uo, WSHOEASTERN COMMAND FURS FURS should be cleansed "at least once a year to remove the dust that accumulates while wearing them. OUR STORAGE includes scientific cleaning. Telephone 489, our Fur Waggon will call. JOHN McKAY The Fur House, 149-157 Brock Street. 'IMAY BE ' KISUSTOR. ---- The New Arrangement ' Would Do Away With a District Office at Ottawa -- Orders Issued From Here. A special despatch to the Whig from Ottawa says : The Eastern Ontario military commund may be 'moved from tion is at present under the consider- ation of the militia department. li the change is made. Col. Benson and all the staff would go to Kingston, as was the case before it was changed to 4Ottawas a few years ago. However, it it understood that if such action were taken, there would be no district of. fice here either. When the headquar- ters of the Eastern Ontario command was transferred from Kingston to Ot {tawa, there was a district office here | | with Col. Hodgins, as D.O.C. - The | new arrangement would do away with Married or About to Marry Couples Expect to live with their Furnishings a long time Our surrcunding= have a great deal to do with our comfort, both physical and mental Our choice, large, and well selected stock gives you every chafte to suit your taste questions relating to the garrison, as u whole, would go direct to the com mander of Eastern Ontario. In case of a church present would be in command. If the change goes through the move will be 'made before May lst. Meanwhile ap- pointments to the district offwe staff are held up pending the possibility of there being no distriet office. The of- ices of the Eastern Ontario command are in the egal building. Opposed to the Site, Ihis resolution 'was passed by an unanimous vote . of the directors of the Kingston Hosiery Co., limited, op! March 13th, 1911: "Moved, seconded and revolved, by a unanimous vote of the directors of | the Kingston Hosiery Co., limited, | that we view with alarm the erection | of a hospital for consumplives on the proposed site khown as the general hospital nite. "That we consider its erection and maintenance thete would be a menace to the welfare of our business, as well as the health of this locality. Ihat it does not appear right that | our employees should be compelled to | pass several times daily a place which | may become Objectionable. 'We roeognize the zeal and efforts iput forward by the promoters and are in accord with fhe main object to be arrived at, but believe a better situation can be provided." Bargains, Bargains, Bargains. Post cards, on sale 5c. per dozen: Papeteries, regular 40c., on sale 19¢. Souvenirs, regular 25¢c,, on sale 5c. Souvenirs, regular 40c., on sale 10c. Souvenirs, regular 30c., on sale 19¢. Novels, regular 75¢., on sale 19. Novels, regular 50c., on sale 18c. Cangdinn flags, reg. $2, on sale bc. Canadian flags, reg. 25¢., on sale 10c. Toy games, reg. 40c., on sale 1%. Fancy china on sale half price. 0'Gorman's, King street. Fur. Mning-room and Living-room Good nishings are vefy important digestion walts on a happy environ- ment. Our Btock has all the latest Golden. Oak. Fumed Oak, Early Bug- Ish Mission, Circassian Walnut-- Just see these and the prices, " 0 VIE Rar EST HOUSING) WOON OF Tr ace Y [Pr we, * Folding Beds, Iron and Oak Very comfortable. $12.00 $15.00 up to $50. Our line Carpets and Rugs, chosen from best European markets in Sled ready for the early bird Curtain Stock just in--Lace, Silk, Madras, etc epair Upholstering Depart - ment at your service 'Phone 90. T. F. HARRISON GO. Nett, Yours, Runaway at Neon To-day. Just at twelve o'clock, to-day, when everyone wag on the way to dinner, a borse went across Princess street at Bagot street at a stiff canter. There was no driver on the box and the {horse had the appearance of runni | away. Several attempts were ma to stop it, but the animal kept on its way and got across the prindpal thoroughfare without injuring anyone. It went around the corner of Bagot and Queen streets at quite a clip, bus was cought in the lower part of the city. hein Doin] NEW GOODS FROM ALL OVER THE WORLD. Millinery Openings. It will soon be time Sor the appear: ance of the newest in spring hat creations, In another column, that will interest the ladies, is the announce ment that George Mills and Co. will hold their opening on Tuesday and Wednesday, March 21st and 22nd. Mattings from China and Japan. Silk Drapes from Cohstanti- nople. Rugs from Persia, and Germany. Lace