- ap 2 ~~ FUR R YA Winter's Wear "left some repairs to be attended to } A rip, a new lining or perhaps you! ? re-| wish your grment entirely Now 15 the time By September our factory is! " usually so busy with orders we can-| 'Mot undertake repair work for im-| "mediate attention, » and we can rs 'now.-{ Better than later, untll you want them. Telephone 489 John McKay THE FUR HOUSE, KINGSTON. *rerseseerrasseesed Arriving Daily NEW 6000S FROM ALL OVER THE WORLD. L Mattings from China and : Japan. Silk Drapes from Constanti- pople. Rugs from Persia, Austria, and Germany. Lace Curtains from Switzer. Carpets and Ollcloths from England. Linoleums from Scotland. Art Denims and Muslins from Boston. And Lots of other Goods manufactured in Canada. GOP PIPE FEE P ESE R. McFAUL, CARPET? WAREHOUSA SRST Lesa) 132 WELLINGTON STREET, Brick, 14 rooms, extension kitchen, a boarding house for Over twenty vears, the nest central in the city. A good paying investment 13 UNION STRF 'T, a seven roomed briek dwelling, bath and closet, near the Univer. #ty, a nice residence, suit able for boarders. . 04306 EARL STREET, n + double brick dwelling, soven rooms each, can be bought LS to pay eight per cont, on the 3 mvest ment. 1 NELSON STREET. a new » dwelling, 7 rooms, k and Ng lot. nth 3) BaGOT STREET, Ordnance Street, detached brick dwelling, hot water . larnace, large barn and drive house. A bargain . "7 YORK STREET brick © dwelling, 7 rooms, furnaces. all modern com eniences, > our complete office ascertain our terms Open. Satara evaning. Shs or LAND REGULATIONS, near new 3 . list » amd 5 LON $l ily, of any male over } Vallable Dominion land in \ katchewan or = Alberta pi Nn USt appear In person at the Afeiirct Torey © . Entry by proxy made at Any agency. @r certain 4 father, mother, son ler A ir. Duties. ~Six mouths' *esldence upon cultivation of the land E oO! & ely 5 by his fa hier, brot a h MAY pre quarter date or om _ ag rn Patent) p ACTOS eXtra. wh ead In th To us epairing probably has Designs for the| coming season are out and decided] remodel your) we! "also store and take care of them] } FRONTENAC FARMERS ARE STRONG FOR IT. | {They Regard Their Own Prosperity as More Important Than Mere Al- legiance to Political Party. On Saturday worming, Whig repre sentatives interviewed a number of representative farmers on the market regu~ding their views on the recipro- city agreement before the Canadian wommons. Very few were found oppos- ed to it, the great majority, irrespec- tive of polities, dedlaring themselves strongly in favor of any trade ar- rangement that would increase their | prosperity- . "Yes, | am in favor of reciprocity," jeaid John Quinn, of Barriefield. "I am satisfied it will benefit the farm- The talk of annexation is mom- sense. My opinign is that the mote | prosperous a man is, the more loyal | he will be. A little bit of reciprocity will not injure our loyalty." i Joshua Kumight, of 'Kingston town- | ship, said © "You can say that 1 am | in favor of reciprocity three times ere. "al Smith, another Kingston township farmer, also expressed him- self in favor of reciprocity. He could | "oe wo reason for opposing it. | Alexander Grant, of Pittsferry, re-| marked that the matter seemed to be! raising a political fight, but all the | sume he was out for his own amd his nighthors' interests before party. He | was certainly in favor of the agree- | ment that would bring more money to | the farmers of Frontenac. i I. A. Barnes, of Dufferin, expressed | n similar view, He had decided that reciprocity on farm products would | benefit Frontenac and therefore be | Thomas - day. Reciprovity im natural products | James Baxter, Barriefield, said is just the thing we need. {did THE DAILY BRILISH WHIG, HATURDAY, MARCH 18, 1911. A -- are out strong sgeiast reciprocity. It is in their interest." This is the way Arthir Spooner, a young farmer, be- longing to Glenburnie, expressed him- self when spoken to by a Whig repre- sentative. "I ant in favor of it and I hope to see it go through. Of course my opinion counts for very little, bat I think the men who are at the head of the government are looking at it from the right standpoint. We , want this thing and we are looking to the member of this constituency to assist us in putting it through." 