THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, SATURDAY x dont del end MARCH 18, 1911. : . - a -- -- - . - TO PURCHASE CATARAQUI BRIDGE ro pending @ Juabth with het 200 st A N D Wi D EN I H E D RAW B R D G E ed to Newburgh on Monday. R. Paul -- Voting on By-Law, Wednesday, April 5th, 1911 ¢ PAGE TEN. § E------ # R.J. RED. | . - EE -- NEWS OF NEIGHBORS WHAT WHIG CORRESPONDENTS TELL US. here attended the sale at J. Huyck's on Wednesday. The stork visited R. Grange's and left a baby boy. A num- ber of the farmers around here are sending their cream to Toronto. Miss Ethel Fitzpatrick is spending a few days' on the Deseronte Road. V. Storms and family, of Prince Edward, called on friends here Sunday. Mrs. J. Gonu returned home on Wednesday af The Tidings From Various Points in Eastern Ontario--What People Are Doing and What They are Saying. ath, 'March 16.--Thomas Bain is . attending the grand lodge of AO. UW. Visitors Xr. yo Mrs. 1 oy at in Toronto, School was opened on e's J: Booth ean HL. Monday in the mew building. William and Mrs: A. Parks and Mr. aud 3s Ross, . of Port Colborne, is visiting McCabe at W. Hunt's is * here. The recent soft weather has made i News From Kepler, travelling on the bay here very un- safe put the severe cold ig of Kepler, March 16.-Mrs. Stabard hursday has made it better. alter |» still remains very poorly, Miss Rikley left for Brockville last week, Velma Lawson has returned from having secured a position there. Bath, accompanied by her cousin, Miss Lawrence. The Woman's Missionary Society met at Mrs. Ambrose Orser's, on Monday, whem Mrs. Orser kindly provided refreshments for the com- pany, Miss Babcock i visiting in the city. Mrs. Redmond is spending a few days with her son at Harrow- smith. Visitors: John Donnell, Jr, and wife, Toronto, at his father's, John Donnell, Sr.: Miss Velma Lawson and Miss Inda lawrence, Bath, at A. Townsend's; George Wood and wile, and Mrs. Newton O'Brien, Sydenham, at Thomas Rarvett's; Hubert A. Town- send, Wiltdn, at his father's; Miss Bennington, Sydenham, at Stanard iuess'; Miles Orser and sister, Flor- ence, visited in the ity recently; James Foy, Exeter, England, at Her- bert Johnston's. $ Death at Hadington. Hartington, March 16.--On Friday morning, 10th inst., William Camp- sall, an old and respected resident of this place, passed away. Mr. Camp- sall was born in England seventy-seven years ago, but came to this country when a boy and has resided in this vicinity almost all the time since. He was married to Miss Lucinda Simp- kins, who survives him. The funeral service was conducted at the house by Rev. Mr. Boyce, of Wilton, Sunday, at 2 pm. Of a meek and unassuming character, deceased was a favorite with all, and his death marks the removal of another old and familiar landmark. JOR lunch, dinner, or on those occasions when good fellows get together, you can't find better ale than WHITE LABEL ALE It has character, uni- form purity, and an un- usval deliciousness to d i sha d Ci New Goods Arig Daly Special Line of Rockers. Large Golden Oak Rockers, | same as cut, $6.50 Golden Oak Rockers, Leatl.- er, $8.50, 10.50 and up. Couches, $4.50 and up. Extension Couches, $12 50, 135), , R. J. REID Phone 577 A By-law toraise by way .« ...: OF loan, the sum of beiiire io'b2 madd rink «. bort 1 : $30,000 for the pur- rLauired, hich said debentures Rideau Wacd--Poillug Sub-division M ni i E 1 2 the } a) r Ty x MIA a : epi ty : Hopi lly or pose herein mentioned. and WHEREAS m Street Hers Returning © Of Sub-division B ess Street John ruling Officer Sub-division Andrew can pass 1 drawbridgé and a deepened by ------ waters of th Doings at Donaldson, [orined by Donaldson, March 16.--G, Paul has moved on to the farm that he pur chased from J. Allen, L. Morrow, Jr., has moved on to the Cameron farm. J. Thurston purchased a fine colt from L. Morrow, Sr. He now has a splen- did matched team. W. Gi, Mundell got badly hurt by a falling limb, while working in the woods. 