Curtains from Switzer- land. _. Carpets and Ollcloths from England. Linoleums from Scotland. Art Denims and Muslins from Boston. And Lots of other Goods manufactured in Canada. | GPP PPPR RPP PP E000 R. McFAUL. CARPET WAREHOUSE. DVL VVVL LLL TRL LBRBTRUG A Good ! Held Surprise Party, An enjoyable time was spent at a surprise party, given at the home of Mrs. Savage, Ordnance strest. About twontv-five voung people were present. During the evening games were in lulged in. The affair was brought to a close at midnight. Austria, ' |e Col. Benson to Command, Col. Benson will command the East- ! eyn Untario command when it is travs- ferred from Ottawa to Kingston next month. It is probable that Col. Hem- meng will be chief staff officer, Sleighing About" Gone. The sleighing on the down town strists is about gone but on, the side streets there is still some sleighing left. All the heavy teaming now has to be done ou wheels. a ---- Henri Valiee, a young French-Cana- or twenty-five years, met awtiil death om !ty-three with an CAFE power wire EE To secure a Real Estate Ine wan, and resident of Brockville, Leen appointed a constable for hody, ~~ * v cash hatisont that "for a small TRANSFERRED TO Ottawa back to Kingston. The ques- | { the district office altogether, and all | parade, the senior officer | | dian, from Montreal, aged about twen- \ Coleman ; stresty Belleville, bv electrocution. He le nce {was a Pell Telephone company em- > \ ployee and touched a Trenton elec ing Schultz, a former G.T.R. fire- has INCIDENTS oF THE DAY. | Newsy Paragraptm Picked Up by Re- i porters on Their Rounds. "Buy gum camphor." Gibson =. When you buy, buy in Kingston. "Buy Buflalo Lithia water." = Gib- son's. When you have work tu offer Kingston workmen. Cept. Lafave, of Cornwall, the city, of business. Leo. Millan returned home from Tor- to, on Tuesda; morning. " Baas piano tuner, Orders | received at on: Phone 778. "Fhe lime fruit juice" sold at Gib- son's will kill typhoid fever germs. Ii Kingston is to proswer, Kingston: iun3 must patronize *heir Yellows. J. Red , Charles street, is back from Belleville and is on tbe sick list. The Orange hall on Princess street as Jest undergoing some extensive re- at Gibson's. i hire is in pe "Buy Vichey water' Capt. Stratford, of the upper fire station, has been spending a few days in "ronto. % : wa - Am, ano ' | ing str: ges, pi igh | Auley's bookstore. The Portsmouth philosopher declares {that to him belongs the credit | having seen the first robin. A solemn requiem mass was sang in St. Mary's cathedral, for the rep see of the soul of the late John Tyo. Bay Buffalo Lithia water." Gib- ! in Donnell, of the C.P.R. passen- enger department, Toronto, is spend ing a few days m the city. Miss Ada Adams' millinery opening, March 16th, snd following days. Resi- "dence, 252 Alfred street. Phone | James Little, ol Watertown: was a visitor in the city, to-day, bis way to Nokomis, Saskatchewan. Lieut.-Col. H. R. Duff, P.M.O., East- ern Ontario, will attend a cowse of !instruction in Ottawa, commencing | April 3rd. Hockey will soon bave to take a 'back seat Yor baseball. The City Base | ball e will get down to business next Heat 5 "Buy lime juice" at Gibson's. Aen Hafner, who has secured a pos dticn in the civil sorvice Jupart. ment at Ottawa, left for there, to day, at noon. Mrs, John Dixon died in Watertown, N.Y., on Sunday, aged sixty-eight vears. Mrs. William Woodman, of Welfe Island is a sister. was a meeting, on Monday night of Loyal Orange Lodge, No. 481 Portsmouth, when some routine busi- ness was transacted. "Buy flake camphor." Gibson's. H. L. Davidson, business manager for Walter Whiteside, in Zangwill's play, "The Melting Pot," at the Grand on Wednesday, March 22nd, is in the city. The farmers on Wolfe Island are en- goged in the final rush of bringing pressed hay over to, the city, ore the breaking up of the ice, in the har- N.Y, on 4 Rev. Father Crawley, formerly par- ish priest of Railton, has been ap- pointed chaplain of the Orphanage of St. Mary's-of-the-Lake, on King street west. "Buy Vichey water:' at Gibson's. The many friends of Miss AL Hickey, grocer, will be sorry to hear that she bas retired from business and will igave the city for Westport on Mon- ay. To many friends of Mrs. W. J, Scott, 148 Division street will be pleased to hear that she is slowly im- proving after a very severe attack grip pe. "Buy flake camphor." Gibson's. John Feticks, advance ugent for "The Man Of The