MARCH 18, 1911, S-- .."¢|MADE AN EXPOSURE also made the successful dash. They had dug a hole under the wall, by PEONAGE FOUND TO EXIST IN| NATAL. SATURDAY, --------._.. A-------------- A rr THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, evar rr =" BIC "BILL" MINER \ TRAIN ROBBER; DARING, BUT : DOCILE THIEF. of taking out a sb welful earth ag odd times. C.P.R. detectives heard of Miner about - two years ugo through one of the men who escaped with him. He was then y Wyoming. About three weeks later a train was robbed § in Colorado, a 'trick whic h was charg. ed up to Hill been captured following the express in Hhinois, and the care of Pinkerton men in Uhicago In all probability he will be turnede over to the dominion aut! There has been as high as $35,000 rew ard on Miner's head at one time AP SPRING REMINDERS, Tea Time Talks The Healthfulness of Tea Physicians who often forbid the use of Coffee and Cocoa to the well, prescribe tea for the sic k. Of the three, tea is the only beverage that 'can 'be drunk for a lifetime without injurious . effects. I is a harmless tonic--a gentle stimulant without Feaction. As tea is the most desirable beverage, so *Salada" is tea in its most desirable form. "Salada" Ceylon Tea + tea plant to tea pot untouched by kL. from the time the leaves fall into the s baskets. Its delicate aroma and delicious flavor are per- fectly preserved in sealed, air-tight packages. British Woman Shocking | Conditions in English Territory in south Africa. Durban, Natal, March tions conducted by led by the + Mayo, have proviai that | under the British the Chinese | With Many Hold-ups to His Credit, Exposes This Man of 74 Has Never Taken Human Li so Far as Known. . story of Bill' Miner's life, if it come to be authoratively hon And now he has robbery of an IT dependent is Investi i ever would no doubt find an wl place among the Nick Carter class litecature, if it retire of the daring characters there with somewhat to the shades. Rill is again in the well past the allotted vellers, well-known aut ritten, horities Isabel Fyvie slavery even though turned the : Indians are the victims, whose griev-| ances are to be ventilated in the Bri-| tish house of commons i days. Fifty years the traffic in labor to South Airican ports with a small party of male workers Since then there has been a steady] supply, till, to-day, 150.000 of them are to be found on the lower section of the dark continent Of these 115,- 000 are in Natal. They are recruited | in India under a system of indenture covering five years. On arriving in Natal they are handed over to an em- for whom they must work hours a day for pay ranging from $2.50 to $3.50 a month. Dras tic punishment falls on the luckless laborer if he tries to run away. Not all are badiy treated but records include shocking cases Lack of housing amd foed are among the minor accusations against employers In' many cases dogs are set on the Indians and women. Such are the conditions among thie indentured laborers that thousands of them kill themselves. When thév are recruited forty women are included with every 100 men, but little effort made to select wives relatives After the five vears of indenture up, if the Indian has survived, he may have free transport back to India, but many are so reduced to weakness that they make no effort to return Last year an attempt was made to improve their lot by a certain deputa tion that visited London under the encouragement of certain members of tried to cure myeeli by means of all parliament. Now the Indian govern- ae Bia . sorts of liniments and lotions, but] 4 is getting into the movement the oh bn with no result--it was only money : BE -- PE Ty e 1 wasted. The trouble constantly grew rst Rbente 4 secured worse and the pains more unbearable. TO WRECK BARRACKS. process Finally it attacked the other leg, and I was all bat helpless and completely discouraged, thinking I woild be a suf did wot exists flag, | have been | AF out of Transvaal mines now that Is and being {span with life sentence m ging over his head, some one may succeed in persuading him to round out his term by giving to the lovers {of "Deadwood Dick" tales a real wild The old outlaw could no great deal of what till remains mysterious concerning i stare and train robberies, which were