- THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, SATURDAY, MARCH 18. 1911. PAGE ELEVEN. HOTEL PIRUCIORY. ---- [sasssnnsnnananancccs l- ind ev must g th A her owy I IE ouR CONSIGNMENT 80 to the STEWART HOUR Le ¢ (blood wk : A di Of Green and BI 'eas trom Cey errs ie | SICK HEADACHES [£5 costar Hally §|. 75: 2... vest) FLIST YOUR PROPERTIES NOW | 5 ie som i, a mens," snapped madame FOR SALE OR TO RENT ing at 30¢ per Ib TRAVELLING. {4 By FRANCIS A. COREY. EE -- Bt rive: ag SALES NEGOTIATED, RENTS COLLECTED. J ANDREW MACLEAN, | . + should her imo S ay @ FIRE INSURANCE. . i Ontario Street. RA in 3 ked ! CONVEYANCING AND REAL ESTATE. . PITVVIAVAARVVVRAVVVNANNP] utiful mo "Fruit-a-tives " Completely Cured Me. x Pausing ust outside the massive For a few days all went well, Leg Bl k hc v LAKELET, ONT., May 12th. 191 eateway Li Graham gaia) na thal. lie - wrote madame's letters, read to a ec 1 ompson, THE AMER AN . T EE . "I$ is , § v wom an Bb TuTN cab ¥ ha 3 i . i REDUCED RATES--FAUIFIC UOASY. It foamy Sum belief that every watnan (D8 Prose ad a i and | her, performed the duties of lady's OVER NORTHERN CROWN BANK. MARKET SQUARE, In effect until April 10th inclusive should ake Frujt-a-tives A shewants 1) 8 very tangled garden maid. She would have welcomed ay, 'Phone 286 KINGSTON, ONT. : CAFE Bo inss aoe . ii ith i bt ee. that o : } the Kk 3 o SECOND CLASS COLONIST P. ARE TO Befoh ere n Rood Ea I was This charming place should have t ask that gave 4 y o Hg Nelnon, Vancouver, Victoria ore in 11 i on} h I in the charming use Axl then - Westminster, constantly troubled with what is com. {been her home. It had been in the 1 ralize wh -- = : > = 185 Wellin ton St Seattle, re Troma, monly known as "Nerves" or severe |Graham family for 200 years. But her | *he began dimly Bat Re Me hg - ; ; i a e ington : Wash, Nervousness. This extreme Nervous. present abode was the hall bedroom |® s id pas ol the Ha. h gu Wer of or The p-to-date Restaurant San' Praneisen, Lon Angelen ness brought on the most violent attacks [of a cheap' lodging-house; amd ber | Which she sig gh utworth and Eating House, Separate 1 appartments. = Well furnished San Diego, Cal, " erod had already become of Sick Headache, for which I was [crochety old grandmother dwelt alone She fairly haunted the dear old gar. 50 YEARS E XPERIE NCE and lighted. Mexico City, Mex, | i } i hall hb 1 Low rates to many other points. constantly taking Doctor's medicine. | ig vthe ancestra alls with a small re- 4 the i where } fat) 1 2 ) Constipation was also a source of | tinue of servants. eh. She Anew just where uer lather : Try our full eourss dinner TOURIST SLEEPING CARS, pa ey = 3 had loved to play when a boy, where We Leave Kingston for Chicago on | Kreat trouble for which the Doctors said Thrice had Leslie written within six wed - : Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays "I would have to take medicine all my ths maki vert ard 4 . | be had walked and dreaw as a man | month aking o ures toward a re The sweet tangle with its lallowed THOS GUY, Prop. Rt "Asam. Berths avallable for ac- | fife" but 'Pruit-a-tives" has banished | Ii y o o reconciliation. But her letters had : : modation of Samengers Joiding these troubles and I am a well woman. | been promptly returned with the tw | "Otiations had a charm of which she y 2 } # : ment of nominal charge. Connection When I started taking *' Fruit-a-tives"' | words, "Not. wanted," indorsed upop | PeYOr tired. a made with trains carrying 'cars of | took four at a time, but have rednced. | One late twilight she wandered uy For ul Informations apply to the dose so that it is only necessary |'Be back. der. the trees until the gold was quite EXTRA GRANULATED SUGAR on, | Leslie herself was wot to blame ic J. P. HANLEY, Agent. for me to take one in a week, and that {this stiortanaie at Da The gone from the sky. She had flung ' IS ABSOLUTELY PURE : Afternoon Teas... Corner Johnston and Ontario Sts. | one "Fruit-a-tives" tablet every week h . is about her a wrap 'of oriental silk, Tong : 1 keeps me well'. Mrs. PRED GADKE. | trouble dated twenty years back--be- and voluminous. It had eon hes "he first and great atial of a food prada 4 oy = I : a - Will be complete KINCsTONg (LLUT: 3 [thee proud oki woman had disowned |*1® entered ihe quaint old library 1ave never been quest with some of in Connection With {fie ed himself; but not even his daugh- violently to her feet "That cloak, : most shrieked. F d by the pocad aloud, to berself. The aristocratic old he So humid a 3 The Canada Zagar Refining Co. Phene. 