« -- Y OU have pro- bably been in- tending to try Red Rose Tea for some time but from "force of habit" another tea. Breal the Habit and buy Red Rose next time. ? have just Kept on using n, § r year, Editions at Fore ¥ on 2.30 and m WEEKLY BRITISH WHIG, 18 i published in Eni, marelty. 1s to maki Pp and of Weekly 3.50 y , Attached Js one of © best Job Priat- --. cheap work; nine te Sai The British Whig Publishing Co., Lid, 4. 6. Elliott, President. Leman A. Guild, See.-Treas. A i TORONTO OFFICE. { Suite 19 'and 20 Queen City Cham- | bers, 32 Church St, Toronto, H. BE | Bmalipeice, , J.P., representative, TT i ----- Daily Wing. A GREAT PRACTICAL SCIENTIST. | The retirement of Dr. William Sdun- ders from the directorship of the Do mimon experimental farms brings to au : close a comparatively { long and ver® active life, says the To | ronto Globe. He is a nativeof Devon- | ob ire, but has been resident in Can | ada since his twelfth yer. Beginning i honorable {his industrial career as a manufactur ing chemist, he varly showed his na- toward bidlogical obeerva- { tion and experimentation, and for "many years he carried on a fruit farm near London with a view fo enabling him to make a special study of insect {tural bias THE HAIR BRUSH Breeds Dandruff, Which Falling Hair ness, Prof. Unna, Furopean authority on Hamburg, German any other malevolent disease, and th one common source of the spread dandrell is the use of the brush by different persons to avoid catching dandruff same The or Causes and Finally Bald- * try. skin diseases, says that dandruff is as contagious as at and in hair Wi any pests destructive of fruit. He made | many successful discoveries by means {of hybridization, and all his adult }ife took an enthusiastic interest in fores When in 1886 the policy of estab- lishing experimental farms was adopt the ' Dominion government he the obwvious choice for director, that capacity he has muin- tained the even tenor of his way, en: ed by was of y Joying the confidence and securing the 1 § wppreciation of all who (ake an inter- other disease from another's brush, i+ est in the development of the natural to inst on the use of Newbro's He picide, It not only kills the dandr germ, but it is alsa ap antiseptic th will prevent the ease whatever through contagion another's brush. Sold by leading druggists. Send 10c, in stamps for sample to The Herpicide Co., Detroit, Mich. One dollar bottles James B. McLeod, special guaranteed. agent. at catching of any dis- of resources of Canada. ' He carries into his voluntary "retirement an exception- al tribute of good wishes, CATARAQUI BRIDGE QUESTION The council im the limelight be- canse of its action in connection' with the bridge, and recommendation. that this structure he purchased by the is its BUILDERS' SUPPLIES BEAVER BOARD, LATH, ASHPHALT ROOFING, SHINGLES, "BRICK. tee 3. ANGLIN & 00. » » » : » » » : . » ® w ® » . » » : o . » * » 000000000000 00000000 Cor. Bay and Wellington Sts. city and improved. The first step to- ® yards a Calm and deliberate consider- @ ation of the question is to get at all ® facis, A summary of the proceed : ings, so far as they relate to the coun- ® cil, follows : : Ihe present Cataraqui bridge situa- ® tion was brought about early in Jan. : wary by the Ontario Exploration Syu- ® dicate, composed of United States cap- ® italists, who own the iron mimes at : Wilbur, in the north of Frontenac. ® This syndicate, after much considera. : tion, decided that the best place of ® shipment of the iron ofe was from They approached the city : Kingston. for a portion ® council with a request Sof the city's smelter ® asked the council to have a twenty: ® oot channel the lower ® harbor and (0 put a sixty-foot span in the bridge so that large vessels ® could get through, as it would . ship the ore in small boats site, and also dredge] in not pay to NOISIGIS IIIS "STAY IN KINGSTON' We would rather you - would stay, but if you are bound to go we will buy all or any part of your Household Effects that you may want to seli--or If you are starting housekeeping we can fit you out to perfection, fs we carry a full line of Stoves, Furniture, Carpets, Ollcloth, ete., at