plentiful in the western states thirty vears ago. The story of his PS and forty | operations in British Columbia where, | with the aid of confederates, he pull- ------ Raw, Damp Weather Starts Pain of Rheumatism. Spring weather 1s bad for rheumatic sufferers, The changes from mild to severe weather, cold, raw, damp winds following mildness start the aches and twinges, or in more extreme cases, the tortures of the trouble going. But it must be borne in mind that it is not the weather that causes rheumatism, the trouble is rooted in the bloodr--the changeable weather merely starts the pains. The only way to reach the trouble and to cure it is through the blood. The poisonous rheamatic acids must be thrown off and driven out. This is a solemn medical truth every rheumatic sufferer should realize. Lin- iments and outward application may give temporary relief but they never did and never can cure rhetmatism, Any doctor will tell vou this is true, The sufferer is only wasting time and money with this sort of treatment, and all the time the trouble is becom- ASE ) COSTS NO MORE Canada | in ow few i Indian | began i west } doubt clear up a story Ask your grocer for * Salade™ Tea or send for a free trial package which © 2 cups of delicious tea We will ma you without charge. Sgy whether v Black, Mixed or Green: Tea and the price you pay per pound. The "Salada" Tea Co. 32 Yonge Street Nothing Better Than Our Créam Caramels Have you tried them ? led off two daring express robberies, and his escape from the New Weost- minster penitentiary, which formed the ployer, Yoronie fifteen | cabiect of a famous debate in the Can- * | adian parliament, would also be read , {with interest. 4 i * | the Bill Miner belongs to the old school {| of criminals who played such au mn- portant' part in giving the western states a bad name, and who receive faithful biographical treatment of Frank Purest of their kind. GAKELL'S (CE, SREAM PARLOR 3 Iii fi ii fairly Next to Opera House. Phone 640 land Jesse James. : ing more firmh rooted--and harder to ; ! 206006000 00000000 | While possessing the daring of those | cure. There is just one sure, speedy re | notorious highwaymen he had not eqre for rheumatism--Dr, Williams' | their brutal and blood-thirsty nature. | Pink Pills. They act directly on the | He told Detective Bullock of the U.P. | weak, impure and tainted blood. They | R. five vears ago that hehad never | purify and strengthen it and thus root | taken a life and it has never been fout the cause of rheumatism. Mere | shown that he had. Furthermore, he | is a bit of proof out of thousands of is credited with being remarkably kind | similar cases that might be given, Mrs. | aval humane in spirit, which Robin . X. Boisseau, St. Jérome, Que. Hoodlike finds expression in levying | says:--"For almost two years was to the |a terrible sufferer from rheumatism. The trouble first located in the right leg, making work about the house im possible, and walking very difficult Ot oe - ---- --_-- _-- M-------- ay THE FAMOUS NATIONAL DRINK There's a story behind "Salvador" beer -- Canada's most famous brew---that carries us back to the year 1651 Mr. la Rich as cream i. wholesome The most digestible of nourishing bev erages 9 poor. Miner ie about 5 feet 10 or 11 inches in height, though now somewhat stoop- ed with age and not stoutlv built. [ rode in the car with Miner and the other prisoners along with the de- tectives in May, 1906, when they were taking him to New Westminster penis | life sentence fol- | the i The Grand ed his extensive in wery, brewing ister bre ih secret tor He has the right Canadian Gove and Lett manufacture the Df brewing the chief brewmaster The product of the roy ery was first known Sale's intil the m convenient wa later a 150 years * detail of the or the patron Fat ! Ie on the rich and givipg | { | | | tentiary to a | lowing the Kmmloops hold-up of ALE and STOUT [romwecial Limited Express. Ba. As he sat surrounded by burly de- ferer for the rest of my hfe. At this Creates appetite; makes meals taste tectives chatting good-naturedly, he time I read in our home paper of the better: brings healthy sleep. Keep it | {looked the picture of docility and de- | trouble being cured by Dr. Williams' always in the house: Your dealer / | crepit helplessness. The wide cowboy | Pile Pills and I decided to try them. sells it, or you can order direct. serve -- Insurrectos Placed Nitroglycerine Under Quarters. ¥l Paso, Texas, March 17.