797. tickets on sale daily March 10 to picture, and' slowly same wrap glanced at jt SPOKANE, WASH. ? a Amy Burton opened the door of her] "Now I know why vou look like an where her grandmother and Hug zh sat CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY, er"s povetty and friendliness had soft- 2¥3 served witl . "I've half a mind to go and tell Without waiting for a reply she . : . § % place drew her like a magnet. It would sad held a card photograph up to | acific Coast ; [oe he Beaves: ts Hive owe: wht. Lath Re pol wi MONTREAL, CANADA. Limited SHIUISISIHAMISRINT ITI April 10th, at the following rates : 5 il | the dreary boardmg-house, then at the girl, white as the lace a VANCOUVER, B.C. 5 ( It is wonderful how quickly own room, showing a litter of hali- Jactress ! That dancing puppet of the ; 15.10 {fore her day--when Madame Graham's nthe' Sk Nn had it } , s still hac he: uri t eT r ity of our } fan ! omly son 'married a pretty getress, and Se on When ty al our 1.xtra Grany RAILWAY J : i Ee way _ lean sion i a as Ihe in the lamphight 10 tke n n th other Sugars and ; s ink do or ose love he had sacri One look and the old lady started voit will not be sa d or «t Redpath. GRIMM S Delicious How did you come by it *"" che al ! * Sivays serve wi ] A 3 ¢ 1ened miadame's obdurate heart i on on \ pt mm RED Sea ce ream P yy Nn rem ' En du 1 REDUCED F ARES TO i : : grandma I've come to stay," she said * y N 1 { One way second class colonist 5 | She turned her back on the alluring huh mother's picture taken in this self | Established is 1853 by John Redpath For Our Bi mi p ? r wended her way to Madame i ee. en. en oem from Kingston :-- 3 { As she gained the upper landing |her throat VICTORIA, get better when taking * Fruit- res'. packed trunks and empty boxes. footlights was vour mother ! 13, CAT 4, BH, PE A aa Hl was, These famous frnit tablets relieve head. Come in, Leslie," she said eagerly. Leshe drew herself up. "Yes, and | PORTLAND, OREGON aches and tone up the whole nervous 'I'm jn trouble, and 'you can help me lam proud of the fact," she said. "Whe : system. They regulate the bowels, (out. -I heard vou say vesterday that would not be proud of such a mothe LOS ANGELES, La : N | BAN ¥ RANG . ron $47. 05 strengthen the stomach, stimulate the [Vi were out of a ple ace. 1 applied to the best woman in the world---and i! Br BAN DIEGO, CAL appetite, and take away that pain in the | Madam Graham, of Overlook, for the | the most beautiful 7 MEXICO CITY, MEX. io Pale, weak, Ya women | position of companion. Word has just Madame sat down heavily, pounding Full particulars at K. & P. and | should always use " Fruit-a-tives'. |come that 1 am to report for duty im- [the arta of her chair with her fist. C.P.R. Ticket Office, Ontario Street. soc. a box, 6 for $2.50, trial size, 25¢. | ediately, and here's a telegram from] "You dare say that--to me?' she { F. CONWAY, At dealers or sent on receipt of price by {home saving mother is very ill and fevied, her voice rising louder and Gen. Pass. Agent. Pruit-a-tives Limited, Ottawa. I'm wanted there." sharper with each word. "Leave my ------ { Amy. crushed the vellow envelope house--this instant ! BAY OF QUINTE RAILWAY, W HAT CAL! SES DANDRUFF? nervously in her hand, pale with emo Leslie turned, with a wonderful « Train leaves Union Station, Oatarle St ---- tion ture that was a legacy from rest, 4 p.m, Ll Sunday excepted) | Greatest European Authority i What do you want me to do ¥'|*tage. On the threshold she paused an Le Fa r Tweed, Bydenham, Napan Deaser- 4 al nt th Skin Diseases Says It's a Germ. slie articulated faintly mstant onto, Bannockburn and "poi ' : To secure quick deapato "io to Overlook and keep the place "Grandmother," she said, "I want burn, Maynooth, and po! s on Ihe old idea that dandruff is scales , , | you