4 "Gi s reciprocity by all means,' said A. Knight, one of the best-known market gardeners in this district. "I think it will be a good thing for the country, and we should give it every support. eeve Richard Baiden, Portsmouth. a gardener, was strongly in favor of reciprocity. "You ean put me down as being favorable to it, and I do hope that it will be carried out. 1 think the country will benefit by it and am in favor of anything which I think wid help the country." James F. Knapp, at present immi- gration agent, but for many years a farmer, strongly favored reciprocity, and said that from the farmers' stand- point they had evervthing to gain. He hoped to see it curried out. : 0 not know of a farmer in his vi- cinity, who was against reciprocity "A farmer who is not in favor of reci- procity has no right to the name of farmer," he said. Mr. Baxter hoped the reciprocity agreement would be put through. J. Woodruff, a well-known buver of cattle, said he was not in favor of reciprocity. His reason was that he thought we should leave well enough alone. Prices had be¢n good und he did not think that any change should be mmde. David Smith, Pittsburg farmer, said that he would be in favor of free trade between Canada and the States. Bold in * + @ Captain W. Sears apd two sous, Master Winthrop and Robert, feft. on Saturday, for Peterbore, to visit Mrs. H. B. Sherwood. Lot ad receive on Monday, not again this season. * % 9 Mrs. William Smith, 215 William street, will receive on Monday, and not again this season. * + Mrs. F. J. Hoag, Alfred street, will not receive agnin this season. * + 9 Mrs. Albert Buck, Harrowsmith, is the guest of Mrs. James Weir, Alired street. Miss Audrey Guerron is expected from New York on the 29th, and will the guest of Miss Dorothy Hill. Mr. H. Walkem left, on Wednesday, for Belleville, where he expects to spend some time Miss Flora Stewart, who has been spending a few days with Mrs. James Craig, Princess street, left, on Friday, for Harrowsmith. Rev. W. Maemorine arrived in town on Wadnesday to be the guest of his sister, Mrs. Alexander McPhail, Clergy street 20th, and * > 9 Misses Fmmsa and Elsie Pence wil return, to-day, from Utica, where the, were spending the past few days. Mrs. O. D. 'Skelton, and two chil dren, returned on Wednesday from the east, where she was visiting her mother, Mrs. Murphy, for the past 1 | Guwiligh ; Witmark Dance Folio No. 7 a Mrs. Elmer Davis, "'Westlawn," vill] be | dot LN For Piano, containing the Universal Sensational Hit, From Madame Sherry, arranged as a Barn Dance Also the following Numbers, each one a great success Waltz--Where the River Shannon Flows Two-Step--Loving Hippodrome Production. from NY 1811) 'Every Little Movement' SPECIAL & Waltz--Good-Night, Dear Barn Dance--Doctor Tinkle Tin- | {from The Girl of My Dreams). | Waltz--Can't You See I Love You (from The Newlyweds and Their | Baby) Two-Step--That's Yiddisha Love Wal My Heart Has Learned to Love You, Now Do Not Say Good- bye) Two-Step-- Bright Bright Eyes) Waltz-- Meet Lanterns Glow kr (from) The to i Eyes Me {from A Where Trip { Japan) : OPEN NIGHTS a Shaky LOVE I'wo-Step Waltz --} from Chauncoev Ballymore). Barn Dance--I'm Looking far a Sweetheart and 1 Think You'll Do {frond Pied Piper and Sporting Days) Waltz--To The End of The World With You. Lancers--Madame