--An at. tempt was made to blow up the bar racks at Juarez, Mexico. Two heavy charges of nitro-glycerine were ox. ploded, tearing out parts of the build- brew- "Father right Beer' re title of 1 wopted inhar come "Salvador" R a century The N WOU adhe about rg Fur over Salvador" was brewed under et I could see that they were vised by hat which he wore, alone gave the im- | After using the pills for several weeks A |p Suicn of outdoor activity. John Labatt LONDON - CANADA : Miner, whose real name is Edwards, about to | have a sister living in Toronto. Most n Ontario {was born in Western He is said lseventy-four years ago. {of his life was spent in the wester til I had used nine or ten boxes when every symptom of the trouble had dis- 'ever 1 did. Had I known of Dr. Wil a H \ helping | ine oq ged me, and 1 continued taking them wn- | po, we appeared and I could walk as well as Jy the Mexican troops. band of insurrectos who secretly entered town were wound- ed and captured. A number of Mexi ean cavalry men are reported to have been injured. age of the Bavartan r yal family. In 1806, Franz .X Zacher] acquired control of the cloister brewery and purchased the secret formula of the royal brew Compared with all matured in liams' Pink Pills earlier '1 would have saved myself much suffering and much Hones spent in other useless treat- as well." Whether vou are ailing or not a few boxes of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills will increase vour vitality and give vou in. creased strength to withstand the tor- rid summer weather coming, when even the strongest feel easily fagged out. You can get these pills from any dealer in medicines or by mail at 50 cents a box or six boxes for $2.50 from The Dr. Williams Medicine Brockville, Ont. Bismark's Superstition. Utica Globe. +The great Prince Bismarck was not without superstition and this always was noticeable on the eve of the néw year. From nine o'clock that night until after midnight he would not take water in any circumstances from a glass. It was an aacient tradition in the chaneellor"s family that anvone who set the legend at defiance would | pass through a serious illness |states, and it was for holding up - 4 | mail stage coach in' California that he first saw the inside of a penitentiary. J. McPARLAND, AGENT, 339-341 KING STREET E., |For this crime he was ae to twenty years in San Quenten, but he --¢ | escaped after serving less than a third of his term. He was later concerned in the holding up of a train and seve ral stages, and once in an evil hour for him, he was captured. Back to San Quenten he went, and for nineteen vears never saw freedom. He regained his liberty in 1900. Since that time he is known to have captured the hold-up of five expresses, and there are others, which by common consent among rail- road detectives are placed to his credit. After his robbery of an express on the Ovegon short line in 1902 which drew federal, state and railway de tectives on his trail, Bill took a rest until September, 1904, when he and a gang held up the C.P.R. Pacific ex- press near Mission in British Colum- bia. The mails were relieved of several thousand dollars on that occasion, and it was also whispered about in the | coast towns that valuable Australian | bonds were taken, which for a certain | reason wgre not listed by the railway | company, amoung the stolen packets. The robbers got clear away. About ten o'clock on the night of May Sth, | 1906, as the Imperial Limited was | crawling along an in line near Kam- | 7 Joops, three masked men sprang out | pi of the darkness and one boarded the " jocomotive and covered the engineer ET cident nsur and fireman with a revolver, while the AN OL. is Life and Ac I . other two jumped to the steps of the ance for your teeth. . The germs tha uce decay and discolor teeth can not exist where Sanitol is used. Sanitol it first coach. At the command of the yobbers the train was stopped, the a scientific germicidal preparation assunng white solid teeth, hard healthy gums and mail car was uncoupled and run a leaving a refreshing taste. Sanitol is pure short distance down