The Daily YEAR 78 -NO. 61 KINGSTON, ONTARIO, TUESDAY, MARCH I4, 1911. ------ LAST EDITION PLOT AGAINST REPUBLIC. -- Royalists Hope to See Manuel Re- stored. 'London, March 14.--The Pall Mall | | Lomo Hrvectiod up its story abuat | a monarchist plot against the govern. moat of Portugal, says the royalists | | hope that the end of this year will see Manuel again enthroned in that coun try. Senhor Nord, a leading monarch- ist, now living in this city, in an in- terview deprecated the idea that the overthrow of the Portuguese republic would be accomplished by the assas- sination of the present ministers, TO! There was no intention of that sort, he declared. There was plenty of time HE DENIES IT: A Cablegrati'e of Import-| ance From m Strathcona E ENTIRELY BASELESS STATEMENT ATTRIBUTED LATEST NEWS - | Despatches s From Near And Distant Places THE WORLD'S TIDINGS GIVEN IN mE mn BRIEFEST Pos. FOR aR gE ® OF | EUGENICS. Francis Cullen ¢ Gives $225,000 to University. London, 'March ee Francis { Callon hus bequeathed $225,000 "the establishment at Loudon Rie | sity of a chair of eugenics. The aan' the department will be to collect | | material hearing St She tiene of wu. | | genics, and to promote disewssion of {the same. It is also ited that | | theve shail be bureau to supply iuformntion on the subject to pave ulividunls as well f an public officials, { Pratt. In short, it is a e po rl | tend the knowledge of eugenics, HIM BY GOODEVE, for the coup d'etat, Manuel is young, | and the country must undergo some | preparation before the moment is con "Matters That Interest Everybody-- Lanly by professional teaching, but in ? | publication and' Jeetures, as well as! experimental and observational work, The functions of the central office are SIBLE FORM. -REAL REASON For United Sts States Man. |: oeuvres $ 08 ; Border FE NOTICE 16 T0 JAPAN THAT IT air xo Nor ALLY WITH MEXICO, ---- AN ELECTION RIOT. Opponents of Prohibition Elvet | |: Whole Ticket. je Fredericton, N.B., March 14.--As al. climax to a lovely civic election a free | fight ensued during the speeches of | eo candidates affer the polls closed | The police took a hund and made two i. arrests. The crowd turned on them and took their prisomers away, hand: ling the blaecoats roughly. There] was great excitement in the city last! night and te opponents to the én forcement of the Canada temperance; act elected their whole, ticket. CORPORATION TAX VALID, Provisions of United States Tariff Act Sustained. ; March 14.---The cor The Location of Fish Hatcheries! i. red - : . ipe for another change. Sen. Wash : Held Up Owing to Difficulty Be- | hor Nord satd he believed that when nr tween Governments--Mr. Monk | the time came the country would be Had an Amendment to Recipro glad to welcome back its king. city tittle colony oydiitm, the A I Ste. M . Gazette says, has grown up srousd | Sault Ste. arie, Ont., an eight upply for information concerning the Special to the Whig Manuel at Richmond. All have taken Million dollar paper plant is progect- 'past history of any famuly of stock. Ottawa, March 14. --In the House of | houses on short leases, Ks though | ed | Professor Karl Pearson, now profes- Commons, yesterday, Sir Wilfrid Lauo- | they intended to make only & tom: | Sixty-nine per cent. of the munici- sor of applied mathematics and me rier read the following despatch sept | porary stay. Pmissaries of the Por palities in Quebec province are now chauics at the University of London, him by Lord Strathcona : tagriese republic are unobtrusively dry. | will probably be the first decupant of "The statement attributed to me, | watehing their movements, and ew At Millbrook, Out., Walsh & Clark's the new chair. - by Mr. Goodeve, on the 9th inst, as |erything they do in London to-day will [general store was burned with a loss | i Sea reported in today's London Times, by | be lmown in Lisbon to-morrow. One of $25,000, FOUGHT DUEL IN CAFE. its Uttawa correspondent, that [had of the intentions of the royalists, if | Sir Edward b-- said 'that 'Canadian ministers had | they succesd in restoring the monar: (for naval armaments may {The Trouble Was All Over a Wo- hem B potion ut Washington hy oh, is to reiostate Senhor Franco, wilisntion, - man, inate of the American offer | the one time dictator, who is 'how in ing George and Queen Mary visit-| Paris, March W.