Sherry. Publishers' OUR PRICE, 50c. a Eves the Nam Oleott Price, 70c. Mail Orders Filled at above prices. All Madame Sherry Music on sale for ten days only, See our Book Advt. on Page 7. | The College Book Store, THE FINEST BOOK STORE IN EASTERN ONTARIO, 260 PRINCESS STREET 3ic. per copy. Library Votes on all 10ec. purchases. } ¥ Phone 919 wav home from Boston, where she has spent the past few weeks. i Dr. and Mrs. S. H. Simpson, Albert | street, left for Deseronto, to-day, the week-end with Mrs, to | spend R { Dewar. | The many friends of = Mrs. | Tothill, King street, will be | hear that she is almost from her recent illness. I Mr. H. J. Scott, and his son. Wy i Gilling Scott, of Vaneau er, who lave been staving with Dr, and Mrs R. glad recoversd H to James supported it | One of the farmers who expressed Dawmiel Ahearn, Cushendall, was oue | hig opinion, told a good story in con- of the younger farmers found in favor | nection with reciprocity. He told how of the reciprocity measure. He agreed |g, many years, there had been a .cry sith Mr. Quinn, of Barriefield, that | for reciprocity, and now when it the loyalty of the farmers would be leould be secured, there were people rather imcreasd by a fuller pocket. labo opposed it, and said it was not William Milton, of Eric, was found | needed. It reminded him of the farm inclined to support the measure, a8 er who had money in the bank. He | Third, Wellington street, left town tc two weeks. dav. Mr. H. Graham came down from Relleville on Thursday, ww attend the performance of "Madame Sherry." Mr. Alan Dowling, of Queen's, pects to spend the week-end in worth, Mr. Wendling Anglin, Earl street, re- | turned, on Friday, from New York, af- | (Continued on page i ---- PHILLIPS six} IS FREE. ex Tam | The York County Loan Manager Out of Prison. On Saturday Joseph Phil defunct mornmy, the i | | | | CANADIAN NORTH. WHO IS THE SOL, omestead a quarter ney or Sub. | er or sister of intending in sach of owned ther. or or sistes, eader in ir . eT $6.50 Dut Hau erect he agreed that it would bring better | farm produce prites to the county. He | said that his brother, Daniel Milton, was in favor of reciprocity J. H. Millious, of Pittsferry, declar ed himself strongly in favor of the agreement. He could see brighter days ahead for 'the farmers when some of their produce could go acrosw the line free of duty. Joseph Keepan, a well-known and { well to-do Glenburnie farmer, said he was out for reciprocity for all he was (worth. He believed it was for the good of the country in general. "Of course,"' he said, 'there ave a few things that it will,hit us on, but the majority it will henefit, It is a ques tion that the farmers nearly all take the same stanth on. They want it and will do all in their power gut it I think it it purely a politiohtmtrug gle. Take that deputation that went fram Niagara and St. Catharines. They are the only ones who are op- po to it. They value their land at $100 an acre. Our land here, equally as good. is only valued at shout $40, Why should we build a fence around theme to shield them from what this pact will do, and expose ourselves. Yes sir, | am out for reciprocity all the time." "I dow't wonder the manufacturers How's This ? We offer One Hundred Dollars he ward for any case of Catarrh at can- not be cured bv Hall's Catarrh Cure. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O. We the undersigned have known F I. Cheney for the last Years, and be- eve him perfectly honorable in all business transaction and financially able to carry out any obligations made by his firm WALDING, KINNAN & MARVIN, Wholesale Druggists. Toledo, O. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken intern- ally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Testimonials soft free. Price 76 cents per bottle. Sold by all Druggists Take Hall's Family Pills for con- siipation You Mast Live With Your Fumitre It's very important Yau the best of cow any Our Stock---im mensely large ensures a choice that will please you for life that have Tables and Famed Oak aso aif Cabinets, and Walnut, Dining«room Ruffetts, in Golden Mission, Circassian the cheaper lines i | | Talies, Cabinets, ete, in . and cheaper woods. Our Jo Table is equal to most {| Parler | hegany Patior sl) tes i : i " Pedestals and woods, in all the leading styles finishes, te, $3.50, $4.75, Rugs, all sizes patterns, quality. west tones, ls. ete. now in. ng Shops ' Yours, Carpeta--Ne in Wilton, Axminster, Curtains --New 1311 & + Our 'Repair and U are at Tou service, {losing it. He went to the | { ont count at Best's last night became rather uneasy about his cash, having the opinion that perhaps the bank was not just as safe as it might be, and that he stood a chance of bank one day, while he was complaining, the {bank offered him bis money, but he refused to take it. He had been crying out for it, and then when he had the chance to take it, hegdid not want. it. Just so with the question of recipro- city. For many years, an effort had been made to get a reciprocity agree- ment. Now it could be secured, these same le were opposed to it. ---- a FORMED A CLUB. Graduates of the Royal Military College. A "dinner was held at the Military Institute, Toronto, om y v evening, when an ex-Cadets' Club, of former cadets of the Royal Military College, Kingston, was formed, with Col. Greenwood, president; Maj. Clyde Caldwell, vice-président, and the following committees: Capt. Kingsmill, 10th Royal Gremadiers; Mr. Morrison, R.CE, and C. Warren. Some others present at the dinner were: Col. - V, A. S. Wilkams, Maj. Denison, Capt. Bishop, Messrs. Bowie, R.C.D., Morrison, RC. E.,, B. Osler, Powell, Aiken, Adams, MacCullough, George Smith, Clifford Darling, J. W. Roes, Monk, H. D. Gordon, A. D. Mackay, P. A. Green, Hope Gibson, ADC.,, W, B . Adams, E. Bristol, Lytle, R. C. H. Cassels, Carr-Harris, Humphrey Irving. Sold Out to Advantage. H. E. Sherlock, Canton, Ohio, of the late John Sherlock, of city, is renewing acquaintances here. For years he has been manager of the Novelty Iron Works at Canton, which have just been sold out to east erners for £300,000. Mr. Sherlock re tires and will spend holidays in Cali- fornia spd the summer about King- ston. His brother, William FE, is a director of the new company The works were originally the Noble & Sherlock firm, which in 1805 were in- corporated as the Novelty Iron Works with a capital' of ¥150,000. The old friends of H. E. Sherlock are glad to see him and note his good health son this Library Contest Results. Below is the standing of the differ contestants as a result of the This week the YY M.C/A. is in the lend: Y.M C.A. 13,184; Firemen, 26.648; C.M.B.A., 6.. 761; L.OL., 5,158; Portsmouth 8. NS, 3.922; General Hospital, 2913; Si. Paul's, 1,366; YW.C.A., 4M; LO.OF., 11]; Princess street Methodist 8S. N 356; Queen street 8S. S, 362; A OH, 171; Synagogme, 83: St. John's, 30: St. Mary's, 7. Rooters Club, 7: Cooke's 8. 8, ITT; St. Luke's, 6; Col legiate, 5. Want Wages Increased. The request of the painters for $2.50 for nine hours a day, has reached the bosses, and will be taken up in due time. The painters want the increase to commence on April Ist. The request made by the mason's helpers for an increase, has to be dealt with vet. Jhe helpers ask that the increase date from May lst. St. Patrick's Day Gifts, Frank J. Hoag, the up-town drug gist, gave away small cakes of sdap » y, which were very appropriate indend. cakes were made of green soap cut in ' the shape of a sham rock. The cake was wrapped in a paper, which gave a short history of 'The Late Cornelius