the track and opened. The coolness of Mail Clerk white---no coloring matter to cover 2 deficiency. The attacked barracks are occupied by the 14th Mexican Cavalry and are in the heart of the town. Soldiers on the lookout the barracks opened fire, down two of the insurrectos, rest escaped into the country. From that day to this the form-. ula and sole European rights have the most jealously guard wheritance of the famous : brewer's family : 2 Mn vy . The rich, mellow flavor of cellence Sot family "Salvador" is enly attained by a special aging process, and if the output of the cloister brew ' i t ple Ace IL. Rips Off Thirty-two Miles an ry was great enough the pe pl Hour, beer. Ogdensburg, N.Y., March 18. Joseph Levare, the boat builder, yesterday, re ceived a telegram from W. W. Trimp, BOTTLED AT THE BREWERY BY Palm Beach, Fla., stating that the REINHARDTS' OF TORONTO power boat racer, Ace 11, built here] for Mr. Trimpi, and shipped south in | -- December, broke - the record in the | speed trial races at Palm Beach, Tues | LOCAL AGENT, E BEAUPRE, Kingstor Te making six miles at the rate | thirty-two miles an how Ace 11 thirty-two feet five feet beam, is hnished - in mahogany, and equipped with a 100 horse power | od circulates Sterling 'motor, She probably will be wel ve periect sin anit Wear seen on the St Lawrence the coming | rt of the bod The months | befor heen on top of] bringing | The he bee dey want ine Always if you brewed ------------------ SMASHES SPEED RECORDS, to, lephone 31 day, by -- ---- - -- . af uiaely LOCAL TREATMENT FOR WOMEN'S DISORDERS is jong, The health we enjoy depends ve in our bodie Py ; . ulation we ng « the © 1 off thi aste season, 4 ii "Ww YO g from . PERTH MERCHANT DEAD. is constant wear tter and the reg by atom, goes rs a complete an and woma particle of | | y | S : s digested. to 1 | . : McArthur Was a Large! Coal Dealer. | Perth, Ont., March Andrew MM. Arthur. coal merchant, died Thursda, morning from heart trouble. He born in Ramsay township seventy-three trade of | Andrew For bread, _ for cakes, for biscuits, for pies-- the flour that will win and hold your PeToBs§§ To {cs ef 18 wa es happens, however o od these vears ago and learned the at tinsmith in Lanark With his brother, William, he ol a shop in Perth about 186%, gave up that business some years ago when he went into the coul trade i He was a member of the Methodist 4 ! . r church, and a conservative. \ , culat) and stagnant ter in that start but ' ed there to build up and streng! ax tition Invariably exists In all « The dead maiter retail McQuarrie in covering up a sack con taining $30,000 saved the bulk of the registered matter and the robbers got away with but seven letters con- taining small amounts. It was owing to the quick action of the North-West Mounted Police that the outlaws were caught three days later in the moun- tains eighty miles from the scene of the crime. The officers rode up on horse-back and surprised the robbers while they were eating lunch beside a camp fire. After an exchange of shots during which "Shorty" Dunp was wounded in the leg, the outlaws surrendered. They were tried at once at Kamloops, and Dunn and Colhoun were each given twenty-five years while Miner was giv- en life in New Westminster peniten- tiary. On the way to the penitentiary town the robberies were the objects of much curiosity. Almost a trainload of peo- ple went out to Westminster Juretion to meet them. While they were sittiog? chained together on the siation platform, waiting for the lo- eal to pick them up, Engineer Ste- wart, who was in charge of the train, which was held up at Mission twe years before, happened along in his engine. Leaning down out of the lock- out-seat os he passed, he called out with a grin: "Bill, I guess you have had your last ride with me." ; "1 may call on you for %nother ride sooner than you think," replied the old fellow, smiling. When Miner escaped fifteen months later this re mark was recalled >and cited as evi dence of a scheme already ' conseived looking to his liberation. The story a -- i Charge Against Women Students, | Petersburg, March 17.