsasssesaasasll {Extra Good Cakes at Popular Prices ¢ Fruit Pounds, 15¢ each ; Sponge Cakes. 12¢ each ; Magnolios, 12¢ each ; Duchess, 10c each ; Madras (Mace Flavor), 20c each. R. H. TOYE, 302 King St | Phone 141 P.S.-- BIRTHDAY CAKES made to order Pert assssesassasesassaPraasecace A -------- Wah Long's Laundry First. ol of an air pump. The ink i me & card and 1 will carr has. 3 fo pump. used in the fru GION ST. plate printi t black, which is com coals of the tendrils and husks of the German grape ground with lin- seed oil. This ink has a peculiar and very deep shade of black, commen black inks being tinted either with blue or brown. four 'sundry. 166 W Ni tween Brock and Ciarence SHE GOT WHAT SHE WANTED This Woman Had to Insist Strongly, but it Paid Chicago, T1l.--*' I suffered ¥rom a fe- male weakness and stomach trouble, TT & and I went to the Louise Colet and the Fever. Louise Colet, the French poet, nc vel- ist and general writer, was born at \ix, in Provence, in 1810. She was Letter known in life than to posterity not salt by her writings, bat from various little incidents with which she was connected. the most try- ing was when she intended to winter in the isle of Ischia, in the Gulf of Naples. No sooner was she establish. ed in this sea girt "auburn" than an epidemic broke out. The people thought it must be the stranger who lad brought the trowble. She was thréatened and narrowly : death by the devotion of a friend wha got her away in a yacht. Strange as ii may seem, when the "tenth muse" Lad left the island the fever disap- peared. * = | Tinsmithing, Gas-Fitting, Plumbing or Hot Water Heating Done CALL UP Elliott Bros., Telephone 35. 77 Princess 'Street. Irish members had a regular fight before the former conquered and car. ried the latier bodily out of the House. During the debate on emancipation in the Commons, Mr. Brougham, al bitterly exelsimed, "You have ex- Hibited the most incredible pur. the ham's Vegetable g - id Compound, but the & clerk did not want Lf to let me have it-- H je he said it was no bir 4 fe 33 and wanted me pF ~ #¥ 0 try something | ean / 4 I t) 4} { sisted and finally got it, and I am so glad I did, for it has cured me. "1 know of so many cases where wo- men have been cured by Lydia E. Pink- else, but knowing all about ft 1 in. ham's Vegetable Compound that I can say to every suffering woman if that tion could f h ied, very quietly, "It is a lid!" A deathly quiet reigned in the House for some minutes, and one could have beard a pin drop. Presently, however, a live: ly debate took place between the members present, some of whom ad. vised Mr. Brougham to withdraw his remark and i while others apologize, requested Mr. ORnniog fo do the same. Finally it was that the couple should be commitied to the ant-at-Arms. The necessity for * this happily did not arise, Australia's Timbers, An induswry thai is making rapid development in Australia is the hard« vood timber business. That this should be so is not surprising, for Australisn timbers -- of which there is an ahmost endless variety, rangi from some of the finest hardw down to woods of the finest grain or Class--are most admirably suited for almost any purpose. West Australia, New South Wales, Tasmania, and Queensland are the states most to the All orders promptly attended to. eRe ee edi nee eee Re see Sh EEEE Ree) eee medicine does not help her, there is nothing that will."--Mrs. JANETzZK], story about the Chancellor's power of change will be made. fure in this connection, and although until recently very little had been disputants settled the matter between lalling asleep at will. themselves and peace was "In the House of Commons," says restored. T.P., "during one of the all-night sit- tings over the budget, Mr. Haldane was left in charge. A eritical moment arose, during which most other Min. isters would have called for the im- mediate attendance of the official in; charge of the budget. Mr. Haldane sent to Mr. Lloyd George's room, and was brought back word that Lloyd George was lying fast asleep in a chair, 'Leave him alone,' said Mr. Haldane, and cheerfully went on with- out him. A litte does some men and women immediate good, and done to cultivate a foreign trade, those interested are now ing steps that must inevitably end by Austra. a coming inte prominence with this Lusiness ss with others. Novelists In Monasteries. Tolstoy was not the first modern writer to see refuge in a monastery from the troubles and tribulations of the world. The French noveltst Huysmans also did so, but he did not remain in the monastery very long, because his conception of the relig- ious life differed from that of the monks. It was his pleasunt habito sally forth in evening «ress with a flower im his buttonbole to dink iu town and to return, charioted some up in the small hours of the morning. They did not like that, and so, thoug they had the highest regard for their guest's literary gifts, they suggested that a private hotel would suit his betier way of life than a convegt. Yeung Prince Resourceful. Prince John, son of King George of h not much more , is of a resource 2005 Arch St., Chicago, Ill. This is the age of substitution, and women who want a cure should insist upon Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound just as this oman ai, and not accept