Peterson. : i the late Cornelius Peterson, who died in the general hos pital, last Wednesday, were sent to Calabogie, by James Reid. He was Inspector Wright had the pleasure of taking five names off the "prohibited list," Friday, they having served all their time. There are at the present time, about cighty-nine names on the T. F. HARRISON 00." ter a two weeks' visit, Miss Barwidk arrived from Montreal, on Wednesday, to visit Mrs. Macpherson, KL niversity avenue. Mrs. George Stevens, Port Hope, will arrive in town, to-day, to visit Mrs Robert Crawford, Barrie street. Mrs. R. C. Carter and Mrs. Hansord Hora, West street, will leave, on Tues day, for Washington, and Atlantic City. Mr. and Mrs, Cornelius Bermingham, Barrie street, will leave, on Monday, for California, where they will spend the next several weeks, bd LL.' Mrs. Richard Waldron and Miss Car rie Waldron, Barrie I'uesday, for New York, from place they will sail on Tharsday Bermuda, where they will spend next twe months. Thev will be ac companied by Mrs. 'D. Norton-Tavlor, Wellington street, who will visit her daughter, Mrs. Marsh, in Bermuda Mr. Cornelius Bermingham, street, returned, on Friday, from ronto, Mrs. J. Cotton, who has heen the guest of Mrs. H. Tandy, King street, will leave, on Tuesday, for Montreal, to spend Easter before she goes to her home in Ottawa. * + o Miss Mona Knight, Alice street, spending a few daw in Toronto with {her brother, Mr. Cyril Knight, on her which for To- 18 No chauge since we were bovs. That oft-quoted proof of those ne'er-to-be forgotten puddings is still, as of vor not in reading the but ---- And when your or your friend, attempts to tell "it doesn't stand to bout all the "other learn," etc., ete, th dence of vour ability to gualify stenographers with 25 to study is not in arguivent; theoriz ing, but in thousands of real fiving men and women, who have done it and ate to-day holding splendid posi recipe, | vou reason." and o things i real, reliable evi 35 dave' or tions in the face of keen competition {Out catalogue and interest vou and a few hundred names of local graduates or employers convince Moon College 286 Yonge street, Toronto free lessons may may von 252 "Kiagston's Famous Fur Store." We cordially invite yon to attend our formal Spring - Millinery Tuesday and Wednesday, 21st and 22nd March, 1911 We greatly appreciate a friepdly visit, though there be no thought of making a purchase. "You have seen the rent, Now nee the best" ? Sect) Will SG 126 and 128 PRINCESS ST. Colin | street, leave, on | the | Ring | in| i local man Al! { hips, the head of | County Loan company, which left many sorrowful people throughout | Ontario on of the loss f | their savings, was released from | provincial penitentiary, w here {ed during the past three years | three months. He four years, but received nine months off on of | Phillips is the last of the prominent | financial mea in the big | Portsmouth, but his place | be taken by \} | vers, of the Farmers' | looking much better { entered the prison for Toronto. account he ser was sentenced account good behaviour prison at will soon R. Tra Bank, Philhp than when He left one greater 1s al noon i lL, CASH PRIZE CONTEST. } i the Most Popular Lady is | On. The votes of the Bijou cash prize of 32 cash to be awarded to the four | ladies receivir gremtest number of votes, were counted. Miss Minnie Hall is in the lead, but is closely followed {by others. How the votes stand | Misses Minnie Hall, 1,030; McGall, 1, {016 May Dolan, 990; Mamie Fields, 970; Bertha Sweetman, 900; Edith Evans, Ss0 Mav Dixon, S60 Rita { Dolan, 850; Elsie Knapp, S10; Anni | Campbell, 820, | The above are the ten highest \ number of others follow | | great interest is take; offering by the friends comtes | For Now and Bijou, tants Organized