~Two and had fallm into a trap,' is' en ed the deposed King Manvel and Queen' were injured in a revolver dg Amelie at Richmond. 'an woman at the Cale Moris, oa Lap 'the tions by pointi Jou ) exile at Piarritz, thou, 10's marvanted by anytingT| DUG OUT OF SLIDE ALIVE dou. Tt is unwarranted by anything I VE. Nearly fifty small-pox patients are Monday. One of the combatant have ever said in connection with the isolated by the Metropolitan Asylum a "wealthy Missouri man, ---- Te; j that Shyre ar 8 adie hob the weciprocity agreement, which I have Board, Loudon, Eng. swhile the other wns an American | Japs. in gi in, 4 Ny received refrained from discuswing. Will you A Stratford vouth walked a mile * dahoer, named Morris. The latter was | Th ves subjects Am these J Kindly Hula. this known m Ottawa ? {alter the side of his face was blown ser Hously injured and Lee was shot in {Ihe Suggeeticn on ja. tha Sh Carre; =(S gned ) Strathcona.' {off by a bursting gun. | the reg. : The incident arose through Mr. [who were killed when a snow slide | Lord Strathcona has been re-elected' Te is said that Lee has for some | Statat a org Beng Ted gs soodeve's quoting from a Canadian | overwhelmed a boarding house at the president of the International time been paying attentions to a dan. a wellknown fact that the Jap is Gold King mine, near Gladstoe, Col, {Commercial association. cer, who has Bem appearing with ever loyal to his native land, no mat- aul The London Standard Springs a Sensation--Where Would Britain stand In the Event of a Yankee- Japanese Conflict? March Bmw de Standans ' metropolitan peat thy is out, to-day, with a special cable and an editorial ting it, to the "effect that the reason for United States manoeu- | vres along the border of Mexico is to make an ultimatum to Japan that it will no alliance with Mexice. The Standard intimates on the highest authority that the United States gov- ernment: has heard of wach mn alliance and is aeting accordingly. The Standard's correspondent backs Notes From All Over--Little of said to embody one of i Francis' Everybody Easily Read and Re- most ch He favored membered. | the instalment of a register along cagenic lines, to anyone could poration tax provisions of the Payne Midrich tarifi act were sustained as constitutional by the supreme court of the United States. The decision was unuNMous. Thereby a source of imcome of ap- proximately $35,000,000 annually was assured to the government. Shock Killed His Wife. Montreal, March 14.-News of a most distressing character reached hers regarding the death of Joseph La- rose, who was killed a few days ago near Coteau Landing. In trying] to avoid an approaching train he step- ped in front of another one on the Other track. When the news of her husband's death reached Mrs. Larose, who resides at Howick, Que., with her little family of seven children, all under fifteen, the shock was too much for her and she died shortly after, the Grey fears competition ' break down | "Millinery Opening TO-MORROW and following days. Bodies of Four Victims of Snowslide Recovered. Denver, Col.,, March 14.--The bodies of four persons, thred of them women, Big Stock Shed Fire, Fort , Worth, Tex., March 14.-A thousand head of horses, sheep and hogs were roasted to death in a stock shed fire which swept two acres . of sheds, and seriously burned four men. The loss is three hundred thousand dollars. A HUNDRED C CATTLE IN FIRE AT YARDS, Every stvle worth the baving is shown in this gathering of Beautiful Mil. linery. We extend a hearty invi- tation to all, STEACY'S BURNED MONTREAL CAMORRA WERS The Fire Chief, Rushing to the Con flagration in His Auto, Crashed Into One of His Engines. Montreal, March 14.