Hour," was in the city vesterday, makings arrangements for the production of kis play here, on ~aturday 18th, Prevost, Brock street, has received all his spring and summer goods for his order elothing department, also in ready-made clothing and gents' furn- ishings department. They are all well assorted with new goods. Mr. Cruse has returned to tho city after having spent a very enjivable two weeks holiday in Toronto. HT had, however, the misfortune oi be ing in an automobile collision, but feels none the worse for such nn ex- citing experience. "Lime juice' kills germs. Gibson's. The Kingston Dry Dock and Ship building company has just begun the construction of the ney vessel for the Montreal division of the department of marine. The vessel cost in the neighborhood of $125,000 and will be delivered this season, A VERY SAD SAD SHOCK. The Death of a . Davgliter of Arch- deacon Macmorine, A shock of deep grief went over the de on Tuesday mornin When the news was heard that Frederick Ransom had died at six o'clock, hav ing yielded up her own life in bringing a new life into the world. The young mother, Frances Edith, the youngest of Archdeacon Macmorine's family, was always the beloved of many, het gentle merriment, her sweetness typhoid fever payment. "And easy Monthly, Quarterly, or Half-yearly Payments will buy a Double Brick Dwelling of I - rr RL ar TRA a: 3% ihn sae ' TUESDAY, AND ALL-STARS ARE 110 p PLAY. On 'Wednesday Ev Evening at Covered Rink---The Gate ceeds Will Go to General Hospital and Hotel Dieu. To-morrow night's hockey game at the covered rink between the. "All Stars," picked from the best plavers in Ontario, and the Shumpion Fron- tenacs will undoubtedly the best game en in Kingtton in . sea- sons. The ie nere is holding in fine shape, so that a fast game is assured The Frontenacs insisted that, the pro- eveds, after ex are * paid, be equally divided between the general hospital and the Hotel Dieu. This is on done as a tribute to the way \ingston public has supported the A -- who are desirous of show- ing their appreciation in some manner. With such a worthy object in view, the rink should be crowded. Frountenaocs arrived home last night, and will . in fine shape for the final game of the season. Harvey Sproule, of Toronto, will réferee. FRONTENACS the Ice Still Good. The ice is still holding good, at the curling rink, and the members will take advantage of it by playieg off some of the games in the points com- petition, Ottawa, 7; Galt, 1. The Ottawa hockey team easily dis ported of Galt, champions of the On- tario Professional League, in the Stan: ley cup match at the Ottawa Arena, Monday might. At the finish the score was 7 fo 4 for Ottawa. Irish vs. Scotch. Weather permitting, there will be a great curling mitch at the local rink, on the evening of March. 17th, St. Patrick's Day, when the Irish and the Scotch members of the club will clash season, bar even the finals for the dif. ferent trophies. Y.M.C.A. Classes. During the absence Mr. Bowron, in Toronto, at a_can¥ention of physi- cal directors, H, Warwick is taking the classes on the floor. A goodly num- ber were out last night, and they were put theough their work in a thorough manner by Mr. Warwick, Change of All-Stars. It is understood that there will be a few changes in the line-up of the All- Star team, which plays here to-morrow night. Heflerman, Peterboro, it is said, will hold down the position of cover-point. It is understood that an- other change or two will also be made. Whether these chan, will make the team stronger, or whether it is being done to give as many as pos sible a chance to play on the team cannot be said, but it is safe to say that the "little champs' will give the All-Stars a closer run here than they did in Toronto, * Pleased Over Grant. The supporters of the Frontenac hockey team are. more than pleased at the actioa of the city council, on Monday night, in giving a grant of #050, to the fund for souvenirs for the members of the team which did so much to advertise the city. Without doubt the team did more to advertise the city than any other scheme put forward, and the city fathers were yuick to look at it in this way. The subteription list for the support of the team is still on the. rounds and a good sum is expected to be derived. for Montreal Game. A meeting of the Granite Hockey Club was held, last evening, for the purpose of considering the advisabili ty of aceepting the challenge to play in Montreal, on