to forgive me for coming here ipments \ = ; Ontario route your a "ve Bay | of skin thrown off, through a feverish [until I return to claim it." : : A Dug ' i te x ke this. My poor father had told me 8¢ Quinte Railway, Por further Barth | condition of the soaly is expladed.;| Leslie clutched a chnir to steady lies so moh about Oni had told we £00n reverse your opinion ular ., h apply DICKBON, at | Unna, Hamburg, Germany, Eu. |seli. She did not believe in chance, ba i f- his -bovhood 1 " } t ropenn authority on skin diseases, {but she did believe in Providence. For sappy Sars of bis oy hom Lome about all these cereal foods being Cen Ss says dandruff is germ disease. The [all she was a Graham, it was ceptain \ Ie 8" ALLAN LINE Hires BULTOws Node Tr oo tity hat a a am, es this JAtkd he always spoke tenderly, fory wis. just about alike" --once you've tasted / ing up lite scales of cutie fact in connection with the aristocratic (KF 0 YOU. 1® Oves] you in spite o the crisp, wholesome savor of that different scales cuticle, and | 3 . your x CEN Io PY C mistress of - Overlook. : She did not ha shnes or he never would i ' sapping the vitality of the hair | t ve peli, 8 vou." : SIGMSND OY, IB. |i Ch ch oy Peg er in be met et son |] coro re that kills dandruff germ is Newbro's now. What she did sav, after a mo AR i THE WPINEST VLEET . Bn ll . PBA away. her face. Hugh came close up NGER STEAMERS ON THE | HUrpicide. "Destroy the cause, you re- | ment's thinking, was this: to the hafi-sobbing girl and took her LAWRENCE ROUTE. move the effect.' Not only cures dan 'Very well, Amy, I'll go. hands in his. Kr SUMMER SAILINGS. druff, but stops falling hair and per- | An hour later she stood aga at the "I. am vour friend." he whispered, wits a luxuriant growth Delightful | Overlook gate, looking into the lovely "Now and alwavs Don't forget f h k buy 5S arpet Sweeper, a a- M hair dressing, : green tangle. This time the gate was | Look for the name on the package) or savery at little cost ontreal to Liverpool Sold hy leading druggists. Send 106.| closed. As she tugged at the ponder [0 nOY AL MAIL SERVICE, in stamps for sample to the Herpidided ous latch' a perfectly groomed young | © new, sweet joy thrilled Leslie' ' \ 1 ® : ew, 8 Joy thrills slie's It's the delicate white hearts of the sweetest James Reid » * . > se | n gs "Corsican," May § June 2nd Co., Detroit, Mich. fine dollar bottles | mun in white flannels rose TOI 81 heart as she climbed to her room. "Viegintan * May ane guaranteed. J. B. McLeod, special |bench beside the drive and hurried for- Nevertheless few scalding drops fel ' ner.thi i Bin . "Tumistan' Mos IRE Jone th agent, Kingston, Ont. ward among. the bofongines ns deoe fell sugar-corn, rolled paper-thin and crisped a Phone 147 "Victorian," May 26th, June 23rd ret sere pen | | 44 A HW oy he said politely, and hurriedly together. Still coveloped . in golden-brown. Nothing like it for a pure a O Lia & rE swung wide the gale . ., jthat picturesque old wrap he de vie ' She HBpRN) . 00t wad shoe Montreal to Glasgow ht \ warm color leaped into the girl's scended the rE Heh encwarth nour shment. 2 fon un rer Pe ova Shute plant *lonian," May 6th, June 3rd face. She went up the shaded walk | q.. waiting in the lower hall. With from Mitto " * May 13th, June wondering who the stranger sould ise out a word he led her back to the ! a) June 17th. J . t he « doing at Overloo a i mahogan: 2 : 3 . . and what he was doing a carved mahogany hair, where sat th, June 24th. 0 Know She was shown into an old-fash- | Madame Geaham like a queen upon Mont real to London ---------- Lioned room where Madame Graham | her throne. : that impure blood th it k sat in. a high-backed | chair Never Slowly the old woman lifted her One class (moderate rate). Steamers I aq with its weak- had Leslie seen her grandmother at [bowed head. There was a wonderful calling at Havre, France ening results, unpleasant breath, such short range before She looked | new softness in her w rinkled face. headaches, unrestful nights, poor curiously at the little, wrinkled old "Nobody ever called me--grand h loose cushion Unspeakable things were in his For full particulars of Rates and