-Over ome hun- dred head of cattle were burned in the Montreal Stock Yards, St. Etienne street, in a fire which broke out yes- terday afternoon, spreading so rapid- ly among the sheds that a second alarm was necessary. Over 600 action 'of the drovers. ted at between $15, 000 and $20,000. Chief Tremblay was being driven full speed down McGill street in his moto ar, and the car mto an en gine near the comer of William and McGill streets. William Moore, a fire man, sitting in the front of the car, was hurled agai the engine, and his head was injured. Neither the chipf nor Charles Heaney, the chauffeur, was injured. The automobile itself was badly damaged, so the chief had | to hail a p hose waggon; in which he En to the scene of the | fire. i No light has been thrown on the | cause of the fire. The sheds blazed up like match-boxes, and the fire made a dense smoke that drove the firemen Baker, . *Iback again and again. A whole line manager of Cigoin- : St. | nati, } Orleans yd Texas agit of sheds on the east mide of St Etienne street was destroyed belore railway, has ofiered » reward of 8300 the situation could be mastered. for the arrest and couvietion "1 Fireman Harry McDonald, of No.9 station, fell from the roof of a fracturing his right arm apd leg. He was removed lo the Notre Dame hos the fire pital. Above the clang of ongs "Joould be heard the bellowing oF 650 steers, which were being driven out by excited drovers in the early stage of the fire. They were mostly driven to the yards on the west side of Etienne street. MUST MAKE RETURN TO THR DOMINION TREASURY EACH YEAR Calgary, March 3 er is here and yesterday said considered Alberta the worst province in the west regard to tempersuoce legislation. He stated Aamthioe- opr their far aw 4 to west, should the government not deem it expedient to commence imme diate construction 'of the Georgian ny canal, which would naturally tard to further facilitate interpro- vipoial trafic and the carrying of frenght . unbroken from the great lakes to the Atlantic ocean." Mr. Monk, i «to Wis resolu tiom, said that when this government came into power it was its ory bo im: mediately i"oresse transportation fa cilities in Canada. But it would seem today as if this reciprocity arrange ment had entirely altered that solemn tion given to the people at that , time. Gerald White, M.P. for Pembrok, Strongly supported Mr. Monk and de- that the government was not living up Phe its promises if the Georgian Bay canal was sidetracked on account reciprocity. E. B. Devlin, Wright (liberal), de clared that the minister of railways, that the reform people had to have sixty per cent. of the vote to oarry anything, and if they lost the elec tion they also lost a deposit of §100 whith the law compels them to put Press patch, dated London, which appear in \ the Canadian papers a | yesterday, were recovered. Hon. Frank Oliver, in his immigra- Morris, and that the later here emig ' i » » os. few days age to the efiect that Ca | The dead are: Mrs. F. 0. Drew, tion returos, showed the total immi- warned his compatriot to stay away {r he ore he o nl the situation is nadinn ministers allowed themselves | Mrs. Carrie Lewis, Maria Fahos and 'gration for the past year to be over from the theatre, The duel caused | most serious and the question is where to be hypnotized ot Washington and Samtiel Hoar. 1 300,000, po panic, and the place was depopu- would Britaio stand in the event of that imperial preference was more 0. Drew, manager of the hoarding | It is announced that Fmperor Wil- lated," when the two men began I ar conflict ? urgent than ever. ee was dug out alive, although his |}ixm will visit Emperor Francia Jos shooting. h.\ is intimated that on the death of A great number of private bills pass- hands and feet were frozen. eph at Vienna, on March 24th, while! esident, Diaz a strong government ol their hi d ne ding, including an on rotte. for Corfu. : lo assume power, wt Ty the gov- ve ga ing the Globe Printing com- RUSH OF SOCIETY Curtis Guild, sr., of the Boston ernment would be Jriendly to - Japan. David Marshall, MP, East Fig mms ules duns oH {TI nie, th Sitnind voy Sh (conservative), asked the minister of Frank Widdington, leader of the eity AMONG NEAPOLITAN vities, The publication of these state marine il it was the department's in- |[CONNAUGHT'S ARRIVAL WILL fooumet band, Se John, N.B., has de-| PRISONERS, | ments thix morning has caused a pro: Sentian Ry sary iu MEAN A WHIRL OF GAIETY, |clied an appointment as bandmaster ------ found sensation throughout Britain. mised Some | E n the cruiser Niobe. fg ttre es Ne. foun Rie. tl Americans (0 the Fore--Many Have| James Dibdin, Yafiord, Tuo of ale Prien Stared Sarit DR. SHEARER ON ALBERTA. differ " i, owing to Already Engaged Suites at the Wight, has just received a medal from | y deering [1€F eged : or a no. the a apart nn Chauteau Laurier, jthe Canadian government for serviop | trenched by Fi - ; f | wi White | spect to revenues 'of fish hatcheries, "Ottawa, Ont., Mareh 14.