very low prices, Also, we have the of ANTIQUE FURNI part of Canada, Drop a postal, L. LESSFS, «Cor Princess nad Chatham Sts, randest lot RE In this In return for these concessions, the syn- dicate offered to construct a pier to cost $40,000, and to guarantee the city aguipdt loss to the extent of $10,000 should the proposition fail to go through. dicate agreed to pay 34,000 towards the cost of constructing the span, in order to have it put bh wt once, also to deposit the guarantee money, $10,000, as soon as the agreement was signed, For the past two months the fingnce committee has been holding meetings in regard to the matter. X deputa- tion went to Ottawa and interviewed iron Later on, the syn- and the ministers of marine or railways and canals, and of militia, in regard to harbor improvements and a new bridge. About six weeks ago, engi: neers were sent to Kingston to make soundings im the lower harbor, the minister of marine promising immedi: ate attention to the marine require ments heve, and in the spring dredg- ing is to be commenced in order to get the channel required. Gn February 13th the finance com- mittee submitted to the city ceumcil an agreement with the Ontario Ex- ploration . company for ratification, containing the above terms. The council was addressed by H. W. Rich- "wrdsom and J. M. Farrell, the latter the solieitor for the syndicate. Mr, Richardson urged the council to adopt the agreement, stating that he thought that the necessary span of "sixty feet could be constructed for very little more than the $4,000 which | the syndicate offered to pay. The city solicitor warned the council that it [had no right to expend money on the { uridge without first submitting a by- Haw to the people. However, the con- census of opinion that night was that (THE WHIG, 78th YEAR| | BAER wo, poninios 1 formality. -lthe agreement of February +1 : widen the bridge span THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, TUESDAY, MARCH 14, 1911. - A meeting of the stockholders of the bridge is to be held on the 20th to bo uthorize the sale, but this is a mere The proposed span will cost about $18,000, of which $4,000 0 ad will be puid by the Exploration Syn- dicate. After 'the city council had adopted 13th, the finance committee was waited upon by leading mevine men dnd wyged to muke the span eighty feel wide in- stead of sixty. H the Exploration company failed to go ahead with its scheme, it would be a paying invest- ment, some claimed, for Kingston to that large vessels could 'get into the lower har- bor. Then the finance committee re considered its former and the mayor withheld his signature to the agreement. Further meetings took place, and on March Sih, it was de cided to recommend to the council the purchase of the bridge for $14,850 and the construction of an eghty-foot spun, with pile foundation, the by- law for submission to the people, on April 4th, to be for $30,000. This re the committee was 80 action, commendation of adopted by the council om March 9th. A majority vote will pass the by- law." The city engineer is preparing plans and specifieations for the spun, and work will be begun as soon as possible after the passage of the by- law. The span can be completed by August Ist. The dredging around the bridge can be done after the span is complete, for the pile foundation will be forty feet below the surface of the water, and (he dredging will not af- fect it. At present the ment pays $1,485 a year for the use of the bridge for the Royal Military College and other military purposes. This will pay the interest on the $30,- 000. Then the expeetjng that the government will double this rental, so that the principal expend- ed will also he taken of. The tolls, if still collected, will maintain the bridge. The Whig will deal with the subject again, and as the information can he collected. The manifest 'duty of a pub- lic journal is to enquire into all the details, so that its readers may know all that ean contribute to a sound and satisfactory judgment. The marvel so far is (hat the alderman who has dogmatically damned the scheme the one who has been absent