-An extra-| ordinary charge against women stu dents caused a sensational seene in the nies 1 Als tro of it Is evids be & s to get vid of the dea ing held in the circulation. If t douma, last eveming. An interpella- | ellowed to remain. thers a species of bicod poisoning will result 3 endeavor to get rid of it by forming ers, tumors, ste tion on recent incidents in the high | The above explanation will also she why ORANGE LILY Is schools was 'under discussion when De-| curing this condition. It Is a local treatment, and is applied di puty Ubrussofie, a member of the Ex-| ot®ans. Its curative elements are absorbed into the congested i 5 the very start the dead matter begins to be disc barged. A fee treme Right, alleged that female stu-| ioe "both mental and physical, accompanies it. and the Improve dents during the revolutionary per | and positive. This feat of the expelling of the dead matter jod consorted in hundreds with drunk | i to a greater or less extent, and in some cases It is so marked en sailors in order to carry on the re-| TURRET, eg ra. F. F.. Curran, your volutionary propaganda more success | tive, for my health restored by your wonderful remedy fully. : Shouts black guards' pro- | years, but not so bad until 3 years ago Then I had a tests arose from the left benches and a tumor, and could Hve no more than a year I 1 went thro i started a scenes of great disorder. f would cure me 1 sald it was too late, that 1 would die anyway i : ree than 8st ipa . btain reil done : of "down with the and similar indignant t again that 1 thought 1 could live no jonger, and 1 began to ® my husband came home and threw a slip of paper to me wil dress and told me a lady hud advised him to write to her for a ire that i 1 no would not live through A year later 1 sent for him again, and } to dia My hasband en sent for another doctor, who perforr and it did me much good. 1 doctored with him 3 or 4 months ---------- Prayed Three Months. T~ i a teacup without hurting me Then the first doctor told me | was WwW London, March 17. The Bishop of | ever. However, my husband sent for ORANGE LILY, and « trent London, at a missionary meeting here | brought away eme tamor Others followed, until 7 tumors had Lean expelled 3 yesterday, made the announcement | large ohes and 4 small ones. 1 ksow if and not bren J r ORA "ae Lv 1 tha % cided | wor}d Bave fied, for I could not live mue r would have thought eh t he almost deci last RR at one 'hundred dollars for a month's treatment, instead of one dollar is wort to go to Canada as missionary in | ps weight in gold --MRS. GEO. order to dempmstrate to the the third LEWIS, Huntsville Ont church The sbove letier is Jublished wiih Mes. Lewis par: . 4 4 - confidentia - of England authorities the mportance A aterur Jo Sig hat she is Willing to make the mati of missionary work. After three | efit and encouragement of her suffering sisters. months of prayer he decided to remain ORANGE LILY is a positive, scl. [CCS in Loudon. entific remedy for all disorders of the | -------- fomale functions. Ap sxpiained ore Orchards Will Suffer. : Tis JOxwego, March 18. --Ownegs of peach orcha in this section of the state are apprehensive that much damage has been dome the i trees by the cold wave, on Wednesday night. Other fruit may have suffered, 100. The mercury dro from forty-eight de ghees above to 2ero in fess than twen- blond ve ' : : A) oo ure. am so anxious that ev a prmp---- ¥y-lour hours woman may Satisfy herself, witheut cost to her, that ORANGE LILY wil sure ber, that I bereby make the following FREE TRIAL OFFER 1 will send; without charge, to every reafer of this notice who suffers in a way from any of the troubles peculiar to women if she will send me her addres enough of the ORANGE LILY trestment to ast her ten days In many cases t trial treatment is ail that is necessary to effect a completa cure, and in aw instance §t will give very noticeabis rele. If you are a suffersr, you ows i" yourself, to your family and to your friends to take advantage of this offer & cured in (he of your heme, without dectiry bills or expense of Er isiess MHS, FRANCES E. GURRAH, Windsor, Ont. these cases some & ing retained, and the cure is by empl Smith's Falls has lost another of its venerable residents in the person of Mrs. John Kinenid. The inte Mrs. Kincaid was ninety-two vears of age and was quite active and able to he around antil a few duye previous to her death when she from para: Iymis, Ee i a