~Uaptain T. {in the Yeiigis wdies of 1566. or ¥ite ho of Ralys Set n ha firs was hated up pending a | River Bukeley, M.V.0., Scots Guards, ive from Great Britain thie week. wens Thing like wild beasts ih theie isfae Sires being ated Before. the went into commit. rng to Tas x Roy al Highness the A dng, a th disembarked since Silt in the monagiry uk he Sole lee ro on ues Car- | tawa, on Saturday, for the pups oPloady, She fem ure, vn. tin da. io of Cavaln, Bianchi, > ution Say fo offen ide iim the house where: {far Bus tel. Ae A the Rosin Arey 5 rl rl cours, continued: their ue div grocily trate of in Would ig Jotsruor-qenet oh x opt. Bullen HO bitton of Rh as will also Mr! 7 "the b box was filled on Satur transportation facilities, and in order {of the household Sw sop duke' | 3nd Mrs. Irving Brokaw, of New i. ot Jute refues ja ean to insure more favorable conditions | two-year tenure of office. He will r ve Ta ool - , learned of our transportation lines from cast | main in the capital for a few Loe Ellen Birmingham, sevente'i years a. He iaee affliated with and is & guest at Government house. jol age, whe aa badly buted of er the Camorra organization. Although the duke will not arrive | | Charis, Til § th tied The panel y will be com: So the sity until fall, there is already Sunday Hout. a mont s Age, on pleted, to-day, as eiilfious of those every indication that much will be | who had fled in fear of vengeance have added to the social life of the capital | | The police in their chase for Beattie promised to return ron at of | Nesbitt are circularizing China, The plete protection and of latest rumor has it that the fugitive As pay. {is practicing medicine in one of the foul A day sad coast cities of China. ) wal cause a considerable influx of so | niety people, Particularly during the | wession. There is reason to state that already | many of the best suites at the Chateaa Lautier have been spoken for, Ameri. can social leaders being very promin i witly to the fore in that gonmection. | BORN. | RAXSOM~~ -On March Street 13th, 1811, at §¢ Kingston, to Mr ¢k Ransom, a A riot was precipitated in the this morning when Maria Standardi, the only woman among the prisoners, taunted Alfano, the leader; and his cell | | mates for having failed to kill Gio vanni Abatemaggio, their betrayer. When the prisoners were taken into Royce of Texas the corridors for their daily exercise' a | Assaulted. frgefor-all fight resulted which wax! quelled only when the fire department urped a hose on the rioters and drove | At Steares, Ky, M. M. Stovett land @ Lovell, deputy sheriffs, were ishgt and killed while guarding the New Orleans end Texas Pacific coal chutes. Both men were shot from ambush. The admiralty has lent J. W. Oli ver, military stores keeper at Devon iport, Fng., to the Canadian govern ment, for six months. He will ~ or Mel- ganizy a supply department for the Mrs V Frederi daughter DIED sion, Ki on March Edith . Frances Mas morine, aged Years, wife of Frederick Ransom, and youn daugnter of Ven. Archdeacon morine BTRANGE In Kingston, on March 12th, 1911, Emma Wade widew of the late W. G. Strange Fungral (private) from her Iate re anc University Avenue, at . 90, Wednesday morning i, GODWIN In Kingston, March 11th, 1911, Wm ¥ Godwin, aged 6&6 Years Funeral will take place from his late residence, §7 Pine Street, Waodnes. day, 15th, at 2.30 pm. Servire at z riends and asqusintances will sccept this intimation in Kingston, Sunday Mareh 13th, 181 Mary Kilen Mullin, aged thirty-one roars, be loved wife of Hobert yhinsor Funeral from her late res dence, 21% Stuart Street Wednesda mor ing, eleven o'clock. Friends and Sequin ilances respectfully nvited to attend Morrigbuirg Dupers please ---- ROBERT 4. REID, The Leading Undertaker. 'Phone 377. 230 Princess Street, JAMES REID The Olid Firm of Undertakers, 354 and 358 PRINCESS STREET, 'Phone 147 for Ambulances. -- RANSOM Ir 14th, 181) TOOK HIS OWN LIFE. | Iepuised by Sweetheart, Young Man Shot Her and Suicided. Rochester, March 14.