from his post of duty and who has not, from his place in the council, attempted to give light upon the issue. Dominion govern- council is care is EDITORIAL NOTES, So the Intarcolomial railway had a surplus of $700,000 for the last finau- vial year. That's the result of :com- mission rule, and the enforcement oi business care and economies in every branh of the business. of say- Mr. Bosworth, the vice-president the C.P.R., has no hesitation in ing that Sir William Van Horne spdaks for himself, 'und not for the great railway, of which he a director. There is a special significance in this. is that cost estimates will A meas- Hon. Mr. Graham the Hydson's Bay railway 230,000,000, or $35,000,000, ure, authorizing this enterprise, be introduced later on in the session. {Oh, Laurier's is the government that does things. will C.P.R. cerned about the agreement, Vice-President Bosworth that whether it is passed by parliament or not the eompany will do business at the stand, and with the old measure of success. Why not ? The is not seriously = con- trade says The enlarged Welland canal is as sured. The question of route has to be settled, but that issue is not a serious one. The board of trade here is to be congratulated upon the suc cess of ita labours for it undoubted largely influenced the government in its decision. ---- Sir William Mackenzie was at first opposed to reciprocity, Now he has nothing to say. Sir Donald Mann favours it. Sir Thomas Shaughnessy is non-committal on the subject. It is strange that the big guns are silent while the little guns are making all the noise they can. BRAND NEW THING. Deadliest of Explosives Owhed hy United States. Boston, March 14.--That the United States g wernment controls a brand new explosive which will prove envy of every nation in the world was the ation of Hudson Max- im, the inventor, Fiz Ye CALL TO THE WEST QUITE NUMBER LEAVING FROM THIS DISTRICT. Likely to Cause Greater Shortage of Farm Help--Great Demand All Over the Country for Mechanics-- Rush Earlier Than Usual. } The great west is calling many men' from this district, Quite a few have left within the past few weeks, and ac- . cordin to the reporte of the railroad officials, there is ikely to be quite a rush until the end of April, when the' cheap rates for settlers will expire, | Ticket agents have been busy giving: out infermation regarding rates, ete. : I'he majority going out to the west are young men, but in some cases whole families are going out, taking | all their household goods with them, with the intention of slocatimg there. Not only are men going out from this district in quite large numbers, | but repbrts go to show that all along | the line, there is a general move west ward. Phe effects of the migration 'are likely to be quite serious to both the farmers and the manufacturers, as it will cause a great shortage of help. Farm help has been very scarce for some years, and this will mean that it will be harder than ever to get help. Every season some of the farmers have a very dificult time to secure men. The call to the west is reaching so many, Just last week four carloads of et. ters' effects left Kingston over the Kingston & Pembroke railway, and the C.P.R., for the west. Those leaving this district are settling in different parts of Manitoba, Alberta and othe: provinces, The. rush this year is somewhat earlier than usual." Skilled labor will bo scarce, and there is a demand for mechanics all over the country. Re ports sav that, thousands of emigrants are on their way west, and that many thousands more are booked to come later from England and other Euro- pean countries, et ---- Obstruction Not Allowed. Hamilton Times. _ While Sir Wilirid Laurier w mg, on Tuesday, & number of tory members interrupted him. The pre- mier, who is courteous to a fault, said he did not object to this, but he pre- ferred to answer all these questions in committee. The somewhat fresh Major Cutrie (Simcoe) bobbed up to sneer that 'in committee a minister of the crown was bound to answer, and "had not the right to dispute the right of any member to ask a question." The house was astonished to hear such go