3S. J. Allen moved back on to parcel of parcel co smelter site A id tracted and agre t tween } dated Joyceville Budget. Joyceville, March 16.--A large num- ber attended the house social at W. J Johuston's Friday evening. Fire des- troyed the residence of John Heaney last week. Joseph Keys, Atkinson, |? has rented the blacksmith shop. He intends taking possession May 1st. 1. fixed machi vessels i such dock Have You a Feather Bed ? Why not have it made into a modern Sanitary Mattress. Feathers ('leaned and newest method We will Buy your Uld Bed. Dominion Feather Co., KING StREET (Opposite 8t. George's Church). Drop a card and our agent will call by best its flavor. ORDER FROM RIGNEY and HICKEY, 136 and 138 Princess St. BREWED BY DOMINION BREWERY CO. Ltd. Toronto. W. H. Kells, reeve of Elzevir, has purchased the well-known Tumelty farm in Madoc toyTship for $14,000. He will mvp thie at an early dase : J aN Vest Pocket Size of EDDY'S j Famous "SILENTS' = {Every stick a match A §" every mafeh a light, light a sfead even flame rapa De-Light" for the Smoker --Try a Box. Always ever: The Tavest Mateh Creation Greafegt Mateh Manufactory ew ATTENTION WHEN YOU REQUIRE ANY 8 Tinsmithing, Gas-Fitting, Plumbing or Hot Water CALL Elliott OOOO or o, 8 Pe ve ol Heating Done up Bros., 77 Princess Street. Telephone 35. All orders promptly attended to, $1 8 PEAEATIRIRIID EDN seesaw Just received a shipment of Girls' School Boots, sev- eral kinds in tho lot. Just what you need for this tin of year, All Good and Strong We are going to sell them at \ ! 50 . Sizes 11 to 2. | and family have their farm near Antoine Lake. John Mundell and family intends leaving for the west on or March. Miss Mundell is visiting friends here for a few days last week, Miss Campbell is visiting her sisters, Mrs, Morrow and Mrs. Ryder. Miss L. Allen has returned home after spend- ing a month at Snow Road, Tamworth Continuation School. Tamwoith, "March 16. --A deputation from Tamworth went to Napanee? on Tuesday last and met the county council and asked them for a con- tinuation school for Tamworth, which they granted unanimously. The build ing will. be erected as soon as the weather permits, Mr. and Mrs. James Morris are at D. Way's. George Way, of Peterboro, is visiting his parents. Archibald Smith is visiting here, The sad news reached here yesterday morning of the death of Mrs, Boulger, of Watertown, N.Y. Bruce Richardson and Mr irown attended the grand lodge of Orangemen af Smith's Falls, Selby Cream for Toronto. Selby, March 16.--~A number from pe Restores color to Gray or Faded hair--Removes Dan- druff and invigorates the Scalp --Promotes a luxuriant, healthy hair growth--Stops its falling out. Isnot a dye. 00 and S0¢ at Drug St direct upot os of price -- oho angie Scud 10¢ for sam bottle. Philo Hay Specialties Co., Newark, N. J, USA, REFUSE ALL SUBSTITUTES Jas. B. McLeod, Agent DOCTORS FAILED TO Cured by Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound Pound, Wis. -- "I am glad to an- nounce that I have been cured of dys. -- psia and female roubles by your] medicine. I had been troubled with both for fourteen Jeans and consulted fferent doctors, but failed to get any relief. After using L; E. Pinkham's I can't find words to express my thanks for the good your icine has done me. You may publish this if you wish." ~Mrs. HERMAN S1ETH, Pound, Wis. The success of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, made from roots and herbs, is unparalleled. It may be used with perfect con by women who suffer from displacements, inflam. mation, ulceration, fibroid tumors, ir. regularities, periodic pains, backache, bearingdown feeling, flatulency, indi. gestion, dizziness, or nervous prostra- For thirty years Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable ta has been the standard remedy for female ills, and suffering women owe it to the: to at least give this medicine a trial. Proof is abundant that it has cured thousands of others. and why should it not cure you? If you want special advice write Mrs. Lyn i rs. Pinkham. hat ot if. about the 20th of mselves | {racr. across the throat of the a i McCary is suffering from grippe. Misses Lena Joyce and Loretta Mur phy are in Gananoque taking a course in dressmaking. 