Mission land, The Miss was organized Crem The | President, | W. Kinch: surer, W | the different AR. Goodearle, varie; Sunday committe \ H Stir extension mission, A meeting was held some Lime ait was done o this is 1 of the the of al MIT | nothing ¥ {ed ns the starting pont bamwd Ralph ar. A meetmg will be held to-morrow mor; ling, at ten o'clock, | are invited. { the boys lowron occupied to which all boy twworge Mills will adkhrs News From Scotland Arthur Lyun, m pheam theatre, morning, from Scotland. At had had a » and the streets great depth I he migration from Scotland th would be great Allan steamships have some time apd the company rangmg to put for summer trad his time wer writer sand the an extra ste Very latest, "Her Heart's Desire,' "The Red Thumb Mark." by Austin Freeman, cach Kingston New Co., opposite Y. MCA, | "Buy shaving mirrors," | see him. | J. P. Hanley attended the on Friday night im Toronto, given i honor of J. D. McDommkd, formbrly dis trict agent of the GT.KH, been promoted to Chicago i "Buy camphor ice," Gibson's ! Wiliam A. Bellhouse, ithe Merchants' Bank, Napanee, on Friday. The remains will be buried {at Hamilton } "Buy shaving migrors," Gibson's, | W. F. Webster has retuned home {from Smith's Falls, where he was 4 {delegale to 'the meeting of the Orange Toe Gibson's, banynet who manager of died Physicians recommend it as the ideal. laxative and liver regulator. the Farmers, Attention ! stock We line Carry in ot CATTLE AND VETERINARY INSTRUMENTS. Milk Fever Cattle Outfits, I'rocars, Teat Slitters, Dilator Tubes Teat Milking styles different in Syringes, in different style and size Dr. A. P.Chown, Druggist, Optician, 183 PRINCESS STREET. 'Phone 343. To- Night 050 dozen [Ladies White Lawn Handker- chiefs, hemstitched, in plain and cross bar de- sign. Fora Saturday Night Special, See our Corset Spe- cials at 50c, 75¢ and $1 a pair. Hose suppor- ters attached and all sizes, ¢xtra value. See our leader in Ladies' White Waists at $1 each. Very daiu- ty designs. A great Wash Goods, Embroi- deries and Insertions. Popular prices. array of Newman & Shaw THE ALWAYS BUSY BTOkX Hulls. Are Vessel Men to Insure Canadian vessel owns to organize a the ifsuranee of hulie they clan itgis difficult adequate insurance either marine or fire companies they form a company from themselves under the act mits of farm mutual companies a wide no plan- | ing mutual < pa for At present te "obtair i the | can | mong | whieh per i it is not Wanted Soldier Arrested, i A membet of the battery his cane Wn a theatre, ctizen, appears step aside, until he could recover it Heé refused, with the resuli that the | mivilian received a blow from the sol- | dier. The police were called, but no | arrests were made. The citimn re ported the case to the authorities at | dropped | naghit A + > last saked to! so it was the barracks. . TRAV VRLTTATRTTRA TRC RIBBILLS Seta sstTeatses | SPRING IS HERE With its promise ol a cleaning up time abead 1 the best Silver Polish sample bottles and have on hand ready for free distribu tion, to prove our confidence in this Silver Cleaner SMITH BROS., 'Jewellers, Opticians, 830 KING STREET, Issuers of Marriage Licenses. OAS * | + J Just received a fresh ship- | ment of Ostrich and Marrabeau Boas ALL COLORS. W. F. GOURDIER . For Sale Double Brick House and Lot ON Johnson Street. Each side containing eight rooms, hot water, fur nace and gas, 4,250.00 MULLIN, Corner Johnson and Division Sts, "Phone 539 iid dh hh dh RR 'a/ANA ND SATISFIED WITH OUR LAUNDRY WORK tell your fricnds--if dissatisfied teil wn. . id That's our platform--a plat. form constrocied on aw "MH." bu = strong enough and big enough to support you and Your friends. Tested Once © Trusted Always Kingston Laundry ; BUTT TTTTBTI BRL IT RATT BI RTL TI OLS -e ' ' ARTA ALES sane! N