Saturddy evemng. President Milne called up Cecil M Hart secretary of the Montreal League snd a long conversation was the re sult. Mr. Hart said 'the attendance would be about 2,000 and the King- ston team would get twenty per cent. Arrangements their fifty per cent. Providing there would be an attendance of 2,000, at twenty-five cents each this wonll be $500. The rink gets half of this $250 The Kingston teams share twenty per cent of 3250 would be #50. At this rate ob going they would hardly get Pro-| It promises to be the best game of the | I shots of the gate after the rink people got "0 Kingston's Famous Fur Store. Smart Popular Priced Millinery We have pleasure in sanouncing our Millinery pening for Tuesday and ednesday, March 21st Jand 22nd. -- Oar first season in Mil- linery established our re- putation for selling "Modern at moderate prices no two hats alike." ------ Now we are preparin elaborate collection 3 newest creations of master minds of New York and Paris. T---- } They cannot be ready antil March st. Keep that date in mind ever, 1 this lads employer ps promised ] "chance a MARCH 14, 660 Yopulas Copyrights of $1.25 Books, cloth bound, in 50c¢ editions. Special Friday and Saturday, 43c. 3 for $1.25. Daughter of Anderson Crow. Jane Cable, The Purple Parasol By Geo. Barr McCutcheon Cardigan, Firing Line, {. | Fighting Chance, R. Idols. W. 1. Locke. Sowing Seeds in Danny, Nelly McClung The Foreigner, Ralph Connor. W. Chambers. Ladie April Magazine now on Sale- Blue Man, Smith's, New Magazine, THE FINEST 260 PRINC enough to pay their expenses, but as each' was ready to make up the defi ciency they finally agreed to play thére, Mr. Milne asked the secretary if the Montreal Leas gue 'would pay the expenses of the Kingston team as their share of the receipts, but he said under the rules they could not do that. The game will have to be played under Quebec rules. we Toronto Opinion. Torofto Star: Controller Tommy Church was in his glory. In the midst of a crowd ¢. Kingstovians, he kidded them: all 'and wouldn't be downed. Evidentally he was getting into trim for the next council meeting Sunday he took the Frontenacs in tow and showed them the sights. Intro ductions were so numerous that layers all got kinks in their fo ommy is sure the glad-hand kid Nothing like "Jan' Sutherland's megaphone solo has greeted local fans singe "Jimmy" Murphy and "Teddy" Marriott sadly put their instruments away when their teams were put out of the running early in the season Seated in the penalty box the silver voiced easterner handed out a line of talk like this "Come on, bovs, get started. Go right in Hunt. Loosen up, Leo. Spread out now. Feed vom centre, Boyer. Double tandem now. right in thee, boys. Shoot all time.' The Frontenacs awe the huskiest junior team seen here this season, and they have speed, stick handling, and gameness with it. They should make a fine showing in 'semior ranks next year, arms Go the Won the Experts' Hearts. Toronto Telegram Even on that mucky going their way into the hearts of the perts and critics by their really derful stick handling and combination that brought them thév wor ex won grand down It was hockey of the kind that is close to the ideal as anything here in years; of the kind that made St. Michael's twice senior champions and marked them as a great machine They are a team, that Kingston lot of youngsters, playing as one beauti fully smooth, running whole with each of the seven fitting in as closely and as evenly as the cogs of a wheel. Thay is all. They are big and strong and decidedly the brawniest juniors seen here in years and every lad is art wt with his stick, and has speed to carry out his part of the play Whether in attack or defend forwards are equally strony clever and they never their positions. As a result the, toward goal almost irresistibls back up as tenaciously af ter their prey. More than that these bo have brains and use them, taking every advantage of the odd man by throwing him up into the attack and having as a rule both centre and ron or available in the mouth of goal fo ax wn "Per an their yd from weep and wander as wolves NO PLACE FOR LAZY MAN In the Carrying Out of Gods in the World. The young men's Bible at the YMCA, met day evening, for their There were thirty-six present, to hear the splendid talk Rev. W. F. FitzGerald. This becoming a strong institutios Mr. FiteGerald's talk was on results, under. God, of legitimate bitions," in which the out many inspiring