1), Campbell has rented B. Wilmot's farm. I. 'Trotter, Sarnia, spent a few days in this vici- nity before leaving for Vancouver, Ii, C. Many attended the opening of the knglish ~~ church Sunday Wilson Franklin has returned home after spending two months at the military school, Toronto. B. Franklin left last week to take charge of a school in the north of the county. Sympathy is extended to Mrs. W. J. Franklin, owing to the death of her mother, Mrs. James Atkinson. Visitors: Mrs Webber at J. Mullin's; Mr. and Mrs J, MecCalpin, Taylor, at W. Woods'; Mrs. L. Joyee and J. L. Joyce, at M. J. Shortall's, Brewer's Mills; H. Cairns, at W. Woods'; Mr. and Mrs. J. Greenley, at P. Joyee's; Mr. and Mrs. L. Murphy, at Mrs. McBride's, Cushendall, Married at Battersea. Jattersea, March 17.--A pretty wed ding took place at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. John Robb, where their sister Jennie was united in marriage to Harold W, Sleeth. Ihe ceremony, which took place under an arch of evergreen, and lilies-of the-valley was performed by Rev. W. K. Shortt, in .| the presence of immediate relatives of the contracting parties. The bride, who was given awav hy her brother, wore a gown of champagne silk with trimmings of insertion, and overlace, and carried a bouquet of white car. nations and lilies-of-the-valley. The groom's gift to the bride was a cres. cent: pin. The ide was unattended, with the exception of Miss Lilian Clark, who acted as flower girl. Her travelling suit was of brown Queen's cloth, with plush trimmings and a smart Tuscan hat, with brown plumes After the ceremony, refreshments were served in the dining room A large number of handsome and useful pres ents were received from numerou friends of both parties showipg the esteem in which they are held. At Mountain Grove, Mountain Grove, March 16.~Mr. and Mrs. W, A. McKnight were "at home" to a number of their friends on Tues day evening. The evening was pleas antly spent with music, And games un til about midnight, when refreshments were served, after which the guests re, turned home, pronouncing it one of the most enjoyable evenings they had ever spent. The tea meeting on the 10th inst, in aid of the Sunday school fund was decided success: £36.70 long Lake friends rendered valuable | wssistance. A few from here attended proceeds evening. Alfred Barr left on Tuesda | for his home, Deloraine, Man., | carload of horses and potatoes Mr left for the west on Tuesday. G. A Price left for his home, Lampman, Sask., on Monday, Miss Pearl Crozier, of Sydenham High school, is at home. Mr. and Mrs. 8. Cowdy loft on Fn day last to attend the faneral of F. Cox and children and J. J. Wa, tat M. W. Price's: Wilson Cronk, Wag érville, at A. Cronk's: Mr. and Mrs D. J. Cronk, at Parham. J. 1 is able to be out driving, after a se vere attack of inflammatory rhenma tism. Owners of hounds should chasing a deer on Sundav last. Lum bering is about over and the vard shows a large output for the season's work. Rev. Mr, Garrett, Ay. den and Mr. Richmond changed pul pits on Sunday last. ---- WORKMAN KILLS CONTRACTOR. In Quarrel Over Demand for Pay Laborer Cuts Employer's Throat. Mt. Yernon, N.Y, March 17.