--Morris man, of 561 East Fifth street, New dominion navy. York, died at the Homeopathic hos- | 8. E. Mitchall, a representative citi- ital, this city, Monday, as the result | sen of Pembroke, died on Saturday, of wounds self-inflicted after an at. {aged seventy-five years. He was po- tempt to murder Miss S hia Lafier. | tice magistrate and a stationer, a h- the minister of public works, the min- | Melman called on Miss Laffe Sunday beral and president of the liberal as ister of warine, and even the prime | night, and alter pressing his suit for | snciation { minister himself had placed themselves | hor hand, wes repulsed. At Sussex, N.B., fire destroyed the jurors who refused to try the much on record that this great waterway twenty-two calibre revolver and Depot House. © hotel: conducted hy feared Canora thirty-six scoused of opi be. «started jt Sogn as She Sou the girl Sukie and ploy, Vid ahs A. D: Pugsley, cousin of Hom. Wik der, till remain forr places try's finances would mit. Yel in | Weapon on himself. Miss or will re~ [3° y 4 to filled fave of this, Mr. Monk oo doubtful if vover. liam Pugsley. Some twenty-five peo: 3 this was genuine. "I have n to OT FIND eat ac Chattanooga, Teon., t them back into their cells. There the fighting continued until the firemen wero again called in and nearly drown ed the combatants like rats in a trap. Father Vitoszi, the "guardisn angel of the Cammorra," is seriously ill. Tt the is said he took poison, sm to him By a soldier. owpite. fines and imorisonment on please ROBINSON- ple staying in the hotel pot out safely, some down ladders amd some think," he continued, "that Mr. Monk by jumping into blankets. is not in favor of building this water: way himself. It will be the duty of this house to vete down such a reso lution as offered by the member from Jacques Cartier." This, however, was unnecessary, the motion was ruled out of or TRAVELLER LOST MEMORY. How He Reached Hamilton From Cleveland. Hamilton, March 14. Walter RB. TR a traveller for a large Erle; g home ia in Foe h sity, March im Bi all meords for February, gig 1 exports were valued at 175,906,467, while the imports, larger than in of {other February, except in 1010, bw 1907, were Yahi at. at $121,766,254. These figures, Stouncd y in 8 the buresu of * statistics, on the Soustiy's foreign commerce, em- $62,453,988 of imports entered free of entry. Killed a Child. Sault Ste: Maris; March Ho~Fiy: ing pieces of stove snd plaster, ps walls, red. CHINESE VRGE ACTION [im Cailing Parliament to Save the Empire. IN FIELD UNTIL SUMMER. United States is Playing War Game on & Big Seale, Washington, D.C, March 14M Leonard Wood, chief of ap Son United States army, a shat | the war department conte Blate them i { more troops to the = ; Ry Pala , Iwas t in the intention to7Changy from G0 time to time the ral officers in command of - troops a in the south in order that © w officorseof the army may ol ee HA aetivg of ir rg op "Aide Puiotc speschee, some oltad as Concerning All Unclaimed Money in Form of Express Orders, Travel| lors' Cheques and Postal Remit. tances. Ottawa, March 14. The railway committee 'commenced work this morn. | has Bop by considering a bill of Mr. Parlor "Sots Sharpe, North Ontario, to compel ex- | A Turk's press companies (0 maki an => N AL WATERS return to the dominion treasyry, showing the amount of money un. Are the safest "to drink just now. We have In stock claimed in the form of money orders, travellers' cheques and postal re | fit tances, returns te be made under | Joa n six years the company to pay this unclaimed money oo the RADNOR. -|treasury, to be returned. .to the pros | WHITE ROCK. The i SUN RAY. CALEDONIA. VICHY. POLAND. who per * parsom, if DeORSAArY. ora | the bill and much ar | GINGER ALE. SODA WATER. | gument ensued. By 4 vote it was Jas. Redden & Co. decided that the clause calling IMPORTENS OF FI% Glee TRIS ga hy women, a cotmitiee ' draft telegrams to North Bay, on. March 14. ~Burk's Falls is excited over the burglary, on E NOTICE, TAKE Five folid Mahogany Chairs alah two mice Walnut These nre a fresh dof; 'Phone T9 ane £ fF pif odds st not excesding | - ° Led tas on tment. The rumored prospective merger be EM Najos J. W. tween the Richelien & Ontario Navigs- > i been appointed tothe tion company and the Northers Navi Neamt a 2 field ambmlance mit gation company iv takes as being re Corpse of Otte spotaible for a spurt in the R. & 0. A A. T. Shil- terday. From the closing pia Satandsy o Joi i the stock haere, to to 108}. i, Beaded by David Fas