instances of Work club Mon talk mer b stud as usual weekly vouny class ' "The am speaker drew men The College CESS STREET three and four abreast on the defence | ssa a From 20 Per Cent. to 33 1-3 Per Cent. Reduction on Populra Fiction Friday and Saturday Ouly. 3 BOOKS for the Price of One. 3313 Off Paper Novels . | REGULAR PRICE, 13¢. FRIDAY AND SATURDAY 10c; 3 FOR 25¢. ths The Spoilers, Rex Beach Tono Bungay, H. G. Wells Rosalind at Red Gate Little Brown Jug at Kildare, ? Meredith Nicholson Jane's Pa, Normai# Way Wives for New, David Graham Phillips Bronze Béll, Louis Joseph Red Mouse, W. HH. Osborne. The Post Girl, Edward C The Riverman, Conjurer's House Stewart Edward White 500 paper bound Novels by following English Authors: -- Robert Barr Maurice Hewlett. Henry Seton Merriman. Max Pemberton. Guy Boothby. H. Rider Haggard. S. R. Crockett Eden Philpotts Headon Hill A. EW. Mason. Willlam Le Quex A. W. Marchmont. 33 1-3 per cent Smith Libraries. New Medal Library New Magnet Library. Far West Library New Eagle Library REGULAR PRICE, 15 FRIDAY Book, Adventure AND SATURDAY, 10c STRAIGHT, ge Book Store, BOOK STOKE IN EASTERN ONTARIO. OPEN NIGHTS Mary Old The Vance. The off all Street and Booth s' Home Journal, All Story, R- R Phone 919 4 EXAMINATIOi With ils promise of a cleaning dp time ahead We sell the best yes shoula Le CAAMMMOG every two years. The eyes change. Glasses exactly right last year may be injurious now. Whether you wear glasses or not your eyes should be examined every two years. We are. eye experts. We can afford you perfect sight Qur varied stock of mounts helps us to give perfect satis. faction. Polish bottles Silver and have sample made, on hand ready for free distribu tiom, to prove our confidence in this Silver Cleaner SMITH BROS., Jewellers, Opticians, 850 KING STREET. Issuers of Marriage Licenses. .BOAS. * Dr. A. P.Chown, Druggist, Optician, 185 PRINCESS STREET. 'Phone 343. + + Suits, Just received a fresh ship- ment of Ostrich and Marrabeau Boas ALL COLORS. W. F. GOURDIER SN AP! Worth A brilliant array Investigating YORK STREET, 82.550. of the very new- . i Coats. detached separate, gas {or g: hot water he est ideas in Coats Jind Soke! ioe S05 and Suits now RR TL SITUe. ue; ready for your in- VICTORIA STREVT. hed frome; & ¢ . LANSDOWN) i th nine & 81,800, yi b Hot water heating ; gi | Single ac good spection Tard doa sialis . STREET. Pa able and lags AVENUE, furnace; RLise ENIVERMITY Popular prices J, = one 4 prevail, : » anny fen SZ N50, furnace STREET, raished or Up ce and Monsey Call early while the range is com- wk who were perhaps weak in some things, but who, when they consecrat od their efforts in God's work, be came a mighty power for good. God never chose the lazy man to do His work, but sought out the dili gent man, the man who had leader ship and individuality." It was. not always the man with the fuent ton gue who was given the great things to do in® this life, but the man. who was prepared to do the little thing with a simeerity of heart and purpose This weekly class promises to be a great factor in thé work of the Y.M C.A, here, if such men as Mr. Fitz Gerald and Robert Meek continue to be the leaders. IN JUVENILE COURT. A Lad Was Up For Stealing a Re. volver. Charged with the theft of a revolve: from his employer a fourteen-year-old appeared Magistrate Farrell, the juvenile court; Tuesday morn. ing. The boy lives on Upper William pleaded guilty to the| : would take a bor back after he had found ou committed a theft at his many, at any rate. How He is to , whois a far will oid inte William had past, MULLIN, Corner Johnson and Division Sts, "Phoné 539. plete. i | i i { i ! i i i i 4 i i * ' ' ' 0' ¢ ' ' i' i Sell ' ' =) 2d : ' Newman & Shaw THE ALWAYS BUSY STORE. TRB BVEBTBTRLLBTRRBEBCAVROVRT SATISFIED WITH on LAUNDRY . WORK wan your friends---if dissatisfied BRT TAT LLAVVCL ARV TERE Peterboro, Marck 14. Joho bavi, a lelong resident of §& township, dropped desd yesterday his home. + Mra. Catharine Grabam, mother of G. XN. Graham, proprietor of the Orien- tal Hotel, died at the age of eighiy- two vears. There "A That's our platforms iad. form const on an "I" bat t's RTs - big enough to 1 you sad suppor your Tested Once Trusted Always : Kingston Laundr Cor. Priovess and Sydenham Sia, | Theone 33 - send sway, on Saturday an | & ¢ of Brockville, in the per: | son of angelina Gates, widow of the | Co Lewis, The deceased | been an invalid for some yours | ATTA TLBBTANS 3 -