statement from ome of its members, and the deputy speaker promptly in. formed the jejeune major that there was no such rule. Currie backed down, but, continuidg to assert that the deputy speaker's ruling 'was "an inno ution, * Yat official invited him to appeal to the house. The a 1 was ( not taken. Major Cutrie's Fale" per mitting the house to five all sorts of questions at a speaker, and requiring him, to answer them, would suit the puthose of obsiructionists. but too w . as speak: Desiring a Declaration. Hamilton Herald The prime minister owes it to the industrial interests of the country to make a plain statement of the gov crunment's intentions with regard to the tarifi on manufactures. It is the Her- ald's belief that no further changes ate contemplated; but what is needed is an authoritative assurance to that effect. In the absence of such an assurance, iv is to be feared that the prospective good resulting from the reciprocity agreement will be offset by present in- jury to Canadian industrial intevests. Let Sir Wilirid tell the manufacturers to be of good cheer--that the policy of the governmeyt is to help Canadian industries with 5 stable tariff as well us to help Canadian agriculture by ex- tending the markets for Cinadian farm products. ---------- Must Pay Full Duties. New York, March 14.--In the last ten days the trunks of some forty returning milliners and dressmakers, containing goods conservatively valued at $100,000, have been sent from the steamship piers to the appraisers' stores for careful examination against under-valuation. ' Costly Derailment. Brockville, Ont., March 14,--Sunday night a piteh-in oecurred in the Grand Trunk yards between two portions of a freight train being made up. Seven cars were derailed, two loaded. Three were so badly demolished that it was found necessary to burn them. Years of Satisfaction. You'll find that the only Bicycle Tire which will continuously satisfy you is the Dunlop Detachable. It has been conducting a "satisfaction" campaign since 1888, kill Gibf "Montserrat lime fruit juice' typhoid fever germs. Sold at ron's. A bankuet and presentation was teh- lered to the conservative whip, Dr. Ii. F. Preston, M.P.P., at Toronto. Joseph Tait, surrogate registrar, To- ronto, was seriously hurt by falling down an elevator shaft. isla presents another ultimatum to Chinese troops marching on Kuldja. | To Keep the Hair . Fluffy and Lustrous {Eastern Style Reporter.) "It is easy to k the hair fluffy , with the natural color # Too much moisture the hair dull and faded, caus- i by simply mixing four amotone with half a pound a {Railway Trai Buy bi From. Specialists In diseases of Skin, Blood, Nerves, Bladder ard Special Ail. a A aviaable i If iposs One visit a able ; im ib sed history for free opinion and RS. vice tion blank asd book on men free. Consultation free. Medicine furuished - in tablet : 10 am. to 1 p.m, and undays, 10 am. to 1 pw. DRS. SOPER & WHITE 35 Toronto Street, Torente, Ont, > W. P. O'BRIEN, 57 St. Francois Xavier St, MONTREAL, Member MONTREAL STOCK EXGHANGE Long Distance Telephone Mair $936 CORRESPONDENCE SOLICITED, S. J. WILSON, Member Dominion Exchange, Itd., MINING LISTED AND UNLISTED SECURITIES. CORRESPONDENCE INVITED. 14 King St. East. "Phone Main 4228, TORONTO, Ont. -> The Anvil Chorus : Is Pretty--But | ¢1t Doesn't Get You 4 p-- ) Hollinger at $3.50 p was like buying the whole north country. Almost everybody poo- hooed Swastika at 25 cents. ' ¢ I am prepared to execute buy- ing orders on Preston East Dome and advise its purchase at the market. J.M. WALLACE BROKER, TORONTO, "Phones Main 1944-5. 4 ~eaee GANANOQUE TIDINGS. A Banquet Held at Grace Methodist Church, Gananoque, March 14.~The Ladies' Aid of Graee church, assisted by the Shredded Wheat company, héld a big banquet in the lecture room of the church last evening. An excellent menu was enjoyed by 400 people. After the banquet a concert was held in tho auditorium. The proceeds of this ban quet are to augment the anniversary fund. Edwin Trot, ill for some time past, has so far recovered as to be able to resume his duties. ¥.X. Belnois, left vesterday for To ronts to spend a few days. W. J, Bulloch, Glenholme Farm, is spending some time in Guelph. W. 8S. Mclon- ald, spending a short timg in Mon treal with his father, Charles MeDon ald, has retursed home, Mr. and Mrs, fiordon Richardson, Arthur street, leave, to-day, to ldeate in the west Races at Colebrook. Colebrook, March 13.