Sailings, apply, appetite, sallow skin, pimples and woman, thinking what a Bisturssque mother--before," she said brokenly. I ty Bp v v y s her lusterless black ------------ i J.P. HANLEY. C8. KIRKPATRICK, | depression,comes from constipation figure she was in ! Xx RPATRICK, ¥ b v Late Inventions. a 0 n r 0 u % a vw 0 X ! silk and priceless laces | Q.T. Ry Clarence St. ¥ "What" ur name?' Madame | Il bl or at's Yo } ¢ | Sma tongs resembling ice tongs | S, Q n . . . THE ALLAN LINE, shot the question at her like a bullet Thave been invented by a New York Pudding gs: Sauces, Ices are we lcomed w ith cagerness when flavor :d with this 77 Yonge Street, Toronto. | "1 have forgotten it--if I was 'ever | man for carrying bowling balls. | unequalled essence tte tent a told. Simpkins engaged vou." Runners equipped BE n . J g A : ; ¢ {uipped with clamps to | NLY we rst AY & Phere was a moment's pause. Here |, . 0 the wheels bave been invented | y the fine Mex é a 20 BERMU was a difbculty at the outset. She | S8 CU child's waggon ite a ican Vanilla Beans are could not ive Sh. : Burton's Hii sled when desired. used to make it Thus have been doing good to | neither would she take one to which A ple tool t wi OFS § : ™ , ) men a simple Ho nat twists one Or more | a > " %s ¥ TO Trip $20 and Up : nd | the had no igh sgether a | le fhe TRUE wanilla ¢ women. for many, many years and "Leslie," she answered recklessly Wires together po it 1s. drawn alung ! savor richly de licate and TRUE VANI L LA . 13 Fast Twin Screw 8.8, "Bermud- | their lue has th s a Texan's invention ] alue has been tested an \ Wm 1s a lexan's vent | . fan," 5,630 tons, sails from New d blue 1 make an automobile lift itself a | delightful. Try it to-day: er is applied by one of the wheelg rest Other del shirriff flavorings are--1. anon, Almond 3 Rose, Pe strawberry, Ratafia € ninety more York, 10 am. every Wednesday jack has been invented to which pow Yo : 3 3 as te « Wo. ur Jroceryman. ' Bilge keels; electric fans; wireless | Physical troubles, A few small Lesl I E elegraphy « . | 'That's my own name, Leslie Gra | Fastest, newest and-.only steamar doses will show their safe tonie ham." She gave a sort laugh. "My [ing on rollers, CAUTION :-- ia flexible rubber mouthpiece for | janding passengers at the dock ta | action on you, Beecham's Pills \ . ! 4 | mother was a Leshe, There were no i A alte ne saya Bermuda will surely help you to an active | pro in the family, so 1 was given a | telephones has been . invented, the idea | A smaller quantity required - 5 a WEST INDIES liver;" a good stomach, a sweet | name that should belong to a boy, | being to prevent breakage should a than of any other ne. ary ToaNA Maturday breath, clear head and refresh- | just to keep it in daily use. But i | desk transmitter fall. . i ar extract from New York for St. Thomas, St | ingsleep. In young or old they will | guess it suites me. 1 hate feminine A flat rubber tube, cappec At each | Croix, St Kitts Antigua, Guada- numes, You're not a Westmoreland [end as is a water bottle, has been de Dominica, Martinique, St. | Leslie. of course *" vised for surgeons to use as a hot wa- | cia' Barbadoes, and Demerara. : For full information, apply to J. P Relieve | The sharp eyes were focused on |ter bandage a HANLEY and C8 KIRKPATRICK. [ the girl's face. BUY she was spared | Io prevent a cook being scalded by! EE ------ GL » " : * : Ticket Agents, Kingston; A. BE. {the necessity of replying by the en [steam as she lifts the lid of a roast- an Ohio inventer has patent- Outerbridge & Co, 29 Broadway, : : trance of the man who had opened |ing pan, New York; Quebec Steamship Co, onstipation the gate for her, i lod + pan with a hinged hid that mas Quebec. i Hugh Wentworth," said 'madame, [be opened with apy long handled u- i ] i ) Sold Everywhere. In boxes 28¢. | presenting him, "the grandson of mv |tensil. THOMAS COPLEY, Serene | 00AT@SL friend. I've asked him here | To enable a merchant to display his for two weeks that I may make up {goods to the best advantage there C PHONE 087. For Hea Ith my mind whether he is to be By heir {has been invented an octagonal re- | Drop a carl to 19 Plas Street when Toc not. Miss Leslie, Hugh." {frigerator revolving on its base to | wanting anything done in the Carpen- Drink McCarthey' Ss Ale There -was a look of genuine ad- fyake every side equally accessible | ter line Ro atimates given % alt k da d P It' th | miration in the young man's eves ns p } o! repairs and new or aiso | Hardwood Floors of all kinds. All an orter. 