something else on which the druggist can make a little more profit. Women who are passing through this sttical period or ho are ioring rom any of those dis culiar to their sex ang mht of the fact that for thirty years L: E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, which is made from roots and herbs, has been the standard remedy for fe- male ills. In almost every community you will find women who have been restored to health by Lydia E. Pink. bham's Vegetable Compound. Origin of the Cannen. It is a curious fact that the first cannon was cast at Venice. It was called a "bombard" and was invent. ed and employed by Gen. Pisani in a war against the Genoese. The orig- ina! bombard, which bears the date of 1380, is still preserved and stands at the foot of Pisani's statue at the ar. senal. The bombard threw a stone 100 pounds in weight, Lut another Venetian general, ancisoo Barde, improved it until he was able to han- dle a charge of Toss and Bovidere weighing 3,000 s. It proved dis- Lice Seotge is one of hata, After: hing Nn eh one day all an hour's rest on a sofa or a | Guri the siege of Zara while he was couple of chairs he can return to work aE his terrible engine he was as fresh as if he had had a whole | hurled by it over the walls and in- might's rest, : stantly killed. Bwinburne, the poet, required ver em se------ Dresden China. little sleep, and according to Mr. Ed- munde Goose was able to fall asleep . auywhere. Mr. Gosse says thas when It is to Frederick Botiger, a native he 'has parted from him in the even- | of Saxony--1683-1719--thal we owe the ing "he has simply sat back in the | secret of making china or porcelain. deep sofa in hus sitting-room, his lit- | It was in 1710 shat a locky accident tle feet close together, his arms | revealed to Botiger the true nature i of the required pasts. Having noticed the unusual weight of some hais pow. e of Never Too Late to Marry. A romantic story of the marriage of a couple receiving cid-age pensions comes from Birmingham, England. The bride is a widow named Swann, and her groom Charles Wright, a widower. They have been neighbors for years, but the acquaintance which has ripened into a second essay at matrimony only commenced a year go. Mr. Wright was then 71 and his sweetheart 89. It is a union of many branches. The bride has six children living and 19 grandchildren Her youngest son, a stalwart soidier of over six feet, gave her away The bridegroom brings a ocontributiom of eight children, 23 grand children, and one great-grandehiid. you will 50 YEARS EXPERIENCE EXTRA GRANULATED SUGAR IS ABSOLUTELY PURE The first and great essentia Purity ; the Purity and Quatity of our | have never been questioned food product, is stra Granulated Once » with other Sugars and any but Redpath. always served with ad in RED Sear and by the pound make a compar not be satisfied wit Dainty Tea Tables ar: "PARIS LUMPS wo dust proof cartons, The Canada Sugar Refining Co., MONTREAL, CANADA. Limited Established in 1854 by Joba Redpath School Boots Just received a shipment of Girls' School Boots, sev- eral kinds in tho let. Just what you need for this time of year. All Good and Strong We are going to sell them t Your kitchen needs this superb flavoring The Call to Action. The curtain had just fallen on a really creditable picture of the Death of Nelson, shown to slow music, says The Planet a your seals, jense," said stage manager. Were mach obliged for your kind against his Te, lode in his frock- et der, he inquired what it was coat he oo in its wi vers, a , apparen -- 3 and found that it was a Jusly Powder. ed clay from Aue. He forthwith pro- fe the Sith, dilate ) could wd out the candles : forth ¢ » n id cured some of the clay, made vessels of it and, to his infinite delight, learn. door." ed that be had at last found the very ater he wanted. In a word, be END to the groceryman to-day for a bottle of the most delighting § flavoring money can buy-- and that is ! Shirviffs Made from the choicest Mex- ican Vanilla Beans in a way that gives you more value for § § yout money--and a finer flav- oring--than you ever got be- BR fore. You'll never buy an- R other kind of vanilla once you § g use Shirniff's. : Caution: --A smaller quantity g required than of any other § a I Other delicious Shitnff Savorings one man sin came inlo the yy Sizes 11 to 2. are Si CER SEE RT I JENNINGS, J, Beating and Ee Perstte concerned as to the small ness of their stature may take heart from the experiences of Jeffrey Hud- son, of whom a likeness has lately been acquired by the National Por- trait Gallery. After reaching the of seven, when he was 18 i ! he did not grow at all until his 13th yer*. Then, according to his bie- gr. her, "he was made a captive at Jo by a Turkish rover, and having 0 conveyed to Barbary, was there sold as a slave, in which iti any years, exposed to many hardships, much labor. and fre. quent beating. 'He now shot up in a little time to that t of stature which he remained at in his ol ag. about three feet nine inches,' re of which he hi ajcrilug to & severity enced ing his captivity." Pall Mall Gazette. ng Hint as te Conduct. When you knock your rival listen ers think you're sore; but when you conclude that FEEL i : £ £ i ii boost for him you've got him whipped! 187 "EE It is unto man once to dy "i ointed ni.