--The Colebrook races, last Thursday, resulted as fol lows In the 2.50 class, Rex W., owned by Dr. Benson, Napanee, took first mon ey, taking theethree first heats; Brino Bars, owned by James Powell, Napa nee, was second, Livery Boy, owned by Peter Cronter, third, and Nellie Wax, owned by Frank letherland, fourth. Time of Rex W., 2.18, 2.20, ali. Named race--Mandie, owned by G. D. Garrison, Colebrook, won first money, taking first, third and fourth heats; Colebrook Maid, Ira Salsbury, Colebrook, 'owner, was seeond, taking second, first and two thirds; Hickory Pete, owned by H. Sexsmith, New- burgh, third money, taking two thirds and two second heats: Bessie (., own ed by Peter Cronter, Yarker, fourth. I'he Orangemen of Colebrook 1.0.1 held their annual oyster supper in the hall Friday evening. Nelson Walker and family have removed to Stanley Hart's house. Everett Shangraw, ol Marlbank, is moving into his home here. rl ------------ Soom to be Decided, Toronto, March 14. Whether the gow ent will build a branch line of the Temiskaming railway to City and Gowganda will be settled in a couple of weeks. The figures from the different mines with guarantees of ore as freight have been received by the government and last night ¥ R. Mickel, mines assessor, was t to the two camps to check these over and make an independefit inves tigation, Didn't Know "Twas Loaded. Ingersoll, Ont., March H.--Joseph Nonello, an Halian, will face trial for shpoling "Fdward Ball, the eleven: year-old son of Fdward Ball. The Malian says he did not know the weapon was loaded when he pointed it at the boy. Increases of from ten to twenty per cent. for employers of the Intercolo- nial railway have lwen arranged after with the Protherhood of nmen, fruit juice™ fib a" at son's. At Bt. Paal. Mion, two women and one man were killed and several others injured when an elevator in an whole snle honse dropped several storeys full of empiovess. ] Biicks flow in New York and seversl Tuesds: 3 Elk BIBBY'S lini Store Closes Saturday Evenings at 10 o'clock. Spring The Castle, $20, Suits E WwW spring trade with the finest showing of suits that we have ever had so early in the season. If we have forecasted the SPRING FASHIONS correctly, men are going to be better dressed this spring than ever before. ! , Patterns run from the sober plain mixtures and the modest blues to the smart checks and stripe effects in grays, olives, and 'the new browns. Coats are a trifle shorter, soft wide lapels, plain back or center vent. Trousers are cut easy fitting and shapely. Everything now blossoms with spring freshness, and choosing at this writing will be an easy task. Taw SUITS The Varsity, $15.00 The Count, $18.00 The Emperor, $22.50 OVER New 1911 The. Grosvenor, The $12.50 COATS Spring Styles Gloster, The - Chestersicld, $10 $12.50 and $15 $7.00 ~~, SEE OUR NEW RAINCOATS to $12.50 A Beauty for $200. Fown Dents and New Hats, New Gloves, New Shirts Dainty and Gen- es' make. teel, $1, 1.25, 1.50 BIBBY"S = stl ting the Siomichs and Bowels of ES CR AT TT Promoics Digestion Cheerful || ness and Rest. Contains neither Morphine nor Mineral. NArcoOTIC. of' YORK. » old > z SASS Alb 13 Dosis LXACT COPY OF WRAPPES, A Thing to Remember, When apprehended and, charged wit larceny, the man had admitted bh H i 5 ! { him. with such brilliancy, * un, " seid the judge, Po he judge, You wust decide bot fiwn it, but at jis frial hix attorney with prisoner seve , Sed he br them. Passe CASTORIA or For Infants anc Children. {The Kind You Have Always Bought ls o @ Bears the For Over Thirty Years GASTORIA 3 THE CENTAUN QOMPANT. % W TORK SITY, F "There is one thine to remember, ser tlemen.. . The prisoner was there and hin counsel wa Hetropolibun Maparine, 5 So ------------ President Diaz is suffering from tu xtenlsy alfection, which ix likely to » Fatal any tie : h iw wot