--An golo Mastrangelo, a labor contractor was killed here vesterday because he would not comply with the demand of two of his workmen to give them the money they said they had earned yesterday and Monday. In & quarrel that followed cue of the men drew a colt tanan, severing his meck from ear to . ed int his hallway and died there: «| -------- Mr. sad Mrs. Hilliard Elliott and daughter, after a visit with 000 as particularly agreement AND WHEREAS ment of the Kingston purpose bridge of said price sald City share or bridge: thus lea this By-law bridge the . AND WHE of widening be the # the said Cnt phed i bridge under 1 named | I AND WI raise the purposes ures of the Co Kingston and authorizing the € AND WHEREAS th debt to be created bn said WHEREAS the required to be raised the curre rate on thereto for interest 1 i s $2307 AND WHEREAS t whole rateable Municipality, 3 vised year 1911 AND WHER} existing debe: ipality, a ------ ee 0000000000000 oe 0000000000000 Harris Heavy Pressure Babbit Metal is Perfection. For all machinery bearings. THE CANADA METAL CO., LTD., - TORONTO HELP HER: tea meeting at Parham the same | 9 with a | and Mrs. Charles Parker and children <PsychineiFREE This: Heing iil is enrions business, Acthird~of a.century, ago. Paychine It "uspally commences if a subtle Wadewemarkable cures. | their daughter, the late Mrs. Redmond, | | Harrowsmith. Visitors: Mr. and Mrs, | Clark i keep | them confined as there were one or two | | eal up every germ of disease thal in-simcrease and strengthen the white cor wound | friends at Tweed, have returned theft bome at Kisby, Seek. ie fashion, almost unconsciously. T . i i£*is° mak remarkable Yet if you do not check your {Ilness, a ns it grows and grows. And one fine day you find you're Ease. Galion ot sick. ES Runireis of Dioveanss of people The greatest scavengers of therbedy Puel, are the white corpuscles, or phagocytes Wo? § in the blood. Because Peychine-is largely made np These white corpuscles attack ands of thossherds that-scientists now know puscles, the tes. That's why we of vades the body. That is when they ars strong esough 2 3 nmi and in sufficient numbers. dreds of thousands of a If they're not strong enough, then,timonials, that's why we can afford they wage an unequal buy and give awsy hundreds of they are finally overcome by *their'thousands of* 60-cent les of Psy- more powerful enemies. bes ge Brit og Bondy SR The body becomes steadily sicker and sicker until actual disease setsin. =n % 1a Grippe Propchitis Now, we have had all sorts of. so- « Hemorrhage Bore Throns called cures And a great many people have:geri . Ansemia NOTICE. RERY GIVEN THAT Notice To Leaseholders od to BIBBY'S GAB STAN No Sick Person can Afford to-throw away>thisschancestosget a-S0c. bottle of your drugpéet an order (for which we pay him the regular retail price) for a i0cent bottle of Psychine to be given you {ree of cost. We will undoubtedly buy and: dis tribuié in this manner, hundreds of thousands of these (0cent botties of Paychine. And we do that to show our entire confidence In this wonderful prepara thon. A confidence that has-been based on our 10 years' experience with this splendid preparation, with a fall know ledge of the hundreds of thousands of cures ii has made. COUPON Na. 19 To the Dr. T. A. SLOCUM; Lad 193-195. Spadina. Ave.. Tosames your offer to a 50. botlle Bi-kean) as expense. 1 have not hed a 0c of Puychine under this plana. drugyist 0 dedver ously endangered their health ex- ; Female Wenknes perimenting with them. 7 Indigestion But years ago---befors even science was able to tell we bad the righ¥ treat. ment. for-disease---viz, herbs, nature's ~ own. remedies. | Now-thatscience canmtall to amabso- - ute. certainty, wa know~why, certain Gerdes cove disease, ~~ Poor Appetite © Chills and Fevers Rlenplossress and Nervous Trouhies Attereivs of Pleurisy, " Now we. don't-ask' | Becsusspihey atrengthens and tn-$word for : the 5c. bottle of the tremendously "beneficial druggist and direc: Th VA Sr ANAC Sirs of Payhive, Pll oft the con ox ] . Sd - below, mall 3 to ov aud. well give - Sil, 3 & ht ts