8 el he acknowledged, thé introduetion Crime to Look Healthy, orders will receive prompt attention. best. "I've got mohey snough of my own, Harper's, New York Shop, 40 Queen Street, L WLER) I don't covet madame's thousands," "In the days of the Puritans the! - eo fen, R. Jd. 3 | he declared with a boyish laugh stocks were not unknown as a pen WM. MUKEAY, Auctioneer. i alty for looking 'tov healthy. Ruddi-! Furniture Sales iven #paciat at. at. 'MAKE LIFE WORTH LIVING ness of compiexion was a crime when | tention. Countr, Shales "SF ilverwear | a gammt visage was regarded as an rote RAT ii A "epeciaics { ! outward sign of sanctity, says a Low | Ti farmers- want Let tis have it to replate. Now Is Says Elder Cunningham gin g i Says E . { don paper. he . og sofa, Arkh Rao" $ the time; also i | When pure healthy blood courses| Dr. Echard, writing in the early! Skates f through every. vein and artery of the lth century, remarks: "Then it was | Nickel Plating and Rlectro Pl tie; { body 'the urgans are' in a healthy eon- they would scarcely let a round faced CEDAR POSTS |Z Samii ioe rials power Dy So 2 pr / ete. ia pleasure 10 man and woman, little blood in his cheeks his condition AT A BARGAIN. ' We guarantee a good job. But if the blood is impure and slug: | was accounted dangerous, and I will! h, the appetite poor, digestion weak | assure you x very honest man of san- | ; : i : i WwW. Drury, PARTRIDGE & SONS vitality not up to 'the standard, |guine complexion, if he chanced to * Your children need a hot drink of some kind. STREET W| {life is a burden; then you need Vi: {com¢ nigh an official zealot's house, . ' COAL AND WOOD YARD, i Phone 380. {nol, 'our delicious cod liver and iron {might be set in the stocks only for Don't give them tea or coffee. These are bad enough 235 Wellington, Street. i - (tonic, without oil. Such evidence as looking fresh on a frosty morning." " . 2e%scssssscccscsscenes comes from Henry Cunningham, elder ---- for " grown-ups , but far worse for children. of the Baptist church, Kinston, N.C.,| On March 7th, in Ottawa, Miss Emi. New Buckwheat Hour 3 KINGSTON BUSINESS COLLEGE § should be conviiicing. He says: "I|ly Logan Eliott, grsdubte nurse of Suchard's Cocoa is good for them--better than any ar was run-down and weak from general [the Brockville general hospital, and Highest Education at LowestCot" 3 @ debility, and or from virtigo. daughter of the late James H. E- other drink you can give them. Made with half water * C 1 took Vinol with the ost gratifving (lott, of Chantry, Ont, and sister of ture ignl with the mows gratitving fliuts, of oe Byte <8 and half milk it is a perfect food, more nourishing and ow y 3 i Jao Arth +, hey fol. Mmamielly united pe more digestible than clear milk, as well as less expensive, Cunningham' y y The weddi took place in Se, due to a of the ho > Walkerton, on March Give them Suchard' Ss Cocoa for breakfast and supper h ici . v Mi bel Arscott, the D. Couper ee et ig ry aki, of Was Kin Janel: Srosatt. the --see how they like it--and watch them grow healthyon it. 9 ° Kingston, Canada. @ strength creating properties' of tonic Walkerton, to Willis Louis Yerex, wom Frank |. Bensdiet 5 Co. Montraat Phone Princess Stroey, 0000000000 ROPO0000000 [iron contained in Vinol. of George Yerex, Pictod® ie o., Mo al, prompt D - Tey a bottle of Vinol with the ua- Harvey Mcintyre, of Clayton, on | £4 om . The Toronto Board of Trade bas ve 'derstanding that voir money will be! Sanday, while on' the way to the hos Fortunately for most of ug, common cided to give $2000 towards the ws Lretamed if it does not help vou. Ma- pital to be operated on for appendici- isn' 4 tablishment of ,8 publicity bureau. hood's drug storey Kingston. tis, suddenly collapsed od ded, : > - Madame started Her keen proved. They remove the cause of #ves became suddenly two points of }